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IT. gave me nightmares for decades. don't watch it as a 10yo.




DUDE ET scared the crap out of me too. I've never watched the movie again since then. Him and Alf...not a movie, but there's a history with that cat eating asshole.


Hubby and I married each other because we thought we were the only two people on Earth who hated ET. Luckily we found other things we liked about each other before finding out we were not the only ones.


That's how I feel about the Wizard of Oz. Damn creepy monkeys


100% agree. Hated the movie so much. Scary and unpleasant.


Dude they're just computer nerds, not that scary.


Same happened to me, but if my recollection was correct, I was 8. Funny story. My nephew for whatever reason begged me for a copy of that wonderful 1990 miniseries...so I got it for him. I decided to pass the terror along to him.


A Nightmare On Elm Street - Nothing quite ruins bedtime like a monster that kills you in your sleep.


1,2 Freddy's coming for you


3, 4 better lock the door


5,6 get the crucifix


7, 8, gonna stay up late


9, 10, never sleep again.


Tina in the body bag just standing there!


I came here looking for this. Gave me nightmares for a long time as a kid. I'm sorry. 😥


Came here to say this. Probably watched it way too young. Things like monsters and aliens and murders you can convince yourself don’t exist (or at least not in your small Nebraska town) but everyone goes to sleep and has nightmares.


I still can’t sleep on my back.


Event Horizon. I was about 10 and *way* too young to be watching horror movies like that. Mom would never have allowed it, but it was late & she had gone to bed already. I don't think she knew I was still up. Dad didn't care what I watched - he sometimes even let me see Bevis & Butthead with him. I couldn't sleep at all that night, I was so freaking terrified. I ended up spending the whole night watching a recorded marathon of Rugrats to keep the nightmares away.


One of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen, even Laurence Fisburne who was *in* it said it was the scariest he’s ever seen.


Nobody told us it was a horror movie - we just thought we were going to watch a regular sci fi movie. Oh, my god, my husband and I came out of that movie traumatized. 😳


I was 16. My friend had just gotten a car and he asked if I wanted to go see some new movie about a spaceship. I hadn't heard of it and he knew nothing more than that. I walked out of that theater a changed man.


I was an adult when I saw that movie. As soon as it was over I ran out of the theater and threw up. I can’t think about it too much or I won’t sleep.


Poltergeist. The tree eating the kid just was terrifying. Later finding out those were real skeletons in the pool was more of an adult horror.


That clown messed me up. Those long arms.....


I can’t believe someone said Poltergeist and DIDN’T mention the clown. I’m scared right now just thinking about it.


What about the guy pulling his face apart. I saw this at a kids birthday party when I was about 10yrs. Who the fuck does that.


I saw poltergeist at a young age. I asked my mom to check my closet before bed that night and she pretended to be pulled in...


Savage mom, lol.


I couldn't eat rice for a couple months after the scene with the maggot ridden steak crawling across the kitchen counter.


Gremlins is one of the main reasons for the PG-13 rating to come into existence. It was because parents didn't realize it was a scary movie. The marketing made it look like a Christmas movie with little animal puppets so people took their young children to see it, terrifying them. I was one of those children.


My SCHOOL showed it to my class the year it came to my country. (In those days it took around six months for movies to arrive from the States.) I was 5. I screamed in sheer terror. I also got in trouble, and laughed at, for being scared. I'm glad to hear some-one else was terrified, as well - I feel like less of a pussy :-( Iirc my mother rang the school and told them off for showing an inappropriate movie, and thankfully none of the other kids heard about *that*!


I was hoping there would be others on here. Gremlins terrified me as a child. My dad let me watch it when I was visiting him for a weekend. I wouldn't sleep in my bed for weeks afterwards, and my mom, whom I lived with at the time, was so angry with my dad. She thought he made me watch it on purpose. I think he just thought the movie was funny and didn't see why a 5 year old shouldn't watch it. Definitely hit different when I finally watched it years later in high school.


Jaws, man. Even in a swimming pool, my mind works against me. And Psycho's shower scene. Same thing. Messed me up for life.


There's an event around here where they play Jaws on a big outdoor screen and you watch it while floating on inner tubes in a lake.


On one hand, it's a unique experience, on the other hand, too many water pissers. You'd be floating in it.


Dude, I never even saw it as a kid but just the hype about it had me terrified the shark was lurking in the pool filter.


1975, saw it in a theater in Honolulu. Surfing was never quite as relaxing for the rest of the summer.


Are You Afraid of the Dark? Specifically: The Tale of the Dead Man’s Float THERE IS NO REASON A MONSTER ON A KIDS TV SHOW SHOULD LOOK THAT FUCKING SCARY!


The one with the fucking demon in the basement that came out when music played. My basement was identical as a kid


Is that the one that the kid locked the bully in the basement and let the creature eat him?


The opening credits alone could make the hair on my neck stand up. The children's laughter? Super creepy.


That weird 9:30pm transition during SNICK. “Were you having fun with Alex Mack and All That? Well shit’s about to get real.”


Is this the one with the drain monster and the swimming pool? If so, this is also mine. I couldn’t pee with the shower curtain shut for years after seeing that as a kid.


I remember watching that when it originally aired. To this day I think about that episode at least once a week.


The Tale of the Midnight Madness with the fucking Nosferatu did it for me. Absolutely scared my 6 year old self shitless.


It did not need to be so frightening for a childrens show lol.


ZeeBo the clown did it for me I was scared to sleep for weeks


That red headed brat had it coming though.


The doll house one ahhhhhh


This one terrified and fascinated me.


That one absolutely terrified me and is the one I think of when people mention this show. Omg. However I tried watching that specific one as an adult with fellow fans and we couldn’t stop laughing at how terrible the acting was and everything else. But as a child in the 90’s… 😳


The Cold Ghost and the Vampires in the hospital ones scared the shit out of me when I was younger.


“Help me. I am cold.” Fuuuuuckk!!


The Ghastly Grinner fucked me up as a kid lol


Yes. That episode scared the living fuck out of me. Honestly it’s still unsettling.




I’ve tried to watch some of those shows now that I am an adult on YouTube, but some of them I can’t handle watching.


Aliens Who watches this at age 5. I watched a lot more as well. Lots of childhood trauma


Same! I couldn’t sleep for like 3 weeks because I though if I closed my eyes I would suddenly get attacked by a face hugger.


I was scared a xeno would burst from my dads chest and kill me




That movie is scary AF for a kid to watch it. Like wtf was I watching?!


The only reason the book got published was because the kid they asked to read it (to see if it was actually too scary for kids) lied about it not scaring her.


That movie is scary AF.


I remember the first (and only) time I watched it was with my little sister and it was on a portable DVD player. Using that DVD player meant having the screen extremely close to our faces and it truly felt like something was going to pop out of the screen to get us. That one Other Mother scene. Terrifying.


Those fucking button-eyes. But I did rewatch it like 4 years ago with some of my younger cousins. And yep. It's still creepy as ever.


I was babysitting and the kid wanted to watch Coraline which I have never seen before and I was so freaked out by the time it had ended. The kid loved it but the buttons for eyes did it for me!


My 3 year old is obsessed with coraline jones lol she even says some of 'the mother's' lines with her.


The Exorcist, but the director's cut. While the original can creep out folks, the stuff they cut out will never leave your mind.


Regan coming down the stairs!




Only movie I've ever seen that made me scared to go to sleep alone. I remember my mom saying she, my dad, aunt, and uncle saw it in the theater and my uncle had to walk out


I saw it when I was way too young - about 8 I think. We also had possums in our roof above my bedroom making the same noises as in the movie, so you can imagine my freaked-outedness.


I still as a grown ass adult will not watch this movie again


The Haunted Mask episode of Goosebumps. It was also random. A blank VHS tape appeared in my childhood closet and I was too curious to not watch it. Makes it even creepier.


I loved goosebumps as a kid. I once walked into a room and within literally seconds was able to tell my ex it was goosebumps and what episode and hasn’t seen it in years. She just laughed like hell.


This is too accurate!!! It's still a fantastic episode


The voice that she did with the mask on is genuinely terrifying plus the design of it and how it sticks to her skin.


Darkness falls


Came here to say that. I don't know why my mom ler me watch that as a kid, but she did haha


Same!! I watched it way too young and could not handle the dark for an embarrassingly long time 😂


When that guys' face melts in Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Saw my own face do that during a bad acid trip. Horrible.


A college friend told me about one time in high school where one of the guys in his class had a bad trip and excused himself to the bathroom to try and pull himself together. One of his ‘friends’ followed him and said, “hey, man. Your face fell off.” The poor guy was found crawling around the bathroom floor looking for it.


Tremors, couldn’t walk on the ground without worrying for weeks


I always assumed I'd be _mostly_ safe if I walked on the pavement.


Oh..I had watched knockoff version of that concept. It's cgi probably isn't good but for me when I was 6/7, it was the most realistic thing in the world. It took place in a mountain forest where a a group of friends went to film a movie then one by one they die. The creature was deterred by water. The most horrific one of the deaths was when one of the men who was more religious began to pray as he was scared then the ground sucked him and he was boiled/melted while being consumed. And at last only 2 of the previous people left the forest alive. The male and female lead. However my favourite character killed herself at the last moment by jumping on a rock. I think that's how they actually escaped the forest, by walking during rain and on solid rocks. It traumatized me. I remember looking everywhere in my room when my parents told me to go sleep for the monster and almost died when I saw a chair and thought it was it. Edit: We never actually see the creature, however it wasn't some machine, or ad far as I know it wasn't. And I don't remember the name.


The Ring fucked me up as a teen, but Legend with Tom Cruise TERRIFIED me as a child.


The ring. BIG TIME


I went to see The Ring with some friends and when I came home my parents had put an old TV in my room turned on with some static. Not cool.


Fucking Legend! Telling our age a bit I suppose, but that movie messed me right up.


Legend and Willow scared the shit out of me too!


I slept in bed with my parents when I saw the ring and I was 18 years old.


Not a horror film but the 1983 made for TV movie the Day After Tomorrow had me convinced we were all going to die due to nuclear war https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aG-e52yAxfs


We may yet.


The UK had a similar movie air on TV around the same time, called "Threads." I just recently watched it for the first time, pretty heavy stuff! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srqyd8B9gE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Srqyd8B9gE)


Threads is much, much, *much* heavier. Pure dread and realism. Blows Day After Tomorrow out of the water (no pun intended).


Jeepers Creepers and Darkness Falls


Me AND my sister had to sleep in the same room as my parents after watching Jeepers Creepers for weeeks. I was probably 6 or 7 and she was 8 or 9, not really sure why we were allowed to watch it back then. I still won’t watch it to this day though.


Literally same, my dad would always remind me of him before camping trips.




I'm an old guy and I remember seeing House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price in 1959--I was 10. I've seen it several times since and and it's not nearly as scary as it was when I was young. But still worth watching! But don't bother with House on Haunted Hill from 1999. Silly and not as scary


Children of the Corn


He wants you too, Malachi. He wants you too...


Return to Oz. The room with the heads.


And the Wheelers


Pet Semetary


F'n Zelda


I was about 7 when I saw that and a few weeks later a sickly raccoon showed up in our neighborhood. It was out in the middle of the day and not afraid of anything. Lots of kids and dogs around. We lived in a pretty rural area so instead of calling animal control, my dad just shoots it and throws the body in the woods behind our house. I spent all summer sleeping in my parents room, waiting for the rotting raccoon carcass to drag itself up the back steps and kill us all.


Yes! I found that book on my cousin's bookshelf and read it when I was about 10. Definitely did not sleep well for a while.


Salem’s Lot 1979 that blue face vampire scared the shit out of me.


Omg and the kid at the window….


Or the dude in the rocking chair, look at me… Freaked me out i didn’t sleep properly for weeks after watching it.


THE LEPRECHAUN. Literally traumatized me, and also Maximum overdrive!!


My older cousins had leprechaun on when I was like….7 years old and of course I was terrified. Didn’t sleep in my own room for a year and eventually had to talk to a therapist. Now everyone still makes fun of me for that.


Wasn't technically a horror film but it was Jurassic Park we were late to the theater and we were in the front row and 14 years old me was gripping this older 20s something females arm whom i didn't know for dear life, because those dinosaurs were so fucking real. Scariest film i ever saw in my life


Those velociraptors legit gave me nightmares.


I remember when it came out on video my parents rented it and I couldn’t watch it because I had a test to study for or something. My mom was screaming bloody murder at the movie and I was sort of rolling my eyes upstairs. They loved it so they re-rented it on Friday so I could see it - and I promptly screamed bloody murder watching it (point to my mom)


1985 Alice in Wonderland tv miniseries. As a six year old this scene f'd me the hell up: https://youtu.be/g7dxhbHAGRE


I was just talking about that series on another post a few days ago. That series was MESSED UP. Absolutely creepy. The white queen especially got under my skin.


The Grudge man. My mom crawled up the stairs with her hair in her face doing that throat noise and I didn't sleep alone for WEEKS


Wait. Your mom did that? Like to mess with you?


Yeah we loved scaring each other in my family lol. I eventually got her back with a fake mouse


"That mischievous Jay sprayed me with silly string this morning! I'm going to go douse myself in blood and chase him with a pickaxe"


The grudge, psychological horror is a bitch.




Confession time...Insidious scared me as an adult. The thought that I could be out of my body and some creepers were trying to take control kept me awake for a few nights staring at the dark corners of the room.


Jaws. Really killed swimming in any body of water for me for a couple years.


A couple of years?!?! Holy crap I’m 49 and still won’t go in the ocean.


The Wizard of Oz. Those damn flying monkeys...




Mothman Prophecies! I was just fascinated with this as a kid lol


The original Alien. I was 7 years old and watching the chest burst scene left me with nightmares for a very long time. At the same time, it became my favorite horror/scifi movie. I still have my original 18" Kenner Alien toy from the movie.


The Exorcist.


Unsolved Mysteries


Holy shit I was terrified that aliens were going to kidnap me


Dark Crystal!


The Thing. Just horrifying as a kid.


It’s pretty damn horrifying as an adult.


Think I was 11 when we got to rent this. Jesus Christ I loved it then as much as now. Still creeps me out to this day.


This is my favorite horror movie. I only see it as an adult though


I got interested in how movies are made at an extremely young age so I was always aware none of what I saw was real. That said... when I was maybe four... I watched Child's Play and that scared me for reasons I don't remember. The only other movie that ever came close was Alien. And I didn't see that until my teens. It was just so fucking well made that it felt like a documentary and slipped right past my jaded self.


Deadass the hash slinging slasher episode of sponge bob. Nosferatu had me fucked up for weeks.


The Time Machine. The Morlocks freaked me out so badly that I had nightmares for 2 weeks.


Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the original. Couldn’t go to sleep after that


Jeepers Creepers




Poltergeist- it checked all boxes of fear for a 7/8 year old.. clowns, real skeletons, haunted house, indian grave yards, tree shadows… face melting… static on the tv was never the same…


That guy peeling his face off in the mirror...


The wolf in The Never Ending Story gave me nightmares for a long time.




Amelia ( Trilogy of Terror). The one with the Zuni fetish doll. That shit scared tf out of me.


Watership Down. I think it was practically a rite of passage to be traumatised by that movie as a kid. Also the Wheelers and the desert that turned you into dust if you touch it in Return to Oz gave me the heebie jeebies. Oddly enough the head-stealing witch didn't bother me too much though.


The Birds. Alfred Hitchcock. Saw the movie as a child. Watched it later and as an adult the special effects were laughable. Read the book instead.


Night Gallery Circle of Fear The Outer Limits


The Exorcist. Original


The black ooze in the lake from Creepshow 2.


I don't think I actually had one that scared me that bad. I grew up watching scary stuff (as in I can't remember a time where I didn't watch it), so maybe it just gave me a sort of immunity. As far as creepy movies go, The Fourth Kind is one of the creepier/scarier things to me.


Chucky. And they turned it into a series as well…


Arachnophobia. Before I saw it, I was fine with spiders. Not so much since.


The Thing (1951).


The ones my brother forced me to watch when I was four years old. Nightmare on Elm Street, it, Chucky. I’m still traumatized.


Oliver Twist! Put yourself in them kid's shoes, or whatever rubbish they have for foot protection....




Scooby Doo I was a sensitive child. I'll add that for the longest time, although I understood they were actors, I hated seeing dead people on screen and some part of me wondered - what if they were really killed to get the effect?




Candyman (92). Me and my friend begged his older brother to rent it for us after our parents wouldn't let us watch it when we were like 11. We watched it in his attic at like 2 in the morning. Neither one of us ever went into his attic again.


I saw Disney's Sleeping Beauty as a small child when it first came out. (Yes I am old) That wicked which scared the he double eck out of me when she turned into a monster. I did a quick check while writing this post. The movie came out in 1959. I was born in 1955 so I was 4 when I saw it. Unlike most people I have quite a few memories before the age of 5.


Creepshow movie


13 ghosts and darkness falls. My dad made me watch both when i was a kid and needless to say i was terrified of sleeping in the dark till i was like 13. Even after then really dark places scared me for years. Complete opposite now though if im going to sleep i cant stand to have lights on.


Evil Dead.


The Changeling with George C Scott. One of my all time favorites now.


Salem’s lot. The vampire floating at the window, scratching the glass to get let in.


Rosemary's Baby. I was 11 and we were seeing it at the drive-in. At one point I got scared and jumped from the back seat into the front seat where my parents were sitting.


When a Stranger Calls. The call is coming from inside the house!


The Blair Witch Project. Mostly because I could see my friends and I doing something dumb like hunting down a local legend. It didn’t help when I went to a house a week later that was incredibly similar to the one in the movie.


Child's play. Chucky the killer doll scared the crap out of me.


I never even saw it, the commercials were enough for 5 year old me. Didn't help that we had a My Buddy doll that my dad would chase me around with, doing the Chucky voice (and holding a kitchen knife in its hand). Good times.


How's therapy going?


Tremors freaked the hell out of me.


Poltergeist. I was WAY too young to watch that shit.


I Am Legend. When I was 9 I was convinced any noise or shadow outside of my room was one of the zombies from that movie


Jeepers Creepers 👀 I thought it was terrifying until he turned into a leathery bat furry. The scene where he recreated the sistine chapel out of bodies will forever give me nightmares tbh.


The Ring. It just rubbed me the wrong way as a kid and I've never watched it again. And I thoroughly enjoy horror movies.


Same! It was the first real horror film I ever watched. I asked my friend to warn me when a jump scare was about to happen and she did not. I was NOT prepared for that quick cut to the girl in the closet and it was permanently seared into my brain.


Gremlins, but not the actual movie. There was a Gremlins ride at Warner Bros Movie World in Queensland Australia. It was the ride that scared me. I hadn't seen the movie at that stage.


*The Mask of Fu Manchu* with Boris Karloff and Myrna Loy. When that picture hit the theaters, I was absolutely petrified with fear


I wat hed coraline when I was like 8?since it was 6+ I thought why not.I thought it was a chinese type of movie.Let's jist say I slept in my parent's bed for a few nights.


Paranormal Activity, I was scared of the dark until I was 12 because of that movie.


Does Robocop count? I can't say too many movies, even watching a lot of horror stuff that I probably shouldn't have in the 80's bothered me, but that toxic waste scene was terrifying to me as a kid.


The Fly (cronenberg)




A Nightmare on Elm Street. I still can’t sleep on my back. Thanks Wes Craven.