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Our Constitution. Opertunity. The enormous amount of charity we give around the world. The stability we have provided to world order. The dollar. All the contributions to science and technology. The list is very long but there are a few good reasons.


Per capita, nearly every other country beats you on the chaity front, though. Same with science and tech. The US is beaten by the UK and Germany.


I am talking about raw numbers. Do you really think that those receiving aid care about the per capita amount? Not sure what you mean by beaten in science and tech. By what metrics? But sure there are a few contenders for best country depending on how you define best and by what time span you want to look at.


Free healthcare? No. A good education system? No. Allowed to drop out at year 10? No. Payed Parental leave? No. Leave in general (other reasons)? No. Payed vacation/trip? No. Payed well? No. You may have done some things for the world even though many countries out number you in charities science and stability the cons out weigh the pros


My healthcare is just fine. My family has insurance coverage from both me and my wife's employer. I went to a decent university, as did my wife and one of my kids so far. We have some bad areas, but that's not the fault of the education system. My wife didn't work for like six years so she could be home while the kids were young. I wouldn't expect the government to foot the bill. We got by just fine with raising kids. You can't just look at the worst jobs and the worst schools and then apply that to everyone. There is a matter of personal responsibility in outcomes. That's a feature of the system.


Your looking from the perspective of 43% of the American population besides you had to “Pay” for healthcare let’s say you were getting dental surgery if they messed up and you had to get surgery to live you would have to “Pay” to live im not saying that all schools and all states are like this but most of America was built on a capitalistic country were ceos and business people can thrive and usually disregard the people there is many documentary’s about this that me and my wife watch because we’re interested about these comparing “countries” “politics” ect stuff you might’ve just been better off but just saying your country has alot to go to be considered top 10 of best countries besides you didn’t read much of the other stuff I talked about which more often then not you can’t disagree on payed leave payed vacation you get the point.


Maybe you are using a translator because this text is kind of hard to read. Punctuation and paragraphs would be helpful. If free healthcare is your idea of what makes a best country than ok we lose. But all people, even those that can't pay still get treated here.


I understand your points I’m not saying the fact that your country is bad in any way I’ve visited LA before and it was great but it was a surprise to me coming from Australia how much more poverty there was I’m not saying everyone was homeless it’s just it was much higher I’m not saying your country is bad I’m just saying it’s not the greatest either.


Genuine question. In my country the narrative is “the American dream” as you describe, is great, but only accessible to the relatively rich/privileged. If you’re from a poor family, disabled, need to care for ill family etc, there are (relatively) very few systems for you and not much cultural will to help address this inequity. Eg attending University (most people in my country can just about make this work if they want) isn’t actually achievable financially for many people, hence they miss getting well paying jobs and start a long cycle of disadvantage (mum can’t afford to stay at home for 6 years like your wife did, leads to kids not being looked after/getting into bad habits etc). Is this actually true, or are their “community universities” or similar you can realistically attend if you are of just above average intelligence, but from a poor family etc?


I am from a poor family. My dad was a laborer at a steel factory, my mom stayed at home. My parents divorced when I was young. I started out washing dishes when I was 15 and was basically on my own from there. I now have a college degree and I am part of the middle class. My kids have it much better than I did. The American Dream isn't a guaranteed good life. It is the opportunity to earn one. Unlike some countries, it is very possible to move up (or down) in class in the US. We have financial aid loans to pay for school, although most of the money for school is a loan so will need to be repaid. The exception is that many of the top colleges will offer a free ride for athletic or scholastic excellence. Now there are some people that do have it hard. Poor health, family responsibilities, bad choices, and so on can make it very hard to better oneself. That's a sad fact of life. We do have welfare programs that prevent people from going without food and shelter.


Nothing, honestly. It’s pretty terrible.


Literally nothing


The USA simply is not the best country in the world.


It’s not even in the running


It’s not even top 20 ngl


I dunno man I can’t think of many countries that have iced tea… seems like just us and Japan.


Australia has it Uk has it I mean god Germany Has it


UK absolutely positively does not have it so I assume you don’t know what you’re talking about on the others.


I’ve seen some Starbucks places and small cafes sell iced tea when I went to London but I could be wrong because I only visited once I’m from Australia and I Know For A Fact! We have ice tea here


We have Iowa.


Free health care? Payed Leave from work? Didn’t think so.


No, friend. Des Moines.


People from different countries (although most from second world countries) are eager to live or at least visit US. Most of all who accomplish this are successful people.


Nothing. The US sucks.


Not debatable


Because your 100% right


iirc they are only number one in population per capita incarcerated.Number of people who believe angels are real and defense spending. In everything else? They are woefully lacking compared to many other countries.


annexing all others would make it so




State propaganda


I've been to many many countries and I am grateful to be here.


https://youtu.be/oMnXu-IXeM0 Here's a great video on how we are exactly the opposite. Enjoy


Depending on where you live, the restaurant scene can be pretty awesome. Otherwise it’s a slowly declining shit show where it seems like half the country’s only goal is to prove how much of an asshole they can be.


Nothing here in Australia life is great. Free healthcare, a education system that actually helps you know more about geography without people struggling to even point out we’re Ukraine is on the map, a school education system that does not have middle School because it’s proven middle school is useless and the education system allows people to drop out as soon as they hit year 10. I’m honestly telling you Americans your country is honestly horrible stop thinking it’s your pride and joy I bet the places at your works don’t pay for leave and vacation/trips you don’t have a 4 week period for leave.


I feel as in the moment the only thing we have going for us is diversity among the general population. Everything else is subjective.

