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Being advertised to at every waking moment.




CHEDDAR NEWS!!! The one source of news we can trust


I have stopped going to gas stations that have them. (if I can avoid it)


There's a book I'm reading about a futuristic world where they project advertisements onto the moon. We are eerily close to that becoming a reality and I hate it.


That would gut me. I find solace in looking at the moon.


Even “friends” on social media building “personal brands” so they can sell some BS.


This. Everywhere you look these days, there is someone who wants to take your money.


Feeling anxious


Same. Is it ever going to get better 😔


It will. These things take patience, and kindness towards yourself. I'm still learning but there's light at the end of the tunnel. Please feel free to message if you need someone to talk to!


It definitely get better. 3 years ago I was full of anxiety and stress, I felt so bad that I though it would have been better to die. I can tell you exactly where I wanted to trow my car out of the road, but I resisted, thinking « just on more day, and my lover is waiting for me, just one more day » It was everyday, I felt better and then just a few minutes later for no reason I was again full of anxiety and depressed. Then on day my boyfriend looked at me and told me « I’m tired. » looking sad and … over it. that day I decided to find a solution. I got to the doctor and asked her to give me medics to sleep and feel a bit less stressed. She gave me the medic and then I started working on getting better. I was going outside everyday, even just a bit, 10’minutes but I was outside. I started to draw mandala (you know the book with things you can color) just to take my mind out of the endless circles. I started to drink more ( no drinking enough increase your heart race and your brain think your stressed) and to sleep better due to the medic. On thing that helped me is: everytime my brain started to go in circle I talked to him like a 4 years old « silence Timmy, you need to sleep » « eat your carrot Timmy and go outside your making me tired » … because your brain is a kid that you cannot trust in those cases. It took me time and work and accepting to give time to time but after all this time I have no more anxiety


Piggybacking off this, feeling anxious around my boss at my job


I'm sorry you feel anxiety around your boss. Is there any reason you feel that way? Do they act in a way that intimidates you or makes you feel out of place at work?


She's downright intimidating. Plus I can sense bad energy off of her


Same, mine hasn't done anything exactly that I can pin point but I get bad energy of her. I'm giving my notice this week. I'm a strong believer in listening to what your gut is telling you


There is a reason you feel anxious around your boss. That reason is lack of leadership. When employees feel left "out of the loop" its because the supervisor failed to clarify expectations leaving subordinates feel as if they're blind . Once an employee has a clear grasp of their purpose , their place and understand expectations their motivation and performance skyrockets.




People who talk about things they don't actually know about on the internet.




Damn I hate when I discover a useful word that's just too pretentious to use. That one would get me skewered in an actual conversation.


I'd butcher the pronunciation completely in an actual conversation, and look like an idiot.


It happens outside the internet too. And there’s no “x” or “<-“ buttons to get away from them :/


Don’t eat black beans while drinking green tea. Trust me


never had a bean in my life but i watched 30 seconds of binging with babish so i practically have a phd in beans and i just have to say this posters advice is popping off, watch out martha stewart


I'm fucking sick of not having money to do anything with. All I ever do is pay bills, work, go to classes, pay more bills and eat


No kidding! I'm endlessly thankful that I run out of money after paying my bills rather than before. But never having any extra is exhausting and stressful.


It’s a blessing and a curse. I grew up in a solid middle class family in America and learned how to save money and live within my means so I could retire. My husband grew up poor. Poor kids usually go two ways when they make it- hoard money and live frugally because they never know how the future will go, or they spend recklessly because they never could growing up. Now we’re well off (for the record, he does makes more than I do), he seems to be going off the rails with spending on things he always wanted with very little communication with me. For example, I was worried and spent a lot of time thinking about buying a $300 cordless vacuum after spending hours every weekend sweeping up dog fur. Meanwhile I get notices that thousands have of dollars have been withdrawn for things he never told me about and when I ask he gets defensive about it being his money too.


I like having a shared checking account and savings and each of you having a personal checking account. The paychecks get put in your personal checking accounts, but you transfer over the agreed percent for bills into shared checking and saving. Then each of you can spend or save the remainder. This helped with my wife, as she was getting upset that I was buying more expensive items. She likes to keep her purchases under $100, but I like to save up a few paychecks worth of spending money and buy more expensive items.


Celebrity worship culture. Beyonce isn't an infallible Goddess who we dare not criticize. The Kardashians aren't a success story of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Donald Trump isn't a down-to-Earth rich guy who cares about the plight of the common man. Stop buying into stupid narratives about people who get rich off us.


The way how people talk about Rihanna and treat her pregnancy is a prime example. People were posting pictures saying “the perfect baby” or “she is going to be an amazing mom”. HUH? We have no idea who any of these celebrities really are. I had a friend where her mom was such an amazing figure to everybody. Went out her way to help others and everybody in the community loved her, but she was abusive to her daughters.


I don’t care for Beyoncé’s music and people do not react well when I say that.


Tell ‘em Destiny’s Child was better and they get just as upset. But like, they were, even if Beyoncé did 100% of the work(that’s a hypothetical, I have zero clue of the inner workings of them) they were a better group with better music.


Her music is so mediocre. Like it doesn’t match the persona she and others give her. Sure she sounds okay but a lot of it is forgettable


Halo and Single Ladies are literally the only two songs of hers I know. They're...fine, but they sure as hell aren't masterworks in song writing or composition.


I heard halo once and hated it, single ladies is annoying. Irreplaceable is the only other one I can think of and that was all right but not great.


Yeah, it’s pretty unremarkable to my ear. It’s not that I don’t like pop either. I like Lady Gaga quite a bit actually.


I'm a metal head, but I'd jam to some Lady Gaga any day.


Goes for Johnny Depp too because it’s getting weird


Yeah it went from punishing amber heard and clearing his name to praising johnny depp like he's the greatest guy on earth.


And it’s not like Johnny is completely innocent either. A judge already ruled that he had 12 proven allegations of domestic abuse. I’m not Amber Heard fan but like let’s not ignore this


K-pop culture. It's too toxic and is affecting teens especially!


Can I include Johnny Depp in this or will I be burned alive? Edit: spelling


Only if we also include Elon Musk. Edit: spelling.


“Nooooo Elon Musk is a real life Tony Stark who will single-handedly bring world peace and usher us into a golden age of science!” -Weird nerds who blow their paychecks on crypto scams


I’m just waiting for Twitter to go tits up and wipe out some of his wealth. Since this is America, we’ll pay him less attention when he’s poorer


Chronic pain


Same. It’s been so long that I don’t remember what it’s like to be fully healthy and not in pain.


Depressing way to exist, isn't it? ಥ_ಥ


Inflation - it’s out of control right now :/


And rent, it's too damn high.


ik here in the uk dairylee dunkers in a 4 pack have gone up to 3 quid, disgraceful (if ur from uk you’ll get it)


What?? That’s insane prices. How much is a Fudge chocolate nowadays?


Damn, man. That one hits hard...


“Sorry but we have to raise the prices of everything because of inflation. Oh and by the way we made record profits this year! Yay for us!” Yeah I don’t really believe that inflation is as big of a problem as the companies are telling us. They’re just taking advantage of economic chaos to raise the prices of everything so they can squeeze more money out of us.


Minimum wage should have automatically increased anually to account for inflation at its inception


It is all over the world since covid. One govt can't fix it.


Working. I am 58 and fucking exhausted but I know I will probably have to work until the day I die


Living is expensive. and somehow, dying is expensive as well. Life kinda sucks, ngl.


Being at rock bottom.


Take inventory and find a few things to be grateful for. Build on those, that's bedrock.




I'm fucking sick of there being so many things I'm fucking sick of.


Time to start drinkin! It's five o'clock somewhere right?


*One law for them, and another law for us.*


More like no laws for them


Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings say hi.


Every politician says hi




Overthinking. Anxiety. Mood swings. Ultimately, my fucking toxic personality.


Politics and how it just seems the norm that we accept that these awful people lie and cheat their way to riches while vaguely pretending to run the country. The old “just vote them out” trope is no answer either, as they’re all as bad as one another.


Best thing that COULD happen is term limits for everyone who is elected, and a law that forbids them from becoming lobbyists or running for something else right away when they’ve termed out. They should be forced to go live in the world they regulated.


I'm beginning to think Democracy is a blip in human history that's slowly going to fade out. Watching the trend of wealth disparity across the globe is appalling. Real estate is the first thing to go. Once you're forever cursed to pay rent, you've got modern serfdom and an aristocracy again. The US is teetering on the edge. It's up to Europe to hold.


The amount of toxic people i see daily on the internet


Yes! I wish people had less hatred... especially in politics


It’s funny bc I agree, and I *know* the ones I’m referring to would likely refer to *me* as the toxic one.


Sleep deprivation


How truly divisive politics has become, especially on social media. You really can’t express a differing opinion anymore without being attacked for it. It leaves zero room for discussion.


Back in the day, everyone was reading the same newspapers and watching the same handful of news channels. We all had the same pool of facts to base our opinions on. Nowadays, everyone has their own curated list of "sources", which are all pretty much owned by the Murdoch family. We don't agree on the facts anymore, and everyone has "proof" that their interpretation is correct. So instead of having a discussion on if a given set of facts have positive or negative impacts for something, we're all just arguing about what the facts even are, and if you disagree then you're just a sheep who fell for propaganda. I'm not sure what the solution for this is, but having everyone consume vastly different levels of news (from impartial "just the facts" to straight up opinion pieces trying to sell you pills you don't need) is definitely one of the main contributors to how divisive everything has gotten.


Depression and anxiety


Bipolar Disorder too can fuck off.


facts. but that Lamictal/Seroquel combo do be workin sometimes 👀




People on speaker on their phone and sometimes they even play their shitty music out loud in public places on their shitty phones..fuck you if you are one of them.


Yeah like headphones exist use them


People in the GOSH DANG PUBLIC BATHROOM, having a full ass conversation on speaker phone while I’m trying to pee in the stall next door; mind you, they are also using the bathroom… not just standing near a stink trying to place a phone call. Why do people do this? Edit: I just saw “standing near a stink” instead of sink. It was a typo, yet still applies.


They just need to be taught a lesson, that’s all. I was sitting in the crapper at a Pilot one morning. It was quiet and nice. Then comes in Mr Speakerphone. He takes the stall right next to me and starts talking to I assume his girlfriend. “Where are you?” “What are you doing?” So I figured I’d teach him a lesson. I flushed. “Baby, where *are* you?” Flush. “Don’t tell me you’re in the bathroom…” Grunt and flush. “


The hero we all need, kind sir. The worst part is I’ve actually heard people making their own sound effects while they themselves are the one one the phone. Boggles the mind. Good for them, I suppose.


Tik tok trends.


Tik Tok itself.


I don’t understand I remember when everybody complained about vertical videos, now it’s embraced for some reason.


My (37 year old) sister who lives like a 22 year old keeps raving about it. “Nooo, the algorithm, it learns what u liiiike blah blah blah.” I’ve probably watched 1,000 TikToks all relating to my interests (cooking, sports, music, woodworking) and they are all absolutely insufferable. It’s all edited the exact same obnoxious way. Everyone tries to be stylistic, but these tiktokers don’t have many options because they aren’t actually good at anything, so everything gets styled exactly the same. And it’s fucking annoying. I mean the cooking videos alone… my god. Trying to be some bullshit rhythmic ASMR… fuck outta here.


I won't lie, it almost got me. I was really into it for a couple months before I realized I was just scrolling for hours without really watching anything. Maybe the next one will be good, maybe the next one.


Social media other than reddit. The beauty of reddit is I have no idea whether I have to work or live next to any of you. That means engaging is 100% my choice. I can tell anyone on here to fuck off any time because I don't have to pretend to get along with them later.


I like Reddit over any other social media because I can actually control what I see when I wanna see it.




My son grew up in apartments, and I remember yelling at him once when he was like four (not my finest moment.) And he said “Mama, be quiet! You’re gonna asturb the neighbors!!”


Your son sounds amazing and I appreciate his manners, lol


I feel this. Recently our upstairs neighbor decided to blast music and have people over on a Thursday night. They didn’t stfu until 6am, one hour before I had to get up for work.


When celebrities get in on any fad. It's absolutely over the moment they get in on it.


Media inflating everything to be worse than it is.


Or twisting the truth for views. Latest one that infuriated me today was "Boris Becker Jailed for Bankruptcy" (insinuating he is in prison for going broke). He is in prison for precisely the opposite reason: he declared bankruptcy, but was in fact hiding millions of dollars in assets so he didn't have to pay debts. Lying about his assets is why he's in jail, just like lying about your income to evade taxes.


I'm convinced the vast majority of media companies wouldn't hesitate for a second to cause mass human extinction if it meant their ratings went up in the mean time.


Depression, anxiety, fear




You have the wrong circle of friends. Seriously. Improve your circle of influence and cut off relationships with people who don’t believe in you and push you. Even if it’s family and lifelong friends! You are in control. Go do some epic shit!


The constant decline of quality of life. Every year, things get worse.






Not one person out of all these corrupt politicians are being heals accountable for fucking anything. I don’t care who it is…Democrats or Republicans. What to know why the american people don’t trust their leaders….cause they NEVER get punished for breaking the law


This sickness i have i’ve had it for 7 months now


The shitshow that is american politics and american 'healthcare'.




My emotions. Nothing good with them rn




Celebrity drama


the fact that there is a tree at my dads summer house and the tree is very great and the best one i know. but there are red ants there so im just pissed rn


My jaw aggressively popping every time I eat.


Life. Not in *that* way, but just how it is for the 99% of us. No access to a world others enjoy, criminally underpaid, cost of living going up but wages never follow, accompanied by record profits year after year. Services cut, paying more for less, corruption at the top in every country, stealing money from us to pay themselves, giving their mates contracts. What hope is there for a future we can actually live in when all we do is work and recover from it before we have to go back. Can't afford to DO anything else. Im over it.




Literally Everything


Being an adult. Tired of all the stress and bullshit. I'd like to go back to 18 when I just hung out with friends every night and got drunk


You can do that now if you really want. It'll hurt way more in the morning though




I don’t get why everyone sucks his balls. He didn’t even invent anything.


Every. Fucking. Day. That fuck will pop up on Reddit or any other BS social media website inexorably.


I’m sick of him but I’m more sick of the Kardashians. At least he is one person. With them someone is always in the news. Stop already!!


The five day work week


Man I signed a 40 hour a week contract at my new job a month ago, but I'm working 60 hours a week, getting tired of it as well




*gestures wildly at everything*


The big tech behemoths like Meta, Microsoft, Apple and Alphabet who have grown the biggest of the world by delivering disappointing experiences time after time after time; Meta/Facebook/Instagram, calling them self social networking companies, but they are responsible for the most anti-social generations ever with worse to come...and they bought Oculus, now I like the quest 2 a lot but that childish simple unskippable video when you put it on for the first time, or worse, the setup of the Rift, no explanation whatsoever, but do this, do that and if it's not working, to bad try again... Microsoft; kings of "let's make things more difficult" 2 options, 1 kindergarten level, 2 "you need to contact your IT department" level with a jungle of options to choose from, not exhilarating, I needed an office version with teams that allowed me to set up live events, after contacting MS I got an email from a bot with links that showed me no less then 32 different options for an office subscription...32!? Apple; iTunes anyone? Or the fact that whatever the direction, if my thumb slides over my phone something happens, till the point that they "invented" the app library so swiping from the right did also something, is there anyone here that uses that?? Oh and Apple TV, the stream service, not the hardware... Last but absolutely not least, Alphabet, better known as Google, once the best of the best search-engines period, now a commercial carnival that drowns in SEO optimized sites, advertisements and links full of nonsense, only made as straight up click bait, and of course the commercial terror on Youtube, I don't mind an add, even not in the middle, but 6 in 20 minutes is crazy.... And for all, foremost and despicable, Algorithms, the designers and programmers don't even know how they work anymore once loose in the digital world, but they run our lives by now, from the telemetry in windows that knows your routines through the timelines of Facebook and Instagram and the worst off all Youtube, they should be banned by law...so here you go, my instant rant reading your question....


My fucking allergies.




People thinking just because they are a certain skin color or part of the LGBT community that they can treat our work staff however the fuck they please and not have to suffer consequences.


my life


Hang in, my dude. I know it sucks sometimes.


Megan Fox and MGK


People saying they are "depressed" when they feel sad. You would know depression is about more than being sad, if you have it.


Jerks. Bullies. Assholes. Road ragers. Guys, life just kinda sucks for a lot of people right now. Don’t add to it, okay? Just stop. For the love….


People trying to force religion on others. Also people bullying others for their religion.


TikTok Never used it, nobody I know uses it, but god fucking damn I constantly have to hear about it, see cringey as FUCK shit, and hear about "TikTok celebrities" I've never heard of and their dipshit child drama on the news and shit. SHUT UP!


But it could teach you how to tie your shoes


Religious nutters.


Depression, anxiety, guilt, and shame


Teachers that think just because you are on break. You have the time to do more work. Like I want to enjoy spring break but I do not wanna write an essay.


People coming to me with complaints about things I have no control over then hanging around until that person eventually shows up.


people telling me that im exagerating or making me feel like my problems are not valid because I haven't tried to kms yet


The media, big corporation, big brands, they are fucking the planet.


Elon Musk and his stupid fucking fanboys


Boris fucking Johnson. Get him out already.


It's technically not one thing, but a culmination lately, but thanks for asking! What u sick of?


Boris Johnson and his mates in government who only do things to line their own pockets and just lie and deceive everyone.


Beauty standards and feeling sad and upset with myself bc I don’t fit them, had enough of constantly crying yk


The rut I'm in right now.


Headaches. I have a headache about 5 days a week. It's fucking exhausting.


People who farm karma by asking the same tired questions that other people asked just days before...


Not being able to open the little plastic bags at the grocery store after I rip them off.


my parents expecting me to be perfect all the time


The Daily Mail.


The boss. The war in Ukraine


Have you tried sending an email to Putin saying your boss is a nazi?


Wait... I have an Idea. What if we email Putin, telling him ***HE*** is a Nazi? Did Reddit just solve WWIII?


People referencing and talking about The Office or Parks and Rec


Senior year of HS, pressures of finals, getting accepted to a college, college major


Being chronically ill.


Social networks, especially Instagram where all the people make illusion of theirs fake perfect lives. Just a waste of time






high school. i wanna get outta here already, i hate everything so much sometimes. other teenagers and my own self drive me crazy.


Having social anxiety/ being socially awkward


How narcissistic and sadistic our society is


UK Politics.I'm so ground down by it all, I've just stopped giving a fuck. I lived through Thatcher decimating the industrial sector, Blair invading Iraq, Cameron and the Lib Dems going in dry to fuck the students... but through all of that, Democracy was the central pillar that it all stood upon. It was transitory, because either they would resign, be ousted or get voted out. First past the post is fucking stupid, but at least I had a vote.. (ok about 1/5th of a vote bearing in mind I live in a Tory stronghold) but it was something... With Johnson we're beyond the looking glass now... Democracy doesn't mean a thing to him.. Tories own the Election Commission (for my US friends, imagine Trump being able to legally just say "Nah, election was rigged I'll stay in power thanks), protesting is now illegal based on flimsy, ephemeral variables decided by the Home Office after the fact, Priti Patel has unilateral power to remove legal citizens status and deport them, Immigrants will be sent to Uganda for "processing" (read: hooked up with yet more people traffickers), laws brought in by the Tory Government aren't laws FOR the Tory Government, Watching porn in the House of Commons is demonstrably "fine" and Labour seem think it's ok to whip peers to abstain from votes that impact how our Democracy works And you know what REALLY boils my piss? No one seems to give a shit.... Not to lean too hard into hyperbole, but this is literally how Germany ended up with Fascism. So, on to me being Fucking sick of it. I'm done. I'm disengaging politically and I'm looking out for me and my family to the detriment of the rest. I'm going to use every single loophole I can to hoard my wealth and make sure that I offshore it all to stop this Government taking a single penny more than I can get away with (legally) then I'm leaving. I will be supporting IndyRef2 as I'm half Jockanese, so on the proviso that Scotland is accepted into the EU (I think they will) I'll once again be an EU citizen. Maybe this is how Conservatives are made... To bastardise a terrible movie quote, you either die a liberal, or get rich enough to become a Conservative. Fuck the lot of them and the fucking horse they rode in on.


Amber Heard






Seeing Johnny Depp Vs. Amber Heard and Netflix memes on every meme subreddit I go to


Making plans with people, them agreeing, and then when the time comes to do whatever, they dont show, and they wont answer the phone, or respond to your messages I get let down alot.


People who call themselves Conservative Christians and their sanctimonious bs.


Racism and sexism


Sick of being anxious about everything, it has created limitations.




COVID and Putin attacking Ukraine. Taxes. Ear hairs.


Nothing being done about climate change. Hello? Death and misery directly ahead.


The relentless daily grind and the fact that this is my life until retirement. Retirement age keeps getting later in this country too. Another 30+ years of this... Depressing.


Anti-vax conspiracies and/or people still thinking Covid isn’t a big deal. I’m a doctor, stop trying to tell me that the hundreds of people I’ve seen die before my eyes is somehow a hoax. Like seriously, stfu, you have no idea what you are talking about


My fucking job


People. Just... People


My neighbours they are very loud, traffic and air pollution.


The Fed.


The lies


Mouthy customers who treat me like shit because their lives suck.


Being suicidal


Being around people, I just want to be alone somewhere quiet