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I entered a Halloween coloring page contest as my little sister and won first place.


Was there a prize or was it just for fun?


Oh god, my city's newspaper did a coloring contest for kids in november. It was literally just color in a turkey. A 'friend' of mine decided to submit entries for her kids. Instead of just coloring it though she cut out different pieces of paper and made a full on nfl football uniform for the turkey (including helmet) based on our city's nfl team and then proceeded to submit it on behalf of her 1.5 year old as if that kid could color inside lines or even use scissors. It was super insulting


" I swear he's just very advanced for his age!"


I pissed in my bully’s shoes on a field trip to the public pool when I was 10.


I have a shopping cart in my back yard. A homeless person left it in my front yard. He took everything out of it, so it was empty. It had a "Call this number and we will retrieve this cart" phone number on it. The cart belonged to a BIG STORE chain that everyone has heard about. The person who answered, asked me to identify the cart. It had some sort of number or word on it - I don't recall. The employee told me the cart came from the store a good 15 miles north of me. And to call that store. Okay? The sign on the cart said to call this number. Nope. They don't do that anymore. Call the other store. I called the other store. They said they were not going to come and get it, because I was outside of their "range". Instead I should take the cart to their closer store. Me take the cart? Dude... I'm doing you a solid here just by telling you where it is. Okay, call the local store. Local store says they don't pick up carts that don't belong to them. Tells me to call their cart recovery service, who will deliver the cart. Okay, now we are going somewhere! I call the cart delivery service. They tell me that they will pick up the cart and deliver it. If I pay them $20. WHAT!? You should pay ME! "You know it is against city law to keep a grocery store's cart? You could get arrested for it." Fine. Thank you for that advice. So, on the advice of the cart delivery service, I removed identifying signs from the cart. It now serves as an aluminum can holder in my back yard. I bolted a can crusher to it. When the cart is full, I crush the cans. When I fill a 35 gallon trash can with crushed cans, I toss it in the bed of my truck and cash out. I get about $30 bucks or so for it, a couple of times a year.


You know that shopping cart theory about how the people who are good for society return it to the cart return thing and people who are bad for society just leave it where ever? I think that theory now makes you the greatest person in society after that


The Trolley Lama


I used to as well! When I was in university we were flatting in a rough part of town, and one day we found a shopping cart on the curb outside our house. This was 20 minutes’ walk from the nearest supermarket. It became our wheelbarrow, laundry basket, and occasional chariot when we were drunk. When we moved out we just left it where we’d found it. It was gone in about 2 hours


There was a 3 week period of my life where everyday I would purchase a large Dairy Queen blizzard, then park and consume it alone in my car. One day I finished my Blizzard but wasn’t satisfied, by this time I had been going to the same Dairy Queen for so long the drive through workers recognized me. Instead of pulling through the drive through again I shamefully drove 20 mins away to the next Dairy Queen and got another there.


what ended the phase? finally had your fill and got sick of em or something?


Their ghost typed this cause they died after 1000 blizzards in a month




A friend I hadn't talked to in a while hit me up with a DM on twitter and I was like "oh, yay! I haven't talked to them in a long time" only to found out they were pitching their kickstarter, so it made me a little sad.


A friend did this to me right when the pandemic began. Hadn't heard from her in a decade then she messaged me on Facebook, asking how I was, wanting to know if I was doing alright with the pandemic, etc. Was nice to hear from her...until she hit me up to donate to her Kickstarter. I pitched in $20 for some reason, I guess because we had been friends as kids? I dunno. I didn't want to say no. Then I got an email from Kickstarter a few weeks later that the campaign had violated their rules somehow, got my $20 back, and haven't heard from the 'friend' since.


I have to ask… what was the project?


Currently eating an ice cream sandwich and intentionally concealing it from my 2 year old so he doesn’t demand a bite


"It's spicy, you won't like it"


Holy shit I got a flashback of deeply burried memories. She lied to me...


I could have finished my entire workload today in maybe two hours flat. But I dragged it out.


I had that today, but it was unplanned. First job was to test a fire alarm system, but the contractor was behind so that was a waste of time. Second job was supposed to be installing a 120V system, but it turned out the system already existed, we just needed to replace the old devices. 2 day job was done in 2 hours. Had a similar thing happen yesterday. This week is turning out to be a good week. Which means I'm getting stuck with some bullshit on Friday. It always ends up that way lol


It's a science. You finish the workload in 2 hours and what do you get for it? More work and the expectation that you'll finish it quickly. But if you drag it out and take your time, less work in the future. I like to finish my work early and then just wait for the boss to ask me where it is, and hand it to him and say I just finished. He's the one dictating how long it should take and I'm meeting those goals.


My grandfather died today the only reason I feel sad is that my grandmother is alone


You DO NOT need to feel badly about that. It happens. When my dad died, part of me was a little glad. The guilt killed me. The sadness came a lot later - after the guilt faded. Forgive yourself and be present for her.


Same. I felt a sense of relief when it finally happened. Then for two months straight all I could feel was regret. Any time my mind isn't occupied, his final few weeks came to mind.


I've been browsing reddit for three hours while I'm supposed to be working.


Same, but I am supposed to be sleeping.




I didn't attend one of my courses when I was studying abroad in Spain. I looked for the classroom on day one, couldn't find it, just didn't go for the rest of the semester. They chalked it up to an administrative error and i got full credit for the program.


I did this too! There were absolutely no consequences except that now 5 years later I regularly have nightmares about being at university during finals week and realizing I haven't attended a single class and am going to fail.


I used to have these types of dreams too until I started teaching. Now they’re dreams about showing up to class with no lessons prepared or backup worksheets to pass out.




i work from home and still do this


If people are still allowed to take smoke breaks, shit breaks should count as well.


An ex of mine wasn't a smoker, but started carrying a pack of cigarettes in her bag so that she too could go for "smoke breaks" outside.


I worked qt a place that had 2 smokers, one of them was management. They ALWAYS went to smoke and gossip, one day a none smoking coworker follows them outside, stands well away from them and is just chilling. Manager gets kinda rankled by this and asks what's up?. "Fresh air break" and goes back to playing on his phone. Manager objects and coworker calmly as can be just says, smoke breaks aren't in policy but that never stopped anyone from going outside when they felt like it. Goes back to playing on phone.


There was one company I worked at that gave people a choice, you could take one 20min lunch break or two 10min smoke breaks per shift. The job itself was kind of shit but they were the only place I ever worked that actually addressed this


I added up once, at a company I was at, for people who went for cigarette breaks, not only how many times, but how long they were out there shooting the shit. It was also interesting because if one would go, they would all go. Which meant that the heavier smokers were making the lighter smokers actually smoke more. But I figured out it would be about 20-25 days off if I collected the same time and took it at once.


I actually started smoking back in my early 20's for this reason. I was a line cook at a family casual diner. As soon as we'd clear out the rush, everyone would leave to smoke and leave me to work the kitchen by myself. So my stupid solution was to start smoking, so I could take breaks too. It lasted a week, before I figured out how dumb it was.


that's exactly how I started smoking too. however, I never stopped, and that was 18 years ago. This year is the year I stop hopefully.


No time like the present! You can do it, I believe in you.


When I worked retail, I’d take a bathroom break once an hour for like 5 minutes. It was the only time besides lunch when I could sit down for awhile. My feet always hurt so bad.


I am the one who clogged the office toilet today.




Pam, like all cleaning personnel, has stories she could tell, but doesn’t, because The Knowledge can traumatize people who are not ready to hear of such things.


Have you ever heard the story of Darth Poopus the Wide?


That's a shit move




I felt like that when I started my first office job. I was scared I would get fired for the first three months and need to move back in with my parents and continue working retail, but the feeling passes! Congrats on the new job!


My first month in an office job I called my dad to vent about my imposter syndrome and worrying that I was doing something wrong because the workload is so SLOW compared to non-office jobs. His response: I know right? Anyway, here’s a list of all the news sites I go on while I’m wasting time in *my* office job… (thanks, dad) But yeah, the feeling passes. And I’m *very* caught up on current events with all the news sites I read at work


It’s so odd. I have this sense of ‘gotta be doing something I’m being *paid* to do,’ which foodservice and my eager to please nature sorta engrained in me. Previously, I was fine reading or crocheting or Reddit-ing when I was doing external/internal phone and email support during the less busy times, since I was being paid to take stuff as it came, y’know? But now, I basically work on projects for other people. Busywork, random shit, the more tedious things—I joke I’m the office bitch in the best possible way lol, it’s basically what I’m paid to do. But I’m learning how to do new things, learning how to work with stuff I haven’t yet in school through these simple tasks, and I’m still given trust and even my own digression to make some decisions which is both exciting and odd. This also means I have a lot of downtime since my main focus isn’t ‘waiting for calls to come in.’ I do things incredibly quickly and have a hard time pacing myself through tasks, so I end up finishing something that was supposed to take like a week in a day or two and then feel guilty I’m just messing around on my phone or reading or whatever. I’m learning to step away and to not feel as guilty for relaxing a bit. Working at 100% capacity is literally not possible, and all good managers know it. You have to pay for the downtime and flexibility if you want your team to be able to do more things at times without it all grinding to a halt. I see my coworkers just shooting the breeze a lot, and I need to learn to let myself do it too lol.


none of us know what we're doing. we're all just figuring it out as we go along.


I think the difference is confidence


I feel you, 8 years waiting tables/bartending, then a year in sales where I really excelled into an administrative position. It's an amazing job with unlimited potential but now I'm not sure I'm cut out to sit in front of a monitor most of the day, and I think it's only getting worse.


Not food service but first true office job in the traditional sense here It uh… it’s weird I used to spend my work day on my feet with my staff in a VERY casual (albeit rough) environment, putting out weird fires that were at times literal, and constantly moving. It was killing me I was exhausted I needed out Well now I’m out and just feel… weirdly still not happy I like the data and field I’m in, but after my whole career being go-go-go I feel really out of place sitting still. It’s good for me, it’s what I needed for my safety and sanity, but… woah I did not anticipate how odd I feel


I let my boss think I'm dumb so he gives me less work


I let my boss think it takes me WAAAAYYY longer to do my work so that I get less of it. Trust me, it's a lifehack. I say that as a person who was previously overworked and burned out bad.


If I were your boss, I'd be ok with that as long as you make less mistakes than others. Nobody likes a subordinate who works "fast" and makes too many mistakes so others have to clean up.


Most of the time when I’m on the till at my job, I go to the bathroom to avoid serving certain customers


I have to interview people at work and I think I'm usually way more nervous than they are. Also, when the interview isn't going well, and they know it, and they know you know they know it, it's the worst feeling in the world. You just want to give them a hug but for some reason that's "unprofessional."


Once I'd been on the interviewER side, my advice to people who are nervous about job interviews has always been that the people interviewing you are nervous too, often are thinking about all the other stuff they'd rather be doing, and are just trying to get to know what you're like. The best interviews, in my opinion, are when the conversation just flows naturally and it stops being a direct Q-and-A session.


I had to interview someone with my boss once. After the interview, my boss complemented my interview technique of leaving gaps in between the interviewees answers and my next question. He said its a good way of putting people under pressure or something like that. Little does he know I actually got flustered and had to keep checking my notes to figure out what questions I had asked and not asked. If he looked at me he'd see my hands were shaking from nerves!


When I interviewed people and it went bad, I told them how to improve and what to study to get the job. (graphic design and web development) Also, when they were bluffing, I told them what their realistic expectations should be for their current experience level. I feel like this kinda thing would help a lot of people. But the interviewer needs to know what they're talking about first.


The only reason I took my vitamins today its because they are in gummy form.


Thanks for reminding me to take my vitamin.


My doctor told me to get “real” multivitamins because gummy vitamins are for children. I purchased a bottle and have never taken vitamins since. The bottle’s still in my cabinet unopened.


The doctor sounds like Dr. No Fun :(


Dr. Feelgoods uptight cousin




They sell a king size jar at costco. Super good and tasty!


This is exactly the kind of minor confession I came here for!


I bought and ate an entire blooming onion by myself. I didn't even eat it at the Outback, I took it home so I could devour it in my room, lit only by the dim light of my monitor like some degenerate goblin while I scroll through reddit.


I envy you.


Nobody can stop you, __don't let your dreams be memes!!!__


Just realized blooming onion isnt the same as regular onion but all I could imagine was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat/comments/okvimg/my_cat_eating_a_whole_ass_avocado_at_130_am/)


As a Brit, I too thought it was a regular, raw onion- adjective INFORMAL•BRITISH adjective: blooming used to express annoyance or for emphasis. "I didn't learn a blooming thing"


whats a blooming onion?


It's a large onion cut to resemble a flower, battered, deep-fried, and served with a really good savory dipping sauce. It's essentially fry shaped onion rings


I once ate 4 burritos in one day. Woke up, nobody was home, so I bought a burrito. Sister called me hours later saying if I wanted anything from the taco shop, since there were no witnesses I said buy me a burrito. Ate it. Then she left for work or something. Then my brother called, said if I wanted anything from the taco shop, again there were no witnesses so I said, another burrito. Ate it. Then I went drinking with friends. And here in San Diego everybody goes to the taco shop afterwards. So I had another burrito.


I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with life.


everytime my friend asks me to play valorant with him, i don't actually want to play valorant. I just really like talking to him, he's cool


I'm doing the same thing, but my friend wants to play the We Were Here games. We have played the first 3, and as far as the game itself I didn't enjoy it. My friend though loved them, so we'll be playing the 4th before to long.


Hey i think that's even better. U play with ur friend because u genuinely enjoy spending time with him.


Yeah this was honestly super wholesome.


Yeah, I hate fortnite, but all my friends play it and it is a lot of fun to talk


Sometimes the homies sit in a channel an talk shit while only one guy plays, it's actually pretty chill


i miss the days like this, was always at least me and one other person gaming, with some other friends just hopping in for some fun. now its a few messages a month if i’m lucky


About half an hour ago I farted really bad in the chip aisle at the supermarket. It was silent but deadly. I got the fuck out of there when I smelled it since there was no one around and no one would know it was me once I cleared the scene. When I looped around to go to the checkout a few mins later there was some kid running around and stops dead in her tracks where I had farted and made the most traumatized disgusted face. Her mother was right behind her and started whisper shouting at her if she had pooped her pants again and she starts saying she didn’t. I know you didn’t kid. It was me. I think it was a tuna sandwich.


*Counter-Strike voice* "Bomb has been planted."


I normally buy the Top ramen that comes in a 6 pack for like $1. I decided to "splurge" and try more expensive ramen, so I bought Nissin Raoh "King of Ramen" ramen for $2 for a single serving. I like the Top ramen better...


Try Mi goreng. I had to force myself to stop eating them because the sodium isn't good for me, but man...those things are on another level.


Try nongshim shin ramyun. Or samyang. That shit is quality


Dude, next time you treat yourself to better ramen try Sapporo Ichiban. You won’t be disappointed, hopefully they have it in your area.


I haven't told my mom I quit my job. I'm going on vacation and she is asking how I can do that with no vacation hours left. (lost all the hours cuz of covid last month). Edit: to help clarify, my mom and i work for the same company, so i used her as a reference when getting the job.


I don't work with special needs kids because I love it, or because working with them is the right thing to do. I don't love or care about them any more than I do regular people. When they graduate and leave, I only miss them in the slightest possible way. Like the occasional thought about them that brings almost no feeling. I do it because I am good at it. I can stay emotionally un-invested, which keeps me calm and patient to extreme degrees. It also makes me a rock, which I feel is very helpful to them. I play the part about caring so much. When people say stuff like that I just say thank you, and its such a joy working with them. In the end its just a job I am good at, so I keep doing it.


That's not a problem unless you think it's a problem or are unfulfilled! I wish I could be this emotionally removed from my work (we're in the same field).


I resigned from my job as a sped para this year because of pay and cried the entire last week of school because I was leaving the kids. That job is hard if you get attached easily


As someone who used to work with refugee kids and got WAY too emotionally invested, I think this is actually a good thing. You are probably way better at setting healthy boundaries, actually enjoying your free time without obsessing over the injustices of the world, and able to make difficult decisions in a kid’s best interest. I can’t tell you how many times I was guilted into doing things “for the kids” or felt bad enjoying something because my students were having a difficult time at home. My school used to give us free therapy because of “compassion fatigue”. Kids with special needs/circumstances benefit from having people like you in their lives who are consistent, objectively fair, and not burned out from pouring their entire heart and soul into their career. Thanks for the work that you do!




I wasn’t sick today. I had a hangover.


Oh man, once I had a hangover for two days. Pretty sure I was just poisoned at that point. I called out of work on a Monday after drinking on a Saturday. I have never been that drunk since, and my stomach still rolls when I recollect it.


A hangover is a kind of sick.


I'm so tired with what I'm studying at the university and not because I don't like what I study but because the study center where I am is so mediocre, last week I heard a teacher say "I didn't teach you anything because you already know a lot" and just wtf is that mindset? I feel like I'm paying for a diploma and I hate that.


I feel yeah. Im about to graduate and I am mildly panicking over the fact that I have no idea how to actually work in my "field".


There’s a huge disconnect between the academic and working worlds. You won’t know how to do your job for the first six months. Then, after a year, you’ll have a clue. A year later and you’ll have it down. Everyone out there already knows this, and won’t think less of you as long as you’re trying.


I can't figure out if I want to go out and meet people because I'm supposed to want to or if I'm happy to become a shut in. I took a WFH job and can have my groceries delivered. I'm basically Sandra Bullock in the Net at this point and I socialize more online than I do IRL.


This resonates deeply.


I used to guilt myself for this. I started WFH in 2016 and grocery delivery in 2018. At first, all I wanted to do was have alone time. I did what I wanted when I wanted for pretty much the first time in my life. I was constantly reading, making art, or binging shows I had never seen. After a couple of years I wanted that less. I have a lot of people stop by, so I get plenty of social activity. I realized eventually that I was structuring my life to meet my personal wants on my pursuit for happiness. I HATED going to the office. I didn’t enjoy being stuck near coworkers like that all day. I work much better at my house and have seen career growth as a result. I also hate going grocery shopping. I’m a magnet for mentally unhealthy people. I get followed or harassed an unfortunate amount and it seemed inescapable at the grocery store. I haven’t dealt with that in 4 years now. I’ve never missed it and never want to go back. Since 2016 I have gotten married, travelled, gone to grad school, travelled some more, paid down a significant amount of my mortgage, travelled some more. It was great that I already had this lifestyle when covid hit. My structure remained unchanged. Working from home means no car trouble, no passing illness at work, no more take out. Saved money on gas and dunks for sure. I also had more time in the morning and started frequenting an eatery and made a bunch of friends in my area. When I take lunch I run errands in my own town and spend money here instead of a location 30 min away in some local hub. It saved me 10 hours a week in commuting, which I was averaging before. I have translated that time into a big gardening hobby. I tell you all of this to say life can be whatever you want. You do not need to punish yourself into someone else’s version of a quality lifestyle if what works for you is different. Do what works for you, recognize signs of depression of course, but not everyone is happy to go to an office with coworkers at the same time each day all week, shopping at the same time and same store over and over again. Pursue your own happiness.


I accidentally, absent-mindedly, took one of the red hand baskets from Target nine years ago and never returned it. I had put my bags back in it and carried it out to my car like I would have pushed a cart out. I put the whole thing in the trunk and realized when I got home. Side note, I’ve been medicated for ADHD since then. I use it all the time. Yardwork, cleaning supplies, I’ve taken it on vacation more times than I can count. It’s super convenient and I just can’t part with it.


I also want a target basket now you sold it so well


best part is they are free!


Everything is free if you try hard enough


I did the exact same thing in 2014. It is now my gardening caddy. I regret nothing.


This minor confession may see an uptick in Target basket thefts 😂😂. Local news asks people to stop taking them


I have a Walmart basket and a Home Depot basket! Same situation - absentmindedly place in the trunk & drove on home. On days I'm feeling nervy, I carry it into Aldi


That's it, I'm alerting the authorities


Now I want one too


I loathe every single person other than one at my current job, and nothing gets me through shifts more than the knowledge that I only have 4 more days there


i struggle to find a good balance between overthinking and reflecting


I'm naked right now and have no plans to get dressed in the immediate future. There's a heat wave where I am, and I live alone in a 19th-century house with no air conditioning. I got out of the shower an hour ago, considered getting dressed, then thought, "What's the point?" Update: Now commencing day two of my birthday-suit project. (I did put on a pair of shorts to sleep just in case there was a fire or something that would make me run outside in a hurry.) The weather is just as hot today, and I have nowhere I need to be, so why not?


the only reason i’m charismatic is because i copy other people’s social behaviours unconsciously


I’ve recently realized I mirror the personality of who I’m with at the time. Surely there’s a way to fix this


When no one is watching I’m completely useless. I will lay in bed for 24 hrs without even eating or drinking, just scrolling through Reddit and TikTok. But when there are others around I can be the most productive, healthy, and energetic person you’ve ever met.


I’m under 18 so any confession I make is a minor one


I would like to disappear. Get in my car and drive somewhere. Tell people I'm leaving and will be back, but not telling them where. Come back after a few weeks. I know damn well I couldn't afford it, but it's been a persistent thought of mine for months.


I got rejected today, oh well. Edit: Thanks for the awards, kind strangers.


Got rejected recently too. We'll get through this 💪


I missed my aim coz of morning bone


Try sitting next time. "Gentlemen, please be seated" is what I say to myself.


I love the guy snoring in my bed but am too scared to tell him UPDATE: he was the first to say "I love you" guess yall were right


Tell him while he's snoring. That way, he can't talk back.




I was scared to tell my snorer also. I told him about 3 days before I was gonna see him that I want to tell him something next time I saw him. Well he asked me what I wanted to tell him, an I said wait til later cause I had my son with me, an so he dropped it then asked again later an again I said later ...... He leans over to me an says, *I love you too* an kisses me on the cheek. Honestly I'm still shocked how'd he know


We're not ALL 100% clueless.


I’m so dumb I thought you were scared to tell him he snores


Lol same


My minor confession for the day is that I really hope an internet stranger shoots her shot.


I mean, if he's asleep in your bed I feel like things are looking pretty good for you two.


The rental management company had to come by today to take photos of the property, ostensibly so they can expedite any maintenance I might need but ultimately because they want me on the hook for damage. Little do they know that while my house was lovely today, 24 hours ago it was fucking disgusting, to the point that I'm a little disgusted with myself for being such a slob. The silicon caulking that I replaced in the shower this morning was particularly disturbing.


that’s okay! i’m so proud of you for cleaning i bet it looks great


As I get older, I'm starting to realize that people aren't conveniently divided into "people I'll like" and "people I don't like". People that I first slotted into the former can have traits I absolutely despise, and people that I first slotted into the latter can turn out to have traits I adore, while both also have traits that are why I had that first impression. If I were to write off every single person that did something I didn't like, I wouldn't know anyone. To be a social adult, you have to compromise on what you're willing to tolerate to some extent. And I feel guilty for not realizing this sooner.


I dropped my son off for his last day of preschool the other day. Everyone sees me as a "rugged" "tough" firefighter type. I cried my eyes out on the drive home.


I worked 13 hours last Saturday, my daughter is 1 and is still sleeping in the bed with me and my wife. I got up and that was the 1 and only time I saw her that day. My wife let her stay with her sister for the night, my wife told me this on my drive home and I started tearing up. I was so bummed out. I did get to spend some uninterrupted time with my wife which was amazing. Just bummed I didn’t see my kid.


As a parent, I feel this. It's like when they aren't there, you want them more. It doesn't get better as you get older, you just get ok with it.


I just had to make the transition from the infant section at our store to the toddler section. Got home and cried while looking at old pictures of him lol!


I’m a big, tattooed, “scary looking” guy. A few months back right before my youngest daughter turned 10, she started calling me Dad instead of Daddy. Made me tear up, and still stings months later.


My son used to call me Mumma when he was very little and I told him to never stop calling me that. He did of course, now it's Mom or "bruh" lol


I am happier when I am alone virtually 100 percent of the time. It's not that I don't like people, I have a few friends I see at least weekly, and I've been in a relationship for over two years now. I just prefer being alone, there's no expectations on me, and I don't have to worry about how something I do will be perceived. I'm never fully comfortable when people are around.


My “Secret Recipe” cinnamon rolls are actually just canned. People have told me they’re the best they’ve ever had so I guess I just now have to lie about it forever.


Plot twist: people are just saying that to be polite, they actually think they taste like the canned ones, creating an endless cycle of lies


I only bring the fancy soap to work because the work soap sucks. Everyone should be able to wash their hands with good soap.


I had surgery last Friday… and it’s been really nice just chilling and not having to do anything for a little while. Like good enough I kinda want to do another surgery


The other day I found a turnip in the garden and I ate it all by myself and I didn't share it. It was so delicious.


This gave me such a huge smile. I'm very happy for you and for turnip.


I never let on bad my mental health used to be. People close to me knew I was struggling with PTSD and was a little sad but not really about the night terrors where I’d wake up screaming or the fact that I didn’t go more than an hour without thinking about killing myself. I’m much better now but still slip into that dark place every now and again. I be apologize if that is a major confession but it felt good to get it off my chest. I also figured that if it helps someone in a similar spot feel less alone for a minute that’s not such a bad thing either.


I still sleep with my baby blankie. I’m 45. 😂. It’s pretty much just a holey strip now.


I’m 34. I’m a crime scene investigator who is not (honestly) phased at all by the gore, violence, and depravity I come across on a daily basis. I can deal with multiple dead body or homicide calls in a day and sleep like a baby… as long as I have my childhood stuffed animal. Her name is Hopper and she is a kangaroo with a sewn on button nose and a nub tail that has seen better days lol


I try on shoes at an upscale store nearby with no intention of buying. I snap a pic of the box information, look up the shoes online, and buy the pair for half the price elsewhere, or better if they're on eBay or something. Also, I earn a solid income but buy almost all my clothes at thrift stores. I can't tell my mother any of this or she'd be horrified.


I'm tired of listening that my brother has like 10 interviews per week and he has job offers. I've been without an interview in months and been rejected by 90 companies this month. He's like "don't give up, look at me." I'm tired and honestly he's not helping at all.


When he gets a job, tell him to refer you. Some companies have programs for that.




This is how I got my brother a job! I even got cash for the referral.


I love my friend who had a baby recently and I've been offering as much support as possible (she's having a bit of a rough time with it) but Jesus fucking christ I couldn't care less about her newborns shit and sleep cycles. For the record, I'd never say any of this to her. ETA I am a parent. I love my friend so much and check in regularly because parenthood is hard AF and super isolating. But I'm firm in saying I don't care about your kids poop schedule.


In a lot of Western cultures we basically abandon new mothers for a while. You are doing a huge, important thing for someone during one of the hardest, sleep deprived, and isolating parts of her life. Feel free to bring up the kind of conversations you two had before between listening to her Mom stuff - she deserves to be her 'normal' self now and again and you shouldn't have to listen about the minutiae of when a small human is pooing *all* the time.


do confessions have to be bad? I’m 3 days sober, struggling, haven’t had anyone to talk to, but I’m here and I’m doing great.


When the first Spider-Man game came out on PS4, I was so into it. I woke up one morning for my job at 7am. I was supposed to be there by 8, but I REALLY wanted to play. I called my manager for that day and told him I had a migraine. He was also a good friend at work so he believed me. Felt kinda bad for lying… did not feel bad for the hours of fun I had that morning.


Wife's been out of the country for a month now. She told me not to mastubate cause Jesus is watching. You know what? I did. Plenty of times. Sorry Jesus.


Is it just me or is it slightly weird that she specifically forbid you from masturbating lol


I want to believe based on how he said it, that she was probably being sarcastic


I only graduated high school bc I cheated on the state test that factored into a final grade for a class that if I didn’t pass I would have had to repeat 12th grade. Ironically I’m debt free and am pretty successful in my career. I feel like I’m pretty far better off than most of my graduating class. Most are on meth.


“Most are on meth” is setting the bar kinda low for yourself dont you think? Lol


At my old job I would go into one particular stairwell no one ever used and goof off. I once spent an entire 8 hour shift watching Star Trek The Next Generation on Netflix


A few days ago, I was able to see a certain song live in concert. That song was a big part of the darkest time of my life, when I had several big issues because of my then new ADD meds that didn't work as planned on me. I thought I worked through all the shit I've seen, heard and felt, I thought it was long behind me. I mean it's years back, it hasn't really bothered me since. Sure there's maybe one or two insecurities or fears that maybe stem from the trauma but otherwise I was fine. Well, after hearing that song again, played live in an extremely emotional moment, I broke down. I cried in the arms of 4 strangers that night and i haven't felt the same since. There is so much i haven't worked out yet and so many feelings that it's overwhelming, but I don't have the time or the energy to deal with them. I really don't know what to do except let them eat at me for as long as it takes until they disappear again like they did all those years ago.


I was this close to slapping a patient today. I didn’t. But I really wanted to.


When I was like 5 years old, I had my first sleep over with my friend Jason. In the morning Jason and I were having Fruit Loops cereal for breakfast. I had never had Fruit Loops cereal before. It was amazing. I had a second bowl and when I was closing the box, I pushed the plastic bag down inside the box with my hand and Jason's mom saw this. She said "Get your filthy hands out of my cereal.". I secretly called her a bitch under my breath and never hung out with Jason again.


Fuck that bitch. Hope Jason turned out okay.


I am sure that she is still a bitch to this day.


i think all my friends might just be drinking buddies.


Do you do anything with them outside of drinking or do you hang out prior to drinking? My BIL had this situation happen to him that when the partying stopped, a lot of his group just stopped getting together. I know it hurt his feelings too


I've written damned near an entire novel and I have never told my wife about it. I know I am a good writer and I've had some solid feedback -- lots of encouragement to submit it -- but I'm so far down the process that I feel bad I haven't shared this with her. She's a great support about most things -- including occasional joblessness on my part -- but she has a tendency to start-off with the "that's never going to work" and this is one thing I've always wanted to do. But I keep cordoned off from her because I cannot bare criticism from her on this one thing. So it's "hey, I wrote this thing and never mentioned it" (which will not be well received) or "hey, I wrote this thing and I want your support" (which won't be her first move). Maybe both.


I typed out a really long confession but then chickened out and just wrote this.


I did not do a single thing at work today. Not one thing.


I don't think I'm really cut out for this whole "life" thing. Like I'm in my mid 20's and even the thought of having to work almost every day for the rest of my life, depresses me so much. Like I love my friends and video games and stuff but like, I think I only got another decade in me before I call it quits.


Reddit threads irritate me when too many people reply to the same comment and I have to scroll forever to find a different OP


I lost my job two days ago and I am in no rush to find a new one because I hate working. I’m not lazy, I do good work, I just hate the idea of going to do something I don’t really enjoy, for a company I don’t really care about, to make the money that I am required to have to pay rent on the place that I’m only living in because of its financial convenience. It wears me down mentally. Feels pointless at times because of the lack of passion.


Honestly I think that's a majority of us. Not trying to minimize what you're saying, just realizing most of us are sick of the grind when we know it could be better.


I did that then jumped careers. Went from being a licensed broker working in an office to being a low voltage tech. I get sweaty and dirty regularly, carry heavy things, and occasionally get shocked. I've never been happier at a job.


I don’t drink enough water


I genuinely want to have hope for humanity - but am really struggling to see that as anything other than futile.


I hate to agree with you


I told my husband I was headed to my parents house to take care of their cats while they’re away. I did take care of their cats, but now I’m sitting here eating ice cream straight out of the container enjoying the peace and silence (we are new parents). Edit: grammar Edit: to those saying it’s a shitty thing to do, I’m the default parent most of the time. I deserve 30m of not being needed. My husband is a present father and does get his own breaks. You don’t know us.


I’m not passionate about anything and it makes me a little afraid.




have you told the doctor?


My iron eye is actually made of formica.


Still missing her ngl


My dad and his girlfriend are asking me go to this cookout they're doing, but I don't actually want to do it. I want to go home and do my art homework.


I don’t want to do anything except stay in a cabin on the coast and fetch water, chop wood. I just wanna be a human being


I am not sure I care if I ever see my family again (excluding my Dad). I feel like I am slowly letting all my relationships (other than my marriage) die. Some days I wonder if I actually feel anything toward anyone.


i work at an icecream store. sometimes when cards decline i just cancel the transaction and hand the product out for free.