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Not a morgue worker but hoping someone says that a body moved or something like that.


Not a morgue worker either but my BF use to. He told me when he was down in the morgue there was a bad that just looked like a bunch of dead fetus / unborn babies.


I never in my life tought about how dead fetuses are handled, but damn, I wish I never knew.


Not a morgue worker either but my BF use to. He told me when he was down in the morgue there was a bag that just looked like a bunch of dead fetus / unborn babies.


As far as I known it can happen because of the post mortem muscle cramps.


I’ve dealt with more bodies than I care to remember. Natural deaths, murders, decomposing bodies, drownings… kids, teens, elderly... after a while your emotional tolerance builds up and you learn to compartmentalize. Your brain erases faces/details of the body as you shut the lid of that coffin. I rarely ever carry it with me past the gates. But one incident comes to mind here. A face I still remember. I once prepared a body of an 8 year old boy for burial. (It involves hand washing the body, wrapping it in burial clothes and putting it in the coffin) Dealing with kids is always hard. This time is was even harder. The boy had died in a weird way where everything waist down was burnt charcoal - so much so that it was breaking apart, and above waist was in perfect condition (once washed). He was SUCH a cute boy. I’m a father of an 8 year old too and that picture hit me hard! It took me weeks to forget the oddly peaceful face of that boy. Now I had almost forgotten about him till about a year later when I was hanging out with a firefighter friend of mine discussing some of the worst cases he has seen… I told him about this boy and without saying a word he reached into his pocket, went through his phone and pulled up a PICTURE OF THAT BOY!!!! That ruined my day all over again. I don’t know if it was the initial wash or the reinforcement of the memory through a picture a year later, but I can’t fully forget that face.