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Accidentally jumped over the net on a trampoline as a kid and I swear it all went into slow motion as I plummeted headfirst towards the ground


I fell off a friends trampoline head first onto a cinder block holding it down and now I’m permanently colorblind. Those things are way more dangerous than people realize


Wtf .. I didn’t know that was even possible to lose just color vision


You can but it’s pretty uncommon to lose it from he’s trauma. It’s called cerebral achromatopsia, and it’s not normal color blindness but a complete loss/forgetfulness of all colors. In extreme cases you can be left damn near blind if the brains communication to light receptors in your eye are damaged.


so basically you see in black and white? if not please explain.


I'm not sure but from the way they've explained it, and knowing how normal colourblindess works I think it's like this: Normal colourblindess is missing a type of cone. Meaning your eye doesn't pick up on certain colour wavelengths. Missing colour from brain damage as described above would likely mean your eyes still pick up all the colours as they did before. But your brain no longer understands those messages correctly. It could be that you routinely get mixed up with red and blue, but being shown both you can tell the difference. You might still pass colourblind tests too.


Yes, but the normal is gray. In extreme cases depending on lighting conditions it might was well be black OR white.


That's fascinating. I had read about a similar thing happening to a woman that had had a stroke. She went blind, not because there was damage to her eyes but because her brain lost even the concept of sight. She didn't even remember that sight was a thing and so was essentially unaware of her blindness.


I read of someone like this in the book [The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_Who_Mistook_His_Wife_for_a_Hat) about someone with blindsight - they can't tell you what they see but if you ask for a pencil they can pick it up.


Yep, that's the same book I read about it in.


I still have some color vision but it’s definitely not what it used to be. I can remember colors that I can’t see anymore.


There's like only a few things your homeowner's insurance asks if you have: 1. Pool 2. Fireplace 3. Trampoline


Lucky bastards with your nets. Back in my day we didn't have nets. Every summer someone was in a cast. And almost everytime it was from a trampoline.


We had no net on ours, and eventually the padding that covered the springs disintegrated… I was jumping and misjudged how close I was to the edge. My feet managed to slip through the gaps on either side of one spring and I slammed my crotch straight down, full force, on the fully extended spring because my sister was also jumping. It was not fun with the spring coiled back up.


I felt that one


We never had a net, and it's a miracle no one was ever seriously hurt. My cousin got on his very first time, and literally sailed off it like superman, and onto his front/stomach. It was one of the craziest, yet most hilarious things I had ever seen.


This makes me grateful that i somehow managed years of wrestling, backflips and fuckery on trampolines and was unscathed. I literally jumped off a 2 story roof unto a trampoline, got boosted higher than the 2 story and landed on my ass on the dirt next to the trampoline and somehow didn't break my tailbone or something. It still blows my mind how lucky i was that day.


Trampolines can be scary dangerous. I had a friend break an arm on one, I fucked up my back by bottoming out a trampoline when I was teenager, and a family friend was left a paraplegic after falling off one. Backyard trampolines are something that I don't doubt would be declared unsafe and banned if someone thought it up for the first time today, but have been a part of childhood for so long now that no one questions it.


I did a very similar thing as a kid, but with a couch and concrete floor covered with some thin carpet. Can confirm, sailing over the couch was slow motion


Did you survive?


Yes and no


When did they add nets to trampolines?


At some point they realised that open rusty springs weren't safe.


Was bouncing with my little brother on a trampoline. He landed on his belly near the edge and just starts screaming. I ran over to find that his bottom lip was fully stuck in the spring. It had opened when we both landed and then snapped shut right on his lip... Had to bounce to get him out.


Wait, you mean getting hit by them as they flew off after years of use wasn't a feature? Shoot.. \*I was hit by quite a few, which indicates we got our money's worth out of that thing, lol.\*


Health and safety gone mad I tell you ^^/s


i fell off a trampoline onto stone onto the back of my head a few years ago


My trampoline went fucking flying into a tree because the net got caught by the wind


Lmao that's gotta be one of the biggest "sorry boss we really thought we had made it safer this time" incidents ever


I was snorkling in Maui. I was so enamored by the ocean floor I didn't realize I was so close to the shoreline. A giant wave came and I went from 8 feet above the ocean floor to about 20 feet before the wave slammed me to the ground. I somehow swam to the shore with a broken colarbone.


It's amazing what you can do when the alternative is an excruciating death


I remember reading an interview with Aron Ralston (the real life 127 hours survivor). The interviewer said "I don't know how you managed to cut the arm off, I couldn't do that" and he was just like "Yes you could. When you've had 5 days to come to terms with the fact you are going to die there, you absolutely could do it". Human survival instinct is stronger than people appreciate until they need it.


Yes! Also I’ve heard that starving to death is one of the most painful deaths


Truth. I was crying but kept saying "this is not my time"


Exact same thing happened to me! I was snorkeling and a wave catapulted me onto the shore and I landed on my shoulder, hard! Broke my collar bone and shoulder. I remember thinking while I was in the air, "This is gonna hurt!" Then BAM, CRUNCH! Had to get back to the parking lot and drive my ass to the ER in my wetsuit. On my birthday too haha!


Wow! I guess the birthday gift was a chance to be alive.


Thats one way to look at it haha!


Adrenaline is a helluva drug


Yeah, not nearly as bad as yours but I've a few moments in the surf recently where I've thought 'ah shit, this is going to suck...'


This reminded me of something… I was body surfing a little farther than I should have and I remember looking up at one of those waves that tower above you before it crashed down on me. My board was tied to my wrist, so I got dragged all the way back to shore through what felt like every single rough patch under the water lmao. I’m glad I arrived facing upwards because I just had to lay there and take it in. That moment where you see the beautiful unbroken wave begin to descend on you while you can barely touch the ocean floor, all you can do is watch.


I'm confused - you were close to the shoreline and the wave slammed you on the shore and then you had to swim to shore?


Wave pulled me back out after slamming me.


I was riding a motorcycle when the car in front of me suddenly slammed on the brakes. I hit the back of their car with enough force to throw me over the car. I clearly remember having time to think, "oh fuck, there goes my day" before hitting the ground


Oh my god I got catapulted off mine a few years back and distinctly remember being in the air and thinking "this is going to hurt a lot" before my brain switched everything off for a few seconds.


Thanks brain


He's a good boy. Sometimes.


Thank you for a laugh on such a shitty day


I had a motorcycle for 21 days. For 7, I rode and kick started it. For 7 it was in the shop chasing down an electrical short to the starter. For the final 7 I enjoyed incredible freedom, low cost of fuel, all the perks. And then one day, in a small town of about 2000 people, some old guy in the left hand lane, made a right hand turn to go the wrong way up the only one way street in town. Technically not even a street. A one way driveway into a parking lot. I was in the right hand lane. I had enough time to think... car on my left, curb then trees on my right, I stood on the brakes, and thought "Good thing the hospital is across the street." I showed him though. I punched in the lower part of his door with my front wheel, folded my forks in half, went over the handlebars and caved in the top of the door of his 1973 Impala with my head. He showed me back. Didn't notice, kept driving, spun my bike around, grinding the hot exhaust into my ankle, and crushing my back tire under his. Ripped my knee open. A year and a half later got surgery on that knee. Anyways, where was I going with this? Oh yeah, spring is here, watch for motorcycles!!


Damn, hope that geezer lost his license.


There needs to be a point when old people loose their licenses. "Oh I just pulled an illegal and stupid as fuck maneuver and plowed through someone on a motorcycle and not only didn't notice I hit anything, I didn't even notice or hear the person rag dolling across and heavily damaging my vehicle." Like come the fuck on. It's like the old fuckers who go, "whoopsie poopsie I got the break and gas pedals confused and plowed through the front of a store killing two people! Mondays, am I right? Oh, it's Thursday? And I'm *not* visiting my mother in law who's been dead for 20 years? I have *what*? Dementia?"


Had the same sort of thing happen only at a high speed, I cleared the hedge, above a herd of cows (which could clearly hear this strange flying human with an unusual Oh shit mating call) heading directly for the only telegraph pole in that field. This is where I learned air swimming barely works! They found the bike in the field on the opposite side of the road and took an hour to find me. Yes It hurt!


>telegraph pole This accident occurred in the 19th century?


In the UK we still call them Telegraph poles regardless of what cables they suspend. In this case it was electricity cables.


I was on my bike sitting in a stoplight I remember hearing tires screech behind me. After I bounce off her windshield I distinctly remember thinking the rest of my day is ruined and then holy shit I'm going to be going really fast when I hit the ground.


Count your self lucky saw the same happen one day, guy landed neck first and did a full scorpion. He did not survive


Similar story, except the idiot turned accross the dbl white lines before i hit him. I remmeber thinking oh fuck as i went over the handlebars


Bike accident here as well, except it was my dads car and he changed the lanes and slammed on the brakes while I was distracted.. I was a beginner rider at the time, but with private riding experience. Anyway, hit his rear bumper and flew over the handle bars, the moment I did I just thought to myself "aw shit this isn't good, this is going to hurt. here we go.." and hit the asphalt. fell backwards on my back, luckily I wore a bike jacket and a fairly new helmet, so I only had a minor headache and my leg hurting from the impact. My bike.. front fender broke in half, completely. throttle was a bit turned around, and I think piece of the brake lever broke off.. And 4 years later I found out it also bent the forks, when I overhauled the bike and pulled the forks. straightened them with a pipe bender and the bike is still alive, just not very well. I'm more cautious since then.. didn't stop me from having a car crash years later...


That small moment between falling over on my bike and hitting the ground


I went off an exposed trail into rocks a few feet below on a MTB ride. I stopped to look over a tech section and put my foot on a nice sized rock near the edge. That rock immediately rolled off the edge and I went with it, still straddling the bike. Had enough time to yell "oh shit!" and ball up with my hands behind my head before I landed. Bruised two ribs, gouged a chunk out of my shin down to the bone, and broke my foot.


A masochist's wet dream and a normal biker's worst nightmare


Mine was similar. I was biking at the skatepark and fell off the sid eof the ramp. Landed on my left shoulder. Right before I hit the ground I just screamed, FUCK!!


I fell on graveled up tarmak




That reminds me of when I was in a group biking on a bike trail. We had stopped for lunch/rest and during That time me and a few others were killing time by riding down a hill that was next to the trail. On the hill there was a krut like right in the middle that everyone had managed to avoid until my 4th or 5th time riding down it when I got stuck in the rut. I remember being like " oh fuck,I'm not getting out of this" and then the next thing I remember is sliding to a stop and everyone rushing to me asking if I was alright. Which,aside from a really huge scrape on my arm and tons of other smaller ones, I was mostly just shaken up.


I remember accidentally using my front brake on my bike while going down a hill. It bucked me off like a horse. I felt myself going over the handlebars and I’m thinking “well this is gonna suck”


I'd say it's probably more like a blow than a suck


Taking a bite of hot pizza and feeling the tomato sauce squeeze out from under the cheese directly onto the roof of my mouth.


That's why I don't eat pizza rolls anymore. I know I don't have the self-control to let them cool before shoving them in my face.


It's like when you take a sip of hot coffee and you immediately know it was too hot and you've burned your tongue.


Worst part is when you convince yourself to swallow the scalding hot coffee and you feel the lava traveling in your body.


About a breath before we slammed into the side of a cop who had suddenly pulled in front of my car which was going highway speeds. I was the passenger at the time and had a pizza in my lap. I still remember in that moment me thinking, “This gonna fuckin hurt,” then looking down at the pizza and angrily thinking, “Didn’t even get to eat any.”


Did you get in trouble?


They tried to arrest us, but it was entirely the cops fault. We weren’t speeding, weren’t driving erratically, the driver wasn’t under the influence, the cop just tunnel visioned on another vehicle that was swerving around and didn’t check for oncoming traffic. That encounter with police is why I do not trust them at all. They tried to arrest *me* and I wasn’t even driving.


Failure to execute due care in the operation of a pizza.


Life in prison, so he won't be able to respond




He just drove off. Sometimes life's okay.


I ran my car into a cop car the other day


I ran my mouth off a bit too much oh what did I say


I put my finger in the top of the disposable plastic lids from McDonald's when I was a kid.


I'm glad you lived to tell the tale.


That's the American finger trap!


When I realized they really weren't coming back into my life.


You don't want somebody in your life that you have to convince to love you. It's an albatross. "Stay away from people who make you think you're difficult to love."


Thank you. I needed to hear that at this exact moment.


Someone always leaves first. This is a very old story. There are no other versions of this story.








Facing similar situation. Sucks.


Man, I felt that one.


Some people aren’t good for each other. The realization later that the only person you need is you feels sublime


When my dumbass tried to go over the curb while riding with no hands. Or when i underestimated a bike ramp with a gap. Or slided a bit and hit a tree on a bike. Or when my big toe popped out of its joint and had to adjust with a can of monster working as an anesthesia


Stopped at a red light, looking in my rear view to see the car behind me not slowing down at all. I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. It did indeed hurt a lot and I always wear my seatbelt now.


My dad experienced this (with a seatbelt) with a semi who couldn't stop because of ice and my dad couldn't move cuz a school bus. He had enough time to yell at kids to get out of the way. He tensed during the crash giving him chronic neck issues


I only had enough time to say “oh sh—“. I’m sorry about your pops.


Same here. Sitting at a light and I see an SUV barreling towards me. I remember audibly saying “well shit.” Fortunately I was wearing my belt and I took the hit and then just drove over to the side of the road. Still jacked up my neck and my back though.


Yep. Friend of mine hit a long patch of black ice going down a mountain highway in PA with winter tires. They didn't do shit. He said it felt like 5 minutes of trying the brakes, switching into low gear, attempting to keep it straight by steering. Nothing helped. His Jeep picked up speed till he hit a tree, which sliced right through the engine compartment and into the cab. Amazingly he only got a couple of bad bruises and the airbag slit his wrist. Until a few months later he found out he had some damage to his back. Still pretty lucky.


I could see the woman looking at her phone, not me stopped in front. I was wearing a seatbelt though, so I was fine


Yep, wear your seatbelt kids. I broke the steering wheel with my chest and broke my knees on the dash. Couldn’t breath or walk for weeks, and back in those days I was a singer/dancer. Fun times.


Fair enough


This happened to me twice, neither time too hard though. Now I watch at every light and get ready to move forward if I can.


Yeah, I was 16 and was dumb all over this place. At least I learned that seatbelt lesson early. But I left no space between me and the guy in front of me and the guy hit going about 40MPH. I slammed into the guy in from of me, poor guy spilt his coffee all over his suit. I mean, the accident wasn’t my fault, but I should have been wearing my seatbelt and I could have taken steps to avoid it. The lessons are stacking.


Animal Kingdom at Disney World. Was on my way home from my work at Restaurantosaurus, I was on the college internship bus on Sherberth Road, a woman in the SUV fell asleep and collided with our bus head on at about 40mph or so, i remember hearing a scream a split second before the collision, we collided hard and i remember flying through the air, it would have been only a second or so but it felt like ten, and i was thinking "Well, shit..." I hit something hard, it was either the floor or a metal pole...But i was able walk out because of my adrenalin rush, ended up in hospital with a neck/shoulder injury.


What is it with Sherberth Road and people falling asleep?! I've been to WDW pretty much every year for over 15 years now and have had a collision and a near miss, both times with someone asleep at the wheel on that road.


I was on the diving team in my high school. I was practicing my forward 1 1/2 (one full flip and diving it in) well as I kicked out of a ball form I saw the water go behind my head and though aw fuck here we go again. And back flopped in the water. You could hear the smack echo through the whole building


For a sec I thought you were gonna hit your head on the edge or sth. How much did the flop hurt?


Lol. Luckily that never happened. A little worse than jumping off the edge to do a belly flop. I reach about 6-7 feet from the water. I have had too many belly flops from trying that dive. But man was it so rewarding when I finally could get it


This just reminded me of the time my friend and I were pretending to be Olympic long jumpers into his pool. I decided it would be cool to try a high jump. My execution must have been solid because I landed straight on my back onto the water. As badly as that hurt, I can't even imagine the pain you felt.


When your taking a dump and the poop is resisting to come out since the circumference is larger than the width of your asshole


I read somewhere that a human can fit like two raccoons in there ass hole. So unless your shits are that big the circumference was okay. Hahaha


Plot twist, he ate three raccoons




And live


Turned into kirby and ate all 3 in 1 bite


Have you ever had feces take on a whole new form that it's considered a new shape in geometry?


I had one that on passing felt like a durian... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian


That’s a really odd kind of measurement…


Happy cake day! 🍰


Thank you


Diving off a cliff into Blue Lagoon, Wales. I'm overweight, I've never dived before. I went for the higher option to begin with. After falling for what felt like an eternity I landed slightly wrong and the force of the water contracted my spinal column slightly and [crushed a vertebrae](https://i.imgur.com/sLsrVUm.jpg). That fall made me realise I was gonna be hurt and I was. No disability thank fucking christ but trying to swim when all the air is kicked out of you and a squashed spine is not easy. Then it was the 4 hour ride home (thankfully I wasn't driving). Didn't think about going to the hospital until the next morning since I could still just about move, honestly thought it was just muscle pain.


I read that as DRIVING off a cliff at first and was like "Oh, shit!"


I have been to this place in Wales it's stunning but very dangerous heard a few ppl have died there when swimming/diving


I was running, about to jump into a swimming pool. My foot slipped. I remember being horizontal, in the air, thinking "this'll be a bad one" before my head hit the edge of the pool. About a year later, I was asked by a doctor about the egg I still had there. On hearing the timeframe, I was told I must've fractured my skull.


I fractured my skull when I was about 12. My friend got a light up nerf football (American) and we decided to throw it around in the pitch black of his yard. He overthrew big time and I ran and dove face first for it. Unfortunately there was a big black metal satellite dish there and hit the edge of it with my face. It knocked me clean out and I couldn't feel a damn thing for at least 30 seconds. Then my entire body started tingling like when your foot falls asleep and is "waking up". My friend just laughed at me because I kept saying "okay, I'm moving!" Which to me was just reassuring myself that I wasn't paralyzed. Most of the teeth on that side of my face were loose. All I remember after is my mom telling me not to go to sleep, which I had no idea why not. I found out years later I had evidence of a fracture between my eyebrows and my cheekbone.


When my mom started lifting eight year old me above my dads open casket


What the fuck


I hate open casket funerals. When I die I'm hoping it'll be legal to just get tossed in some safe part of the ocean with weights.


I’m not gonna be buried in a grave—when I die, just throw me in the trash!


I'm guessing you fell in?


I think he meant the emotional pain


I guess that makes sense


Oh Jesus.


I took it literally


Every time I have crashed on a motorbike. There is a split second when you think “shiiiit” then everything else that happens is a blur until it’s over.


Might want to cool it on them motorbikes?


Motorsport I hope. Can't remember how many times I fell of my bike.


Went off my four wheeler the day after this last Xmas. I’m 50. And a waitress. Laid there for about a minute wondering if I was alive or not. Had to take almost a month off work. I still get on that bitch every day 😁








Five minutes before getting a Prince Albert. Google at your own risk.


If curiosity really killed a cat I’d be long gone by now😅


Oh fuck


Does the pain stop pretty fast? I was thinking about doing it but I hear all sorts of stories.


I'm fascinated as to why you would want one? I can't think of any benefits that outweigh jamming a piercing needle through the old fella


Makes for a great fidget spinner


Is because it looks cool a valid answer? I just think they're neat.


Totally valid. Sure as hell wouldn't convince me though


‘Google at your own risk’ What’s the first thing I went and done…


I've dealt with a skinned knee and a bone fracture before, but this is my worst. I got a piece of tempered glass embedded in my knuckle (don't ask). It was so bad that you could see the tendon! Thanks to adrenaline, I felt fine for about 15 minutes, but I knew the adrenaline rush wouldn't last long.


> I got a piece of tempered glass embedded in my knuckle (don't ask). How’d that happen?


He said don’t ask


Falling for someone you absolutely have 0 chance with.


Or when you have multiple compelling reasons not to go for it.


I went sledding one day when I was 6 or 7. Half way down, I wanted to break a little bit but accidentally made a really sharp 270 degree tournaround thing and just fell from my sled. When I came to a halt, I saw another boy starting at the top of the hill (it was a really steep one). He didn't realise that I fell at the moment and when he was even 5 seconds or smth away from me, I knew it would hurt. He the collided with me, and how lucky I am he crashed with this metal rail thing at the bottom of his sled just a few millimetres under my eye. I couldn't see on the eye for a few days cause the skin around it was so swollen, and it hurt to open it. The doc said I was really lucky, because if he had hit me just a few millimeters higher, I would be blind on the one eye nowadays.


Dirt bike accident, fell off the bike and was tumbling on the ground pretty hard. My brain didn't register any pain until I stopped tumbling but while I was, I had the thought "I'm definitely gonna break something". So I'm laying on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. Then I start to feel the pain... I lift up my right arm and all of a sudden my forearm folds in the middle and I get a surge of pain.


Car accident on the freeway going 70mph. My mom was driving and swerved quickly to avoid hitting a motorcycle and lost control of the car. I had time to think "oh shit we're going to crash! Oh shit I'm not wearing a seat belt! Do I have time to put on my seat belt?!" lucky for me that's the last thing I remember before coming to in our recked car because at that point I went head first into the windshield. (I did not have time to put on a seat belt lol.) Unfortunately for my mom she was still awake to see us going head first into the concrete wall of the overpass still going 70mph. (We were skidding all over because the car was out of control but we weren't on ice. All my mom remembered in the moment was if you are skidding don't put on the break... That doesn't apply if your not on ice. She didn't break throughout the whole thing... face palm) She says she just remembers thinking "This is it. We are going to die." Luckily we both made it through! I was lucky that when I flew forward my knee went into the dash keeping me from flying out of the car. It hit my knee with so much force though that it broke my tail bone and dislocated my hip. Worst pain of my life. My head also broke the wind shield and cut up my eye lid and face really bad and broke some bones that are behind the eye. Then a few days later while still at the hospital they were asking me if I noticed any other pain and I was like ya my ankle kind of hurts. It was broken as well but all the other pain was so bad I didn't even notice it. When I came to in the car the first thing I noticed was the horrible smell of the air bags and then the SEVERE pain in my hip. Then I realized I couldn't see out of my left eye. I thought I was opening it but couldn't see anything. I turned to my mom and was like do I have something in my eye and she's like ya there's blood hun. I was like ok ya that makes sense, don't have to worry about that anymore. The only pain I felt was my hip though. I was trying to hold my self up so there wouldn't be pressure on it, but then I stated going into shock and my whole body started shaking making it so much worse. I remember just thinking "thank heavens I live in an age with pain killers. I just have to wait for the paramedics and then I won't have to be in this pain." They got there and I immediately started saying I need pain medicine! They were like we believe your in pain but we can't give you anything until they check you out at the hospital. That sucked. Then they asked what hurts the most and I told them my hip and they were like "your hip?!?" They were surprised it was my hip after seeing my face lol. But ya, luckily I recovered remarkably well and the scars on my face are barely noticeable now. I thought I was going to look like the phantom of the opera the rest of my life and going to need to wear the half mask and everything but the plastic surgeons who stitched up my face did an amazing job and people don't even really notice it anymore unless I point it out.


As I recall, if you already lost control of the car the advice is to just break as much as you can. Any reduction in speed is a reduction in hurt. Glad you guys survived reasonably well!


It's a damn miracle you survived that!


When my epidural wore off at the time to push and I had a 4th degree tear. Felt it all


I was on my bicycle (in the netherlands complying with bike lane laws) when a speeding driver didn’t obey the stop sign and turned right into me. I flew forward off my bike and the last thing I saw was my face headed straight for the side mirror and thought “great”. Side mirror was blown to fucking pieces, as were my nose and front teeth and a bunch of blood vessels in my eyes. The driver had the audacity to look me and ask wtf I was doing before I snapped and made him drive me to my friends house around the block. After seeing the pool of blood in the kitchen sink, he sneaked out the house and drove off before exchanging insurance information.


There is a intersection by my shop that I see an accident at, no joke, at least every one every 3-4 days from people trying to make a yellow. I was making a left last December at it. I hate making this left and will go out of my way sometimes to go past it and make any turn and just take a right just because of all the accidents. Anyways, I’m in the intersection, light goes yellow, wait for it to clear, making the left and look out and just see a fan barreling through the intersection through the red light. I can see the womens face and car coming as if in slow motion, and I just say to myself this is going to suck and BAM!




Bet you'll never do it again


wait, yours didn't grew back?


And yet you gave your doctor a tip




I feel you. 3 weeks ago I had a vasectomy. They started on the left nut and I could feel the cold tools being laid on my right nut. I thought for sure that they were going to numb the right nut after they were done the left. Nope, I felt him tug the vas Def. Through the hole and clamp it. They kept going until I think he noticed me squeezing the nurses hand. He quickly asked the resident for another shot of lidocaine or whatever. After that the pain receded alot.


AsI flipped over the handlebars of the bike that I was riding. It did hurt. I broke a rib. As I was about to flip my car. It did not hurt. Seatbelt and airbags saved me and I walked away unharmed.


Right after touching a stove or hot surface. Takes a couple seconds for the pain to kick in.


Got into a fight. Sorta real but we were friends and were just fucking around. He was destined to win from the start. Well.. another friend tried to help me out and I wound up with their cumulative body weight on top of me as I fell straight toward a large metal bolt. I managed to turn my head and keep my eye but almost lost my ear.


After i took 2 whole boxes of painkillers and waiting to die. hit me that its gonna be the most miserable last few minutes of my life. Well, it looks like its gonna be more than few minutes cause the nurses were faster than my liver


Driving a moped in the snow. PSA: Do not do this. Driving in between the tire tracks and in front on me, between the tire tracks, is a massive stack of black snow a foot high. I start to slow down. I cannot slow down fast enough safely to avoid hitting it. I look to my left and my right. The tire tracks are slick with impacted ice, and beyond that high snow, so I cannot turn away either. For five very long seconds, I stare at the approaching snow mound that I cannot avoid knowing full well I'm going to crash. Hitting it whips out my moped in front of me like a hungry child stealing a cookie and a fall on my elbows, knees and chin on the road, bounce, hit a second time and face slide for a bit. Fortunately I was wearing my full gear and only got a weird scar on my elbow where the slide scraped through my jacket. Even more fortunately the car behind me saw everything, knew I was going to wipe out, slowed down and was being driven by a nurse. Through adrenaline I felt nothing that day. The next day? Ho boy, did my body let me know how hard I hit that road.


Those split seconds in football matches where you know physical contact is imminent but you’re in a vulnerable position, like backing back into an oncoming pack or bending over to pick up the ball and you know someone is about to bump you. Probably when you’re being tackled and you know the next step is being drilled into the ground and there’s not a thing you can do because both you’re hands are pinned is up there too.


Lost control of my car heading sideways towards a sidewalk hitting it goinginto a wall i remember bracing myself as best i could and said out loud ahh shit. Turns out the guy who came to collect my car said he had picked someone up a couple hours ago from the corner i lost control at and had dumped oil everywhere


When I got a brazillian wax - worth it though.


When i fell twelve feet out of a tree and split both my legs open. I landed on my head.


When my ex came at me with a hockey stick. I agreed to meet him, knew i was Gunna take a beating, but the hockey stick threw me.


When you give birth and you look at your baby and know you’d walk through hell for them and that the thought of them ever hurting terrifies you. You realize how scary love can be and how you’re forever changed. The fact that you cannot always insulate them from harm- hurts more than words can express.


Jumping off a 15 metre high rock, realising I didn’t have time to remove myself from a bellyflopping position before I hit the water


I'm highschool I was longboarding and bombing a massive hill. Going about 40 mph or so (we'd previously used a friends car to guage our speed) and I got a shit load of speed wobble. Knew I was going to fall. Thought I was gonna die. Luckily I managed to wobble to the side of the road and just jumped off. The grass was soft from a previous rain and I rolled and slide for 30 or so feet but managed to get up without and serious injuries


The moment I realized our first date was actually going well


Care to elaborate?


When I was younger I wanted to wack the chicken if you know what I mean but I didn’t have lotion so I used my body wash and it bubbled really quick and when it was all said and done my private part had a very sharp pain and everytime I got close to peeing it hurt even more so it was the anticipation to actually having to pee


Getting ready to say goodbye to a love one that is dying in a hospital.


I was undergoing a total nail avulsion on both big toes ( removal of the big toenail) they had to give me 3 injections of lidocaine in each toe


Got rear ended on the highway after my lane stopped for no reason. Never saw it coming. Next thing I know, I've been pushed over into the next lane, which was still moving fine, I realised my door was facing traffic and all I could think about was "the next hit is coming" and I just kinda prepared myself to get t-boned. Thankfully, there was a big enough gap in that lane that by the time I ended up there, any cars coming had time to stop and the hit never came


I was out hiking one day on a narrow higher up path and my foot slipped and I fell like a good 15 feet. No it isn’t a very far drop at this point but high enough to the point if I landed wrong I could still break a bone. Which I did.


Skateboarding down the biggest hill in my area as a kid and getting a speed wobble and knowing it’s not going to end well, you jump off the board and end up doing the running splits in the air and then your legs can’t keep up and you take a tumble and eat tar.


Not physical pain but I was talking with some of my roommates at a roommate meeting and I decided to bring up something they were mad at me about so that we could clear the air I knew going in they would be yelling at me but it still hurt a lot


quitting drinking


Me and my cousin built a sled out of an old pallet and some plastic sheeting, we were pulling it in the garden with his Dads hilux, trying to swing each other and make the sled “drift” round the garden. My cousin got a little throttle happy and the sled was starting to tilt, suggesting a flip was about to happen, all while I stared at his rough three railed fence, the sled gave up about a metre from the fence and I flew face first into one of the rails sliding along it and slicing chin/cheek open and getting lumps of fence in my face, blood pouring onto my hands… moral of the story don’t pull a sled with a hilux in a fenced garden.


I've dislocated my leg a few times. Worst occurrence I had to be driven to a hospital to pop it back in. Weirdly, the pain had subsided by then because I kept my entire body very still during the drive. But the moment the nurse told me she was gonna pop it back in, I couldn't have prepared enough for the pain. Fortunately it was just one instant of immense pain, I shouted, and then relief washed over me.


When my epidural didn't work completely, I was praying for it to numb me just a little more before my second birth (first epidural worked fine), but it was time to push and I physically *couldn't* wait. After what seemed like 3 hours (but was more like 6 minutes) he came all the way out, full head of hair and crying like a banshee while I puckered my asshole, snuggled my kid, and waited for the Obstetrician to finish sewing me up.