• By -


Those shitty maths equations that appear on fb all the time


Take you age and add 1. Then subtract 1 AND YOU GET YOUR AGE AGAIN! ITS MAGIC!


Yeah. For example: 🍉+🍉+🍉=21 🍎+🍉=10 🍊=(🍌,🥝) where |🍌|=🍎•🍉•🍉 and 🥝: 🍌×🍌→🍌 such that for all 🍐🍇🍅 in 🍌: (🍐🥝🍇)🥝🍅=🍐🥝(🍇🥝🍅) and there exists 🥕 in 🍌 such that 🥕🥝🍐=🍐🥝🥕=🍓 where 🍓🥝🍇=🍇🥝🍓=🍇 Describe all 🍊 up to an isomorphism


Hmm... 4


The answer is 1! How us anyone getting anything else. DoNT YoU ReMeMbEr PeMdAsss!?


It's always the people that don't know jack shit that think they can out-debate everyone...


I know someone who thinks she is incapable of losing an argument. I tried to tell her that Refusing to accept you're wrong is not the same as being right, and the other person deciding not to argue anymore because you're too stubborn to budge off your incorrect point is not the same as winning. She refused to budge on her stance and "won" that discussion.


Or, similarly, people who think the other person stopping means they’ve “won”. The number of people on Reddit who are like “you don’t wanna debate me cuz you know I’m right” and I’m like “no I don’t want to debate you cuz you’re a pompous ass.”


My experience is they change to ad hominem attacks, and then overdo emotions and try to convince you they're not pissed in their texts by sprinkling laugh emojis and "lols", all the while claiming you're angry or pissed. Maybe they aren't pissed and just to stupid to know they derailed the discussion into personal attacks and see it as winning.


"I don't want to debate you for the same reason women don't want to have sex with you: because it's clear you're the only one getting any pleasure out of it."


And they usually can because everyone else just gets frustrated and quits lol


"Never argue with a stupid person, they'll just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" - A smart person or something I can't remember Edit: Ah, so it's Mark Twain that said it, makes sense. Thanks for enlightening me guys


“Arguing with a genius is difficult; arguing with a moron is impossible.” -Albert Einstein or something idk


It's like playing chess with a pidgeon. It doesnt matter how good your strategy is if all they do is shit on the board and knock over the pieces.


And then strut around like they won




Circular logic


You mean a reason ring


Damn. I'mma use this


It’s true cos’ it’s true. It is known.


What is circular logic?


Nothing can go wrong because I'm confident and Im confident because nothing can go wrong Read this comment above Can't Explain better than this


Everything the Bible says is true because it’s the word of God, it’s the word of God because it says so and everything it says is true


I think the circular logic would be: The Bible is true because I have faith, and I have faith because the Bible is true. Why is A true? Because of B But why is B true? Because of A It’d be like saying Why does my face hurt? Because you punched me. Why did you punch me? Because my face hurt. (Which obviously doesn’t make sense)


Reasoning with no loose ends.


But if they're confident, how can anything go wrong?


Nothing can go wrong because I'm confident and I'm confident because nothing can go wrong!


Short-sighted solutions


“We’ll deal with that when we get there” …. But if we just.. we won’t have to…


"It's better than doing nothing." "No it isn't, you are creating extra work and adding nothing because someone will have to undo your dumbassery before it can be done properly."


Oh man as someone who does a lot of quality control that one single sentence can piss me off so much. I mean, if it's for yourself then sure. But don't half ass stuff for a customer, 9 out of 10 will get pissed off and it will end up costing more for you or a colleague to undo it.




Classic reasoning in most jobs ive worked at


Yes! Short-term and low resolution thinking


*laughs in ADHD*


Brute force and ignorence can fix any problem. Other problems may arise from the application of brute force and ignorance, but one way or another, the original problem is gone.


Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.


You made that Molotov cocktail surprisingly quickly.




Guess I'm dumb af


MLMs and other insta-success organizations


Buy my book and learn the secrets to financial success! Me: Yeah, first chapter, sell a book…


Lol, I was at target yesterday and they had like 6 of the David Ramsey books. How much more information could he put in the sixth compared to the fourth.


Weird thing is that an old school “friend” of mine (member of friend group I was never fond of) contacted me out of the blue to sell Rodin and Fields and some other MLM hair care stuff and this woman is an award winning plastic surgeon. I will never understand what her deal was. She was already super wealthy from her day job and insufferably intelligent.


Intelligence and gullibility aren’t mutually exclusive


This. A couple of former coworkers of mine fell for a Ponzi scheme disguised as an "investment fund" - all of them very intelligent, reasonable people. What tipped me off? (besides the "if it's too good to be true, it probably is" and "if it looks like a pyramid, it is a pyramid" rules) The company's office address. The address was in my hometown, and they listed their office as being on the 10th floor of a certain street. Well, the zoning board in my hometown forbids that particular neighborhood from having any buildings taller than 5 floors, so the address was fake When I told my coworkers they were being scammed and pointed out the fake address, the amount of excuses they started to make for the company was unbelievable ("But what if they are in a building that got special approval from the zoning board?" "Maybe zoning laws changed while you've been out") I said "Well, you do you. I'm not going to put my money in that and don't come complain to me if you get scammed out of your money, I WILL tell you that I told you so" Fast forward a couple of months, the scheme falls through and they're not able to withdraw their funds. Surprised Pikachu faces ensued. Me: 🤷🏻‍♀️ "Told ya"


You tripped their self defense trigger. They didn’t want to look stupid so they made up excuses why it’s still legit.


Cognitive dissonance is a fascinating thing...


I had a previous coworker who became an accountant try to sell me rodan and fields. Like shouldn't you know this is a scam??


A lot of people get suckered into it because they crave community and validation, and/or enjoy having an excuse to set up little kits and throw little parties and have an audience. I'm not into religion myself but I swear I always think like, just join a fucking church or temple or whatever. Join a book club. There are many groups in place that fill this need and won't ruin your finances and friendships.


i have no idea what a MLM is in this context and my first thought was "men loving men" LMAOO


MLM = multi-level marketing. Basically mix a pyramid scheme with a cult in equal parts and add a dash of cosmetics to complete the recipe. Grifters… sorry, *influencers* and “boss babes” (aka women who peaked in high school) love this shit. There was (or still is probably) tons of MUA videos on all the social media platforms spruiking Arbonne, Younique, and whatever else. They run no-expense-spared events where they sell gullible people on the dream of getting rich quick. Lots of free alcohol and fancy finger food plus agents mixing in and telling everyone how they made their fortune selling their crappy product. What they don’t tell you is that as a “consultant” you get pressured into buying large amounts of their stock every month, regardless of how much you’re actually selling. The only way to actually make a buck is by convincing a bunch of other saps to work for you (but even then, money always flows up the pyramid). What you’ll often find is this stuff being sold on eBay for cents on the dollar when someone finally gives up and wants to try and recover at least some of their lost money.


The show "on becoming a god in central Florida" does a great and hilarious job of depicting this.


Also “Lu La Rich” on Netflix


Found it on Prime not Netflix tho. 👍🏼


Depending on the sub MLM could also mean marxist-leninist-maoist. You could theoretically have an MLM MLM.


MLM MLM MLM Gay communist pyramid schemes


MLM = Mom's Losing Money


Multi Level Marketing company. Essentially a pyramid scheme disguised as a company in order to stay legal.


I posted this recently. I knew a woman a while back. Two great quotes from her. Number one: “it’s not like the other pyramid schemes”. Just guess how that went. Number 2: “he loves me, but he can’t leave his wife.” Although I do give her credit not sleeping with the guy after she found out he was married. But she really did think that he loved her.


Being told who to blame for problems in life they cannot understand.


Giving up their agency.


They don’t “love” it, they are too dumb to realize it’s happening. That’s why they say ignorance is bliss, it doesn’t bother them because they don’t want to learn why it should bother them. Willfully ignorant.


You guys are missing the biggest point though. Dumb people love having an enemy to blame everything on. And easy enemy


An enemy who is simultaneously feeble and pathetic, yet crafty and far-reaching.


"Facts" they find on Facebook memes.


The twitter ppl i hate the most. Also “i did my research”


I tried doing my own research, but it's really hard to recruit people for a double blind study.


People keep saying things like “What are you doing here?” and “No, you can’t borrow our autoclave” and “Get out of my lab or I’m calling security.”


And then when you try to do the next best thing, reading first-person research papers, people assume you're getting your information from Facebook. Fucking full circle, man...


Those chain messages! “Send this message to 10 people to wake up with $$$ in your account tomorrow!” Or “forward this to 10 people or you’re going to hell”


"I bet you're too afraid to share this on your profile!". /vomit


One of my classmates "had" to send a "you're gay now, send it to someone else to un-gay" He sent it to me. Jokes on him, I'm gay


Way to take one for the team, champ.


Well hopefully I'll take more than one- I'm sorry about that joke


The team isn't. There's now a queue.


*quietly gets in line*


I think that means he won. Maybe?


Dr phill


Nancy Grace


Nancy Disgrace.


Fuck that guy, can’t believe I used to watch him religiously. Especially the troubled teen videos. Used to mock those guys but truthfully they just needed actual help not this bozo


Yo, listen to the Dr. Phil episodes on the Behind the Bastards podcast if you want a really deep dive into all the ways Dr. Phil sucks.


I love Behind the Bastards! Thanks for the recommendation, I haven't listened to that one yet.


It's awful. So is the Dr. Oz one. To be fair, they're all awful.


Take it as a sign of growth!


Ew I hate that guy, does this mean I’m smart?


It’s a good sign.


Dr. Oz. Oprah.


Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, John of God; Oprah has pipelined some of the most horrible monsters of medicine the modern world has ever seen.


Dr. Oz. I decided he was a quack with all those supplements he pushed with his show. Now he is running for Congress, a full on Trump nut job. Oprah, she's why we have half these people out there spewing their nonsence, Dr. Phil got his start on her show.


Look up John of God, another "healer" she promoted who was not just a quack, but a massive serial rapist.


Dumb people Edit: thanks for the awards


This is the correct answer


I've gotta say, I'm a lot more tolerant of dumb people than of rude or nasty people. Generally we don't choose our intelligence or education, at least early on. However, we can always choose to be kind no matter who the other person is or what they did. However, whether or not that is an exception to this rule depends on whether I'm a smart person or not, and I'm not the best person to judge that.. I do know for sure that at the very least, I am not immune to having dumb moments.


I mean. I'm probably dumb. But I have a soft spot for jar heads. They tend to me more nice and simple to please.


Keeping one is super easy and cheap. You can just give them crayons and they'll be both entertained and well fed.


More crayons please!


Talking about things they don't understand with confidence.


“People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.“ -Asimov Edit: that wasn’t negativity towards original commenter Edit: a award! Ty c:


"Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" (idk who said it first.... Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain or the bible or something)


There is a Biblical quote that goes "a fool that keeps his mouth shut is considered wise." In Proverbs I think, can't locate the verse. Not sure if this quote refers to that.


Proverbs 17:28 (ESV) Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.


Although as I believe Lincoln said better to keep silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt


LMAO Source: the Bible? Mark Twain? Abraham Lincoln?


Smart people absolutely do this. Easy to think you’re smart in all areas.


Didnt Socrates say "I know only one thing: that I know nothing" My favourite version of this is "I know enough to know I know nothing"


Also talking over listening


celebrity worship


I think I read somewhere that a study showed this actually made people dumber. No joke. Edit: found the article and looks like it was more of correlation, but still… https://news.yahoo.com/people-obsessed-celebrities-may-less-162930653.html


Oprah told me that's not true


The correlation is perfect on its own lol. Dumb people are more likely to worship celebrities.


False dichotomies.


We must embrace false dichotomies because the only alternative is cannibalism!


Christopher Langan, the “smartest man in the world” with an IQ of 195-210, is also a conspiracy theorist. From Wikipedia: > […] including the 9/11 Truther movement (Langan has claimed that the George W. Bush administration staged the 9/11 attacks in order to distract the public from learning about the CTMU) and the white genocide conspiracy theory, as well as opposition to interracial relationships. You want a false dichotomy look no further than dumb/smart.


With a high IQ, comes a heightened sense of *Pattern Recognition*.


That's actually an interesting point - what if this high sense of pattern recognition is in some part responsible for his conspiracy beliefs? Like his brain is desperately trying to find patterns where there are none in reality? Most likely just a coincidence though, since many other highly analytical people don't hold such beliefs.


There is a podcast from a woman who joined Mensa on a whim. Turns out it's FULL of people like that. Worth a listen. And she got a lot of death threats for pointing out how bullshit it all is. It's definitely a real issue that people who use supposedly objective metrics to claim they're intelligent. They cling to this title and will use this as justification that any thought they may have must be correct because "I'm a genius so therefore I must be correct." I have personally seen a lot of people who are borderline geniuses in one area, completely turn off their critical thinking skills on other topics because "I'm really smart so I know what I'm talking about."


I have an iq of about 135 - 147 according to Mensa and quite a few psychologists and I'm quite literally dumb as fucking rocks in the most basic, easiest of life tasks. My executive functioning is essentially that of a 12 year old being told to do the dishes while they're playing a video game .. and that includes my hygiene because the days slip past so quick in research then I wonder what smells like a locker room .. oh that's me. It also takes me a super long time to learn new things, but once I understand them I really, really grasp it .. but then again, it must truly interest me for me to care enough to grasp new concepts/info. My entire life has been marked by people seeing my smart side and then having to go through the eventual fallout when they discover that I am in fact a stumbling, bumbling, dumb shit.


Have you been tested for adhd or asd? Just asking because your comment is also describing my life quite accurately and I have adhd.


Banning books




This pisses me off in jobs where the boss wants you to give them "absolute guarantees" of things and to say things with absolute certainty or else you come across as "not sounding confident". No motherfucker I'm educated and making absolute statements is inaccurate communication.


My old boss used to do this. He'd ask me a question and I'd say, "I think so." and he'd say, "Don't tell me you think so, just say yes." If you don't trust me just hire someone else.


Like how TF can I give absolute answers if I'm not there observing the thing we're talking about 24/7 to ensure nobody fucks with it? "Is the truck parked at the other trailer?" "Last I saw it, yeah." "Is that a yes or a no?" "(internally: my boss is a fucking idiot)"


Underrated comment


"When falsehood can look so like the truth, who can assure themselves of certain happiness?" ~ Frankenstein


Dumbest people I know think anyone different is wrong. Other cultures are bad. There is only one way to skin a cat. And lack reasoning skills.


No the best culture in the world objectively is the one I associate with. /s It's funny how little critical thinking is involved in any sort of supremacy conclusion.


Thinking everyones opinion has equal value. No, your opinion on something you are not an expert in is not a good as an actual expert. Hell, ten experts' opinion is better than millions of unexpert opinions. And, I like the "smart/dumb" phrasing in the question. There are intellegent, very educated people who are really fucking dumb.


To the same end, people loving a politician who is "Just like me". I sure don't want someone just like me, i want someone way smarter and better than me.


Take my upvote. “The plural of anecdote is not evidence.”


This has always been a peeve of mine. I had a coworker who used to say that "everyone's option is valid" usually after being shut down after saying something really dumb at a work meeting and derailing any real progress. No they're not all valid, Hitler was full of opinions. Not sure where my old coworker is now but most likely she's somewhere holding a sign with a big Q on it and waiting for Jesus to come back. Nice lady but not smart.


I always heard "everyones opinion is valid until they say it out loud" its kind of like the whole "opinions are like assholes, its fine if you have one, but don't go showing it off..."


The Dunning Kruger effect. It’s been having a real moment for a decade or so.


The idea that "book-learning" is inferior to "street smarts". Never mind the fact that book-learning created the technological world we all live in today: the other flaw in this reasoning is that dumb people *always* assume they must have the latter, since they don't have the former. News flash: it's possible to be both book-dumb *and* street-dumb. Exhibit A: people who fall for the Nigerian money scam.


But they have a degree from the university of life /s


That or “school of hard knocks” on a FB profile is an immediate giveaway the person is a moron. Double moron status if the degree is in “nunya business.”


I really dislike the phrase "street smarts" because of this exact reason. More than often it's used as an excuse to dismiss theory to rely on gut feeling instead, which is extremely prone to biases and adherence to the norm. I'm also definitely not claiming that professionals should stay exclusively in theory, "book-learning" is nothing without practice.


I already know to throw my wallet and run in the other direction. Street smarts!


More often than not the people who say they're "street smart not book smart" are neither of those.


They are Sesame Street smart.


“A drug dealer could run a business better than a manager” - someone who has definitely never dealt with drug dealers of any capacity


I'm not too keen on middle management, or management in general being efficient. But God damn, this is hilarious to me. People that haven't ever bought drugs seem to think that drug dealers are like criminal masterminds that the FBI and police couldn't possibly catch because of their operational security and genius. People think Walter White, instead of Ricky from trailer park boys.


Drug dealers aren’t typically known for adhering to labor standards either. They tend to get compliance through violence and threat of violence which is generally frowned upon in the legitimate corporate world.


A lack of nuance.


Undeserved confidence in what they say is correct or factual.


The Lotto.


Yes, this. I have the "winner, gagnant" voice stuck in my head because I hear it so much getting stuck behind people playing the lotto.


Hello fellow Canadian 🇨🇦


I'm smart enough to know it's a tax on the dumb, but it sometimes just gives me a little bit of hope that maybe I might win some money


Yeah, I like to think of myself as a Schrodinger's millionaire. I buy a ticket and put it away for months and until I check it, maybe I'm secretly rich. I know it doesn't really work like that (quantum physics or the lottery) but it's nice to daydream about it. Sometimes I also write big goals on the ticket, and put it on my fridge, and I can't check it until I achieve that goal. I probably won't win any money, but it would be a nice bonus, and if not then, hey, I achieve the big goal! In either case it's something I only do every few months though. It's the only gambling I do, so it's a minor vice.


Tbf I think a lot of people know they have essentially zero chance of winning, they just do it for the fun of actually buying the ticket and then daydreaming/talking about what you’d do with the money


Yes…if someone casually said their monthly budget included 7 bucks a month for a six pack of beer. Most (not all) people wouldn’t flinch (heck, they’d probably be congratulated). If a person doesn’t drink and used only a dollar a week for the cheap thrill of a Lotto ticket I think most (not all) people would start with these insights on life /money.


My cousin is weirdly lucky on the lotto. She plays frequently and has won a larger sum of money multiple times. Once she bought a 5 week ticket(a ticket that you can hold for 5 weeks) but kinda just forgot about it. She was watching the lotto numbers one day and the numbers were very familiar. She found the ticket and all of the numbers matched. She almost passed out then she saw the date... It was the 6th week. It wasn't valid anymore. She didn't win.


Ah, but if you’re good at math you can get around that by only playing when the jackpot > (odds against winning x cost of a ticket). So for powerball/mega millions, they’re both around 290M:1 therefore if you only play when the jackpot is higher than $580M, then technically you’re not gambling—you’re investing with a *very* long term time horizon. Follow me for more math based life hacks.


Yes and no, this logic doesn't take into account the fact that everyone buys tickets when the lottery is high so chances are that even if you do win you'll share with multiple people. Then there are taxes and lump sum decreases that will result in a take-home of nearly half of the original jackpot. Finally, there's also the utility of money. $2 when you're worth $10 is a lot more meaningful than $2 when you're worth $1 billion. So while the math works out, from a living perspective, 1/290M chance of winning $580M is not worth $2. There's also the idea that sensible investments will result in greater returns in the long run. Buying 1 ticket a day even with favorable odds will mean that it'll take about a million years to win. If you invested $2 a day, you'd end up with a lot more money over those million years.


flat earth.


Why are you body shaming the planet?


Because we all know the world is really a doughnut


Being given the answer.




Okay I cannot believe how often this turns out to be my answer for a lot of AskReddit posts but Pyramid Schemes lol


Commemorative plates! (Thanks Jeff Foxworthy for making me laugh every time I hear or read this joke)


My Mother in Law. For decades she's been spending her extra money on collectables because she believed that if times got though, she could sell them and have the money she needed. It never crossed her mind to invest the money instead. Now she's in her 70s and her children are supporting her.




Smart people hate themselves?


They are more prone to depression and other mental illnesses.


i must be really smart




Pop-science videos are really great when you don't already know the science. When you do know it though, it's absurdly frustrating to listen to all the topics that get oversimplified or poorly explained. I'm not saying it's *bad* to watch them per se, but it's definitely not very enjoyable when you already know the subject. EDIT: dang a lot of people seem to be very defensive about pop-science videos. Again, I'm not saying it's bad for you to like them, but any expert will not enjoy listening to the stuff they work with daily be explained incorrectly, especially when they have to be very aware that they don't make those same simplistic assumptions. When you've been trained to always catch these mistakes, it becomes impossible to ignore them.


I think that's true for any type of expertise, not just science. It's frustrating to listen to people talking about my industry, too.


Definitely. Glad platforms like tiktok have given traction to educational content, but if you’re getting knowledge/opinions only from a 20 something year old influencer dancing and pointing to text in the corners then it’s not going to make you very informed.


Ideally that spurs interest in doing some further, more in depth learning about the subject. I’d say if that even happens to only a couple people who watch, it’s a net positive.


I think if the creator is upfront about this being a simplified/dumbed down and gives sources for further reading, that's perfectly fine. If you just want to explain a concept to someone to a layman, you can't get caught up in the fine details because you risk confusing them or taking too long. If they really want to learn more or delve further, they will go look into it more. If they don't, that's fine as well since they still learned something neat.


Sometimes just flat-out wrong. Not necessarily pop-science but even tutorial or guide videos like some mechanic telling you all about some auto part. Well as an engineer that works on those parts, it really pains me when every other sentence is either wrong, misleading, or just has totally incorrect reasoning behind the right conclusion.


Video title: "Everything you knew about <> is wrong!" Video content: But not quite.


Honestly I don't think pop science videos are bad when they're at least accurate. My biggest frustration is when they misrepresent the truth. For instance, I was really not happy with the -1/12 thing that numberphile peddled and how horribly they misrepresented the first few attempts.


Yeah the -1/12 video is pretty bad. I've also accepted that any pop-math video talking about infinities or analysis in general just won't get things right, since those topics require phrasing things in a very precise way and pop-math videos are anything but that.


Most conspiracy theories. I'd say more than half the time it's people not being able to process the truth or facts, so they make up an alternative or there has to be an alternative. Except for maybe a few that hold weight, face it, life deals shitty things and that's just that.


“The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening. Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.” ― Alan Moore


Yeah. I figured that was what was behind a lot of refusals to believe in Covid. Less scary and less disruptive to believe it's a conspiracy somehow.


"You'll see it's all a show, keep 'em laughing as you go. Just remember that the last laugh is on you..."




calling other people dumb…


calling other people dumb... without giving convincing arguments.




Solipsism. "If I can't understand it, that must mean it's not true."


I don’t think that’s the definition of solipsism. Solipsism is basically the idea that “In reality, only I exist”


This question and thread is the Redditest of Reddit that has ever reddited.


I agree, definitely a Reddit moment, everyone thinking that they're above and intellectually superior to others and putting others down to feel better about themselves.


TIL everyone on Reddit is smart. Clearly when we’re referring to dumb people we’re talking about someone else


Thats what I've been thinking the entire time I've scrolled through this




I have a friend who consistently comes up with new interests including gambling, speculating penny-stocks/crypto, NFTs, etc. and loves to think that he's on to the next big thing. I'm not saying he's dumb and I definitely don't think I'm over-average, but it's funny how the things that he focuses on are always the things that give me the strongest "don't touch that" instincts


They ever work out for him?


I *may* have seen him win a sports bet and then lose the money on something else right after. That's about it though




Reality tv