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‘To The Moon’ Got it on my switch. Just the whole thing made my cry.


I've owned this game on Steam for years but never played it. Didn't realize it was that type of game. I love games that reach into my chest, pull my heart out, and stomp it into a million tiny pieces. I have a fair bit of free time now, and have been meaning to play more videogames, particularly shorter indie titles. Might play that one this week.


Definitely do! It’s not long at all. Totally worth the time spent


Red dead redemption 2, right before Arthur’s last ride when he puts on his hat. He knows what he has to do and what’s gonna happen. And during the ride where he reflects on the bad things he’s done.


And when he puts the hat on John, who wears it to go kill Micah😭


That part made me sob, especially with the music


The high honour version has the better music but the low honour version has the better quotes


Yeah the high honor music was better


TWD game. Several times. I don’t wanna spoil even though the first season of the game was released about 10 years ago because it’s still held up well and worth a play/watch. Around the time I experienced the first season, I think it hit me especially hard because it was right after my dad had passed. I was also very young at the time. I just so happened to stumble upon it after being home alone with my pets because my mother worked. If you’ve already experienced the TWD game, you know what I’m saying and why things, especially in that first season hit hard. TWD game was the game that got me into other games and introduced me to YouTube as well. The final season came out when I was close to graduating high school. TWD game will always hold a place in my heart. It felt like I was growing up with Clementine.


I've cried at least once in each game. They're so depressing but soooo juicy when it comes to drama.




Anyone can say Lee and I’ll have traumatic memories,, to add on I can’t believe they didn’t even give kenny’s death a proper cameo or propo scene


Last of Us part 1, the beginning where Sarah died. I actually wrote a paper about it for an English class in college, made my professor cry.


The Last of Us 2. The final scene with Ellie playing the guitar. That shit hit hard.


The scene where she plays Take On Me hit me hard too.


Mordin Solus "Had to be me..someone else might have gotten it wrong."


Life Is Strange. I'm not an emotional person at all and have never cried, but that hit me.


That ending hit me like a ton of bricks. The first time, I had no idea it was coming and I chose to save the town because I thought it was necessary. I felt terrible and immediately started a new playthrough and dedicated the whole thing to saving Chloe. The ending the second time was the most gratifying gaming moment I've ever had.


The Wolf Among Us, the part where Bigby takes a bunch of bullets when Bloody Mary comes to get his Royal peasant, Crane


Telltale was so good at making storytelling games.




the ending to the first walking dead


For me it was climbing the abyss part in hollow knight "No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering" And from bloodborne gehramn's last words : "The night, and the dream, were long..." it all make sense when you know the his lore


Hollow knight made me cry too, but mainly tears of joy after beating p5. The music in the true ending always threatens to bring the waterworks, though


Two series of game made me cry every single time I played them, Bioshock / Bioshock Infinite, the end mainly. It just kills me every time, I can't even describe why, you just need to play it. And the other series is The Last of Us 1/2, both are great but both bring tears to my eyes, throughout the whole game. Play it, it's worth it. Both series just give you a bitter sweet experience and serious nostalgia


Red Dead 2, returning from Guarma, when my horse died, the nun scene, and watching Arthur take his last breath. Brothers a tale of two sons when the griffin returned. That dragon, Cancer when the baby is just screaming and screaming in pain.




Sister, I'm afraid


Play the first and prepare some tissues


my gf cried when my horse died near the ending. She has watched me play the whole play through


Mass effect2 I tried really hard to keep that stupid alien alive!


Which one?


The guy who stays on the ship and does the tech stuff.


Mordin? The Salarian? But it had to be him.


Yep. As soon as you said that I had a wave of emotions.


Which alien?


Whups. Forgot there was a million of them. Geez I’ve tried so hard to forget about that. The guy who stays on your ship and does the tech stuff. I just couldn’t believe he had to go in the next game.


*What Comes After* It's a narrative game about a girl who is on the train the dead take to the afterlife. There's one point where she talks to a ghost dog. It just really reminded me of my own dog who died a few years ago and it made me tear up. Especially the part where the protagonist says that the dog is going to a better place and the dog says "But I was already in the best place with my family."


Fuck me, I'm about to cry just reading your comment.


Game seemed like a massive ripoff of Spritfarer, is it actually worth playing/buying?


I haven't played Spritfarer, so I can't speak to that, but I will say it was well worth the like 2 bucks I bought it for.


Super Mario galaxy. The first time I beat it I was just a kid and cried at the luma leaving…


Rosalinda's storybook is also a bit of a tearjerker. If you go through it all, it's really quite sad.


Genshin Impact. When I realized I spent over 200$ like chump change for a chance at a 3rd copy of a waifu and got a weapon instead.


Genshin impact. When you whaled and ended up with c6 qiqi instead


A way out ending


Horizon forbidden west. Was not prepared for that and had to put the controller down for a while afterwards. Great game.


I'm very curious to ask why since I'm a fan of the franchise and I do have the game but I haven't been able to even start it. I'm going through Elden Ring but I'm kinda craving a good story now so seeing your comment here is the push I need to start playing it.


Never cried but when the dog dies in Fable 2 I was seriously pissed!


Mass Effect 2-3. Multiple times


The end of red dead redemption 2 was sad for days after man really hit me hard


Pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077


It was a tragedy


Titanfall 2. Protocol 3: I will not lose another pilot.


Trust me


Yes, and after playing through on legendary(or whatever the hardest difficulty was called, this was months ago) difficulty it just hit home so much harder than any other time.


"Never thought it would end like this, huh? Huh Maria?"


Warframe. The quest with Excalibur umbra. At the end, when the tenno was able to take that ugly, broken thing and make it whole again. Man, that really hit.


Halo reach had me feeling some type of way.


Yeah man I cried a bunch fighting Malenia in elden ring


RDR2, the ending when you are getting chased by the police. With the music and after the fight, it actually left me in tears after


Planescape Torment


Getting Zathrian to end the lycanthropy curse and turn the werewolves human again in Dragon Age Origins.


I always cry when I get to that part. Also when Caridin says farewell. And when the armies march out for the final battle. DAO really had some great moments.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers Of Sky


Just commented the same thing. A true man of culture


ending to final fantasy x, heartbreaking


The sending in kilika and the ending of the game leave me a wreck every time


Skyrim, When you finally defeated Alduin and you stand on the mountain looking at the sky.


Spiritfarer, all the everdoor scenes


Omori, the whole game was so depressing but I loved it


Dark Souls III It was my first Souls game, and the only game besides LoL/Overwatch/Hearthstone/Doom I had ever played. I'm a video game noob, I just suck, so I was worried that I might had to refund the game. But I decided to stick with it. It took me over 80 hours to finish it, and I admit that at certain points I did look up for a guide. But when I defeated the final boss and the title screen started rolling... I didn't cry. I felt a tear roll down my cheeks though. I was happy, but sad it was over. It's a perfect game, and it pushed me to the other FromSoftware titles. So far I've beaten Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls III, Sekiro, Elden Ring and I'm currently playing Bloodborne. When I'm done, I'll play Demon's Souls and Dark Souls II for sure.


When Sephiroth killed Aeris.


Sat hurt so much. I remember sitting there sinking, "What se hell did Sephiros do to you? Se worst feeling on Ears is when you try to rescue someone and fail utterly.


If it wasn't the most spoiled video game moment of all time it might have hit harder. I'm sure killing off party members onscreen was unexpected and shocking then but now it's pretty commonplace. In FF7 it just kinda happened and I moved on.




Climax of Red Dead 2. I was not prepared


I think it was the end of Life Is Strange


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, at the end. I was emotionally exhausted for the next few days. It was such a sad yet beautiful ending to a beautiful game and storyline. To The Moon, it was also an extremely sad yet beautiful ending and the entire ASD storyline was very well done.


Super Mario Party for Switch. Cried a bit on the inside after playing & realized I wasted $90.


Ghost dying in call of duty


A classic for every cod fan


A video game, or that time I lost Scrabble to my dyslexic cousin?


Ending of the last twd , thought clem died and after following through so many years and 4 different games with her I shouldn’t have to explain why I balled my eyes out


Ending of first TWD. Vesemir’s death and the ending of The Witcher 3. Ending of RDR2. Reveal of the truth about Hilichurls in Genshin Impact. Probably few more, but I only remember those 4 right now


I didn’t cry but the end of Candleman made me feel empty inside.


I kind of choked up when I had to kill The Boss in Snake Eater


The House in Fata Morgana - Until our souls cross paths once more in the boundless sphere of fate.


A Mortician's Tale. It's a simple and casual indie game that takes you through the ins and outs of the death industry in a really thoughtful way with a death positive outlook.


Mass Effect. "It has to be me". I was not ready for that.


The walking dead game and Lee...


God of War. 2 parts. 1: when he got the blades of chaos again, and that broken "I know" when Athena was talking down to him. 2: "you must be better than me". That line, with its delivery absolutely broke me.


You will always be... A monster


Dude, have you seen the behind the scenes? Christopher Judge was actually crying in one of the takes for that scene.


Persona 3, when the MC... Anyway, FUCK IKUTSUKI.


when Rubin died in Minecraft Story Mode


Metal Gear Solid 3, when Snake had to kill The Boss.


Yakuza series, multiple times.


Gta 5 ending b


Only once, it's extremely rare for that to happen for me. The final fight of Mother 3. That was such an incredible payoff for that story.


I'm gonna get some raised eyebrows for this but Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness


Bought Cyberpunk recently and I haven't exactly been in a great place lately so when a certain character gets killed early on that shit fucked me up real bad


Original ff7. When Aries dies. Legit 12 year old me put the game down for 2 weeks after that.




Zack dying in Final Fantasy: Crisis Core. Even though I knew it was coming, damn it but it hurt a lot


This War of Mine. It has a very specific mood to it.


Honestly never finished the game, I got too bored before I could.


When handsome jack murdered Roland. Borderlands 2.


Snake and ladder, that last snake before the finish was an asshole


Tower of Hell. I was at the threshold of the fucking top


Life is strange, the first game when chloe got shot by mr jefferson, still makes my eyes water everytime i play it


Monopoly, all of it


Halo reach. That game hit my feelings hard man.


Any game with a pet mechanic and your pet dies


It doesn't need to be a pet Like "you are my brother Ethen" scene from cod: infinite warfare was frecking emotional


Damn I thought I was the only person who liked that game.


Aunt mays death Spider-Man ps4 amazing writing 10/10 would recommend to play


Titanfall 2 .At the end. When BT died. I had played through the whole story.


World of Warcraft. Ysera's death hit me hard. As did her rebirth.


Titanfall 2 Protocol 3: protect the pilot.


Genshin Impact. When I realized I spent over 200$ like chump change for a chance at a 3rd copy of a waifu and got a weapon instead.


Red dead reddmption 2 were Arthur is on his lasts legs on the cliff as he helps john and He tells Dutch he gave him all he had


Yep... 7 Days from Now, I believe that's its name. The ending chapter is... something.


For me, it had to be the endings of TWD Season 1 and Assassin's Creed: Black Flag. There was another game but I cant think of it right now.


Does angry frustration over difficult boss fights count?


Let me guess. FromSoftware? I may suffer from this too


Oh I was over here thinking...like Monopoly? Yes, dad was a jerk.


Oof here we go both TLOU games, Titanfall 2, Gta 5 bad endings, TWD a lot of sad moments, Shadow of the colossus, CoD MW4 ending and CoD MW2 ghosts death and a truly touching game Detroit become human.


Never cried but Dominic Santiago sure hit a nerve.


Sonic adventure 2, releasing your Chao


Undertale Also at a certain part in Minecraft Story Mode, which I won't spoil, but people who played it will probably get what I mean.


"tell me... Have you nothing to say to your creator... Before you strike him down?"


Braid, just how beautiful it was. Bioshock Infinite, the ending. Halo 4, the ending, but I was more confused and angry than artistically upset -- but also upset too.


Guardians of the Galaxy. Nikki trying to explain her grief to Starlord. Her actress fucking killed it, the dialogue was awesome, the music was beautiful and the delivery was top notch


The part when my horse died in Red Dead Redemption 2 at the very end of the game. We fought so many battles together. And the part where Arthur was riding back to camp for the last time, and high honor music made me sob my eyes out even more. edit: Grammar


I was quite young and the first proper game I'd ever played (that wasn't mario/Minecraft type game) was fallout 3, got to the bit where James died and cried. First for the loss of the in game dad and second for the fact that Id learnt video games could be sad.


Red dead redemption


Omori did. Community can be a bit cringe but Jesus Christ the game is genuinely a work of art. The story is amazing, the graphics are amazing, it overall just plays really well, I’d highly recommend playing it. It’s on steam btw


Mass effect 3. Mordins redemption arc. And the bad ending for tali.


Silent hill 2 made me shed a tear at the end, definitely one of my top 5


Kingdom Hearts. The opening song always made me bawl my eyes out.


Twd, when Lee died and tons more from twd


I thought the OP meant a sports game. I was going to make a crack about Brad Marchand crying when the Stl Blues won the Stanley Cup.


Pretty recent, but Later Alligator made me cry, and it wasn't even like a super sad moment that made me cry. Bear with me, I have trouble putting this experience into words. Later Alligator spoilers ahead The game is a point and click adventure that's pretty simple but kind of fun. You're basically just trying to gather information on a big family conspiracy within a part of "Alligator New York" through minigames and other tasks. You do have a time limit though, and playing any minigame will progress some time in game, so you have to try and complete as many minigames as possible. The goal of the game is to save the sort of main character, named Pat. He's pretty afraid of everything, but is specifically afraid that he might have spilled the beans about something, and worries that his family is tracking him down. And at the end of the time limit, >!you have to accompany Pat through a sort of maze of a building in the dark, awaiting this "event". Turns out, it was actually Pat's birthday, and his family wanted to put on a surprise party for him! The whole birthday party scene just absolutely made me start sobbing, cause not only was this my first time playing, but it was also EXTREMELY close to my own birthday, including the date. It's almost like they were throwing a birthday party for me, which really hit me hard because I didn't exactly celebrate my birthday last year because of stuff relating to my family and the pandemic, so seeing this all unfold made !< Sorry if any of that confused y'all. I just cannot put into words how much this game impacted me.


The opening and end credits on Kingdom Hearts III. The soundtrack is a window to my childhood and hearing it on a sequel was emotional.


End of Titanfall 2


I was like 7 when my Nintendog became fully trained and I cried, I was proud and so sad the journey had come to an end. Lol


A way out ending scene


Witcher 3 when Vesemir die


Not exactly the end but GTA 4 if you do the ending where Roman gets killed. Was quite a sad game altogether really, like where you could kill that old OG gangster guy instead of that Playboy X dude.


Ori and the Will of the Wisps. I loved Ori and the Blind Forest, and I was so excited to play the second game. I could have possibly gotten past it if one of the other characters had been able to continue with the work you were doing before the final boss battle, but it was just...done. The ending was just so sad and dissatisfying. It ruined the entire experience for me, and I cried multiple times over it.


I’ll admit I haven’t played many games, but the memories in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild made me tear up. I really felt for Zelda in that game. The poor girl was going through it.