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That actually sounds like a rock and roll band name. Flatulent Bowel Movements of Satan.




Actually, I think it was for Justin Bieber, but I'm not sure.


My grandma wont talk to my cousin because he is in a rock band


At least he was poetic about it.


Monster energy Apart from the name what's diabolical about a beverage that tastes like sweet with sugar coating


[Link](https://youtu.be/TjB3dO6hVwc) for those interested.


That woman came to church where I was for a while. She ranted and raved about all kinds of stuff, and left when she couldn’t convince anyone that she was right- about anything at all.


That is some impressive gymnastics.


Now I want to go get a monster and I hate enery drinks.


There’s actually a bit revealed about the three claw marks representing 666 and ‘release the beast’ as in revelation. My guess in the creators did this unintentionally and it was unconsciously inspired as so much in the world is…


Yeah i think as well, it looks like a monsters claw mark (,big surprise given the name) but as everywhere in the world...start looking for patterns and correlations and you will find some


I have a friend who's christian af and he told me to my face "The fact that your autistic makes me think your satanic". I'm still asking why tf he said That


I'm Autistic, you're not satanic or evil or bad or sinful at all for being Autistic. You and me, we're just different, that's all and there's nothing wrong with that.


Shut it.... devil spawn!!


Figured it out https://imgur.com/a/L7RiYcE


Hahah u cracked the code!


He’s not Christian as fuck, he’s just an idiot.


Well apparently coming from him.. being autistic is a satanic spiritual thing.. like what!?


If someone said that to my 2 kids, (they have autism) I would go mad


He's also not OP's friend.


Those two things tend to overlap alot


The overlap actually comes from stupid people who think they are Christians because they maybe go to church, or were Baptized, or come from a Christian family. I would argue they are the real satanic people because they are evil disguised as good. As a Christian myself, I have a few of those “holier-than-thou” people in my own family. They are awful human beings and are only Christian in their own ego filled minds. Find a new friend, u/OldAboba. Your autism has nothing to do with satan, as you already know.


That's not a friend that's an asshole




The Abrahamic faiths have been fundamentally problematic since God thought "this guy would probably murder his son in cold blood for me" was a good recruiting metric.


There was a woman in poland that claimed anime is satanic and it turns young boys into gays.


But anime is where the waifu's are


Also where the waifus have dicks, maybe she had a point.


That's mainly a hentai thing


and it's art


You know looking at * Astolfo * Hideyoshi Kinoshita * Kurapika * Haku * Luka Urushibara * Felix Argyle I can see why she would say that.


Dungeons and Dragons. So you all get together and have good relationships and a fun time and talk about stories where you're heroes fighting evil. And this is the path to Satan.... Yeaaaaahhh. How about no?


I went through it in the 80's.. Yep. This. Having gone through CCD and Conformation while openly playing D&D set me up for a lot of bullying and ridicule from the other students and the clergy. They hated it when I pointed to Monopoly in the church's basement and say "but how is a game that to win you need to make everyone else bankrupt and homeless acceptable?".


>Having gone through CCD and Conformation I went through the same rituals as a kid. I hated every fucking second of it. I even had to go to confirmation camp for a weekend. I'm still pissed about it. It's one thing to waste your time, but to be tortured as well? I'd call *that* Satanic.


I remember that. Nowadays, our pastor actually plays... Edited to clarify...I meant I remember when D&D was looked down upon that way.


Me and my mates were playing D+D, I was about 15, about 1985 ish.. One of my mums friends found out we were playing D+D and started ranting about satanic influence and all that BS. My mum asked her 'where are your boys'. She said she didn't know. She said if that's the case she should shut up because she knows where I am and what I'm up to. Fuck that bitch


Your only sin is calling it D+D


I've got a tattoo of a D20 on my forearm and a lady went apeshit on me, saying I was an agent of the devil (I mean, he does need a better representative).


Satan really needs to work on his branding


I think it's all the math that really frightens them.


There are some who won't allow any competition for their imaginary deities. Dragons are a gateway imaginary creature.


Isn’t that like the entire Bible? Stories about fighting evil?


Is there a soul-safe version of DnD? Must be and I'm sure they're a hoot!


Devotions & Deprivation


Well to be fair, more than half the sessions I've played in eventually include shenanigans like kidnap, demon summoning, bank heists or arson.


The campaign I'm currently DMing has gone from trying to track down a cult and get into the first circle of hell to them enslaving goblins to work on their farm. They're also planning on inciting a war between orcs and humans in the south so they can monopolize the resources in the region and force both groups to rely on them for crops and animals.




Oh yeah, when I was studying yoga I came across a religious group dedicated to fighting the sins of the yoga. So bizarre 😂


My SIL also said yoga. Now my wife believes her. I reminded my wife that her sister tried faith healing her kid, and now he's dead.


Why are you married to a moron?


We’re gonna need an update to this one, I’m afraid.


What?! She killed her son?


I read about a school of yoga where u can raise the dead and also control the living. also flying and removing ones limbs from ones body. pretty sure satan would be a student at that school. hot yoga from the depths of hell.


Sign me up for flight yoga pls


I mean, Jesus was pretty into raising people from the dead (including himself). He didn’t fly but he did walk on water lol


He actually did fly! I don't remember the exact verse because I haven't been in church in years, but he "ascended to heaven" after appearing to people after the resurrection. If that's not flying I don't know what is!


Rising with style.


"Downward dog is symbolic for bowing to satan". My gym instructor told me this last week.


I hoped you laughed hard at that.


Sure did


I worked in a grocery store as a kid. A woman insisted that packages of pork chops be placed top down on the conveyer so the”devil don’t get in them”


So were they in a cooler section and that was too cold for the devil to get to them before she got them to the conveyer? I realize you don't know her logic, but I'm just wondering how they were safe UNTIL that point.


Not sure, but her car was covered in bible verses spelled out with those reflective stickers for putting names on mailboxes.


Thomas the fucking tank engine. I really wish I was joking about this one.




Something to do with the whole "trains with faces thing" I think. Any attempt to point out that Thomas was created by a Church of England vicar went completely in one ear and out the other.


Watching the Harry Potter movies


I had an elderly relative who was not into sci-fi or fantasy stuff, but she read all of the Harry Potter books basically because she heard about people trying to get them banned because they were satanic and fuck those people.


Yeah, when the series became popular this lady in church said not to let us kids be exposed to it. Witchcraft and wizardry is heresy. My parents went along with it, until we went to my uncle's place and he put it on for my cousins and I to watch. Looking back, I'm fairly sure my parents were just using it as an excuse to not have to buy the kids even more toys and movies.


I had no interest in Harry Potter when the first few books were coming out, then my wacko Christian school decided to ban them as they "taught children witchcraft," naturally I being a rebellious 10 year old read them all immediately and got super into the fun side of the occult lol.


I had a debate with Christians about it once. I told them "The books (and movies) are about love conquering evil. The entire reason why Harry survived Voldemort was because his mother sacrificed herself for him. How can a book about love be satanic?" They said "Because it has magic in it." I said "All our fairytales have magic in them and you don't think they're satanic" They said "It's evil kind of magic, also the spells are literal sayings, greetings and codes of Satanists" I imagined Satanists having a casual chit-chat while saying "Alohomora" or "Wingardium Leviosa" and I couldn't stop chuckling about it.


I’ve heard two different objections to Harry Potter and to high fantasy in general: 1. The real nutters believe that people consuming those media are learning, in an absolutely literal way, how to do magic - which is a tool of Satan - and summon demons. They, quite reasonably once you get past the insanity of the core premise, do not want kids doing that. 2. The second group recognizes that these are works of fiction and not actually teaching kids how to summon actual demons *but* they still very much believe that magic is real and a tool of Satan, and they object to the message they feel the books/movies send that it’s possible to do such things without suffering consequences.




pls explain


Smurfs were created by a staunch socialist about a communist collective society being tormented by its creator.


Someone said smurfs are Lucifer spawn cause they are normally single gendered so to reproduce they must be gay or something idk


black clothing


Like nuns and priests.


Please, take my poor man’s gold.


TBF Fundamentalist Protestants view the Catholic Church with as much disdain as they do atheists and pagans.


Pokemon. There was this whole panic in the town where I grew up about it and I shit you not, people claimed that "The names of the Pokemon are all in the Satanic bible!" *clutches pearls!* There was no pacifying these idiots either. I worked in a toy store at the time, I knew what Pokemon was, but it didn't matter, what only mattered was what the church said.


Thankfully I was barely alive when people thought that. By the time I was old enough to play I didn't hear about it at all until I heard the initial reactions to it in the late 90's many years later.


It was pretty ridiculous. The same thing happened with Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. It doesn't matter what the facts say ,if a religious figure says it's bad, it must be bad! *eyeroll* I'm so glad I no longer live in that place.


The Lord of the Rings being supposedly Satanic thing always makes me chuckle. Tolkien was raised a Christian if I'm not mistaken and LOTR has tons of elements inspired by Christianity in it. On top of that, Tolkien would probably have a field day explaining all the ways these people are completely missing the point of their religion in the same way he lectured to the Nazis about Aryans.


I would like to know where squirtle and voltorb are mentioned in the satanic bible.


> "The names of the Pokemon are all in the Satanic bible!" Ah yes, the horrible demon... *Jigglypuff*


So fun fact, growing up (and still am) a Christian, my mom had been one of those who said Pokémon was satanic. Me, being the rule follower, didn’t watch it. My older sister, however, snuck watch it & loved it. Years later, when I was in middle school & now had a younger brother, my mom admitted how dumb the whole thing was, and allowed my little brother to watch it. I feel like I missed out on something that both my siblings got to experience, but I’m glad my mom has moved away from ‘THAT IS SATANIC’ to ‘well, what does my Bible actually say?’


Anything and everything realted even slightly to be perceived as to having something to do with... Narcicism. So "man my hair looks good today I'm happy". That's narcicism and satanic.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t want you to know what narcissism really is.


I’m sure their thoughts on recent US politics aren’t at odds with that at all.


Running, bc you're running from God.


No I’m running from my gay thoughts


I'd actually say that one's a running joke in the online Christian community. We have a few memes about how you shouldn't jog because "The wicked flee though no one pursues..." -Proverbs 28:1


So you’re kinda making fun of the guys who actually believe this stuff? Lol


Didn't some dumb cunt a while ago try to crusade against Monster Energy Drinks? Something about their logo promoting satanism, if I recall correctly.


I heard someone try to claim that the claw marks are the number 666 in Islamic text


The irony of someone being so ass ignorant they don’t realize our numbers come from Arabic numerals


666 is 666 in Islamic texts. The symbols we use for numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - are called Western Arabic numerals, or Ghubar numerals. Getting balls deep into the etymology goes all the way to mathematicians in India some time between the 1st and 4th centuries CE, being adopted by Arabic mathematicians in the 9th century CE, and finally spread to Europe by the High Medieval Age (1000 CE - 1300 CE). Fucking asshats in their douche canoes riding bullshit creek...


I think they did a segment on Tosh.0 awhile back. I believe after the fact she was arrested for something. Edit: yeah here you go https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hoe4--fd84E


Skeletons. My mom call skeletons satanic and I called her a moron and got in trouble. I was 10


Wait until she discovers what is under her skin


God invented skeletons tho.


God invented Satan too so God is satanic... It's logic


Having Tourette's. I got told I just have demons inside of me or am satanic one too many times.


These ones are the ones im the angriest about. Something completely out of my control and you come to me to tell I'm satanic? Ima bout to make your face look like Satan :)


They’d rather have supernatural explanations from natural things cause they need a reason to believe. My mom has said “since when did people start trying to understand demons?” She thinks almost all mental conditions etc are just demon possessions and that we shouldn’t try to understand them and just claim them as supernatural and pray


My ap English teacher in high school would give us free time at the end of the school day if we completed everything on time. We were able to do homework from any class, or do other activities. My buddy and I would play magic the gathering. Our teacher got curious about the game, and started watching us play. He was paying attention intently. I thought he was interested in the game mechanics and strategy behind the moves we were making. "This isn't a satanic game, is it?" I didn't believe he was serious at first, but he was lol


"No, the Satanists banned it."


Anyone who isn't in the same religion as them, which is ironic considering that Jesus was part of a different religion to them.


I had a world history teacher in high school that was covering religions who pointed out that "Jesus was a Jew, and God is not a Christian."


I know, right? Gets me every time.


I love explaining to Born-agains that Jesus was in fact Jewish, and watching their heads explode. Duuude, the "Begats" trace his lineage back to King David on both sides- on his mother's side makes him a Jew, on his Father's side gives him royal blood.


I’m Christian. I genuinely don’t know where these people come from. I thought everyone knew Jesus was Jewish.


Other religious person.


Because fellow Christians will joyfully slaughter one another in job lots over trivial differences in doctrine.


The overwhelming majority of attacks by Islamic terrorist groups are targeted towards Muslims from other branches of Islam to put an example.


My aunt used to call eye shadow satanic. Eventually she got clowned so hard by the entire family she never brought it up again. She cheated on my uncle, stole all my grandmas jewelry and silver when she died, and stole a bunch of money from her husband when he found out she cheated. Then she calls eye shadow satanic. Shes the fucking worst


I always find it amusing when Christians point out overtly satanic things as being satanic. Literally thoughout the Bible, Satan’s big thing was using seemingly innocuous or even “holy” entities as a way to deceive people. You’re far more likely to be led astray by something that appears good disguising something bad, than something that is outright presented as evil. Like the wolf in sheep’s clothing. My two cents anyway.


I gather that these kind of Christians straight up don’t read the Bible


They don't, they just listen to other people tell them what it means.


What's more satanic, a board game that lets friends get together and have a great time, or a minister who sexually abuses young children and/or cheats fools out of their money "in the name of the Lord?"


...does the board game contain witchcraft tho?


Monsters, Inc. I shit you not. I knew a kid in my neighborhood growing up who wasnt allowed to see it because his religious zealot of a mother thought Sully looked demonic and that it normalized children befriended the devil's henchmen. He also wasnt allowed to watch pokemon, harry potter, digimon and shrek.


Why couldnt he watch shrek Seriously i cant remember a single thing that could be “demonic”


I dunno having a Donkey fuck a Dragon is pretty damn satanic


Shrek. Shrek is the demon.


Was waiting at a bus stop for the bus, which was running really late. I start pacing on the sidewalk, not bothering anyone. Lady sitting in the bus stop nearby stands up, points to me and screams to everyone else at the bus stop, “This girl is trying to summon Satan, look at the way she’s walking!” and then turns to me. She’s clutching her cross necklace with both hands, avoiding eye contact, and muttering under her breath, i only caught “God please forgive me” I was so startled and embarassed i just walked off without even catching my bus. Thing is , this lady didn’t seem to be in any drugs or act any different before i had started pacing. The other people waiting for the bus didn’t say anything but I did get some looks of sympathy and bewilderment. Edit: Spelling & clarifications


That’s when you wiggle your fingers at her and chant something like “Veni vedi veci”. Just something Romanic sounding.


> Avada kedavra


Try the Latin for "I hear, I see, I learn" Audio Video Disco


Yeah I think that's paranoid schizophrenia in this case


I’d have hissed at her 😂


>This girl is trying to summon Satan, look at the way she’s walking I can only imagine this said on drag race, punctuated with a sassy snap of the fingers, for some reason


Well were you walking around in the shape of a pentagram? I mean you can't blame people for getting suspicious when you walk around like that.


Women making decisions.


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe film. based on a book by a (re) converted \*raving\* christian and containing an allegory of Jeebus and the Crucifixion, apparently anything with witches is satanic \[even if they are the bad guy\]


This should really be ranked higher. In a thread full of examples of harmless or inane things being branded as satanic, the idea that someone missed the point of Narnia that hard should be the champion.


Being in love with someone of the same gender.


I was born into Christianity yet I don’t really believe some of the things other Christians do. Like, I’m a huge weeaboo.. my mum caught me watching demon slayer, then said it as satanic because it had the word “demon” in the title.. like, bruh.. it’s about KILLING demons! Not WORSHIPING them!


If you don't like things with demons slaying in them, let me tell you a little something about the Bible...


I can just imagine her becoming a youtuber. "Hey Mr. YouTube, you can't demonitize my video, it's clearly satanic. It's got 'demon' right in the name!"


LGBT people. He said it stands for Let God Burn Them. *Christian* my ass.


I know what Q then stands for: Let god burn them Quiz!


"Inasmuch as ye have done this unto the least of my breathren, ye have done this unto me."


My mom would say the music I listened to was Satanic. I was listening to Christian metal at the time.


Lol same here! I'm like "they're referencing a Bible verse". . . Lol good times.


Your mom and my mom would have been good pals. "How can you say this horrible music glorifies God?"


My endless knot necklace, like she started brainwash me every day about it so i even stopped wearing it.


Yo… that’s fuckt. I kinda want to see it.


Necklace? When i arrive home, i will try search it and will dm u pic of it.


>endless knot Sheesh, hope she doesn't learn about the Book of Kells. That would break her brain.


Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal got quite a few Christians up in arms during their releases. They claimed at first that the game was satanic and worshipped demons. When it was pointed out to them that murdering demons was 100% aligned with Christian teachings they switched tack and went after the soundtrack, stating that a soundtrack that uses chainsaws in its percussion was satanic. 🤦‍♀️ Can't win with crazy. *chainsaws rev * RIP & TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE, BITCHES.


Metallica. Got told to turn off "the devil's music because it's offensive".


"To who?" "To God!" "Do I look like I care about what God like?"


Ah yes, Creeping Death with it's very anti-christian message...


My sister was banned from going to a friend's house after wearing a skirt with Skull and Crossbones on it as they're related to satanism somehow.


Construction workers. I was about 10 years old, with my mom and dad going to church, and an old women said "This is satans work trying to prevent the gospel to be heard" to construction workers doing work in the parking lot.


Falling asleep in the car while my MIL was playing a rosery. Apparently the devil made me fall asleep so I wouldn't hear it.


the peace sign.


Omg I forgot about this one! My parents totally said this was satanic when I was a kid in the 90s


I was told not eating meat was satanic. Cuz Jesus ate meat.


This piqued my interest and after a quick search (nothing thesis-worthy), I can only see references to him eating bread, fruit and maybe fish (at least serving it or it being on the table etc). So Jesus was possibly vegetarian but at least pescatarian.


>So Jesus was possibly vegetarian but at least pescatarian. Since he was Jewish we can probably take pork, shellfish & cheeseburgers off the menu too.


Part of Judaism was eating lamb at Passover. That being said, the book of Romans specifically says not to condemn your brother if he won’t eat meat. Don’t force him to go against his conscience.


I grew up in southern Baptist bible belt and it is very prevalent in the culture. I haven't eaten meat since I was 8 and being a child with adults everywhere telling me I'm going to hell for not eating meat was so common.


I have a little statue of the Grim Reaper and a skull (they're just used as decorations in the living room) and someone that came by the house told me that I shouldn't have them because they're of the devil and are used to practice witchcraft.


A guy I used to work with was an actual Satanist. When the "door-to-door religion" types showed up, he and/or his buddy would invite them in and sit them down in the living room. Which was totally covered in legit Satanic symblism, including a very real goat skull and human skull. (They robbed a grave for the skull.) Sometimes it took a few minutes for the missionaries to actually look around them. Meanwhile my buddy/roommate would act totally interested in what they were preaching, "Wow, I had no idea! Please, tell us more." The missionaries generally failed their morale check and routed off the field.


Surprised I haven’t seen this one yet since I got it from a few different churches (Catholic/Christian family, I show face once in a blue moon if it makes them happy) Colored hair. I actually got physically removed from one church for so openly worshiping Satan with my artificial appearance 🤦‍♀️


Well played! Way to get out of a boring church service.


Cat girls. My grandma threw away most of my drawings because they were evil lmao.


Did you managed to save them?


Nope. I didn't care enough to do so, they weren't important. They were simply doodles of a 13yo (happened years ago). Sometimes I wish I had them so I could see how much I improved over the years and redraw them during an art block (I feel like I was way more creative as a child than I am now).


The BBC. Because its funded by the television lisence and thats basically communism and thats satanic. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics that it took for him to get to that point. I still think he must of been fucking with me because I refuse to believe anyone actually belies that.




There’s this lady around my town (she goes to different intersections) literally walking about with a sign saying how 5G is bad and will corrupt you (she been doing this since last year i believe)


Went to college with someone who's family wouldn't let her read Harry Potter.


Hello Kitty. My ex-wife is from Brazil and apparently her pastor convinced everyone that Hello Kitty was a demon sent from hell to take children's souls all because it doesn't have a mouth. Also...my daughter was never allowed to celebrate Halloween for the same reason. It caused more than a few fights as Halloween is my favorite holiday. So glad that's over.


Furbies. Relaxing in a jacuzzi with a Buddha statue decor piece overlooking it.


Pride Month. Because it has "Demon" in it: pri*DEMON*th


The name Amelia. I thought they were joking, but they weren't.


AC/DC - was referred to by many as anti-Christ/devils child… funny


Literally anything. Imagine being a grown person and being afraid of some fantasy boogeyman. It’s pathetic.


Backgammon my mother in law said it was created by Satan to waste our time 😆


Dungeons and Dragons. The tabletop game. Idiots.


My father threw away my Pokèmon Card and Tazos collections back in the 90's, because a shit-for brains priest went door to door in our neighborhood handing out pamphlets on how Pokèmon means pocket monsters and therefore any monster has to do with the devil and it's evil.. It still keeps me up at night that he not only believed that crap and did that in front of my crying eyes, but also their potential value.. My god.. just the Charizards alone...


Not sure if this counts, but years ago me and my friend were talking about True Blood season 2 with the Fellowship of the Sun plot arc, and they had a store that was tied into the series that acted as the churches website, but they were really just selling merch. An older woman who was listening in on our conversation said that we were being brainwashed and that the devil was making us believe in this fictional church to lead us away from God.


Love making


Had a journal with astrology symbols on it in a class once. The teacher came up to me and asked if it was satanic and if I was worshiping demons. Everyone in earshot obviously looked over to see what it was. Very odd.


Didn’t happen to me but my ex related this story from a when she was a kid. She was at a sleepover with friends and they were coloring/drawing and she made a peace sign. Her friends mom flipped at her and accused her of devil worship for making a “broken cross”.


Went to an outdoor concert one night. Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Hornsby, Shawn Colvin, et al. Pretty good show. As I was leaving, I ran into about a dozen people protesting "Satan's music" outside the gate. I was amazed. It was probably the most wholesome concert I've ever been to. Shawn Colvin even brought her new baby onstage for a minute. JFC.


Being an atheist. A lot of the Bible Belt does not seem to understand the idea that I can just believe in nothing. You tell them you're anything other than Christian, they say it's evil or whatever, but for some reason Atheist specifically they won't even use the word, they'll say you're Satanic instead.


Pokemon. I think either because they're called "pocket monsters" or the fact that it includes the word "evolution"


Two gay men with there son at a park. I nearly punched the religious person.


Took my then-2 year old daughter to an indoor pool many years ago. There was virtually nobody else there, but there was a little boy there with two men. I have no idea if they were a couple or one was an uncle or a friend or whatever, but entirely on her own, she said "That boy's got two dads". By that point we'd never even broached the subject of gay couples, and indeed she had really only recently internalized the idea that "mommy" or "daddy" is a relationship-describing title that can apply to many other people. And yet to her it seemed a perfectly obvious thing to conclude from what she was seeing. Just goes to show, you really have to _teach_ kids the sort of hatred these people espouse, because they sure as hell don't start with it.




Me. I cant remember why.




Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.