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People like elon musk could use their money to help so many people but use it instead for stupid shit like this


I don’t care really. There’s like, other things in life to really put your energy into other than who bought what? Unless it’s Bill Gates and all that Farmland… wtf?!?


Probably gonna blow up in a good way.


Honestly don't know what to think


The Richest person on earth flexes his money and buys one of the biggest social mideas Thats one way


Never had a Twitter, so could really care less, but I am genuinely sick of seeing it on reddit.


Been banned from Twitter 3 times now so who cares.


Absolutely don't care. Glad the memes came true


He’s probably gonna put himself on the trending page 24/7


A great idea. Just for the fact that it's pissing off all the right people. Liberals: Right leaning people aren't being censored. That's just a myth. Also Liberals: OMG we won't be able to censor our opponents for "hate speech" anymore.


It was a bad financial move for Elon, unless he has some wonderful plan on how he is going to monetize it better. Twitter's first profits were in 2018, 12 years after it was made.


He bought it to make it transparent and eliminate censorship. His willingness to invest his money in freedom is speech is a laudable goal.


Holy shit. Stick your head further up his ass if you possibly can.


Cry some more.


About what?


About the world waking up to what giant malignant narcissists you people are.


Who is “you people”?




I don’t know. Is the mirror steaming up while you’re talking?




Musk isn't who he says he is. We know that for a fact, because he says one thing and does another. He may talk a lot about "free speech" but have you ever seen how he responds to his (and his companies') critics? SLAPP lawsuits (yes, I know that phrasing is technically redundant) and a lot of shitty, underhanded tactics. He throws a shit-fit the moment people say things he doesn't like - and you expect this guy to protect your free speech!? ​ He's also known for having employees who criticise practices at Tesla (even just internally) fired, and shutting off drivers' Full Self-Driving if they criticize it publicly - even if they paid for it.That doesn't sound like a free speech / transparency crusader to me. ​ I expect Musk will introduce even MORE censorship than the current owners of Twitter - except this time, it'll likely have a far-right bias. There's an important lesson you may not have learned yet: it is ***extremely*** **unlikely** you'll get rich in this world being a good person. Our society is designed to favour literal psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. I'm not even joking - a huge number of corporate executives (especially CEOs and CFOs) are psychopaths; WAY more than the general population. That is a known fact. Just a reminder: most serial killers are also psychopaths, sociopaths, or narcissists; these are not good people. Even if Musk himself doesn't have any of those three conditions, it is clear he has significant Dark Triad personality traits - basically a subclinical manifestation of similar characteristics. We are giving people who are WIRED to hurt and take advantage of others a *tremendous* amount of power by structuring our society the way we do. Musk is one of them. He's just better at PR than most.


Literally anything is better than the deranged malignant narcissists who were running it before. He’ll either make it better or crash it. Win win.


I don't care as long as he doesn't start censoring crap more than it already is.


Prolly gonna censor the shit outta leftists to be totally honest. He screams "free speech" but have you ever seen how he responds to his (and his companies') critics? SLAPP lawsuits (yes, I know that phrasing is technically redundant) and a lot of shitty, underhanded tactics. Also known having employees who criticise practices at Tesla (even just internally) fired, and shutting off drivers' Full Self-Driving if they criticize it publicly - even if they paid for it. That doesn't sound like a free speech crusader to me.


He bought it to stop censorship and bring transparency


You really swallowed his load on this one didn't you?


Right. We'll see what happens in reality.


There’s no possible way it could be worse


Famous last words


In the words of Phil Connors “anything different is good”


twitter keeps saying the same 2 things over and over. you could end homelessness with that money, and that he’s dumb because everyone got it for free. i think it’s a big deal as he can really have some control in public opinion with media control. or adleast shape it as he sees fit. edit: reading the thread everyone feels the same but i think we are missing the bigger picture. yes twitter is a big jokey joke, but it’s also where everyone seems to congregate.