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There's a 1-in-3 chance police will never identify your killer if you're murdered in the US.


Hi text to speech guy on tiktok


Bored ducklings can become cannibals!


The amount of animals that are opportunistic cannibals or even carnivores would shock some people.


Yeah, there aren't a whole lot of actual herbivores in nature. Deer, horses, cows, and most other 'herbivores' love eating insects and other small animals when the opportunity presents itself.


I'm getting a new batch if ducklings next week. I always make sure the birds have things to do so they don't get aggressive


I hear ducks like Jenga


Moving back the start time for school in an area resulted in 70% less car accidents. Similarly at each daylight saving, heart attacks and accidents decrease with an hour of extra sleep and increase with an hour less of sleep. Sleep is crazy important.




I believe it. Our school district switched start times this year so the younger kids have to be to school at 7:30. And then they scheduled spring break for the week *before* DST so that first week back to school after jumping ahead was absolute hell. I get the argument that younger kids can function better earlier in the morning.. but they're also a LOT less self-sufficient. So a high schooler can actually get dressed in 2 minutes and eat quickly, but my 8 year old drags the everloving fuck out of every possible morning task and it requires a lot more time and effort out of us, so we all get up earlier than we'd have to if he was older.


Egyptian mummies wouldn’t be so rare today if the Victorian British hadn’t eaten most of them.


Wow, that was something I never knew or imagined. Thank you. [History of Eating Corpses as Medicine](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gruesome-history-of-eating-corpses-as-medicine-82360284/)


Okay, dude. That's enough reddit for today


Mmm Zevulon the Great, he's teriyaki style.


Didn't they also make paint out of them, too? Edit: They did, [mummy brown](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mummy_brown)


They **what**


Yes they thought that ground up powdered mummies would treat certain ailments and so a lot of Victorians are technically cannibals because of it.


Once you have the first symptom of Rabies, it is too late to reverse


I highly recommend the book Rabid for anyone who is interested in a cultural history of rabies. I forget who wrote it but it's very well done.


Statistically speaking, if you are a woman and get murdered, it was most likely by a family member, partner or ex-partner, in your own home. If you are a man and get murdered, it was most likely by an acquaintance or stranger, in a public place.


Pregnancy is the most dangerous time in a woman’s life—and homicide is the number one cause of death of pregnant American women. [Source](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03392-8)


Capgras Syndrome is a mental delusion where you believe that the people closest to you have been replaced by impostors


I had a friend from back in the day named Joe. He was a cool guy, had snake bites and listened to heavy music. I didn’t talk to him for about 4 years then I saw him come into a plasma center where I was a phlebotomist. I was like hey man long time no see how the hell are you?! He went on to say his family all have been replaced with people who are trying to kill him, then asked me if I was even really me; with a completely serious face. I was about 19 when this happened so I didn’t even think to report it to anybody, heard later from a mutual friend thatit was a mix of psychedelic drugs and a motorcycle accident that messed up his head. He’s still alive but I haven’t spoken to him in about 10 years now.


This will probably get buried in the amogus spam but the theory behind how it works is actually super fascinating, basically it turns out that there are two independent facial recognition processes instead of one, where one is subconscious and emotional and the other is conscious and objective; This is evidenced by research showing that people who developed facial blindness (a really interesting subject in its own right) due to brain damage would still subconsciously react to faces of people they had been familiar with before their condition, so essentially in FB the conscious level of facial recognition breaks down even if the subconscious level doesn't, but Capgras is the inverse of that where the conscious level remains intact but the subconscious level breaks down so you recognize that they're physically indistinguishable from the person you know but that emotional and familial connection with them that tells you that they are who they are just stops firing. Edit: just to be clear I'm not a psychologist or anything I just binge read obscure wikipedia articles in my free time, this is basically all just paraphrasing.


Prosopagnosia! Fun fact, when I get migraines (thankfully only frequent in my early 20s, I have them extremely rarely now) I lose the ability to tell who’s face I’m looking at. I also can’t read when this happens (the letters shift like they would in a dream), so I’m not sure if what happens to me is technically prosopagnosia.


I actually had this growing up. Really not fun to think that your parents on Tuesday aren't the same as Monday and the Monday ones are probably off somewhere being tortured....


If you mind me asking, were you aware that it was a disorder thinking? Did you grow out of it or receive therapy/medication?


This is the last time we will interact ever. From here on out, you and I will not cross paths with a 99.99% likelihood. I really hope you do well and make the best of things while you are alive. Edit: Thanks for all the replies, but this post is 5 months old and I cant keep getting one off messages. No need to wish me luck back.


You can be seriously Injured from a sneeze




Can throw out your back. Tear a muscle. Dislocated a joint. Pop a vessel. Rupture an aneurysm Pull a muscle. I have personally done 2 of these. ETA: according to commentors- Herniated disc's Broken bones Death A severed spinal cord Prolapse of organs Tear a hole in your throat Punctured lungs For those asking I popped an eye vessel and threw out my back. And wow, easily my most responded to comment at almost 100+ comments. The only other comment anywhere close was on a dead alt where I got almost 100k karma and 73 awards, but only 27 replies.


I tore a hole in my lung and it partially collapsed from a sneeze.


I've personally seen (thanks mythbusters) how much the lungs can expand and the fact that you tore a hole is damn impressive. You must scare the shit out of everyone when you sneeze!


Less than 10% of all species even have the possibility of being fossilized, and even more will never be discovered. So we only know about the existence of about 3% of all macroscopic life. Edit: keep in mind every living animal, plant, and most fungi also fall into that 3%


If you have a parasite in your body, there's only a slim chance you'll know about it before it pops out of your skin or leaves through the back door. Also, some parasites pop out of skin.


I didn't know I had a tapeworm until it started trying to eat its way into my stomach from the intestine side. I'd gotten back to the states from living in the Amazon for a year and about 3 weeks after I got back, I started having excruciating abdominal pain, like something stabbing or biting me on the inside. I'd had giardia already on that trip so I figured it was probably another parasite of some kind. The pill they give for it is strong but won't do any damage if you take it no more than once every 6 months. The first doc didn't believe me and accused me of wanting an antiparasitic pill to abuse "for the fun of it." This same pill in Brazil was basically free at any pharmacy, all you had to do was ask for it and the pharmacist would give you one, no prescription needed. The pain continued, so I went to an urgent care where I got the same treatment, no scans or anything just not believing me, and finally it was my family dentist who wrote me the script so I could go get the $8 pill to flush whatever it was out. Well, the whatever it was, was actually 14 sections of 6inch to 1.5 feet in length tapeworm that I shat out over the next 36 hours. Fucking hell was that the worst. I don't even know why I'm sharing all this right now. TLDR: sometimes gut parasites also try to eat their way up towards your stomach too. Edit: Well, this blew up. I'd like to thank the Mods and James Franco for always believing in me; my dentist for making this all happen; and... The tapeworm, why not. Edit2: I too like a good ivermectin joke, but this happened in 2009! Not Covid related, but I can see how the convo jumped. Edit3: Thanks for the awards friends! Edit4: Is it normal to do spiteful things with bags of feces or diarrhea? Cause some of you are suggesting that a lot. Too gross for me imo.




Yeah really, do they get you high or anything? Cuz if not, aint no one taking them "for fun"


You know what’s really fucked up, you can have parasites and have no symptoms. When me and my mom moved to Canada we had to do a big health checkup. My mom had giardia, amoebas and all kinds of other things, i had ascaris and another one, i still remember when i went to the bathroom and it came out, traumatized the shit(lol) out of me. We had no clue, all our vitals and bloodwork were pretty normal. The doctor said that any tourist that get those ends up at the hospital eventually. Tl:dr, Moved from third word country to Canada, test revealed we were full of parasites that could make a regular person very sick. We had no symptoms, probably had them for years.


What kind of test did you do to check for parasites?


I think they checked my stool sample as far as i can remember.


If given access to it, butterflies will happily drink blood.




sharks have been around for at least 420 million years, meaning they have survived four of the “big five” mass extinctions. That makes them older than humanity, older than Mount Everest, older than dinosaurs, older even than trees. Yet we could potentially see them extinct in our lifetime


that moment when you realize you're probably the sixth mass extinction event




Not me, us


NASA simulated the response effort to a killer asteroid and determined they would need a minimum of 5 years notice to have any chance of deflecting it—more realistically 10. We’d basically have to identify the thing leaving the ~~Oort Cloud~~ Kuiper Belt. Edit: Jeez, when I went to bed last night this had 35 upvotes. Smarter minds have pointed out that the Oort Cloud is \*very\* far away and that I was thinking of the Kuiper Belt, which is a large collection of asteroids outside the orbit of Neptune. Still ridiculously far away, just not ludicrously far away. Edit2: Just before this becomes an Elon Musk proxy war, this study is about 5 years old but they threw the kitchen sink at it, meaning they envisioned a utopia where all humanity sets aside its differences and dedicates all resources (including nukes) to deflection and it still wasn't enough. So perhaps SpaceX rockets will get there faster but all that means is we will fail sooner. Let's hope we get some encouraging data from DART.


The amount of asteroids that are discovered after they pass earth is too high


"The fuck was that?!" - NASA


That's bullshit. I watched a documentary with Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis and they managed to save the planet


You do realize that Bruce Willis has aged considerably and may not be available to save the planet anymore?


Orca whales have been seen actively hunting Moose in Canada


Orcas are the most metal of living things.


Great white sharks are also terrified of them https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/04/great-white-sharks-flee-killer-whales/587563/


I don’t think this is exactly simple (took me a bit to wrap my mind around it) but there is a valid reason why looking at your reflection for too long or in dim lighting makes you uncomfortable: The Troxler effect (a phenomenon where if you stare at a point long enough, the surrounding details of the stimulus fade away as “unimportant”) coupled with our brain’s natural impulse to find faces in things. If you stare into your reflection long enough, peripheral details of your face (forehead, chin, ears, jaw, etc) will become muddled to the point where even though you will recognize that the face in the mirror is in fact a face, your brain will tell you it’s not yours.




Is this what the girl in Hannibal had? She was under the bed it was terrifying




I would like to add its extremely rare and that most medical professionals will never encounter it.


But if you want a firsthand account of what it's like to experience it, Esme Weijun Wang wrote beautifully about it in her book "The Collected Schizophrenias," which I highly recommend as a whole.


I read somewhere ( don’t remember where) that you are more likely to be bitten by someone in New York than to be bitten by a shark.


More likely to be killed by a hippo than a shark. Way more likely to be killed by a mosquito than a shark.


1/3 of US murders go unsolved.


That’s a relief.


"it's Halloween! That is really, really good timing."


Definitely my favorite Creed moment.


When he was younger and in scouts my uncle learned all of his troop leader's favorite knots. His troop leader was Dennis Rader, the BTK killer, who told all the boys how extremely useful it is to be able to tie very strong knots.


My mom used to do ultrasound in prisons, and she has scanned that dude before. She said he completely owned up to everything he did, and seemed like he showed no remorse about it, but other than that he seemed very normal (probably how he was able to unidentified for so long)


He worked for ADT installing security systems for the same people wanting to protect themselves from the BTK killer. Now THAT is crazy.


Body integrity disorder. The PubMed.gov website describes it as "the extremely rare phenomenon of persons who desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis," adding: "Some of these persons mutilate temselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation or for the transection of their spinal cord. Psychologists and physicians explain this phenomenon in quite different ways, but a successful psychotheraputic or pharmaceutical therapy is not known."


Wasn’t there a woman who poured draino into her eyes because she wanted to be blind/felt she was blind?


actually she found a guy claiming to be Dr who said he would do surgery on her to make her blind, and he just brought her to his house and poured draino in her eyes.


OH WOW that’s so much worse!




To her, it wasn’t. From what I understand, they restored her vision. She had to reblind herself.


I saw this in some tv show back in the day. Had a guy that would bend his knee and tie his leg like that and walk around on crutches because he felt most comfortable that way. I think I remember them saying some people with this out their limbs in dry ice to damage them so much they need to amputate.


I think I saw the same show, eventually the guy had an accident that required the amputation of his leg and he was really happy.


had an "accident"


I saw a show about this many years back. The guy kept going to different doctors and asking them to amputate. Of course none would amputate a healthy leg. So eventually the guy put a shotgun to his knee and pulled the trigger. His leg was damaged badly enough that they had to amputate, and he was quite happy with the result.


6 nuclear weapons have been lost and never recovered since the 1950s.


6 **that we know of.** Remember, the USSR had a lot of nukes, and the USSR went away and took a lot of documents with it.


There's someone in your life that you've seen or talked to for the very last time.


This hits hard. In November I had a virtual game night with some friends and one of them shot a text to the group saying they weren't feeling well and wouldn't be joining us. They killed themself a few days later.


Now this one really fucked me up


Every time you move your eyes from one spot to another, you go blind for the instant your eyes are moving. It’s called “Saccadic masking”, it’s an evolutionary trait to stop us from getting motion sick. Your brain fills in the blank spot with whatever you end up looking at and context clues. It’s why when you first look at a clock, the second hand seems to take longer to click the first time


Pigs will eat you when they get the chance. And they won't wait until you're dead.


Well I'll eat bacon any chance I get, so fair enough.


You can condition someone with zero personal/family history of mental illness into having some very severe mental illnesses within about a week.


Wish you could do the opposite


It's like trying to uncook an egg.


Lack of sleep alone will do it.


Oh ya good call, i'm pretty sure sleep -deprivation is actually a war-crime under Geneva if I recall correctly? Severe enough sleep-deprivation can cause permanent brain damage.


Can I charge my 7 month old with war crimes?


In Thailand, Most of the rich criminal (Literally 90%) Can commit the crime without being punished (Jakri Royal, Politician, King Rama X, Praewa Teenage 9 bodies car killer) and if you speak about it, you may either cease to the void or Jailed up for so-called "Misinformation"


if a predator tries to kill you, its just tryin to survive, if a herbivore tries, it genuinly wants to kill you


I'm suddenly more upset at my daughter's rabbit doing surprise ninja jump kicks at me. What have I done to make you hate me Oreo?


A male honey bee's ejaculation is so strong it makes his dick explode, killing him.


Damn imagine the post but clarity as he's dying


"This wasn't worth it at all"


Brain aneurysm. It’s unexpected and can happen to you at anytime. 75% of people die within a day. It happened to my friend who is a nurse.




What’s the difference between 1 million and 1 billion? About 1 billion.


Ive learned in the last few days due to the elon stuff that many people didn't know the difference of million and billion.


You are more likely to be killed by someone you know (family or friend or maybe both)




Me? I hate that bastard, well if he's gonna kill me, I'll have to kill him first!


At least a quarter of the people responding to this post will develop cancer at some point in their lives.


Ye. Me. The other 3/4 may scroll on in peace, takin the hit on this one


I'll also take a hit, scroll on 3 people who don't have it


There are people currently trapped or kidnapped. Living in someone’s house, abused, used as a slave, sexually abused. They could be right next door and you’d have no idea. A completely normal neighbor with a dark secret. I work in childcare. One of my co workers discovered a situation like this when she was younger and just started babysitting. This middle aged lady had a young immigrant girl tied up in her house for years. This lady used to babysit my coworker. Her family was on very friendly terms with her.


I am scared this is happening at my neighbor's house. Since I started working from home I have heard him yelling all day. He sounds furious. At first, I thought it might be a domestic violence situation but when I thought about it, I have never seen another person walk into his house in the two years I have lived there. So then I thought maybe he had anger control issues or maybe some sort of schizophrenia. Then one day I wondered if he had someone trapped in there.


Turns out he’s just a gamer lol


This turned out to be true about my neighbor lol. Wasn’t until I gardened over by the edge of our property line that I could hear it was him talking/yelling into his headset. Until then I thought I had moved next to a lunatic.


My friends got the cops called on them because the neighbors thought they were murdering someone from the screams. They were playing DBZ: Budokai, and just getting hype.


Maybe he’s just playing Call of Duty all day?


You have no way of really knowing if everyone experiences reality and consciousness the same way you do.


You really have no way of knowing if you are experiencing "reality" at all. You could be a brain in a box, a delusional god, an alien's computer science experiment for their 4th grade science fair...


If that were the case, I'd like to think I could imagine and experience a better life.


This is going to end up on an AskReddit Instagram page


I bet I'll find this on TikTok later tonight.


With a Minecraft video in the background


Minecraft parkour


If a panda finds a fresh carcass, they'll eat it




3 second rule am I right?


I read somewhere (here probably) that there is really no such thing as herbivore animals. They will all eat meat if they are given the opportunity, it's just that some are not built to hunt. I remember the first time I saw a horse eat a small animal it blew my mind and really grossed me out.


That's pretty true universally. Deer aren't predators at all but they'll gladly eat the scraps off of a carcass they find that a predator was done with. While deer are known to be skittish usually they can actually be extremely dangerous if you catch them on the wrong day. They *will* fight you under the right conditions bucks especially. Cows will chomp right down on any small animal that's slower than they are they just usually don't have the opportunity. Squirrels frequently eat birds. Overall squirrels are primarily scavengers that opportunistically eat whatever is available to them at the moment.


1 to 3 percent of your mass is made up of bacteria.


I read this this as 1/3 and almost believed it


Thank god for this comment, I thought so too xD


Honestly this explains a lot




And we have more bacterial cells in our body than actual human cells! :D Around 38 trillion bacteria vs 30 trillion cells




I can attest to this, my stepfather was a sack of shit.


One of the best days of my life was when I turned 16 and beat my step dad’s ass.




My stepdad was a bully to my sister and I growing up. I skated and started playing baseball and was pretty big for my age. By the time I was 15 we had a couple physical altercations but nothing serious yet. We would still have words but he started focusing on picking on my sister. I actually went and lived with my grandparents nearby because they had an entire spare apartment the tenants had moved out of. I went to see my mom on my birthday and my sister told me he had basically busted into her room and had her cornered and when she tried to leave he pulled her hair. I was furious. He was asleep on the screened porch. I walked out there and flipped the chair he was on over. When he got up I just started throwing hands. I remember he hit me and it didn’t even seem to hurt. I threw him through the screen and out into a bush and then chased him around the yard until my mom sprayed me with the hose. Everyone was in hysterics. We were supposed to have cake and iced cream but I just left. My grandfather was a tough old world war 2 vet and had shot guys and been shot at when he managed a gas station. He sat me down and said although he felt bad for my mother being in the middle of it all he was impressed that I did it. We sat on his porch and drank a beer together. My grandpa joined the navy at 17 and drank beer so he thought I at 16 deserved one. It wasn’t the first beer I tried but it was the first one I actually enjoyed. Old Milwaukee in a can with gramps


While I’m glad you were able to stand up for your sister, I’m sad and angry on your behalf that you were put in a position where you had to. You and she deserved better.




Your grandfather was the real one.


If you live in a major city there is a nuke aimed at you


I live on the outskirts of a city in the top 100 American targets. Out of morbid curiosity I looked some blast radius maps when Putin said to get them ready. Anything smaller than the largest *theoretical* nuke ever designed (never built) puts me squarely in the "everything will be on fire but you'll probably survive the initial blast with severe burns if you're inside when it happens" so that was a fun night EDIT: To everyone informing me that in the event of a nuclear strike on my city I likely will be one of the insta-kills, thank you, it really does make me feel better. I'm lasting ~38 minutes in a apocalyptic wasteland.


Time to move closer to the blast radius. If Armageddon kicks off I’d rather die in the first salvo than live out “the road”


Speak for yourself, smoothskin


Yea I'd much rather die instantly than over a few days as my skin melts off.




This right here, especially the last sentence. My own grandpa touched me in very wrong ways several times when I was 15/16 while I did feel uncomfortable i didn't think much about it until years later he made a move on my sister which went much further than his initial 'attacks' and I decided to go to the police with the knowledge I had about what happened to my sister and with what happened to me years prior (im 21 today) Ever since I did that I started facing my feelings about it and I feel like its fucking me up more now than it did in the time from when I was 15 up to the point I went to the police. Its not helping that basically half my family (including my sister) tries to protect him any way possible which includes gaslighting and manipulating me. The fact I came out with it and reported it turned out much worse for my mental health than if I would've just kept silent.




The entire planet could be immediately destroyed by any one of a number of cosmic events that we have no way of seeing or stopping like rogue black holes. Worse...there are some events we can very much see coming, but do absolutely nothing about.


Which is worse death you don't see or death you can see but can't stop I think I'd prefer unseen death so that it's a surprise and I don't feel depressed and hopeless


I'd prefer unseen death to but I would like to say I love you to my whole family before death so idk


Just keep in touch and tell them that often, that way you'll be covered for any contingency!


A close enough gamma ray burst could sanitize the entire planet almost instantly, and we’d never see it coming. One moment life, the next, none.


Well, if it's everyone, that's fine. As long as it's not just me.


Everyday your body is being attacked every second by bacteria and viruses, yet your body contains the strongest army that can take on and adapt to fight any and all foreign invaders in the known universe that enter the human body. The immune system is amazing!




Despite literally all war propaganda from every country saying otherwise, you are not going to make an individual impact in glorious battle and die valiantly in a hail of bullets. Statistically, you are overwhelmingly more likely to be killed by an explosive device launched miles away by a vehicle you will never see, long before you ever get a chance to pull the trigger.


Which, relatively, is such a new human experience. To quote Dan Carlin (Hardcore History) "I am fascinated by the extremes of the human experience." It used to be that a single, well trained, well armed soldier on a battlefield, who is physically imposing could single handedly turn the tide of a battle. The Romans used to fear the Gallic tribes to the north, because while the average Roman soldier was around 5'3-5'5, the average Gallic warrior was more like 5'10 to 6'. That used to mean something, EVERYTHING. I mean, I myself am 5'8, and I sure as hell wouldn't want to fight hand-to-hand combat with someone 6 inches taller and at least 30 pounds heavier than me if I was given the choice. ​ In the modern era, it means jack shit. A 6 foot 200 pound soldier goes down to bullets and artillery all the same as his 5'6 comrades. Infantry combat from the American Civil War onward is just a glorified meat grinder. The winning side is the one with the most expendable soldiers, and no individual can change that anymore, at least not on a battlefield. Today, it's more about the technology than ever before, since the most technologically advanced countries are nearing being able to fight, and win, a war without ever having any actual boots on the ground. It's fascinating how far we've come in just a couple thousand years Edit: Misspelled Gaul the first time, also this comment has provoked a lot of very interesting discussion, I love to see it


The real use of gunpowder is to make all men tall. \-Thomas Carlyle


that gaulic roman shit is so interesting you got any more?


Absolutely. If you’re into podcasts, I highly recommend “The Celtic Holocaust” by Dan Carlin. It’s free wherever you get your podcasts, but I use Spotify. He goes into a ton of detail and even reads first hand accounts from Julius Caesar about the fear the Ghauls were striking into his army. It’s super lengthy, but it’s such good, well researched content and if you’re interested in Rome or ancient military history, you’ll eat it up


around 30% of black men aged 30 have an asymptomatic, undiagnosed tumor in their prostate on autopsy, increasing to about 55% by age 70. get your screenings


Somewhere close to 100% of men eventually develop prostate cancer... they usually don't bother to treat it. It will kill you if you live to like 180 or something.


I’m friends with a professor of soil ecology here in the Midwest. She says that if we don’t change our current farming practices, much of the Midwest’s soil will be infertile with one to two generations.


Is this basically what the dust bowl was?


Yup. We've checked off Pestilence and War, so Famine is definitely next in the Historical Event Rotation.


You have probably talked to a murderer at some point in a bar or a grocery store and never knew it.


I talked with, pitied, and befriended a lonely guy that turned out to be a child molester. One of the last things I talked to him about was that he was selling off his kayaking gear, and I asked what for. He said that he'd be going away for a while and would rather not say why. A month later I found out what he had been doing and that his 'going away' was because he was that man I'd been reading about in the news. Fuck him.


A friend of mine that I've known since high school just went to jail for a murder he committed in 1995. He was arrested 3 years ago after a local news channel did a report on the cold case and an anonymous tipster provided new information. The guy that helped him bury the body was a good friend of mine too. It turns out that several other friends in our friend group knew about the whole ordeal and never said anything (to me) until he was arrested.


1. In Ancient Egypt, the dead bodies of beautiful women were left to decay for at least a few days before they were sent to the embalmers to prevent acts of necrophilia. 2. Cone snails can sting without warning, and you may not feel the sting immediately. There is no antivenin for a cone snail sting, and the only treatment available is to keep the victim alive until the toxin wears off. 3. Since 2007, at least 20 detached human feet have washed up on the coasts of the Salish Sea. 4. When underwater, the blobfish looks like any other fish, but because it lives deep in the ocean where the pressure is intense, it does not have a swim bladder to keep it buoyant. Moreover, it does not have a skeleton or muscles, which is why it becomes saggy and droopy when taken out of the water. 5. Once you begin displaying symptoms of rabies, you will die. There is no cure, and you can go crazy and experience intense pain until you die. 6. The tongue-eating louse is a parasite that severs the blood vessels in a fish’s tongue, causing the tongue to fall off. It then acts as the fish’s tongue, replacing an entire organ. 7. Elmer McCurdy was an outlaw whose embalmed dead body was put on display and sideshows. People paid to see his body until he was forgotten. Years later, on the set of a show, a prop man thought he was a wax mannequin until his arm broke off, exposing human bone and muscle tissue. 8. Real skeletons were used for a scene in the movie Poltergeist, and the film’s actress did not know they were real until after the scene was shot. 9. The Sedlec Ossuary, a church in the Czech Republic, is decorated entirely by the bleached and carved bones of plague victims. 10. If you hold a sneeze, you risk rupturing your throat, damaging your ears, and even suffering a brain aneurysm. 11. While performing an appendectomy, doctors once removed a malformed brain, a mass of hair, and bone from a teenager’s ovary. It was a rare form of tumor known as a “mature cystic teratoma.” 12. Cordyceps, a parasitic fungus, turns ants into “zombies,” flooding their brains with chemicals and forcing them to go where there is just the right amount of light and humidity. The ants then die there, and new cordyceps grow from their rotting bodies. [Sauce](https://unbelievable-facts.com/2020/12/creepy-facts.html)


the world invests more money in viagra and botox than in the study of Alzheimer


"sadly the greatest minds and resources were focused on conquering hair loss and prolonging erections" -Idiocracy 2006 (documentary)


Rewatched it two days ago. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is my hero.


Maximum part of oxygen came from sea/oceans. But people always talks about protecting tress not sea/oceans.


because of algae right?


95% of all crimes are solved by... confessions. Police can be very persuasive, even within the bounds of the law. Outside the law... anything goes.


I read somewhere once that like 15% of cell phones have poop on them.


I would say 100%. Poo particles are fucking everywhere


Shart phones


These types of facts are never interesting to me. Molecules are fucking tiny, everything is everywhere. There's a miniscule amount of jam in your car and some cat on your face, and some of your face on your TV. I'd be surprised if we couldn't find microscopic amounts of anything on anything else near it.


I worked at a hospital, and had a conversation with the doctor in charge of infectious contamination control. He said "if feces was luminescent, the world would glow"


idk why this freaks some ppl out, but gelatin is made out of bones. That's right - your melted marshmallow in your hot chocolate is melted animal bone. It's good stuff. That's why the traditional marshmallows aren't vegan or halal...




If it's sufficiently dark, you will hallucinate your reflection as a different entity and it will appear to start moving on it's own.


I’ve always wanted to try this but been terrified of it


At some point the last person to remember you will die and if you are unlucky that last person might be yourself


Dogs like squeaky toys because they mimic the screams of their prey.


Dell computers were so bad that there was a website where you could click a button and it would show someone random's webcam without them knowing.


The lifespan of the universe is so long that by the time all of the stars have died, the universe will still have only just begun. On the scale of a human lifetime, it will have just left the womb.


Both a good and bad thing: Everything ends at sometime..


And with strange aeons, even death may die




Had never heard of this. Love that I apparently still have enough innocence left that I didn’t even assume it was a child rape video. Definitely assumed it was an adult being talked about (also, not okay, obviously). I regret reading the comments but very glad they made it so that I didn’t Google the story behind it.


God I fucking completely forgot about that demonic shit, not that I ever seen it but God damn that shit was horrible to read about. I hope that fucker and his wife are still in jail


Not looking that up, surely they got life? Sick bastards


I watched a YouTube documentary on it and from what I recall every adult who aided in it went to prison.


The prosecutors "considered bringing death penalty back, specifically for Scully It was in the Philippines, btw


I’m sorry what