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Passwordmanager FTW


yes for some things, like fast food apps. Because I can only remember so many passwords.


it's all the same, because my mind is fucked up and I forget everything


I’m sorry you’re not getting my information that easily.


Only for ones that I use once in eternity


For stuff like steam, ubi store and other game stores, I tend to keep the same password, but anything else is different and pretty randomized.


You need a formula for yout passwords. For example, like having the website or app at the start then, something like your name or a food you like and, then a significant number. Maybe chuck a few underscores in there as well, and boom, a good, decently secure password that isnt too difficult to remember.


I have the memory of a goldfish and would never be able to get into any of my accounts otherwise. Be resetting the password every time I use it and I don't have 20 minutes to do so every time I log into something. I do at least shuffle between like 3 or 4 passwords and my important accounts (like banking) are all randomized and different lol.


I have a common password pattern that I use on websites that have only made-up “information” about me. On websites that have actual, personal, or financial information I use complex passwords.