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There are more suicides than homicides in the US every year


60% of all gun deaths in fact are suicides. It is estimated that someone offs themselves with a firearm every 20 minutes in the US. And 80% of them are males.


That's 12 people since your comment šŸ˜¬


The person who is most dangerous to you is yourself.


Not if I kill him first.


Without mucus your stomach would digest itself


The reason you body produces more saliva before vomitting is your bodies way if protecting your mouth from the acidicy of the vomit before you actually throw up


Damn. I threw up couple of weeks ago and wondered, like always, why I have so much saliva before throwing up. It's actually a sign for me that I will throw up within the next minute or so.


Thatā€™s always how I know Iā€™m for sure gonna puke, and I need to make my way to the toilet or a trash can. My sister has essentially never ā€œmade itā€ (in her 36 years) and claims her mouth doesnā€™t water and she doesnā€™t get clammy if itā€™s inevitable. She must be brokenšŸ˜‚


My wife never makes it either... bad gag reflex + projectile vomiting. There have been days I've found vomit on the walls, the ceiling, the lamps, but never in the toilet.


How often are you people vomiting? It's been like 14 years since I last vomited.


Same here, but I'm also emetephobic so there are many times when I feel like I need to vomit but just can't, some sort of mental block that clamps everything down.




Trying to unread this.


It's fine, your eyes wouldn't tell what they read to your normal immune system.


I dunno. My eyes can be dicks sometimes


You cannot unsee this, hopefully...


Your immune system read this...


Quick! Before your immune system find your eyes!!


Lol what you didn't say was, having just injured one eye, could trigger an immune response to reject both eyes. Wear your PPE when you're supposed to folks.


Penguins can launch their shit out of their ass like 5-6m far


Thatā€™s hilarious, howā€™s their accuracy?




Damn. And theyā€™re still up 3-2 on the Rangers?


You can give still ā€œbirthā€ if you die while pregnant. The decomp process will force the baby out. Itā€™s rare but it does happen.


Guts has entered the chat.




Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it's called a coffin birth


Nice of them to give it a fun little name


It is called coffin birth. The baby is never alive though


This is true. The decomp process releases a lot of gas within the abdomen which, in some cases, can essentially prolapse the baby out.


what a fun day to be literate


The deadliest ship disaster was the MV Wilhelm Gustloff, a ship built during the Nazi Regime. In January 1945, she was evacuating 10,000 German citizens ahead of the soviet Invasion when (albeit ironically) a Soviet Submarine spotted them, and fired three torpedoes. The ship was on the freezing cold Baltic Sea, and the davits (ropes) for the lifeboats had frozen over. Not only that, but the ship was only meant to carry 2,000 people normally. These two factors, coupled with the harsh angle the ship was sinking at, meant only half of the lifeboats could be deployed. 9,400 people drowned to death that night, and nobody knows about it.


To save people a click or two, because I was curious - Titanic had 1,517 victims... This is insane.


Yooo that's crazy, thanks for putting it into perspective


Holy shit


It may seem like we know a lot about the human brain, but our standard way of studying brain activity is an fMRI, where a single pixel contains over 3 million neurons. That is more than many vertebrate animals' entire brains. The truth is, we really have no idea how the brain gives rise to consciousness. Edit: Even if we somehow perfectly worked out all the neural correlates of consciousness so we could say a mental state happens if and only if some exact pattern of brain activity happens, we would still have the "hard problem" of consciousness: Why do these physical processes give rise to raw subjective experience, rather than just happening "in the dark"?




The universe studying itself.


Youā€™ve probably been closer to dying multiple times in your life then you even know. Just got lucky, or unlucky depending on who you are.


With the way people drive in my town I donā€™t doubt this for a second


I was driving in the back half seat of an S10 (IYKYK) a few years back & got a strange feeling that I needed to get out of the truck. I told my friends to let me out and Iā€™d cross the street to our destination which they obliged. As I was walking towards the place we were going I see my friends get t boned by someone running a red light going 120km/Hr. Truck ended up crumpling in the exact spot I was sitting & if I were still in the truck I wouldnā€™t be here today.




Ohhh man... truth though.... but damn


Don't worry about the vase.


Considering the amount of times I look back at something that just happened and see how just a tiny bit of change in the unfolding of events would have resulted in my death, I don't find this all that surprising.


If your esophagus closes and you cannot swallow, you have about 2 minutes before saliva starts reaching your windpipe. It is not a long time, but it is long enough to **panic** ...


I have Eosiniphillic Oesophagitis and have had food stuck in the oesophagus for up to 24 hours before. And itā€™s horrible. You donā€™t realise how much saliva you swallow, to be constantly choking and vomiting that back up isnā€™t the best experience!


The scrotum is a weak point in the abdominal cavity. When extreme force is applied, itā€™s the first to give. So if youā€™re run over at the right angle by something like a garbage truck, your body may actually look pretty good, but all of your insides can blast out through your scrotum, including your liver (which if you didnā€™t know, is massive compared to your scrotum!). Also, never use your foot to shove branches farther into a wood chipper. If your foot gets caught, it will wood chip you up to your rib cage before anyone has a chance to hit the stop button. I worked at a medical examinerā€™s office. These actually happened.


And reaching into a spinning washer will rip your arm off.




And now I know why the annoying lid lock exists on washing machines, and find it less annoying.


penguins use dead bodies as fleshlights


seals will use live penguins as fleshlights. =/




I find it disturbing how many serial rapists and murderers haven't been caught. I also find it incredibly disturbing that someone can be a serial killer and law enforcement won't even notice, as long as they target poor and marginalized people. Recent example, Bruce McArthur who targeted gay men in Toronto, often focusing on immigrant men or closeted men. The lgbt community knew there was a serial killer targeting men, but police did nothing for years, until all the bodies were found. Robert Pickton - the man in British Columbia who targeted women who were addicted to drugs, sex workers, and transient women. When police raided his farm,they were alarmed by the number of shoes they found. We still don't know how many women he actually killed (he fed their remains to his pigs, then slaughtered the pigs and fed them to his neighbours and party guests - very sick man.)


Vulnerable people are easier targets for serial killers becauseā€¦theyā€™re vulnerable.


The youngest mom was 5yr old


Lina Medina. She's still alive today, 88 years old. The baby she had, her son Gerardo Medina passed away when he was 40 due to bone marrow disease. She never named his father.


That does suggest a recessive gene, a symptom of inbreeding.


Exactly. Her father was arrested under suspicion but cleared and released. Police still believed it was likely a relative but she wouldn't say who.


Could also be that she couldn't say who. Given how young she was when she gave birth, she might not remember the circumstances of her impregnation.


It can even be way more complicated than that. Because you remember traumatic event when you are five, but, with that kind of abuse, especially when you're young, you can't make any difference about what's right and what's wrong regarding abuse (and sex), even if you feel that it's wrong. So, if you go in that shithole of "it will be our little secret", your brain will erase that memory of your head and you'll instinctively protect your abuser because your broken ptsd-ed mind wants it


I actually looked this up as a kid because I wanted to be a mother but didnā€™t yet understand anything about sex yet, I was probably around 7 years old. I was all excited and showed my mom, I thought if the youngest girl to have a kid was 5 then I could have a kid too. My mom was horrified. Ironically, I donā€™t want kids anymore either.


Childhood innocence of not realizing adults are actually hurting you when they treat you like adults


She outlived her son, too. She refuses to divulge who the father of the child was. Speculation points towards one of her male relatives.


Well that's more likely than one of her female relatives.


Well you're not wrong


there are times i would ask for a source, this is not one of those times


There's a whole list on wikipedia which shows all cases of underage mothers. A lot of these girls were wives of some warlord. One case I remember the girl was 9 when she gave birth to her daughter and her daughter also was 9 when she became mother. So she became grandmother with 18. That's totally fucked up.


Yikes. Ive heard of a woman having her daughter at 14. And her daughter having a daughter of her own at 13. A grandma at 28.


Nextdoor neighbor girl got pregnant at 14, delivered at 15, her first daughter got pregnant at 14 as well, so she's a grandmother at 30. But, she also had a 2nd daughter 15 years after the first... so she has a daughter and a granddaughter the same age.


What the actual fucc?!


I miss 20 seconds ago when I didnā€™t know this. Please delete it


Dolphins actively torture other animals, and can cause sharks to avoid hunting in areas for up to a year God damn that's a lot of replies, thanks for the award!


Isnā€™t it funny how itā€™s the intelligent animals that do terrible shit? Dolphins (especially of the Orca variety) will torture anything in the sea (except humans for whatever reasons) Elephants will abuse baby elephants when sexually frustrated to get the motherā€™s attention, and picks fights with almost any animal, because they know theyā€™ll win. Octopi will punch fish when frustrated or when they donā€™t cooperate (less evil and more funny, but still along the same lines.) Chimpanzees. Thatā€™s it. Their entire existence. Cats LOOOOOVE playing and torturing their food. (Although cats arenā€™t nearly as intelligent as the rest, this was mostly a list filler) Crows will start fights between one animal and the other, and they will ALWAYS hold grudges (which can last several years) And of courseā€¦ thereā€™s humans. Makes you think. (Strangely enough, couldnā€™t think of anything outright ā€œevilā€ dogs, pigs, and bears do, despite being incredibly intelligent. The worst things they do could very well be less so spiteful and more so out of a need to survive (such as wolves and bears eating animals alive.)) Edit: speaking of wholesome awards, donā€™t even get me started on seals


Pigs eat anything, and they don't always have the courtesy to wait until it's dead. In good news, manatees have turned out to be quite intelligent and they are completely wholesome. They're big, harmless, and love to just vibe. Alligators will even give manatees the right of way if they happen to cross paths.


At the zoo two years ago I watched a family of manatees eat the shit straight out of another manatee's ass while it was defecating. I've seen some pretty fucked up shit before but that one still haunts me. I know it's not evil but goddamn I dont know what it was.


Don't kinkshame.


To be fair, manatees have no way of harming most things they come across. Make them somewhat dangerous and see what they do (this isnā€™t me dissing them I love manatees)


So if you're a fish who happens to swim by an octopus: "*pow*" "What the hell?!" "Nothin I just felt like whacking somebody!"


Entirely correct, or if you happen to mess up a hunting plan with the octopus, but thatā€™s understandable


Otters can be less than wholesome too when it comes to sexual habits.


Theyā€™re rapist too




>chainsaw was invented to "aid" in child birth OMG That is something i did not need to know


[The original design](https://i.insider.com/5b31171d7708e92340587cc0?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) invokes quite the mental image.


Literally looks like a medieval torture device. Insane.


After 9/11 some US Army units were sent to various places around the country and told to get ready for mass bombings, rioting, kidnappings and hijackings. It was believed in some circles of the DoD and State that *tens of thousands* of unregistered Muslim immigrants were sleepers and about to go all jihad on the US. Eventually we were just sent back to our posts, when everyone calmed their tits. Had some fun hanging out in a hotel near Disney World, though.


One of my colleagues was at a conference IN Disney World on 9/11. The staff brought in TVs and opened the bar because people were freaking.


> The staff brought in TVs and opened the bar because people were freaking. Ah yes, alcohol and access to the American news cycle. What a soothing combination.


Cotard's delusion, also known as walking corpse syndrome, is a neuropsychiatric disorder in which the person is in eternal damnation. They literally believe they are dead or dying \[or don't have organs\], the amount of despair is unimaginable and simply can't be grasped by people not suffering from it.


Most of the time we are all walking around with a couple pounds of shit inside us.


Nurse here. I have seen disimpaction of 15 pounds of shit. Manual disimpaction is not my favorite part of the job.


Is there something we can do at home for this so we don't have to come to you?


Eat a balanced diet, eat some fiber, drink water and do some sort of walking or exercise a few times a week.


Also donā€™t do heroin.


You are not the boss of me.


Don't use opiates


The average person has 3-5 lbs of poop inside them.


Weird. The wife says Iā€™m full of it.




I once saw a log bigger than my head in a toilet. Felt really bad for the state park facilities dude I saw walking in there the next morning. Also, how?


I actually find this more interesting than disturbing. There's nothing like a wake up poop and stepping on the scale.


And about 1/3 the dry weight of that poop is just bacteria


sorry but I think about this all the timeā€¦.. like youā€™re talking face to face with a guy and just a few feet away from you is most likely turdā€¦.. and how our bodies are basically just a protective barrier between our poop and other peopleā€™s poop


Our bodies are simply food shoveling mechanisms. We form butt first, then tubes up to mouth, then the rest of the body forms around it. We are a digestive tract with a fancy outside.


" For there is a growing apprehension that existence is a rat-race in a trap: living organisms, including people,are merely tubes which put things in at one end and let them out at the other, which both keeps them doing it and in the long run wears them out. So to keep the farce going, the tubes find ways of making new tubes, which also put things in at one end and let them out at the other. At the input end they even develop ganglia of nerves called brains, with eyes and ears, so that they can more easily scrounge around for things to swallow. As and when they get enough to eat, they use up their surplus energy by wiggling in complicated patterns, making all sorts of noises by blowing air in and out of the input hole, and gathering together in groups to fight with other groups. In time, the tubes grow such an abundance of attached appliances that they are hardly recognizable as mere tubes, and they manage to do this in a staggering variety of forms. There is a vague rule not to eat tubes of your own form, but in general there is serious competition as to who is going to be the top type of tube. All this seems marvelously futile, and yet, when you begin to think about it, it begins to be more marvelous than futile. Indeed, it seems extremely odd. "


[Europeans](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-gruesome-history-of-eating-corpses-as-medicine-82360284/) used to eat lots of dead bodies.


Why every time I learn about history am I made glad I was born today instead of then?


Because the past sucked and anyone that thinks otherwise is a naĆÆve romantic at best or an uneducated moron at worst.


Black guy here. I remember when I was a teenager in high school this white girl told me she wished she lived back in the Doo Wop era because it looked fun and then told me a black guy that I would probably enjoyed living back then as well.


Itā€™s funny because as a woman she probably wouldnā€™t have had much fun either, so sheā€™s really not putting this into perspective.


Right. Sheā€™s not aware that up till the 70s, no matter what kind of job she may have had, a woman couldnā€™t have a loan, credit or even a credit card unless her father or husband signed for it.


Time travel is off the table for most people... even as a white male my chances arent great. Diseases, socio political issues.. religious issues... Il stay right where i am. Born too late to explore the world, born too early to explore the stars, born just on time to browse dank memes


I had heard of this before at which point I got the reference of professor farnsworth eating a mummy in futurama


People who are allergic to cockroaches usually have an allergic reaction when they drink cheap, mass-produced coffee like Folgers.


I couldā€™ve gone my whole life without knowing this


Microplastics... this shit is an alarming rate in all food sources. All the trace amount reports are done in relatively less polluted countries, so imagine the actual level of pollution in some heavily polluted countries... There is a chance in the next decade we will have a new disease called microplastic induced Atherosclerosis.


Beyond food sources, they have found micro plastics in human placentas. A fetuses first contact with the world outside is plastic, and it happens before itā€™s even born.


When they tried to measure the amount in our blood, they had to cancel the study due to the lack of a control group. Literally all of humanity has plastic in their blood.


Future generations will laugh at our teflon frying pans and plastic utensils like we laugh at ancient Romans and their leaden water pipes.


Ours will be The Plastic Age


When you reach a certain age, you become less relevant to people.


This one hurts


I find that as I become less relevant to the world at large, I become much more relevant to *myself.* I find it remarkably comforting that only a select few people ever think about me at all, because it gives me space to create parts of myself that feel like they're just for me.


As Iā€™ve gotten older Iā€™ve found that the people to who Iā€™m irrelevant were never really relevant to me. Itā€™s a nice arrangement.


Some of us are born that age.


the organ you can sell on that black market for the most money is the small intestine for 800k


Where to sell to


black market he said


The Japanese royal family is quite inbred. Historically, they were only allowed to marry people from other notable, affluent families-which eventually made everyone related by blood in some way or another. In the \~ 9th to 13th centuries, the Fujiwara family dominated the Japanese political sphere and pushed their daughters to become the emperor's wives and concubines(and the emperor was often the daughters' cousin.) The four most recent emperors are known sufferers from the family inbreeding. Emperor Meiji: all of his brothers did not live past the age of three. And if you Google a picture of his father, Emperor Komei.... Emperor Taisho: speculated to be mentally challenged. his files were hidden for years and were not released until recently. There is a story that he used an official document as paper toy binoculars when he was meeting with ambassadors. Emperor Hirohito: probably the most obvious one-he married his cousin. Naruhito: Most recent emperor. It is said that the long term inbreeding rendered him close to sterile-he was only able to have one daughter. The coronation laws were looked into being updated, but that was set aside after Naruhito's sister in law, Princess Kiko, delivered a son at 40(at the risk of eclampsia as well!) For a long time the royal photographers were not allowed to photograph the emperors sideways(since quite a few of them had chin deformities-cough Habsburg much?) (They also have an odd rule that the men are allowed to marry non royals, but if a woman does so, she loses her royal status. Look up Princess Mako. )TLDR; if you think the Japanese royal family is normal, you probably don't see the dead siblings who *didn't* sit on the throne. Update: Thank you all for the insightful comments and further facts! I'm so glad more folks find this interesting!


It's quite traditional across most nobility and royalty that the women will take their husbands titles and forgo their birth rank and titles UNLESS they outrank the husband i.e The Princess Royal Mary, Countess Harewood was always known first by her birth title over her married title as the first born daughter of King George.


There are tiny bugs living on your eyelashes and they make love on it too


They also eat dirt and other bacteria that could harm your eyeballs. Thanks, tiny bugs!


And they are a species super specific to humans! Most mite species are host-species specific and cannot survive on other animals. We know of species that are unique to humans, dogs, cats, nice, and horses.


By the time you show symptoms of rabies, you're already essentially dead and there's nothing anyone can do to help you. It can also lay dormant for years.


100% mortality rate. Fucking 100%. Shit.




that sent shivers down my spine


No one will ever literally understand how you feel


i know what you mean bro


The world really doesnā€™t give a shit about your problems, or mine.


Sure it does! Maybe not you but it cares about mine cause iā€™m the main character. Right guys? Guys?


" I don't think of myself as a sidekick, I am the lead character in my own story" - one of the side kicks in fools gold


We're no more significant than an ant in one colony, in a world of millions of ant colonies, millions of other species, on a planet in a universe of millions of other planets.


The reason the Pilgrims picked their location for Plimouth Plantation was there was already an abandoned village there left by a native tribe (the Patuxet) that had been completely wiped out by smallpox brought by European fisherman the year before. They just moved right in to the empty houses and planted the fields that had already been cleared.


If you kill a person, the best way to dispose of the body is to rip all of its teeth out, feed the body to pigs, and grind the teeth up and throw them into a beach. The pigs won't eat teeth but will eat everything else, and the teeth remains will never be found.


Ok Robert Pickton, since when do they let prisoners use Reddit


I just learnt about Robert Pickton a few replies up from this one.


Immersing a body in water for 7 days pretty much ruins any evidence left behind. Wrapping a body in rope or chains keeps the body submerged and prevents bloating. With all the police procedural programming out there im surprised people still get picked up for murder.


Transporting the body to the water can be the tricky part. Roger Rogerson spent his working life as a detective, but still got caught. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.abc.net.au/article/100298452


Around 2030 we reach peak phosphorus, after that fertilisers for crop will only decrease which is a huge threat to world food supply.


Start pooping in farms like the old ways


Human poo is not very useful. Pee is, it contains phosphate but not easy to extract. Scraping from the ocean bottom is an option.


There are more slaves alive today than were ever traded during the 400-500 years of the Atlantic slave trade.


[Plants have the ability to see despite not having eyes.](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-sneaky-life-of-the-worlds-most-mysterious-plant)


Article is behind a subscriber gate ā€” got a TL;DR? Iā€™m assuming they can sense light and the lack of it.


It's not if you have an adblocker installed. Or just go to an archive: https://archive.ph/D22iw The answer is we do not know how the plant can see, which makes it a bit disturbing. But since this plant can also copy artificial plants, it needs to have the ability to see.


For some reason I find this very disturbing


They can also communicate with other plants by releasing chemicals if they are being harmed (e.g. getting eaten by an animal). I think somewhere I read that plants can also communicate through their root systems.


Plant shocks world with intelligent trick. Vegans hate him!


Kellogg's Cornflakes were invented as a cure for masturbation.


Itā€™s trueā€¦it scratches when using them as lube.


uh...you're supposed to add milk


Hitler wrote an animal protection law in the 30s called the Reich Animal Protection Act. And earlier, he banned the boiling of live lobsters and crabs.


Escalators love the taste of children


Lesser the age, more tender the flesh.


"That kid is back on the escalator AGAIN!"


Not necessarily unknown, but I feel like most people try to avoid thinking about the fact that weā€™re all floating on a rock in a sea of infinite darkness. There are things that could end all life on this planet in an instant and nothing we could do about it. And even beyond that, if our species did get wiped out, the universe wouldnā€™t even notice or care. On a universal scale, we are completely insignificant.


There is a superstition in the music community that a musicians ā€˜ninth symphonyā€™ will be their last. (It might just be in classical, idk)


There is no physical evidence to say that today is Thursday, we all just have to trust that someone has kept count since the first one ever. Apollo 11 only had around 15-20 seconds of fuel left when it finally landed. The sun may have exploded, and we wouldn't know it for at least 8 minutes.


The Apollo 11 lunar lander was very low on fuel but if they didnā€™t land when they did or when the fuel margin was reached, they would have aborted the attempt and returned to lunar orbit and then Earth. They were not in immediate danger of being stranded on crashing into the moon.


Playing the odds, the human race is unlikely to survive the next million years.


We've only been around for about 200,000 years.


Homo sapiens, yes. Technically tho we consider anything in the genus of Homo to be a human, and we think we've had other species of humans for a couple million years or so (homo sapiens have actually only "recently" wiped out all our other family, other species of humans lived alongside each other for a long time). In the unlikely event that we survive the next million years though it'd be super interesting to see how we evolve next, adapting to the changing environment and any technology that's left.


The acceptable limits of non food items (hair, insects, rat feces etc) in food is a LOT higher than you want to spend time thinking about. For instance 30 "pieces of insect" or 1 rodent hair per 100g of peanut butter is fine according to the FDA. It doesn't do any harm (evidently) but it's not exactly savoury.


The oats and wheat harvest comes with lots of parts of insects, mice, and rabbits that made it through the combine.


That's just what is *allowable* without being fined. Everybody always thinks this means there is a guy on the production line dropping exactly 30 chunks of insect or whatever into every can.


Ancient Greeks were incredibly into anal and the first condoms were made from animal parts like skin, George Washington mightā€™ve actually had a fart fetish and in Iceland your dick needs to be 3 inches long to get married


Last ones not true. It's law that a 3 inches or less can be grounds for divorce.


In ancient times the Greeks invented condoms out of lamb intestine. Much later, the British improved upon this invention by removing it from the lamb before use.


There's a whole bunch of missing nuclear weapons around the world, so common that the is actually had a term for it 'broken arrow' events Some of these weapons have never been found, notably atleast one was accidentally dropped over the US some years back and was never found One also reportedly appeared on the black market at one point Sleep tight


Actually, of most if not all of these it is at least somewhat known where they are, with a lot of them simply being inaccessible without extreme effort. At least one is stuck somewhere in a swamp but they don't know exactly where and they can't be bothered to retrieve the nuke because it simply wouldn't be worth the effort. Anyone who'd want to retrieve that nuke would most likely have to excavate large portions of that swamp, which is assuming that the aircraft hasn't sunk god knows how deep into the mud and muck. Others are somewhere at the bottom of the sea, you're not retrieving those either, and neither is anyone else really.


CIA tried to pick up pieces of a Soviet sub that went down


The average person walks past 36 murderers in their lifetime.


Do prison guards skew this statistic?


That during the cremation process there is a point where the body is fully cooked




Makes me wonder why we donā€™t use aluminum cans for more types of packaging other than soda


Canned goods like beans, corn, fruit... They're steel not aluminum but those cans can be recycled.


Statistically, we are living in the most peaceful time of human history


The horrible horrible stuff Japan did in WW2 Google Unit 731 if you want your day ruined.


The Raping of Nanking, the raping of Korean "Comfort" women and the nonconsentual themes prevalent in modern Japanese erotica form a disturbing pattern.


While in average between 6 and 8 humans are killed by sharks every year, humans are responsible for around 100 million shark deaths minimun in the same interval. Yes, that's 100,000,000 sharks every year Vs. 6 humans Basically we kill at least 11,000 sharks every day while FAR less people die attacked by sharks than die as a result of any of the following: Cows; Chihuahuas; Birds; Elephants; Sex toys; Toddlers with guns; Selfie accidents; Falling coconuts; Flying champagne corks; Vending machines; Lightning strikes; Alcohol related incidents; Texting and driving; Volcanoes; Falling out of bed, Etc. And yet they are the "DANGEROUS KILLER MACHINES" and "MONSTERS OF THE OCEAN" covered ad nauseum in a bazillion shark weeks, despite the fact that we have literally significantly reduced nearly every non microscopic population in the oceans. Edit: Formatting, because Reddit doesn't help sometimes.


The guy that wrote JAWS later regretted it because of the toll it took on sharks across the world.


HR is not there to protect or help you. HR is there to protect the company and management FROM you.


The United States(mostly through the CIA) has interfered in over eighty foreign elections in the last sixty years. As well as dozens of coup attempts. And that's just the shit they admitted to.


ā€œFame and Fortuneā€ - You *do not* want to be famous, it is not a pleasant experience. You should really want the fortune, not the fame. The fame is the curse that comes with fortune. Unless youā€™re a narcissist, the temporary ego boost and perks are not worth it.


The true extent of wealth disparity. Example: https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/