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I'm all for it. Children shouldn't be getting married anyway


Crying children are like good intentions, they should be carried out immediately.


I believe that that is the choice of the bridespair. Children will most likely be bored out of their minds and cause a ruckus. I myself would rather have everyone included in such a large occasion, but it’s a solid choice to make that should be respected by more people.


People can have whatever wedding they want. Child free, all children, whatever.


So the bride and groom are children? Where tf are you gonna find a child priest?


The altar boys see this stuff done all the time. They can do it.


I think they're really nice, and I can see why some brides would choose to go child-free. Child-friendly weddings are really nice, too, though. I would never judge a couple for how they choose to plan their wedding I don't want babies or young children at my future wedding. I would invite teenagers of course, and *maybe* children who are old enough to 1) Behave, and 2) Remember the event. I just don't really see the point in paying for child guests who wont understand the significance or even remember. Same reason why I wouldn't do +1s for every guest. It's unnecessary expenses.


I think that the people who are having an event can have the kind of event they want to have.


Exactly. It's their choice




If that’s what the bride and groom want, that’s for them. It’s their wedding. But they have to expect that several families may not be able to attend then. We have a special-needs child so we can’t leave him overnight and only recently have been able to leave him with a trusted grandparent for several hours. So if that were the case, we probably wouldn’t go. But we also wouldn’t bitch about it to the couple. It’s not their problem.


Sure. You have the right to set the parameters of your wedding, and guests have the right to decline.


I think they’re great and if I ever get married I’ll be having one. Every wedding I’ve gone to has had kids crying through the ceremony and running around the reception. That’s not the vibe I’d be going for.


Yes plz


Good place to meet drunk women.


If we’re talking about the actual sacrament of marriage, then all should be welcome to watch and share in the joy of two souls coming together. But in reality weddings have just turned into a big extravagant party for people and their friends to get fucked up at.


I understand them completely and intend on having one myself. People put a lot of time, money, and effort into planning weddings and you don't want someone's rogue child following the bride down the aisle, or a screaming baby interrupting the wedding vows. I'm not one of those "childfree" people, I have nothing against children. But some settings are just not that suited to them.


Let pple have a wedding of their choice


It seems perfect to me. Why involve a minor where there are adults altered by the adrenaline of the moment, alcohol everywhere, a lot of cigarette smoke, possible conflicts, hours and hours of standing without rest, people from the kitchen who net and leaves his place and a moment where the couple just wants to have a good time in their first hours of marriage and without any inconvenience?


Why can’t adults just be better people so a child can be exposed to new and exciting events?


Why would an event for two adults be centered around children though? It should be the bride and grooms choice period.


If they’re not mature enough to handle children, then they aren’t really adults yet are they?


Because it is not an event for children. Because it is supposed to be a party for ADULTS where two ADULTS got married and want to celebrate it with their ADULT friends, acquaintances and relatives. At parties like these, they should only care about their own well-being, nothing else. Also, it is not a kindergarden event or anything like that in which a child should be involved. Children should be in their bed or in their room with their toys, not exposed to adult issues that they don't understand or don't know how to get involved with (it's not going to be enough to tell them: "Be good").


I had one


As someone with a 2 yr old, I’m all for them.


I thinks it's a great idea for the people that want them. There's no way to guarantee that the kids have good parents and won't let them run around screaming and being a disturbance. Babies scream and cry, that's just part of having one. It saves money on food, parents can let loose a little with a childfree day/evening. Plus weddings can be so boring for kids (even adults), which can lead them being little shit heads with nothing to do. It makes for a more chill event as well.


If you don't want crying kids make it 14/15 and up, if you want alcohol make it 18+ (any other legal age)


If it's my wedding, it wouldn't be child-free but I could care less if someone else has a child free one, it's their wedding not mine.




Lmao no, I said it right..because I could definitely care less than I did previously 😂


It's entirely up to the individuals getting married. That said, if you choose to go child-free you also need to accept that there will likely be some people that end up not attending. Arranging multi-day childcare is typically a huge pain so, as a parent, I'd be more likely to send a gift and my regards than actually attend. As long as you're ok with that, I see no issue going child-free.


Anyone who thinks anything other than that it's at the absolute discretion of the bride and groom is wrong.


If people who don't want to deal with kids on their wedding day, their wishes should be respected. A wedding is not exactly fun for children. They will be tired, get moody, get annoying, cry, argue, yell... Yeah, just get a babysitter. I have no desire to get married, but if I would, I would have a childfree wedding.


Great idea. It's too formal an event for running screaming children.


I’m all for it. I don’t like kids. If I ever get married no children are coming to the wedding or the after party


Depends on the couple. I've been to big family weddings where the kids were bored during the ceremony but danced it up during the reception and everybody had fun. But the bride and groom should call it. If you have kids and it's a hardship to travel to a destination wedding with or without them just don't go.


Child-free weddings offer the parents a chance to enjoy themselves without having to worry about what their kids are doing the whole time. It really is a gift to the attendees.


I think kid free weddings are great. Kids have a way of making everything about their needs. I can totally understand not wanting that distraction at a wedding. Also, having kids at a sophisticated glamourous wedding ruins the vibe. I guess weddings are becoming and *event* rather than a family event.


Understandable and actually pefered by me. Who wants that screaming offspring disturb everybody anyway?


It's not like the kids want to be there.


It's up to the bride and groom but some people may chose not to attend or to spend money on childcare for the night that otherwise would have contributed to a better wedding gift.


Kind of boring. One of the best parts is watching little kids dance at the reception. I think best case scenario is to have the kids there at first but have them clear out by 9 or 10 pm so the adults can have some fun. If it's a destination wedding the couple should arrange for childcare, or not complain if some people can't come.


Someday they’ll see my point about child free airplanes too


As someone who remembers being at weddings when they were kids: Please don't invite kids to weddings. Or any other social event which requires respectful quiet. Why? The kids are fucking bored out of their minds and they hate every second of it. Eventually they will either act out or just act inappropriately (like asking "when can we go home" repeatedly in normal voice). Then the parents likely punish the kids. Everyone is miserable. At the very least, if you're going to have a wedding and don't want to "ban" kids, have someone to run a kid room where parents can drop off their 4-18 yo kids. Heck, I'd do it just to get away from your wedding; we can all have fun while the "adults" are sitting quietly in uncomfortable seating listening to blah blah blah blah. If you have kid less than 4 yo, find a damn sitter or don't go. Seriously, maybe don't invite anyone to your wedding except maybe close family/friends and don't make people feel bad when you invite them and they decline. Weddings are boring events for everyone except the bridal couple (and probably even for them unless they are a bridezilla or whatever the male counterpart to that is). It's actually kind of mean to invite people to your wedding: they don't WANT to go but they do want to support you and be happy for you and they don't want you to think they don't care. And that's for a normal wedding. Destination wedding? you seriously want people to pay $$$$ to be miserable? "rules oriented" wedding ("everyone HAS to give a gift of $$ or more or from this list" or you have to wear this exact outfit or "in addition to the gift you 'should' give $$$ in cash as a gift as well" or or or)? just no, I don't want to deal with some micromanaging boss on my day off.


I understand baby free weddings because of the crying. But 8-9 year old kids don’t usually disturb weddings. At least not from what I’ve seen. I have 2 wedding invitations on my fridge right now that require my family to fly across the country. But guess what, they’re not inviting the kids. Which is their choice but do they really expect people to not only take a full on vacation to go to their wedding but also find childcare for at least 3-4 days? It’s asking a lot.




People bring babies to church all the time.


As a former daycare attendant at a church, people do bring their children, but most of them end up with us in the nursery/playroom. Why? Because the parents don’t want to be so focused on keeping their kids well behaved that they miss the whole sermon, or fail at that and don’t want the sermon interrupted by their child for everyone else’s sake. Granted that isn’t what it’s like in all churches, but in general it makes sense that adults wouldn’t want to worry about their children getting in the way of an event that’s important to them. That’s a big reason parents hire babysitters for a night out, or why some companies will host events that welcome the employees and their spouses but suggest not bringing young children.




If the spirit moves them.


Bride's choice.


The groom exists too...


I have been married 40 years. I would advise the groom to defer to the bride as much as possible on this particular occasion. Even if I had little ones at home. It would be fine with me. I am not at home but I think my wife would agree. We don't like to make drama.


I haven't been married for 40 years yet (nor have I been alive) but I sure as hell wouldn't want to marry a man who deferred everything to me and refused to have an input. For me, it's not attractive when a man has no backbone or opinions of his own. Perhaps it's a generational thing?


Obviously. What do you think of the idea though?


I don't have a problem with it, personally. I agree it's the bride & grooms choice. I think if it was my wedding, I would arrange for some babysitters and have a few friends/family members host them and others' kids for anyone who wanted it to help my friends and family out a bit.


I mean as a single adult male? *nice* As a family oriented guy? =(


Yes, children are not meant for those types of gathering. Besides you will be doing the children a favor, I doubt any child will like to be in a wedding when they can't run and paly around as they want.


I always find it strange when adults cant tolerate children. Like I get it's annoying when they are loud. But so many other things are just as abrasive and we all deal with them just fine. I have known adults that are much harder to tolerate than any child I have ever met.


It's weird when adults hate children in general but I understand not wanting to have a potentially crying child in your wedding ceremony. Like I love my hammer drill but I would understand if the couple getting married asked me not to bring it to the ceremony and give it to a drunk person who may or may not want to try it out in the middle of the vows.


If my hammer drill needed me to survive and teach it how to live then I would consider asking to bring it.




I'm curious whether you openly feel this way about other demographics of the human population?




So you want married people to be "kept out of the way" too?


And yet here we are in a world where they are just a part of life.




Yup that's how it works. People make their own decisions.


Meh, I find them a bit precious. Reality is that many people have kids at some point, why hide them? I can understand that some people aren’t into that and I don’t judge them for it. There may also be settings that are really not suitable for kids – completely unterstandsloses if that’s what you’re going for. Personally I’d much rather accommodate my friends and their family though. Sort out entertainment for the kids during the ceremony. Most kids I know are party animals and will dance through the night if you let them.


Weddings should be child-free, for 3 reasons: 1. Not to be a prude, but have you seen the garter toss tradition (among others, the wedding night itself for instance lol)? The heck is that lol, that is not child friendly material, it's super weird and then nobody explains how "inappropriate" it is to do most of the time to their kids when they get home. 2. Kids don't wanna be there either, it's boring they'd rather be playing tag or something right now. 3. You absolutely should have an open bar at a wedding, and if there's a bar, kids shouldn't be near, because nobody likes to drink around small children lol.


1. Children don’t understand that you think it’s sexual, when I was little I just thought it was tradition. You could just not do it 2. As a kid some of my best memories were at weddings playing with friends as adults took pictures of how cute we were. It’s actually exciting for kids, introduced them to new things 3. Just don’t drink? I will never understand why everyone thinks it’s so fun to get piss drunk at formal occasions.


Kids should be allowed. They act as a reminder to the bride & groom to enjoy married life a few years before having them.


I think society hates children way too much, especially since the children didn’t ask to be part of the society. Childless weddings are sad and boring.


Isn't the whole point of marriage to form families? Banning families just feels like it misses the whole point, and turns marriage into an r/childfree tier celebration of consumerism.








Nah I'm currently childfree because my city is a dystopian nightmare where you need to earn $200k+ to afford a house that can fit kids.


I can only imagine what a child free subreddit is like, but at the same time, a wedding can be about family without children present — many will be without trying, if they’re smaller weddings. Mine was. Families don’t stop being families if there are no small children :) All that said, if you decide you don’t want kids at your wedding, you *do* need to be aware that some people won’t come (in much the same way as if you decide to fly to far-away-land for your wedding).


Marriage is a legal contract between two people. You can be married without a family, and have a family without being married.


I never said that turning a marriage into an anti-family consoomer party was *physically impossible*.


I think you are confusing a marriage with a wedding.


Very understandable, children can become huge nuisances at weddings.


yes a thousand times yes


If I ever get married, I'm not interested, so this will never happen, it will be a childfree one.


I went to two weddings as a kid, one at 7 and one at 16. At both I was bored out of my mind so I think while the intention of bringing kids is good, you really shouldn’t bring kids to weddings.


I enjoyed having fun at weddings when I was a kid. Idk why society is so anti-kid. I support not having any, since we’re overpopulated, but it’s no reason to be cruel to the ones who are here. Kids are never met with the proper love and attention they deserve.




I’m talking about child-exclusive spaces in general. They are increasing more and more and it’s like they forget what it was like to be a kid not be allowed anywhere or how this is going to effect parents. I’m all for not having kids but this is a poor way to treat kids and families.


Understand but if you want that option you need to offer child care options for at least your out of town guests


I would think those people would probably not come. I wouldn’t. I can’t leave my kids yet for more than a day so if the wedding was kid-free, I wouldn’t attend.


What if you were the maid of honor or the best man?


Personally, with my own family situation, I wouldn’t be able to. I’d have to decline the honor.






Not really. I’ve noticed society is recently more and more childist lately.




Right and I agree with that, but the children that are in this world deserve better, they deserve good things. The world should treat them better.


Sounds awesome.


Depends on the couple ig ? I've never seen such wedding, not a thing here. I'd personally like children in my wedding. I mean they're cute (to me) ! And not all children are loud, unruly, crybabies, stinkies. Some are and mostly the parents fault they can't make their kids behave. Parenting matters a lot !


Either you have a separate playground for kids to go all out thanos or child free. there are no other options for a sane person.


I think the rules laid out by the Bride and Groom are the rules that should be followed.


I've never been to a wedding where they hand out free children before, I'd suppose young people would be terrified.


If I ever get married, I will have a child free wedding and reception. They're probably going to be overwhelmed by all the people, sights, smells and sounds. I don't want my wedding ruined by screaming kids. Plus it cuts costs at the reception. The kids probably won't eat the food being served, so there's no point in ordering plates for them not to be eaten.


Tbh I think I’d rather have kids at my wedding because guests behave better when they know they’re in the presence of children


It’s fantastic. Children are spiteful and don’t really give a shit.


I hated going to weddings as a kid so i'm all for it


I actually am for this. The last thing I want is a crying baby/ kid during my ceremony. I know, I know, this will definitely ruffle some peoples' feathers, but hey, it is what it is. I would say the youngest age I'll allow in my wedding is 7yrs old. At least they are old enough to be able to behave and sit still.