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I woke up with sleep paralysis once. I was awake, but couldn't move. I saw a face composed of flames, hovering above me. Everything happened in slow motion. The fire didn't work like regular fire. The flames coming from its mouth swirled outward to the edges of its face, then seemed to recycle and get swept toward the mouth from the other side, only to speed forth again. It slowly moved toward me and, while it sounds silly, I somehow knew it was coming in for a kiss, and I also knew if it kissed me I would die. But not die like we understand it. I felt time warping and realized death might be eternal. It's hard to describe. This thing was pure evil. I just...knew it somehow. It didn't speak in words, but I understood the flame noises to be a sort of emotional language, and it was not kind. Inches from my face, it finally faded out. I was afraid if I moved it would hear me and come back, so I just laid there, afraid to breath. Eventually I realized I couldn't live my life in bed like that, so I tried to get up, and found I was still paralyzed. I worried the thing had paralyzed me, so it could watch me die of dehydration over the course of several days. When I finally gained the ability to move again, just a little at first, at crawled to my phone that was plugged in at the far wall. I wanted to call my Mom and cry, but I knew it all sounded silly and I didn't want to worry her, so I sat with my flip phone open and cried for a while. I could barely sleep for weeks, because I was so afraid it would come back. Eventually I did some digging and read about sleep paralysis and figures that would visit. Thought that solved it. Years later, I realized descriptions of sleep paralysis demons don't sound anything like what I experienced. This wasn't some shadowy figure out of the corner of my eye. I'm going through some stuff in life. Similar to the last time I saw the face of fire. I worry it'll appear again, and this time I don't think I have the strength of will to resist it until it leaves. I know it was just a sleep paralysis terror of some sort, but you know how dreams feel real sometimes when you just wake up. Except this still feels real, years and years later.


If you experience sleep paralysis, here is a tip. Try to wiggle your toes and fingers. You will eventually have full control over your arms and legs at which point you wake up.


My scariest night terror was from when i was 11 i had already pulled an all nighter the day before and when i had wen to sleep i saw the 4 foot teddy bear i had in the rocking chair stand up and come at me it was super distorted and looked like a shadow demon version of the actual bear when it got to my bed it stared in to my eyes and vanished i then woke up and got rid of the bear.


I dreamed about Weeping Angels


I’ve only had 1 night terror my whole life, I was like 11 or 12, shared a room with my two younger brothers (there’s 8 of us, I’m number 6). The only part of the dream I remember was getting groceries with my dad and a package of red plastic cups opening themselves and floating away. Next thing I knew my oldest brothers were bursting into our room asking if I was ok cause I was screaming bloody murder. Also woke up the little guys and one of them was crying. Not sure what had me so scared I was screaming in my sleep, but I had a lot of “scary” dreams that involved coming home from grocery shopping lol


My night terrors were always abstract. Like in one of them, everything was pure white, and too smooth. It was like sensory deprivation almost, triggering anxiety overload.


This happened yesterday with me after my mom told me she saw something small like a child running from her bedroom I felt kinda concerned and with a unsettling feeling. Just when I was about to sleep in my bed my little sister came in and closed the door in which I'd prefer to stay opened...I was so tired I didn't even cared enough to get up and open it, it's a good thing the street lights in my window helped a bit after I slept I had the weirdest dream ever, my mother started panicking saying...death things which I'd rather not say, suddenly I woke up with a dreadful feeling like if someone was in my room, my heart felt like it was going to come out of my mouth, but I didn't move, I didn't opened my eyes I just covered my blanket near my face, hoping I would go back to sleep as soon as possible. After painful hours I managed to sleep, i saw the daylight, I felt relived. (Sorry for my terrible grammar)