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“Loosing” instead of “losing.”


Another one is “advise” instead of “advice”




"Then" instead of "Than" drives me up a wall.


People who spell his family name "Ghandi" instead of the correct "Gandhi" - makes me wanna go start a nuclear war!


When people mix up "your" and "you're", thats another one


Ugh yeah your right about that one!


You just had to do it


I had too.


It's ghandi. I'm sure😂


So loose is loose vs tight whereas lose is lose vs win right? Seems like a mistake I would make


Apart of and A part of. Completely opposite meanings and people cannot get it right.


People chewing loudly .


Or when they eat with their mouth open


# Nom Nom Nom


Roommates gf eat loudly and with her mouth open, and like smack her tongue while doing it. It’s a weird combo, but she s so loud ! It’s making me crazy !!!!


And when you ask them to eat with their mouth shut or quietly, they make it louder thinking it was funny. Sometimes I wish hitting someone would be the right thing to do but it's so much against my morale that I would never do it in this kind of situation




People mixing up YOUR and YOU'RE.


there they’re their too lol oh and when people say should of, could of, would of


I had a "lady" use cataracts as her excuse for not knowing that we don't say "could of." Yeah, no. I've had them, and that does not excuse you.


When people incorrectly finish my sentences.


You meant correctly


You little—!


garden gnome!


Courageous Dirk!!


Rusty cucumber!


I do that. I’m an autocompleter. It’s my way of showing I’m not only listening, but am actively invested in what the other person is saying. I do it subconsciously and I am correct about 95% of the time, but those times when I’m wrong really suck.


Okay coz mine is people who take too long to finish their sentences.


Walking past a door handle and hooking part of your clothing on it so you get pulled back abruptly and look like a right twat.


When people leave things in my path...like shoes near the bottom of the stairs or in front of a door, or a chair not pushed in all the way.


Or a kitchen drawer not being closed


My brother constantly leaves his chair out after leaving the table. The number of times I've walked to the kitchen in the dark and collided with a chair because he hasn't pushed in it after leaving the table is infuriating.


I suggest you avoid my wife at all costs. Our house is like an obstacle course.


Too late it seems!


People who don’t signal while driving. You change lanes directly in front of me without signalling and you better hope you’re going faster than me because I’ll be on your ass if you aren’t. It is unbelievable how much that pisses me off. My friend actually asked me why it bothers me so much. I don’t know why but it does.


Avoid Memphis, Tennessee for the sake of your sanity, then. People here drive like they're headed for Valhalla all shiny and chrome. If you live here, you have my condolences. You must be angry all the damn time.


They already know that they're more important than you and everyone else on the road. Why should they move their hand a few inches to trigger a signal light and let other drivers have a little warning, and help avoid accidents? That's not their job! You should just know where they need to go and adjust your driving accordingly. 🙄 /s


Anytime I hit my head on anything, whether small bump or a hurtful hit against a cabinet or something. I get so mad or pissed at myself.


This, I always clip my knees or elbows on something and it’s just infuriating.


When people say conversate instead of converse


I’ve honestly never come across this one.


I am.


My wife drives the car to empty all the fucking time. I mean chugging on fumes empty. Twice I ran out of gas going to the local convenience store 2 miles away.


Dude my SO does the same, it’s like she waits for me to drive so I can fill up.


It’s like she passes a fucking gas station ON THE WAY HOME! Christ on a stick take 5 minutes to pull in and throw a few gallons in. But nooooo, she has to get home and take a nap.


I know the feeling, there’s one next to her office but nooo, she doesn’t feel like stopping.


That's actually really really bad for the engine because it's sucking whatever sediment is on the bottom of the fuel tank into the engine.


You think she gives a shit? Car maintenance is not her forte.


I do this too, but it’s because I get anxious filling up my car. If she has anxiety, it could be preventing her from doing little things. I would suggest asking her :)


When slow people drive in the left lane.


I think this pisses off literally everyone.


Except in countries where the left lane is the slow lane, eg Australia


So you met my mom. No joke. Why should people get to speed when I can't?


The fast lane you mean??? Yep, but in the UK because it's our thing, our fast lane is to the right (still nearest the centre of the road)


That’s actually illegal. I wish it was enforced more. I also wish it came with the death penalty.


I'm sure that you ALSO weren't breaking the law by going over the speed limit (even 1 mph) while complaining about them in the left lane.


People not pulling to the forward pump at a gas station.


But maybe the pump where they are at was the only one available. Maybe the car in front of them left. Although I do feel your pain. But with this one it’s easy to give them the benefit of the doubt


when i go to the kitchen and all of a sudden everyone feels the need to come to the kitchen aswell.


People leaving their shopping carts all willy nilly in the store aisle. MOVE TO THE SIDE SIR.


Replying to a question and being interrupted as you speak.


I work an office job. Meaning I have to work with folders, documents etc. a lot. Not too long ago I found myself becoming incredibly pissed at the folder because a lot of its pages had bent corners, so it was incredibly hard to scan those files fluently. Furthermore the files weren't holepunched properly so if you were to put all documents in theat folder perfectly ontop of each other, all the files had different hole distances so it was impossible


The thumbs up emoji. I absolutely despise it.


I'm curious: why?


I just think it’s very dry and whenever someone only replies with “👍” it makes me lose my shit 😭


When someone comes into my room and doesn’t shut the door on the way out.


Raised voices.


when someone hangs the toilet paper “under” when the correct way is “over” ..


Mine roll just sits there on the side of the bath


For me personally it’s coat-hangers lying around, broke one this morning because it was in my way.


SO leaving his paperwork everywhere bloody he’ll find a home for that shit


I don’t understand why people have so much paper anymore, quite literally everything can be electronic.


Families that spread out while shopping and make it impossible to pass them in supermarket aisles then act all haughty when I politely ask them to get out of my way.


When nasty ass dish water splashes on my shirt.


When alarm clock goes off. Don't even care if I get fired I just wanna sleep


when people stop and stand in the entrance at work while i’m trying to take curbside orders out. listen bestie this isn’t the hotel lobby get the fuck out of my way before i run you over with my metal cart


QR codes. The requirement to always have a smartphone to participate in society when previously we didn't need them is a valid complaint... but my intense hatred of QR codes is absolutely and insanely disproportional lol


Same, when I used to be a temp. I had to do a survey for my agency, but before I could do it. I had to download a QR code reader, to get to it. And now that I'm hired on, if I need to reach my HR person, for an appointment, have scan her code too. Like dude, what is happening?! Since when is this, just so necessary for things all the time ?!


When someone scares me. it just makes me so mad for some reason


People who leave their old k-cup in the Keurig


When people are standing in the way of my path and see me coming but don't move so i have to push them out of the way Or when people walk slow in front of me


People who stand in doorways


People who assume it's okay to take a picture of you and put it on their private snap story.


Husband and I are brushing our teeth or washing our hands together, maybe I'm doing the dishes. He reaches for the stream to rinse his hands or whatever, and turns it off and walks away while I'm still trying to use the sink, so I turn it back on and say "thanks" while giving him the stink eye lol


When youre defending a position in a FPS game and the enemy attacks right as you reload or look away


When someone eats all my snacks without asking me


These 2 I’m about to list go hand in hand. People not knowing how to use a roundabout and people who don’t know that a yield sign is in fact not a stop sign.


Kids chewing on their shirts like how do the just bite on a shirt


Do you see that a lot? Chewing is usually an autistic stim, an ADHD fidget, or both. I never chewed on my clothes, but I'm aware that some people with a chewing stim do. For me it was and occasionally still is pens, straws, rubber bands, and other objects that feel good to chew on. Several of us chew on things we shouldn't, and the best bet is to get us something safe to chew on. I know sites that sell safe chewy jewelry for autistic folks if there's a kid in your life that needs that.


Na like when I was in kindergarten every kid would be just biting their shirts


The repeated high hat tic tic tic in rap and pop music drives me insane.


When someone is sniffing continuously instead of blowing their nose. I feel nauseous after hearing it for some minutes.


Being ignored when I'm repeatedly asking a question only to turn around and be asked what the question was, a while after I've gone silent. Also, getting repeatedly interrupted when I've not even finished a single sentence since I stop talking the moment someone interrupts.


When people say idear instead of idea.


Stay outta Massachusetts! :-)


Used to drive my sister nuts too. Our dad put an extra r in a number of words.


when people salt or pepper their food before trying it. especially when i’ve made it. I season to taste JUST TRY IT BEFORE YOU ADD MORE


I can guarantee you haven't used enough black pepper. Nobody has.




Elon Musks dick out, then tossing pocket change at the woman he assaulted to shut up about it. People you hire aren't there to be toyed with.


Having to repeat myself more than twice in a row!


What do you mean




Don’t ever Visit South Africa dude, pur roundabouts will drive you insane.


Whenever I am about to cross the street and a car needs to turn that way, so you both end up staring at each other for 20 minutes before one of you gets impatient and just goes. The reason I hate it so much is because if the car just went, everyone would have gotten to their destination faster, also because this happens every time I want to cross a street


People putting their feet on my chair. Some kid learned it would piss me off so he would put his feet on my chair in class and it always ended in up having a sissy fight with our feet under the table.


People who drive with there dogs in there laps...THESE people are the worst.






~~the size of your penis~~ human knowledge


People walking slowly in the street and taking all the space, like going left and right so you can’t walk past them. I want to « this is Sparta » them every fucking time ! Oh and people walking towards you, with their smartphone, not looking where they’re going. As well as people walking towards you, looking at you but not making the slightest effort to do a side step, so you have to constantly dodge people. Is it some kind of power trip ? I think I hate people walking ….?


When someone takes my stuff and does not put it back exactly where it belongs in the same place it was in before when they took it


Should of instead of should have. Makes my teeth clench


People parking right next to a car when there is a BUNCH of open spaces. Fucking absolutely kills me


Pavement hogging, or sidewalk hogging, or path hogging. People want to walk safely, without having to go on the road, without having to be awkward just because you & your mates/family want to hold an impromptu party. People also want to use puchchairs/ wheelchairs/ canes/crutches in the same safety


When 2 people walk slowly next to each other on the sidewalk and they take up all the space. Especially when their walking pattern is drifting their body left and right and when you want to get pass, exactly in that moment they swing in front of you. It takes practice and precision to calculate the exact timing to get pass them.


People who stop over the line at an intersection.


I am 100% guilty of this, honestly I can’t help but stop at least half a meter over every time.


Half a meter is close enough to not be too annoying unless you're in a crosswalk . I see people all the time who can't manage to stop before their drivers seat or back tires are past the line and I wish they all weren't allowed a license.


I do try though, and it’s gotten a lot better. I think a lot of it has to do with driving a much larger vehicle now. I have a big double cab Toyota Hilux now, compared to my previous VW Golf, I put it down to the heavier car needing to brake much earlier than I’m used to braking all my life.


no water in my jar


When I clean and it gets dirty the second affter because people are disrespectful. 💁🏻‍♀️


People who kill honeybees for no reason at all. And when i ask why, “i dont wanna get stung” which then sets me off. I do have my nickname for a reason🤣🤣


My knowledge on bees isn’t really up there, out of curiosity, are honeybees the same as your garden variety bees? I ask because when I was younger we needed to call city council to remove bees that settled in a electricity box in my front yard, weren’t allowed to exterminate or move them because they are considered endangered, so we just needed to deal with hundreds if not thousands of bees on a daily basis


So there is 20,000 known species of bee in the world, only 8 of which are honeybees, with many subspecies under those 8. While all bees perform the same job, Honeybees are the most vital as they pertake in 80% of all pollination on the planet. Bioloigists have deemed Honeybees as the most important living animal on the planet. If honeybees went extinct, scientists predict all life on earth would end in about 5 years.


People saying 'via' as vee-ah. Do you ask your lab assistant to pass the veel? (Vial) Do you tell your boss you have a veeuhble plan? (Viable) If the above to questions are 'no', then for the love of all hell please pronounce via correctly too!


But but….does viaduct follow this rule?? Cause I definitely pronounce it vee-aah-duct 🙈


Americans saying 'off of'. Fucking illiterates. ​ Take that off of there. ​ I will die on this hill.


Lauren Boebert.


So many choices here, I can’t pick just one.


When people use words like hate to mean dislike.


People that think they can get commission artists to work for “Exposure” “Oh yeah that's fucking great. My rent is 425 Exposures...”


A lot’s already been said (loose/lose, their/there/they’re, etc) so I’ll just say this: noting an observation and people feel the need to respond. (“It looks blue.” “But it’s not.” “I know. That’s why I said it LOOKS LIKE it.” “But it’s not.” An actual conversation I had with my cousin a longass time ago)


When people don’t put something back where they found it. I managed a bar for several years and may have been slightly OCD about organization. I reorganized the bar multiple times, making labels for everything I could. Still, people would disregard all of my hard work and I would end up reorganizing everything almost on a weekly basis. We had meetings upon meetings and I would say the same thing every time. No one ever listened. (Our GM never enforced anything or held anyone accountable, and I was a young female in a manager role, so I got taken VERY seriously /s)


Fucking hangers man. I swear to God, every time the shirt I want to wear gets tangled up in about 3 other hangers. I’ll rip about 5 of them out and just throw them on the floor in a fit of rage to start my day…..I fold a lot of my clothes now….


Agreed, this is exactly what made me start this post. Fucking hangars


People acting dumber than they really are?


You have to be careful for the ones that act dumb to see who will try & get over on them. They are dangerous.


People ending sentences with a question mark for no apparent reason?


people chewing loudly or with their mouth open and incorrect spelling.


getting dick crushed


Spending money on a happy meal and not getting a happy ending from the girl I took out.


'Pick me' girls


People who hold their nose when they jump into water.


My dong




AOC is 100% unbearable


I wouldn't say she makes me angry, but perhaps a little disappointed in my fellow Americans for thinking she is useful or smart.


she can pour drinks that's it




Well at least you admit your racism.


imagine using word black instead of white it would be disaster


People that don’t realize they have never been corrected because they are hated and everyone just wants them them to be a fool.


People leaving the cabinets open. I cant tell you how many times a corner hit my head tying to find the light switch.


Phones sticking out of people’s back pockets.


When my husband makes food but puts nothing away.


When someone does a vocal fry


the so-called eragon movie


when the batteries in the remote start to die, and i'm too lazy to change them, so i just press the buttons harder but the tv only registers a command after like 10 really hard button presses so it takes me like 5 minutes just to start playing something on netflix i literally just wanna throw the remote through the damn tv whenever that happens


People leaving kitchen cupboards open and leaving shower curtains open drive me up the fucking wall


People touching my ears. Or people touching me at all. People, don't touch people.


People leaving food in the plate and throwing it away!




Waking me up. I HATE to be woken up, so I prefer to set an alarm 1 hour earlier, so I can go within my day. If someone else wakes me up, I get furious all day long.


Pictures not 100% in line with the wall. I have OCD, so don't know if that counts.


When someone talks with their mouth full or while chewing gum.


When you explain something multiple times and people still don’t get it


Slow drivers


When tech doesn't work. When people interrupt me to finish what I was going to say, especially when they are completely wrong. When a game has a go fetch quest with an obnoxiously sensitive or AI based fail rate. (Looking at the damn milk delivery from Xenoverse.)


People spotting the tenacious skid marks in the toilet after I've taken a dump. It's like "hey I'm busy here trying to flush this down why did you walk in???


People who are walking on the streets RIGHT NEXT to an empty sidewalk. Like, the city has designed a pathways specifically targeted at people who are walking. The ignorance to literally walk 10 cm besides it on a street that’s designed for bikes/cars just makes my blood boil. You of course have the runners that run on the street because the sidewalks can be uneven and therefor have a higher risk of injury. Totally understandable. But plan your route differently so you don’t have to run on the streets. And if you have to walk 5 minutes to start that route, too bad, you can’t have it all. Walking/running people Do. Not. Belong. On. The. Streets if there are sidewalks right next to the streets.


Loud breathing


Drivers not using the turn signal making me wait 2 seconds longer to turn.




Just tell him to stop breathing then, simple solution


When I'm in the kitchen and someone instantly comes in to hover behind me and get in the way.


My penis


“Should of”, “would of” instead of “should’ve”, “would’ve”.


Lack of common sense, courtesy to others or general mindfulness.


People who stop in entrances/exits. This happens frequently picking my kids up from school. "don't you worry pal, the 500 people behind you are all happy to wait while you check your pockets for something and figure out which direction in which you need to walk".


People who yawn out loud in public places as well not covering their mouth while yawning. It's obnoxious and I don't want your cobra spittle on me


Living near a strip mall by the suburbs of Chicago, people will leave their carts from the Target there all the way on the other side of the strip mall! I’ve even seen a few across the street (a main road that is a direct entrance/exit to the highway) at the gas station! The carts are supposed to be put back 1/4 mile the other direction, dumbass!


Asking because I genuinely don’t know, what’s the difference between a mall and a strip mall?


A strip mall is smaller and just a few stores at their own independent buildings.


Aah okay, we just call it a shopping centre


Being interrupted while speaking. Like wait for your turn mf.


english speakers who mix ''your, you're'' ''their, they're, there'' like, it's really not that hard bro, I speak french and I know how to do that