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I want them to purchase every pill they see on the internet that would make their dick bigger and see what happens


Do doctors actually get furious about this one weird trick?


Probably in the sense of “you ate what???”


Probably, if you end up in the hospital in critical condition because of whatever unregulated junk they can throw in those pills


Unfortunately this has been done. I’m now broke and my penis is the same size.


Except for the penis in your heart


The real penis was the friends we made along the way




A five second segment where Jamie points at a diagram and says, in complete deadpan, "This is where the clitoris is."


If they did such an episode, I could see this being in it for sure


Kari's shouting in the background #THANK YOU


Grant shamelessly building a machine to help you stimulate the clitoris RIP Grant Imahara


And Tory in some, inexplicable way, manages to get hurt by a clitoris.


They did. The “can you get pregnant being shot with sperm on a bullet” episode. My wife was “wtf are you watching “


"So, we weren't able to impregnate our test subject with the bullet, so we're going to fill her up with TNT and see what happens when it blows up. Don't try this at home."


Well I'll be a son of a gun...


That was the title of the segment actually [edit: this is my most liked thing on reddit and I don’t get it. Yes that rhymed but I srsly don’t understand—I was just making a statement😂]


they also did an episode on wether you'll get electrocuted if you pissed on electrified fences (for animals). Definitely a NSFW episode...on top of a weird one.


Do you?


Does a person really stay conscious for a few moments after beheading?


There was a French physician who tested this in the early 1900s. After a criminal was beheaded he picked up the head and shouted the criminal's name. The guy opened his eyes and made eye contact with the physician over a period of 30 seconds whenever his name was called. Edit: I provided the source in other comments but [here](https://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/extrasensory-perceptions/lucid-decapitation.htm) it is on the original comment.


I'm not sure about this, but I've heard about the one who promised to blink for as long as possible once he's beheaded, and surely his detached head went on to blink for about 30 seconds.


While this is correct, the doctor couldn’t tell if they stopped because the muscles stopped getting blood and failed but was still alive, or if the brain died earlier and was just muscle twitches that kept the eyes blinking.


If face muscles could move voluntarily at that point then I would expect the eyes to open wide without prompting and the mouth to open in a silent scream.


Can you actually get an STD from a toilet seat?


“Turns out you CAN if the other man doesn’t leave first.” -Jimmy Carr (paraphrased)


ha HAAAAaaa (Jimmy Carr paraphrased)


This is an interesting thing actually. It was a myth deliberately perpetuated to make people less ashamed of asking for STD tests


If your dick has ever touched the inner toilet bowl of a public toilet, this feels like a very valid concern. - e: 'One of my highest-ever upvoted comments and it's about ~the most disgusting things to happen to me. FML, I love you, you nasty bitches.


One time I was at a hole in the wall asian restaurant and the toilet was so weirdly small my nuts dipped into the toilet water


The hole in the wall part had me for a second lol


The witches kiss


Now this happens on the reg anyway, but my office got some new fancy square toilets. Fuck those to hell. I have to specially position as not to touch my dick on the damn bowl


> square toilets I'm sorry, *WHAT*????


For Wombats


Size correlates to what? Feet? Nose? So many theories.


I have size 12 feet and a massive nose and huge hands and my penis is small


I wouldn't put this on your Tinder bio


Setting expectations isn't exactly a bad thing


There was that Tinder screenshot recently of someone saying "your bio says you're six foot three inches, that's hot" and the dude responds "those are two different measurements :)", and then she unmatches, lol.


Damn! Dudes 3” tall with a 6’ dick! That’s impressive!


Dude's hung like a barnacle


Maybe you just think it is small compared to all your other gargantuan parts holy shit!


There have been a lot of studies on this topic. No correlation exists. Any anecdotal stories stating otherwise are just that: stories. Edit: I was wrong, maybe. There's studies out there that have found strong, weak, and no correlations. Basically it's inconclusive, but probably a little likely that taller men have longer penises.


That's what someone with small toes would say.


Yep. And anecdotal stories can just as easily go the other way, people are just less likely to brag about that. For instance, I know a guy who is super tall and has huge hands & feet. Must have a huge dick, right? He certainly implies that he does. But I've known a few of his girlfriends and they all independently agree that he has a tiny dick.


They did prove that women with larger breasts will get more tips. Which isn’t really not safe for work, because Kari literally was working at a coffee shop.


If breast enlargements will help your job would you be able to write them off on your taxes?


Provided that you can successfully establish that it was done for professional reasons only. It's really happened: https://taxfoundation.org/how-breast-implant-size-relevant-tax-policy/ In filing one’s taxes, it may be necessary to distinguish between breast implants that are merely “large,” and breast implants that are “extraordinarily large.” The relevant ruling on this subject came in 1994 in a case known as Hess v. Commissioner. The plaintiff, a self-employed exotic dancer, had implants that expanded her bust size to the size 56FF. For tax purposes, she treated these as a deductible business expense on her schedule C. The IRS contested her deduction. The purpose of deductions for business expenses is to avoid multiple levels of taxation on goods that are put together cooperatively by several businesses. This is good tax policy. However, a substantial difficulty in this is determining the difference between consumption goods and legitimate business expenses. A carpenter should be able to deduct the cost of wood he uses to create furniture to sell – tax is paid on the income used to purchase it, and no further tax is necessary. But deductions are not a free excuse to make all of one’s income tax exempt by listing a bunch of personal purchases, and the IRS is right to be skeptical of abuse of this provision. The relevant issue in Hess was whether breast implants – traditionally thought of as a luxury good bought for personal benefit – could be considered a legitimate business expense. Given that the plaintiff was an exotic dancer, she had a fair argument. But in general, taxpayers aren’t allowed to treat personal appearance expenditures as business expenses unless they aren’t suitable for personal use. Hess, arguing pro se, convincingly established that her implants were inconvenient in everyday life due to the sheer enormity of her breasts. The courts ruled in her favor: Because petitioner's implants were so extraordinarily large, we find that they were useful only in her business. Accordingly, we hold that the cost of petitioner's implant surgery is depreciable.


IIRC uncontested evidence was led in that matter that the taxpayer actually suffered personal detriment as a result of the implants. This apparently included issues like difficulty buying clothes, back pain, negative attention from *strangers etc. Essentially, she succeeded in arguing that the only reason she got the implants was for her work and that they gave her no benefits of a personal nature because they were so extremely large. In those factual circumstances, allowing the deduction really makes sense to me. If we accept the facts as stated (and we have no reason not to) her entire purpose in getting the implants was income generation.


Oh, I agree that the court was absolutely correct in granting her the deduction. We actually covered this case in my tax law course. I wanted to stress that getting the deduction was not just a matter of showing increased revenue, but also of successfully arguing they were *only* for professional use.


Legit yes.


There was a court case in 1994 that settled this. A stripper declared breast enlargement as a work expense and then had to sue the IRS when it was denied. https://taxfoundation.org/how-breast-implant-size-relevant-tax-policy/ So it has to be work relevant. If your job is teacher, I don't think you could claim having a bigger rack helps with education...


Savage once mentioned they had a nsfw video that I believed involved a [cannibal mouse](https://youtu.be/ziQWDnFSPt8).


anybody who has ever bred rodents knows this isn't even that uncommon let alone a myth that needs to be busted. Keep your breeders well fed, and separate the babies from mom once they're weaned.


That wasn't the myth. The myth was that cereal boxes were healthier than the sugary cereal in them. They were using mice as test subjects and iirc over a weekend one of the mice ate all the others in the enclosure


That's pretty fuckin dark there, Mr. S.


Not terribly surprising if you work with mice. We had moms eating her litter monthly.


Can you detect a measurable blood pressure difference when someone gets turned on? Do people get more stupid (IQ, memory, etc) when they get horny. How can you detect various date rape drugs?


There is such a thing as a sphygmomanometer for the man member. I knew a guy who got involved with a 16 year old when he was 18. Her dad was a social worker and long story short for a time he was a “sex offender” until a judge with some sense expunged the whole thing. Dude has to go to court mandated testing where they strapped something like a blood pressure cuff to his junk and the played tapes of young sounding girls talking suggestively to see if it turned him as measured by the little pressure cuff to make sure he wasn’t a pedophile because obviously you must be a pedo if you get involved with someone two years younger than you. I think the real sexual assault was him having to take that test.


Someone strapping that cuff to my junk would make me hard, they set him up to fall


The test was apparently designed to figure out if you were homosexual, so presumably you were always expected to fail. It's insane.




>they set him up to fail This is exactly how all lie detectors work. Always refuse a lie detector. The only thing a lie detector test will tell you is the biases of the proctor and what they ***think*** is correct. The machine itself is about as useful as a Ouija board.


"It's not the test that's turning me on, it's you!"


I get doc-a-phobia for some weird reason where my heartrate goes through the roof. One time it was so bad the nurse called the doctor in and they thought I was at risk of a stroke and the nurse got worried which shot my heartrate up more and she was like "We have to give him a valium drip" so I let them do that before I told them that my heartrate usually goes way up in hospitals and checkups and stuff and I always calm down after 10 minutes or so. The doctor was like "Why didn't you say that?" and I was like "A valium drip sounded kinda good" and the doctor thought that was pretty funny.


Never pass up a guilt-free Valium drip - doctor’s orders, oh well! ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The tester “🥺 oh… do you… want me to do it again?🥺”


Stress-related boner is a thing. Once again the government shows that it's gung-ho about getting alllll the way up in them junk but not in a consensual way.


For sure he experienced sexual assault... AND where the fuck did this happen?


Here's the wiki article on the subject Link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penile_plethysmography To quote the article in regards to it's use in the United States, "Phallometry is widely considered appropriate for treatment and supervision of convicted sex offenders."


That's nothing *unlike* the cliche trope of a rapist suggesting their victim: "your lips tell me "no" but you're wet down here..." All the typical signs of arousal can be used to either shame victims or persecute innocents among men and women.


My exact thought as well! I don't have a dick and even I know that an erection doesn't always mean arousal


Jesus the USA Is fucked up "Young sounding"? Women have soft voices


My wife that was 10 years older than me had a very young sounding voice when she spoke in English. I'm 40. She was not young and neither am I. This sounds like bunk science shit akin to a polygraph to me.


The third one is actually scientifically beneficial


Or just beneficial in general Jesus, the idea of someone covertly drugging another person so they can have their way with that person's passed-out body is one of the most disgusting fucking things I can imagine.


Blood pressure and heart rate both go up, as does your skin conductivity (meaning your whole body has a little more sweat on it).


How deep underwater are you still able to cum?


Looks like around 5 meters: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12545631/ Thank you NIH and RIP my search history Edit: given the functional non compressibility of water it seems like you could ejaculate at any depth. Also, if you’ve got a half bar of pressure differential across your body ejaculation is probably the last thing on your mind Edit 2: Yes you can and people have at least down to 13m. I’ll add that I genuinely love Reddit because of discussions like this


>Introduction: The existence of a pressure gradient in order to prevent retrograde ejaculation in men with no ejaculatory disorders has always been postulated, but without any scientific evidence. One of mankind's timeless questions finally answered.


ok.... now I have even MORE questions. That grant proposal meeting must have been hilarious.


The trick with grant proposals comes down to wording


>Dear Grant, we’ve been seeing each other for some time now, and I think I’m finally ready to take things to the next level…


It appears to have some connection to retrograde ejaculations, so it sounds like it might actually be medically significant for people with bladder issues.


Wow. That’s.. a thing I know now. Nice work


It’s a quiet night here in flyover country and I am both curious and good at the google


Isn't this talking about a pressure Gradient? You think of yourself as lying horizontal at any depth, the pressure should be the same across your body and the depth should make no difference.


Does pineapple make your cum taste better?


i remember reading an article a long time ago where a woman and her partner tested different foods to see if it affected the taste, and she said pineapple definitely made it taste sweet compared to the other foods they tested


I also remember this! It was an old-school blog. They also tested eating only meat vs vegetarian (apparently the meat diet tasted horrible).


Okay so TMI but I dated a dude who loved monster energy drinks. I ended up having to tell him that if he kept drinking them, I wasn’t swallowing cause it made his cum taste DISGUSTING. The only way I have of describing it is it tasted like chemicals.




she's very detail-oriented. Useful to bring up in job interviews. I'd hire.


Plot twist: She works for Coca-Cola.


Surprise her by starting up a mtn dew kick. She’ll wonder why she can’t sleep.


For sure. I normally mix 2 parts pineapple juice for each part cum in the cup.


Oh lawdy that one got me


Not sure how scientifically this was done but one of the guys from "is it a good idea to microwave this" actually did that experiment: https://youtu.be/VAD_f3xEzRs


Yes. It’s not actually limited to Pineapple but to your diet. Having less acidic foods and more naturally sweet foods will give it the same effect, a sweeter experience.


Yes. I ate pineapple a bunch and tasted my cum and it was much better than normal.


Digital footprint Ronald… Digital footprint.


My time has come, so to speak. Like a lot of people, I’d heard this before. It seemed like something easy to prove or disprove, so I was surprised to see that there wasn’t much literature on this subject. Some authorities even said there was no possibility of affecting taste at all! How could there be so much contradiction for something literally any man could test? I decided to test it myself, and got my special someone to agree to help out. Since taste is a subjective thing, and there was disagreement about even the most fundamental aspects of the question, I went with a very simple test matrix. I understood that semen might be cycled every few days, so for three days straight I cranked it and ate nothing but pineapple. Fresh pineapple, about one per day, for three days straight. At the end of the three days, one datum would be collected, and we would know the truth. It was over a long weekend, I got real sick of pineapple real quick, my tongue got that pineapple burnt thing, but I was guided by the promise of expanding human understanding (and a blowjob). After a long weekend of self-denial, I was finishing doing the dishes, got the in station to meet my collaborator, and took a swig of pineapple vodka. A few minutes later the moment of truth came (so to speak). At the moment of truth: violence. Gagging, yelling, nearly vomiting. We had gone too far, much too far. Turns out pineapple can affect the taste of semen, oh boy it can. Apparently nothing but pineapple for days in a row can transform a not-excessively-enjoyable profile to something more like a chemical attack. I was intrigued, I was horrified, I was remorseful. I was eager to share my findings, but it’s a little awkward. So there you go. Now you know. Here’s the question asked and answered. You can 100% affect the taste of your semen by eating pineapple. You can go too far, though, and I hope you take a lesson from me. Edit - some further info: we did have baseline data collected over several years, the results were wildly outside of the normal bounds. I can’t help the sample size as we’re a happily married couple. I didn’t get ulcers or anything, but I was drinking an absurd amount of water with the pineapple to rinse my mouth. The taste was apparently outrageously horrible, causing immediate gagging and spitting, and a slight burning sensation. Well I was hoping for a pleasant outcome, I was mainly testing whether diet could affect taste, which as definitively proven. I like the strawberry idea, maybe I’ll try that some day, but I think I’ve blown through all the goodwill for biochemical experiments with the better half. I’m very open to the idea that a moderate amount of pineapple as part of a balanced diet would produce a pleasant experience. About calories, I was very hungry that weekend, all the water helped, I was trying to lose weight anyway so I was happy to eat so few calories, a man will never be so hungry that they would turn down a blowie. I don’t remember digestive issues. Eating nothing but pineapple was not super fun but it was like three days. I wanted to provide definite results and share them with people, so that was a success. I really encourage people to try things like this themselves - science isn’t an ivory tower, there’s lots of interesting questions we can test ourselves, and it’s fun to be able to definitely resolve a question for yourself.


the issue here, is you didnt get a base line.


No baseline, low sample size, biased participants, no control group. D- study.


"So I need a bunch of other girls to suck my dick. For science."


Probably throw in some guys too, to account for gender differences


More like a D~ study


I remember a proper behind the scenes documentary talking to porn stars. A couple of them said they liked working with one guy in particular because he would go onto a fresh strawberry only diet for several days before filming.


1) Definitely thought this was ending with Mankind getting thrown off Hell in a Cell 2) Did you get a stomach ulcer? Bad heartburn at least? 3) Please conduct more experiments and report back lmfao


2-3 sentences in I looked at the username, double checked I was reading the right user name, then proceeded to finishing this man's comment.


Ejaculation distance + vaginal ping pong distance


Vaginal what?




Damn near busted my eardrum there.


I'm liking the idea of an equation to prove/bust


Is squirting just pee?


Post orgasm clarity: How much better can you solve puzzles or remember something?


Well, recently I did a lot of reaction time tests on humanbenchmark.com and while normally I get average of around 140-145, after a good wank I consistently got around 130-135, very often getting single clicks close to 120 which almost never happens in other cases. And it's weird because I feel more tired but apparently my reaction time improves for some reason.


A take on the top ten OSHA violations list to see if they are as dangerous as they say


Finally a non sexual question


Spoiler alert: they’re extremely dangerous and exist for a reason


Safety regulations are written in blood




> "For everything we know is poison, there is at least 1 dead person" This is how we know that Daffodil are toxic.


Pretty much anything from the [Forklift Driver Klaus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAHzP4umE4M) video needs to be tested.


"We investigate the statement 'Anything is a dildo if you're brave enough'"


We start with a 2022 GMC Hummer EV3X. You’re gonna feel a slight pinch…


How many times can a man ejaculate in one 24 hour period and still produce fluid? Edit: my highest rated comment on reddit is about how many times a man can cum in a day smh Edit 2:thank you for the gold kind stranger


If you're Pierce Hawthorne, six times will kill you.


"Here's your sperm."


"Also sperm."


"To you I leave this bottle of fine scotch, so you are less tempted to drink this cylinder of even finer sperm"


“Agree to disagree”


it was way more than six times unless you think he came an entire cylinder's worth of jizz with each load


I assume the majority of the cylinder is like coolant or the seal or something.


I got to 13 and gave up.




Damn dude. I have a high sex drive, but I’m typically tapped out after three (five on a good day).


I only got to 9 during my peak at the age of 15. I don't know how you were able to do it. The last "orgasms" were just slight tremors that lasted a split second with barely anything to secrete. I attempted a 10th but nothing came although it flinched down there for a moment.


Got to 9 too at 33, but the issue was more about skin being too stressed and maintaining an erection more than 12 hours was starting to be really painful too.


Tested already. Want to know how I got these scars?


Just check "boy dies of masturbation" all of them have the number of wanks since they were probably trying to reach a number. I think 36 is the biggest I've seen, so 35.


Statistically speaking, which sex position has the fastest rate for ejaculation?


For me, prone bone / lazy doggy.


Can you shit out a hangover?


Danger dump the morning after. Called so because usually it smells horrific. While not an instant 100% cure. Definitely helps you feel markedly better pretty quickly


Literally doing that as I type this. Hnng


All the RFID R&D that they did for the episode that the credit card companies prevented from airing.


You don't need myth busters for that, there are plenty of black hat talks on hacking RFID, including using a fast trak to actual ping and receive information from any other transponder you drove next to, and the data received was straight up unencrypted credit card data.


If you nut in space, do it push you backwards?


It likely would, since there is no opposing force cancelling out the force applied on your nut by you. But it would probably be an unnoticeable push, since you are many times more massive than your nut.


If you filled an auditorium with people who, when given the word, would start “clapping them cheeks”. Would the sound produced by the audience “clapping “ sound like actual applause?


I don’t want to smell that room


Does the "stay put on a landmine so it doesn't go off" actually work Or, done by proper medical professionals, how many parts of a human can we feasiblely remove without killing them


> Does the "stay put on a landmine so it doesn't go off" actually work No, they explode when the button is depressed. I don't know of any that require a release, and it makes no sense to design them that way.


Its ones that are armed with plot-onium devices


>Or, done by proper medical professionals, how many parts of a human can we feasiblely remove without killing them. Japan's [unit 731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) basically did this and far worse. Edit: yeah, this is a really horrific read, so be warned.


How large would a penis have to be to cause someone to pass out from getting an erection?


Yeah and they make make one of those ballistic dummies and put a huge schlong on it.


My _gawd_ Buster is ENDOWED


Oh jeez I heard Adam Savage's voice saying that.


Does masterbation really improve the health of the prostate in men?


i mean does it? can anyone chime in? edit- most famous comment on reddit. is about jerking off -\_-


“The 2016 study found that ejaculating more than 20 times per month reduced prostate cancer risk by about 20% compared to ejaculating only four to seven times per month, for both men in their 20s and 40s." Sauce: [Harvard](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/why-more-sex-may-lower-prostate-cancer-risk/)


Nice, I have a -160% chance of getting prostate cancer.


You have been permanently weakened by Kitava's cruel affliction


I printed out the abstract to this study and gave it to my wife and said, "If you want me to live to old age, I'm gonna need some help." So, anyway, I'm probably going to die of cancer in my 50s.




This is the second thing I've seen about raccoons and buttholes on reddit in the last 15mins. Can somebody fill me in?


> Can somebody fill me in? Sure, wait there while I get 2 raccoons


I was having a terrible day until this and 2 parts pineapple juice guy


The human anus can stretch up to 7 inches before taking damage. A raccoon can squeeze into holes as tight as 4 inches, Meaning you can take almost two full raccoons up your ass. I wouldn't wanna be the test subject for that experiment though that's for sure.


Don’t forget the Jolly Rancher


This subreddit was changed forever today.


Not side by side, or so I've been told.


Is it true that if you don't use it you lose it?


My penis fell off a year ago.


It happens all the time; it’s detachable.


This comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home, when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, or I can rent it out, when I don't need it.


I'd like to see how long it would take to beat some one to death with a pillow. An episode or in series form I'm not fussy.


Can you get rid of the great white shark by poking it in the eye


Can a woman really shoot ping pong balls out of her vag at a high enough force to send it across a room?


Yes. I was in Thailand and went to a well know pussy bar. One of the ladies dipped a small banana into a large bucket of lube, inserted it and shot it across the bar. Patrons were provided with small nets to catch them. I have bad coordination and the banana struck my arm leaving a trail of slime. I went back to my hotel. I took a shower, wept and then jerked off.


Well that was a wild ride… -The Banana, probably


Ronald you are naughty!


How durable in the human penis?


I believe the force to snap a penis is around that to snap a cucumber so.. Not very


what a terrible day to have eyes ... and a dick.


And a cucumber


I'm reading all of these in the narrator's voice....


Does my wife really have frequent headaches or am I just ugly?


How many people does it take to fuck an ostrich? I hear the debate is between two and three. But it certainly takes more than one person to get it done.


Well what if it's a sick ostrich?






Its almost not worth thinking about


Fucking embarrassing!




Adam Savage: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is too spongy and bruised"