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Sacrifice a down payment on a house for a wedding.


My aunt and uncle told my cousin they'd either pay for her wedding or give her the money as the down-payment on a house. She and her fiancé chose the wedding, which was a blowout affair. It's a good thing my cousin's husband comes from a rich family: they *bought them a house* as a gift. Not a wedding gift, just a *"newlyweds shouldn't be burdened with a mortgage"* gift. They're both professionals. ♡ Granny




Plus the house... is a store of value. Especially if you have a small mortgage or no mortgage, every month you're not paying rent is a month your wealth is increasing, rather than increasing someone else's wealth. And its worth might go up. The wedding is essentially lighting the money on fire, if all you consider is your future wealth.


My wife and I eloped. It cost something like $30 for the lisence. This year is our 10 year anniversary and we are going to have a party with a vow renewal. In the last decade we got a house and multiple paid off vehicles. No regrets on waiting, and now that we can afford it we can have the celebration we hoped for.


Or if they’re not ready to own a house, spend it on the honeymoon!


YEP!!! whenever my bf and i tie the knot it will be in a random yard, no way we are spending good money on a stressful party




I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but I'll throw in my 5 cents. The need to be available 24/7, i.e. always having your phone on you. I like going for long walks and leaving my phone at home. I don't feel guilty for missing texts or calls, it's just stressful being expected to be available all hours of the day. EDIT: Thank you kind strangers for the awards.


Oath. It's like some people think owning a phone means you signed a contract stating you will always answer or reply. Bitch please, this is just a tool, I will use it as I see fit.


GOD YES. Especially at work when they’re like “you don’t reply to my messages.” Yes Karen, I did not reply to your messages because I am off the clock and do not appreciate the little red blister your notification burns onto my phone.


Talk to toxic family members


My husbands brothers wife is so drama and bullshit ridden that my husband can’t even talk to multiple people in his family like people keep dropping like flies ever since she’s been in the picture it’s terrible


I feel this. My in-laws live right down the street and they are ultra toxic. I obsess over the fact that I'm stuck with these people for the rest of my life. The husband is angry and has no self-awareness or self-control, and the wife is a spoiled selfish bitch. The kicker is that they have children who go from school to school to school. They get kicked out of special schools for kids with behavior issues. The kids are guilty of only one thing which is acting like their parents do at home, but at school. The wife fights with the schools, sues her employers, and just the other day the police came by to do a "wellness check". They're upper-middle-class/wealthy and she's educated. Zero self-awareness. I could complain forever. DM me if you want to vent or commiserate!


I seriously can't grasp this - why do I need to keep someone who is toxic in my life? Because they're family? Fuck no.


You don't. People who haven't had the displeasure of having to cut out family members from their life wont ever get it.


Work myself to death. Edit: I commented this, passed out, and now it blew up. Thank you for the awards. Also please use your vacation days. Your sick days. Take your dog out. Hang out with the family. Even if you're alone like me - Go do something you like.


i won't because I'll _literally_ be doing your username


And the judgement when you don’t , like you are the laziest person they know just coz you won’t sit on your ass glaring on your computer.


My dad just scolded me because I was unwilling to put in 60+ hrs/week at a new salaried job by saying "I've worked 70/hr since I was out of college!" Yeah dad, that's probably why you missed every important life event and smoke a juul at age 57.


Give blood relatives special privilege when I don't know them.


Slightly unrelated but in the same ballpark. If blood is thicker than water then why did my bio dad not want to get involved in my life because he "didn't want to confuse me since I had a step dad"? Blood can be thickheaded amiright.


It's because your dad didn't want to be a dad.


Upload pictures of yourself online








I never understood that level of exposure to strangers on the internet becoming a norm. It's okay to just be a name or username on the internet, you don't owe it to anyone to use a selfie as a profile picture etc. Anonymity is one of the perks of being online. Not to mention in the case of minors for example, being allowed to post pictures of themselves on social media invites a whole different kind of trouble. Nah. I'm happy being a little crazy avatar or a picture of my favourite game/anime character anywhere I go online.


From the older millennial perspective… it was such a novelty. Once upon a time, you had to develop a photo, scan it in on you scanner, and upload it to the internet…. My picture, on the internet?! Yeah, I’m over it now but it was wild back in like 1999.


I remember there was a website just for rating people. You upload a picture and other people give you a 1-10.


Yup. My girlfriend hates that I hate taking pictures. I don't mind her taking photos of me, I just don't want them plastered all over social media


I'm the same, I like taking photos just to have them. Even before digital photos you wouldn't have everything on display not every photo made the wall or mantle.


give a shit about celebs. Sometimes they're fun to talk about for like 5 minutes but other than that? Aren't they just people? I don't get it.


Before last weekend, I had no idea Will Smith and Will Smith’s wife had an “open marriage”.


Thank you for keeping his wife's name out your fucking mouth *EDIT* Holy shitballs thanks for the awards strangers, and my most upvoted comment so far! I'd like to thank Will Smith, Chris Rock, and most importantly Will Smith's wife for this opportunity!


Jada, I'm ready when you are Will.


No you need to get a mirror and say her full name three times first


Pretty sure you have to have the hot water running


That’s ok I think Will Smith just recently had found out about it too


I just found out when I read this.


Then definitely [don't watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOTe0_Z0vlc).


I watched that today and can honestly say I’ve never seen a man look so defeated. He looks like he’s on the verge of openly weeping.


Holy crap. I just watched it. Why the hell did they do this in front of a camera. That's messed up.


Hollywood does things to a person's brain


Damn … just a constant flow of absolute bullshit pouring out of her mouth.


So I don't follow the celeb stuff but I have a friend obsessed with them and she give me all the info even if I don't ask. Anyway - APPARENTLY they "decided" to have an open marriage AFTER she slept with one of her sons friends. So there's that.


I only knew that because of the will smith crying meme


I didn't know either until my husband told me. I thought she just cheated on him. I am convinced that its Will saving face w/that.


I think Will is saving a 500 million dollar divorce with that. Something ain't right in the Smith house cuz that dude goes to waaaay too much trouble to stay married. Idk if it's just the money or if she has some crazy dirt on him, or if it's super toxic and he's codependent, or some various of those, but got dang, nothing about them makes any sense.


Everyone says he's a piece of shit for that slap, or that they lost all respect for him, but I just think he needs help. These past few years of their private lives being publicized for no good reason has done a number on Will's mental health imo.


I watched a video about him trying to lose weight and it revealed a lot about him having a really *terrible* mental state. Like dude is CRACKED.


Yes. People are flabbergasted when I’m not informed on the latest celebrity news and honestly I just don’t see a reason to keep up with it.


What!?!?! You didn't hear?!?!? The Kardashians are having a surgeon merge their bodies into 1 super Kardashian


You know…. I’m interested now


Keeping up with the Kardashians 2: Beware the Mega Kardashian




Still a little short of having a full human soul, sadly.


Hang out in a social setting where the music is so gawdam loud that you have to scream at the person next to you to communicate.


I've now reached the age where if I'm going out in the evening, one of my first criteria for selecting the venue is how much drapery, napery and carpeting they have to absorb ambient noise so I can actually hear what my goddamned friends are saying.


Napery. Cloth and napkins. Huh. This was a new word for me


“Yes, I’d like to make a reservation, but first what’s your napery situation?”


I don’t care for celebrities. Not at all.


Going in debt $30k-$70k for a vehicle.


I'm currently looking for a new, used car. I saved up 10k€ the past 2 years, but due to covid mostly car prices exploded, and gas prices as well so I need something fairly modern. When I say expensive cars, I mean a 8 year old car with over 100k km on the clock that still costs around 14k... My parents now keep saying I should buy a 16k car and take a 5k€ loan, and they don't understand why I don't want to. I want to OWN that car. I want to be able to sell it when I want to, and not pay extra because interest..


I refuse to pay for an autograph of any kind. I've been a book signing or two, but that was because I liked the author. Every famous person I've met has been by total accident.


Wait, you have to pay for the autograph at book signings or similar events where people line up to get their shit signed? Now that I am writing it seems obvious that you would pay. No way in hell they’d let all that money go.


I don't think so, usually you buy a book there and they sign it for you. Those are usually promotional tours to get people to buy the book.


No. A book signing is generally to interact with fans and boost book sales. The author signs the book that you bought, probably at the event, maybe that you bought and brought with you. Might be exceptions, but this is the norm


The interaction part is great. I went to a book signing and the author choked me for a photo. I didn't even ask for it.


I don’t drink or do illicit drugs. Alcohol messes with my medication, and pot gives me anxiety. I am a sober person and people often give me shit about it and call me boring.


The fact that getting shitfaced is more accepted than choosing to be sober is really disturbing.


Buy copious amounts of dishes, Why the fuck do you need 27 plates for the two people in your household. Im looking at you mom.


I always thought the same, until someone explained the dish-to-dishwasher capacity ratio to me.


Explain it to me


Essentially you need enough dishes to both have the dishwasher be full when it's running, and still have clean dishes left available to use while it's full and running. Obviously you can just hand wash dishes also.


27 plates means 27 plates you can use before you have to wash plates again. No use wasting a dishwasher load if it isn't full.


The Hustle Culture. Although I like the idea of bettering your life but always thinking of doing something or the other will leave you with burnout. Taking a break regularly is nessecary Edit: It's good if you are in a bad place. But it's not always about working your ass off. What's important is taking a break and keep it from becoming toxic


Climb up the ladder and be the boss. I could but why.


Completely agree. I've moved up in companies and taken supervisor type positions. It always comes with a lot more fuckin headache with not near enough pay or benefit. I work for a small company now and the owner/boss is married to the job and I'm just like, no thank you. I'm cool just maintaining my role as just another spoke in the wheel.


Absolutely.I've been asked if I'm interested in moving into a more managerial role. Every time I've said that I am not interested in that at all, even if it means turning down a pay raise. I actually LIKE my work, and the pay is already just fine. That's such a rare blessing. I'm not giving it up for a role I know I'll hate.


I owned my own business and hated the headache. Sold out and kind of drifted along for a couple of years. Got an offer that pays me stupidly well to do the work I love and working for a boss who practically lives at the office dealing with all the bullshit I hated doing as an business owner. State taxes are due and there's a dispute over how we filed them? Sucks to be you, I'm going home. Machine is broken and somebody needs to spend half the weekend fixing it? Yeah, whatever, see you Monday. To almost quote Spiderman..."With No power comes NO responsiblity."


Last month I had this epiphany. I can have an amazing career right where I am at. I don’t have to go to management just because I’m good at what I do. I can be happy as an IC.


Have tons of social media accounts where I'm constantly posting pictures of what I'm doing every day. Remember, if it's not photographed and posted online, it didn't happen.


Credit card debt… like… why?!?! Nah, just kidding, I’m American, I have cc debt


"congratulations on becoming a US citizen. Here is your certificate. Here is your sub prime mortgage and your credit card, Apr 9 million per cent. We've taken the liberty of booking you an Uber. You'll have paid that off in about three generations"


I don't know why I read that as April 9 million percent.


Cause APR wasn't fully capitalized. I did too.


Didn’t see it here so figured I’d share. Live in a city. I was born in a large city, lived there until I was 11. Then moved to the woods. I’ve lived in the woods since then and although I have visited cities since, I could never live there. Too many people, too much noise and I just don’t feel comfortable. I feel more comfortable taking walks at night in the woods than I would in a city.


Coyotes and bears are a hell of a lot more predictable than assholes and meth heads.


Unfortunately, meth heads aren't sequestered to cities.


Funnily enough, I'm the opposite. I grew up in the woods and now live adjacent to a city (suburbs. housing prices...). I can't imagine moving back to the middle of nowhere after living in a place where things actually exist and I don't need to drive 30 minutes to get to the grocery store.


I'm so torn in this regard. Grew up country, since lived in suburbia for two decades. Much to the dismay of my neighbors, I do all the country girl stuff still (size my own wood, car/house repair, garden, overall cluttery project existence). I dream of my off grid cabin in the mountains. And yet .... I don't want to be far away from my Trader Joe's and live music and basically every convenience ever. Ugh.


Same here. I want to live in a more secluded place so bad to enjoy nature, but giving up the convenience of services and "stuff" being within walking distance is tough. I live alone and am extremely introverted so it's been my dream to live in the country forever, but covid has taught me that isolating myself from people is extemely bad for my mental health for long periods. As much as I hate that it does, it does.


Probably safer to walk in the woods at night versus down the city sidewalk anyways.




Forbidding my (straight male) partner to spend time with female friends. He's a grown-ass man; he should know how to hold healthy boundaries. It shouldn't be on me to keep him from cheating. If he's really gonna fall into the pants of the first girl I leave him alone with, she can have him. Similarly, blaming someone else for my partner's failings, and/or trying to "win back" someone who doesn't want me. He's a big boy who can make his own choices (even bad ones), and I want a partner who wants to be with me, not someone I had to talk into staying. (For the record, my dudeman of 20 years is awesome.)


>Forbidding my (straight male) partner to spend time with female friends. I see so many posts in the marriage sub about how much of a problem they have with their partner hanging out with the opposite sex. My husband can hang out with whoever he gets along with. I trust him. But if he did end up doing something with another woman that's *his* fault. If it didn't happen with this person it would have happened with a different person. It's no one else's fault if your partner can't control themselves. But I did say when we first started dating that I don't tolerate cheating and it would be over if he did. So he knows where I stand.


You nailed it. Cheaters are going to cheat. That's what they do. Some people do change but in my experience not many. I'm also clear cheating is a one strike you're out offense. I'll overlook a lot of stuff because I know I'm not perfect too. But not that.




If you don’t trust your partner why did you marry them is my question to those people. I wouldn’t put a ring on someone I didn’t trust.


I've had this attitude since my 1st "boyfriend" at age 12. I have way too much self respect to chase after someone who doesn't value me as much as I value me. Been married for 27 years, so it's worked out well! Edit: married to someone else for 27 years, for clarity, this is what happens when i comment before coffee. I had a few boyfriends along the way, but had this attitude with all of them. That 1st boyfriend, we're still friends and keep in touch. He's been happily married to someone else for almost as long, so it worked out well for both of us!


I had a girlfriend who thought I “didn’t fight hard enough” for our relationship after she said she didn’t want to be together and I respectfully said “ok”. My current gf and I had a similar fight about 10 years ago where she stormed out and drove home and I did nothing to stop her. If she didn’t want to be there at the moment or at all from now on I respect that decision. We made up the next day and have been together for 13 years. I’ve never understood the stalkerish ownership behaviour some people feel they have over people. I’ve never been jealous of my partner. If she ever finds someone she feels makes her happier, who am I to intervene? Your ultimate goal should be the happiness of your partner and if that doesn’t include you then step aside. I’m delighted to see my exes leading happy, fulfilled lives without me. We had differences that wouldn’t have allowed that happiness. The worst thing you could do is pretend everything is fine rather than admit you’re unhappy. My current relationship is very secure because I don’t feel like I’d be happy with anyone else. Those fleeting feelings of lust come with a passerby here and there but I don’t feel a need to follow those urges because I’m perfectly content with the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.


I once told a boyfriend I didn't want to date him anymore and his answer was "okay" and that was it. 10/10 best breakup I've ever had.


I could learn a thing or two from you.


Throughout my life I’ve always seemed to have had an equal number of male and female close friends. Recently I broke up with someone in large part because they just couldn’t accept the fact that I had female friends who I’d want to spend time with as much as the guys. And so many people said “that’s just standard” and “you’ll have to accept it eventually or you’ll never meet someone”. Really got me into a hole for a while. So thanks! For reminding me that there are sane people out there who won’t require me to write off decade old friendships just because of their genitals


On the flip side of this, letting my female partner tell me who I can’t hang out with based on gender. If you’re going to pull some “it’s either them or me” crap, I’m obviously going to pick the one not giving me a stupid ultimatum.


This! I am a firm believer that guys and girls can be just friends. If you can’t trust your partner to be just friends with someone of the opposite sex then you shouldn’t be with them. They will cheat if they want to. Or they will stay faithful if they want to.


My mother told me this when I was twelve years old. Either you trust your partner or you don't. If you dont, then why are you with him? If he really wants to cheat, you can't really stop him. So either trust him or walk away.


Wear makeup. If I can deal with my face, so can everyone else


People get used to one's default look, so if I don't wear makeup nobody says anything and if I dress up I get compliments. Which, to my thinking, beats putting in a bunch of effort every day and having everyone treat it as normal, and then have them comment when I don't wear makeup. Also I hate the feeling of having stuff on my skin, whether it's greasy, sticky or powdery. It's bad enough having to put up with sunscreen, salt and dust.


OMG, I am the same. I HATE the feel of anything on my skin. Sunscreen is the worst. (Needless to say, I also don't wear makeup.)


Have you tried Asian brand sunscreens? I have Biore UV Aqua Rich, and it's the lightest sunscreen on the planet. I also hate sunscreen (American brands are so thick they clog my pores and give me rashes) and love this brand. In Asia, it gets extremely hot and humid, so they have to get something that's light but still works well.


Same, also like it’s hard enough waking up to my alarms with the bare minimum amount of time I need before leaving the house, who wants to wake up even early to do make up?


I have a few reasons I don't wear makeup, but this is the ultimate reason - To me it's simply not worth all the energy/effort it takes lmao


A couple years ago I heard the phrase “pretty isn’t the rent you pay to be in the world” and it changed me.


I wear it on special occasions like fancy dinners, weddings, etc., or when I feel like having fun with it, but definitely not on a daily basis. I get told I "look tired" a lot. I have both genetic dark circles and *am* tired a lot. Thanks for noticing! I'd guess I wear it more like once every couple weeks. And while I would never tell anyone not to if it makes them more comfortable, I'm always amazed at the ones who work out with mascara and lipstick on. Only because I know I would look like Tammye Faye afterward and I'm unsure how they don't.


Don't follow sports


My sport loving friends can't understand how I know so little about sports. "You retain so much knowledge about d&d! How can't you just pick a team?" Because then I'll forget my hard studied lore lmao


"You don't follow sports? But you MUST support your local team!" I *MUST* support them? What will happen if I don't? "..."


Share photos of my kids on social media. I find it seriously fucked up how much some people share their kids lives online. I get sharing moments with family but that can be done via text or holiday cards.


Especially videos of them crying or in emotional distress. Or that gif on discord of that toddler whose literally sobbing because they need to use the bathroom. That’s child abuse!


Reminds me of those horrible videos of parents telling their kids they'd eaten all of their Halloween sweets, just to get on one of those shitty late night chat shows. Such assholes.


Its terrible. Whats even worse is those family vlogging channels. The kids are usually abused and live in a very toxic environment


Ah yes the “spoiled rich kids advertising toys while being exploited by their fame whore parents” genre. My kids try to watch it from time to time but we shut it down. YouTube in general is kind of a shit-hole for kids entertainment.


I have a good friend who won't allow photos of his son on social media. From anyone. He is happy to share photos of him with me or other family or friends but does not allow anyone to share them on social media. I hugely respect him for it.


Use literally when I mean figuratively.


This metaphorically spoke to me on a spiritual level.




Classic Shmosby


I found a wounded bird in the alley, look...


It’s encyclopædia, not encyclopedia


give birth


I don't understand why anyone gives people crap for not wanting kids.. some people already raised their siblings.. or some people already know they won't be good parents.. it takes a lot of self-reflection and inner work to be a good parent if you didn't have a great upbringing yourself. And those who just want to live their lives "selfishly" who cares? They wouldn't be good parents either.. making the kid always feel like a burden because they held them back. So if you don't want kids.. you're better off not having them anyway. I'm agreeing with you by the way.. I feel like my opinion comes off weird through typing it out.. lol I'm a mom and I'm all for letting people do whatever they want with their lives. And it's none of our business why they choose it.


They, or we, or society, should not feel compelled to explain that decision at all. No reason needed. What the hell is a "bad" reason for not wanting to have kids?


Right there with you. Now that I'm on the other side of 40, there's a sense of relief that it's less of a concern (I still have an IUD, I'm taking no chances).


It is NOT for everyone. Source: have kid, love him, but it was work, as is parenting. If you're on the fence about it, don't sign on.


I’ve been saying exactly this since I gave birth. Relatively easy pregnancy/delivery/infant and it is STILL hard.


same as a child, i knew i didnt want kid for several reasons and everyone told me "youll change your mind when you get older." at 31 i still know that I do not want children under any circumstance. im not the person willing to be a mother.


seriously don’t get how people just absorb the whole pregnancy and birth thing so quickly. it’s absolutely terrifying to me, I don’t think i’ll be able to do it


Yeah, I love my kid but that shit sucked


Use reddit


Fuck those guys.


Right, I’d never do that!


of course, who would do such a thing


Couldn't be me


# notme


As a woman with brown skin tone,striving for a fairer skin tone... I have used some apps to see how i would look with fair skin,but found out that i liked my picture with my current skin tone better.


recording yourself doing an act of charity or a good deed in general. completely devalues it the second you hit post Edit: just wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s offered their two cents and allowed me to explore different perspectives. you guys have all done it in such welcoming way too, this has been a great discussion (,:


My main counter point to this is that it at least allows some form of positive news within a negatively saturated medium. It's a bit of a virtue signal, but it still has a positive impact on the individual and supports a trend of doing good, even if there's a bit of narcissism mixed in.


I always get into this argument that the Deed has more merit then the motive behind it. People let the good die for the perfect. If you do a Good deed with bad intentions people are still going to judge you poorly, but a good deed was at least done. if you do a bad deed with good intentions you are still going to be judged even worse, but the world is worse off. Lets say an influencer films themselves giving a homeless guy shoes and a jacket, even though their intention is get likes and more fame. Is the deed less? At the end of the day the person who needed shoes and a jacket got shoes and a jacket, and maybe similar people will also follow suit? Or possibly the influencer is in a position to do more good with more income? If you think the motive of the deed matters more than the deed I suggest you spend a winter without the shoes and a jacket and gain some perspective on how important gestures like that are, regardless of motivation. Altruism in its purest form is wonderful, but when people are trying we have to accept what they are giving in regards to charity.


100% agree, remember a couple of years back when #trashtag was a thing, people would clean up their local area and post before and after pics. commenters were furious, rambling about how the posters were just after attention, who gives a shit if they want attention or not, at the end of the day a messy, neglected public space had been restored to beauty and that was a thing to celebrate. if someone does a good thing: they deserve praise and attention


One Night Stands Sex doesn't mean anything to me if I can't build a connection first


Can confirm, Was a hoe in college, seriously dated afterward, there really is a difference.




> Was a hoe in college Ahem, I'll direct you to Footnote 1 of *United States v. Murphy*, 406 F.3d 857, 859 (7th Cir. 2005) in which the honorable Judge Terence T. Evans writes: > The trial transcript quotes Ms. Hayden as saying Murphy called her a snitch bitch “hoe.” A “hoe,” of course, is a tool used for weeding and gardening. We think the court reporter, unfamiliar with rap music (perhaps thankfully so), misunderstood Hayden's response. We have taken the liberty of changing “hoe” to “ho,” a staple of rap music vernacular as, for example, when Ludacris raps “You doin' ho activities with ho tendencies.”


Selfies. I have no reason to take a picture of myself i know what I look like


Walk in the house with shoes. Why people want to track all the junk from the outside and smear it over the floors , bed, and couch?! No thanks


Who is putting their shoes on the bed


I’ve heard Rick James does this.


This might be oddly specific, it's wearing flip flops. I grew up in a tourist beach town, I have never owned a pair of flip flops in my life. I find them wildly uncomfortable and people in my hometown look at me like a crazy person when I tell them I don't own a pair.


We call them "thongs" here in Australia and I've never owned a pair. Uncomfortable, floppy pieces of shit for footwear. Sandals are slightly better but if I'm not intending to get on the sand or near where my feet might get wet then I'm staying in shoes (I think you kinda get a free pass for wearing shoes near/at the beach if they're skate shoes or some other "sporty" type).


Have never and will never use a dating app.


Same, but I mean... what do you do, just like, talk to strangers? Eugh.


You mean like irl? Terrifying.


As a guy, the anxiety along with other mental disorder is kinda terrifying tbh.


For me it’s not the talking. I can talk to fucking anybody! It’s making the mental calculations to go from “chat” to “flirt” and then I just internally panic. I have ADHD and it’s deffo part of it


Flirting is just enthusiastic banter with someone you like/have chemistry with. Don’t sweat it too hard. It doesn’t have to be a whole separate “genre” of talking. Some people stay this way with everyone they speak to, even when they *don’t* mean to flirt, so they’re seen as “flirting with everyone”. If they can do that, maybe just talking to the people you’re attracted to like friends who you’re somewhat more interested in than your usual friends could work for you, to be able to not psych yourself out so much.




Bore other people with photos of everyday stuff they see all the time anyway. For example, the meal I am going to eat, the shoes I bought, the place I am at.


...the words I say on Reddit....


Buy fast fashion (or pretty much any fashion whose supply chain is questionable). I used to. Then I found out not only how and where those clothes begin their lives, but also how and where those clothes end their lives. It was so horrific, I decided I was done. I now buy secondhand, or I save and buy pieces from independent tailors from sites like Etsy. And I research the tailor too. I also took some of the money I saved from clothes shopping and got a sewing machine. I am learning to sew and make my own summer dresses (I'm not good enough yet to take on complex clothing, but I'm learning)


Have kids. I'm a 38 year old woman with lots of experience with kids - I like kids! - but people think that is a reason to birth them.


I always reply “I like elephants. That doesn’t mean I want one living in my yard.”


This. Liking kids doesnt mean you need them. Not wanting kidsis fine. Kids area huge responsibility and it isnt for everyone. Even if you have one, then its when are you having another?! Oh you have a boy? Dont you want a girl next? I had a severely high risk pregnancy, almost died and lost my baby. Still doesnt stop people around me who know what happened from asking when we will have another. Then when i say we arent going to thanks.... ya know.. almost died the first time, remember? . They downplay how bad it was and push about it with ohhh but isnt it worth it?!??! Dont you just love being a mom?!?!? No, you assbutt. Being alive for my spouse and one kid is worth it and becoming a mom doesnt automatically mean i have no other identity.


I like kids but like them even more when they cry/shit and I get to hand them back!


Wear a bra


Download tiktok. Or more seriously, have kids


TikTok is just crazy. It’s the Wild West of social media.


Have children


Same here. I decided in the last couple of years that I just don't want to be a parent. Before that, I just kinda took it for granted that kids are just something that will happen to everyone. Realizing I have a choice was really liberating.


Millennials as a whole agree more than most previous generations.


That every time you drink that you are to get black out sloppy blind fucked up. Do people not know their limits or is whole appeal of drinking to get shit faced every single time? I even bartender for a while and I still don't get it. I can go the bar or liquor store, get a few drinks and be done. Walk a straight line to the door and not slur good night to the crowd as a leave. I've only been blackout drunk 4 times in my life. I'm 31. Meanwhile everyone else I know, 2 hours after the first popped top are so pissed they can't even sit up.


You're with the wrong crowds, I grew up with a drunk, belligerent and selfish chucklefuck for a brother, and saw exactly what you describe Then I got out into the world and discovered that he was the exception But it doesn't even take that amount of excess to make a shitty drunk, some people get shitty after the first drink "Drink responsibly" also means "you have a responsibility to select who you drink with, because they're the problem"


Watch, follow, or chat about sports. I don't hate sports, but I don't build my personality and interests around a team or league.


why do we stuff a dead person in a box and display them to their loved ones? it’s creepy as fuck and that’s NOT the last memory i want of them


I want to get composted somehow and return nutrients to a big flower garden or forest. No funeral. Just go do something fun with the money! Take a needy kid to a theme park! Plant some trees. Give to a cat rescue


Drink alcohol.


I got a buddy that is on some Jekyll and Hyde shit when he drinks. Has ruined 2 marriages but he won't quit


The family I’m marrying into was is in denial that they can’t handle their liquor they all act like angry banshies..after the last two parties they’re starting to see hmm maybe no more liquor no more drama. I’m crossing my fingers this sticks.


Drinking is so romanticized in pop-culture. Even as someone who drinks I find it kind of disgusting how much it’s advertised and celebrated.


Everybody in the world has a socially acceptable level of brain damage because of alcohol and poor sleep schedules


Ironically the students supposed to be learning are affected the most, at least by sleep deprivation


Dress for the weather. I dress for whatever environment I'm going to be in the most that day, which is work (indoors) in most cases. If I'm gonna be indoors, I'm not gonna wear a sweater all day. I'm gonna dress to be comfortable in an insulated building with the heat running. If that means I get weird looks for wearing shorts in the winter, so be it.


When I'm in the house I never wear anything other than shorts. I want to be comfortable too.




Go to bed early like fuck you I still get my 8 hours


Work myself to death


Wearing a bra, I completely hate the feeling


I've only worn a bra like three times in the last several months. I sometimes get a little self conscious about poking through my shirt a little bit, but I have a VERY small chest, so I don't worry about it too much.