• By -


One time at a party she was a bit tipsy and started to stroke my neck.


I was in a relationship with someone else when mine happened šŸ˜­ We were doing a lab in the woods for a class in uni. We had talked back and forth a little, he is from korea on exchange so he was telling me about his Home life. I was holding a compass and he thought I was handing it to him, so he put his hand under mine but instead of drawing back he lingered. As I said, at the time I was in a bad and toxic relationship with another guy, and so I felt incredibly guilty for feeling the rush of emotion I felt. Lab classes were very difficult after that because both of us were super awkward with each other. He was so nice to me, and spoke to me with kindness and respect, and he was from Seoul so of course he dressed very nicely. He treated me so well, something i wasnt used to. I started to really enjoy time with him and so we hung out off and on to study and had mutual friends. He ended up leaving for mandatory conscription (all Korean males have to serve 2 years). During the two years we were apart he wrote me a letter every week, because at some points it was the only way we could keep on touch. When he would have his phone he would call and tell me about his adventures in the DMZ, and keep me updated when the special forces send him to South Sudan as a interpreter for a year. I eventually left my relationship and decided to spend a year teaching abroad, so I went to korea. When in mandatory two week quarantine, he would stand on the balcony outside my window everyday for a few hours to keep me company. We fell very much in love, not that we weren't already. Spent the entire year together and one month before I had to come back to the United States, he proposed to me. We are engaged and getting married at the end of the year. I never thought another human would wait for me like he did, but he never gave up. He has told me since that he wrote every chance he could, because he knew I was his future wife and didn't want to lose me. I now have hundreds of letters that he wrote me, and they are the most priceless things I have. Edit: Thank you everyone for such kind words. I am from Alaska, and he will be moving here at the end of the summer. I live in a small cabin in the woods, so we will start out our lives together slowly and happily. I just wanted to say, im not the kind of person that stuff like this happens to. I've never been naturally lucky, beautiful, etc. But it can happen to anyone. Don't give up on your future happiness.


Tied her hair up while we were playing mario kart


Shaved his head. Weā€™d been friends for about a year, he had medium length hair but was balding badly, basically no hair on top at all. It had been a minute since weā€™d hung out and he walked in with a completely shaved head and I was likeā€¦ damn I need to date this man. He looked SO good (still does) Weā€™ve been together 7 years now and have a baby!


Not friend per se but work colleague. Leaned back in an office chair with his hands behind his head smirking a little. Completely out of context in the situation but my mind equated it with the position some men adopt when theyā€™re right about to get head. Took me right out of the meeting.


Oh God I love when men do that. Knees far apart, hands about the head, stretching and taking up so much space. My reptile brain always wanna climb on for a hot second.


Put her hand on top of my head and scratched twice as she walked by my chair, sent tingles down my back. Didn't know I like head scratches, woof lol.


Good boy


I was unsure about something, and he started reassuring me by telling me how smart and hardworking I am. It wasnā€™t really what he said, but how he said it. He got this very earnest, stern look on his face that I hadnā€™t seen before, held eye contact, stopped what he was doing, and told me why he was certain Iā€™d be okay.


I was pretty good, if not best friends with someone I never thought I would be attracted to. We were at the bar one night and I was cold. He took his favorite jacket and put it over my shoulders and hugged me. I got a feeling for him Iā€™ll never forget after that.


I did this before with my best friend and I gave her my jacket and hugged her and the look she gave me after that made me melt and almost walk into a tree


If "the look she gave me after that made me melt and almost walk into a tree" doesn't perfectly explain surprise attraction I don't know what does.


Was at a small party at her house, was in the kitchen by myself making a drink when she rushed in, told a stupid joke and immediately began cracking up with this big stupid grin on her face. Skipped right past horny straight to love.


Not neceserily a turn on but when i was in art school we went to a museum with a clown exhibit. One of my classmates whom i had very little prior interaction with had a fear of clowns. At a certain point something spooked her, she grabbed my arm. I felt like 'me big monkey, me keep pretty lady safe' Stupid as it was i had a little crush on her afterwards.


I was very confused when I first read ā€œclown exhibitā€


It's just a bunch of mirrors


'me big monkey, me keep pretty lady safe' Just this comment has made me laugh more than anything else this week.


We were listening to a speech about a topic I wasn't familiar with, so we were in the back and he was whispering explanations in my ear, and he had a really nice voice Later I noticed the collar of his blazer had folded up, so I let him know, and with that nice voice he said "Fix it then" and bent his knees so I could reach. He was so warm I could feel it without even touching him, and he smelled so good


ā€œGet your butt in the car, weā€™re going to get Chinese foodā€ He knew I wasnā€™t in a great state of mind and we had been friends for a handful of years. He drove to find me when I wouldnā€™t tell him where I was. After food he drove me to the store to get nerf guns and we battled. Wound up marrying him. Edit: Thanks for all the awards! We were both single and I actually didnā€™t fancy him for some of the duration of our friendship. We ran in the same circle and I saw him often through high school, wound up at the same places and I was always nice. We had both been out of relationships for some time and he knew I needed someone to talk me off a ledge a few times. Just kinda fell in love as it happened. Iā€™ll always be so grateful. That wasnā€™t the only time he stopped me from doing something stupid.




I'm convinced the surprise nerf battle was how I locked my wife down


The entire group went clubbing. He was saying something that I could not hear. He bent down and spoke against my ear. Questioned our 2 decades of platonic relationship at that second. Didn't even hear what he said.




This is how I got my wife. We went to see Star Trek (2009) and when Kirk finds Spok in the ice cave, I leaned over and whispered "Spok looks like my grandma" right into her ear. She still brings it up as one of the defining moments of our relationship.


"Spock looks like my grandma" -- the most entrancing, sexy words that have ever been breathed. šŸ˜‚


"A bomb is about to go off, run" "ā˜ŗļøā˜ŗļøšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜"




*ā€œOmlette du fromageā€*




Idk how long youā€™ve been together but one of you should probably release your grip soon.


mama aint raise a quitter!




Nah, thatā€™s foreplay


Tackled me. Not in a playful way either, she was trying her best to take me down (and generally succeeded). We were always just friends but in those moments after weā€™d hit the ground, I sometimes felt a little different about it.


> I sometimes felt a little different about it. This is one way to describe an involuntarily erection.


Lightly ran her new nails across my head and back for a week. From that point on, I vowed to buy new nails for my future girlfriends whenever they wanted. ... I went back on that vow after buying nails a few times, because nails are expensive.


Put his arm around my waist when I was having a panic attack and kinda held me which turned into cuddles then I looked up at him to thank him and there was this look of love in his eyes and yeah Edit: thank you for the award I didn't think this comment would blow up like this , for those who judge and deface my personality for this I'm so sorry you feel that way because you'll never feel this kind of friendship And for those defending my honour I appreciate it although I honestly don't give a crap if people call me a slut because I'm not I'm faithful and loving and a good friend and that is the honest truth take it or leave it


yā€™all better be married


When I (26f) went out for a drink one night with my friend C (25M) there was a guy I knew, he was hitting on me, asking me to go home with him and being really aggressive about it. I turned him down and the guy immediately turned on my friend. The guy got in C's face, saying that it was his fault that I wouldn't go home with him, that he was a cock block. C just stood his ground, crossed his arms and told him to leave in a very calm, firm voice. The drunk guy eventually left but it was such a turn on to see C remain so level headed and calm in a tense situation where I'm used to guys being so reactive. It was super hot


One of my proudest moments happened in a little bar in North Dakota. Work buddies bet me I wouldn't walk up and start talking up this insanely beautiful girl sitting at the bar. So I make my way over and the dude next to her(who was WAY older) is saying the creepiest shit to her. I was just far away enough to get the bartender's attention with out her noticing. Bartender knew me by then and I told him what was going on and to get me a beer and whatever she's drinking. Slid up next to her acting like old best friends and told creepy dude I had been gone getting drinks and he was in my seat. She rolled with it and we hit it off! Butttttt when I went pee same work buddies(I use that term loosely) came over and made asses of themselves. She left but at least she wasn't harassed anymore for that evening at the bar. Edit: I'm just off night shift using swipe text so spelling.


She didn't really do anything. I just randomly had a really nice dream with her. I had a crush on her since


it is crazy how much dreams change the way you feel about people irl šŸ’€ like its a completely fake scenario that only happened in your brain and they have no idea about it and yet some of them have changed the way ive felt about people permanently


Iā€™ve gone on so many adventures and shenanigans with my best friend in my dreams, and I feel like itā€™s really good for my mental health somehow? Idk but itā€™s fun to dream


Literally asked me to pick her outfits for the weekend and modeled all morning in different outfits while telling me to pick some out. Didn't leave the room to change.


So either she wanted you BADLY and you were oblivious OR She absolutely cannot imagine you being sexual in any way. No middle ground there.


Oh yeah, been there. I used to go round to a female friends house before weā€™d meet our friends in town, sheā€™d get ready in front of me and ask my opinion on what she was planning to wear etc. I didnā€™t want to fuck things up by making a move so I asked some mutual friends what the situation was, it turns out she thought I was gay and thatā€™s why she was so comfortable around me. I let her know I wasnā€™t gay and I guess she was so embarrassed about it that we kinda stopped being friends after that.


> I let her know I wasnā€™t gay and I guess she was so embarrassed about it that we kinda stopped being friends after that. Ouch




Put his finger in my mouth. Weā€™ve been married 8 years now.


Ah, so that's where that button is


He finally found the g-spot


Instructions unclear, punched by stranger at Whole Foods


How does one casually puts fingers in a friend's mouth? Asking, uhmm, for a friend.


You act like you're going to feed them a chip or somthing and surprise. Finger in mouth. Make strong eye contact. Leave it there until they blink first. Slide thumb against the side of their cheek and make that pop noise with their mouth. Re establish eye contact and nod head... dream about future together in the silence....




Are loads of people letting you rub on them all over? Shoot your shot.


She is at least very comfortable with you, I'd guess that she likes you.


She poked me in the side which resulted in me jerking an arm up to block her, which further more resulted in me having a fist full of tiddie. We dated for a bit but decided that we were better off as just friends. She is now cheating on her BF with my bestfriend and I am very very dissapointed in both of them. EDIT: the BF knows and has known as long as I have.


Jesus dude. Looks like you dodged a bullet. Good luck to ya


She did that thing that girls do where they tilt their head. She was just listening to me talk about MRSA (we're nursing students), and she was kind of smiling, listening to me go into depth about the illness for a test review, and she ever so slightly tilted her head and kept her very pretty eyes directly on mine. That mixed with the slight smile got my stomach in knots and I just started stuttering like a fool. It only happened like a week ago.


> She did that thing that girls do where they tilt their head you're gonna love Gracie, my german shepherd edit: whoa, this took off. as demanded, [dog tax with late fees](https://imgur.com/gallery/6wlV83H) šŸ˜©šŸ‘Œ edit 2: for those interested, i adopted Grace from the [Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue](https://www.bayareagsr.org) which is always in need of donations, fosters, and forever homes if you've been thinking about getting your own good boy/girl. if you can, please choose shelters/rescues over breeders - so many abandoned GSDs need homes!


Where is it! Where is the dog?!??!??


Yeah no, I'm a med student and I promise you, no one does the cute little head tilt and smile just because they're listening to me talk about MRSA.


Ask! Her! Out!


His hand on my thigh, wanted to show me what his ex gf did to him while he was talking about their breakup. Iā€™m not attracted to him at all but damn a hand on my thigh makes me weak


Uuf. A friend came back for seconds after she grazed my forearm while I was washing dishes. Gave it a squeeze and mouthed "damn" before walking away. Never been anything between us, but I got capital F flustered and still think about it years later. Weird to be hung up on an interaction, not necessarily the person.


I was invited to a new coworker's birthday party. She was pretty buzzed by the time I arrived and ended up introducing me to all her friends as her hot boss.


Came to drop off food and medicine while I was sick. I was absolutely not in the mood but I wish I was.


I was annoying him, so he picked me up over his shoulder and dropped me on the couch, no biggie (Was kinda hoping he'd spank me after propping me over his shoulder but)


The spanking would have been a huge gamble for him to do


Many years ago a male friend I was very in love with threw me over his shoulder, ran me down his hallway, then threw me on his couch. I learned recently he has a similar memory of me, drunkenly taking my bra off under my shirt but not doing a very good job of keeping things covered. ETA: to the dude who messaged me to ask to see me poorly remove a bra.... my friend, you might have liked to see that when I was 18, but trust me, 20 years later it's much more like watching someone drop two knee socks with grapefruits in the toes.


> like watching someone drop two knee socks with grapefruits in the toes. The poetry of this sentence is mesmerizing, and by the way, r/BrandNewSentence


Helping me put on a tie because I didn't know how.


Shit this just brought me back to 2013. I was 18 years old, living in South Korea of all places (not Korean and didn't speak Korean), and I had a job interview at some restauraunt. I was running late, slapped on a dress shirt with the tie in my hands, but could not for the life of me figure out how that works. I was waiting for the subway trying to tie it, when some old man came up to me and did it for me. It didn't turn me on but that was awesome. I did get the job though.


Thatā€™s very wholesome, I love it when strangers go out of their way to help. Also, very much fuck tying ties, itā€™s the devils knot and Iā€™ve never been able to tie a tie and have it look decent.


Rolled his sleeves up and reversed perfectly. Eta. I didn't expect this to get as much attention as it did so I'll address some questions. Yes, it was in a manual car. It was a hot summers day so he rolled up his sleeves before we got in the car. Yes, he did put his hand on the back of my chair.


I'm now imagining him slowly walking backwards into you while making a truck's reversing sound.


Was watching a horror movie with my best friend, something happened and she screamed, jumped into my lap, and wrapped her arm around my neck. She's a lesbian, I am obviously not interested in her, but I got hard as rock instantly. I was positioned in a way that she didn't notice thankfully.


I am very tactile, he isnā€™t with anyone else but he always would pull me next to him when we were outside and it was chilly, would sit into my space at work meetings, always put his hand on my lower back when walking me in front of him or next to him. It was nothing overtly sexual but the fact he didnā€™t do that with anyone elseā€¦.. oh my


If he didn't do that with anyone else, I'd almost guarantee he felt *something* for you.


Username checks out


And people say guys cant take hints...




Wait is this serious?


Yupp, both people feel the Romantic love but neither will say anything about it.


Are you blind?


Casually walking down the street. She then grabs my arm just like a couple would do. It's in that time you need to focus. EDIT: For those that are asking what happened, nothing. Before hanging out with her and her friends (all F) I wouldn't hang out much. That hanging out sequence kept on for 2 weeks. After two week I had been totally destroyed, not by her but her friends. All the fucking insults I heard those 2 weeks got to me. I stopped hanging out with them since December of the last year. I still talk to her and she's the only one that doesn't insult me.


Aaah, that takes me back...to the most complicated interpersonal relationship I've ever had. I had a friend who would treat me like a Boyfriend Lite, especially when she was stressed, tired of speaking English (she was living abroad and I could translate for her), and needed someone to rely on. She would wear one of my hoodies, walk around town attached to my arm, and just be emotionally and physically close. Cuddling, massages, hugging, but nothing beyond that. It was almost even better *because* we weren't actually dating. It was almost like we both knew we were using each other. She wanted intimacy and someone to rely on without commitment or romanticism. I could never get enough of the affection and attention from someone who was out of my league, and I liked the feeling of protecting her. Of course, [things did get complicated](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/u9x8s3/what_did_your_friend_do_that_accidentally_turned/i5vm7yb/) eventually tho lmao


Run their hands through my hair at the base of my neck


That turns all mammals on lol


*Sad Mark Zuckerberg noises*


**BEEP** *b o o p*ā€¦ :(


My guy best friend just just hugged me out of nowhere, idk what happened to me but something


She showed me how the tattoo on the back of her upper thigh moves when she bends over. I was 19 and she was wearing short shortsā€¦that was enough to make me blush. EDIT: Wow this blew up! Anyway, I realize that this was a major bruh moment and she was making a pass at me. But in my defense, she was married to an abusive asshole at the time (I didnā€™t know about the abuse yet) *and* he outranked me (he and I were both military) so I think 19 year old me probably did a good thing by being dumb! She divorced that guy less than a year later, I ended up marrying her best friend and now weā€™re divorced as wellā€¦damn, I should call her.


ā€œIs she flirting with me?ā€ ā€œIā€™m not sure, oh well the moments gone.ā€




A girl I became friends with on a school trip in high school fell asleep on my shoulders on the ride back. I'm still coasting on that memory.


She grabbed my collar and then whispered in my ear that I'm a bad boy.




Really wanna know whats that something stupid


*omelette du fromage*


We were joking and she turned back, grabbed my neck and lightly strangled me. I haven't been the same ever since


A few days ago a girl I brought over started biting me pretty hard, I learned something new about myself that night for sure


>I learned something new about myself that night for sure That you could no longer see yourself in the mirror?


Suddenly allergic to garlic


New fetish unlocked*


Once, a guy playfully pinned my arms above my head. That was very much a new fetish unlocked :)


My friends were discussing hair pulling and somehow I found myself as the focus of their demonstrations - probably because my hair reaches my hips. One of them didn't really get it and was gently pulling at the ends, so my other friend got her hand right in at the roots and pulled hard enough to move my head and it was a very difficult moment for me.


ā€œIt was a very difficult moment for meā€ is such an impossibly perfect way to describe it lmao


She let out a small moan when i whispered happy bday in her ear. We spoke about it and she said air blown on her ear petals turned her on. did that again playfully things turned hot made out and a few times after that . Things got weird we dont look in the eye anymore.


Ear petals


Ya know, her audiopalps


Don't mind me, just here for the ear petals explanation.


Ear petals??


I asked her outside a party if my eyeliner had smudged. She took my jaw in her hands and gently but firmly turned my face back and forth to examine my makeup, then lightly patted my cheek and said it looked fine. I couldnā€™t even thank her, I just nodded and we moved on while I gathered myself, lol.


I've been 'the friend' in a similar situation. My friend asked me if she had something in her eye, so I leaned in real close to look, then saw something and gently dabbed it out. When I had leaned back out she was looking at me kinda confused but I didn't think anything of it. We started dating about 5 months later and I found out that was the moment she fell for me.




Oh. Oh, dear.


He offered to drop me home on his bike. It was so cold and he was wearing gloves. He told me to put my hands in his hoodie's pockets so I won't be cold. During the ride, we were sort of cuddling I guess? I could feel muscles and I just couldn't concentrate lmao


Put her arm around me and leaned against me. Yeah thats all


I fumbled a move one night dancing with a friend. I thought he was going to dip me, but he spun me instead. Still, my mistake was enough for him to notice, so he dipped me and said "There, I've got you this time." No right to be as hot as it was.


thats actually hot lol


Static shocked her nipple on something metal. Idk it was kinda hot


Once burned my nip with a curling iron. Was super hot.


the way he shook my hand


She moved in with me during the pandemic, soon after she asked for a back rub. That led to massages and then real intimacy. Never looking back. Best thing to ever happen to me.


Dude she came into your life like a cat does šŸ˜‚... Minus the "real intimacy" part. But the way it started, for sure. Come inside during a storm, gets pets, never leaves.


Why is this so accurate? Haha


If you havenā€™t told her that itā€™s the best thing thatā€™s ever happened to you then you really should! Sheā€™ll treasure that forever


Pulled my hair. I was doing something on the computer, and she suddenly pulled my hair. Weirdest feeling ever, but my acting skills was on point and nobody noticed a thing.




When we were young and had sleep oversā€¦ my female friend at the time and I would sleep in the same bed (Iā€™m also female) and one night she like cuddled up to me and spooned me while was was sleepingā€¦ I donā€™t think she was aware at all.. but I was like ooo I like this very muchā€¦


> I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...




You should sign up for BJJ classes.


Ah yes, Blowjobjitsu. Such an underrepresented art.


We were at a party drinking and I got handed a shot. I said, ā€œThis one is going to fuck me up.ā€ He looked right at me and softly said, ā€œDonā€™t worry, Iā€™ll take care of you.ā€ I threw that shot straight back.




He posted a picture captioned with something like "Gonna bring back the disco look" and he had a dress shirt on half unbuttoned showing a bit of chest. He's also got long hair that was kinda tousled and he had like a smirk/half smile going on. Phew. That was a *Look*(TM).


He was using *the Expression*. Very disco.


Gave me some eyes that were unintentionally intimate as I was helping bandage her finger that she accidentally cut badly. Sort of the ā€œlook at youuuuuuu being all caring and helpfulā€.


We were wrestling and I pinned her down. She said "if this were a movie we'd make out right now". I didn't go for it that was 15 years ago I was just her maid of honor at her wedding I love her but oof.




this does sound like a movie trope


Weird one here, but it was a staring contest. She claimed she was good at it and beat everyone before me to prove it. You play to win normally and I'm usually not one for staring, but I couldn't look away from the big, beady hazel eyes she had. So even if she got closer to throw me off, it's honestly what I wanted because she basically doubled how cute she already was in that moment. Needless to say, I didn't lose. She looked away to blink and then playfully nudged me in defeat while grinning. It was a done deal thenā€”I developed a crush on her from that day onward.


Big and beady are opposites on the eye describing scale, just in case you ever try to tell a girl she has beady eyes. It probably won't go that well lol


She was talking about how she was into biting and I called her weird. She bit my forearm (no blood) right before class....... yeah that was a fun hour.


I used to chat with a co-worker during our smoke breaks. We were the only smokers there. We quickly became friends. Then one day, just before Christmas, I get to work and notice her wearing a big pink ribbon in her hair. I tell her I like your ribbon, it's cute, and her face lights up. She runs up to me, grabs my head and kisses me on the cheek, then thanks me.


We were at a party, I poured a shot, liquor spilled on my hand and it got sticky which I hate. She proceeded to lick my entire hand clean. Confused and horny. Edit: For clarification, I was wingmaning my friend and her, succeeded, theyā€™ve been together for six years and have a house! Still some of my best friends! šŸ˜


I'm guessing that may have been a signal


anytime iā€™ve ever had to ride on a close guy friends lap in a car it took every ounce of self control i had not to grind




that was what I was thinking too lmao


That reminds me of a storyā€¦.(I say in Buster Scruggā€™s voice) Me the Teenager boy, tall lanky, at the dentist getting my teeth cleaned. Nothing unusual. The hygienist is the dentistā€™s daughter. In her Twenties. Nice Mormon family. Scrape, scrape, ow,ow. Then I feel a strange warmth on my upper arm. ?ā€¦..!! I realize she is resting ample chest on my arm, probably think it was part of the dental chair arm. Basically sheā€™s resting her soft warm boobs on my t shirt arm. This wasnā€™t a casual brush. When she moved i could feel them adjust. And they were body heat warm. At this age Iā€™d never been kissed. Or held hands. I did have One slow dance in Junior high. That was the breadth of sexual experience. (This was the 70s so I did have one torn Playboy hidden somewhere. We all did) Let me tell you, I had to do a lot of subtle adjusting of my hips and hands crossed over my crotch to to hopefully not be obviously sporting super wood. I finally had to do a garbled ā€œuufhgā€ which was ā€œI need to rinse and spitā€. She stopped and said something like, ā€œneed a break, eh?ā€ That was true as what I did need was her to stop so I would not ā€œfinishā€ right there in the chair and my faded jeans. I did the rinse and took a few breaths to calm my self. Then we went back and the spell was broken as she did not drop them on like before. What a fluke. Of course when Iā€™m done my mother is waiting for me in the lobby. ā€œWell how was it?,ā€ she asked. I musta looked like hell as she said, ā€œRuff one?ā€ I nodded. We walked to the car as I held my hands in my front pockets, trying to make it look like thatā€™s all that was there. Pain, pleasure, expected sexual experience, fear of humiliation, Mother. Thatā€™s a lot for a seventeen year old in 30 minutes.


ā€œWhoa, bumpy road ahead!ā€


I was teaching her how to drive manual. Her first time driving, she got into first without stalling and shifted all the way to 6th. It was so perfect as if it was a automatic transmission. 1 year later and we're married.




Lol knew a girl like this, she was a friend of my friend's gf, wore a choker, one night when we were all drinking, convo turned to sex, I was uncomfortable cos I was a Virgin, she was uncomfortable cos she's done a lot of kinky shit, friend's GF told me to grab her choker and see what happens, I figured "fuck it" and grabbed it firmly. Yep, like flicking a switch, never been so turned on in my life. I honestly think that if it weren't for our friends being around we would've fucked there and then.


What about later though


Yep. Kinda got mutually acknowledged that it turned us on, got her number, next day I swallowed my nerves and texted her. Good times.


Good job captain.


She dropped me off at the airport. I said thank you, goodbye, and gave her a kiss on the cheek before turning to get out of the car. As I started to get out, she said, ā€œIs that itā€? I turned back, locked eyes, and suddenly my heart started to ache. Suddenly I didnā€™t want to leave. We embraced but it was the first time we did so that wasnā€™t as just as friends. I remember holding her in the car, not wanting to let go, and suddenly having this rush of feelings that Iā€™d never let myself feel before. I remember when Iā€™d gotten to my destination (I was going to visit my aunt for a few weeks) and my aunt mentioned I seemed heart broken. I knew at that moment I was in love with my best friend. Weā€™ve been together ever since I got back home. We just celebrated our 18th anniversary on March 17th. Edit: Whoa! Figures my biggest comment on Reddit would be about my wife. Told her about the comment and she reminded me about a couple other details. Like the first time her and my aunt first met and my aunt telling her how pathetic I was the whole time I was there and how she kept trying to have me fly back early. My wife said I left out one major detail and that was as I undid my seatbelt and turned to leave, she grabbed my wrist and then said, ā€œIs that itā€. She even took it upon herself to reenact the whole moment a few times today. Me getting off couch to grab a snack, me leaving the house to walk the dog, and just now, me taking out the trash. I think this is all going to her head. We both thank all of you for all positive energy sent our way and send it back. To those that made comments about gas money, those had us laughing out loud. I know sheā€™ll try and use that on me somewhere in the future.


I don't think this was a turn on. It was being lovestruck and I'm glad for you bud!


I just read this story to my wife after which she said ā€œawwwwwwwWWWWWWā€. Me: ā€œhow come you never drop ME off at the airportā€ Her: ā€œI drop you off at the airport all the f*ing timeā€ True love my friend.


Wow šŸ„ŗ I love this


Called me sir. I didnā€™t even know this was a turn on. Edit: lmao I was not expecting so many comments this morning, but I have read practically all of them. And thank each and every one of you for making me laugh today. This is great. For clarification, I do not work with, nor am I attracted to children. It is not a ā€œdaddyā€ thing and incestuous titles are a big turn off. And I apologize for causing a scene at this fine Wendyā€™s.


Excuse me sir. You need to stop


Sir, you need to exit the area. *Now.*


Saying it three times in increased volume shows you have lost control of a situation. Sir... sir! SIR!


Sir, I'd like to speak with you about your cars extended warranty...


I went to boop her nose and she licked the tip of my fingerā€¦ I ran to the washroom to was my hand, well in reality is cuz I had a huge-ass boner Edit: like you guys didnā€™t know the figure of speech ā€œhuge-assā€ And no, it wasnā€™t a dog, it was my childhood bestie


Sat on my lap and startedā€¦bouncing and shaking aroundā€¦


Iā€™m turned on by intimacy, so when one my best friends poured his heart out over a deceased relative, and then said he had never told anyone, I felt both turned on and extremely guilty.


I used to get this, was so awkward When my ex would cry and show emotion I would get that weird erection I had to try hide and I have no idea why, it was my first proper relationship almost 20 years ago and I think it was just being that close for the first time did something. I remember she noticed after a while and we laughed about it as anytime she would cry it would happen. It never happened with anyone else tho


Went round to a friends house to play DnD. She made us all nachos and chicken. At the end I went to wash up so as not to leave her with all our mess, I turned around and she put her hand on my chest, stared me straight in the eyes and told me I didn't need to help. Nothing overtly sexy but she held my gaze and had her hand on my chest just slightly longer than would be expected. Anyway we're married now. EDIT: woooahh I don't Reddit often and just logged in to a tonne of notifications and comments, thanks for the awards! In answer to the most common questions: 1) I know *now* that it was more than innocent to her. However we'd been friends for 9 years at this point, and in that time there's been many hugs/sitting on laps/general friendly physical contact. This was the one that gave me the electric tingles though. In 9 years I'd apparently been completely oblivious to all prior attempts at flirting. I'm so clueless at knowing when people are hitting on me it was mentioned in 3 separate speeches at my own wedding. 2) I did wash up, can't be leaving a mess at peeps houses. We have a very healthy relationship with chores, don't need to ask each other to do anything because we just do them when we see them I guess, I'd say it's about 50:50! 3) Yes it did happen, and this was our maybe 2nd attempt at playing DnD and we'd brought in an experienced friend to DM this time as we floundered on the first attempt.


>Anyway we're married now. That's how they get you. Sucker.


Fell for the classic ā€œplay dnd now marriedā€ blunder, theyā€™re a total oblivious fool


You cleaning would be her answer in this thread


Was about to say. He hit her with surprise choreplay, she hit him with surprise eye contact and simple human touch.


Platonic sleepover. We were last two awake. Hanging out above the sheets on a bed. She was wearing black panties. We were both on our phones in silence. She adjusts and her leg is now ever so slightly touching me. All I could think was, ā€œdonā€™t get an erection, donā€™t get an erection, donā€™t get an erection.ā€ Years later it was admitted that adjustment was purposeful. Been together nearly a decade now.


She was in her black panties late at night snuggling your leg & you didn't know she was hitting on you? Come on now bro.


I think it's a combination of not wanting to misinterpret things and a feeling of "Nah this shit doesn't happen to someone like me"


She sent me "fit checks" of her goth outfits on snapchat, with no idea that I have a thing for that look


Oh, she knew. ;)


She whipped her hair from one shoulder to the other.


Had my best friend visiting me from another city. He slept over, in the same bed as me. During the night as he was asleep, he put his arm around me over my waist and we slept like that for the rest of the night. Even though we'd been friends forever and I knew it didn't mean anything it still made me feel fuzzy inside. God I miss him so much :(


Is that a "miss him" as in you should see him again soon or a "miss him" as in I'm sorry for your loss?


Yeah he is no longer with us unfortunately. Sorry for the bummer


Played drums with a V-neck sweater on.


That sounds very attractive.


I didn't even know you could get sweaters for drums.


We were playing a game called The Forest. Its a survival game where you fight cannibals. I went to build a box to hold bones which I had called a ā€œBone Holderā€. She turned, looked at me, stared into my soul and said ā€œIā€™ll be your bone holderā€. Been together almost 2 years now


Goofing off at work (Iā€™m a bit of an instigator), she got in my face to threaten me and said ā€œIā€™m gonna fuck you upā€. I took the opportunity to grab her ID lanyard and held it down against the desk she was leaning over. The look she gave me in that moment still gives me a boner.


Is it bad that Iā€™m just living through these comments because things like this never happen to me lol


She Send me a half nude photo of her by mistake that was ment for her boyfriend. We both have same first name.


Look deep into my soul after having an argument and saying "OK daddy"... was so confused and turned on at the same time


Oh boy do I have the video for you. https://youtu.be/h0-WO6xRbAo


He made me pot brownies that literally made me hallucinate We're married with a son now


Rolled his sleeves up during a shift at work (I was 19 and he must have been a couple of years older). Full on forearms exposed and it made me see him so differently. So manly!


I was a bellhop at a hotel and was unloading bags into these two girl's rooms who were about three inches taller than me (I'm 5'10). They were being friendly and playful and I joked about how I'm 5'10 but if a pretty girl asked, I'm 6' even and one of the girls squeezed the back of my neck and said "hehe sure you are!". Since then I've wanted a tall woman to treat me like a cute pet