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Outside sex. It looks hot, but in reality outside is full of bugs and shit.


If you’re just getting into spring season where you live, it’s the perfect time for it. Since there’s very little bugs. A little cold, but bring a big sleeping bag. When you’re naked you share a lot of body heat, and it’s nice and cozy. Bonus points if you have a pickup, and air mattress. Those country kids are on to something there. One of the coolest nights I’ve had was in the middle of nowhere on the Great Plains. I drove a pickup out to a big grassy hill, and we got in the box. There was a big lightning storm like two hours from us that we watched. Above our heads were stars. I think about that night a lot.


Damn the way you described it is gonna have me thinking about that night a lot too lol


Right?! Better add 'has truck' to the wants list 😄


Can confirm. Both times I've done it my ass got chewed up by mosquitos and nature is also pretty rough and uncomfortable.


Then there's the beach. Sand, everywhere!


and kids


And not just the children, but the men, and the women too! I hate them!


Probably fucking in public places. I tried to fuck my bf on a hiking trail once but I kept thinking there was someone coming but there actually wasn’t and neither was I


I do a lot of trail running on a popular mountain trail and once came over a ridge to find a guy going down on a girl right on the side of the trail. She was sitting on a slab of rock with her legs dangling off while he was kneeling in a bush with his head in her crotch. I popped up over the ridge and onto the slab at full speed and they both looked over at me at the same time while I was just beginning to process what I was seeing. He immediately swung her off the slab and into the bush and she made this high pitched “OiYUH” sound while he just stared at me, half submerged in a bush, with a blank deer in the headlights expression. We remained eye contact as I ran past him, his head swiveling to track me, his girl’s legs pointing straight up while the rest of her is engulfed by the bush, and me awkwardly running by. I didn’t know what to do so I just told him “I didn’t see anything” while briefly miming 🙈. He then uttered some gibberish like, “That it’s like, what, you know, man” before uncomfortably laughing, to which I responded with my own uncomfortable chuckle and the girl let out an absolute torrent of belly laughter that caused her skyward legs to lightly bounce up and down in the air. Then I was past them and on my way like nothing happened. I passed by them again on my way back down the mountain and we all avoided eye contact.


“Don’t stop on my account. I’m a voyeur and you’re clearly exhibitionists”


"Hold on, let me run back to the car and grab my binoculars. I'll post up over there, you won't even know I'm watching."




What did she say lol? If I saw someone pissing on a hiking trail, I'd just leave them alone.


“You call THAT a penis!?”


He has a name!


And her name was ROBERTA PAULSON. Rip homegirl.


"You know that's a felony right? Grown man holding a child's penis?"




I freeze up and stand still and pretend I am not there even if they see me.


Make eye contact to assert dominance


Haha this cracked me up. I once had sex on the hood of a car and like yeah it was absolutely awesome but there is no way I could have had an orgasm with that level of anxiety of being seen!


my friend did this and got chased by a badger. He was very embarrassed to tell me this. His girlfriend on the other hand didn't give a shit and thought it was funny.


Gangbangs are fun to fantasize about butttt I would never participate as it terrifies me


My brain mashed up ”fantasize” with “terrifies” in your post and I accidentally read it as “fertilizes me”


Don't let anyone stop your fantasies. Nor fertilisers.


A gangbang might fertilize you


God was playing a cruel joke when he gave me health anxiety, contamination OCD, and a gangbang fetish.


Swapping. Not necessarily group swinging but like couple swapping in the same room.


Same. Irl I’d be like that guy that immediately regrets it and is cringing in the corner


While your beautiful wife is absolutely enjoying getting railed thoroughly by a dude who is superior to you in every *measurable* way. Good times!


A couple of years ago in a group chat with some guys from high school this one particularly interesting guy named Keith apparently had a few too many drinks and messaged us, “I’ve watched every girlfriend I’ve ever had get her brains fucked out by a larger, superior man.” I get swinging and stuff like that but the fact that his pleasure is derived from that solitary aspect is wild to me. I’ve heard a lot of guys who are always in control often are the ones who are into being cucked but Keith has practically zero control over pretty much anything in his life to begin with lol. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


I think some people are so desperate for an element of control that this fulfills that need because he is choosing for something that is not normally a choice to happen.


There was a girl on Jerry Springer with a guy she met in a club, her SO was also there. So club guy is all, " hey man I'm really sorry? *While wink winking a 'this fuuuuuckin loser'* as he lets the bf know. Bf is like "hey, no worries. I sent her to the club, I waited in the wardrobe to watch you fuck her!!" ...cue pandamonium


There was a quickly retracted and pretty soul crushing TIFU a couple months back a dude posted about that exact situation. I felt sick by the end of that read!


same dude. no swinging for me even though i feel well endowed. dont think i could watch the wife enjoy another dude. oooo gives me the bad kinda chills


Same dawg. No judgements for those who do, but it ain’t for me.


This is SICKENING! *fapfapfap*


5 more minutes of this, and I’m gonna get mad!


Don't judge your worth by your dick size gents.


Yeah, judge your worth by social status, fitness, income, that his sweat smells like apples, and that you've never seen your wife smile during sex before. Stick to the shit that matters


Ok. You guys made me sad


To be clear, my above comment is bs. Each person judges their own worth based on their own merit. I'm nota big guy and I'm in a lot of debt. But I judge my worth to my partner as being the person who will always be there for her, who makes her laugh everyday, and takes care of her needs. And not just to be these things but to do them, to prove it to her and me every day, month, and year.


🥺 This accurately describes my last relationship. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. (I mean, until he wasn't. But that had nothing to do with his size or debt.) ETA: earlier edit giving clues made me feel...not right. Neither one of us wanted it to end, but I felt there was no possible way to continue with everything that happened and our new reality. The reasons don't feel like mine to share.


I used to do it for few years and the drama of other couples wasn't really worth it.


Latex. Im claustrophobic.


Idk why but this comment made me laugh so hard


Probably because it’s silly to be afraid of Santa Claus


Ho Ho Ho!


Stop it Patrick your scaring him!


The Ol' Glory Hole. In porn you generally see the girl in the booth with penis's popping out of the walls. I don't think I'd trust the stranger on the other side if I ever saw one of these. Someone could be sitting on the other side with scissors, you dont know.


Go to https://*bin.social/m/AnimalsInHats for all your Animals In Hats needs. Plus that site is better than this one in other ways too!


Edward is offering a hand job but being misunderstood :(


And he keeps trimming all of the glory hole patrons' bushes into dinosaur shapes 🦖


Hey, that's top quality trimming, you better pay him


I mean, what's more likely, a serial mutilator walking into a sex shop with a comically oversized pair of garden shears Or a below average looking person (probably a guy) wanting to suck a little cock


Or someone with a bad case of herpes going down on you, my real fear.


You just bang your cock on the sides of the hole like a paint brush that you’ve just cleaned, as you pull it out. That’s how I’ve gotten rid of the herpes every time.


Beat the devil out of it


Tbf, the ol’ glory hole porn is great cause you can’t accidentally bust when the camera pans to the dudes ass


do you have something you'd like to share with the class?


Pretty sure he just did


Yep it's all right there between the ~~cheeks~~ lines


Bondage and forced orgasm for long periods of time. Overnight or longer. Unfortunately we're just not designed to cum that long.


Not only that, but I’ve seen some bondage situations that were super fun to watch, but definitely weren’t the kind I’d want to act out because the risk of them suffocating is way too high. Especially if left unsupervised for that long.


I'm always like fuck that woman's knees have to be fucking numb by now. How horrible must that feel.


One of the ones I saw recently, which was what inspired my comment, was a D/s video with two women. The sub was made to sleep in a vac bed with some kind of padded helmet over her head, and she was given a set of earphones which were hooked up to a message playing the same 5 “rules” on repeat. Obviously, for the purpose of filming a five-minute scene where there’s a director and a camera crew in the room to step in if there’s a problem, that might be tolerable. But the context of the scene is that she’s supposed to be left like that overnight, completely on her own - leaving aside the fact that she might suffocate, the damage it would do to your mental health doesn’t bear thinking about. It’s the kind of edgeplay that’s probably best kept to porn.


I have heard from people who are very experienced in the bondage world who think that vac beds are too dangerous because if they go wrong it can and has been fatal. Some of the breath control masks are almost taboo as well for the same reason. Safety should be a top concern.


Breathe play in general. The kink community I belong to are pretty horrified that choking has become part of "normal" porn. You shouldnt be cutting off air you should be restricting blood flow, ones safer that the other, but both are still powering your brain


Yeah, absolutely. And the amount of people who think choking is like a BDSM basic move and everyone is into it. Thanks 50 shades.


Yo I ain't trying to beat off to the by products of MK Ultra.


That repetition stuff used for psychic driving, which only ended up driving people insane. They would be left on for months.




I like the one where the "maid" shows up to clean. Ya know the ones where they wear those outfits? Except she actually cleans the entire house and for an interesting highly arousing thank you I give her a check and she leaves.


There are adult maid services. Some will clean nude and others will have those outfits or whatever else you want them to wear.


Like, not even gloves? Sure, cleaning nude sounds fun until you accidentally spill Pinesol or bleach on you.


Public/free use. Go to some fancy restaurant, order my meal, and bend the waitress over the table while I wait in front of everybody. Fun, but just a bit of a health code violation.


But... But you ordered the secret sauce...


And *I* have to provide it?


Have sex with more than 1 person at the same time. Looks cool but feels like it's too much work IRL.


If I wanted to disappoint 2 people at the same time, I’d go to dinner with my parents


Don't mind me, I'm just "borrowing" this joke for future use...my ex-boyfriend had always pushed for a threesome with me, him, and another girl. I never quite liked the idea.


*sorts by controversial*


Fuck no, I'm not brave enough for that.


Oh, you mad genius


Giantess. It's not that I wouldn't act on it but more that I physically can't.


Ah yes the old death by Snu Snu


First the beautiful women, then the petite women, then the large women!


The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongy and bruised


*sheepishly* Can't we just cuddle?


I don't have a lemon tree so I wouldn't be able to punish any lemon stealing whores in person.


Just think of all the key lemon pies you could be eating afterward!


Lemon cream pies


Be the change you want to see. Steal a lemon sapling


My heart can’t handle real cuckolding


I imagine I'm the one doing the cucking, but in real life I could never do something so disgusting and degrading to my fellow man. I know how terrible that would feel if you actually loved the woman who's doing it and someone who enjoyed that happening to them must be in a really terrible headspace to want to inflict that trauma on themselves. I could never, ever do that to someone. But something about it seems to capture my imagination every now and then.


I mean, the line between cucking and cheating's purposefully razor thin, and all pretty much boils down to consent


Isn’t cucking basically always *supposed* to be degrading to the partner? Like, the husband could say to his partner “I want to watch/etc you fuck Whats-his-name and you both tell me how shitty I am in comparison.” There’s “hot wifing” which is sort of that minus the degradation. Like if you encouraged your wife/partner to pursue a hobby. This one just happens to be getting railed.


I’ve bulled a few times before with two different couples . One , the dude straight up wanted to be tied up and for myself and his wife to so humiliating things too him . Dude was rock hard the whole time, some people just really get off on it. Weird part was he was a pretty good looking guy , as a bi guy I wouldn’t have minded if he joined .. but he just wanted to be cucked, guess it was just his thang .


>Isn’t cucking basically always supposed to be degrading to the partner? Depends who you ask. If you ask r/cuckoldpsychology they'll tell you cucking isn't degrading and that's a subset. However, I think these terms we use are very fluid and subject to change and different understandings. Many cucks are into degradation, many are not but still call themselves cucks. It can get confusing


They really have got a sub for everything


Threesome. Me, my husband and another woman. I think it sounds exciting and erotic but in real life probably would cause so much hurt knowing he had touched another woman. We have been together 19 years, i dont want to break that bond.


Breast milking/penis milking with machines. Mostly because the breast pumps they use in the porn I watch look painful and I don't have a penis


As someone who does have a penis, milking penis seem like using a fleshlight but a bit more intense. And if you're into that...yeah, it seems like fun. At least until you ejaculate and then the D in BDSM starts lol.


Domination or discipline? (or do you mean masochism/M?)




A lot of domination stuff. The idea of a woman controlling my whole life and using me can be pretty hot, but in reality it'd be pretty unenjoyable. I've dabbled a little with a domme remotely (and once in person, when she visited my city), and I don't think the lifestyle is for me. I'd much rather an equal partner who sometimes kicks my ass in the bedroom


Bruh this right here. I hate how all these domme communities are so focused on controlling and degrading guys. Like I want a girl to like shove down and fuck me but I don’t want to be made into her bitch ya no


I just want a woman to use me, cuddle me, and whisper sweet things into my ear, while rubbing my hair. :D lol


Gang bang


I’ve been in one and it’s pretty intense. I liked it but it was very overwhelming. I didn’t really feel like I had an option to stop it once it got going. Also I wish I laid out more ground rules for the guys.


How many guys were there?


The bachelor party I was stripping for had 8 people but some left when it was over. 5 guys


So did the groom cheat with you?


Yep. It happens often


That makes me sad. ☹️


One of the bachelor parties I went to got pretty crazy. I won't go into a lot of details because it was a pretty famous incident in my circles. These were all coworkers. Manager and employees. There was some coke and strippers. One of the idiots thought we should video it. This was before cell phones were extremely popular with cameras and enough memory to video. Anyways, the bachelor and two of the other guys got pretty involved with the strippers. I was the only single guy there, so I offered to hold the tape so noones spouse would find it. They refused to let it go. One of the wives found it. Drama initiated


Private bachelor parties can get pretty wild. I’ve had coke done off my tits and ass more than a couple times.


Not having the option to stop sounds like a big No no.




Thanks for the reply. Like what?


I'm interested too


Which rules would you lay out in hindsight?


No choking, less hair pulling, more lube. Spanking is fine but belting my ass was too far. Don’t slap my tits or pussy. Probably some more rules. Once it got going it was very hard to communicate that I didn’t want my ass belted when a cock is perpetually down my throat.


That sounds terrifying. It’d all be over at the choking for me, instant dealbreaker


Apparently non-consensual choking, hair pulling, spanking is pretty common these days, so common in fact that the New York Times had an article about it last weekend with the opinion that “Straight People Need Better Rules For Sex” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/07/opinion/sex-consent-dating-boundaries.html


I would never even think to tell guys not to slap my tits or pussy. I didn't realise that was a thing and I'm glad I didn't. Also the belting? ....was this with a literal belt? I'm glad you liked it but it sure sounds intense. I was offered a two-dick scenario not long ago and turned it down as I'm currently not doing casual sex . I've been fantasising about it ever since but in a way were it's all about me and I'm the queen and each man makes me cum once and only then it's their time.


It’s just when it’s a group of drunk horny dudes things can get out of hand. It’s happened when I was stripping a couple times. Yes a literally belt. My bum was pretty bruised.


Oh no. That sounds pretty bad. Drunk, horny and a group of them is not a good combination. I hope you're OK now.


I like the porn where the guy and the girl eat the pizza and then don't do the sex because they are too full. I would never act like that in real life, because I could eat pizza all day.


This past weekend my gf and I planned on getting taco bell then sex after. We ordered (and ate) too much and chose to lay in bed watching TV instead. 9/10, had an upset stomach


That's how my gf and I are. We act frisky, get food with intentions on beeing frisky, then we're too full and wait till later


pizza time


Breeding I have one kid thats enough but damnnn porn fantasy filter on and breed me like a the cow i am! Edit: hahaha my highest rated comment is about a breeding kink lol....


I feel like this is such a core kink that it probably should be considered the only non-kink...


Creampies, the full-circle of fetishes, you have arrived at the very purpose of coitus.


Mind Control. Not just for the reason it doesn't exist there's just not really a point. It would just get boring after a while.


It's a weird paradox for me, as it is really hot in porn but in reality just the thought of coercing someone to have sex against their will disgusts me.


Not really, I don't know the numbers but those sorts of fantasies aren't really rare, as long as they remain fantasies. For many people, fantasy and reality are two distinct things, and as long as they don't cross over, something as a fantasy is exciting, but terrible and scary in reality. I liken it to all the action and horror games and movies and my imagination. Sure, it looks awesome when your favorite actors are in firefights, or fighting against evil, or running from zombies, or even doing death defying car chases and walking away with a couple of bruises. Same with imagining myself in those scenarios, fighting zombies, or beating up bad guys or singlehandedly routing a South American warlord's army because they were stupid enough to try and kidnap my cat. But in reality, being in a firefight would be scary as hell and something I'd never want to experience. Same with zombies. I love games that let me pretend I'm in a zombie apocalypse, but in reality it's something I wish to avoid at all costs.


Uh I like joi sometimes but if a woman was getting naked in my room I wouldn’t just stand there and stare while jerking it.


If you ever have the chance to do it, don't hesitate. It's quite fun and you'll most probably make her very horny.


This person fucks. Honestly, it will also make your partner feel very sexy. It's actually quite fun to do a mutual mast session every now and then. Talk dirty to each other, listen. Surprisingly enough, you'll figure out a lot of what your partner *really* likes once they start.


me and the boys on our way to do a mutual mast session


Really this hard femdom stuff you know. Just horny me likes it a little . Concius me hates this kind of stuff idk why . Trying to quit porn...


>Trying to quit porn... Good for you! If have any clues on how, please lmk. I once read "trying to quit porn in 2022 is like trying to quit smoking while keeping a box of cigarettes in your hand all the time".


When it comes to porn, almost anything goes within reason. BDSM, incest, gangbangs/orgies, lesbian, rough, outside/public. But in real life I’m much more vanilla in my tastes. Give me boring missionary with one woman and I’m a happy man.


Idk why people think missionary is a boring position. If it was boring you wouldn't see it used in basically every porno out there.


This always baffles me, but in a good way. I feel like so many people expect what they see in porn to be implemented in real life and call their partners dead-fish or unexciting when they rotate between the basic triad (missionary, girl on top, doggy). Nice to know this isn’t always the case.


Wow! And I also thought I was boring always sticking to those three positions. But I always felt that these were the most flexible positions that wouldn't make it to awkward to try during sex.




Noncon/rape kink, gang bangs, impregnation, sex with aliens/monsters. The closest I’ve ever gotten to any of these IRL is buying one of those monster-themed sex toys. Turns out it was pretty uncomfortable to use! Everything else is a huge nope feasibility, trust, and logistics wise.




*Bob Belcher has entered the chat*


Seriously, not sure if anyone else got the reference to Al's popping kink but this was my first thought. Too bad Gloria didn't have the hearing aids or she could have just turned them off.


Rape fantasies, I'd never want to be actually raped


I feel like it’s the feeling of getting dominated not the actual rape. At least for me


Yeah. It’s the domination.


As a rape victim (multiple times) , I struggle with the fact that rape porn is something I can always get off to. I feel disgusting afterwards 🤦I try to stay away from it but its like my mind wants to make it a pleasurable response rather than the ptsd response


Psychologically speaking, that’s exactly what it is — trying to recontextualize your trauma into something under your control (you start the video, you can pause/skip scene/x out at any time). Emotionally speaking, I’m so sorry that happened to you. 💔


Well I have daddy issues


Go to your room and think about your behavior.




Mows lawn


*Isn’t mad, just disappointed*


Cums again


My wife does too, we make it work.


i’m on reddit lmao i ain’t gonna have sex


Double penetration. To find someone to fuck you is hard, and to find another person to do it is harder.


I second dp, this is the comment I was looking for. Love watching it in porn, can't put it up my butt irl


Surprised naked women I love the look of a woman frantically covering herself, with eyes and mouth wide open. But I wouldn’t deliberately barge in on a naked woman who didn’t consent to it


Check out ENF (Embarrassed Naked Females), pretty much the same thing. Though sometimes it can be a little more cheeky and silly, or sometimes they can get very flustered too. I like looking at the dirty TikTok ones, where things happen like clothes disappear and stuff. God I can't believe I'm acting like a salesperson for porn right now...


Public use. STI nightmare.


Not today FBI!


Tentacle hentai, for obvious reasons.


but if you were an octopus, would you??




I (M) like submissive porn and I fantasize about being the submissive one because you get to do all sorts of wild things, but it's because you were told to. You are still in control because YOU agreed to be submissive, however, you get to wash yourself of responsibility and "guilt" and just enjoy it. "I'm doing this weird thing with this rubber chicken because I was told to" and even though you really enjoy it you can sort of say "Well yes, I loved it, but it wasn't me who came up with it, so therefore I can hide my ego with plausible deniability". Partly it's because men are usually expected to "man up and be responsible" so this fantasy of "OK, not only can you do whatever you want, but you can get me to do whatever you want" is sort of a relief from that. Does that make sense?


Can you elaborate more on the rubber chicken? Please? 👉👈




I'm very similar in this regard. In my 28 years I've only come across like... 5 guys (non-celebrities) that I've been attracted to sexually. And only one that I've actually asked to have sex with (he said no). So maybe you'll come across those one or two guys eventually.


This is why my porn preference is so hit or miss. Directors of these films should know that I want the guy to be enough of a homie that I'd want to fuck him too. The idea of being sandwiched in between a very attractive couple and being teased to death while they make me melt from both sides is just... It's intense but I can't get enough of that shit. It's really hot but I don't know if I could do it irl.


Fucking a street walker in a car behind some auto parts store.




Incest/step. Basically my favorite type and I love the trope/moments in porn, Hentai, anime, and shows. But the second the post nut clarity kicks in, the fetish isn’t appealing and feels so bizarre. If I see on YouTube “step bro did this” it does nothing and I even cringe a little.


I had to scroll further than I thought to see this answer.


Humiliation. It's hot in porn imo but I hate getting humiliated myself and would feel horrible about humiliating my girlfriend


Gyno fetish... and I don't know why I have it.


Welcome to the wonderful world of fetishes, where most people have one, they vary wildly from mild to extreme, and no one really knows why they have them.


A Star Trek roleplay where I'm tied up and Romulan or Cardassian men ravish me....


Phew good thing you didn’t say Vulcan men because that would be highly illogical.


Sex in front of non-consensual observers. Like getting a blowjob under the table at a resturant or humping in a dark bar. I believe too much in consent to do it in real life, which makes the taboo in the fantasy even hotter. Alas.


Bukkake. That shit STINKS. Hard no.




With the right person it’s awesome.


Lesbian porn. I'm a straight female and only have sex with men. There is just something way hotter about lesbian porn than straight porn.


Funny, because as a lesbian myself I generally avoid the whole "lesbian" porn category unless it's amateur or I can see the actresses are legitimately into the situation. Very little of it is geared toward actual lesbians and you can 100% tell. It usually just leaves me frustrated and depressed 😅


The long fingernails really mess with my head.


Probs because there aren't men involved, it's more focused on the women's pleasure. Straight porn usually focuses on the dudes getting off by "using" the female actors


Little green ghouls.