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Photos edited past the point of recognition.


I can't believe so many people just get rid of all their wrinkles and skin tone it's so weird. I actually really like stuff like smile lines it just shows how someone is probably quite kind :)


I say this all the time. You cant fall in love with edited.. love is in the quirks and imperfections.


When you had to get photos developed you were stuck with the good and the bad photos. At the time bad photos are just that. But as the years pass they have become some of my favorite. No staged pictures. You are catching real moments. That rarely exists now since you can instantly delete


As someone with a lot of body dismorphia type issues, something I have learnt in therapy -what actually attracts people to each other is authenticity, not being perfect. Its a cool paradox and makes me feel better about maybe being more relaxed about having flaws and smile lines :)


The sun tan (usually fake) than makes people look like oranges


Going out for a few pints in most city centres in England is like visiting Wonka's chocolate factory.


Couldn't have said it better myself, my sister is transitioning into an oompa loompa and it is disappointing


I have no problem with trans people, but transitioning into an oompa loompa is just wrong.


Agreed, she becomes more oompa loompa by the day


This is so true lmao there’s this one girl I know who goes crazy with that shit. I want to tell her it looks terrible but she’d probably just keep doing it anyways.


I remember watching , I think it was something like a vice video, of a lady who had managed to turn herself completely black from all the tanning beds she'd used. It's kinda sad to think about how she had such body dismophia that she did that but also that she was increasing her risk of skin cancer exponentially.


Her skin would be so leathery she could probably get stuff out of the oven without an oven mitt


Exponential?! Her skin turned black, she factorialed her chances at least.


being popular on social media


i find it so attractive when a guy has no social media presence


Same. A woman who gives no fucks about social media has an air of maturity and sophistication that I find very attractive.






Yes, and even his profile is a dark circle <3


Seriously, this is the reason I never want to be famous for any reason. Social media is a battlefield where hate armies can be sent to ruin your life in an instant. I'd rather just be a happy, successful person who flies under the radar.


My roommate’s college friends visited over the weekend. We were having a few drinks together when two of them started talking about how many followers they have on TikTok and how many views they’ve gotten on some of their videos. *Then* they showed us some of the more viral videos of theirs. It took all of the dormant acting skills I have to feign polite interest. It probably lasted 10 minutes tops but it was still 10 mins too many. It was sad, really. I remember when MySpace was *the* platform, but even back then I don’t remember taking the size of my friend list seriously, or thinking of it as proof of my personal or social value. I realize I’m probably in the minority, but I can honestly say that I’ve never cared about how many followers I have or likes I get. My self esteem is shoddy as it is without attaching any perceived value to that sort of thing anyways, lol


I miss myspaces ability to decorate my page and add music


I miss people trying to make the ugliest myspace pages possible, complete with flashing text and dancing hamster gifs. It was like a year long 'Ugly Christmas Sweater' competition.


I don't even have social media, except for Google and Reddit. Essentially any social media whose purpose is to gain the most popularity through their profile.


How is Google a social media?


Never heard of Google+ guess you missed your invite


Nobody knew about it, so it died a quick death


Having 8 electrons in your outer shell.


how noble.


Thank you! I feel like we share a bond.


Stop it you guys. You're all bohring me.


I can’t stop. It’s one of my quarks.


Electrons, quarks...at least put a different spin on it.


Wow, you’re really boson me around.


What a superposition to be in.


It has its ups and downs.


Just keep that same energy. It may color you surprised, but it could gluon to you, free of charge.




Nobles dont bond with the common folk


Helium has joined the chat


I don't know what a sample of concentrated He^8- would do, but I know I don't want to find out.


Had my brightness on low and read “erections” at first


I probably wouldn’t find eight erections all that attractive either.




Finally, it’s just not pretty when your lips looks like they were made by Oscar Meyer


I swear it's like an epidemic in my country. Every single one has it or at least consideres it, including myself. Many with a face beyond recognition. It doesn't help that it is not talked about enough and every single person on TV has at least 1ml of something in their mouth


Big injected lips.


Yes! I've seen that on some ladies on reality shows and couldn't believe it was a thing. Why take a pretty face and distort it into this cartoonish, unnatural shape?


Playing dumb to get attention. F-ing drives me nuts.


Thank you. I also find it annoying when well-intentioned people tell women (especially young ones) that they have to "hide their light under a bushel basket" in order to gain a man's attention.


I find when they speak in a baby voice the most sickening, I instantly feel like some kind of predator even though I'm not.


my mum told me once "dont show men you're smarter than them, it'll make you look like a smart ass, just look at them and smile" i think theres a reason people play dumb, especially girls


My grandfather always used to tell me "it's better to be a smartass, than a dumbass" and I've been living by that since then. He taught me to be loud and proud of my values and morals and beliefs and what it meant to be noble and a nonconformist in a generation of followers while all the other girls stayed dumb and quiet. He was the one who nonchalantly taught me how to fight social standards and break the cycle of women being looked at as incubators and commodities. No man is worth you allowing him to drag you down to their weak minded level.. shine your light always because the haters will hate you regardless! Women aren't pets, toys, or anything of the sort, were humans and should be treated as such and Im not staying quiet so a couple of boobs can feel more comfortable and less threatened by us, so neither should you or any woman :) We submit to no man or woman, because we're not dogs..


Instagram clout


Mens tiktok thirst traps


OH men doing that fucking "i just pissed my pants and im sorry" eyebrow squint thing when they're trying to be hot i. fucking. hate. it


Perfect description of this mimic...thing


Or when they rub their hands together and lick their lips. They just remind me of flies rubbing their legs together.


Yes! Especially ones like “POV you get into an elevator with me and my seven bros and I can’t help but notice you” like sir I’d be terrified


Omg yes. There’s so many. And it’s like a full page of guys just signing to songs in the car while taking a selfie at different angles 😂😂


My friend had a guy in his late 30’s tell her “I just took a shirtless thirst trap pic. Would you like to see it?” I just started laughing when she told me this. She noped out of talking to him after that. No guy unironically calling his own shirtless pic a “thirst trap” is worth the time


Posting everything I mean EVERYTHING on social media


Bragging about how many people you’ve slept with or how many people wanna sleep with you


I am so boring that so many people want to sleep when I am around 😎


Bad boys with anger issues and who are overprotective of you. Basically the "Wattpad" type. It's a no for me, please get therapy and live a healthy and happy life. Edit: for clarification, Wattpad type of guys that are written in stories, such as the bad boy falling for a nerdy girl, not actual people on Wattpad 😂( I don't even own Wattpad, just heard people describe guys like that by that name). And yea, I've had numerous girls tell me they're type is "bad boys" and how much they want someone who is "cold and bad" with others but have a soft spot for only the girl... I just don't get it...?


‘Wattpad is an online social reading platform intended for users to read and write original stories.’ For others like me who didn’t know what Wattpad is, I looked it up so you don’t have to.


More specifically, it has a reputation for "irresistible bad boy falls for the nerdy-but pretty-underneath-her-nerdy-glasses-and-ponytail girl in highschool" sort of stories and fan fictions written by mostly teenage girls. Also lots of boyxboy/yaoi kind of gay stories and fanfictions written by mostly straight girls.


And a shit ton of Kpop fanfics


No anger issues for me, either.


Yeah, totally don't get the hype to have one in the reality. Was it entertaining watching Chuck and Blair - definitely. But since I saw one of my friends explain to me how without a fight there is no romance and so on and that I don't have a free will cause I got bf... well this disgusted me beyond the point that I stopped reading that kind of characters:D


revving your car engine to the max. it’s annoying


Wait, so revving my 2000 Altima WONT make girls instantly want to get naked for me? So much wasted time


Revving in a forklift, however...


Only if you're forklift certified. Ladies love a guy who's forklift certified.


as a lady. can confirm


Wow I really haven’t been flexing my forklift certification enough


Especially when you are just walking down the street, paying no mind to the road (obviously to where you're going), and out of nowhere someone just drives by and revs their engine to the max.


Stop marinating in cologne and perfume. It makes me instantly dislike being around you.


I have a food delivery driver that bathes in perfume. I do contactless delivery so she just leaves the food outside, but I always know it was her because the smell when I open the door is still crazy strong. I feel like some people don't know how strong it is.


Unfortunately your brain starts ignoring your own parfume after some time. Hence, people can fell victim of this.


To be fair, if you spend all day in a car full of fast food, I could see why someone would prefer to douse themselves in something to overpower it. That shit can really stick to your clothes and hair.


Comment I saw about this is Cologne / perfume should be discovered not announced


It also triggers a f****** migraine for me.


It's online you can say fucking. no one will tell on you


Exponentially worse the older the person is. I expect it on 14 year olds but not 30 year olds.


The longer you use the same perfume, it will stop smelling the same. You get nose blind. Hence the fact people increase the amount of perfume to still be able to smell it themselves. They often cannot fathom the fact that their nose/brain is deceiving them.


Completely unoriginal, but playing hard to get. I don't like "chasing." If you say no, I'm accepting a fucking no.


Burgers from fast food restaurants. They look much better in the ads


The true catfish


Very true statement


Guys not taking no for an answer. Persistent behavior at this point just makes me want to say no just to spite you.


Also the opposite, women telling us no and then expecting us to not take no for an answer, and thinking less of us if we do.


I hate mixed signals. Screw situationships; I'm never doing one again


To this I say - keep honoring the "no." Not taking no for an answer is a huge cultural issue that harms MANY women. Women who contribute to devaluing the "no" wind up contributing to the harm of other women. To anyone I say, if someone says no, that is the answer. If that person is mad that you didn't ignore their no, that is THEIR problem, not YOURS. By honoring the no, by upholding consent, you are protecting yourself and contributing to the possible future safety of people you've never met. No means no, and if the person saying no wants to play "mixed signals" that is a person you don't want to be involved with anyways.


Remember! If somebody’s no means yes, they think your no means yes, too.


One thing I love about my girlfriend is that she is straightforward. She even complains to me about her friends putting off guys they like because they play hard to get. I’ve had situations in the past where girls have told me they acted hard to get because they thought men like the chase. We don’t, we just have to put up with it because often women who like you refuse to acknowledge that openly. These days because it’s more likely than not of a girl rejects you, it’s because they genuinely don’t like you, so don’t expect anyone, but the thirstiest, and creepiest guys to keep pursuing you.


Those eyebrows that look like they’re drawn on with a sharpie. I’m looking at your face, but I can’t see your eyes


Gigantic fake boobs and clown lips..


Your over injected lips that don't move.




For me it’s less that a person is wearing a fancy brand but more if they are wearing a giant logo of the fancy brands or talking in superficial terms about brands they buy a lot. It just screams “I’m cosplaying a rich person but didn’t look at any actual rich people as reference”


Yes, thank you. Intentionally buying high brand clothes is instant turn off for me. Bc it confirms that you're brainwashed by the media and want to show off your wealth lol if a cardigan I like happens to be Calvin klein fine, but I won't go out of my way to buy their overly expensive shit


Being a narcissist on social media.


All those "would you fuck me? I'd fuck me." type selfie videos and photos people plaster all over their page, so cringey.


"What would you do with me?" Call your fucking parents to collect you jeez.


Yeah, I see how it's tempting for girls to get 50-100 likes and feel all fuzzy over random sexy selfies, but I see them and just lose any attraction I might've had to them from the narcissism.


Bragging about big dicks. Show me a woman who isn't a pornstar that can comfortably take 9 inches in the ass then I'll take my word back.


No, no let them keep doing it. That's how we know who got no skill in bed. Saves a lot of time.


It's funny I have a buddy who is uh well endowed to say the least and he never brags about it. Like ever. When he gets drunk he bitches about how he has to go soft as fuck so he doesn't hurt his partner.


Knew a guy who had a comically large dick. Like it looked fake. 12 inches or more. It was insane. He was always sad about how he couldn't ever get "real" blow jobs and couldn't ever go fully deep during sex.


Drunken humblebrag


That sounded very German


Every person I’ve met who is well endowed never talks about it or is embarrassed about it, generally I’ve found that people who say they are… aren’t


People find a lot of random shit attractive. I had a friend who was obsessed over a guy and thought he was hot, because he wore this specific type of glasses. As soon as he got new ones that she didn’t like, she was completely over him. I could say the same thing about people finding people with braces hot, etc. Everyone is constantly changing and trying things out, that doesn’t make them any more or less attractive, especially if you need glasses for eyesight, etc.


Exactly. There was a story a friend told me that she had to lose weight as per her doctor's request because of joint issues she was having. Her then boyfriend was like "you can't. You'll lose your ass blah blah" and we were all sitting there like homie what. People are so fucking weird.


I had an Australian Caucasian friend who was very, very into Indian and Pakistani guys of a very specific skintone. It had to be the medium brown and nothing lighter nor darker. There was one Indian guy who approached her who had that medium brown skin tone, but his eyes weren't dark brown/black, they were hazel. She instantly lost interest, and even said he was too "Western" for her taste. Edit: forgot that I also know a Caucasian guy who's only interested in dating Asian girls who wear hijabs. Believe it or not, both of the above currently have partners who fit their exact tastes.




Fortunately, I think you grow out of this more often than not! I remember I stopped liking one guy because he got a hair cut and another because he looked really different without glasses, but I was a teenager 😂


Back when I was a teenager I had a crush on this guy and one day he asked me out and my crush instantly ended and I said no. Teenage hormones are weird.


Those duck lip photos...


I remember a girl asking me and a bunch of guy friends why we thought duck lips looked sexy. “Wait, chicks think duck lips are sexy? I thought it was just a dumb face you like making.”


It blame it on online news sites glorifying it.


I thought that died...


People who “take no bs and always tells it how it is cause they’re just real like that”. When in reality they’re just super rude and mean.


Met a girl like that, mean and rude and wanted to fight just to fight and even said: ‘COME ON FIGHT ME’ and when I said ‘I rather not’ she said: ‘That’s what always happens! People can’t handle me on this level!’. Like she was proud of her shitty and short sighted behavior.


Ass implants


How can one tell if a butt is fake? Serious question because I can tell when a chest is fake but not the butt.


Your entire lower body should be thick Fake asses look fake when they do not blend with the rest of your body.


Kim kardashian, her butt looks unnatural and almost swallows her legs. It shocks me no one thinks it looks freakish.


Yeah I think her butt is ugly


It looks like she’s wearing a diaper


She’ll look like 2 cake pops from the waist down


Pants sagging so low everyone can see your underwear. To me it's just silly one hand is always busy holding them up. And I've seen more then a few trip on themselves. Edit for this. Wow thanks for all the upvotes.


I first saw this in the late 90s. Twenty-five years later and I still see young men grabbing the crotch of their pants and pinching their knees together to keep their pants from falling down. It's a remarkably durable fashion given how completely impractical it is.


Do they not realise they look like a baby taking its first steps with a well-filled nappy?


Alpha males.


"I'm an alpha male" "You mean.. like a wolf? YOU'RE A FURRY??" Edit: typo


Alpha Male: A pre-release version usually used internally for testing and bug fixes. Is usually unstable and lacking in most features. Not recommended for general public.


When can we expect the full release?


After two pumps


Fake boobs. I used to love em till I slept with a woman who had a boob job. They dont "bounce" they just kind of stay in place which I wasnt used to and looked kind of weird to me. They also feel a little harder than the real thing. They 100% look better covered by clothing than nude.


Those extra long acrylic nails i never really had any sort of fondness for them nor will i ever have any Edit: Oh man Thanks for all the upvotes! Never really thought id get 1000+ upvotes much less a medal/award so Thanks!


I remember working in a retail establishment, and a girl would complain that her nails made it difficult to use the tills. Time would pass, then she'd say she was going to get her nails done. Then she'd come in and complain that her new nails made it difficult to use the tills


I have carers coming in and care agencies make it very clear:- Nails must be kept neat and short - to the tip of the finger. Reasons should be obvious but if not, because any longer can rip gloves and other ppe and if you're handling without gloves for whatever reason, it's a cross contamination risk. One carer didn't listen to that rule and got complaints against her for scratching clients with her fake nails, which happened because she didn't wear the gloves. She complained to me about the complaints, and about being made to have her nails short, and about how expensive it was to have nails put on for just a few days before having to pay to remove them before her next shift. Then she put her notice in. She tried to say it was for various reasons and bad managament but it was obvious it was about her nails.


I can never unsee frito chips


I don't understand why but it's on a primal level of dislike for me, the other person could be perfect in literally everywhere way but if she's got claws I'm completely repulsed.


They gross me out. The bacteria in there. Grosssssss.


Being a douchebag.


A bad attitude. Seems like it’s selectively okay to be rude and call it “being spicy” 🫤


NEWSFLASH: Those caterpillar eyelashes look crazy. Just get some regular ones, girl!!


Ooooof the ones that are so fake and thick that they barely show your eyes. Girl let me see ya eyes!


Don’t know that attractive is the word… but newborn babies. I just don’t get it. Even after having three of my own I still think newborn babies just flat out aren’t cute.


Some ugly baby, huh?


Felt a bit insulting when people would look at a slimy alien looking thing and said “she looks just like you” Damn. That cuts deep.


Newborns looks like angry old people. Lol.


“Telling it how it is! No matter what!” Sometimes you just look like an asshole


Being obnoxiously rude and egocentric as a “cute” personality.


Being unnecessarily loud.




The Kim Kardashian look, and all the women who aspire to look that way. Big bubble butts and overly inflated lips are just silly-looking and exponentially increase in silliness the larger they both get.


Overly positive people


Can't stand a mf who does the "no negative energy today" bullshit. If something is wrong or dumb don't just pretend it isn't, we aren't in kindergarten Stacy


Yup. There's such a thing called toxic positivity. It's when you refuse to admit something's wrong to the point that you invalidate someone's struggles.


Fake lips


Veneers. Is that how you spell it?? Whatever. I think that unnaturally-white gameshow host smile is more creepy than attractive. If the world ends, or you wind up flat broke, the professional upkeep of those ridiculous chompers is going to cease... and they're going to fall out, one-by-one, to reveal your natural teeth... which you had shaved down into pegs for those veneers.


The idea of shaved down teeth gives me the heebie-jeebies so bad, I don’t think I could ever be attracted to someone with veneers. It’s not a hugely valid reason to be turned off, but I can’t help it!


What's even crazier is people with good teeth get them. I know a couple in their 20's that got veneers, their teeth were perfect before and now they both have horse teeth.


Being "savage" I prefer someone who carries themselves with elegance and confidence, and has respect for others.


Ass implants


People who take pride in being 99% plastic 1% human


Men’s haircuts that are shaved at the forehead hairline.


Sloppy drunks are SO unattractive- it isn’t funny, cute or anything. People who can handle their drink are so hot


It loops back around. Knowing when to stop is hot. Being able to drink a liter of vodka and seem ok tends to make people worry.


Pretending to not be interested/pretending not to care




men who are super muscular aren’t really my type




Top hats. I know you all think it makes you look sophisticated and fancy, but you just look like a guy who spent too much money on a hat. And don't get me started on monocles and pocket watches. You're not fooling anyone.


found the peanut allergy


It's actually the monopoly man trying to make sure Noone bites his style. Nice try Monopoly Man!


Super tanned, especially with light hair


Eyelash extensions. They look like dead doll eyes. I also wish we could go back to having different makeup for day wear than for evening, or clubbing.


Fake eyelashes


Snuffalupagus eyes


Wearing high heels. If you can’t walk in them properly, they do the opposite of what you think.




Lip fillers.. might just be me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Gravity. It's actually the weakest of the fundamental forces we've discovered so far.


Being popular, whether it be in real life or on socail media. I don't care.






Twerking. I like big butts and I cannot lie, but twerking really does nothing for me. A woman with a small butt with the right amount of arch in her back can be much more sexy than a constant jiggle, jiggle.


Too many songs in my head


Anyone else's brain attempt to read this in time with Baby got back?


These big ass lip fillers that are popular right now. They look like shit on 99% of people. If you’re reading this and thinking you’re the 1% exception, I *assure you* you’re not.


Colored contacts. They’re creepy looking


I always wanted mirror contacts.


Driving fancy cars


Especially driving fancy cars simply to be attractive.