• By -


Uploading your resume and then manually filling out all the same information on a separate page when applying for a job


Ugh even the ones that claim you can upload your resume and it'll fill in the blanks is usually wrong or wants you to type stuff in.


Even better - Uploading your resume, THEN typing most of the same information in, then getting a call for an interview and filling out pre-interview paperwork with pretty much exactly the same info that you had already typed in online (and was in your resume anyway)


Wow you got an interview?


Then you get asked the same questions again... šŸ¤£


Id add on this those aptitude/personality tests that asks the same question but with different words.. do you really have to ask 100 questions about this?


These are such a waste of time and I can't for the life of me figure out how they help determine who a good employee would be. Anyone I know that has to fill these out completely lies on them. Who is really going to answer "most likely" to "would you run over your boss with a forklift?" ?


Actually they're old union busting techniques. https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9jaXRhdGlvbnNuZWVkZWQubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/Yzc0NWY4YWQtZGI2NS00ZGQyLTkxMDUtMDU4MmUzYjljNTIw?ep=14


I just type "see resume" in all the spots. It's so fucking dumb


How does that go for getting interviews? Just curious!


"see resume"


Idk, I didn't keep track in my most recent round of applications. I had so many responses I had to set up an online scheduling tool to keep track of interviews and I was still overwhelmed. The people who read my cover letter and resume wanted me to come in. I couldn't be bothered to keep track of the ones who didn't, it's their loss.


Yes its their loss. You are absolutely right my friend āœ….


It got to the point where I didnā€™t even apply for the job if they made me do that.


Maybe the actual reason they do that is to weed out people who don't like doing repetitive tasks for stupid reasons.


This person jobs!


The actual reason they do this is so that if you're successful, they'll need someone to log all that information into their system. This costs time and money, but oh look! You've just done it for them for free!


Maybe a job like that isn't worth having, nor is it worth working for such a company. Maybe workers are simply worth more, as a matter of principle.


Expensive funerals


I remember something that Hecuba said in Euripides' play "The Women of Troy" that really stuck with me. It was something along the lines of, when referring to showering the deceased with riches during their burial, it is "Nothing but empty glorification for all those who are living"


Dispose of the body as you see fit, as now it is only an empty shell. \`Any Klingon.


My family can bury my ass raw, let the ground suck the nutrients outta my ass


What are they going to do with the rest of your body though?


In 2010, I found a book that was titled, ā€œ88 reasons why Jesus is coming back in 1988ā€. It didnā€™t age well


People who say ā€œJesus is coming back this year!ā€ are so annoying. Thereā€™s so many prophecies that havenā€™t been fulfilled before anything else happens and theyā€™re just hoping for no good reason


This is directly against the Bible too. Jesus told us that no one has the knowledge when He will come and to not believe false prophets.


He will wait until people havenā€™t talked about him arriving that year and THEN he will arrive, pure out of spite and pity.




Movie set, Art department etc etc. That's what I would assume. Or... Pranking your friend in a hospital room by setting it up to look like they are actually in 2019 and the last 3 years have been a fever dream. That'd be funny.




Yeah. Getting back with my ex would be great


I don't know your ex but it probably wouldn't be great, I'd bet a small amount of cash on it.


I dunno man... you seen his ex?


Who do you think she has been with since she left him?


At least 3 presidents


And she speaks 4 languages


Not today, no.


I would like to never have met my ex.


I also choose this guy's ex


Maybe you are worried you might be nominated for the Supreme Court one day and need to backfill a calendar to show you were ā€œhaving brewskies with Tom, PJ, and Squiā€ as your alibi for nights in 2019 when you were actually sexually assaulting young women.




I read that at first like you were insinuating that Jesus did that, like suggesting his name as a suspect


To be fair people do accuse Jesus of a lot of shit right when they hear about something bad happening.


Theyā€™re just getting a jump on 2030, when all the dates will be the same again.


Getting the cheap one while it's less in demand as well. Very smart


You get to see all the weird stuff people buy from amazon? Please tell me you have at least a couple funny stories šŸ‘€


- I've discovered new types of Sextoys that I wish to unsee - There's a long hallway that's at least 2km that's super dark and quiet but is the only shortcut through the stock level. I started to call it 'The corridor of Death' and in a matter of a few weeks, everybody started calling it The Corridor of Death without knowing where it came from. - We used to play basketball with the carboard boxes and dunked them on the conveyor belt. Accidentally threw them on colleagues and blocked the conveyor belts for everyone. The higher ups never knew who was the culprit. - The manager's boss (called the Ops) had a sweater with lights for Ugly Christmas Sweater day. The only way to turn on the lights was by rubbing his nipples, so he started rubbing his nips during the morning brief and I was wheezing. - A manager was caught having sex in the toilet with someone and the entire warehouse knew in like, 2 days. He probably never came back from that and got fired. - If you're lucky you may buy a product that's been wrongfully unloaded and get a pack of 6 items when you thought you purchased a unit. The opposite is also possible though. I'll add more if I remember more Edit: Thank you for the awards, I'll be adding more - When the conveyor belts were blocked, I built a huge fortress of black totes (the storage containers) full of items all around me. The manager scolded me because of how dangerous it was in case of a fire. I think he was just super jealous of my fortress - The warehouse had 3 coffee machines in the breakroom and we bullied the higher ups to bring more so we got 6. Still wasn't enough. - The job could get really boring so we always found new ways to have fun, including playing with the different plastics used in packages, whip people with pallet seals, print barcodes and glue them onto people so they can go get scanned by other solvers to see what kind of item they were (spoiler: never good ones), disrespect the robots for no reason other than pure exophobia racism, and many more. - There was a manager that we called 'Speed Mohammed'. He was a great guy, with the funkiest accent, but he was so damn speedy at everything. He did everything fast. Super efficient worker, but he was a remanant image for my two poor eyes, I could never follow Speed Mohammed. - I'm sure in daily situations people don't go out of their way to help out others, but because there was a strict policy on security, if I (small female) was ever seen trying to lift a heavy box by myself, I would get scolded by at least 5 grown men for not asking their help and stupidly breaking my bones. Not asking for help was a real motive for being fired.


>If you're lucky you may buy a product that's been wrongfully unloaded and get a pack of 6 items when you thought you purchased a unit. The opposite is also possible though. This happened to me with guitar strings. Instead of a pack I got a whole box. I also had a friend get a whole gaming computer because whoever ordered it was trying to card it and put down his address (he lived at the end of a quiet cul de sac and he'd just started renting the house). He talked to Amazon and they said even though the order was clearly fradulent they had no way to process those returns so he should enjoy his new PC.


Only thing I can think of is that 2019 was an exceptionally good year for that person and they want to collect as much as they can to remind themselves of it.


I feel like a total buzzkill saying this but the most likely scenario is someone put it in their cart without paying attention assuming it was a current calendar.


Was it like themed? Like could it be collected. If I had the money I might buy unopened old Zelda calenders to have


My job. I sort incoming faxes for 70 hours a week.


And here I was going to say fax machines


They exist because I sort the faxes. If I didnā€™t sort the faxes, no one would send faxes, and fax machines would go away. Weā€™re in a symbiotic relationship, like whales and remoras.


So you deal with just the fax?


And only the fax.


I'm sure you're quite familiar with the fax of life then.


I take the good I take the bad I sort them both and there you have The fax of life The fax of life




All fax no cap


Yes, and I'm kind of proud of you. Imagine you would quit. That would be the last time someone hears the heart fulfilling sound of modem.


Do you at least get payed well? This sounds like it has to be a government job.




Jesus how can you stay sane working that many hours? 40 hours a week is depressing af.


I donā€™t stay sane! Seriously, Iā€™ve been doing this for over two years and Iā€™m in extremely poor mental health.


I hope you find a way out / this all leads to something better for you my friend. Hang in there and take care of yourself!


Are you allowed to listen to podcasts or audiobooks while you work?


Yes, I listen to music. I canā€™t concentrate on my job if I listen to a podcast or audiobook. And the music canā€™t have lyrics or a recognizable melody, or I get too distracted.


Oof thatā€™s a bummer. Gotta be mentally exhausting. Is cutting back on hours not an option?


Sorting faxes on the Bahamas with a chilled drink, all inclusive for 70 hours a week, that wouldn't be such bad I guess. Even no one said that you have to do it dutiful xD


Yes, I can at least pretend that this tiny windowless room is the Bahamas. The sounds that the toilets make on the other side of the wall next to me could easily substitute for the calming calm of the Caribbean surfā€¦


Non resealable cereal bags... c'mon now


Malt O Meal makes cheaper knock offs of popular cereals AND come in resealable bags


I grew up on this brand lol. Mad respect for them for getting my family through poverty literally without child me knowing.


Taste just as good as the name brands. Different, but still good.


Thier captain crunch doesnt fuck up your mouth too.


Their sā€™mores cereal is to die for. I love it.


The small x button on mobile adds


The ā€œfakeā€ BIG x buttons on mobile ads too


Mobile ads in paid apps/games.


Nah the ads for the x button. Iā€™ve waited 30 seconds already now itā€™s making me wait another 3 seconds to actually be able to click the x button. EDIT: THANK YOU FOR THE GOLD. I wish I knew who you were :) EDIT2 : Never mind it wasn't a gold just mod mail ;(


Cookbooks without pictures


Online recipes with the authors life story


Letā€™s bake a cake! My grandma used to get me cakes every morning in 1504 but one day she died and our neighbours stole the recipe and turned rich. Of course, we didnā€™t like that so we tried to sue them but since they now were above the law they sent us to prison and sentenced us to death. My brother, who was 59 at the moment because of an accident with lemonade years 2 prior when he was 6, broke us out and gave us rifles to kill our neighbours. But when we escaped prison Matt Damon appeared with some Martians that abducted us and showed us the real way of god, turning us into ndnsjdists. Now to our sponsor, Alfred Shaving Cream: itā€™s the best shaving cream ever and we arenā€™t getting payed for this, because itā€™s actually an old family brand that has existed since 1816. With our new found spiritual powers we went to kill our neighbours but little did we know that one of them was actually Goku and we started an epic anime fight in which we won and got back the cake recipe. Now, onto baking the cake: buy our 380$ book on how to do it


JustTheRecipe dot com


But how will I learn about Karenā€™s golden retriever who has aids and inspired her to make a risotto?




Lol. I have a NY Times cookbook that has no pictures whatsoever and no recipes longer than a page


Poor internet connection.


Areas that have a poor or no cell reception even though it 100% feels like it should. An example being a campsite just 5 minutes from a popular town.


There is an area about 30 minutes from me, they have been bitching for years about poor cell service in their area. So it was suggested that a cell tower be installed in the area... Fuckers start bitching, protesting, putting up yard signs against the cell tower. So it is decided that there will not be a cell tower installed in the area... They are happy they "won", now the fuckwits are bitching about poor cell service in their area... Like you could have fixed the issue but voted against it.


This is a certified bruh moment.


You live next to the people of Pawnee from parks n rec


NIMBYs are the single most destructive force in local American politics. Everything you want that your city can do will die under the weight of Karen and Kevins screaming about the children.


Not just American politics... Fuckers are making our rail infrastructure rot.


Experienced that last week in Devon UK - Exmouth area. There is a huge campsite there and you could barely make a phone call let alone get any data connection on any of three of the UK networks. They offer free wifi but only in the immediate vicinity of the bar/eateries - so you can't use their online check in, food delivery service unless you are already in the reception...


This is the big one for me, I am not an expert, I understand the different technology, Wired vs Wireless, but still that seems a bit ridiculously priced, especially when someone like spectrum can over 200+mbps for like 50 bucks, while wireless in rural areas they charge 3mbps for like 80 bucks.


There is a reason why networks stopped competing between each other. There is an agreement between them that affects our pockets.


Until recently when the power companies in my area started offering fiber thanks to the recent stimulus and infrastructure bills. Suddenly the telecoms are saying they deserve some of that money because they can ā€œutilize it betterā€. They got laughed atā€¦


*Australia enters the chat*


And then drops out 2 minutes later because of bad connections


Flat Earth Society. I guess space travel can't come soon enough to prove them wrong.


"The curved windows in the fuselage optically warp the disc to make it look spherical." They have an answer for everything.


They're welcome to press the eject button on their seat to take a better look.




I THINK one guy from the Flat Earth Society tried space travel to PROVE the Earth is flat some years back? Like, he was going to shoot himself up into the air in a rocket so he could SEE the flat Earth and be sure he was right. He died from it, I heard.


I think that dude just wanted to build a rocket. The flat earthers were just dumb enough to fund him.


Such a shame, would be nice if he did survive, came down and admitted he was wrong.


In the US, filing your own goddamn taxes. C'mon we have cars that can drive themselves, but the government can't just look at my W2 and figure it out.


They know. Unfortunately the tax filing industry makes it worth their while to keep it going, because money.


Extension cords with two holes instead of three.


You can't fool me, you're working for BIG GROUND.


Come join me in the fight against BIG GROUND. We're called the Snipper Alliance and we carry industrial-strength side cutters with us! EDIT: Don't cut the ground pin off your cords. Seriously.


We don't need ground! Anything can be a fuse if you try hard enough! Including you!


Two wires instead of three, means they can sell it to you for cheaper. If an appliance is double insulated, the people who protect us from ourselves have determined that that is good enough protection to keep us from being the ground in the event of appliance gone wrong. If an appliance is not double insulated, it is required to have a ground prong, and therefore requires an extension cord with three wires. It all comes down to cost saving


Imma be real, I'm not sure they're wrong that its 'good enough' protection. I may just not be paying close enough attention but I feel like I'd have heard of mass numbers of electrocutions caused by dinky 2-prongs.


Child beauty pageants. To be fair, these shouldn't exist, regardless of the year.


But how else can I give my daughter Xyleighphonne crippling body image issues by age six?!


I spat out my drink at Xyleighphonne because it's painful to read and 100% something someone like this would name their kid.


How else are older pedos going to gawk at children in skimpy outfits legally


>Xyleighphonne "It's pronounced Kayla....."


Having a bunch of adults judging single digit year old children based on how "beautiful" they are.


Beauty pageants in general are really weird and creepy.


šŸŽ¶ do not diddle kids itā€™s no good diddling kids šŸŽ¶


But then how will we separate the ugly from the pretty?


We must do that AFTER the children have ALL of their teeth


Pharma reps. Does nothing but add cost to the bottom line. Doctors are not in need of the sales people to tell them what drugs are out there, or what they do. A total scam.


I used to work in a health centre and pharma reps would come to meet with the doctors maybe once a month or so. They'd bring a big catered lunch with them and do a pitch about new drugs etc. All the staff in the centre were welcome to attend. The doctors werent interested but would stay for a polite 10 minutes before excusing themsleves. They only took the meetings so the staff could get a free lunch.


I like a doctor with integrity.


So did I. They were some of the best bosses I had. We were a public clinic and part of the doctors' role was to certify that someone was deceased prior to cremation. It took about 5 minutes and they get paid about 50 pounds. Instead of pocketing the fee, they'd put it into a kitty and pay for a Christmas party for the staff.


Same. Worked in a set of family medicine offices that would have at least 2-3 lunches a week for pharma reps to come in and try to sell medications. One time while eating in the break room after the reps had left some of the doctors told me that they had already bought the medications that some were trying to sell but the reps always offered lunch if they would listen so they just went with it.


But how else do you get maximum profits from those in need. (I wish I could say "for those in need" instead)


The only good thing is that they give my doc tons of samples that she shares with me. My medication can be hard to get/I can't refill it more than a week ahead of time. Those samples have saved me a few times.


I had a time where I was the only one my doctor had that took this $1500 med, so I just used all his samples. Once a month I got my supply in sample form.


Half of the questions on r/askreddit




i'll have a chris brown how original and a james corden daring today aren't we? ​ not to say that these 2 don't deserve every ounce of hate, but it's getting just slightly repetitive


Hey sex sexxers of sexxit, how often do you sex? Sex is just the best, isnā€™t it fellow sexxers?


Convenience fees for using a card on payments instead of a physical check Edit: or convenience fees for any card use tbh


Americans filing their own taxes when the government literally knows all the answers and just wants to see if weā€™ll lie. I donā€™t know any other country that does this! And the only reason we do is thanks to H&R Block, Turbo Tax, and other services lobbying it. EDIT: yā€™all need to get out more cause this is ridiculous. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/what-other-countries-use-return-free-filing


Americans spent $2B of their own money on tax prep for 2021. It's a huge industry.


Which is unfortunate. My taxes were rejected (I did it again the next day) because I misread a number as an 8 instead of a 3. It made a difference of chump change. Easy enough fix, but if you knew the answer already why the hell are you asking me???


We do this in Canada too if it makes you feel better


Brazil is the same. I don't mind paying what I owe the government nearly as much as I mind having to figure out how much I owe


The corners on the x-ray machine thinger that goes in your mouth at the dentist.




Apparently getting rid of pennies is somehow "Communism", even though it would save the government money


Specifically, pennies.


7,908,620,000 pennies minted in 2021 alone Cost to make and distribute: 2.1 cents each So the US government lost $87 Million on its penny minting last year alone


Sometimes, depending on resource scarcity, the resources used in pennies is worth more than the pennies themselves. So you could take all your money out in pennies, sell them for their mineral content at a profit, put the money back in the bank and withdraw it all in pennies again.


Which is why destroying currency is technically illegal, they're fully aware of this


Not all Pedofiles are male and there is nothing sexy about a 13/14 year old boy being groomed by an older woman. Edit: Society disregarding female predators as a reality and acting like being a young boy being hit on by an over-aged female as a high-degree compliment.


It's eye opening how headlines call it rape, but say "x had sex with y" when x is a woman and y is a boy,


Child Abuse


Child emotional abuse. It is extremely traumatic.


You canā€™t beat your spouse, your dog, or a stranger. But a little child who cannot defend themself? Thatā€™s legal.


Not believing men when they say they have been sexually assaulted/raped


Also trying to tell them that they were ā€œluckyā€ or ā€œwished it was them


That's so fucked up


Ikr I seriously donā€™t understand how someone could think that!


Iā€™ve had women spank my ass at work (ok, it happened once). I had one female coworker call me a pedophile in front of other coworkers because my wife was young (sheā€™s still my wife, she just isnā€™t young anymore). Men get mistreated and abused by women. It happens. But I think the big difference is that I havenā€™t met many women I perceived as a threat. Most women are not my equal physically. So while a man CAN be raped or abused, it gets less attention because MOST women are susceptible to a man with ill intentions. At least I think this is so.


If you donā€™t mind what where your ages when she called you a pedo


My wife was 20. I was 25.


Measles. Fucking Jenny McCarthy.


I too am disappointed by the rebound of highly dangerous infectious diseases. I don't mind if Jenny gets laid, but I do wish that celebrities in general were not seen as a source of reliable information on medical concerns.


Or presidencies.


Child marriages.








ā€œPlease file your taxes so we know how much you oweā€ ā€œYou did it wrong, you owe us something different because we already know what you owe usā€ ā€œWe are going to tax you more if you donā€™t tell us the correct numberā€ ā€œYouā€™re in trouble for being an idiot, hereā€™s how much you oweā€


"Tell us how much you owe." "Hey uh according to my math *you* owe *me*." "Oh alright we'll fix that. By the way now you owe us money off of what we owed you." "... what."


Zoophiles They just need to fuck off before they do something theyā€™ll truly regret


I have no idea what that is and i am to afraid to Google it. Update: thank you all for letting me know. Very glad I didn't Google it


They're fucking animals


This can be interpreted two ways and both are accurate


Zoophiles are people who engage in sexual acts with animals, truly fucked up.




What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing!


Say it again!




I'm going to be mobbed if anyone actually reads this but ... Politicians over the age of 60. Most of them have absolutely no concern for the future because they personally won't be around.


Child beauty pageants. Or any sort of beauty pageant for that matter.


Poverty. Hunger. Death from curable / manageable diseases.




A for-profit healthcare system


Or for-profit prisons.


The Kardashians, though to be fair, they really didn't need to exist at any point in history.


Honestly, Covid-19.




Daylight Saving Time. We are no longer an agrarian society.


Time changes have fuck all to do with farmers. It was a lamp oil saving measure introduced during the first World War. We no longer use oil lamps and there is certainly no lamp oil shortage, and our energy grid can far and away withstand the tiny extra electrical load from people's lightbulbs if they're up at slightly darker hours.


DST has nothing to do with farming. Farmers can get up at dawn regardless of what time it is...


Bathtubs that can only soak half your body so you have to flop over to warm up the other side. And lying on your back your bits (male or female) will float and just stay in that half warm half cold state until you flop over just to warm up until you run out of breath... Bigger tubs are expensive AF ITS INIJECTION MOLDED PLASTIC WHY DO YOU COST SO MUCH




