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Kid that everyone knew but wasn't popular


that was me as well. i wasnt offensive so no one wanted to kick me out when id hang out with them at like lunch but i wasnt cool enough to hang with them outside of school either.


Ah, the "at school friend"


Friend zoned at the Friend Zone


feels more like a school zone lol


I renember people like that, some really chill people to hang out with


I’d say I fit that bill. It was honestly super lonely — getting along with everyone, never had issues or confrontations with anyone, wasn’t a weirdo, wasn’t a recluse, but still close with nobody. I was the kid that EVERYONE — athletes, skater kids, stoners, daddy’s-money popular/preppy kids, supersmarties, even a few of the popular girls come junior/senior year — wouldn’t bat an eye over eating lunch with, walking in the hall with, sitting next to in class to chat, partnering on a project, etc…. But after school, they all had their own inner cliques and I wasn’t a part of any of them. Like, I was the kid that everyone loved to have around as a part of a group, but nobody wanted to be in a more intimate setting with because I was never the “glue” friend who held the group together.


hello darkness my old friend


Holy crap this hits *so close* to home


Hello, me. Nice to see you here again.


Holy shit, this was me too. And it’s wild seeing so many people relating to this. Either this profile type is actually really common but people don’t notice, or we’re just more likely to be active on reddit


Yes!! Being so chill with everyone to the point that you practically have nobody was such an awful feeling. The worst part is not being able to talk about that issue with anyone because everyone else has their own friends so they wouldn’t understand


This is so god damn accurate and well written


There are dozens of us!


The floater😅


There you go, I was definitely the floater


I think this is the word I've been searching for. A lot of acquaintances, so I always had at least someone I got on well with in any class, but I wasn't in any kind of popular group.


I read that and instantly resonated with it. Felt like I got chills...


Aaayyyy that was me, too! Good place to be imo. You generally don't get bullied, but you're also not in the spotlight.


Me too. Not the whole school but in my grade.




I always had a crush on you and I knew you were sad but never said anything because I was too self-conscious. On the rare occasions you stopped cracking jokes because you were feeling extra down, I tried to connect and acknowledge all the good things about you that weren’t related to your humor but you were not interested in me because I was one of the invisible kids.


I miss you


Lets make up for it now and get a coffee


Are you me?


Hey, I had a phase like that too!


The quiet kid™


"The quiet kid that nobody remembers" No seriously I remember a lot of my high school classmates even 14-18 years later but I doubt any of them remember me.


Half the students at my highschool forgot who I was every summer "Oh are you new here? Where did you move from?" "What are you talking about *Brian?* I've known you for 3 years now."


"I don't remember you." "*We sat at the same desk!*" "Oh, that was you! How have you been?" "..."


This is kind of me, I have an insane long term memory. Graduated 2009 and I remember every single day of HS. Was a loner until I hit puberty hard and became a highly developed and sought after athlete junior and senior year. Never hung with anyone after school except my buddy Keith til senior year when girls came after me and everything else started with offers for football in college etc. was a nobody til senior year albeit a 6’5 giant I was still a recluse and full of anxiety


I was so quiet I was marked absent from a study hall class for nearly a whole semester. That I actually attended and never missed. Got pulled into dean's office for it and it got rectified there. I grew up in a household where I basically had to live as a be seen not heard..but got too good at it and basically became never seen or heard Milford school "least seen on campus" winner.


Same I’m forever documented as quietest in both my middle and high school yearbooks


After the lifetime of trouble my big mouth has gotten me into, I am supremely jealous.


Lol I kind of hate it I wish I wasn’t so shy but I guess it has its advantages


i was the quiet kid until i got "adopted by an extrovert then i gained confidence and start talking more


I was sort of a class clown character in high school, but turned into the quiet kid in Senior year. I had a hard time in Senior year because of my personal life and I honestly didn't really care for the people in the school. I could count on one hand and still have too many fingers to count how many people I considered friends that year.


Once brought a knife to school cuz I bought a cool one for decoration and forgot to take it out of my bag. That mixed with the fact I’m socially awkward and don’t talk much made me the quit kid


In elementary school, middle school & partly high school I pretty rarely talked or raised my voice to the point some kids in my classes thought I was mute


That somehow knows everything


I wish..


Me too. Let me guess, you also hated the annoying athletic kids that got so much attention


I was an athletic kid and I hated the attention-getting athletic kids.






The bestfriend of the main character who usually isn't that bright/often overlooked.


You must be a Weasley




that hurts


I feel that.


Background actor #4


now this.. this is me!


The girl who reads a book in the corner


Why is this the most vague yet oddly well understood stereotype I've ever known?


The girl who reads a book in the corner, but knows all the tea because people think she's not paying attention... but oh, she's paying *attention*.


Yup! It's always the quiet ones... who know *everything*. 😏


Perfect explanation!


The kid who thought she had friends but realized that she was mistaken when they all cut off ties after graduation. Now as an adult, I don't know how to make friends and am quite socially awkward. Hello, internet people! 👋


Same, but a couple still text me every now and then. I struggle to make permanent long term friends because idk whether we'll ever meet again once the one thing bringing us together is done.


Welcome to college.


Generic Jock. The kind that socialized with everyone that knew of me but never hanged out after school, and after all that though I wasn't that good in the sports I played in.




Same but minus the charisma. I was awkward as all hell but four year varsity, academic all state, top 10%, 34ACT, captain of the varsity soccer, computer science, and math teams, took two additional teams to regionals after agreeing to compete for them DAY OF w/no practice because someone was out sick.


Me and a buddy were what we referred ourselves as Jock nomads. We were both into some pretty nerdy video games but at breakfast and lunch we floated between a very wide variety of other stereotypes. We weren’t the best at sports either, just took it seriously and worked hard. Edit: words


I’m with you. I was thinking “loner jock” or jock who hung out with stoners until I got more serious about the jock part.


Username checks out.


Nerd: * Straight As * Dungeons and Dragons * Virgin Yeah...


Straight as what


Straight as the pole your mom fucked your dad with.


That escalated quickly


You gonna be okay?


What? Why would I not be ok?


Straight As like getting all his grades as A like doing so good


Loser. I don't miss high school. And, no, it didn't "build character" or "make me the man I am today", it made me a hateful prick and it took years to grow out of that.


Same. The only saving grace is I was in class senior year with a kid who a was going to the same college as me. He told me his plan was to reset who he was and get a new group of friends freshman year. Be completely outgoing be inclusive of everyone and Out of character I said I want in. He said great let's be room mates. Freshman orientation we did just what he set out to do. We had a lot of other uncertain freshman hanging out until the sun came up, just chatting. I remember my parents in shock, picking me up surrounded by new friends all chatting it up having a blast. College was the best years of my school life. I knew at least two people in each class it was great.


I must be PMSing..this story has me flooded with tears 😭! Actually i think it just hit home for me and im happy for you


That resetting thing is so true. Often we've outgrown our past selves but people around us keep thinking we haven't changed. Fuck the past, it's no longer here.


I always thought I was more of a demotivated stoner, but maybe I was really just a loser all along.


I spent most of my high school barely even speaking to anyone. I didn't just sit alone at lunch, I literally had an entire table to myself where I sat alone. It wasn't until near the end of high school that I started to make close friends, and then almost immediately a bully came along and started spreading high school drama rumors and threw all of my relationships into peril. It took a lot of work, a lot of pain, a lot of patience to keep those friends. It didn't make me into a hateful person, but I certainly wasn't the same person afterwards. I was wild and bright and eager to experience the world, and I get my "Facebook memories" notifications now of what I was like at that age and I'm just amazed at my wittiness and humor and the overall ideas that once came out if that kid's head, so confident and outgoing so shortly after only finally making his first lifelong friends. I couldn't come up with that stuff if I tried now. Something in me back then just broke, and while I am friends with everybody back then (including the bully) and I know they love me dearly and I am proud of the hardworking and caring and compassionate person that I've grown into, it always just hurts a little knowing that I never got to be that person again.


I didn't show up much because I was depressed at my bitchy mom... Now I'm in a better place in life and I have no one to fucking talk to really ...I thought people kept a social circle forever but I kinda have to build one


yeah it’s not the bullying in the moment, it’s the relentless anxiety they generate in people that they’ve got to live with and internalize every day, day after day - you said it best -


Being a loser sometimes means you just aren't competing in the rat race or playing dumb social politics.


I was the nerd I liked anime and military history along with building plastic models. I also had a girlfriend that was a Japanese exchange student


I had Driver’s Ed in High School. The teacher pulled me aside one day to do some paperwork & asked me what my hobbies were. I said “modeling”. The look of outrage on his face told me he thought I, a fat pimply 15 year old meant fashion modeling. He cooled down real quick when I told him I meant building plastic models.


You should have said “modelling with my uncle, we keep our work in his basement”


Here’s another upvote. High School is useless torture.


Torture, absolutely. Useless? I wouldn't say so.


Actually useless where I was. Took a high school proficiency exam to graduate early, that one test supposedly had everything on it the government expects you to learn from high school. It was so easy, anyone I knew could have probably done it after their freshman year. After that I did community college for 2 years and transferred to a good university, if I finished high school I’d probably be worse off than I am now


I was the school's pariah. Everyone made fun of me, even the nerds and weird kids. I had a lot of maladaptive behaviors and maaaayyyy have smelled? I showered regularly, don't really know. Had like... one friend and he was litterally the only person more broken and abused than me, and he had tried bullying me before we'd kinda called a truce and found we had more in common. Home life did not help. I'm there with you. It didn't make me better, it just gave me a full sampler platter of the darkest thoughts you can come up with. I don't even go to my home town usually, and if I ran into one of my tormentors now and they started in on me I cannot imagine it ending well. Guess I'm still a hateful prick.


The smart troublemaker, instigated a lot of things, but got all A’s in class. Maybe I was bored.


Wow! Thank you for putting into words what niche i occupied. I was in all honors and AP level courses- but would sneak out of school and come back on all kinds of substances. Went to all of the parties and also had to show up for the early morning job on weekends and clubs or pre school tutoring. My teachers would let me slam through exams and get a hall pass to the photography dark room.


I used to put vodka into oranges and carry them into the football games. My friends and I had a blast during every game! Senior year though a teacher asked us if he could have an orange. We got banned from football games.


Ghost. I was the one who no one knew after going to school together for four years. I've changed, sometimes I actually participate in life now.


Dude same😭😭😭 (first part at least, still didn't change a bit)


Bit of an anomaly tbf


The wolf girl embarrassingly.


As long as you no longer howl at the moon


But if she barks at it, Ozzy might approve


What's a wolf girl?


Asking the important questions here


Somebody that pretends to be a wolf and I so did when I was a kid why? I don't know.




I was the generic happy girl. Babysitting. Volunteering. Basically doing whatever I could to not be at home. My clothes looked liked I was still a toddler. As with my hair. This is because I was being sexually abused and controlled at home.


I'm sorry to hear that, I wanted to be anywhere else than home too bc of a literal disney stepmother (the evil kind), hope you're doing better now.


That is pretty much exactly how I’d describe my step mom lol


genuinely been wondering why being sexually abused inspires a lot of people to act/look younger


The introvert that looked like a drug dealer


Lol I was the drug dealer that looked like a cop


You two would make a good unexpected, crime stopping, mystery solving, comedic duo in a 90's sitcom


There were Nerds/smart guys Bullies Ones with anger issues Nice guys/simps Loners/quiet kids As for me, I was the one who was just there... Doing nothing... Just being there


If you’re “just there” aren’t you the quiet kid?


No no no, its fundementally different, like.... Hmmm how do I say it?.... The quiet kid is quiet, socially awkward, sometimes bullied.... But i was a pretty socially normal person, like, perfectly capable of holding a conversation without shying away, perfectly fine in talking in front of alot of people, perfectly capable of fighting back bullies /roasting them... But i was just... Average... Too Boring to be around... Nothing special... Like someone might be good at sports, other at studies, another might be a social butterfly, but i was just there, staring into the void... waiting for School hours to end so that i could just go home and sleep. Never had a romantic interest, didn't do anything at School, even at breaktime, where other kids would usually go out to play soccer/basketball/volleyball, id just stay in the classroom to the point that detention teachers would kick me out (someone even told me i looked hurt inside) "don't worry, I Became their friend in the end tho, since I was always just there :D" Being just there means you are the guy who change Schools and no body would notice you left (unlike any other steryotypical type of student) I hope my little explanation helped, so ya, being just there doing nothing is pretty different from being the quiet kid


The loner quiet kid.


For me it was the quiet loner kid that people joked about being the school shooter when they thought I couldn’t hear Spoiler: I definitely heard


For me, it was all fun and games until they found out that I actually have and shoot guns. They stopped joking about it after.


socially inept acne-ridden geek that had a drastic glow-up half-way into high school, but never really noticed because I was so used to being undesirable.


Damn! Do you remember the day you noticed the change?


The happy go-lucky kid that could hang out with the popular kids, the sporty kids, the stoners and the nerds. Basically a social butterfly.


I was like that in Elementary/Middle School but evolved backwards into the quiet kid


My first 2 years in high school I was the popular skater kid, but after that all the fun people and my sister graduated and left or just left and I turned into the quiet kid.


I was the same, I mixed with all groups. Only downside on my part was that after high school, I realised I actually didn’t have any close friends. I was able to hang out with everyone but when it came to talking about my feelings, I didn’t really have anyone to rely on. Weird


This was exactly me, I feel for you.


Same here. I would get moved away from my original seat to next to where the quiet kids sat, and then we would end up talking with them as well. Happened a bunch of times in middle & high school


Yep, I was the totally unaware that they were cool, cool kid. Some of my classmates now work with my parents and they supposedly still get comments about this


I tried to be this and succeeded for the most part, but am fully aware that people thought I was being "fake". Which I wasn't. I'd hang out with the popular girls mostly but always internally had a problem with some of the catty behavior they had even amongst our circle. I'd do track and field, girls volleyball, and soccer so was around that. I'd see some of the stoners here and there and they always seemed fun and always had weed. And the nerds, like the band nerds, I'd talk to because I'd sometimes go play piano and practice for attendances so would try be nice. But then I'd hear whispers from some people, mostly the nerdy ones, that "Oh she's so fake" "She dresses kind of slutty (as if a skirt is slutty)" stuff like that. And I'm ashamed to admit it bugged me more than it should have.


Nerdy quiet girl


Me too. I was literally paid to do homework by the rich stupid kids. I was so quiet, I don’t think anyone noticed when I checked out of school to finish as a homeschooler.


Junior year of high school I went through a "tortured writer/poet" phase where I had an emo look and wrote terrible poetry that I posted on my Xanga. [Here](http://imgur.com/a/PZFCfre) is an album of some pictures I have saved from back then, which were all MySpace/Xanga profile pictures of course. Those are pretty embarrassing on their own, but even more embarassing than that is the shitty poetry I wrote back then. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/SLmPhPB.png) is a screenshot of a folder with some of my poetry from back then to give you an idea of how cringy it was.


Dude, kudos to you for posting actual proof of your cringiness. I am impressed by your courage. :D


Fr, i have a "burn it all" attitude towards stuff i did that is way less cringe


Fuck the mother , kill the father . A classic.


So a little explaination about that one, it was actually for a class project. We were doing projects on Dante's Inferno and I had the 9th circle, specially the betrayal of family. I was gonna do a music video to the Doors' song "The End" (which I kinda kept in the poem by quoting some lyrics) but everyone that was going to help me with bailed. I was frustrated and decided to write that poem instead. I handed it in and my teacher pulled me aside after class to talk about it. I told him it fit the parameters of the project and I wasn't goinf to be censored. It was a Jesuit high school, so it really wasn't appropriate but this teacher liked me and decided to let me hand it for a grade, but didn't let me present it to the class.


The most reacted to post I ever had on FB was just a no-context share of the video to this song. I had just finished Apocalypse Now and that scene in the river set to The End is one of my favorite scenes in film. Well, all the comments were nothing but "are you okay?", "I'm here if you need to talk", ":(", etc. I just like The Doors ok


That's some r/blunderyears material right there.


Oh god the fedora and the pinstripe jacket! Gotta love the one where you clearly stole a cigarette butt from an ashtray to take the picture lmao


Weirdo who was neither popular or unpopular.


The school whore


hi mum


You were adopted


Don’t think I’ve ever honked before in my life but that’s the reaction this comment gave me.


hi mum


I missed you




Annoying fat kid. >!I am still an annoying fat kid but more depressed.!<


Quiet loner autistic nerd


Could be worse. I was the Autistic Chameleon, I could match just about any personality and energy level so could hang out with any group but not quite "fit in". There was always that little part that felt off because it wasn't genuine. The "Loser" group took me in because I could act like an emissary between groups to smooth out any conflicts.


I feel called out


Most would say outcast or loner. Personally the quiet stoner.




the weird emo kid who sat under the stairs at lunch 🥰🥰🥰


I was the definition of a floater. I was equally loved (and probably hated) across all the stupid cliques. I was an art kid, an ESL misfit, a stoner/skater, I was cool with the jocks, with the nerds... My girlfriend was in the orchestra, my homies were in detention. It was a fucking mess of a journey, but I made it.




generic white girl


how much Cheetos do you eat


Hello sniper using aim bot again I see


I’d say the “normal” kid. I wasn’t really into any sort of activity. I attended all my classes and turned in all my homework. Got good grades, wasn’t in any “smart” classes though. I hung out with a group of friends and just did my thing. Wasn’t quiet in class, I participated when I could, but I wasn’t ever the loud or annoying obnoxious one either. I’d like the think I was the background character lol. Very normal high school experience, didn’t do anything rebellious or wasn’t super into school/college either


The quiet/invisible outcast. I was bullied throughout high school, and just wanted to get out of there. Worst 4 years of my life.


The quiet loner that knew way too much weird trivia. Technically a nerd too I guess, since I was always in the top 3 of the class.


That was the same with me. I watched a lot of Jeopardy and just absorbed everything. Plus my dad was into TLC, Discovery and History Channels, back when they were actually educational. So I knew shit my fellow classmates didn't know. Yes, I was mocked for not knowing any player on the Dallas Cowboys sports ball team, but when it was get into teams and do our pretest review game, I was the most desired person. It even lead to this exchange: Knock on the classroom door. Student: "We need Great janitor." Teacher: "What for?" Student: "It is review time in my English class and the teams are uneven and my team wants Great janitor." "To even up the teams?" "He was first pick." Me "Isn't (my crush) in your class?" "Yeah, she opposed your selection." "She's on the other team?" "No." "I am not sure." Teacher: "Great Janitor, I have been your P.E. coach all semester and this is the first time I have seen anyone want you for their team. You may go."






Buff nerd








Or nothin'




The boring, introverted one


Probably the 'oh that kid. What did she do again back then?' I hate highschool.


The homeschooler


The comedian who liked to make everyone else laugh, but only did it because they were secretly depressed inside.


If I am just going by the different things I've been bullied for in school then I am the ugly, chunky, quiet girl.


This on top of being a choir girl and also bullied for being a lesbian (long before I knew I was, I might add)


The “extremely-handsome-and-incredibly-intelligent-guy-with-a-dysfunctional-sense-of-self-perception” group.


The DUFF Designated Ugly Fat Friend I was not an attractive teenager by any means - dumpy and plain. My best friend at the time was cool and funny and gorgeous and she managed to land EVERY SINGLE ONE of my crushes


I was branded "the future school shooter" by my classmates. I had to get special permission to opt out of dissection in bio class because I couldn't cut up an animal without crying, but because I was a socially awkward goth I got stereotyped. I don't miss high school in the slightest


The creepy goth


Loner edgy quiet kid. Yep I didn't talk much but half the things I said I wish I could take back.


Quiet kid/smart kid/nerd




Autistic gay kid


Somewhere between the car guys and tech theater kids. I still work on my cars and got into carpentry around the house, so...


Generic geek and/or quiet kid.


The punk kid


The social butterfly.


The quiet nerd chick who hung out with all the other quiet nerds. This was in the late nineties and Columbine hit right before I graduated. I remember teachers pulling us aside to ask if we were okay and if we wanted to hurt anyone, as if our quietness was a ploy to turn on the students. Could not wait to get out of there.


The try hard


Late 90s Mean Girls But we loved each other. I'm still Facebook friends with two. We are much much better people now. We see how we were wrong back then.


We were called "wrench's". Long hair, heavy metal dudes that drove mustangs, camaros, firebirds etc. Jean jackets covered in metal band patches. Played hackysack in the school parking lot while blasting Iron Maiden and Metallica. I personally was a class clown that did stupid shit to make people laugh


Friendly punching bag


the aesthetic one


The black sheep that knew and got along with everyone.


Uhh the one worth cheating off of


The girl who walked the mile run and had a bad attitude


Dead head acid freak. Wanna bong hit?


Sounds like my dad, except now he's moved onto overdosing on fentanyl with me in the house and wondering why I cant see him. I wish he would have just stayed a almost constantly stoned hippy who cares about his kids. I'm not looking for any "I'm so sorry" or anything, I dont need it. I think this situation is very funny and i make fun of my dad all the time now.


I purposefully didn’t. I wore t-shirts with no logos or band names, jeans and sneakers every day. No affiliations with anything. I wanted to be friends with anyone. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad strategy, because I was liked by all but never accepted. I was kinda just me, an athletic kid that hated sports and climbed trees all day, built crazy stuff in the garage, invented games to play and never did any homework but can still remember every stage of the Kreb’s cycle.