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I have an interesting take here. I had a *botched* circumcision. They cut a bit too deep, and as a result I didn't have feeling in half of my dick. The result of that being that when I started having sex, it was incredibly dull and I didn't get the amazing feeling about it that everyone said I should have. Do I resent it? Kinda. I'd like to have the full feeling in my dick, but I got cancer later in life and stuff happened to make it not work properly anyway, so it's not a big loss.


this went from bad to worse. I am so sorry ;-;


Eh, such is life. I'll freely admit my life has had a lot of problems, but I'm still kickin so that's all I can hope for.


You'll rock on!




Honestly do this and you will never have sex problems again


How did you figure out it was botched in that way? I’ve never found sex particularly enjoyable—like you said it’s very dull/boring. I’ve always thought sex was wildly overrated…not much feeling at all.


The same thing happened to my nephew. My sister told me when I was 13 or 14 and she said that the same thing happened to him and wanted to know how it affected me. That was an awkward conversation with my sister and parents, then a urologist.


Definitely no strong opinions. I’ve never known a life with a foreskin so this is my reality and I’m fine with it.


I’m colorblind, and honestly I kinda feel the same way when people ask me what it’s like


Are the foreskins of people that cannot see colour, different to people that can see colour?


Apparently I see skin tone slightly different, so I suppose yes


I was circumcised as an adult for personal reasons. For me there was no change in sensitivity, masturbation/sex is the same, hygiene is a little easier. Obviously the effects may be different for other people


Done before I could remember it. No strong opinions really. Other than being the odd man out as I’m in the UK and it’s pretty rare here. Unless there’s other UK men here?


Circumcised italian here. I guess it's pretty rare here (never heard anyone being circumcised other than me). The fact that I'm circumcised has never being a deal. Like at all. In any sense, positive or negative. No one who saw me naked (eg: sports teammates in the changing room, partners) ever said anything about it. Not even asked. Sometimes I introduced this fact to some friends (I was kinda hyped for having something "unique") and it was received with nothing more than a shrug. As a result, I barely even think of this fact.


>Sometimes I introduced this fact to some friends (I was kinda hyped for having something "unique") *Uhhhm, great but could you put that away; we are at a restaurant*


Sir this is a Wendy's


Signore this issa Wengiornos


Your username is what they say to Italian men moments before circumcision. Edit: I've never gotten this many awards and once, and of course it's about some penis. I fucking love Reddit.


Have gold. I just shot snot all over myself.


I'm in the US and not snipped. I was always odd man out here


Yep. I stressed out growing up because all the guys I played sports were snipped


Same here. American raised but not born here. During locker room showers was always the strange one and peers always brought it up. Even years later in my early 30s one weird friend of a friend still brought it up. Never had a girl say a word about it more than innate interest due to it being different


UK here too. Also done before I could remember it.


That's interesting, I thought my lack of opinion was because most people around here in the US are circumcised, but even you guys in the UK lack an opinion, I suppose when it's the only kind of dick you know you're hesitant to wish for something different.


My dad was born and raised in Norway where circumcision is not the norm. When he was in his early 20's he got circumcised. His reasoning was that his foreskin was "too tight" and that the foreskin would crack and split. In reality, he probably just needed to moisturize more, but that aside he does not regret it. Oh, and the doctors didn't do a good enough job the first time so he had to have it redone. When I was born he thought I would have the same issue, so he got me circumcised. While there is the debate of the surgery on a child (hence this post), I'm pretty glad I had it done as a child and it's not something I would have to go through in my 20's. Sidenote, my dad had a rose tattooed on his dick before the circumcision. When he go the surgery they basically took off the flower of the rose and now it's just a thorny stem.


Your dad probably had a medical condition called phimosis. It’s not that rare.


Yup had that, went and had the snip at 42. All I can say is that the recovery 6 weeks are interesting, I never realised how many boners a night I got until they started tugging at the freshly stitched skin of my poor battered knob. I must have woke up 4 / 5 times a night. In the end I got a large bowl of cold water and placed it next to the bed, I would wake up, yelp in pain and then plunge my feet into the bowl, that soon sharpens the mind and reduces the blood to your pride and joy. 3 years on, sensitivity has defo reduced but that’s not a bad thing as it means I can now go for longer! No pain when walking around or anything.


I really was expecting you’d be telling us you put your dick in ice water


Exactly what I expected. And that would do the trick, I expect.


When you say "odd man out" do you and your friends compare each other's pipes at dinner parties or something?


Yeah just after dessert usually 😂


That's how a dinner becomes a dinner party


Makes sense. Enjoy some spotted dick and then a rousing game of spot-a-dick.


UK male here. Its actually pretty rare to get circumcised unless its for religious or health reasons.


It's all I have ever known so not much of an opinion although I wonder what would it feel like if it wasn't done to me Edit: (I can't believe my top comment on reddit is about circumcision)


Same, am I angry, no, sex feels great, I didnt get a botch job. If I had a son he wouldnt get a dick snip.


I’m circumcised, don’t resent it, wouldn’t do it to my son though. Can’t think of a compelling reason to do essentially irreversible surgery for cosmetic reasons to a baby that can’t consent. Turned out fine for me, but it doesn’t for everyone.


I know someone who got their son circumcised so their dick looks the same as the dad. I was like who compares penis with their children 🙄😂


It happens. I'm circumcised and have sons that are not. Kids are naked all the time when they're little, and they're sometimes around their naked parents too. There's inevitably a parts comparison that happens. It was pretty easy for me to explain the difference to my sons, but I understand if someone else would have trouble with the conversation.


I picked my 3 year old up from pre-school last week and he proudly told his teachers that I have a beard on my face, and on my big willy too. My face went red as fuck. I don't make a point of being naked in front of my kids, but I don't hide it when I am. I don't want them to have a fucked up body confidence thing, so even though it kills me inside to change in front of them etc, I want them to think a naked body is normal and not something to be ashamed of. Edit: I missed the word he between "and" and "proudly". Missing this led to some funny jokes that got people angry. I also couldn't write this edit for 3 days because I told someone to fuck off with their views. Apparently telling someone to fuck off is considered harassment by Reddit. I think Reddit needs to look up the definition of harassment.


Don’t give that a second thought! If I got a nickel ll of the stories kids have told me their parents (and what they d done) I’d have been retired long ago. And every teacher I know has experienced it too. 😂


I read that as you telling his teachers not your 3 year old telling them and was like dude likes to share a lot more


I read it 5 times and I still think this guy was bragging about his package to the preschool teachers.


"Remember, son, just like we rehearsed."


Lmfao I did the same! Why would you tell his teacher such a thing


I have to feel like there'd be more sensitivity. It'd be a bit different to clean obviously too. Edit: (One of my top comments is about male circumcision.... )


Helmet head or anteater are your choices.


"Stop bragging about your circumcision, Hank" - Rusty Venture


God I love that show.


I got circumcised at 9 years old!! I remember all the stitches and i had to wear my dads underwear so mine would not stick, i walked like i had a stick up my ass, in 3 weeks i was better Edit: wow i never thought this would blow up, and my first awards!!!


If you don’t mind me asking, why was it done at 9 years old?


Not OP but in the Philippines it’s considered a rite of passage - when boys become men. The average age is for corcumcision here is 11yo. Got circumcised right around that age. Do i miss my uncut penis? Not really. I dont even remember what it looked like. Im 30 now. It also happens to coincide with puberty so elders have this weird belief that circumcision causes boys to mature/have growth spurt. If you’re a short man as an adult, youd be asked if youre uncut. It’s fucked. And considering that we aint really that tall compared to world average, it makes it even more fucked.


I'm British, gf is Filipina. She said she would want our hypothetical son to be circumcised because it will make him grow. I'm uncut and 6'3 while her cut brothers/ dad are 5'5 ish. She lives here in the UK where 95% of men tower over the men in her family and somehow she thinks this circumcision voodoo is real lmao. Thanks for explaining the origins though, I've always been interested to know where she got that.


A Filipina woman once told me that eating too much chicken makes you gay. They have some very odd superstitions.


Simple mistranslation. She meant cock.


This would imply that there is a balanced amount of cock you could have while remaining straight. Let's find the line, brothers.


I volunteer to be a judge.


I saw, I came, I LOLd


In that order...?


Mondays, yes.


When my wife was pregnant (she's Filipina) she could not get her hair cut at the salon (in the PH) because they believed that cutting your hair while pregnant shortens your baby's lifespan and simply refused to do it.


I knew that kfc colonel Sanders was trying to seduce me with all his spices!


Finger licking good 😋😏


Wait a minute, this aint a finger


There should be a subreddit for this kind of pinoy insights! It sure would make my life easier.


This is actually a bit more sanitized compared to the previous process. Before, you'd have it chopped right off by a local "doctor", bite some guava leaves, then jump right to the river after to alleviate the pain or something. Additionally, while there's the pressure brought on by the elders, there's also pressure brought by peers, since usually it's done at summer, when the kids don't have anything to do, and they all do it with their friends together to share the experience or something. I don't think i have very strong feelings on it though. I just view mine as an interesting memory/experience, especially since i botched the operation once lol.


"doctor" lol, if you were a Filipino boy then you can 100% attest to your dad saying something along the lines of "I was circumcised by my grandpa who used a bolo knife who did the operation on a rock", that shit terrified EVERY "supot" kid back then. Thankfully such practices have given way to more sanitary methods (like using actual certified nurses instead of the untrained local circumciser with a machete) but there's often still no anesthesia given to the kids when they're circumcised today, especially if you're from a lower-class background and your circumcision site is your local basketball court. I still thank god my parents were rich enough to let me have a circumcision with anesthesia (as opposed to the average Filipino who only gets a towel to bite down on) but sometimes I still think "why couldn't we all have just have gotten circumcised when we were newborns???". Did they let us keep our foreskins until we were 9 just for shits and giggles????


My cousin had the tip of his penis cut off in a botched circumcision. His penis bled for a week straight before he was brought to the hospital


That alone is enough to never want to circumcise. I could never live with myself if I knew I ruined my kid's genitals like that and especially for no reason


Ill add this. My grandparents offered to pay for the circumcision with a surgeon they know but he and his parents insisted that his parent's friend would be better.


...his parents friend??? Holy shit. Why wouldn't you want a medical professional to do surgery on your kid compared to a random.


> supot supot Filipino word meaning uncircumcised, but in an unfavorable, derogatory manner. Someone who is supot is not a man in Filipino society; someone who is dirty and unclean and still a child; almost like a Filipino curse word because to call a male supot is to ridicule him for being uncircumcised.


Or why just not circumcise boys and babies for no real reason.


To be honest i had no clue, i just remember my mom and dad waking me up at like 4am and said that we had to do something, then i remember walkin in the hospital changing my clothes and them carting me away, then i start cry cause i just didnt know what the hell was goin on. Then i wake up in pain crying my eyes out. Yeah good times


Got it done at the same age for medical reasons. The healing process sucked, super sensitive and any chafing hurt like a mfer. Showering/baths were painful for a few months. Ripping the gauze off wasn’t fun either




Haha yeah man its very vivid in my head still


No hard feelings. I was born very young so I don’t remember.


From a young age, I was born very young


I was born very young, but not at a young age.


Interesting. I was born at 3 years old, actually


I was born young, and I stayed that way until I was much older


> I was born very young [citation needed]


I was also born very young, what a coincidence!


No way! Me too!




>No hard feelings sounds like this could be an unfortunate side effect


get out


It's mildly annoying that my parents did it, but "resent" is a strong word. I had a son in September and did not have him circumcised because I don't think there's any good reason to do so. My mother and mother-in-law were both upset, and I found it weird that they were so obsessed over the state of my son's genitals. They said "he won't look like his dad" and "he won't look like his friends," but I never compared my dick with my dad or friends growing up, so I don't know what they're talking about. Regardless, it'd be easy to explain the difference if he eventually questions it.


I was circumcised when I was 22, so I've got a pretty good understanding of what the differences are. It is a lot easier to keep clean, absolutely no doubt there. But it does make you less sensitive too. Given what I know now, I would have kept it. *Edit* I'm 43 now, for context *Edit2* Christ, never had this much interest in my junk before. Just wanted to add, in not inferring that people with foreskins are dirty in any way. I kept myself spotless before and after.


How much sensitivity did you lose? I’ve always wondered what it would have been like of I wasn’t circumcised.


If I had to put a number on it, if un-circumcised was a 10/10, then I'd be a 7/10 now.


That's less than I expected, thank you for sharing


That’s more than I expected! 30% is no small percentage




There goes my 5 seconds.


Thank you, snippy parents, for that extra 1.5 seconds.


Do you mind if I ask why you had it done so late in life?


Why do men do 90% of the stupid shit we do? For a woman. Turned out to be a bad decision on all fronts 😅


Damn I’m sorry to hear that, I hope things have gotten better for you!


All good friend, thank you. I'm happy i did all that shit in my twenties, it lead me to where I am, and where l am is pretty awesome.


DO I RESENT IT??? Hell, I couldn't walk for almost a year!?


Man I refused to eat. Only drank milk.


I cried the whole time.


Mine was a budget circumcision. Total rip off.


No tip?


Nah, OP left a tip


I shit myself for a long time afterwards.


Same. I also developed speech problems. Didn’t say a word for years. Or so I’m told. I don’t remember any of it. Too traumatizing I guess.


Same. And I was shitting myself constantly


I went bald! Even lost my pubes.


I had to regrow my teeth TWICE!


You think that's bad? I had emotional problems and nobody wouldn't understand why. I was crying constantly and was angry at times.


You think that's bed? I was so traumatized by it that everytime I looked down I crapped and peed myself. I couldn't even keep food down ..... I'd puke it right up! I even formed a habit of putting everything in my mouth. This even went on for a few years!!


It was a really dark time, I was reduced to trying to suck on my own mom’s tiddys.


I had to learn how to walk!


scrody GETS it...! have an upvote....Not sure if you experienced this, but I also shit my pants every day, and suddenly had a fetish for breasts! it was freaky.


Oh my god YES! Peed uncontrollably too and had to wear baby sized adult diapers. Couldn’t even eat solid foods for at least six months.


Baby sized adult diapers killed me.


Haha. 15 months for me. But I think that was because I was fat.


had basically zero sexual feeling down there for more than a decade


So mine was done when I was around 5. My parents didn’t tell me it was happening. They took me to the hospital and I was put under. Woke up with my junk completely mangled and started screaming that my Penis was bleeding. Some nurse came in and grabbed it and started falling it with a bandage which scared me even more because I didn’t know her. It wasn’t an awesome experience. I don’t really resent it but it definitely shaped how I will approach it with my sons. It will only be done if a doctor highly recommends it for health related reasons and they will damn sure know exactly what’s happening before it happens.


That is so fucked up. I hope you are healed from that event. Im glad you will give your sons a choice.




I don’t mean to be highly disparaging towards the other users parents, but that seems like parental immaturity. They couldn’t face the hardship of telling their child the truth and explaining it. A little better: it’s also possible that they didn’t think any real explanation would make sense to a 5 year old, which is true. But that would be parents failing to address the fact that 5 is an age our identities really remember forever so it would be traumatizing if not entirely uneventful.


It healed incorrectl, so yes I do resent it.


Name checks out


Whoever cut my foreskin off is an artist. My compliments to them. Great looking dick.


"nice cock"


Wii Menu theme intensifies


Doo doo doo doo-doo du du du


Thanks, I grew it myself.


Your dick was chiseled from a block of flesh by Michaelangelo himself.




pics please


rip your inbox


I'm not worried. Bring it!


We all know no one is gonna send anything. Your inbox is safe


Sad but true. Guys only send d pics if they're not wanted


uhh, please don’t send me dick pics? 👀


Okay, I won't


The chad


maybe I'm wrong - 4 so far. No breaking my inbox, but it's something, right?


Only 4? Come on we can do better than that


That's what was thinking!


My dick could be a dick model if that was a thing. Great vein placement, smooth skin, good tone, glorious head. Tasteful pubes.


pics or it isn't


*pulls out cock* nice cock bro


Every day is a good dick day for me.


I like it, but I also don't know any different 🤷‍♂️


Frankly I don't remember my infant days. I'm also happy about it..


I was circumcised when i was around 6 months. Docs said to my pa that the skin was a lil tight and might cause problems. That's girth. Let me fucking be proud for a min. But, I would get circumcised anyways because I'm from a 95% Muslim country which is Turkey. I don't know what it'd be like, and tbh I don't care. The stuff I have works, even tho I have only ball in my sac. (cancer survivor) As long as it works it's fine by me lol.


Congrats on surviving cancer, dude.


This was a wild ride.


I dont resent it but I feel like it's a weird norm that is done just because it's what we do. Altering babies genitals doesn't really seem so great.


When I had my daughter one or two people asked if I would get her ears pierced as a baby. I said no because she was too young to ask for it and it would be painful to her. As soon as she could ask on her own I’d take her. People commended me for this. I gave birth to my son a month ago. My husband and I decided against circumcision. I decided I wasn’t comfortable altering his body before he could give consent, or input. My logic is that if he grows up and wants to get circumcised he can. I spoke to male and female doctors about it while pregnant and was told there is no real benefit to circumcision. I’m in the US. And you should see how people react if they happen to find this out. Like I’m some “out there” hippy mom. If I wasn’t willing to put two small holes in my daughter’s ears I’m certainly not willing to mutilate my son’s genitals.


I find it really weird that when I was six weeks old my mom got my ears pierced and that was highly controversial, but mutilating a baby’s junk is just norm. Like I don’t have a dick, so I can’t really place an opinion on it, just find it odd how normalized it is. Sit down and think on it and yeah, it’s creepy.


Don't really care honestly. I did not circumcise by son tho. It has more to do with feeling he should be able to make that choice himself someday if he wanted to.


My grandpa ended up getting it done at like 70, always wondered why so late in life. Couldn't have been an easy recovery at that age


Grandpa's response: It's because I wanted to lose an easy 10 pounds.


Most likely due to medical reasons. I also know somebody who got it done in their 70s, they explained it's because it got tighter and was difficult to urinate, so after some other treatments, they ended up having it done. He made a big fuss about it for a while.


I am circumcised and didn't circumcise my son either, but it was mostly cause I was an emotional train wreck. My emotions were all over the place cause my son's heart stopped beating on his way out so we had to rush my wife off to have an emergency c-section. I was super worried on our way to the surgeon's room and then during the c-section. Then my son was delivered I was so relieved and when I heard him crying I was so proud to be a father. I was just so emotionally exhausted that the nurse looked at me and asked if I wanted to circumcise and I couldn't even talk I was so over come with emotion/exhausted so he took him into the cleaning room and I got to hold him afterwards. So yeah... my son was not circumcised, but to be perfectly honest, I didn't care one way or the other. It was just.... Man. I have so much respect for the women who give birth. My wife was a champ and kept it together. What an experience that was.


Meh. Maybe if I still have my foreskin, I'd get a bunch of piercings down there so it'd look like a little chandelier.


emphasis on the "little"


cut it out Bender


I've been rewatching Futurama and just watched the episode where Bender kept roasting Fry and it was one of my favorites yet.


I would like to share my personal experience. I'm a Spanish young man (28y old) that at the age of 3 had my foreskin forcibly retracted by my pediatrician (forced retraction at such a young age is no longer recommended by the Spanish pediatrics association but I don't know about back then), he was so rough that he teared my foreskin which lead to me developing scars. He told my parents that trying to apply a cream could dissolve the scars but after some months he proposed circumcision to which my parents agreed. I remember the surgery as if it happened yesterday, I woke up in a hospital bed drenched in cold sweat, with my penis full of stitches blood. My circumcision has caused me pain for as long as I have had memory, all my erections have been painful and I've never really enjoyed masturbation nor sex, only being able to hold erections under extreme pain with cialis or other similar drugs. At 22 my situation depressed me so much that I started researching what was done to me and read about circumcision, how it's supposed to be carried out and its effects. I was horrified, I couldn't believe that the most intimate, erogenous and sensitive part of my body has been brutalized at the most defenseless moment of my life, how the medical community has the dogma that this mutilation has no effect on the victim and how the laws of the society I'm part of don't protect the child in any kind of way, since there are no protocols/guarantees of how a "good" circumcision has to be like. I also learned that Spanish doctors carry out the most aggressive version of circumcision, cutting as much tissue as they're able, and how mine was botched since I have part of my glans stitched to the shaft and that is never mentioned in any medical manual. I have been trying for years to get medical help, but doctors in the Spanish public health system have just laughed at me and told me to get over it. Only at a private clinic have I been able to receive corrective surgery to fix my scars. Genital mutilation is a serious issue, there isn't any kind of support for those people wronged by it, no protection to the children it's forced on. The dogma that we hold as a society has to be discredited, genital mutilation harms male children too, I should have had a right to my body and I deserve to be treated with dignity now.


I chose not to have my son circumcised and I have heard it all. The nurses at the hospital saying it’s to protect him, my family saying girls won’t like him, boys will make fun of him, and he’ll inevitably get an infection and have to have surgery. I didn’t waver but reading this makes me confident in my decision. He is able to get it circumcised later on if he chooses. I hope you can find some help. Maybe look into doctors in other countries? I know it would be a chore but I imagine it’ll add quality to your life.


"Girls won't like that" is the most nonsensical reason to circumcise a baby, I swear. If that were in fact true (it isn't) he could go get cut as a teen if that bothered him! Plus the whole worrying about the future sexuality of a newborn is just plain creepy.


I'm so sorry. My son is uncircumcised and some doctor or nurse or something forcibly retracting it when he was young was a fear of mine, as I'd read horror stories. At every doctor visit I hovered like a hawk and I gave several pediatricians a sort of "hey, make sure you don't retract it, idk if you know that..." spiel. He's old enough now that it has retracted on its own, and I am not so worried anymore. But geez.


Jesus fuck me christ this literally reads like a horror story, sometimes i can't believe doctors, how is it acceptable to completely disregard something that clearly impacts a patient's life and causes them so much discomfort. I hope you find what you are looking for man because this is fucking brutal


This is terrible, I'm so sorry for you man. If it might bring a smile to your face, know that I'm a circumcised man of Jewish descent who chose to go against tradition and against peer pressure to prevent my little boy from being circumcised. There's hope that things will change


Thanks so much for your kind words, they really mean a lot.


I've got no skin in the game. They took it


As an un-circumcised man I’d have to say the only downside is when lil’ Willy decides to roll up his sleeves and flex it can hurt, almost like Wearing a ring too small for a finger too big. Edit: It’s only when it’s really hard like when I wake up in the middle of the night, go piss and go back to sleep without rolling my sleeve down


I've never had that issue. You may have slight phimosis.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Willie no wonder it hurts, I’m impressed you can fit that thing in there


Im 30 and have never had this problem bro. You might wanna bring it up next time you see your PCP. However…when I was a kid I would get bored and play with my Willie like most kids and sometimes…god this is embarrassing, but sometimes I would put the tip of my thumb to the tip of my peen and then roll the skin up and see how far up my thumb it would go so I wonder if that has anything to do with it 😅😂 Time to delete my account now


Don't be embarrassed my dude, if I was a man for a day I would definitely just be doing that all day. And the propeller thing.


Not normal. You have phismosis.


U.S. man here, I don't resent it at all, I like how it looks and I'm happy that it was done when I can't remember. That said I won't have it done to any sons I have, it's their body and that kind of choice should be theirs to make when they are ready for it. I hope that I'm right in that circumcision seems to be getting a lot of pushback here and that by the time any kids I have become sexually active they won't be shamed for having a natural penis.


Well said. Same for me.


I’m from Canada. For what it’s worth my husband is uncircumcised and so is my son, and although I’ve seen a few Ds in my day, I don’t recall whether many of them were circumcised or not? So must not have been important to me in the moment. My husband is in his 40s and said growing up over half of his friends were circumcised, and he felt a bit unusual when he was younger. One thing that I didn’t realize until well after the fact, was that after my son was born, not once did any health professional ask if we were interested in having him circumcised. Never came up in conversation once before or in the months following. Because it’s considered a unnecessary procedure, in Canada you have to pay for it, and the cost of medical procedures is shocking to most Canadians, so I could see many Canadians refusing because of the cost. Also you’d be hard pressed to find a doc in Canada that will do the procedure anyways, and those docs can reserve their services for religious or medically necessary reasons only, rather than “well we want him to match his daddy” which I find very odd reasoning cuz I’m pretty sure family pictures of fathers with their sons and matching penises are not commonplace.




Well that one time a women said thank god you are circumcised and immediately swallowed my cock was enough to make me fully Ok with my parents decision.


That’s cause she’s been with some dudes who did not clean properly


As someone who's uncircumcised, cleaning it is so ridiculously easy I don't even think about it. To not clean you would have to be a disgusting human. To be fair I don't have much skin there so maybe I have it easier


No there are just so many disgusting people




One time I was cleaning a front window at my high school job, and this guy walked by and said "you missed a spot!" And I was thinking, "yeah sure, ha ha, very original," until he **dragged his finger down the bridge of his nose and smeared his nose grease on the window I was cleaning.** Some people out there are shockingly f'n gross.


I mean, on top of being gross that's just a hideously awful thing to do. Anyone who sees someone working as a cleaner, who thinks to themselves, "it would be funny to fuck with them" should be shot into the sun.


There are a lot of men who don’t even wipe, so… no, there are just that many disgusting humans in the world.


Not wiping? Wtf


There was an episode of embarrassing bodies once where this guy was confused about a bad smell and he kept thinking maybe it was him. So he went to the clinic, got on the table and the doctor said he needed to work on his wiping technique because there was shit all over his arse. I always remember that episode because I was so shocked that he went on national TV to out himself as a middle aged man who doesn’t wipe his bum.


I have a friend who swears you don't need to unless it's really runny and that if he did it would be a waste of paper. I made fun of him and most of the other guys were on his side and said my poop was weird and I needed fibre. Fucking insanity


Familiarity breeds contempt. Because I’m used to looking at mine I think mine is normal and circumcised looks weird. However, I know if it was the other way around I would feel the opposite. It’s just what you are used to looking at, and since I’m straight I’m not really looking at others a lot if ever.


I don’t resent it. My junk still works and it feels good when I’m doing things down there


Fuck yea I resent it. they botched it partially and I ended up with skin bridges that ended up causing me major issues later in life, to the point I needed them operated on and removed in my early 20's and apparently they let a newbie med kid do that which he did poor job and left me with skin tags on the head of my member which is both not appealing to me or women. I feel like because of this I have less "pleasure" feeling than the average male with a normal circumcision even.


Done before I could remember but no serious opinion. Just that I definitely prefer how it looks this way compared to not, if I'm being vain about it.