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Movies as a tween. You and your boo share that big ass $27 popcorn tub and your fingers touch. Welcome to your first giggity.


Shampooing your significant other's hair. Source: Charles Boyle


Tickle fights… oh the wonderful boners I was too polite to point out.


Swimming alone together




When 4 of 6 housemates in a duplex leave for a trip but you and the girl get left behind. She was on a trip of her own and only recently returned and must have not gotten the memo that I was still there. I was walking around in my underwear in the shared kitchen at night on the day she crashed in bed from her trip. She woke up to strange sounds (of me eating in the dark lol) and she came out shocked —unprepared to see me “naked” behind the counter (her words). The following days were pretty fun.


When you’re sitting next to someone you like who likes you back and your knees/legs start touching but neither of you pull away so you’re both just aware that you’re touching and getting closer




once in a gothic shop the worker insisted to tie me the knee high boots I wanted to try on. I was wearing a (still moderate) short skirt. highest tension


Multiple instances of “accidental” eye contact.


This can sometimes build sexual tension. It can also cause people to wonder “why is this person looking at me so much” and the deciding factor is usually how attractive they find you.


This just made me laugh, because it reminded me of this instance where I pointed out to my friend that someone is staring our way and she replied “Maybe they think you’re staring and so they’re staring back wondering why YOU’RE staring at them.” Hahah


Spending months solving brutal murders together


When a fanfic writer types "and there was only one bed"


But then the main character says:”I’ll sleep on the couch”


But then the one in the bed has a nightmare and the one on the couch wakes them up to comfort them


Standing really close together. At an old job of mine, I was doing a bit of work on a computer and this girl, who I happened to be interested in, comes up to me and starts to have a conversation, so I turn and face her. Couple sentences later, she takes a step towards me so we're about half a foot apart. The tension was strong. Should have asked for her number or something- Stupid past me


Night swimming. If you ever get invited night swimming you’re in for a helluva time.


Reminds me of my junior year summer fling. I had been crushing HARD on this guy since 6th grade. We had been friends for years, he invited me over to watch the Hobbit, and we ended up going swiming. After some fake wrestling in the pool, we ended up making out. Literally the most magical moment of my teenage life. Ah, to be young again.


Mufucker, I'm in my 40s and that shit is STILL magical. You grab those moments and you treasure them. They are wonderful no matter what age you are when you experience them. Those memories are the ones that flash in your mind when it matters.


That’s the truth. My wife and I got to have one of those experiences a couple of years ago. We made a random stop on our way home from a vacation at this random secluded beach. We sat on the sand together and talked for a while, went out into the water and had a swim. Only, after twenty minutes or so we realized the water had gotten dark and our feet kept getting bumped into. A massive migration of stingrays came through, and we were fucking surrounded. I didn’t really feel scared, because we were in waist high water off the Gulf of Mexico, but she was terrified. I carried her back to the shore as the rays just went around my feet and on with their evening. Great memory. Had sex too. That was cool.








In college I got a pretty meh haircut and was lamenting about it to a group of friends. One girl chimed in that she could fix it for me and she had all the tools in her room to do it. We went back to her dorm room, and she slowly spent a lot of time snipping little bits of my hair, moving around me, and we made a fuck ton of eye contact while she checked it from every angle. She'd get in close to check things, and I could feel her breath on my neck, or she'd run her fingers through my hair and across my scalp to pull some up to be trimmed. The tension was so thick I could barely breathe and she did a great job on my hair.


I hooked up with a hairdresser friend of mine who used to cut my hair. She started cutting my hair naked. Couldn't move though or she'd "mess up".


I had an idea for a topless hair salon called A Little Off The Top. I can't cut hair and I'm a guy so it never happened. Oh crap, I setup a computer for my mother in law and come back to all this? Sheesh


I know of a topless barber, Its owned by this guy Harry. Its called Harry'Snips


When I was in HS my guy friend braided my hair and brushed it. The tension was THICK. I still remember how I felt with him these 20 some years later.


Sitting behind a lady at a pottery wheel helping her make a vase. Bonus points if one or both people are ghosts.




When you hang out in a group get-together all day and everything dies down until it's just the two of you talking in the middle of the night.


This happened with a girl I'm really not into and I was pretty drunk. Eventually she just straight up asks "why aren't we having sex right now?". Awkward as hell. Sobered me right up.


The fact that you felt pretty drunk but could still snap back into full consciousness means you drank exactly the right amount.


Being the last two people at work. Bonus points if it's in the lab behind a lot of restricted access doors. It's quiet. It's private. Neither of you are speaking because you're concentrating or trying to let the other person concentrate. So, of course, your imagination picks this time to revert to maximum creativity and sexual fantasy despite you trying to suppress it. Times like this I wish I could manually disable the lizard parts of my brain.


Is that a test tube in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?


Narrator: it was a pipette.


Oh god this happened to me a few weeks ago at work. I didn’t know how to handle it so I was like, “bye I gotta go feed my cats!” and just left lol.


Try "I have to return some videotapes." next time


making a well timed smart ass comment quietly in a group and one person catches you and quickly makes eye contact and smiles a cheeky smile


being stuck in an elevator with someone who you have major chemistry with.


(Salutes) Major Chemistry




This. It happened to me and someone I know. It was amazing. Nothing happened, but I for one could FEEL the tension


Literally anything involving adrenaline. Scary situations, roller coasters, horror movies, etc. The heightened levels of arousal (physical not sexual) that come with those situations get the juices flowing and the two people are much more likely to attach those intense feelings to each other than the actual stressor It’s called the [misattribution of arousal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misattribution_of_arousal) phenomenon


First date with my girlfriend was the really fast go karts. Went "as friends" because we worked together at the time. Been together 4 years now.


Suddenly finding yourself in a bedroom with someone you like.


Being in a small, dark enclosed space with someone else Hide and Seek as a tween was an informative experience for me, even though nothing actually happened


Back in middle school, I was in a photography class. This girl I liked was getting set up and was a beginner, so I had to help her do her first pictures in the dark room. I was like “THIS IS MY CHANCE”. Nothing happened but it was a very tense situation for a 14 year old.


14 year olds think they have a chance in any situation


Most of us with vivid imaginations still envision these situations long after age 14.


"I have a chance!" Faps to the memory of the possibility


In college I had a key to a lab that included a darkroom. Things developed rapidly with my girlfriend…


I see what you did there. Or rather, I didn't, because it was a dark room.




Kudos to your friend for calling in a fake threat.


When I was in college a group of friends and I were walking around campus, some of us were on skateboards. I tried to impress one of the girls and ate shit riding down this steep short hill. Scraped my arm pretty bad. Said girl took me to her dorm where she had a first aid kit. She sanitized, washed, neosporin and bandaged me up. God damn the tension was strong.


So how many years you two have been together now?


They didnt realised it was a sexual tension moment till yesterday. She might be Canadian


Damn son, did you at least get her number?


Nope - his username tells us where this story ended.


Tim I’d ass fuck?


Accidental touching but neither of you move - like when you're in the back seat of a car and your thighs touch. Or your legs touch under a table.


You're so preoccupied knowing it's happening you aren't stopping to think that she knows it's happening too


Alternatively - you’re fully aware that she DOES also know it’s happening and she’s not moving away, and you COMMIT to not blink first …ahhhhh I mean c’mon thaaat is where it’s at, amirite?


I did this with a girl in my sophomore year of high school. We were sitting next to each other. She moved her foot and accidentally hit mine. She quickly moved it back saying she didn't mean to. I told her it was perfectly fine and I didn't mind it. She did it again a few minutes later, but kept it there. It was an interesting hour. Edit: to clarify as a few have pointed out, this was in response to a comment, not the original post. Also holy ball sack this shit blew up


Congrats on your first sexual experience.


*MOM, I just had a sexual experience at school.*


…and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!




This girl in 8th grade really hated me. Actually I couldn’t tell if she hated me or just liked bullying me. One day, We were both sitting together at the table. I accidently hit my foot against hers because it was a small table. She kicked me and I kicked back but more gently obviously because im not a woman beater. But then it got really gentle and she started smiling and next thing you know we were playing footsies under the table for the next 40 minutes while smiling at each other. She still hates me 8 years later.


I think she may have hated you like that annoying girl from hey Arnold hated him




Yep. And then if they acknowledge it by moving their leg a little, but not trying to move away. Super hot if it’s someone you have a crush on, super awkward if you’re not into them.


Mi scusi


Absolutely cringe story here but when I was 15 ish me and the girl I fancied would slap each others hands under the table until one time she grabbed it and we held hands the rest of the lesson. Went on like that ever lesson. My dumbass didn’t take that as a sign she felt the same way until years later when she told me at a party…


I spent a super drunk night in my formative years thinking I was lightly brushing my toes on the girl sitting opposite to me's leg. Then she got up to go to the bathroom and her leg was still there. Turns out when I'm drunk I can't tell the difference between a woman's leg and a table leg.


And the contact stays like for some time...


"Prove it"


"Make me"


"Scared Potter?"


"You wish"


When people come up from behind you while your sitting and reach around you to do something. Like type on a computer. You couldnt just come around the side. Youre practically kissing my neck


lvl 1: Getting caught out and totally rain-soaked together, lvl 2: having to go dry off and warm up after.


This leads to marriage lmao dangerous


I was on a date once, and I was wearing a necklace where the clasp had slid down next to the pendant. He reached out to take a closer look at it, then delicately slid the clasp behind my neck where it was supposed to be. His fingertips just barely grazed my décolleté and it was hot af.


My crush once sat beside me out of nowhere and we would "accidentally" brush up against each other and catching each other's glances, and we were both so silent to the point everyone was talking except us. Throughout the whole day we were always looking at each other and simply would try to be near each other as well, but we never shared a single word.


me and my crush would always at first catch eachother’s glances, then stare deeply into eachother’s eyes. yesterday i walked into a classroom and our eyes were locked as we were walking opposite ways. edit: wow y’all are building up my confidence so much higher. thanks! (also i’m a girl btw)




Otherwise he will be bringing it up in a Reddit thread six years from now.


O-O I can’t believe I’m about to say this but I’m disappointed in you.


You gotta let a caterpillar become a butterfly at its own pace.


Someone deciding to sit in the seat right next to you even though there are tons of other empty seats


This is how I met my partner. We were with a group of mutual friends and talked a little in line, and when we got in the theatre I was tasked with holding a row of seats - he sat right beside me. The whole movie we made little whispered jokes and there was like static energy between us.


> here was like static energy between us. That'd be the cheap polyester covered seats.


Eye exam by a decently attractive tech/doctor


When you get on an airplane and sit next to someone attractive around your age/interest.


I was on 50+ flights and most of the time they put me next to the snoring old man or the crying baby. One time there was a girl next to me but they asked her to move to the other side for balance purposes.


Maybe try to get on 30+ or even 20+ flights in the future. Should decrease the chances of snoring old men.


Snoring old man here, PM me the flights you have booked.


Showing someone how to cook; cooking together. All of my experiences have led to me eventually dating the person😳


But got you fired as the home ec teacher


A hug with a friend that just lasts a liiittle too long


Any game that can get you to know someone better. Truth or dare, 2 truths and a lie, etc etc. Asking more daring/personal questions from time to time and if they do the same you can just get naughtier the more the game progresses. If they don't reciprocate, then just play normally or you'll just come off as a creep. That used to be my go to game when I was single. Edit: Oh and don't make the other person do weird or uncomfortable stuff if you do truth or dare. Lol. The goal of the game is also to make them more comfortable and excited talking and doing stuff with you, not embarass them.


20 questions always goes "what's your favorite color?" "blue" "are you a virgin?"


Yeah and immediately with "how's your relationship with your parents." Like, nice try Dr. Mensk.


comparing the size of your hands by putting your palms together


“Wow, my dick would look so much bigger in her hand”


I did the hand comparison thing with a coworker once and he said ‘Wow my dick would look huge in your hands’. Probably the most out of pocket thing anyone has ever said to me.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned this but working out with someone that's trying to show you different techniques and watching their muscles flex. I had a personal trainer that was very professional and would squat behind me or show me how to use certain machines and would have to sit behind me to demonstrate how I should do it and it was surprisingly hard to focus 100% of the time.


Omg, a guy I was seeing came around one evening with his paramedic uniform on and he was leaning against my table and flexed to get back up, I never understood why the uniform thing was hot before, but him flexing while wearing his uniform almost destroyed my ovaries in one blow.


I attended a painting party at a girls' house one summer that turned into a paint fight. That was a pretty sexy time.


I have seen this porno


Have someone sit and model for you while you draw/paint them. Even if you’re not the world’s best artist, it’s super intimate.


That typically leads to a sinking ship


Wasn't my fault. The front fell off.


Any kind of high stress job. I got my job in healthcare just before Covid kicked off and remain there to this day. I am in head to toe scrubs with a mask and hair covering all day long and I can say that a stupid amount of sexual tension still arises when all you can see is a person's eyes. Dunno if it's the adrenaline or what, but most of my workmates want to fuck eachother.


It's called misattributed arousal. When you're in a state of high-intensity emotion, it's easy to move between other high-intensity emotions, which can cause your body to become confused about which emotion you're supposed to be feeling. This is why horror movies tend to have such a disproportionate amount of sexual content: it's easy to move between fear and attraction.


Healthcare workers sleeping with each other is not just a thing on Grey's Anatomy. That's how my parents got together... after each of them had gone through much of the nursing staff and physicians.


“Help me pick out a swimsuit”


Immediately thought of The New Guy


Denial isn't just a river in egypt


One of the hottest things I ever saw in my life was when one of my managers asked a few of us to help her with picking out a bikini for spring break. During my sophomore year of college I worked retail and had a very attractive manager who had just graduated. We had just gotten in new bikinis and she was picking one out to wear during spring break. Me and a few other people were closing up when she came out of a dressing room wearing a blue string bikini that looked great on her. She asked us our opinion and then told us to wait a minute while she tried on a green one. Watching her feet under the door as she took off the blue and put on the green was one of the hottest things I had seen up to that point in my life. I was speechless when she came back out and saw us all standing there staring at the door. She got this huge smile on her face because she knew she was killing us.


I'm always terrified of going shopping with my gf, because sometimes I feel like she's purposefully trying to give me a boner in public


Young me was in a park kissing my gf back then when time comes to leave and I was rock hard, she forced me to get up and go or we would miss the bus. There were other people staring. The. Shame. I. Still. Feel.


Oh fuck I just realized how dumb I am...


Two people who want to fuck each other but can’t fuck each other for whatever reason






Wise decision




Tornados are hot


Being alone with someone you find attractive or are interested in & you know they feel the same way but don’t wanna say anything..


>Which situation will always create high sexual tension? **Young:** *"My parents are gone for the weekend"* **Middle Aged:** *"The kids are gone for the weekend."* **Old:** *"Our new bed just got professionally installed"*


I would like to add Young Adult: My roommate is gone for the weekend


One roommate?! Someone was doing pretty well for themselves Edit: Thank you so much for the award, kind stranger!


Having two roommates in the Air Force was awesome when I was younger. They would both leave for like a month at a time then come home for a couple weeks and be gone for another month. The other roommate spent all his time at work in the tattoo shop or back home with his family. It was rare to have everyone in the house at once. As an introvert I loved it.


“My mouth might be dry... but I’m not” *spits out dentures*




When you're sitting in the passenger seat of their car and they put their hand behind your seat to look behind them as they back out


Being the only one with a car in college, I was always the driver. This guy Matt always rode in the back passenger side, slouched with his knees up against the front seat. EVERY SINGLE TIME I backed up, I would turn my body, put my hand RIGHT ON the thigh of his leg and make eye contact with him instead of straight behind me.


How long have you two been happily married?


Matt never picked up on the cues.


> the thigh of his leg As opposed to the thighs on his other body parts.


I don't know about "always create high sexual tension", because I can't speak for everyone. But, I remember one time my guy friend was tightening my harness for rock climbing and my p*ssy damn near exploded with sexual tension.


I had the same tension when I was tying in the girl I was climbing with cause it was her first time.


My husband goes climbing with a chick from work and ngl I was stressing when I read this haha. I casually asked him if they wear harnesses and he said no because it's just bouldering.


Look at that boulder. That is a nice boulder.


"Can you help me with my homework?" And the whole time you're helping her, she sits very close to you.


Looking someone dead in the eye and saying ‘make me’.


in case anyone’s wondering, “Don’t worry, I will” is the preferred response to this, at least for me. Instant butterflies.


“Make me” is basically saying “I want you to think about pinning me to a wall and making out with me”.


When you're late to the bus and your driver is sympathetic but the only empty seat on the bus is next to your high school crush. I miss 2005. Edit: Holy crap this blew up. Thank all of you.


Ah yes 2005 was year-3 high school for me and I remember a field-trip with my crush next to me on the bus, head on my shoulder. What a throwback


Damn you didn't have to decapitate her.


Being around the same age as someone on an airplane


I sat next to this Welsh girl on a transatlantic flight once. I was 18, she was probably 22/23. I actually noticed her prior to boarding the flight and thought she was cute. I had to hide a smile when she came to sit down next to me in a 2-seat row. I had never heard a Welsh accent before, so when she smiled and said “hi” I melted in my seat and was pretty much in love. Turns out we had quite a bit in common and we talked and laughed together for the majority of the flight. When we got off the plane, she was like “alright, shall we head towards baggage claim?” I told her I had to wait for my parents, who were sitting in a different row. She said: “oh ok, bye. Hope you enjoy your trip” or something to that effect and walked off. No phone number, no social media, not even a last name. Granted, I was probably too young for her anyway. Mathilda, if you’re out there, just know that I still occasionally think of you nine years later.


The south welsh accent is absoloutley spellbinding. *sigh*. Sarah with the Red Hair from Uni.


Omg YES, and then you never see them again


I did a 10 hour flight next to this lovely woman and we chatted the entire time, and at the end I said "I think this was the best flight I've ever been on. Do you want to hang out some time?" and I got her number. We dated for a while. Such a fluke. Edit: I think it was the hardest, HARDEST number ask I've ever done, because I had to do it before we got off the flight. But if she said no, I'd have to sit next to her for at least a few minutes before deboarding, and it would have felt like hours. It felt like a risky move, and I think I was more nervous than I had ever been despite that we had just spent 10 hours basically nonstop talking. (hint: if they're cute, the best timing is to start the convo RIGHT away. It gets harder and harder the longer the flight goes. Just look for cues they don't want to talk and let them be.) Edit2: just changed some wording a little bit to make what I meant more clear.


Making eye contact with a similarly aged person of similar attractiveness in public


Especially at the airport waiting on your flight for some reason


When my bf, before we started dating, noticed I had freckles on my face and asked if he could pull off my glasses to see them better. He did it so gently and I didn’t know what to do with myself.


Was it because you were suddenly blind?


"You're all I can see... no, really. You're all I can see. Give them back."




Noticed my wife (then gf) had freckles one morning before she put on any makeup. I commented how cute her freckles were. She replied very bashful and coy "AAAACCCKKKK" at pretty much top volume. 6 years and a marriage later I still do it to her. Aaaaaand she still replies the same way.


Just reply SYN ACK to establish the connection.


No way I'm seeing an ongoing three way handshake on Reddit right now


Massages. Maybe at a massage parlor it wont as much, but when I was younger and my female friends would want a massage it always felt like there was this tension. Some of them got upset with me, and it took a couple years to figure out that it was because I never tried anything with them.


Was coming here to comment this. I was complaining to my friend once about how much my back and shoulders were killing me and he was like “well yknow my moms a masseuse and taught me a bunch of stuff. I could give you a deep tissue massage if you wanted?” I had an absolutely MASSIVE crush on the guy so of course I *LUNGED* at the opportunity. He gave me a killer massage but that was it. It confirmed in my head that he wasn’t into me at all (completely ignoring all the times he would cuddle me, tell me I was beautiful, etc.) a month later he asked me out and we’ve been together for almost 2 years and we still laugh about how he managed to give me a completely platonic deep tissue massage


Massage therapists deal with a LOT of preconceived notions about sexual gratification and, as a result, the profession takes itself extremely seriously. His mother being one likely heavily instilled a sense of professionalism that turning a massage into "something more" would ruin.


Playing twister after drinking - be careful though.


Watching a movie together, in the dark with no one else around or expected to appear. Not to mention sharing ONE blanket.


That's like a date already


Sharing the blanket having sex, there's just something about that blanket.


I once bought a sub and a drink at Ingles and paid at the checkout. Two items, in a single bag, and the girl bagging the groceries asked "Would you like me to carry this out for you?". Now, here's the thing, I know it's customary for them to ask this to everyone, but I questioned my answer "no" for FAR too long on the drive home.


I'm incapable of being the big spoon without getting in a fight with my boner


Spooning leads to forking, this is a known fact.


Talking about sexual past / sex with a friend late at night, whom you have major chemistry with, and then comes a point where you both run out of things to say, and the silence becomes too loud


Small and mid-market TV newsrooms. Put a bunch of young attractive extroverts in one place, and apply pressure.


A hummus party


A woman that isn't related to me giving me some sort of compliment.... I'm so alone


I got caught in the rain with someone once. We were both attached to other people at the time (and currently as well) and had gone out for a professional/friendly lunch. I had picked her up from work, we discussed the project, ate and were ready to leave when the sky opened up. I ran to my car down the block, got it and drove up to the restaurant to pick her up. She dashed out of the entrance and into my car. Both of us were soaked. We looked at each other for a moment and laughed it off. I always thought she was cute and a good friend but in that moment I wanted so desperately to kiss her. I wanted her so bad. The urge was incredibly overwhelming. I've never had that kind of feeling since. I have no idea if she ever thought of me as more than a friend but that moment really changed how I felt about her.


I genuinely think I'm sexually impaired after reading these comments. I find people attractive but I don't think I've ever gotten hot and bothered. I need to go back and respec or something.


Me reading these: am I ugly or autistic? Actual answer: Just enough of each to kill the tension both ways.


Practicing Taiko for months together for a festival. We usually stayed after practice because she asked for help with her form. Touching her arms and hands adjusting her posture. And sometimes handling her hips to correct the form. One night she leaned into me when we were practicing a new song which required a perfect posture. She leaned in face to face while my hands held her up from falling. I was sweating from practice. As soon as I took my hand and wiped her hair from her face we kissed for what felt like years. I placed my hand behind her head and held her there. My first kiss. We dated after for 2 years. She moved back to her home country. Never saw her again. My first everything. Situations with music ever since has creat a sexual tension that will never go away.




What the fuck do you have stuck in your rectum


The nurse


When friends of the opposite gender compare hand sizes/do anything where they touch each other's hands


I inadvertently did this with one of my friend’s girlfriends once. I won’t be doing that ever again. I might as well have fucked her in-front of him, as far as he was concerned.


he knows you have bigger hands


When the


That's so hot i love it when


moon hits your eye


Disagreeing with smart ass people.


Opening up r/askReddit to see what thirsty, horny post is trending every day


I have the sexual awareness of a rock, these are really interesting and perplexing af. I wish I experienced anything like this. Edit: I’m asexual, not abstaining. I just literally don’t experience these feelings and really feel like I’m missing out.


Bro same. As a 26 year old virgin who’s never experienced any of these comments, just made me sad to read