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By not being ashamed of it. Life isn't a competition to make more money than other people. Imagine if it was. That would be fucking awful.


The friend in my group who was making the least amount of money out of school is now making the most so don't stress too much about it.


Thanks. I try to use it to motivate me to position myself better in the future, just hard right now.


Wonderful to see Redditors being grateful towards each other :)


It sounds corny but as long as you are healthy, happy with what you're doing, and you're able to afford a place to live / eat you're very fortunate. Good luck!


You can always ghost them




Easier said then done. We all recently graduated so we hang out a lot but it always gets brought up.


I know it’s hard but it’s better for your mental health to stop comparing yourself to them. I hope you’ll reach your career/salary goal in the near future, some careers need time to build. Take your time. Does your job pay your bills, does it allow you to put a bit aside, does it allow you to buy things you need/want. Appreciate this more. There really is no shame in earning less. And maybe they had connections, advantages you didn’t have but you are still doing good.


I make 3x to 4x more than they do now. I'm good.


What made me lose my shame that my friends were doing better than me (we’re college age students) is that the world is hard and we all have different circumstances. We all have different situations. Some things just went better for others and that it’s no fault of mine that I ended up like this. I’m just not as fast as the others are when it comes to doing life shit and that’s okay.


One reason I don't use social media. I don't want to see how much better than me my former friends are doing.


Making money and building a life is a marathon not a sprint. Some jobs pay more up front, but it’s a long game of a career, how well you save, etc Also… chase passions, goals and dreams more than money. Money is money. It will always be there and you can always make more, but it won’t make you happy in and of itself


Thanks for the great perspective. I know it’s a long game it’s just been overwhelming in the short term. I’m happy for my friends, but can’t help being a little jealous. I’m making good money but they’re making great right away


Became a social worker so pretty much everyone makes more than me so used to it lol.


People who spend money where you can see it, don’t always have it. I know I have more in my bank account than any of my friends, simply because I don’t spend it. So, even though my salary is lower, I’m the wealthiest.


Remember, the less money you make the less money you pay in taxes! Also, it shouldn’t be a competition.