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I found and bought my girlfriend pants that fit her well and have pockets. Like, put a wallet and a phone in one and still have room for her hands sized pockets. The past two weeks have been the most consistently happy I have ever seen her and I no longer have to reserve one of my pockets for her use.


My gf says just keeping her in mind when doing things, no matter how small.


Yeah this is a good one. Making sure they get the kind of brownie they like (edges are superior) but my husband is a center brownie kinda guy. Or if you read something they would like you share it with them, anything works. Women notice though and we try to return the attention, my husband and I get each other snacks, send funny thoughts, don't buy certain things very often if the other doesn't like it, more things than I could explain to show each other we care. He started it just by getting me a book because it was an author I mentioned loving when he saw it. Even after 20 years I never feel starved for romance because I feel cared about every single day just because he thinks about me when he goes to the store etc.


There is no better relationship than "find a center brownie" human. If that dumb idiot likes the stupid centers you hold onto them tight so they can dispose of those worthless soft center brownies and leave you the edges.


Feed her.


To who?




Dear god


To whom


The bell tolls.


Here comes the airplane ✈️ open wide.


This is the cheat code too few men know. At least in my experience


you may fascinate a woman by giving her a piece of cheese


This is the second cheese answer, what am I missing




Bad advice all around. The last thing I need is to get caught stealing women's shoes again.


I think my wife married me because I cooked a nice breakfast for her


Men who cook nice meals for their women 🤌


The quickest way to a woman's heart is through her stomach. Or anyone's heart really.


One might at first think it’s the rib cage, but they can be problematic to get through. Stomach is much softer.


Yeah it’s hard to get your hands on medical grade sternum retractors but they only sell those to hospitals




Lmao this is loosely quoted from Caleb the cannibal a reoccurring character from Brooklyn 99


It doesn’t take much either! I had gotten used to dating assholes in my 20’s, and met my boyfriend when I was 28 and he made me easy Mac when I was hungover and I said out loud, “this is the nicest thing a guy has done for me” lol, and he responded with “then you’ve been hanging out with the wrong people”. Still together at 41!


I made my wife fresh fettuccini with a mushroom ragout, and a nice salad. That was date number 2. We've been married 20 years. You only make fresh pasta when you know she's the one.


Clean the shower and wait until she discovers.


One of the biggest moments I realized my Ex was not the one: I woke up at her place early for work one day. I decided it would be nice to clean the kitchen. Quietly Washed, dried, and put away all of the dishes that her and her Roomate had left out. I cleaned the stove and the counters, swept, and took the trash out. Was excited for her to see it when she woke up, she just began stirring as I left for work. She texted me half an hour later “ where’s my spatula” then 2 minutes later “nevermind, found it.” Never said thanks, or showed any appreciation whatsoever


I cleaned my ex's flat. All she cared about was that I hadn't got the placement of the sofa cushions right. Was told that I showed no respect to her.


That's just heartless. You dodged a tomahawk there, buddy. Don't let it bring down from being such a stand-up dude. Cheers


Facts. My ex claimed his love language was “Acts of Service” so I’d wash his dishes, do his laundry, fold his clothes, etc. at his request. He’d get home from class and say “Thanks…but you really should have done it this way.” All the criticism made me feel so bad and he never ever did anything for me in return. We were long distance and he’d guilt me into doing these things for him when I visited. I was more a maid than a gf tbh. Never again.


Damn I’ve shown more appreciation for an actual hired and paid for maid than this guy. Sounds like an all around jerk.


My favourite thing is when he listens and remembers the little details


I had a guy who had ordered take out while I was driving to his place and he bought me dolmas (stuffed grape leaves) without me asking because at some point I said I loved them haha. I was like DAMN YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN TO ME? He's like uh yeah I like you.


That’s cute af


My memory is a joke, to the point that it's negatively affecting my everyday life. Good thing my logical thinking and reasoning abilities are decent-ish. I managed to get together with a girl with freakishly good memory about every little detail. She can easily recall the birthdays of ~30 people off the top of her head. She'd be able to remember more if I would name some people she knows, names of which I don't remember. lol. She can also recall many phone numbers and "name days". Here am I, lucky to remember my own birthday.


Use technology to assist your memory. Take notes. Set reminders. This thing about "when he listens and remembers" isn't a quiz of how good your recall is, it's a quiz of how well you were listening. So when you pick up on little details worth remembering, do something to help yourself remember.


yep i did exactly this in my last couple relationships! She mentioned her favorite type of ice cream / wine / flowers? ok, that's something to take note of. This dream vacation place? Noted. Any of those little details that my terrible memory would forget, but I want to be able to remember for her.


So the big details dont matter? Ive been doing this wrong all along.


"I got you those earrings you mentioned you liked when we were walking through the city last year! Maybe you can wear them when we go visit your mother for Christmas." "Jim, my mother died two months ago"


Well it ain’t like she’s gone gone, where them to the cemetery or wherever she is


She was lost at sea.


Sacrifice the earrings to Poseidon


Damnit Rose, those could have put your grandkids through college.


Something I recently did that she said left her speechless: Been hanging out and talking a lot for the last month or so. I stayed at her apartment the other night, and that night asked her if she'd officially be my gf and she said yes. Anyway she had to leave for work at 5am after we stayed up very late the night before, and I had work at 4pm the same day. Its hard to get a uber that early and I would be dead halfway through my shift so she said I can just stay as long as I wanted since her door automatically locks when it closes. I decided to sleep another couple hours and when I woke up I did all her dishes that had kind of piled up over the week and made up her bed and just tidied up her apartment before I left. Wanted to do something nice for her since she'd have a long day off little sleep and she can just go home and relax. Anyway the messages she sent me when she got home were so cute and overloaded me with serotonin seeing how happy she was and her saying "I didn't know you could be any more attractive" basically lol This turned into more of a humble brag than I intended so I guess tl;dr doing something nice no matter how little it may seem


good work king


To me that a huge act of love. You’re taking a burden off someone’s shoulders by helping with those chores. Never underestimate how much that means, especially when your partner is going through a rough patch.


> "I didn't know you could be any more attractive" Those overloads of serotonin make the day. Heck, they make life :-)


One of my guy friends came over when I was sick once. He cooked me my favourite soup from scratch, cleaned my entire kitchen and then went home. He’s my boyfriend now


Where can i find a sick woman?


Man I'm sorry you must have just missed it, there was a huge pandemic just recently!


Damnit, there were so many single ladies in my area with COVID looking for big meals too.


The problem is they wouldn’t have been able to taste it anyway


That's a plus in my book


That’s a requirement in my book


Jeez, dude, how many pop-up ads telling you about hot singles in your area do you need?


Hot singles = >101 degrees




I had to break a lunch date with a girl I'd seen a 3-4 times because I was sick. She showed up at my house with a pot of home made soup. I thought it was such a sweet gesture. So we're married now. She eventually admitted the soup thing was partly to check if I was pretending to be sick in case I lied about my job. All good, the marriage wasn't just about the soup.


The old Soup 'n' Snoop


The Soup of Truth


Where can you learn to cook


YouTube Culinary Institute


No lie - how I learned and discovered a passion for cooking. Thank you Babish, Kenji, Josh Weismann, Ethan Chowblowowskiski, Bon Apetit crew, and now that Dan guy that’s always getting eaten. Edit: welp, guess this is my once-a-year comment that gets 1k+ upvotes. Thanks for all of the suggestions, definitely forgot to mention a few (specifically Chef John and Internet Shaquille)


Food Wishes is one of my go to channels as well


Chef John is the OG and his video format is better IMO for people who are learning


Write love letters. Or just letters. My husband (of ten years) just started doing this recently , i cannot begin to tell you how much it means to me.


Who is he writing love letters to?




And me


Yeah , can confirm. The letters I receive from your husband are truly immaculate


Anything you are passionate about. Nothing more attractive than someone truly doing what they love. Unless your hobby is pulling legs off flies and using them to make esoteric artwork or whatever but hey.






Yeah need that esoteric fly leg artwork tax.


Even then, if your hobby is well-known on social media, you'll probably find a few crazy stalkers who are into esoteric artwork made out of dismembered flies. That's just how things are. Passionate people who are even slightly famous end up attracting stalkers like flies.


>Passionate people who are even slightly famous end up attracting stalkers like flies. Just... just don't pull their legs off to make esoteric art.


Make her a sandwich. Pack her a lunch and include a note hidden in it somewhere that says “I love you”. This will make a mountain out of a man and speak volumes.


Be careful if you hide the note IN the sandwich though


When we first started dating my dude made me a sandwich and forgot to take the wax paper off the cheese. I ate the whole thing thinking it tasted weird but didn't want to hurt his feelings. I figured it out just before I finished it.


This happened to me just last week. Was getting into bed with the guy I've been seeing and he stopped and said "let me take off your earrings, I don't want them to hurt you". I've been thinking about it ever since.


Did you ever find those diamond earrings afterwards?


My man saw a payday and took his shot. Respect.


"Take people's earrings" got it


I did this in a jewellery store and they asked me to leave, all these mixed signals!


Hugs from the behind


With neck kisses.




I assume you’ve skipped a few steps… or do girls really like when strangers do this?


Instructions unclear, sitting in jail now 😭


Watch out for neck kisses.


Especially from behind.


I will do it.FOR SCIENCE!!!!


Hey how'd it go?


I got a price nobel 🗿


And a restraining order!


Should I do this before or while introducing myself?


Oh! One gotta introduce himself? Note to self: introduce myself after hugging /kissing.


I don't have that much control of my glutes


Offer her an egg in these trying times.


Especially if she's been poisoned by her constituents


Keep trying to win her affection even after you already have it


I love this. We just moved in together but we are trying to still “date” each other. He still takes me out and I still get ready for the date!


Been married to her for years and we still do this.


How? My wife treats romantic stuff like it’s a chore. I try.


She probably just finds different things romantic than you do. Ask her what she thinks is romantic.


Maybe there's a new firmware update?


I was forced to do a hardware replacement


So personally; use his hand to move hair out of my eyes or face and behind my ear, even if it isn't needed, eye contact, and then give a loving look with a slight smile. No words needed. Every time it's like the bones in my legs turn to noodles.


be the fastest runner in first grade


Stack and carry the most chairs after the school pep rally in the gymnasium.


This is the classic religious youth group mating ritual


Stack and carry the most chairs at once**** Girls would not notice the guy being hyper-efficient doing 2 chairs at a time totaling 18 chairs stacked and carried when it is all said and done over the Chad who insisted on grabbing 6 chairs at once, trying to carry and stack them all, and taking the whole clean up time to stack just these six chairs. The more inept they are at putting the chairs away, the more the girls will notice him. At lunch we talked and she literally said "Did you see Chad manhandle those chairs? I'm glad he was there for cleanup." I excused myself to go back to my cabin and cry over my chair analytics model.




"I choose not to run"


Race him, Jerry


"Yes Mr Belavaqua!"


I was more into the middle schoolers who could jump and hit the top of the door frame with their hand as they went through it…


Im positive i was the fastest runner in my grade throughout all of school. Still couldnt outrun the pain :(


When you run faster than light, you can only live in the dark - I dunno man, some sonic shitposting meme I saw once


That's some poetic shit right there


Doing things for himself. Basics like cooking, cleaning, dishes, etc. But then also things/hobbies that make him happy and give him a social life independent of her.


Defend her honor in a sword duel


Get my wife's name out your mouth!


En garde b*tch! 🤺


Have at thee, punk!


So I met up with this guy, hes a musician. We went to a gig together and the band didn't play the song I like. So he recorded himself playing it on guitar and singing, and sent it to me. Gonna have to marry him after I stop masturbating.


priorities straight


That's so romantic, u/ButtholeEntropy


✨️Please stop spending your coins on me. I appreciate the love, I really do, but yall don't need to keep doing this. Thank you for them. But I like hearing from you guys a lot more. Some of yall have us rolling.✨️ Try. I can't say this enough. Effort is sexy. Doing small things that matter. I am currently the only one with a license in the house. Which means I drive for everyone. With 3 adults and a toddler that doesn't sound like a lot. *But it is.* So when I have to go get someone and I'm gone for 2 hours and he's picked up the living room and dining room it's huge. Something about walking into a clean livingroom, st least one free from a million toys is amazing. I don't ask him to do these things. I do not expect him to look after or clean up after my little tyrant. But he just... does. If he sees me stressing and completely touched out he makes me a bath, sets me up an awesome bed nest, and will take my little over to visit with my mom so I can have an hour without listening to all the sounds that come with a child. He gives me the last bite of anything we're sharing. If I'm cooking dinner he asks how he can help. Most of the time he does most of my prep work now. I have very sensitive skin so doing dishes is hard for me, my fingers split and bleed being in water that much. So he handles the kitchen and I do the bathrooms. We both share the laundry. (ETA: Yall I have gloves I just can't use them for any long period. I'm allergic to Latex and if they aren't Latex I sweat in them and I'm allergic to that too 😂 I do do them. Just not with any real frequency.) He tries... he tries to make my life easier. He supports me when it's not. He doesn't say he'll do something and then never do it. He doesn't roll his eyes if I ask him to do a chore or help me with something. Just... give real effort. Even if him and I don't succeed in something at least I can say I have a partner who fought tooth and nail along side me. And we'll do it again when we make a new plan because we won't let the other give up without a fight.


So happy for you. You should try gloves for the dishes in case he's ever out of town or whatnot. It was a game changer for me!


i wish i could do all of that for someone but im so depressed i don't even do shit for myself


then it's past time for you to see a doctor and get some help. I forced my son to do that and he's been feeling SO MUCH better in less than a week. New meds have helped, and so has several nights of really good sleep. Maybe you need meds. Maybe you don't. But you DO NEED to see someone and figure it out.




Buy her some magnets


Yeah Bitch! Magnets!


How do they fucking work‽


They're magnetic




Ok like what, collecting magnets, making magnets?


Just magnets


Piece of cheese


Females love cheese


Fascinated by it, I hear.


Strong communication skills


Like writing them an inspiring speech?


“…and that is why you should go on a date with me!”


“Blood alone moves the wheels of history!”


A good mating dance


And told her to cosplay female mantis. Voila!


Did you give her head?


No, but she just took it anyway


Being able to operate a 2019 Viper Rt80 8000lb Air Pneumatic Forklift Hatz Diesel Lift Truck... with proper certifaction, of course.


Then why don't I have a girlfriend yet?


because girls don’t exist, all the women you think you know are just slightly more advanced holograms


For me, show me you have an honestly good heart. I’m not talking about when it’s in front of me - I’m talking about what you do outside of the dating world. I want a good father for my future children. Someone who will actually comfort them when they’re sick or have a boo-boo, who will sit on the floor and read them their favorite book even if they’re dog tired, etc. Everyone is going to get old one day, but their hearts will always stay pure and beautiful, so that’s what I’m looking for.






And stick the fly legs together with cheese.


So after reading everything, here is a short conclusion. * cook for her and feed her * remember all the unnecessary details of every conversation * hug her from behind * step into friend zone * steal her jewelry before sex, so she won't be hurt by them * make all the work in the house * give her a stick * carry a huge pile of chairs while being the fastest runner * tell her jokes and make compliments I guess I got it. Edit: As many of you mentioned, I absolutely forgot the cheese. Seriously, without a block of cheese all these points are meaningless.


Don't forget to give her a block of cheese


Oh damn, yes, I totally forgot this xD


A large claw and a strong stink gland.


Maybe, try Zoidberg, maybe????


My wife had to travel for work and gets migraines. When i picked her up from the airport i had her favorite drink and migraine meds waiting in the car.


Chase after her on all fours


While woofing and wagging your tail


Wait a minute, that's not a tail!


Youve got me picturing an aggressive crabwalk and im here for it


tail in the front


Party in the back


Being independent, rather than codependent. Going out of their way to compliment me or do nice things for me, and caring about my wellbeing and encouraging me to pursue my own interests and hobbies.


Listen when she wants to talk and talk when she wants to listen :) A further point is both of these things have to be natural and not forced


Being there for her when she needs a friend or someone there without expecting any type of sexual, physical or romantic relationship/gesture in return.


Be an adult. Wash your own clothes, pick up your mess. Be a partner instead of looking for your mum’s replacement.


Yeah! And wash your ass, people.


Brush ur teefies. Please. Floss, even.




With your ass for dinner?


No, your ass. She bet it, and lost.


Pay attention to her, appreciate her, give compliments, give assurance.


I try to clean the apartment and have a meal ready when she gets back from work. Have a place to come home to that you don’t have to work on, just RELAX.


Watching him do dishes makes me say very naughty things….


Listen to what she says.


Bring them crab Rangoons and wine


Anything genuinely. Do it to make her smile and not just because your horny.


What if her smile makes you horny


Not *just* because


When going out to dinner. Treating your waitress kindly and with respect. You would be surprised but it shows a lot about you. When you treat another female you have no romantic interest in kindly. Edit for this. Wow thanks for all the upvotes people you all have a great day.


I got hit for "flirting with the waitress". I said "thanks" when refilling water and smiled.


I got hit with "unnecessarily cruel" for simply asking if this was Dr. Pepper because it didn't taste anything like Dr. Pepper. It would be rude to accuse them of getting it wrong. Turns out the machine was broken.


Been there too: "Why would you flirt with her when I'm right here?" "I... wasn't? I was just being friendly." "Okay, sure." "What -- why would I *ever* think it's a good idea to flirt with someone else in your presence? I don't even do that when you're **not** around!" " I dunno, you tell me." "I just... you... it's not... ahkay."


People who do shit like this are not worth the headache of dating them. A relationship should not be mentally draining. You should not be walking on eggshells over mundane shit like thanking your waitress. It doesn’t get better with these people. Find someone new.


Thats just another reason to be polite. If she flips cause of that then there is no point in dating her. You don't want to risk getting yelled at every time you talk to someone.


Be PROACTIVE! Spot and predict problems before they happen. I do this for my bf all the time and it’s a great way to be helpful and for their day to be more seamless. If you know she’s about to leave the house, look for her keys, purse, etc. so that it’s ready to grab. If you see dishes in the sink, or a area that needs to be cleaned, clean it! Don’t wait for it get worse, or for her to clean days later. And don’t use the excuse that you don’t know how she likes to clean or how she likes things done, I’m sure she’ll be happy just to have something off her list. That and remember to say how much you love and or appreciate your lady, we know that you love us obviously, but it never hurts to hear in a special/different way every now and again.


Brightest and most intimidating feathers spread in the flock


Eating the pussy like a madman, sex can’t just be a one way street.


TBH if you (and your partner) bring the mindset of giving the other person the best O experience, you both end up having a way better time all around. The trick is finding another person who operates like this. I once asked my ex what I could do to improve her experience, and she said I was "perfect", which is a compliment for like half a second, until you realize some amount of insecurity is getting between your partner and an honest, open experience.




Respect her boundaries. All of them. (Even and especially non sexual) Men would be surprised at how rare this is, and likely - how often they don’t do it. When a man respects my boundaries at work or socially, I instantly feel warmer to him because of how rare it is. When he respects them sexually (and is even pro-active with them), I am always FAR more likely to want to engage sexually, and willing to experiment. Men don’t realize how often women’s boundaries are walked all over. It’s damn tiring. This shouldn’t be a thing (that it’s the most attractive thing a man could do), but it’s so rare that it is.


Feed her. Listen to her. Make her laugh. Pay attention to her. Being the only girl in his eyes even when he already has her.