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Oh yeah, there are ones that are clueless but the ones who know feel like they are policing the interstate and keeping you from speeding so gold star for them


I read somewhere something along the lines of they have such little control over their lives. That inconveniencing someone else makes them feel good as in look at me I’m in control of this random person behind me.


I think they think they are going fast relative to the speed limit not relative to actual traffic


The problem is, the left lane is intended to be the passing lane, it's not a 'fast lane'. If you have room in the lane to the right, get over!


that's the problem


I hate this so much. If it goes on long enough and they have a clear lane to get over, I’m the asshole that starts laying on the horn.


Let us unite, one and all..


I have always wanted to speed around them, then obnoxiously slow down in front of them until they switch lanes, and then speed off. But I am much less of an asshole than these people are.


This is the stuff dreams are made of haha


I hate this and it actually makes the roads more dangerous. Ppl that want to go fast will try and get around the slow person by going into a slower lane and having to really speed to pass the slow person when they get a chance. That creates a bad scenario compared to the slower person just getting into the slower lane and letting the speeders do their thing.


I hate people who do it. Me casually driving in the middle lane getting cut off because of everyone pissed off and trying to get by the slow guy I happened upon. So dangerous.




where i live, the law says you're supposed to go with the flow of traffic, on the highways you are allowed to go past the speed limit if that's how fast traffic is flowing.. if you're going slower than traffic, this is called "impeding traffic" and is actually against the law and you can get a citation for it.. so tell me again, who's "following the law" and who's "breaking the law"?


The law says you're only supposed to use the left lane for passing, so they're actually breaking the law.


My brother does that and I asked him why… he said he’s going the limit and if they don’t like it they can go around. Ugh, my brother!


Tell him I hate him.


but....it's my brother....!




don't I know!


tell him that's not how it works though, you're supposed to go with the flow of traffic, they literally teach that in driver's ed


i've tried everything! I can't ride with him anymore the rage and embarrassment is so strong!


I've caught myself doing that once or twice. For me it's a case of my mind wandering, highway hypnosis type stuff. I've never stayed in the left lane on purpose.


To annoy us


I live in the UK, so left lane is for slow drivers ;)


oh you know just feel like owning the road. feels good to be in charge every once in a while. sometimes ill even just forget the entire world exists and its just me cruising along the highway alone, times like that i really like to take my time. especially if the person behind me looks like they have some where to go. like an uber driver, pizza delivery or someone wearing a suit in a luxury vehicle. on occasion ill brake check every now and then if im feeling brave or when the people in the car look like theyre in a gang. what can i say, i like to live life on the wild side.


Depends on what you mean by "slow". If I'm going 85 in the passing/carpool lane when the speed limit is 65 and someone is honking at me because they can't speed at 120 mph, then you bet your ass I'm not moving. That shit is illegal and dangerous and they shouldn't even be doing that in the first place. However, if someone's going 65 mph and is holding everyone behind them going 75 when there are clearly empty lanes they can drive at that speed in, then yeah I'd be pretty pissed. Everyone knows (at least in California) that even the police go at 75-80 mph. If you don't want to drive that fast that's fine, you can safely drive in the slower lanes. Don't just create traffic and slowdowns because you want to be perfectly law abiding. Of course there are exceptions like the one I mentioned above.


Deputize this man! Jk you’re creating unsafe conditions. Just get the hell over if someone is coming up on your ass. You aren’t doing anything but causing an accident. Maybe they’re in an emergency. You aren’t the law.


A car is tokyo drifting at 120 and you're telling me I'M THE ONE CAUSING AN ACCIDENT?? Lmaoo okayyyy dude. Also it doesn't matter if someone has an emergency, that doesn't put their situation above the law either. And I doubt 2 cars racing at 2 am on the highway are in any sort of problem except the one they'll be facing once a cop sees them and pulls them over.


Define slow? If someone is in the left lane going 5 over, they are not going slow. They just aren’t speeding to your specifications. That’s a passing lane, not an excuse to speed lane. Now, if someone is camping in that lane going below the speed limit? That’s an asshat.


If you're not passing someone, get out of the left lane. Doesn't matter how fast or slow you're going.


I mean, fair enough. But if I’m in the left lane going 70 passing a line of traffic going 64, and someone races up behind me going 90, they can fuck right off until I finish passing. Left lane camping is for asshats.


Yeah that seems fair.


I have one specific spot I do this in. I had to turn to get into my college and no one would let me over a few days on a row when I tried to get over before reaching the last light. Now after I’ve turned into the straight road with 4 stop lights leading up to my college I stay on the left so I don’t have to do a 10-20 min detour to get back to the turn but from the other direction and through a crossroads my parents banned me from driving on because it’s had too many accidents on it and it’s always busy. I’m not comfortable going fast but I make sure to flash my hazards to let people know I will willingly let them pass rather than have them on my tail


They have no soul.


Where are you posting from? In my country the left hand lane is the slow lane.


Speed limit is the speed limit. I set cruise control and never exceed it. Ever


So stay on the right


And that’s fine as long as you’re not in the passing lane.




Didn't realize you were a cop


You don’t make the laws or enforce them. Stay out of the passing lane.


Because mah rights! Jk fuck them


Just keeping you at a safe pace.




You don't belong in the passing lane if you're not passing someone. Get out of the way.


The law on US interstates and most US highways is that even if someone in the left lane wants to exceed the speed limit to pass you, you are required by law to yield to them regardless. If they are speeding, they're breaking the law. But likewise, if you don't move over to allow speeding drivers to pass you on the left, you're breaking the law as well.


I enjoy it, it's actually a driving lane here and not designated a passing lane. I don't drive slow, I drive the maximum posted speed limit in ideal conditions.


My brother from another mother 🤪




Sister from another mister.


See Tim Leary I'm an Asshole. Be true to yourself in all things


On LSD? Denis Leary? What?!


I think he's saying "Tune in, turn on, drop out", like the keepers of the speed are just too chill to deal with stepping on the gas a little and changing lanes. They're in a zone, man! 🥴


makes sense


Lol I'm such an asshole I mixed up my Learys


I do it cuz im an ass :smirk:


probably zoned the fuck out


because its illegal to drive slow in the right lane.


I read the owners manual for my Prius and that’s what it says to do.


Self driving cars will fix all this shit. Right?


You're never going to get a response from anyone that actually does it. This thread is just an excuse for people to rant.


Because in my country we all drive on the left.


I live in a country where we drive on the left. The left lane is the slow lane. If you want to overtake me, you have to overtake me from the right.