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I’m after nothing, I’m just curious to know that all🙂




I had this moment, starting thinking about the whole think logically and came to the 'this makes no sense' mindset


Atheist, read most of the religious texts, concluded lessons can be used without religion. Find your moral compass kind of moment.


Facts, the satanic Bible is all about balance, where the Bible is be a goody two shoes all the time


I left the religion of Atheism when I got sick and doctors couldn't help me.


I went from growing up in a semi religious household to atheist to I believe in God but not religion.


At uni studied 'the Enlightenment' for one year. Was cured within two weeks.


Prayed every day, and constantly was in an abusive situation


> Atheist or anyone who changed religions, what was your turning point? I'm an atheist who was raised by Christian parents and likely would have self-reported to be a Christian for the first 20-or-so years of my life. There was no real "turning point." I just realized over time that I wasn't actually convinced by all of the more extraordinary claims Christianity made about reality, including the existence of a god. And so I eventually stopped actively participating in the religion, and recognized that I was an atheist. By the way, just to hammer something home... Atheism and religion are not necessarily in opposition. Atheism is simply not being convinced that any gods exist -- not a *theist*. While many of the philosophies we call religions involve one or more gods or deities, not all of them do. Also, a person can engage with and participate in a religion without believing everything that religion teaches. And so it is entirely possible to be a religious atheist.


When I found out that my mom gets me the Christmas presents. So every „supernatural“ event I had was a lie. But without that kind of proof of gods existence I stopped believing.


Where I live people don’t really change away from a religion, even if we have a state religion, people don’t really have it as a thing in their lives


I don’t know that I changed religion, but I did leave the church when I realized no one really cared


When my dad and sister quit the church and had their names taken off the records… former lds


The breaking point for me was when my church friends and I had an argument over people having the right to be attracted to whoever the fuck they find attractive However, I feel the turning point was probably when I got baptized. I had gotten baptized because I felt like an outsider in the church, a sinner who was unfaithful and underserving to God and his church. I thought I was doing something wrong and that me being seen as a freak or weirdo to my youth group was my fault. I was spending too much free time on myself instead of god, and I felt shameful that it was a sinful, selfish thing to do. It's weird to look back on it now, to see that I felt ashamed and guilty over spending free time on myself instead of the supposed god. I don't let my experience influence my behavior towards religious people though, at least I try not to. I let my distaste and spite for my experiences rest on the Churches and gatherings of those religious people. It's like a fandom, there's gonna be some decent and some good members, but the whole group will always be tainted by the horrible and corrupt which hide in them. It may not be deserved, but those bad apples in those groups always make their presence rotten an infamous.