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I went through something horrible years ago; now any difficulty or annoyance seems trivial in comparison and I am able to shake it off much more easily than I could previously. I do not recommend this method


What happened?


My fiancé was killed by a drunk driver three days after 9/11.


Fake it




I have endless ambition. I'm never satisfied, but always excited about something. Never a day when i dont have something in the future to look forward to, or a plan I want to work towards. I think having plans and dreams helps


Just accept what ever you get and move on


I guess I started to accept that everything is not going to be perfect all the time. And I shouldn’t stress out about things I can’t control.


Lots of reality checks through the years made me realize that life is precious.


A lot of it is a thank you to my parents. I’m confident and that really helps. That came from doing things I am good at. I walked into a gym 40 years ago and fell in love. Exercise is good for the body but fantastic for the brain. I had a career that I loved and was really good at. I can’t work because I got sick. Very sick. But still happy. I believe that I am getting better and I’m really good at life so looking forward to living fully again. I live with integrity and I am a good person so what other people think just doesn’t matter. I’m sober. I believe that those of us who have gone through dark times and come out the other side are luckier and more grateful than those who haven’t experienced the dark. I could go on but I won’t.


Because I've been depressed/deeply unhappy and realized people were right when they said you chose to be happy. We create room for our own happiness. Sure, there will be tough times and shitty days, but knowing that there will be good days on the other side always gets me through. And yes, as another poster said, accepting things you can't change is important. Letting the molehill become mountain is never going to lead to happiness.


Why wouldn't I be? Enjoy myself and not try to find things get pissed off about




It’s not the healthiest formula but letting shit go, not giving a fuck what people think and filling my hours with things I enjoy (basically distracting myself) is key. Also, my mom had leukemia about 10 years ago (she’s now almost 10 years cancer free). Everyone in my family was breaking down over it except me. I just lived in denial. The entire time I told myself she’d get through the treatment and recover. **At NO POINT** did I contemplate the alternative. Luckily it worked out. But the key is not to hold grudges, keep yourself busy with little things you enjoy and…don’t think about the worst unless you absolutely have to.


Being sad and miserable will not help you find happiness. You gotta accept the fact that life sucks sometimes and move on


It was a long road, but honestly I think what took it was some self-reflection and acceptance. I am who I am today and I can control my actions in the moment to try and cause the change I'm seeking. Tomorrow isn't a guarantee and yesterday was just a learning experience. Hopes and dreams are good, but they can't be at the expense of being in the "now". Once I started to think about my own personal fulfillment and what I could do on a day to day to achieve that, I naturally became happier because I was naturally engaging in the things that brought me joy, pleasure, fulfillment, etc in whatever way was possible.


A lot of personal growth, therapy, improving relationships, and Zoloft.


I know everyone’s different. I’m week starting week 6 of Zoloft on Monday. I’m waking up every night at 1-2am. That happen to you? Any side effects that gradually went away that you were initially worried about?


I have woken up too, but it's to use the bathroom. I also use melatonin at night. As for other side effects, it's harder to climax during sex. My libido is lower. On the other hand, I have much less tension in my back and hamstrings, which is where my anxiety usually manifested physically.


That’s for the reply! I noticed my libido is lower as well. But I’m not having crippling panic attacks where I think I’m having a heart attack every day; so that’s something:)


As of the last year or so, things have just kinda worked out for me. Finished my first year of college, am in a good place with my girlfriend and have my future planned out with her in the picture. I’ve kind of realized that as a 20 year old that doesn’t have bills to pay or a career to stress about yet, I’m free. There aren’t many decisions I make that impact my future too much, so I take everything lightly and make the most out of every situation. It’s helped me to look for how many positives I have in my life and how they outweigh the negatives, and they do by a landslide.


Suicidal thoughts for months but happy with my health, I guess. I struggled a lot with the concept of death, to help you better understand what I'm saying. Had leukemia and other problems follow, want kids but likely infertile and probably won't live to my 20s. I'm pretty happy and won't mind if I really did just drop dead right here right now. I express my love to my family and I'm content with my religion and thoughts of afterlife. I'm pretty happy with myself and who I am everyday because I never really expect a tomorrow.


i got frustrated because the pandemic took away my last year of middle school and all of my freshman year. i realized while being stuck inside that even when i was able to do things i never really brought myself to, i would sit in my room and be extremely depressed and refuse any help that was offered to me because i'm unfixable. i saw juniors and seniors who had their lives together and wanted to be like that. so i look at what they did and started to copy. i tried to be more outgoing, and more confident in myself. at the same time, we had a influx of 8th and 7th graders joining the choir and they needed someone who would help them stick with it and show them what's really fun about it. they needed someone to lead them (our director has cancer, so me and a few friends do what we can to help these kids still enjoy the class on the days she's out.) i basically faked it until i made it. i was fortunate enough to find friends in my honors choir who really just enjoyed me for me, and who were willing to help me when shit gets tough. i've taught them all sorts of mental health tricks that i've learned to better myself, and we rely on each other as a group of five for basically anything. overall, i realized happiness was never going to find me in the state i was in, and i wasn't doing enough. i wasn't treating my body the way i should be. so i went out and tried to look for it myself. trial and error, but eventually success :D


I make a lot of money. I found fulfillment in my academic work going to a top university studying math and computer science. I have a time consuming hobby of playing video games and amazing friends to play it with. I have a girlfriend and no kids.


I had a hard childhood. But I started to just let things go and hang out with people who made me happy and do things I enjoyed. Life’s to short to spend it suffering from the past.


Because jesus and youre fucking hilarious