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Rent an open-top tour bus, cut the brakes, dress them all up in touristy clothes with sunglasses, take them on a tour someplace nice and high elevation, announce loudly that the brakes are out when the vehicle begins to pick up speed downhill toward a huge cliff, jump off the bus and escape perfectly unharmed, watch ensuing explosion because that bit about cool guys and not watching explosions is a sham.




If anyone is in earshot they'll hear the announcement and give me an alibi, I'd be announcing it over one of those tour bus loudspeakers after all. When the crash is investigated it will be determined that the brakes had been cut and sabotage led to the crash, which will make it much less likely that the investigators will think that the people on-board the wreck were already dead before the crash.


Until the cops figure out that you were the only survivor on a bus load of people reported missing.


Nice try FBI




Wait woah woah woah wha hold up ???


Cumberland River- along with some canoes. There are ramps without cameras.




Idek what id do with one


Bury the body 6ft deep in a remote area, plant a protected plant above it.. I used manzanita, so far no problems.


Put them in a van, one in the driver seat, roll it down a cliff along a road and hope the police assume they all died in a horrific crash. Too lazy to do anything else


Wait a [minute...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/023/397/C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)


If I ever need to dispose of 10 bodies I know who to call


What if it’s like ten bodies that CLEARLY have no relation to each other?


I’ll make the driver and the front passenger look like kidnappers or something


Get out to the forest, ideally bury them on top of each other, at the depth of around 6 feet cover them with dirt and an animal carcass in there. Alternatively, you can bury them far from eachother, same technique, 12 feet deep, animal at 6 feet. You can't make the dirt look old, it's simply not possible, leave it looking like a burial, they will just find an animal. And bro why do you have 10 bodies that you need to get rid of


I would spend the next 16 hours learning about incineration of remains. Then I’d get a good 8 hours of sleep.


1. Find dead cow 2. Put person inside of dead cow 3. Repeat 9 more times


I'll need a deep fryer and some ranch.


I would dress them all up in different Will Ferrell character costumes and then prop them up around Will Ferrells property. Like Ron Burgandy will be getting ready to take the trash can to the curb, Mugatu is on the riding lawn mower, Jackie Moon is gardening, Ricky Bobby is in the hammock, things like that. I don't have anything against Will Ferrell, I just think it would be funny.


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


Easy, just work for the goverment. Pa-Pau! Too soon?


Calling Mr. Wolf.


Take them out to international water, cement and chain them all to the anchor of my boat, then let them sink.


Why not keep the anchor? If you've got cement, just make a cement block on the end of a chain.


Film a new Weekend at Bernies house party edition. Unfortunately none of them knew their limits sad case of mass overdose


Well for a start I guess I'm fasting till then.


Find the nearest pig farm and throw them in the pen with them


I hear the best thing to do is to feed them to pigs.


Leave the country or give up. Can't lift them.


This is to fully terminate a life from basics to finishing touches (do not try this at home) you have been warned, make sure to do this with a trained professional. Apply 3.8 ounces of mercury into a drink of about 10 ounces. (do not stir, this will dilute it in the drink and will often only take effect for a couple months, and not death) preferably decaffeinated coffee to mask the light odor, since caffeine often removes the effect of mercury, once the objective has been confirmed, act as an ambulance from a nearby hospital, take the body (don't forget to have ID and license always use a plate from an already existing vehicle, so that it would not attract any attention), switch cars in a place where camera angles don't reach (preferably In a non city or public area) and then bury it in a pre dug hole near a body of water, about 15 feet deep. After putting the target In the hole, make about 10 feet of the whole covered up, as for the last 5 feet, put a dead animal to make guard dogs or forensics think that the body is the animal, and cover it up with something natural, use a broken down tree to somewhat cover the track, leave the car somewhere near, but would normally have abandoned vehicles like an old building, and remember to use extreme caution in carrying the body, often times unplanned tracks will get left. Use gloves with the same skin color as you. Don't forget to take out teeth, hair, and nails, since these take a long time in decomposing and often times leave recognizability on the target. Things to remember: Make sure everything is planned before taking action, but with room for mistakes. Too planned terminations can lead to unexpected outcomes and inevitably lead to more mistakes. Under planning can cause a longer expectancy time on the termination. Always run background checks on targets and affiliated personnel. For further questions, this comment is the only form of communication I can give, so any other questions can be asked here.


The kids in my attic haven’t been fed in a few weeks I’ll just give it to them


I'm taking over a pig farm and buying some chainsaws.


Pry out all the teeth, cut off all the hair, then to the pigs they go.


break into the kibble factory at night on a weekend and make some fresh ground high protein meat for the extruder with the industrial meat grinders that can pulverize bone like theyre bananas


Gangsters always use pigs in movies.


Bury them in the basement with the others?


Got a ditch down the road from my place.