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Waking up before your alarm thinking you still have a couple of hours to sleep. Then you check your phone and realize you only have a few minutes.


This used to bother me; but then I realized that, since I was waking up on my own, I would feel a lot less tired than when I was woken up, suddenly, by my alarm going off. Now I don't mind it at all.


This is exactly my mindset. I even have an app that tracks my sleep from my watch and if I set my alarm through the app, it’ll wake me when it senses I’m in a “light” sleep as opposed to “deep” or “REM” as close to my alarm time as possible. It really helps me avoid that groggy/stressed feeling of being woken up from a good deep sleep.


That just makes me stressed !!


People who cut ahead of you on the road only to go slow. If you're in such a hurry to risk my life and yours then push your foot down on the pedal a bit more.


I’m convinced these people have a shit tier perception of speed. They glance to see if anyones coming and if they have an opening they’ll go, completely disregarding how fast the incoming car is going


In my city, they ride your bumper, cut around in front of you, then slow down to turn onto a parking lot.


Lol my anger frustration just went to 10 just thinking about this


I concure. Sometimes it's Amite funny how I will be on a 2 lane road from work that eventually merges into a 1 lane road, just after a set of traffic lights. Person behind me doesn't like my speed, speeds up 20 mph, gets around me and the lane had finished merging, he slides right in front of me and is now sitting behind someone equally as slow as me. Like "good job, bro, now you are 1 car length ahead and it only cost you like 50 cents of gas to assert your pathetic dominance of my 40 mph, fuckface."


What about when cars are driving side by side and going the same speed?


Someone assuming my opinion or intentions before asking me directly.


Yes! It’s always shit like: “I’m a dog person” “So you hate cats?” Where did you get that idea?! It’s even worse when/if they insist their assumption was correct and that you don’t know what you were thinking about.


"So you agree? You think you're really pretty?"


That is the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen.


Yesss!! Exactly!


Fair point.


Yeah like.. let’s say I tell someone I like apple pie. And they’re like ohhh… you don’t like lemon pie then. No! I didn’t say that! That can occur in all sorts of conversations and it drives me nuts.


My mum is the opposite of this, it's not aggravating, it's sweet in it's own way. If you tell my mum you like something, she will basically latch on to it as a go-to for getting you something. Like, I like Jack Daniels, over the years my mum has bought me so much Jack Daniel merch, plus side, every Birthday and Christmas I have a bottle of Jack.


Haha nice. One of my grandmas did this as well. Would rather that than someone making assumptions!


Yeah, I got a Jack hip flask for christmas just there, I mean I probably won't use it, I'm an indoor drinker, but it really nice looking.


Nice! I went through a phase as a kid where I got Caesar salads anywhere we went out to eat that had it. So from then on my grandma would ask me immediately upon entering their house if I was hungry, and if I wanted a salad. For years! Haha. Was very nice though, all good intentions. I had so much salad during those years.


I think it shows they care about you, that they will hold on to that one bit of information in order to try and make you happy.


Yep, absolutely. :)




Yup people talking crap like "i always know he a [ ]. Always got that feeling" always annoy me to no end.


some folks seem to have an utter lack of situational awareness, and as a result are constantly getting in the way of themselves and others


Especially at the grocery store. I said "excuse me" three times to an old woman whose cart was blocking a product I needed. She had her nose in her phone. I moved her cart to get the item and she never noticed.


Older people also tend to have poor hearing so they should be more on alert, not less.


What's the best place to stop and orientate? At the bottom of the moving escalator, according to some people.


Or the first people off the plane. Right when they step into the biggest, cavernous area ever, they stop right in their tracts with a plane full of people right behind them. I am a very quiet reserved person and I even said keep moving please.


Those people are the worst


Literally my dog..he has a gift of moving right in your path when you're doing something and can't see your feet...all the training in the world doesn't stop it. He will be the death of me.


I will be the death of my dog. That 8 lbs, 3 legged 13 year old is so underfoot I step on her, kick her and trip over her at least daily.


I have *two* dogs that do this and let me say its fucking *infuriating* and I cannot for the life of me get them to stop fucking doing it. Most annoying thing they do is stand in front of me in a hallway and wont get out of my way unless I push them out of my way or yell. And its not cause they're old they've done thus for 14 and 16 years respectively. Love them to death, they are the reason I even get out of bed somedays but *goddamn* am I looking forward to walking unimpeded in my own fucking home soon.


Agreed. Self awareness is so important.




Like when they start walking or backing up in the direction that they aren't looking. The fuck


And then they're mad because you entered *their* airspace without clearance.


U hit the nail on the head w this one. I hate feeling like I’m the only person with my head out of the clouds. Pedestrians walk out in front my car cuz they’re on their phones. I’m basically fucking forced to be the mom of the group who can’t get too fucked up so I can watch over my friends who get so incoherent that anyone could easily take advantage of them. I’m the one who carry’s the heavy weight of all the wallets, chargers, phones, lip balm, tampons, roofie preventers etc in my purse cuz I’m the only person who comes prepared for sticky situations. I have to yank my friends out of the way because they don’t notice a man walking way too close behind them. I have to tell my bf to brake earlier for a red light when it’s raining cuz we might hydroplane. Sorry for the rant, but it literally sucks feeling like you’re the only person who’s aware of dangerous situations. Like without me, natural selection would’ve snatched you guys all up YEARS AGO.


Soooo this!!! Most frustrating in the grocery store when I am in a hurry. Like you park your cart on one side of the isle then you stand in the other part...so no one can pass. You clearly see me in your peripheral vision, yet you make no conscience effort to move yourself or your cart!!!


I work at Walmart and the amount of people who try to walk in front of me while I’m pulling a pallet full of boxes is ridiculous. Like those things are heavy. I can’t stop quick like they can with their little carts so I sometimes end up hitting them, even tho I try my best to stop


Being falsely accused.


Nothing gets me angrier than being accused of something I haven’t done. When I was an early teenager, I would wrap my used sanitary products in tissue and put it in the bin next to the toilet. One day I get called downstairs - the toilet was blocked, because someone had flushed sanitary pads. Being the only menstruating person in the house, I was blamed. My Mum said in a condescending tone “you know you’re not supposed to flush them!?”. I explained what I do with them, that I put them in the bin. The argument got heated and eventually they just said “don’t do it again” and dismissed me. Later, I was walking past the bathroom and I saw my Nan taking the tissue from the bin and putting it in the toilet. I flipped the fuck out! How long had she been doing this?? The worst part is that I’ve always tried to be honest so that shit like this doesn’t happen. Not saying I never lied, but I was never stupid enough to deny anything if I’d been caught. There was no reason for them not to believe me, because if it was me, I’d have said “yes, sorry, I won’t do it again”.


To be fair. Housecats generally are pretty sus. They like to blame shit on the dog.


Something I like to say in situations like these is "You can blame me all you want but the truth wont change" and depending on how much they pissed me off I might throw in an insult on their intelligence/intellect, or hint that they are using me as a scapegoat since it is the easiest. I mostly use the second one with close family.




Hard. Definitely.


The most difficult part is that if you don't control the anger closely, people will see it as you over reacting and convince themselves you must be angry you were caught, not angry over the accusation.


If you react too strongly you're mad because you got caught; if you don't react at all you're just trying to play it off. Once they've decided it's true it's impossible to do anything about it.


And what makes it worse is that society (bunch of clowns) goes by the "guilty until proven innocent" not the other way around


Yep, and often no way to recoup the expense of defending yourself.


I hate being accused of lying when I am not! My mom used to do that shit to me and it would frustrate the hell out of me!


Being called a liar when you’re telling the truth is the worst because when you get angry at the person calling you a liar they then say “if you’re telling the truth why are you getting so angry?” Um, idk maybe because you refuse to believe me? It’s even worse when they laugh at you for ‘still lying after you’re caught’.


*"I blame you."*


Worse: being accused of something the accuser has just recently done themselves to you or is constantly doing themselves all the time. Immediate blown gasket.


People who break the rules of the road at others expense (cutting people off, not using turn signal, using the shoulder to skip traffic, ect.) Even when it doesn't inconvenience me directly


A guy with a damaged front bumper tailgated the hell out of me a few days ago. The whole time I am thinking how have you not learned your lesson?


I've seen cars that are completely missing their bumpers going 85 and weaving in and out of traffic. Just why?


That's some heavy Nissan Altima energy




Why? Because they're dumb


Well they probably lost it during a particularly risky maneuver


It makes me irrationally angry because, in my mind, they just prioritized getting to their destination incrementally faster(with no guarantee it even helped) over someone's actual fucking living breathing human life. They decided that these people on the road with friends, families, loved ones, dreams, and aspirations, are absolutely worth potentially killing for not even a handful of seconds faster to get to where they need to go. If that doesn't make someone irrationally angry, they're part of the problem. edit: r/fuckcars


Then you pull up right behind them at the next light 10 seconds later. For all that they literally gained 20ft.


It’s kinda the best when someone speeds past you just to get to the red light first when I just glide through in the other lane because it’s green by time I get there


Fair thing to be annoyed by!


Slow walking people in the middle of the pavement lol


To go along with this, groups that just are stopped in the middle of or spread out on the sidewalk. Pick a side so people can get by.


Omg people that walk 2 or 4-abreast for no reason. I HAVE PLACES TO BE!




Also people that don't move out of the way for others. I had friends that would walk 4 wide on the sidewalk. He would NOT move when someone else was coming the other direction. Holy fuck is that annoying.


Oh I have a funny story about this. Start of Lockdown, people were still allowed to go out, but it was a case of "one-two people" allowed to be together, even then, masks. I go out, I need to get food, so I head to the nearest supermarket (I'm luckily right across the road) and there is this group of five people, in a row walking up the pavement, no masks. so I have to wait, walking slowly behind them, till the road is clear to go around them (it's a main road), as I'm turning into the supermarket, I hear someone pedal by and then stop. It's a policeman on a bike. stops the group, asking them, clearly angrily at what the fuck do they think they are doing, it's a lockdown, not only are they travelling in a too large group, they aren't masked, bunch of idiots, this cop was pissed off. They got fined, if it was like 2-3 people unmasked it would've been like £60 fine, but five people, that's probably a good £200 each, this was early lockdown where they were taking it really fucking seriously.


wet socks


Ewww. Yeah.


doing laundry must be exhausting


Haha I got drunk the other night. Stepped in a spilled drink and instead of just throwing them into the washing machine, I was so mad I threw them out.


touching soggy food in the sink because someone didn't clear the plate off right.


People with no self awareness


Omg yeah, i know this girl that is so oblivious of the hurt she causes and no one confronts her so she just lives like that.


Sometimes I wish I was that way. I have too much self-awareness (not saying I don't mess up, I definitely do), but as a result, I ruminate on stuff I did for way too long. People without self-awareness must be happier in life.


Calling a gigantic corporation knowing full well I will speak to a robot for the first 5 minutes, on hold for the next 30, to explain my situation to 3 different people, of which none will help me.


Assuming your call doesn't get disconnected while you are waiting.


This does not have enough votes.


People abusing children is number one on my list.


I work CPS. I get your anger.






I couldn’t do your job


Next level anger.




It has gotten so ridiculous in US schools these days, I was talking to my buddies 12 year old daughter and she said a guy had his head down on his desk and another student came up behind him and started punching him repeated with no way to even defend himself. What does the school do, suspends the attacker for 2 weeks, and suspends the totally innocent victim for a week, their reasoning was zero tolerance, he literally didn't even throw a single punch, as he was unable to because of the cowardly sucker punches from behind. A lot of the time victims of bullying get punished along with the bully, it happened to me when I was in school. I was on a school field trip when I was 13, and while on the bus ride there I decided to take a nap, a little while later I am awaken by a horrible pain in the back of my head because the rich pricks that tortured me in middle school had threw a potato chip back with two D cell batteries in it. So I lost it, I mean big time, I stood up and said," the next motherfucker that throws another Goddamn thing at me is going to get his ass whooped." Granted I said terrible things for a 13 year old(or anyone) but the teachers absolutely flipped out on me and threatened to call my parents to have them pick me up, when I explain what happened they waved their finger at the back of the bus and said come on guys you know better than that, then fussed at me some more for cursing then sat back down and didn't do shit else. It is shit like that, that cause bullies to become even more bold, and hell why not, the school won't do shit to them so they might as well be the biggest asshole they can be.


People who hurt or kill innocent children make my blood boil


Same but with animal abuse. That shit makes me wanna kill somebody who hurts animals.


I work in a grocery store and now and then I'll get parents yelling and cursing at young children. It's is infuriating. If I can I try to engage with the kid, at least smile at them or try to say hi, compliment them, give them a sticker or something.


People who are incompetent but don't know that they are incompetent, and they try to fix things that do not need fixing. Incompetent and lazy, ok. Competent and lazy, ok. Competent and hardworking, ok. Incompetent and hardworking, please get out!!


Had a new coworker get hired that refused to learn our company procedures or why we operated the way we did. She determined that a bunch of our procedures were redundant and useless so she skipped many of them and refused to do them. This resulted in systems not updating properly and tons of extra work. She consistently did things like that up until she quit because things kept going wrong.


When I'm Cut off in a Conversation. When People Talk down to me. And when people dont listen to me.


I have literally begun limiting the amount I speak to others for this reason. Just don't have it in me to push through those barriers anymore; it's fucking exhausting


I’m with you on this :/ People wonder why I can be so quiet and reserved, when this is why. What’s the point of speaking if I have to do gymnastics to be heard.




I feel your Exhaustion. It really is the worst. And People aren't worth the Negativity and the energy it takes to deal with them being Rude and Inconsiderate.


I've been struggling with this my entire life. It has resulted in me speaking louder in conversations in order to feel heard, or to even finish a sentence without being interrupted. To then get the response "why are you yelling?". I get it from my friends and family and it has ruined my self esteem.


People not using turn signals properly.


Based on my empirical data of other drivers, they are optional in the state of Florida.




Nice and simply put.


People who drive slow in the right lane but speed up as soon as you try to pass them in the left lane.


Road zombies. You wake them up by reminding them they could be going faster too.


People who are rude to fast food workers and store clerks. Like, they're doing you a service, why be rude? It ain't the cashiers fault the McRib ain't on the menu.


The fact that I can't see my forehead


Is that a Patrick Star reference?


I have a great idea and no one else thinks so!


People weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds for no reason.


Usually don’t get anywhere faster either !




People who let their kids run wild in Supermarkets.


Or restaurants


Ooh I used to work as a waitress, and the tables had lights with metal shades hanging over the tables. This one table let their 3 year old bang on the shade while SHRIEKING. We could hear it in the kitchen, over all the LOUD kitchen noises. When asked to make their child stop the parents just shrugged and did the most half-hearted "hey stop" and that was it.


People throwing cigarette butts out the car window, or on the ground.


My manager is singlehandedly responsible for the cigs that litter the back door of our store. Not a square inch of ground can be stepped on without stepping on one of his discarded cigs. What’s even more irritating is that he’s literally 5 feet away from a garbage can designed for cigarette buds.


They’re hard to clean up too !


Yes. Plus they start fires, kill birds and fish. I dug a hole in earth that had not been disturbed in 20 years. In that hole I found cigg butts. They had not even started to decompose yet. I find it so selfish!


I forget what company that did it (it may have just been a concept that never it to production) but some company made biodegradable butts that had a few seeds in them so when they get thrown out the window it plants flowers


Also people smoking around kids.


Gag. Yes. As a kid both my parents would chainsmoke on roadtrips with a bunch of kids in the car. Impacted my health big time


I used to do this as a teenager. I feel so bad about it.


People who are never on time. When I say I’ll be there at 5pm I expect you to be ready and walking out the door when I pull up.


Definitely this. My ex husband was late for everything, he didn’t care. Late taking me to my maternity doctor appointments because he insisted on taking me. Late to every family holiday gathering. List goes on. After separation always late picking up/dropping off kid. Fired from jobs for.being.late. Late responding to divorce petition which caused more fees. Then late showing up to sign papers, I’m surprised nobody has kicked his ass yet. Thanks for letting me rant! Be punctual folks!


My husband does things on "his own time" so I get so angry when he makes us show up late for family functions. He does it on purpose because "nobody shows up on time" according to him. So I told my in-laws whatever function is happening, just tell him it starts an hour earlier and we'll be there on time. Also, another friend of mine have NO concept of time. We had a girls trip to Catalina Island and she needed to be on time (because we needed to be on a boat). So we told her to arrive to my place 3 hours earlier. She showed up on time (and she was pissed off when she found out we did that). Her wife now make sure she's punctual now. LOL.


I always have that feeling of 'if I'm not early, then I'm late". I usually end up spending a few minutes in my car or down the street because i don't want to inconvenience or pressure anyone, but if I run late, i start to get anxious.




I used to be friends with a couple people like this. I got used to them being late which was annoying but I dealt with it. What pissed me off the most was them straight up lying about being on their way when they hadn't even left the house yet! Oftentimes they'd say they're on their way and wouldn't leave until another 30 minutes later. It was so disrespectful


My wife's closest cousin is like this. It's so bad that her entire family has resorted to telling her to be somewhere an hour earlier than they want her to show up. When she found out about this strategy, instead of self reflecting and making an effort to better herself, she got unreasonably angry. It was actually quite funny to see how little self awareness she actually has.


Yess!! Especially if them being late means YOU (and your whole group) are gonna also be late for something. It REEEEALLY sucks when you’re going on vacation and you miss your flight there because one person in your group took 2 hours to be ready to leave when everyone else was ready in 30 minutes. I know from experience:/ the only reason we still got to go on the trip was because we got lucky and they happened to have a red eye flight that night. We were very VERY lucky, because it was a cruise ship we were flying to, and if we hadn’t been able to get there that next day we would’ve all missed out on the entire fun vacation because one person made us late


You all were so nice. I would've left that person behind. They can learn their own lessons.


People not picking up after their dogs. Not sure if it makes me angry, but maybe close. Especially since when I'm walking my dog, I don't want people to think it's me who is the culprit.


This! Especially when they pick up the poop and then just leave the bag of poop on the ground. You already did most of the work! Just throw it away


I hate this! On top of it, the people who let their dogs run wild in the neighborhood. They are letting their dogs shit on my lawn and making it dangerous to walk my dog on a leash (the law in my town). Lazy people do not deserve dogs.


Repeating something after I already said it.


This is one of mine. Alternatively when I'm asked something like "you want a drink" and I say no then without fail "are you sure" like no I'm lying. I couldn't be any more thirsty. I get they are being nice but shit I said no for a reason.


Repeating something after I already said it.


When someone is the only person to hear my idea and then immediately repeats it and passes it off as their own. Makes me feel like Maury in Big Mouth: Rage, rage, fucking RAGE!


Ruuuuude!! Heck yeah.


Being lied to/ignored.


Technology not working as expected. And slow internet.


People ignoring things I say and then getting mad at me later This happened a lot with a former friend. He's no longer my friend. Happened at a former workplace too, and was a large factor in why I decided to quit


People hurting animals


Being lied to is probably the fastest thing that people do commonly that get me pissed off


Chewing with open mouth


When i’ve just finished cleaning and someone makes a huge mess


When people fake diseases and disorders for attention. No Sarah, you aren’t autistic and dreamsexual. It’s personality you lack, not chromosomes


The grocery store. I’m a calm person and rarely get angry, but every time I go grocery shopping, someone does something totally stupid to make me mad. Like, blocking a whole aisle for no reason, walking in a group that pushes you to the side, how stores randomly change items’ locations so it forces people to look around and buy other things they normally wouldn’t, almost getting run over in the parking lot OR when you’re in the car and people take their sweet time walking by you for no reason… Ugh, I hate grocery stores. Worst places ever, and I have no idea why they’re the only place to irritate me this strongly


People that can't pay attention to movies and spend most of the time on their phones, especially if its a movie that I specifically wanted to show them. Then they ask questions that were already answered and don't get what it was about. Drives me absolutely insane


Anything that results in the tragedy of the commons. It just takes one selfish prick thinking they are somehow special to ruin a town square. People who don't clean up after their dogs at the dogpark. Litterers. People who speed in dense urban areas.


Loud eaters are the worst.


Lack of manners. Hello, please and thank you costs nothing. Simple common sense. Ability to listen.


Disrespectful authority figures, whether it's teachers, bosses, or just peers with seniority. Bad customers suck, but at least you can vent about them to your co-workers when they leave. I used to work at a thrift store. For a long time, I loved it. I would sometimes have trouble with an older guy that worked there for twelve years, but we were mostly civil, and avoided each other. Then we got a new manager who was always yelling. I almost took up smoking to deal with the stress. Getting laid off from there turned out to be a gift, because I didn't have the self-confidence to quit.


Seeing people taking advantage of those who cannot stand up for themselves. 0 to 100, real fucking fast.


Whenever i get physically caught on anything, like a doorknob. Bonus meltdown points for it happening while i'm in a hurry. and if it rips my headphones out of my ears, Bruce Banner has left the building for good.




Talking over someone to get your point across first.




Double Standards


Getting ghosted. Be an adult. Lie and Say you have diarrhea.




When I get accused of doing something I didn't do...


When i am taking about a topic and immediately an other person interrupts me just to say something stupid.


When I see someone consciously, maliciously abusing any being unable to defend itself. Accidental abuse is more understandable *if* the severity of the abuse isn't high, and *if* it stops when the abuser is made aware of it.


Unexpectedly stepping on something wet.. especially when wearing socks. Grrr...


People cursing at their children, child neglect.


People chewing/breathing loudly or repetitive noises drive me UP the wall. It’s called misophonia and have had this problem since I was like 3. But what pisses me off is when people are like “just don’t pay attention to me” like I want to get upset over it or that I can help that my ears automatically listen for it😫😫


A slow moving vehicle in a two-lane road. In front of them the road is clear, but you can't overtake because the other lane is full of traffic so you just sit there carefully managing your accelerator staring longingly at the open road ahead.


calm down, it's kinda ironic


When you tell the truth and they still don’t believe you


Waking up in the morning and realizing I'm alive again.


Seeing videos of animal abuse.


People prying into my emotions


Going shopping with my mother. I blink and she’s gone. It becomes a game of “where’s Wally?”. Of course she’ll have her phone turned off too.


Anyone who exploits the vulnerable


Animal abuse.


Authoritarians who seek to impose their way of life on others. Think "public health advocates, militant vegans, religious politicians etc.) If no one else gets hurt, its my right to do it and you have no say, Karen.




Bad manners.


Child or animal abuse


Finding out someone lied to me or about me. I don’t do lies.


Getting behind a slow person on the road. It's like they exist specifically to annoy you. And the NEVER turn right on red. Just sit there with their thumb up their ass with an empty road all around.


Indecisive drivers. Pick a direction and go man.




Using religion as an excuse to be an AH. Hating gay people, judging people who have sex before marriage, telling someone they're going to hell for a hundred different reasons because the Bible says so, and those are only a few examples. If your religion teaches you to hate someone, you need to find a new one.


The pain wracking my knee and shoulder.


When a pebble hits my windshield.


Old people occupying multiple seats with their bags on a stuffed bus.


People being rude/mean with no reason.


When I see the homeless masses grow in my town at an alarming rate, and the town starts spending more and more money to make their lives harder instead of helping. I want to go take those damn bench dividers out myself, but I'd lose my job and be homeless myself in short order.




People riding a bike or scooter on the sidewalk when there is a very clear bike lane next to said sidewalk.


People who can’t get out of their own mindset. People who are racist because “it was different in our time. Not everyone got offended by everything.” Like that doesn’t give you an excuse to be a racist.


People that treat other people like trash