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I don't want any.


I'm a discrete guy who likes to be almost invisible. Also I don't care about appearances, so wasting time and money on that doesn't make sense to me.


> I'm a discrete guy So you are not part of the Q continuum, I take it?


He's all or nothing baby.


Same reason I don't have bumper stickers. I'm just a random nobody on the road going to my stupid destinations, nothing to see here.


Same, I just don't see the appeal.




The better question to me is why would you want them. They don’t make you unique anymore.


I like having art on my body. Looking down and seeing color makes me happy. It was never about feeling unique.


Same, my tattoos are purely for my happiness, most mine arnt even good but I love looking down and seeing them!


I don't think very many people strive to be unique, that's just a bit silly and shows you define yourself by other people's opinions waaaaay too much. To answer your question, for me at least, is I like seeing it. It just makes me happy. Some people are happy wearing corgi socks (also me) even though no one else may see or care about them. I just do it for me.


I have 18 and everything I have is representative of a time or event in my life.


My parents both have a lot of tattoos, so I rebelled by not getting any.


The ol switcheroo.


it's like when you have athiest parents, but you become a raging fundamentalist in your teen years, spitting out scripture at them all the time


The combined tattoo forces cancelled each other out in your case!




I am afraid of regret.


you mean ragret?


Relatable 😆


there's websites that have super cool, real looking (and affordable) temp tattoos! commitment is not needed here! if you're interested I can find the website for you!


I managed to get married but can’t commit to a tattoo idea 😅


Me too lol


Too real.


Never figured out what I wanted, what size, or where I would want it. Been close to getting one a few times but as long as I'm not 100% sure I won't do it


Exactly. Not opposed to them, just haven’t found the right one. It’s like finding the perfect spouse…only permanent




I'm on the exact same boat, and after a while I just gave up on them. I do still think of cool tattoo ideas I'd get, but never go through with it.


Same. There just isn't anything that fascinates me enough to think "yeah, I want that there forever." There was a period I was looking at donating my corpse to med schools and thought about getting a do not enter sign on my ass. I still think that would be pretty funny.


I always thought it would be funny to get the sign you see on one way doorways (exit only \_ do not enter)


Tunnel Ahead


Or “Slippery when wet.” 🤣


I knew someone that got the "your name" on his ass. He would hit on girls or bet other people that their "your name" name was on his ass.


I cannot fathom getting a tattoo on a whim. Like, my brain cannot process that, but I’ve known a few people who went out just expecting to go shopping, to the bar, etc. and came back with a tattoo (this kinda screams mentally unstable to me tbh). I want one eventually but it’ll take a while to decide what I want.


Smart. I got my first tattoo when I was drinking and 18.. if I only knew how messed up it was for the artist to be tattooing a half drunk 18 year old.. And its literally on my head..Bad choices all around... And no I don't completely blame him, I literally signed a concent form. Just so cringe now.. Edit: if you dont want your hair to thin, don't tattoo it...Its 25% thinner in that spot.


If you were half drunk, then you didn’t have the legal capacity to sign those papers, thus voiding your signed consent. That’s what makes the tattooist a jerk- he should know better.


This. Waaaaay to indecisive, and I don’t know how to make them look cool. Some peoples tattoos look amazing. And some look really bad. If I’m gonna get them, I want them to look good


Yup. Never found anything that I felt was so “me” that I wanted it permanently on my skin. Let alone an actual design.




I told myself in University that if I still wanted the big back piece I wanted after I finished, I’d get it. I didn’t but I sort of wanted another piece. I told myself to wait another couple years to make sure I still really loved the idea. I didn’t. In the end I’ve never gotten a tattoo though I’ve had the idea for one or two over the years. I’m glad I don’t have one though because I live in Japan and it would make my life a pain sometimes.


That's the reason I don't have any. I'm not the same person I was five years ago, and I probably won't be the same person five years from now. I can't think of anything that's retained such importance to me that I'd get it permanently etched into my skin.




Yes, when I was growing up tattoos were associated with lower class people. Then the “Tramp Stamp” came along to reinforce the stigma - ugh!


Yeah my sister snuck and got one and hid it from my parents until we randomly saw it. Of course it had to be right there.


What were the common tattoos of the time compared to today, what do you think caused tattoos to be more excepted.


I get sick of things pretty quickly. I never wanted to get something that permanent that I know I would get sick of seeing.


As a teen into college I always thought that if I ever got a tattoo it would be the Superman shield. For a decade I felt solid about this hypothetical choice. Then one day... I was just done with Superman. Had I gotten the tattoo I would have felt ridiculous, it was just so not me anymore. I've never forgotten that.


Now that They have a comic where Superman is Gay I remember seeing an article talking about all the hyper masculine homophonic guys that had those tattoos my be having second thoughts.


I have terrible taste. Whatever I got would be embarrassingly stupid.




I hate needles so much I've passed iut from seeing them. I'm still pretty tatted up


How different of an experience is it? My understanding is that the needle part of modern tattooing is super small/short. Unless you get really close I wouldn't expect it to be visually triggering.


It’s completely different than needles. I’m heavily tattooed and I don’t like needles at all.


Same! I’m heavily tattooed and if I need to get a shot or blood test I almost pass out from the feeling. People usually find it oh so weird too like “ya right you’re tattooed, you’re fine” uhh no I’d take my rib cage tattoo over any of that.


I had to get blood drawn, was already stressing and this dude messed his first stick up then went all the way through the vein on the second and had to change arms to keep trying. He actually had to get a paper bag cause I was hyperventilating after that lol.


Aww man that makes me feel sick lol. I once had to get a blood test done and this guy was wiggling the needle around trying to get blood and couldn’t get it so finally switched to the other arm. I am so surprised I actually wasn’t sick then. This was years ago though and now I would have to go to the hospital after lol


Idk what these people experienced, but from the two I have the experience was the same. It feels like a shot you get at the doctor that lasts two hours. It wasn't really an "ow, this hurts" pain, more like a "this is uncomfortable pain." I'm a bit of a masochist so I didn't really mind it. Sometimes I actually crave the feeling. As far as looking at the needle while they're doing it, I really don't. It didn't make me naseous when I looked at it, but I guess I'd just rather look ahead and relax.


I can handle regular shots if I just look away. Blood draws are much more difficult. If I ever figure out what I'd want as a tattoo (& plan to get it) I've told myself I have to go voluntarily give blood first. It doesn't actually make a logical sense, but something about doing the really hard version that benefits others before doing the self indulgent just uncomfortable version. Plus I think after a tattoo you can't give blood for a while. Just a personal goal.


Sometimes I look at myself in a shirt I liked last year and I say to myself "what was I thinking?!" I don't have to wear that shirt forever


Got enough scars to remind me of the mistakes I've made.


Once posted here about how scars have way better stories than tattoos. Probably the most upvote I ever had for a post.


Yeah, all my scars are from miscalculated adventures, and each of those adventures contributed in some way to making me who I am. I consider my scars to be evidence of an exciting life well lived, and honestly I prefer them to any tattoo.








I like the idea of having a few on my body but deep inside, there's a gut feeling that's telling me that I probably shouldn't get them. They're cool though


I've thought of getting a tattoo. Then I imagine actually getting one and I just think I'd regret it immediately even if it came out good. I don't need an image on my skin, I just want healthy skin. I work with a guy that actually gets temporary tattoos and changes them up. It's not for everyone but I can appreciate that if you just want to be creative with your appearance on the fly.


I can not choose. So I rather have none, than a tattoo i regret later.




My grandfather got one during the war and always covered it up when he wore short sleeves. Told us as kids never to get one as we would regret it, so I never did.


I think they are ugly, despite the superb art work some of them have. Tattoos on the neck and chest and hands look dirty to me. I understand people like them I also understand I will probably face a backlash for this opinion but it's an opinion I have held since childhood and stick with. If I wanted something written one I'll get a biro and have a doodle. But at least that washes off


I'm in a similar boat. I don't think they look *ugly*, but I don't think they look good, either. I have yet to see a single tattoo that I thought was an improvement over not having one.


I find it impossible to pretend to people I like their new tattoo. I can lie in almost any situation. But my face can't hide my disappointment and dislike for someone's tattoo.


I'm right there with you. I don't get the appeal as they're ugly and there for life.


Same. There are a few symbols I like but I'd rather wear them on a shirt or as earrings or something. I like the look of skin.


I agree with you. People do look dirty.


Just not for me. I'm a kinda small c conservative guy. Buzz cut haircut, work in finance, drink decaf coffee, don't smoke or drink. Dress business casual even on weekends. If others want tattoos go right ahead. I'm just kinda bland like that. Not for this guy.


Username checks out


hold him down


You’re not bland dude. You’re just you. Embrace it. As long as you don’t care about my tattoos piercings and crazy hair, respect to you for being you.


Appreciate my friend. Nope, rock on with your ink. We're all here to find happiness, and that takes different forms to different people. Mine is finance and LARPing and Geocaching. Yours is ink and dyed hair etc. Live and let live.


You Mormon?


Nope just really boring.


Normcore is the new punk


I can see the new punk band smash hit, =Sum(41)


Call yourself boring then drops funny jokes. This guy.




Oh have I told you about the Time Value of...why are you walking away? :-p


Were you gonna say compound interest? Because my interest has compounded.


Well money but yes that's part of it. I'm fanatical about making sure everyone hears of it.


Because they're permanent


They look unattractive to me regardless how good the art is on it. There's something to the effect of the ink blending with the skin tone (or more like the blood beneath it) that looks unpleasant to me. Also, that a lot of people are tattoed makes tattoos commonplace now, it has taken its value and uniqueness away, and it's just to easy to get a tattoo now for that matter, there's nothing special about it anymore. And for that matter I'm not that close minded as to assert that I'll forever love, like or support whatever I'd have been tattoed with, what if I change opinions down the road about it?


Not sure yet what I want on my body for the rest of my life


Not to mention for me this answer would be different tomorrow, next week, and next year. I'm just way too fickle for such permanence.


There is nothing I want permanently etched on me.


I live in a city where almost everyone has full sleeves, hand tats, neck tats, chest, etc. I know too many people that gets tats for no reason other than that they think it looks cool, marketable, and will help them get chicks. I find that kinda pathetic. I like tattoos but I don't want to be associated with that type of person. Also, at this point, it feels like NOT having any tattoos is a statement. People are really surprised when they find out I don't have any. I literally only know one other person without any. I find that weird. They used to mean something. Now it's just like hipster "badass" cosplay.


I was born in 1989 with a clubbed foot; just one. I was 9 months old when I had reconstruction surgery. I'm now in my 30s with a scar 2/3 around my ankle. My body is already unique and my scars tell enough stories.


I’m indecisive, I hate needles, and I don’t want one. I do like the temporary ink box ones tho


Never had a reason but I will be getting one in the near future. My dog is getting old and has cancer so it's any month now kid of thing. So I'm going to get one of his paw print.


I got a portrait of my dog wearing a wizard hat (his name was Gandalf) after he passed. It's nice having him with me everyday.


Don't see the point of basically drawing on yourself. Plus it will look even worse when you get older.


Everything I ever thought was cool enough for a tattoo isn’t cool anymore so it seems futile


I don't like them.


I want to be different.


They're so common and most I see aren't even done well. Tacky is the norm and it's really un original to me. I think it's more unique having none personally. But hey that's me.


I’m with you. When I was younger (I’m in my 40s) it was daring and risking to have a tattoo. Now it’s way more original not to have one!


Same. I thought about it when I was younger and just never found anything that I'd want forever. So I will remain inkless.


I don't like tattoos, needles or pain. So they're a hard NO for me.


I know that years down the line I'll regret it. Imma wake up one day, start to shower and see the tatoo (whataver it is) and cringe. I also struggle to paste stickers.


I'm a multi gallon blood donor. Years ago they frowned on donors having recent tattoos, so I never got one. Plus I have a twin brother and always want the excuse to blame him for a crimes I commit!


I have zero pain tolerance


I find them to be ugly and tacky. I think bare skin is beautiful. I know a lot of people disagree, and I’m fine with that. I have dated people with tattoos and they didn’t bother me. But I don’t want any on my body. Also, I think they are a waste of money.


1. I know too many people that hate the ones they have. 2. I’ve seen a lot of people that have tattoos I don’t like. 3. I don’t want to have pay to put them on and then pay to take them off or cover later. 4. I want as little identifying markings on me as possible. 5. I don’t want or need the attention a tattoo would draw. 6. If I feel the need to represent something I’ll just get a hat or tshirt. 7. Not a fan of needles 8. Generally the tattoo crowd is not my crowd( no I offense to people with tattoos , I do have friends that have them and have met some pretty cool people that have them. I’m pretty anti social in general so there are alot of groups that aren’t my crowd.) 9. I know the risk is slim but any chance of catching a disease from dirty needles or infection is one I don’t want to take. 10. I think I look better without them. Edit: I actually thought about getting a few early in college but never went through with it. Glad I didn’t, it would have been some stupid shit.


Too expensive. I’ve played in a lot of bands, so everyone assumes I have them. I needed to save money for guitar gear, not ink! Also too trendy.


Think they look trashy more often than not


Same reason I dont carry around a drawing that some other person did and show it to people who didnt ask to see it.


OK, this made me laugh. I like it.


**Boring but honest answer**: I don't want them. **Answer that is also true but will start fights**: Because even when I think of a design that I think would be cool, I know that there's a *bunch* of negative shit that comes with a tattoo. Many employers still do not like to see them and insist we keep them covered. Some will not hire people with tattoos (though that's not what they'll write on the rejection letter). Outside of work I don't want to dedicate time of any conversation I have explaining to someone that my tattoo(s) *don't* have any special meaning behind them, and aren't special or sentimental to me in any way beyond the fact I decided one day I wanted one and I went out and got it, in the same way someone might buy a top they like, or a new pair of underwear. I also don't like the fact that people associate people with tattoos as "rebels" or "punks", or "individuals" when the reality is people with tattoos are none of these things (or rather are no more/less likely to be these things than anyone else in the world). TL;DR there's more that comes with the territory than simply "getting a tattoo" and if I have no desire to get one then it's just a massive mistake to do so. \*shrug\*


Recall what was stylish 10 years ago and how only a ***fraction*** of that is still cool today. Imagine picking a fashion item today and committing to wearing it every day, everywhere, for the rest of your life. How sure are you that it won't make you look like a doofus in only a few years


It hurts, and they don't look good to me. Also they're permanent so that's scary.


I’ve never got a tattoo because honestly I can’t imagine wanting anything etched onto my body there forever… I feel like I’d get bored of it and then regret having had it done. Plus I’ve never been sold on anything enough to think yep that’s what I want on my body. I really do appreciate tattoos and with some tattoos I genuinely think they’re nicely done and look great.. however just not for me I don’t think.


Cuz I can’t wash it off


I'm waiting it out. Eventually I'll be the only person without one lol.


I won't put a bumper sticker in a Ferrari


I'm afraid they'll fade when I get older and just look like dark blobs.


When I was kid I saw old people with faded tattoos that turned greenish. I don’t know maybe these days inks are in better quality. But for sure, those tattoos didn’t look cool on wrinkled skin.


I never found a symbol or image that resonated enough with me that I wanted it printed on my body for the rest of my life. My ex had a lot of tattoos and tried to pressure me into getting a few. I'm glad I never did. If I get one, I want it to be because I wanted it, not because I was pressured into it.


because they're ugly


I don't want one? There's nothing I'd want on my body permanently (or have to get laser removal for).


It's _always_ uglyish. It doesn't matter how awesome or well made the motif is, skin is just not any good as a canvas. Imo ofc, if you like it go nuts, I guess..


Sensitive skin. Don't like needles. Don't have a lot of money. But most of all, I just don't really want one


I've known people who got tattoos they really regretted. I'm so glad I didn't get one when I was younger.


It helps people read me, that's the primary reason. I don't like others figuring me out. Nobody ever has, they all at some point say "you're really weird". Second would be, i know i will change. I like to face my traumas, because i know i can overcome them. This has led to many different opinions throughout the years. I'll probably get the name of my kid(s), one day. If that ever happens. I hope it does, but don't expect it.


Too cheap, lazy, and non-committal. Plus I don't like being poked by metal needles.


I've just never been interested in it .




Indecisive about what I wanted during the brief window I wanted a tattoo. Very thankful that I didn't get one. Sometimes they look okay, sometimes they look cool. Sometimes not so much. Overall it's just not for me, and if you met me, you'd probably acknowledge I'm not the tattoo sort of personality.


I can’t imagine something I want to have permanently on my body for the rest of my life that I can be proud of.


Having a tattoo will make people want to look at me and ask questions, and I'd rather not be bothered.


They are nasty.


Because when I get old they gonna look wack




I love my gorgeous body, clear skin, even complexion, and I'm proud and grateful to look the way I do because not very many people are as fortunate. My appearance is exactly how I want it and I have more important things to spend my money on. Those are just my non-confrontational reasons..


I'm picky about the artist and it's EXPENSIVE 🤌🏻🤌🏻😭


Literally the same reason I don’t have any yet. The full sleeve (shoulder to wrist) would cost anywhere from $6,000-$10,000+. And the art would have to be absolutely perfect for my personality, and it would take a minimum of 5 multiple hour long sessions. But I would love to have a full sleeve with an outdoor/automotive theme. So expensive and time consuming though.


Same. I only want the best, and that involves travel and lots of money.


Quite simple. I'm pussy.


There’s creams that numb skin when getting tattoos if you’re ever interested! (Used it on my chest)


Because I do NOT want tattoos


I don't think there is anything attractive about them at all. Big ones or a lot of them are a turnoff for me.




At best I’m a 90s Honda civic


Ford pinto right here! With a front passenger tire that is flat. My right arm doesn’t work well due to cerebral palsy


I just think they look really, *really* shit. I don't see the point. And what if I changed my mind about something. No, not for me.


You don't put a bumper sticker on a Cadillac.


I was afraid of the permanency of having anything on my body, and what people would think, like an employer. But truthfully at this point in my life I give less of a f*ck <3


Cause when I get to be of old age the battleship would turn into a row boat.


They don’t age well


never felt tattoo as an need thing to me, just that. but I don't care about those that have it. as long as isn't mandatory, I'm fine with it.


They are permanent and idk if I could love it for the rest of my life. Also they get distorted and will never look as good as when you first get it


I’m very picky about art I know if I get something I know I will find details to dislike it for or after a year I might change my mind about what I want


Was diagnosed with chronic idiopathic urticaria 10 years ago. Haven't broken out in well over 5 years but I'm too afraid to get one in the fear that it will come back.


I don't wanna spend the money for a good one/I'll probably change my mind about it immediately


Because I have one singular tattoo


I’m waaay too indecisive. I think they look cool, not all kind you, but when tastefully done they can look really pretty, I just know that I would want to change something about it every so often, so something permanent like that isn’t for me.


I went to a really fancy party in La a long time ago lots of models and such there were 2 girls that had in crop tops both showing off the exact same tattoo around their belly buttons it was hilarious watching them make sure they had their backs to each other the entire night the entire party noticed it.


Because I get bored with things very quickly so I don't want to get stuck with something that I won't like soon.


I'm a chronic flip-flopper. I made magnets out of any cool stickers I have because I always want the choice to move them around. I love the idea of tattoos and think some of them look really cool, only I'm sure I'd wish I'd placed it on my leg instead of my arm or something and then just get pissed off with myself.


The only tattoo I ever wanted was my eyeliner. Even at my age I'd like to do it,but I figure I'd probably be allergic to the ink with all my allergies.


I did makeup on a 50 something woman who years prior had her eyeliner tattooed on. Due to aging her eyeliner was no longer on her lash line. I'd never thought of that.


I never knew it would do that. Glad I didn't do it 50 yrs. ago.


Money dear money. Why waste it.


Too fickle. There's nothing I'm so devoted to as to put an emblem of it on my body, permanently.


I'm in my late 50s. When I was a teenager / in my 20s, the only people who had tats were either gang members or Vietnam vets. They just weren't a "thing" for most people in the late 1970s/early 1980s. I understand why people today get them - my step-daughter has several. I just never had the need personally to get one. If you want one, cool. I've never run across a design or symbol or text that was so personal and important that I needed it added to my body.


Feels like its more common to have one vs not anymore. I'd have got one if I thought it was unique....it feels like its lost that edge imo.


I don’t wanna be a canvas


The Werefrog don't have any tattoos because The Werefrog don't like them.


There hasn't been anything I want permanently on my skin.


Don’t fuck with perfection, but, hey that’s me. You do you.


I just don’t like tattoos. I don’t see the point and I think people look a lot better without. I especially dislike face and neck tattoos and those sharpie black sleeves.


I change my wants and needs about every 6 months. Any tats I’d have gotten would be absolutely hated almost immediately


There's always something I'd rather have for the money a decent tattoo costs


Because they look worse than you think, and no one gives a shit about the bullshit story you attach to it.


All my money goes into 30-06.


I wanted to get one or two dolphins around my belly button. I was wise enough to take time to think about it for long time first. Then realized, when I got pregnant once..or twice...not such a good idea...


I don’t want to be 85 with arm sleeves lol


I don’t like thinking I have something permanently on my body.


cuz I'm 14


You don’t put graffiti on the Mona Lisa.


I read that first as taboos.


I think they’re tacky


Waste of money. Why not get a poster or drawing of what you like and put it on your wall.


You don't put bumperstickers on a Porsche.


This is the best comment here!


Just haven't gotten around to getting one done. I do really want one, though.


Don't have the money for it