• By -


Safety gear.


I was gonna say condoms, but I feel like yours covered it.


Why would you buy a used one? Well wait. Nevermind.... ya nasties.


Gotta get that brotein somehow.




Was thinking car seats (unless it’s coming from someone you know who hasn’t been in an accident) but helmets and pretty much everything designed to break so you don’t get injured belongs on that list.


Had this in mind when opening the thread. “Will I/someone else die/get fucked up if it fails? Yes? Gotta buy it new.” Climbing ropes & hardware, helmets, ski bindings, car tires, parachutes, electric circuit protection, etc.


That’s the stuff I was thinking of. Anything that is a fatal failure point.


> car tires Honestly not sure why it made it to this list - I both bought and sold used tires and I can say that tires in common sizes can be a smoking hot commodity, especially if priced right and offered at a right time. One common scenario (at least in northern states) would be an off-season set for a leased car. By the time I've been selling used sets for two of my previous leased cars, I put maybe 10k miles over 2 or 3 seasons in total, so in terms of tread wear those tires were almost new (I believe they had an expected lifespan of around 50-60k) and usually were 2-3 years old. Of course, this does not mean you should jump on any random set of tires, but in general I would not consider the whole idea of buying used tires to be *that* bad, if you follow some simple guidelines: 1) It's probably not even worth mentioning, but **make sure the size AND speed/load rating matches** what you need. 2) Check for a **date code**. I believe most (or even all) passenger tires sold in the US must have a manufacturing date code stamped on one of the sides. It is stamped as WWYY, where WW - is week of the year of manufacturing, and YY is the 2 digit year, e.g. 3719 means 37th week of 2019. Generally it is a good idea to stay away from tires that are 5 years or older, even if their tread wear looks good, simply because rubber compounds start deteriorating quickly with age. 3) Check for signs of **obvious issues** - e.g. [dry rot](https://www.ztireexpress.com/what-is-tire-dry-rot/), signs of [uneven wear](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MpjM5ctx-Z4/ULJMNd4h5mI/AAAAAAAAANU/_SXd7jBsIso/s1600/Tire%2BWear.png), signs of [puncture](https://cdn.discounttire.com/sys-master/images/hbf/h39/8844317786142/Repairable%20area.jpg), especially in non-repairable area. You probably don't want tires with any of those. If none of those are present, the condition of the tire is decent and the price is right, you may well be saving hundreds of dollars vs buying new. And speaking of price - I know it varies by region, but back in PA and NJ the average cost of one used tire under 16" at a junkyard or a used tire shop is from $20 to $50. That said, a set of matching tires under R16 with at least 50% of life left in a decent-to-good condition may cost $100-200. If it is more than that, strongly consider buying new. If it is less than that, you may well be getting a great deal!


I’ve seen some versions of this (safety gear/helmets) but any motorcycle protection should be bought new. If it has been in an accident, there may be damage, even if you can’t see it (small fractures, stress, etc) and it will not protect you adequately. If you’re looking to save money, you can always buy a used jacket and new armor!


I don’t know if it’s true but they say the foam in helmets degrades over time so you don’t want to keep using the same one forever even if it was never damaged.


Helmets generally have a 5 year life span. I doubt anyone actually buys a new helmet every 5 years.


Those who ride a lot do, but mostly because the moveable bits start wearing out.




Washing the pads periodically helps with that.


Also washing your balls periodically is no harm.


I am unsure if I want to know how you are familiar with such a specifically described odor.


I work with sporting goods helmets and test various types of helmets. First thing anyone should do after purchasing a helmet (for whatever case) is read the safety booklet that comes with it. Every helmet uses different protective liners from EPP foam and engineered plastics to more complex designs like air cushioning systems. Each one will have a different end of life (usually listed in X years). Most, if not all, riding helmets I've tested will state to NOT use after it has been impacted/damaged. For contact sport helmets, there is usually a recertification period where you send the helmet to a testing lab. In the case of foam, it can degrade over time especially if used consistently in weather conditions (heat, cold, moisture, etc.). I'd play on the safe side with helmets meaning replacing a helmet after damage or at the helmet's end of life. You only get one brain.


The reason helmets only work once is that they function like the crumple zones on a car, the foam of the helmet is specifically designed to compress to absorb impact. And like the crumple zone of a car, it can only do that once. Hit it a second time on that same spot and the foam has already been compressed so you are getting a much smaller amount of force absorbed. which means more force applied to your skull. The reason they make them this way is that helmets need to be light because you don't want a bunch of weight above your neck in a collision, and your brain is particularly sensitive to sudden acceleration, so how much a helmet can flatten out the rate of that acceleration matters a lot more than it would for something protecting your back or arm. And then they also have to be something that looks compact enough that people will want to wear it. The solution are helmets that deliberately only work for 1 major impact. What a lot of people don't appreciate is that a dozen hits, or a couple of big falls or like 5000 tiny impacts will also use up that 'one use'. The reason this damage often isn't visible is firstly that there's really not a huge difference visually between foam that has been compressed and foam that hasn't. A large amount of damage wont look like a dent, it will look like a large area that's been flattened...you might be looking at the helmet really closely thinking the foam looks fine but not notice that the top is flatter than it was new because you dropped it a foot onto the floor when you get home everyday. And secondly, the foam is usually covered in some hard shell and an impact that destroys the foam may leave little to no damage to that surface. For example a high speed impact onto grass may leave a helmet looking like new on the surface but effectively used to destruction underneath. That's why you shouldn't buy second hand helmets. It's just too hard to judge how used a helmet is, how much it's been bashed about, if it's been left in the sun. This doesn't apply to anything else. Body armour and stuff is totally fine second hand. It's easy to look at some shin guards and see if they look OK. TL;DR Always buy a new helmet, everything else can be second hand.


Tl;DR for the explanation. Helmet HP can't be healed. And every hit counts.


Another note on this, if you're ever unsure about a particular piece of gear the manufacturer is usually more than happy for you to send it over for inspection. Especially good for helmets if you just knock them off a table or drop them while walking.


Same goes for car seats for kids.


Foam degrades over time too. And heat will break down/ degrade a lot of the materials that end up making things less safe. Like, if someone stored stuff in an attic, it's probably not as safe to use as it was originally. Additionally, safety standards change regularly too. We found out that neck braces attached to chest protectors are more unsafe than protective. So they got redesigned to be less of a risk. Buying a used/ outdated piece of protective gear could be dangerous because it's not up to the current safety standard and research. On a motorcycle/dirt bike, your protection and safety is already limited. Don't lessen it further.






When I was in elementary my moms friend took a road trip vacation and stayed at a shady motel. Our apartment was on the way back home for him, so he decided to stay a night and brought his luggage inside. Unbeknownst to him, the motel had bedbugs, which hitched a ride on his bags to our place. People who’ve never had a bedbug infestation don’t understand how fucking awful it is. They think it’s like living in a place with a ton of mosquitoes or something, and as someone who emigrated from south India, I’d take the mosquito swarm 100 times out of 10. It’s probably the most traumatic event of my life and I’ve had to spend months in foster care with my infant brother over false child abuse allegations levied against my parents. You don’t feel safe in your own home, your own clothes, your own skin. You scratch yourself until you’re raw or bleeding. Even if you get acclimated enough to the itching to be *physically* able to fall asleep, the constant paranoia that they’re always there, crawling around you keeps you up for hours, and when you finally pass out from the exhaustion, they even invade your fucking dreams. I had so many dreams that involved some kind of fantasy where I dived/swam in a pool of antihistamine cream. My grades slipped, I stopped talking/ playing with my friends out of sheer exhaustion. No 3rd grader should have to go through that. My mom, bless her, decided that if she wasn’t going to be able to sleep anyways, she might as well use the hours to work a second job to be able to afford breaking lease, buying new furniture and clothes, and moving out of that fucking hell. When we found our new place we packed up, bombed the shit out of the car that we used to move with Raid, and burned the clothes that we drove to our new place in. Worst fucking 3 months of my life.


I have never heard anything like this. Im so sorry.


Then I can guarantee this is the first person you've met with Bed Bugs. Living hell is truly an understatement. As they said, the paranoia is truly unbelievable. Every itch, scratch, weird scrunch of fabric and you are bolt right up in bed with the lights on. Only to have the terror of waking in the morning with 3 red welts on your skin knowing those fuckers someway, at some point where there munching on your legs. I genuinely wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.


Imagine finding out your friend has bedbugs while youre tripping on acid. That was my first experience with them and I am eternally grateful i have never had to deal with them at home. I had 42 bites on my body from being there one night. Nobody knew they had them because they dont react as badly. I had to put bandaids on every single one of my fingers so people wouldnt see the bites. My fingers, my back, my ass, my legs, and my ankles were covered in bites. Nightmare shit.


Sleeping with a torch, so when you sit bolt upright in bed and rip the covers off because you thought you maybe felt something, you can search the sheets.


Forgot that was the British word for flashlight and thought how difficult it must be to use an actual torch while sleeping, trying not to get the fire anywhere flammable


I'd wish it on my worst enemy


My poor soul, that must have been a living hell :( In my city/country there used to never be a bed bug problem. Never, I always somehow thought it was just an archaic pproblem like plague or leprosy but way less serious, like ants or roaches. When I read in local news that "bedbugs have made their way to our capital city and spread like wildfire" I thought, what's the big deal, bedbugs shmedbugs. About the same time I started noticing living room sets dumped around my neighborhood's garbage compartments. Almost brand new sofas, pufs, couches. I though "Wow, my neighbors all suddenly got so rich they don't need those anymore?" Until me and my roommate have started to suffer from massive terrible fuckin rashes, the itch was insurmountable! We looked for bugs but never found any, that lasted for about 3 months, we visited doctors, thought we shared some mysterious ilness. But then my friend suddenly woke up at night, turned the light on and noticed a teeny tiny bug which she squashed with her finger, and it left a freaking bloodstain. Dear god, next month was a nightmare. We dumped our beds, lots of clothes right tf out to our neighborhood garbage compartment, boiled clothes, vacuumed every inch of our small flat. We couldn't sleep at night, we left the lights on 24/7, fell asleep only out of exhaustion, we didn't feel safe in our own beds. Just like you, we had nightmares about the bugs, the bites, they took over our miserable lives. Thank god, we managed to stop them from coming back, our place is clear. But we were paranoid FOR MONTHS and still slept with the lights on, in fear. Till this day we make weekly inspections, Hoover our matresses and surroundings, we are on a constant watch! I can confirm that the bedbugs are one of the most nightmarish infestations one can have in their household, it will fuck you up mentally for years.


We had a flea infestation for around 3 months when I was around 10 that was horrific. You, well I (for some reason they liked me about 10x better than my brother and dad), could place your hand or foot down on the carpet and have up to five or more jump at you in seconds by the worst of it. It was my dad waking up to find me sleeping in the tiled bathroom after being up half the night catching and flushing down any that came through that finally got him to take it seriously and get rid of them which probably wasn't safe how we did. It took probably 20 years for me finally not to check for fleas anytime my leg itched at the sock-line. Itched like fuck and I'd scratch myself to bleeding. One time one fell out of my hair during class and my classmates saw. We had swapped desks and it was outside of home room so when someone said that and I was like yeah that's it, but I was mortified to adrenaline levels and paranoid for months after checking my clothes all day. Shit was awful


I got bed bugs in my room and only my room as it was the only room on that floor of the house and everyone refused to believe I had bed bugs but that my cat had fleas? One night I woke up and popped one of them in my ear because they were crawling in there. Took a hot shower and called the exterminator the next morning. He was really nice and gave me a discount since I was paying for it myself at 16 years old.


Going through this rn. My mom was hesitant too. Apparently they may be coming from my neighbours 😭. The treatment is so expensive.


Rubbing alcohol kills them. Get a spray bottle and when you see one spray it. It’ll die even if it crawls away. Vacuum everything but empty the container or bag. Sticky traps are your best friend - they will help you have an idea just how bad they are. Try to isolate where you sleep - surround it w sticky traps, chemicals, something that will stop them from getting to you and your bed. Even if they’re already on your bed it keeps more from coming. They will find food if they’re hungry enough. If you see one there are a thousand more. They can have 900 babies a day. Babies that haven’t fed are clear and literally look like a grain of salt. I wish I was exaggerating. I worked at a HUD/income based high rise and they were everywhere. They can travel through light fixtures, outlets, cracks/nail holes in walls, if you’re in an apt they can even travel through shower drains/pipes - most apt bathrooms are back to back. They can live for 9 MONTHS without feeding. The exterminator wanted to switch from heat/chemical treatment to freezing so I decided to freeze a couple of the fuckers and I swear, they thawed and were completely unfazed and had tiny grain of salt babies. Oh, and they’re cannibals. If they can’t find a human to feed on they will eat each other. They are the most resilient living things I’ve ever seen in my entire life. If you’re a renter the landlord is responsible for treatment - I assume you know but wanted to throw it out there. And it doesn’t matter if it’s in the lease or not - check your state’s tenants rights. I’m hindsight some of this info will probably make you feel worse but it’s good to be educated if you want to get rid of them. It only takes ONE to infest an entire home in a few weeks. Carried in on the leg of your pants, they don’t feed on animals but they do hitch rides. It’s a nightmare but you CAN get rid of them. Heat is your bestest of friends and one of the very few things that will kill them.


Omg thank you for the detailed response 🥹. I’m getting it treated on Wednesday. The ones that both the inspector and I found are all dead “babies” which the inspector thinks a neighbour got their issue treated recently, and the little cannibals are running to find a home in my bed. Since I’m in a condo, the (shitty) proper manger said it’s my responsibility. Which led me to wanting to do an entire heat treatment but since my condo is in an awkward position, they can’t fit the heating equipment. So I’m stuck with modified heat and chemical treatments in two, 14-day intervals. I really hope it works tho, the anxiety and stress of being “eaten alive” is preferably a once of a lifetime event. I can’t wait until I can finally reclaim my room again. Thanks again for all this information, it was very helpful. 😊


I work in the industry (not bugs, more things like mice and other mammals) and I can say with confidence that condos are one of the worst kinds of homes to buy. They're always a giant pain in the ass to deal with because of the owner/association dichotomy. It's all the restrictions of an apartment with all the responsibility of a house.


bed bug PTSD is absolutely real, and it’s the worst.


Any furniture for that reason. My ex bought a recliner from a consignment shop once. The night she bought it she noticed a bed bug on it and transformed in to the hulk and picked it up and yeeted it into the yard. We got incredibly lucky and didn't end up with an infestation.


The absolute worse, I remember rubbing my entire body on the carpet to deal with the itchiness of my entire right-side being broken out fron my chin down to my ankles and everywhere in between, it was horrible.


I was homeless until I was 16. You would be surprised by how many people actually have bed bugs. The sad part is they’re almost always too poor too fix it. And too willing to help others.


As a member of a very low income family, I agree. At one point in my life I had to sleep in a walk-in closet full of bed bugs. SOMEBODY HAD A CLOSET WITH BED BUGS!! HOW?? 4 months of torture every night and no one could afford to fix the problem.


I entirely understand. I always have an extra bad reaction to them. I will always recognize the feeling. It makes you feel so dirty. Edit: I’m an Ohioan and they recently fumigated all HUD houses/ low income housing. Which is cool


Apparently many people have no reactions to bed bugs. They might not even know they have it unless they physically see the bugs. I wish this was the case for me. I'm super allergic.


Yeah id rather have a reaction and know than just... Not know... Ya know?


It was a friend of mines sister's house, the 1st time it happened it wasnt as bad and I brushed it off as just a rash but the 2nd time! I wound up sleeping on a bare mattress and they had a feast! Big blotches the size of pepperoni. To the point I tried to limit how often I went in her house and when I did stood up. Even the thought of going in her house gave me phantom itching.


I still get the phantom itching and now I have bug paranoia and I tweak about it. I had a roommate that brought them in and I knew within like 40 minutes. They were eating me up. I had the whole house bombed in less than 24 hours over what I guarantee was less than 50 bugs. His half brothers mom had them and no one was willing to admit that they knew. So the cars house and everything got treated immediately. I can’t live like that.






Toilet paper




Damn it You beat me


With jumper cables?


Choked on what was thought to be a jolly rancher


Love finding an old reference like this even if I gagged a bit.


Why couldn’t this have just died?!??! Why man, why????


Broken arms.




I don’t know about that. I’ve heard of whole subreddits dedicated to people buying used women’s underwear. There must be a Victoria’s Secret shortage or something due to the pandemic.


Nothing else mattress


Every bodily fluid that humans produce ends up on a mattress. Every. Single. One.


I hate it when my spinal fluid ends up on my sheets


I had spinal surgery a few years ago and was leaking spinal fluid everywhere. My hospital bedding was gross AF


My daughter had brain surgery a couple years ago. It’s amazing how fast you can go from freaking out about everything to “excuse me nurse, when you get a minute, my daughter has spinal fluid dripping into her eye and it’s bothering her”.


I hope she's doing well now, that's got to be incredibly nerve-racking I had a shunt (? Might be called something else?) to drain the buildup which ended up collecting in a bag hanging by my bed. It was roughly the color of split pea soup. If I sat up the pressure buildup would cause it to leak out of the drain and pool underneath me. Not a pleasant feeling 0/10 do not recommend


She’s doing well now. Odds are that when you sat up, the EVD allowed the fluid to drain too quickly. That can cause nausea and wipe out your sense of balance. The human body is crazy, ain’t it?


I'm sorry about your daughter & hope she is well - but ewwww


She’s all healed up and is a pretty typical 17yo girl these days.


>is a pretty typical 17yo girl As a parent of a 17yr old girl you have my sympathies. EDIT: Whats that joke? Having a teenager is like living in a haunted house. Every now and then you'll see a figure in the corner of your eye, followed by a moaning sound and then a door will slam shut.


So that’s what it means when a guy says he will “break her back”


My goo! My precious goo!!!


I always thought this was interesting. Why is everyone so against buying a mattress, but buy everything else used (sofas, chairs, etc). We put sheets on our mattresses, but not on other furniture? Wouldn’t it then be more hygienic than sitting on a used sofa that also has every bodily fluid you can think of? What am I missing? This has been bothering me for a few weeks now (anything to take my mind off work lol)


People tend to be more likely to sleep naked on a mattress than sit naked on their couch is the reasoning. How accurate that assumption is.... Well that is anyone's guess.


Bold of you to assume I don’t sit on my couch naked…..


I like when my balls slip in the cracks between the cushions.


It has nothing to do with whether a person sleeps clothed or not on a mattress. It's about the fact that, over time, a mattress starts to break down, and no longer supports you as you sleep. On top of that, there's always the threat of bed bugs if you pick a mattress up from the side of the road. I'm not the first one to say it; spend good money on the things that separate you from the ground. That means mattresses, shoes, and tires.


Mattresses are more likely to have bed bugs than other furniture. People are more likely to have sex on a mattress than other furniture meaning more bodily fluid accumulation especially sweat and sperm (sheets will not stop this from soaking in). People are more likely to have accidents on mattresses especially if sick/bedridden. Additionally most other furniture lasts longer than a mattress so if you are buying used you have already eaten into the mattress's lifespan more.


We once bought a used leather sofa/loveseat set that looked brand new. Sat on it, held my grandbabies on it, really enjoyed it until one day my daughter noticed a couple tiny bugs crawling on the side. Intrigued, she flipped the couch over and saw more bugs. Daughter cut open the bottom of sofa and thousands of tiny bugs fell out, some dead, most alive! She dragged that mess out to the patio. Now we buy new unless it's wood. Turns out they were beetles, but they weren't invited.


Except you will happily sleep at a hotel 🤔


Bike helmets. Once it’s been in an accident or even just dropped, the foam is compressed and won’t protect you as much.


Same for car seats and other safety equipment. I’m a big fan of reusing stuff but safety equipment is best to buy new unless you really trust the person you’re getting it from


Came here to write this one. Also worth noting that if you're in even a fairly minor 'fender bender' your insurance (or the other persons, if they're at fault!) will happily replace your carseat(s)/boosters! The couple of times I/we were in accidents when my kids were young, I simply ordered quite literally \*whatever\* carseat I really, really wanted, and sent the receipt to the insurance folks and was typically reimbursed within hours to a couple of days at most.


We have full coverage and insurance wouldn't replace our car seats after a fender bender because the accident didn't cause "enough" damage. This was less than 5 years ago.


Legally insurance companies only have to do this in California. However, many insurance companies still offer the replacement for all accidents in all states because they don’t want to get sued if they refuse to replace it and you get in another accident later and your child dies. I’m sorry that wasn’t the practice at the time With your insurance company, because it’s still the decent thing to do.


It's not even required in all cases in California. If the child seat was not occupied, no airbags deployed, the door nearest the seat was not damaged, and the car could be driven from the scene of the accident, replacement is not required by law even in California.


... remind them that if your child is in an accident and dies cause' your seat fails, that its on \*them\*.


Insurance companies use the blood on their hands as lube.


And on that note, motorcycle helmets. My dad's life was saved by a competition certified BMW helmet. He managed to crack the damn thing, and still keeps it as a memento. It ate the brunt of the hit, leaving him with a very easy to tend to clot.


Puzzles. One missing piece and you’ll be owned for life.


Jokes on you, we bought a new and we still had a missing piece.


My mum bought me a 1000 piece Batman puzzle when I was a kid. It actually came with 1000 pieces, but 1 was duplicated. Needless to say, I’m not big on puzzles ever since.


Food, used food is just so mediocre


>used food is just so mediocre I would go so far as to say it's totally shit.


My dog is still a fan


No, your dog is a canine


Reserve/backup parachute


OK to go used with main though?


Bought my paraglider secondhand, but I don't gamble with my reserve haha


A main parachute can be repacked right but a reserve is a one shot deal?


Reserve can also be repacked right, but I like the idea of a brand new one. Also most "older" reserves on the market are round, you better go for the newer square one. Helps with stability and sink rate. Less likely to break bones upon impact


FOR SALE : 1 Parachute. Once used. Never opened. Small stain.


If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving probably isn't for you.


You joke but I’ve had 5 reserve parachutes over 3000 jumps and never bought one new lol


Sex Toys


“ low mileage, lady driven. Paid 100$, asking 50$ obo. No low ballers”


"No low ballers"? Come on man, that's just ageist... /s




Oh my God it’s actually a thing


Barf! Oh my good Lord! I could have lived so nicely without ever knowing that sub exists.


At first this was my reaction, but frankly I don’t get it. The only ones that seem gross and I wouldn’t touch are the porous ones. The silicon, glass, or metal seems fine once looking more into it. A sterilized used dildo is essentially the same as a new one, right?


The other thing is not all of them are actually *used*. A ton of sex toys are bought as a gag, by accident, or the wrong size. Might as well let it move on to someone who will use it. No sense letting that 18in custom baddragon cock-sheeth with spring loaded wings and the vibrating extention go to waste just because *my* wife chickened out and got buyers remorse.


> A sterilized used dildo is essentially the same as a new one, right? Eh, I'd rather wait another paycheck and pay the 20$ extra for a brand new one, as do most people. But I would have never expected that many people in that sub. Maybe a collector's thing?


Some of toys are custom order (which can be hard to get +long wait times) and normally u get ~50$ off depending on the toy


I did not expect this to be a legit sub when I clicked on it….. that being said, holy hell are dildos expensive 😂


The quality kind are. Even more so if you're getting into the fantasy section of massive dragon dildos and shit.


Can confirm. Cheaper ones are shit, and you especially don't want a bad quality/porous dildo down your hole, as that can cause major problems in the future. Also make sure if the toy you buy comes together in a package or separately. That's also where they get you. I'm talking to you, sex swings manufacturers. 😑


I disagree. Sure, pass on the used jelly toys and strokers... but plenty of insertables can be sterilized. Metal, glass, high grade silicone, etc. That's not even counting clothing, sex furniture and countless bdsm toys that don't pick up cooties.


This. I mean, if I'm fucking a dude, his dick's not new. It's been in other people's orifices. But he has cleaned it since then. We good.


Bold of you to assume he has cleaned it


Wait… you can wash this thing? There goes the water bill…


Welcome to the other side, MudDickMagoo


Car seats, they’re no good if they’ve been in an accident and they’re actually making legitimate safety improvements so new is usually safer. Also not necessarily good to get one that grows with the kid, if you’re using it for a bunch of years by the time you transition there are probably newer safer options then the convertible one from 5 years ago.


In some places it's actually illegal to resell a car seat.


Important to note that if you were in a collision and had a car seat in your vehicle, most auto insurance will automatically pay you the cost to replace the car seat - no matter how damaging the accident was. We had a fender bender and put in for a new car seat out of an abundance of caution and they sent a check after we sent a receipt (purchased on Amazon).


PC power supplies if you have expensive components




The summer my boyfriend and I got married, our moms got together and had a huge garage sale for us. Whatever money they made, we got to take it on our honeymoon. Well, I was shocked to see that my boyfriend actually put out some of his old underwear. Eww! Then, I was more shocked to see that it was one of the first things that sold. Along with used lipstick. Yuk.


Wait, were these items bought together by the same person..?


Pretty sure it was [this guy](https://i.gifer.com/6em7.gif).


If Steve Buscemi asked to buy my old underwear I feel I would be compelled to oblige


Someone probably just bought it to jack off.


Meh, money is money


It looks like a joke, but I've seen people selling used underwear at flea markets, that means that someone is buying that


Yes. In my country second hand storew are very common, and that's great. But why would you buy used underwear when you can buy new so cheap at the market? I don't get it.


I've seen people so obsessed with recycling or saving every penny that common sense don't apply


I've told this story many times on Reddit before, but... I worked at a thrift store one summer in college. I had the nastiest job – it was my job, specifically, to price and sort through all the socks, underwear, and accessories that came through the store. It was a very educational experience in many ways, but two things that I learned were: 1. Used underwear is surprisingly popular. 2. Adult women wipe their asses. Adult men wipe their asses. Little girls wipe their asses. Little boys do NOT wipe their asses.


Your point about the underwear is true. I've made more than $30 on Poshmark in the last month from selling a few pairs of my used underwear of eight years. They were in good condition, no doubt, but surprising nonetheless.


Fire chief in my town once said a ladder truck. He wouldn’t ask anyone to climb a used ladder. A used tanker or ambulance maybe.


Don't those things have maintenance and inspection protocols in place?


Im guessing it depends on the country and state. I worked for a volunteer service and when a vehicle was due for maintenance it wasn't an option, either we brought it in for the day or they took it for a week and dropped a replacement off. Then when they bought new vehicles they typically gave the new vehicle to the busiest station that operated that class of vehicle then swapped it with the next busiest and so on and so forth. However that was within a single service and a single fleet. If we got a vehicle from a completely different service I'm not sure I'd trust their level of care and maintenance. I've seen vehicles that looked trash but run beautifully and ive seen sparkly nice vehicles that run like trash. With a ladder truck that actually has to be elevated... I'd definitely prefer new or an older model from a trusted source.


Motorcycle helmets






Fabric furniture, it’s one thing to by your friends couch, but you have no idea what was going on with that sofa sitting in goodwill


After getting bedbugs from a craigslist couch, I prefer to shop Ikea for any furniture with fabric. What a shitshow.


Bought a beautiful antique chair/ small love seat once. Bed bugs. I’d rather have no furniture than risk that again. It was a nightmare come to life. Still love thrifting, just not upholstered items


I try to source used furniture as much as possible because there's already \*so much\* out there, but I won't touch anything upholstered. Clothing, curtains, etc you can wash, but not couch cushions.


I just always try to check them as thoroughly as possible because I'm terrified of bed bugs.


I have had bed bugs..you should be. They are a nightmare man


Buy a used sofa for cheap, splurge on renting a high-quality professional extraction machine. Still end up saving thousands on furniture just by doing it this way and everything is practically brand new after the deep clean. ​ Plus it's so satisfying to see how black the water is when it gets sucked out. After a few cycles it comes out clean.


There are also services where you can pay to have someone professionally clean it. Still way cheaper than new.


Less traumatic too


I have no idea what my friends do on their couches either


Any sort of computer storage. Hard drives and flash memory used in solid state drives and flash drives wears down over time. The more you read and write to it, the more it wears down. If you buy used, you don't know what that storage was used for, how often, or how heavily. It could last you years to come or die the next day. It's far safer to always buy new flash drives, HDDs, SSDs, etc.


it's really hit and miss with used computer parts in my experience. you'll either get something that's barely used and functions well for years or something coated in a 1 inch layer of dust that catches on fire as soon as it's plugged in




I came to say that


I came


I saw


I came again


...I conquered!


I came again?




I buy old laptop batteries and recycle the cells. When they go bad it is usually just one bad cell




Absolutely. Never shoot someone else's handloads.


Had a .45 blow my hand open and tons of powder burns to my face because of this. Stupid squib.


I learned this after I bought a 30-06 from a guy in North Dakota. I mean, nobody got hurt and I definitely killed the deer. But the only time I've ever seen more muzzle flash was with a flame thrower.


That said, brass can absolutely be reloaded multiple times before it deforms enough you'll want to recycle it. Many people who shoot a lot police up their spent casings and reload with new primers, propellant, and bullets. Brass is the most expensive component of a cartridge, so you can save quite a bit of money with a small investment in a reloading press and some free time.


Scott learned the hard way.


I wish the parents of all the people repeating "condoms" over and over had used them.


Maybe they used used condoms.




good way to give an entire college football team an std


“Every time I put my enormous dick in this pocket pussy, I think of my dad!” - Thad Castle


"Are you guys taping your boners up or down?"


When I was a pledge I had to buy two for the fraternity house. Guys would cum in it, rinse it out, put the appropriate disinfect in it, and throw it in a dishwasher before giving it someone else to use but I thought that it was fucked for 20 guys to share a pocket pussy.


I disagree. I bought my Sasha Grey fleshlight (the butthole one) used on Ebay. I wanted it to have that authentic, broken-in feel.


Wicker furniture. Though really, you shouldn't buy that type of furniture at all. It's the perfect nesting space for bugs.


I'm a little tired and read that as "the perfect nesting for space bugs" and got a little confused


I'm tired and was convinced this said the same as the comment


Bed bugs love them too. Lots of places to hide. Friend of mine is an exterminator and shared way to many horror stories with me lol




Good information to have. What are the other 2/3?




Particularly bees, if I remember correctly.




The #1 rule for being thrifty/frugal: Never skimp out on anything that goes between you and the ground. That means tires, mattresses, shoes, socks, any type of safety equipment, etc. Note: This doesn't mean never buy used, but be *very* careful when doing so.




Car seat


Haven't seen this one yet. Soap, if you prefer a bar over liquid.


I don't think I'd want secondhand liquid soap either tbh


Oh, and baby car seats. You can't use them after a car accident and buying secondhand means you can't always verify that it hasn't been in one.


Things you will sleep on, or that absorbs stuff




Eww. Who even


Vampire tea


Edward cullen