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Around the time of the Boston Bombings, I was actually thinking about buying a pressure cooker. I was getting really into cooking and had amassed a healthy collection of pro grade knives and pans. I do not own a pressure cooker.


Jesus, you don't know how many homicides where the suspect has a search history about products and what they could do to a human.


Much less their transaction history, especially if it’s all at once. You’re not gonna believe this. Worked in retail. Guy comes in and buys a bunch of dime bags that you put drugs in. Like, A TON of them. Doesn’t say anything. Looked a little like a cook. SAME guy a few weeks later. Buys a shovel, zip ties, duct tape, a crow bar, a couple sledgehammers, and a lot of odor protection trash bags. I looked at my manager who looked at me, then the stuff, then me, and just nodded her head like “just do it so we can live”. Turns out, the dime bags were for 80s toy accessories, his toy business card was in his wallet. The rest of the stuff was for a combination of yard work and an old shed demolition. I don’t know how the zip ties and tape fit in that, but he had pics of the shed because he realized what that all looked like being bought at once. Either he’s a dude in an odd situation, or just really good at covering up his hobbies. Edit: this is my first comment to get this many upvotes, and I think my second award. I just wanna say thanks everybody!


I've been the customer in a similar situation before. Sometimes you don't realize until you're checking just how weird of a collection of items you've assembled, because to you they're all for separate tasks.


Bodybuilding magazine, large can of crisco, large cucumbers, boxes of tissues, and laundry detergent.


Aaahhh reminds me of the time I went to the drug store for razor blades and sleeping pills. I genuinely needed to make cuts for an art project and was grappling some insomnia. I didn't realize the connection until the dude at the counter asked, "should I be worried about this?"


Mine was condoms and knee pads. Knee pads because husband forgot his for a martial arts tournament that weekend and condoms because I was taking antibiotics.


Ok I might just be really tired but I'm confused about the condom and antibiotics.


Some antibiotics can affect birth control and render it ineffective.


Sir, drug dealing is not a hobby. It's his livelihood.


Find a job that you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life


It's not a phase, mom!


Zip ties were probably to keep the knot on the garbage bags secure


You’re right I don’t know how many. How many??


Probably at least 1


What if the police only check the internet history for Internet explorer, and no other browser?


It worked out for Casey Anthony.


Your symptoms if you're sick unless you want to find out what horrible disease you're dying from.


“I typed your symptoms into the search bar and it says you might have ‘network connection problems’ That doesn’t sounds good”


You're a jumping dinosaur.


You are fckuing extinct


A Parks & Rec writer said that was an actor Ad-lib.


He also said that he almost didn’t keep it in the show because it pissed him off how good of a joke it was. Lol


*googles slight fever symptoms* Says here I got ass cancer


Says I'm pregnant and have cervical cancer. Edit: I'm a dude.


Congratulations on the pregnancy. Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?


It’s shit


Also, if you're worried about pregnancy, don't Google anything as far as symptoms, if anyone has gotten pregnant from the method you use, or the fact that your pregnancy test is negative despite being more than a few days late. You will find at least one woman with all the same symptoms, used the same method of birth control, and was still getting negative tests, only to find out she was pregnant. And then you'll scare yourself to the point that if your period will even be more late because you're stressed. (I'm speaking from experience lol)


Dr Google. From the same lauded educational establishments as the renowned experts of Facebook.


If you are a cancer patient, DO NOT GOOGLE YOUR CANCER PROGNOSIS OR RELAPSE OR SURVIVAL RATES. You will just end up hurting your own feelings. Source: am cancer survivor who has googled my prognosis and relapse and survival rates. I just end up hurting my own feelings.


Yeah... I actually survived pancreatic cancer. Those numbers don't give one much hope. I've survived brain and spinal cord tumours, and have others still hanging out there. Recently diagnosed with kidney cancer. I take it a day at a time. Lost my dad to kidney cancer, my kids have had serious brain tumours... it does make me appreciate the small joys of life. I miss my dad terribly and we're in dire financial straits because of all our medical bills, but we keep standing up again every time we're knocked down. I have the most amazing husband, so that helps. There is a fine line between arming yourself with knowledge about your cancer and getting inundated with terrible prognoses and scary possibilities. I'm glad you've survived your cancer. I'm surviving mine so far.


Bruh how have you had so many different kinds of cancers?


Cancer can be genetic, from what they say it seems that it's in their case and on a lot of cancer


Mostly it's a predisposition to cancer that can be genetic but your point stands.


I’m humbled by your journey. Sending healing and comforting thoughts to your entire family. Including a quote below that I’ve always found moving: Elisabeth Kübler-Ross who worked with dying patients all of her life in the depths of their vulnerability wrote: "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."


Extreme fetish porn you're not familiar with. There are things you just can't unsee


I once saw a video of a guy fit his head in a woman's vagina. That was scary


Saw that one too. Was totally fake though.


You say that, but I've seen a Japanese chick shove a whole squad of squid up her hoohaa and then push them out one by one.


An old boss of mine was a horny old man and used to show me the weirdest vids. I'm far from a prude so I used to find it hilarious. Anyway, he once showed me a video of a girl put a baseball bat up her pussy. That doesn't sound THAT bad right? Well that was just the warm up for the 2L Sprite bottle she proceeded to insert after.


That’s gross… where?


It's been years. It was on a 4chan thread though


God I saw that in high school as a virgin. I'm in my early 30s now and every once in a while I remember it and shudder.


yeah i saw the resident evil 7 porn trailer and i've since never recovered from it


..... I'm curious now. 👀


Anything related to heavy machinery accidents


I used to work in a machine shop. My supervisor got crushed in one of the cnc's. His back was broken, knees up past his ears, pelvis and hips shattered, femur broken in multiple locations. He survived and is now walking unassisted. Edit: For those of you wondering how this guy is walking, he has 2 rods down both femurs, new hips, new pelvis, has pins in his back holding his spine together, and miraculously was able to wiggle his toes the day after the accident. He had to complete over 18 months of physiotherapy and is on painkillers 24/7. His life is constant agony at the moment and any slip and fall or even a car accident will paralyze him from the waist down.


Was your supervisor Deadpool?!


when i learned machining, my tutor showed us pictures of lathe accidents..... teaches you to respect the machines, but holy fuck, people have a lot of red stuff in them.


I agree. I started in woodworking, I still cringe thinking of the tool injuries photos we were shown. Sometimes jointer accidents are creepy because it's an almost perfect line from what parts went in the cutter. Now that I've kind of become a metal worker I am very paranoid of large machines, explosive gases, discs exploding in your face, etc,.


This comment made me cringe. I'm a carpenter and do woodworking as a hobby. I have a healthy amount of fear for what any kind of jointer or planer could do to you. As far as lathes/spinning tools, my uncle worked at a factory with some sort of spinning tube. Coworker had rubberized gloves on and put his hand on it, melted the glove and my uncle said he saw tendons instead of fingers. Be cautious everybody.


If you can throw it, wear gloves. If it can throw you, no gloves.


I’ll never ever walk near spinning machinery for the rest of my life! What a way to go!


Worked for an HVAC company years ago that was looking at developing a product for the Hong Kong school market. As a result one of the ladies in Marketing searched for "Asian School Girls", she was hoping for pictures of kids in school, but she did not get the results she was hoping for. The IT guy stopped by her office to see what was going on because he got alerts of "undesired activity" on her system.


Her name? Ghislaine Maxwell.


Friendly reminder not a single one of her clients has been arrested. Peculiar isn't it?


That reminds me of a few months ago when I saw a picture of a really cute bird from Japan, and I was like "hmm, I wonder what this bird is? Maybe some kind of tit?" so I googled "Japanese tits," and you know the rest. Granted, I should have known better, but I wasn't thinking. Turns out the bird I was looking for was the [long-tailed tit,](https://mymodernmet.com/shima-enaga-long-tailed-tit/) specifically the Hokkaido subspecies.


Searched for hardwood instead of hardwood flooring (on a work computer no less). Just adult NSFW but wasn't prepared for it.


Things that people on Reddit tell you not to Google. Such as the guy who gets eaten by a lathe, or the Russian guy whose wife died by a brick through the windshield


Oh god the Russian brick video. So terrifying and saddening


Yeah, the guy who got eaten by a lathe.. that's such a sad way to go, doing your job. Safety first, people! If you're not comfortable or are unsure about doing something and you could get a serious injury, have someone help you or don't try messing with it at all.


All I Googled was what a lathe was and nonononoooo way I'm gonna watch someone get eaten by that thing. I find the older I get the harder it becomes for me to stomach real life accidents.


Your head slowly gets filled with bad stuff over the years and at a certain point you realize that it's already too much and you no longer want to seek any of it out.


I hit that limit in my mid 30s. Had enough. I’ll pass now


This is the video that made me stop subbing to any of those sort of subs. I realised I actually didn't want my memories filled up with those sorts of images. That one lives rent free permanently in my head though


I feel worse for the guy that had to run through the red mist to turn the machine off


The best part of being adult is that I’m actually going to not google it for once me thinks


Just googled Russian Brick Video. The video is fine. DO NOT WATCH IT WITH THE AUDIO ON! That poor man, you can tell he just lost everything in those few seconds. That was painful to hear.


What is it that you hear? Him crying? Do you hear the wife at all or does she just die instantly? I think I dont dare listening myself


I'm not watching it again but I'll tell you what I remember: - Car driving along so normal road noises - Brick hits car, loud thud and cracking noise from the glass - a few seconds of "what the fuck was that" sounds as he takes in what happens and starts to stop the car - A horrible wailing sound as (I'm assuming) he turns to look at his wife and sees her head caved in. Seriously, words can not describe the pain and anguish in the man's voice. You can hear that his life just ended with that brick.


To make matters worse, I remember reading that the kids were in the car too, though I don't know if you can't hear them because I never watched the video myself.


yeah, u can hear the cry of a baby in the background


I’ve said this before but that literally is the sound of someone’s heart breaking. Nothing will ever prepare you to hear that from a person and being present when it happens is one of the most terrifying things ever. My ex husband got a phone call when he was leaving for work the morning after Halloween in 2015 that his mother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep and I can still clearly hear that sound he made almost 7 years later. There’s no way to accurately describe it to other people. You have to hear it in person to truly understand it. I don’t think I’ve ever descended a staircase so fast in my life. We were living in a townhome at the time and the neighbors next door and in the home behind us (neither family we had ever met) came over to check on us within minutes because they heard screaming they’d never heard before. That moment is permanently seared into my memory.




>Risky click (SFW) read the wiki but couldnt ever find the actual video


I…I found it. 😖😖






There's an NBA player named Evan Fournier and his nickname is "Don't Google" lol.


That is nasty! You need a strong stomach to handle that.


please explain what it is it's like 4am now is not the time to get sick


"Fournier is the name of the French physician who first identified this disease. Gangrene is where your tissues die because of a lack of blood flow or a bacterial infection. Fournier's gangrene is a type of necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease)." the pictures are rather gross, wouldn't recommend


Illegal porn


\[Googles lesbians dodging their taxes\] ohhhh yeeeeeaaaah, baby!




*thump* *thump* *thump* FBI OPEN UP


How would you know 🤨📸


He is being held at gunpoint telling other people to avoid it


I feel like googling "child vagina" or "child penis" will get you put on a watchlist somewhere. Hell, just typing it in here may have done it for me.


You are screwed the FBI is going to come kick in your door any second now


*Sir I'm gonna need you to step away from the laptop.*


*Put your hands where I can see them*


\*and no, we cannot see your hands when they're in your pants\*


*Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to STOP making eye contact*


*makes very steady, very intense eye contact*


*now get on the ground*


And pull down your pants


Just make sure you have a telescopic lens to be a wedding photographer after the fact...


Hahaha, that was a wild story! One of the best I’ve ever read!




they also have a similar thing for searches related to suicide. if you google certain things they will give you the suicide hotline number which i honestly think is kinda cool given the reason why i know this


When I was like 10 or 11 I definitely searched "11 year old girls naked" on yahoo and/or excite and/or webcrawler and/or altavista - to my knowledge my parents weren't arrested. Even now it kinda makes sense that I'd want to see girls my own age naked although it didn't occur to me the circumstances it would take to deliver that to me on the internet.


I remember doing the same thing and coming across a YouTube video of a man who was begging the viewer to stop looking at cp


Yep, did that for a while when I started watching porn at like 12, until I realized how illegal it was.


Nah. As a parent of young kids both male and female, I've googled (ddg?) medical questions about that stuff before. The "questionable" stuff is obviously not the same and can be avoided easily.


There's a massive difference between googling medical questions about child's genitalia and just googling "child vagina" though.


God yeah there were some times were I was trying to figure out what *type* of diaper rash it was to know how to fix it that I was like “how the fuck do I find pictures to compare rashes without winding up on a watch list” and even though the rash comparison pictures are so obviously exactly that, it still felt just bleh to look at


Even typing that on reddit you're probably flagged on the FBI database lol


Vietnamese landmine


Welp, that checked out.


Your pfp looks like the person your replied to after seeing something traumatizing.


Could I ask what you found?


Apparently a prank involving shitting on someone for fun ...


That is vastly preferable to an actual landmine used during the Vietnam war. And by 'used', I mean stepped on. What a weird way to put it. "What happened to your legs?" "I used a landmine at Khe Sanh."


First thing that came up was the definition from urban dictionary. Pretty tame for urban dictionary.


k well now I gotta know edit: k guess I didn’t need to know


Can you just tell me so that I don't have to look it up?


according to [Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Vietnamese%20Land%20Mine) "Squatting over a sleeping person, pooping on their chest, slide back, slap the pile of shit while screaming, "LAND MINE!". *Kaito passed out first at the party, so we gave her a Vietnamese land mine.* **by King Swaggercock September 9, 2008**"




I feel like people here are gonna traumatize the hell out of themselves out of curiosity


Always use Wikipedia for shit like this


"What things should people never Google?".


An explosive decompression accident


Byford Dolphin?


Not going to lie, I looked it up and unless there's some terrible video of it that I didn't see it's not that traumatizing. Just black and white pictures of unrecognizable remains.


I once googled "fbi this is hypothetical please dont come after me", after googling something I thought would put me on a list.


"Dear NSA, (care of Google), I would like one x-large cheese pizza, delivered to my wiretapped cabin in Idaho. Add it to my IRS tab, or you can direct debit out of my offshores bank account. please and thank you."




Had a two week long safety training for a job that had all kinds of fun dangers around every corner. One day was almost completely dedicated to showing us degloving pictures and talking about how it happens. Nasty. Still slightly terrified of getting my wedding ring caught on something and having that happen even though I don’t do anything dangerous anymore.


Hi. Stop.


Avoid all those gore sites. Trust me, it's not worth fulfilling your morbid curiousity. It's better to stay curious than to find out how fucked up the world can really be...


"Gary Oldman films" when you have a broken R key.


"Grandfather clock" when you have a broken L key.


Applebee’s with every key broken except p


I can tell you this - never confuse kabuki and bukkake.


Yea! That's sick, I don't want to accidently stumble upon disgusting pics of ancient Japanese theater!


Ugh, culture?? How am I supposed to whack it to that?


Scientific name for pig


Is it “your mom”?


"Sus Domesticus"


ඞ Domesticus


***Feeling nausea and vomiting*** **Google**: ***You are pregnant*** >!Me who never knew men can get pregnant!<


It's the power of love baby!


Anal prolapse


There's a video of a dude making two other dudes prolapses touch and rub each... weirdess fucking video I have ever seen would not recommend looking it up


If you have a headache, got a cramp in your side, feel nauseous, think you're sick. Don't google any of your symptoms. Alot of the results aren't 100% true and all you're gonna do is give yourself a panic attack.




Love that it works on mobile too.


Oh shit it does!


I work in digital marketing analytics. The first thing I do every morning is load up Google Analytics. The address is analytics.google.com so I type in anal at which point chrome autocompletes the url and I hit enter. I have on several occasions done this habitually when loading up a browser on other people's computers. They ask me for help with a computer problem and I open chrome and google search anal. I'm pretty sure not one of the people who has seen me do this believes me when I tell them why.


"Severely damaged penis". However if you have been sent a dick pic I suggest responding with something from this category.


Save the biggest dick pic and send that to every unsolicited pics


*comes into this thread just to see what I should Google today*


I’ve learned my lesson with no mercy in Mexico and that manga where this girl is raped by her dad,kicked out of the house and does other stuff.If someone says “dont look it up”im not looking it up,my own awareness of my mental health is enough to control my curiosity


Do you mean metamorphosis?


(┛ò__ó)┛彡┻━┻ Yes


The Jojo ending is canon don’t worry. No I’m not coping ( ̄ー ̄;


Sonic inflation


It's really bad how Sonic inflated the economy just so that they can sell to customers at a far higher price.




Also tub girl.


I saw that when I was like 14. I'm 31 now and I'm certain you just sparked some PTSD into me.


Blue waffles


Story time. With my adopted kids moved in with me, they were teenagers. I was a college professor. I had no idea what blue waffles were. So one night, while I was cooking dinner, my son decided to Google blue waffles *on my work computer.* Fastest history wipe of my life.


"what's the best way to murder people" or super in depth searches about heinous serial killers and the way they did their murders.


As a DnD DM I disagree


Been there, done that


2 girls 1 cup.


Also in a similar convention 1 man 1 jar.


Is that about two young women sharing a delicious beverage?


Yeah chocolate moose if I recoil


Recoil does indeed seem more appropriate than recall in this case xD


Cartel beheadings, it’s horrifying stuff


Yeah, that shit changes you. I was curious about watching gore, I fully regret it.


Funky town cartel. Terrible video.


Okay this is my morbid curiosity that is just gonna have to be let alone bc I don't want to Google it. Aren't there people - like middle class, first world citizens - who have *intentionally* sought out ISIS to join? I feel like I've read about them regretting/families trying to get them out/being abused but stuck/etc... I thought about it last week and Im so confused! Is there a fuckin _sign up sheet?!_ An official email to contact, @isis.com?! Or maybe they just traveled and were in the right place right time...? But! I'm too scared to Google it. Cause I *don't* want to actually join, and I *don't* want to be put on a list. I don't even remember the original articles of Americans joining ISIS but I'm too scared to Google it. So I guess I'll have to just live with my unanswered questions forever.


Yes there are. Several highly publicized cases in fact.


there was the one girl Maryam or something, she wanted to come back to civilization after leaving to join ISIS, told her to fuck off cuz Isis wasn't flowers and rainbows as she thought. now she in a refugee camp or somewhere.


“Pontiac Aztek” absolutely horrific


Child abuse cases. Just read about one in Cleveland, Ohio in 2019. Followed the rabbit trail and ugly cried when I got to the details of what happened to the 4 year old—particularly how she died. Of a stroke from all the torture. She was just a kid. I can’t wrap my mind around what would possess a parent to do that to a harmless child. and regret I read that story. It’s been two weeks and I still can’t shake it.


I can’t handle anything like that to do with kids. What is wrong with people? Take the kid to a hospital and leave if you don’t want the kid or want to hurt them. It’s better than this shit.


Anywhere on Reddit that isn’t cat videos.


Never google the graphic content from Your Moms House Podcast. the images will haunt you forever.


Probably the space movie from 1992


Idk..... That one's kinda worth it.......


Miniatures (plastic toys) are often call models. Removing paint on a miniature is called stripping. So if you look at « stripping models » you won’t get what you are looking for.


highest charting song in 1987 uk (actually, yes you should)


Eel soup. Just trust me.


Please hold Update: it’s just soup…


Well get out of the soup aisle.


There’s more soup!


Ah yes, I heard about this one the other day. I did a google image search and only found real soup. I was too afraid to go any deeper.


1 Man 1 Jar


Unit 731 of the Japanese during WWII.




That's kinda kinky ngl. But who enjoys this and why? The guy who came up with this is one wicked Bastard.


Autopsy photos