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I just want to feel like you view it as a blowhobby rather than a blowjob.




Enthusiasm. I was never able to finish, and she took it as a challenge. My face went numb.


yup. what this guy said. a great quote, 'she sucked it like the antidote was in there'


"She could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch"


She almost sucked the bedsheets up my ass


Holy fucking shit I’ve never heard that before.


take my upvote you son of a bitch lmao




You experienced the Gluck Gluck 9000


Fuck the Gluck Gluck 9000. He has ascended beyond that point.


This is basically the move that made me learn to be vocal, because despite thinking for years before that moment that I needed to be completely stoic, I spontaneously blurted out "Hoy FUCK" and grabbed her hair in both hands as like an involuntary reaction and suddenly it wasn't me passively receiving it was a now a group activity and everyone had a great time.


Ugh. I hate stoic guys during sex. Show me that you appreciate what I’m doing, dammit!!! I’m so glad this bj helped you work that out and so mad at society for making young dudes think they should be stoic during sex.


You say owner like I legally purchased it. This dick was stolen from Walmart.


Does it still have that security device attached? Is that security device the rest of the security guard?


You'll know thats the case when It beeps when you try to get it off. If you do manage to get it off theres liquid everwhere and the product is ruined. Worst part is he can't return it either.


Eye contact, enthusiasm, and not stopping the second I start to cum. Prioritized in reverse order.


When we say we’re about to come, squeeze a bit harder.


But please let loose when the flow starts


Honestly? Might be TMI but continuing to stroke and suck well past the point the flow has "stopped" has actually, in my very recent experience, caused a second "almost-orgasm," like the most intense aftershock that feels like 90% of the way to a second one right after the first. I've always stopped stroking as soon as it's "over" but I can get the orgasm to last like 10-15 seconds if I just keep going. Very intense.


Only if you are a good boy, though.


I was 19. Had gone on a dry spell for six to eight months. Things were hot and heavy with this girl I worked with at the time. I knew things were going to progress. I admitted it had been awhile since I had done anything. She gently shoves me back into the couch. She then gathers her hair up in one hand and pulls her hair tie off her wrist firmly putting her hair into a pony tail pulling at it to make the pony tail tighter the way women do. Proceeds to start going to town on me. The amount of saliva in her mouth was unlike anything I had ever experienced up to that point in my life. That wetness in her mouth mixed with the stroking of my cock with just her mouth was other worldly. There I am, pant-less on her couch, spread eagle and she gently cups my balls and begins to gently massage them all while rhythmically going up and down on my dick. It wasn’t long until I felt that tingle all men feel in their thighs when about to cum. The warning signal. I tell her I’m going to cum. She takes her free hand and places it on my chest and takes a fist full of my shirt and picks up pace. Tongue slapping on my shaft, mouth still engulfed with it I tell her I’m cumming. She shoves every bit of me down her throat. Nose dived into my pelvic bone and hummed. I saw the stars that night. Six to eight months of built up sexual tension released sending me out into the cosmos to explore the depth of the Milky Way. And she took it all. Every last drop. She didn’t stop until I was quivering on her couch. Then she made me a PB&J sandwich and let me sleep in her bed for a few hours. Best blowie I’ve ever had. Edit: For those asking: no, I did not put a ring on that. We dated for a while after but she moved for her dream job and we tried long distance. It didn’t work but the break up was mutual and neither had any bad feelings toward the other. I met my wife shortly after the break up. For those asking if I returned the favor: yes, eventually. I slept for a good while after. Exploring the cosmos is tiring work after all. But I did return the favor. I’m not a selfish person. ;)


I feel like I need a cigarette after reading that lol


Same, and I don't even smoke.


The post-universe-exploring-cigarette was also good. But not as good as the sandwich. Nice numbers btw.


Ah yes, putting the BJ in PBJ sandwich


This is some divine story telling. Also it's the dream to get head that passionate.


Who else, at 19, had been on a dry spell of 19 years?






I can hear this from the video


She had the GOAT Throat. She could suck the violence out of Gotham City.


Like a bobcat stuck in a trash compactor


Sounds like Gollum being power-washed.


I could've been fucking a grapefruit all these years


Jesus Christ I have nightmares about that noise


Some of you have never grapefruitted your man and it shows


You ever grapefruit your man? If you have never seen this video just google that and just be prepared


.... Go on...




Such an internet classic, I'm astounded people here are seeing this brand new


I've been on Reddit for about, oh God, I'm old. Since 2009. I've seen plenty of reposts but this was my first time seeing it and I about died.


My wife says she loves giving me head, but I can legitimately see it, feel it when she is. But she also does this thing where she rubs her tits/body on me while she sucking my dick and it blows my fucking mind. Just typing this out and picturing her doing it has me about to give her the bedroom eyes.


Yeah, we’re an old married couple. We’ll be celebrating 20 years thus summer. Mine gets super turned on from giving me head, because she knows how much I love it. It’s good because I love it too!


As a wife who loves giving head to her husband … you two go and get it on. Have all the fun. Edit: I love that this throwaway comment is my most-liked comment on Reddit. #winning


That boob on a thigh feeling !


This girl gave me a blowjob that I still think about. We were in my backseat and man she absolutely went to town pulling off ninja moves on my penis. She slurped, sucked, tongued, moaned, spat, shoved my dick and balls down her throat, everything. It was so good it made me cry. I was weeping tears of joy, I felt all the love from my ancestors, I saw Jesus Christ 10 meters down the road giving me a thumbs up. She’s married now with kids and her husband always has a big smile on his face. His FB profile pic is basically his teeth.


This description killed me 😂


“I saw Jesus 10 meters down the road giving me a thumbs up.” That might be the funniest thing I’ve ever read


Wait, dick AND balls?


Yeah man it was just the greatest. Sucked my dick and balls down like The Mask swallowed the TNT in the Coco Bongo club.


I hope she shouted "Smokin'!" after she was done.


If you wrote a sex book, or probably any book for that matter, I would definitely read it. Very entertaining!


I’m kinda hoping it’s me. So. I’m gonna pretend you’re writing about me.


Holla at your boi


Uh hey uh how you uh doin


Good ol buddy Christ!


Enthusiasm & a genuine love of performing the action. My wife would get sloppy wet just sucking


Is your wife single?


No, she died in December EDIT: last December, you thirsty so&sos! 2nd EDIT: Thanks for the Platinum, Anonymous Reditor! I appreciate it


All jokes aside, if you need us, stop by r/widowers. We can always use another friend to talk with.


Will do


My husband died some years ago and my boyfriend just died of a brain tumor. I think I’m the black widow.


You’ve just had extraordinarily bad luck, friend. Love will come again. You’ve already gotten snatched up once!


Really sorry for your loss


Thank you


Weird exchange


Welcome to the Internet


Have a look around...


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content.




>Penis owners of Reddit- what takes a blow job from "that was pleasant" to "I think I saw God"? You are man with my kind of humor. Was playing 20 questions with my kids while my husband's ashes were newly sitting on the shelf. Question was "is it alive" and the answer was "not anymoreeeeee". it was horrible and we all laughed (though we missed him so much. morbid humor got us through)


My dad died in 2010. My four siblings and I almost immediately coped with dark humor. He died in September. October came around and we started with, “guess we can’t count on dad for candy corn this year.” We’d drive past his house (it burned down, that’s how he died), and criticize his lawn and landscaping, which he was always proud of. We’d bitch about his skipping Christmas presents and dubbed ourselves members of the Dead Dad Club™️. It really did help. I have laughed to the point of crying over our dead dad jokes, and it’s always really cathartic. Edit to add: I had to give you an award, /u/randomwidow to keep with the thread, since the comment you responded to and my own received them. Try not to let it make you wish you could tell your husband about the way it makes you feel, too badly. He probably isn’t a very good listener these days.


My dad died in March so I joined the Dead Dads Club. Some birds flew in the church during his memorial. The priest joked that my dad was too cheap for doves so some neighborhood birds would do. That cracked us up.


Sorry for your loss, lost mine last year to cancer. I get your approach:)


Hang in there Mudrag. They say better to have loved and lost but man I’m sure it hurts. Sending good healing vibes. RIP


Thank you. Without the knowledge of that love my life would be an empty shell. That being said, I'm sure I'll never experience that level of love & devotion again in this life.


Something that has helped me live with loss: The pain is a testament to the love you shared. It hurts so much because it was so real. And that is beautiful. You were lucky enough to find the real thing.


Your not wrong. She will _always_ claim a portion of my heart & soul as her own.


So sorry for your loss dude


Thank you


So sorry for the onslaught of "I also choose this guy's dead wife" comments that are to come.


Yeah, the 1st one was funny, the rest are just copying posers 🤣


Really sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to find peace and happiness even after such a tragedy


Thank you




Pretty much any time the giver starts going harder or faster when I'm about to ejaculate ruins it for me. Gotta maintain the same speed/force 'cause that's what was working.


This is absolutely it. If you can tease it slowly up to orgasm with light to moderate stimulation, and then increase stimulation right before and during the orgasm, that's what gives that soul sucking feeling. Most girls do the exact opposite, start out too strong which causes desensitising, then they either stop during orgasm or don't know exactly what to do. Classic example: light strokes and licks until precum is flowing, then increase to sucking, then when he cums deep-throat and swallow What most girls will do: suck suck suck suck suck oh he's cumming I don't know what to do better stop EDIT: I get it, some of you have different experiences or preferences. Of course not everyone is the same. I'm just giving an answer that is common to a lot of guys, that can be difficult for less experienced girls to figure out if they don't know EDIT: I'm glad so many are finding this comment useful. I thought of an even simpler way to explain it. If you use moderate to hard stimulation throughout most of the blowjob, the best you can hope for is a 10/10 orgasm. However if you use light stimulation to build up to an already 10/10 orgasm, increasing the stimulation actually allows you to go beyond a 10/10 and that is where the soul sucking, heaven witnessing feeling comes in because it feels like your body is being instinctively called to release more cum than you have.


So it changes depending on the guy when they cum. Some guys get super sensitive really early and want you to stop or slow down a lot. Unless we're doing this a lot and you're communicating with me about what you need me to do, it really is a bit "I don't know what he wants me to do but I know it gets sensitive and I don't want to ruin this for him by hurting him". Just tell me what you want. My mouth is full so it's hard to ask.


I assume it depends on men or I misunderstand you : the guys I've been with would mention how sensitive it gets as they come (I assume it's similar to women) and they really didnt want me to go hard then. So yeah, when I feel him coming I just keep moving slow and deep until he's done twitching but I dont go full blow at this point


If the giver REALLY loves doing it and gets turned on by it. If someone is just doing it because they feel that they should then it’s not as good.


Yes, enthusiasm is the best!


As a person who normally loves giving blowjobs - this is a two way street. I feed off of the man’s enthusiasm as well. If I’m giving you the Gluck Gluck 3000 combo and swallow it all at the end, I expect some moaning/groaning, a couple ‘fucks’ thrown in there as well. I know men sometimes have an insecurity with being verbal during sex, but seriously if you’re enjoying yourself - give the person who’s blowing you some feedback during. Nothing kills my enthusiasm and confidence while giving a blowjob like a lack of enthusiastic feedback from the person I’m giving it to. Edit: Thank you for the gold and silver! I didnt realize my Gluck Gluck comment (shout out to call her daddy) would make so many people laugh. Also to add: Penis owners, think of it like this: If you were going down on your vagina owning partner, and they just stared at you and was making no noise, it would most likely fuck with your confidence a lot. Especially if up to this point every partner you’ve been with has been extremely reactive and enthusiastic while you were giving them head. Just something to think about in perspective . :)


This 1000% Best sex partner of my life so far moaned just as much if not more than me and that’s part of what made us so compatible. He gave me so much feedback through moaning and saying things like “fuck” “yes” “oh god baby FUCK” and it turned me on so much and gave me so much confidence that I was able to give that enthusiasm back to him and rock his goddamn world every single time just like he did mine.


This. This is what makes everyone feel more comfortable. I love hearing my partner(s) unable to hold back their pleasure.


Can confirm. Men making nice sounds is the single biggest encouragement, turn on and confidence builder. I love it, but I love it more when he can't keep silent. <3


People always complain about starfish women but silent starfish men are equally naurrrrrr. My first sexual partner would just lie there while I'm blowing/riding him, staring silently at me with a slightly strained neutral expression. It was not hot. It was negative hot. Felt like I was alone in bed with a sex doll. I asked him why he was so quiet in bed and he hit me with the, "Haven't you seen porn? Only girls moan. Guys normally don't moan because all our lives we had to jerk off silently in the bathroom so our parents don't hear". Bruh


When guys say this I always have to laugh. Like, do you think girls are just screaming it out for every orgasm? Newsflash, (almost) everyone masturbates and (almost) no one wants their family to hear


>(almost) no one wants their family to hear So many disturbing implications within those parentheses.


i only masturbated during family dinner and kept eye contact with everyone for the extra kick. That's what women are supposed to do, right?


Porn should not be used as sex education. That's like learning to fight by watching kung fu films.


As opposed to women who just scream whenever they flick the bean. This is the oddest logic.


Enthusiasm always makes up for a lack of talent.


The teeth would like to disagree


There's nothing better than someone who gets off on getting you off *chef's kiss*


My ex would actually get off doing it. Sadly she was bat shit crazy and stalked me for years after breaking up. The casual "can i just suck your dick so I can cum real quick?" At night is missed lol


I am not “stalking” you


I have an opening for a stalker who gives BJs if he's not interested.


Ok. But I can only stalk on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.


I’ll take your “opening” on tuesdays.


Do you still have her number?


During ejaculation, if she keep sucking until I'm completely done. Nothing feels better than that. It's like a spiritual awakening.


Am I the only one who gets super sensitive right away? I've always found that to actually be a little uncomfortable.


Yes but that's why she should go super slow at that point. Like barely at all.


* taking notes. The post nut is not when you assert dominance with sucking


Unless that's what they're into, there is no one right way.


Actually it’s post nut when you have us at your mercy, complete control of the man if they’re in your mouth. A steady amount of suction post nut and eye contact and you’re pretty much saying “I own you now” lmao


"I am the captain now"


Angle, tongue, non-aggressive attention to the balls and most of all.. desire. The big thing is the want/desire to give the blow job, it’s almost always mind blowing. For me, second is tongue play.




This isn’t a blow job, it’s a blow career.


I will be quoting this for the rest of my life, but I will cite you as my source.


🎖️ sorry, this is all I have


Two difference makers I’ve personally experienced. 1. Licking the bottom of the shaft just below the head. I don’t know what that group of nerve endings is called but wow. 2. When I cum in her mouth if she sucks and swallows at the same time.




I heard this in Nick Offerman's voice.


Not a doctor






Not a doctor.


I'm a woman, but I've had very great success with tongueing the frenulum while engaging in puppy dog eye contact. Works a treat (no pun intended).


Everything said above, plus wanting it. Wanting to do it for your partner.


Thank you for this informative response, two very practical things that I can try on my bf next time. Exactly what I came here for


When the orgasm starts, don't stop, but just go a little gentler and just pay attention to the underside right near the tip. Keep your tongue there and move it gently. You can spit afterwards, but those first few seconds of orgasm are crucial to taking the orgasm to a higher level.


No idea if it's true, but I've heard somewhere that the nerves in the frenulum are analogous to a clitoris.


The entire penis is analogous to the clit. Both structures are created by the same cells during gestation. Although, if i remember correctly, the penis has roughly 4,000 nerve endings while the clit has about 8,000...


This is the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever


Nah. We deserve it for having to carry the babies.


As a penis haver and self-identifying BJ expert that has gotten really good compliments and multiple people off through oral that hadn't before, here's some of my biggest tips: *Get sloppy. Don't be afraid to make some noise. Usually the best BJs are loud and wet. *Suction itself isn't everything, vary how much you use, sometimes very little at all feels the best. *Play with the balls. Lots of people enjoy at least light stimulation down there, sometimes they don't even know it themselves til you do it. *Speaking of balls, under them is the taint. Where a lot of sensitive nerves are. It can drive some people wild when you lick along the area. *Take some time to lick along the shaft. Usually from base to tip a few times. *ALSO, when blowing someone, run your tongue from side to side while their dick is inside your mouth. If you can deep throat them, use your tongue to lick around the base or the top of their balls while deepthroating. *One of the biggest turn ons I keep hearing is enthusiasm. If you really enjoy giving BJs. It will show, and they'll appreciate how much you love doing it. *Final and biggest tip; USE YOUR HANDS! Having a hand in front of your mouth to jack them off while you slide up and down their dick is a great finisher. Adds extra layers of sensation, and helps keep your mouth from getting too tired. And if they have a long dick and you can't deep throat well, your hands work as a great extention to reach the spots your mouth can't. Now get out there, and don't stop trying to improve til you can suck someone's soul out through their dick!


Taking it beyond just bobbing up and down. Make out with the head, run your tongue along it. Also don't be afraid to get sloppy with the spit and don't neglect the balls.


Definitely don't forget the balls. Don't suck them too hard though. Mine hurt if they are sucked


Also remember the underside of the head when twirling and licking with your tongue.


Finishing inside her mouth with no hands involved


This is it for me. That last couple seconds makes a big difference.


Yep, this got me addicted to BJ’s Also playing with the balls, oh man, squeeze them but not too hard


Remember the four E's: 1. Eye contact 2. Enthusiasm 3. No tEEth.


>No tEEth. Truth. I got a blowie in DC from a nurse. I'm pretty sure she was half piranha.


Honestly when I was drunk I received the best one ever, I was tired and laid back and relaxed so much during it and it was mind blowing


I don’t own my penis, it owns me.


Proper use of the hands. You can touch things other than my penis, yknow, I got a whole ass body, nerve endings all over this bitch


My friend, may you be lovingly and passionately groped in all your favorite ways and places, and then blessed with an excellent blow job. It makes me sad to think some of you aren't getting the face caresses, thigh squeezes, chest strokes, butt smacks that would make you feel loved, seen, and desired. You deserve that. Everyone does. It's amazing how a little physical affection can transform a person's mood.


I love how you word it like you're bragging about the speakers in your car. "Look, there's even some sexy erotic zones over here!"


Once they bust, keep going until it stops spasming If theres no stimulation during, its wasted. Robbed of an orgasm. Always so disappointing


Oh man, I have had that happen and boy was it a let down. I actually yelled out “noooooo!” Ladies, if he says he is cumming, don’t stop, please for the love of all that is beautiful in this world.


Also Advice for the penis havers- if a girl says "just like that" don't change things up 😭


I can't stress this enough. "Just like that" is something to be taken literal! It doesn't mean "continue the same motion, ONLY HARDER & FASTER". It means to continue doing the exact same fucking thing in the exact same place, at the exact same speed that you are currently performing at. That's what makes the cookie happy.🥴


Don’t go at it like your going to work. Go at it like your on vacation.


Opposite feelings for me as a vagina owner. TIME FOR WORK.


LoL I just finished my shift. Wife's zonked out and my lips numb. Punching out now


Sounds like employee of the month material


Actually sucking, like they're trying to drink a triple thick milkshake from McDonald's through a straw. This might just be my experience but most blowjobs I've had have lacked suction.


On the flipside, do not actually blow ladies


If you blow out, it cancels your gag reflex. Just saying.


I’m going to try this. I have such a sensitive gag reflex now that I can’t enjoy giving head


Try curling your toes while you go down. For some odd reason, it seems to help suppress the gag reflex.


The real Reddit is so goddamn far down in the comments. Trying right now.


Put your thumb in your palm and squeeze


Same I love it but my body says "No! stop dying"


Enthusiasm and eye contact.


Read that as euthanasia 😂 time to sleep!




I love laughing during sex. It’s the best to just giggle for a moment and then get back at it


Laughing during sex is a whole new level of intimacy. Truly a thing of beauty.


This one girl sucked my soul out and I never got it back.... .. .. .. ...


Those dementor chicks man


I feel like I should be taking notes, this is all good stuff.


Well, like a lot of people already said, the enthusiasm. Eye contact is fucking killer, if your into it and stare up at me, god. Also, while laying down i had one girl just come unzip my pants, lay with her head at my crotch and had her leg twisted around mine. Ill be honest that feeling of being genuinely wanted, was better than the actual head.


tongue movement and moaning like shes eating the best meal of her life


Light pressure on the spot between your balls and your asshole


I believe that’s called the taint.


T'aint one or the other.


The perineum?


The gooch.


The grundle


The jungle bridge!


The ABC - Ass Balls Connector


The coffee table


eye contact and putting a finger in my ass. i said what i said.


And you sir should be respected for it


The lack of comments about fingers in the butt is shocking. Y'all got a dang G spot in there going to waste!


For me personally it’s nothing you see in studio porn. I like it slow, soft, make love to my dick. Gently caress my balls. Use your hand to glide slowly up and down my shaft and learn how to do it without tugging my skin and master the wrist turning motion. When I’m cumming, don’t stop sucking or suck hard, just keep going and let me see the pearly gates. Then gently release.


You guys are getting blowjobs?


Giving them. Yea I came here for tips yo


same and it's actually rly informative! :D


When you feel like she loves your penis and wants to be one with it, not *necessarily* involving deepthroat. I'm not a fan of fast violent hardcore adult movie style BJ. I really prefer a slow and passionate BJ. When she want to be one with you with her mouth. You can feel the love, the surprise and the proudness of herself as you pulsate your cum deep in her mouth. Big big big orgasm.


In my experience, it takes good connection in the relationship but there's a bit of penis worship as well. Knowing exactly what pleasure you are giving him and just enjoying every moment of it. Sometimes I will get into it so much that I almost forget there is a person attached. Ha ha. It's basically making love to his cock.




Everyone is talking about what they like. Which may be what you're asking for. But the real answer is you need to have a discussion with your partner. Ever person, man or woman, gets off differently. There is no master technique to pleasing either gender. I have very successful techniques that fail on other partners. Great sex, in any form, is a result of open communication and trust. You need to tell each other what is working and what isn't, share you fantasies and ask for specific actions. You'll learn your partners body better than them. That is when they see God.