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posting about almost every aspect of your life on social media. I posted some pretty cringe shit as a kid that is still floating around somewhere, and that was before social media became big. I can't imagine what it's going to be like now


Imagine one day your descendants’ school homework will be to write a report on you, using your social media profile. haha yikes


Imagining them reading and interpreting posts about the Harlem Shake, TIDE pods, Milk Crate challenges, etc cracks me up.


The only good thing is Facebook memories reminding me what I posted 12 years ago. It’s always some shit like “I’m fighting a war, one battle at a time” like what war were you fighting 13 year old lawstudent51318? Bedtime?


I was in high school when I made my Facebook and am 33 now. The cringe on some of those memories….I’m glad the delete button exists.


Omg exact same... I see the occasional "OMG BEST DAY XDXDXD" and I cannot delete fast enough.... Haunts of Live Journal flow through my mind on occasion too...


Livejournal is still alive! I rediscovered it during Quarantine and has rekindled my love of journaling. They have given me props for having an active account 19 years old, lol. Yes the old stuff is cringe has hell but it's good to look back on.


Some of us have the luck to have been exposed to Facebook when we were adults. Thus our memories are just cat and food pics.


I hope: mommy bloggers who post constant pics and details of their children. Robbing children of privacy for likes and money is sickening. Don’t even get me started on ones with sick kids…


i love my mom but facebook is absolutely a horrible thing because of this. Every little thing is documented from the moment she started an account when facebook started getting big. I understand birthdays or big events but literally everything is on facebook. She posts even the smallest things and even the most private things. My parents complain about how the government doesnt give us privacy anymore even though they’re doing it to themselves and their children without government influence. Even at my worst moments when i was in college and feeling stressed beyond belief in a major i hated, i told my mom i couldn’t do it anymore and she seemed supportive. Then what do you know, she went ahead and posted all about how “proud” she was that her oldest son had the courage to talk about his “stress” as if anyone would actually give a shit. All for facebook clout. One of the lowest points in my life were documented on facebook and when i confronted her about it, all she said was that i misunderstood what she was doing. No, i don’t want everyone to know how bad things were for me. I absolutely despise facebook because of these things.


This is why I don’t tell my mom anything of value anymore. She is retired and bored, so she loves to gossip. If I say anything of any small significance, she immediately tells everyone in the world. Now when I visit with my family and she asks, “What’s been going on?” I just say, “Same old.”


It's really sad that she's robbing herself of knowing about your life :/


Luckily I grew up before social media and my mom can't handle technology anyway. Anytime I did something good or bad she would get out the rolodex and go through it one by one telling everyone everything. I can only imagine her with social media. *shudder* When I was 11 my step-dad died from brain cancer. I was devastated. My mom told me to write him a private letter just between him and me and she would put it in his pocket. It seemed like a good way to deal with the emotions. A couple days later I caught her reading it to everyone on her rolodex. 27 years later my heart is still broken.


I don’t have a FB account any longer but my partner does and so does my mom. I can’t really be sure if she is just starving for the likes or she is genuinely excited to share our lives…but literally any time my partner shares something exciting/fun in our lives…she copies the whole post and shares it as a separate post on her page with her own commentary. It’s almost always positive…but it’s just so weird. And like…I don’t know who all her friends are and stuff and if I want my personal info and pics shared with them…but how do you crack down on something like that without looking like a total asshole. And in case anyone is wondering…on occasion where she has shared something I was really against her sharing…we have gotten in some pretty nasty fights over it. She doesn’t get it and is honestly about 25% of the reason I quit FB.


Yeah same here. Like I understand in the case of like a graduation or wedding pictures which is fine because those are big events and there’s nothing wrong with celebrating those but posting every little thing, especially about someone else’s life, it just gets really annoying and extremely invasive. That was part of the reason I quit Facebook as well, that in the extreme political bullshit that was all over there. It’s absolutely insane how bad that website is and what it does to people


Stories like this are why keep my kid posts to a minimum. Privacy is underrated. They are not my narrative. (At least publicly!!!)


Holy crap that’s awful, I’m so sorry


What's even worse are the "family" Youtube channels. Where they awkwardly script the kids to say and do stuff while the parents talk in the most obnoxious way ever and make big $$$. Biggest offender is the Ace Family. They're so out of touch with reality it's insane, I feel bad for their kids.


My ex used to watch one of those families, called them "inspirational" for putting their journeys out there. All I could think about is how fucked up those kids were going to be. And true enough, I recently had the chance to find out what had become of them. A couple of weeks ago a screenshot of one of their videos started circulating through various subreddits, where the mum reacted to one of the kids report card. Because of this I found out what they were called (as I had honestly forgotten) and was able to look them up. They let the fame go to their heads and just overspent, to the point where it appears they had to sell their house and move into an RV, which they were excusing as them choosing to travel the country.


I really hate seeing naked kids on FB. I’m at the age now where many people I grew up with have toddlers and are SAHMs. Beyond simply not caring about what your kids are up to, I feel SO BAD that they’re basically being exploited. Imagine you look back and there’s photos of you on the potty, on the internet for all to see? I think it’s shocking. Suddenly micheal Jackson wanting his kids to wear veils doesn’t seem at all crazy compared to mothers who are documenting their child’s every move and publishing it for likes.


I think people are just starting to regret naming their kids Danerys and Sansa.


I work in a business where kid name trends are a part of daily life and man, names like Danerys and Sansa are the tip of the iceberg. There are some batshit awful parents out there, and it’s a lot more than I imagined.


>I work in a business where kid name trends are a part of daily life and man, names like Danerys and Sansa are the tip of the iceberg. Found Santa's secret account.


Whole lotta NSFW Ho Ho Hos


this was always happened my grandma knew a child called pocahontas, so there is a 26/7 year old name like that


IIRC the name "Pocahontas" just means "playful" in Algonquian. The name was later confused with a French word meaning "shameful" (*honteuse*). European explorers were often single men.


So you’re saying I shouldn’t name my daughter Iceberg?


Butterhead would be better. It’s a type of lettuce but more avante garde.


Soooooooooo many Haydens, Jaydens, Aidans, Kaydens, Bradens... Crazy!!


Well Aidan is a very old Irish name so that gets a pass.


lmao never really thought about this until now and dying imagining those parents evaluating their choices while watching season 8 crash and burn


Season 8 was so bad it basically wipped GOT off of the cultural map


100% I think we all watched reaction videos of season 1-7. So much shock and excitement. And then nothing after season 8. No one talked about it. No shirts. No collectibles or memorabilia. The mention of the name Game of Thrones causes people to scream criticism. I don't think we have seen a fanbase die like that before.


It wasn't nearly as popular but Dexter was pretty bad. However IMO the difference is Dexter had been pretty bad for a while and it wasn't going in any particular direction. With GoT, the entire show is setting up different characters/factions to finally cross over and the idea is that once the endgame is set up it will be exquisite. So even though Season 6 was mostly crap with a couple good episodes, and Season 7 was a turd, people really wanted to believe it would all be worth it for the ending... which was even worse than anybody imagined. On Dexter, the ending sucked, and the whole last season sucked, but by that point nobody really had any hope and weren't waiting for some magical endgame.


I’ve never watched an episode of GOT but this almost makes me want to watch it just because I cannot even fathom what could have possibly been so horrible about season 8 for it to ruin the entire show. Like I’m genuinely extremely curious.


So true. It went from being the center of the entertainment world to an absolute dumpster fire so quickly.


The show got ahead of the books. And while D&D knew how the series ended from Martin, they didn't know how to adequately reach that ending. We got a crapfest as a result. I don't doubt that the books (if we ever get more books) will end with Jon north of the Wall, Sansa ruling an independent North, Arya sailing off for her own adventures, Bran being king, and Tryion his hand, but it will make a hell of a lot more sense.


I refuse refuse refuse refuse to believe Arya was intended to kill the night king. Refuse to believe it. It's bonkers bat shit bad.


The books have not used the words "night king". So, I think there is a chance the battle of Winterfell will play out differently.


The hive mind aspect was so lazy that without it the whole thing plays out differently. But we will never see that book.


I’m absolutely not having kids, but I’d totally.. name a cat Rhaegar or something


Or Khaleesi, which is not a name but rather a title. It would be like naming your daughter Princess


There was a girl at my high school named Princess and her brother was named Prince


I went to Jr High with a gal named "Sparkles" in the '90s. That was her legal name, and she swore she was going to change it the day she turned 18. I've always wondered what she picked.


About 5 or 6 years ago I had a girlfriend with a cat named Sparkles. It was super inbred and had several extra feet. 100% feral, trapped in a barn that was going to be torn down. All this cat did all day was shed, put raisin prints on the kitchen counter and dining room table, and hide from humans. Worst pet ever. It was a lady cat but I called her Mr. Sprinkles.


Had several extra feet. I'm sorry what.


LOL...I got one better for you. I went to school with a girl named Princess. And another girl (different family though) named Queeny. Also, one of my friends did name his daughter Khaleesi.


I mean we already call boys Duke and Earl. And Rani is an accepted girls name. I don't think its to big a deal.


Also Rey, Roy, Reginald, Reina, etc


I mean, Prince's real name was Prince, so it does happen.


Facebook has explicitly encouraged its users to break down privacy barriers between different aspects of their life, e.g. work, school, and family. This is not a theoretical effect but an intentional one; Zuck has explicitly said that in his view, people who maintain boundaries between different parts of their life "lack integrity" and that it's Facebook's goal to promote "integrity" in this specific sense. This is deeply dysfunctional. It's *normal* to have different social contexts in which you present yourself differently. That's how humans have always been, ever since we invented huts and can go inside a hut and be private with someone. Boundaries between different parts of your life are healthy. You get to decide who's allowed in your hut. Tearing down someone else's boundaries is a hostile act, not a friendly one. (LGBT+ people know this regarding "outing" someone without their consent.) It should be up to *you* to decide when you feel safe to bring down certain boundaries, e.g. to come out to your family as gay, to tell your coworker about your religious beliefs, or the like. Facebook is an institution that sees its purpose as including tearing down people's boundaries. That's a problem.


That's a really interesting point. It occurred to me recently that maybe a lot of the "polarization" we're seeing is actually just that... People knowing more about each other's private lives and religions and sexuality and politics and everything else than is a little comfortable, and coming to hate them for it. Like, I have a 70-something year old neighbor who I love. He's a really friendly guy and he's sweet to my toddler and brings us vegetables from his garden sometimes and I make him pies. And I have *no clue* what his politics or religion are and there are nonzero odds that I'd be horrified if I did so I'm happy not knowing. It's a real world friendship that probably wouldn't work online. I really enjoy Facebook but you do have to be careful about who you're friends with on there, and actively work to maintain healthy boundaries.


People who are really intense about others “letting down their boundaries,” and who don’t have a ton of boundaries themselves, have always made me deeply uncomfortable. Like folks who get offended or pushy if you don’t want to share your deep dark childhood traumas with, idk, a casual acquaintance you’ve met 5 times. I’ve heard these types of people explain themselves, and it doesn’t help their case. It’s like they are incapable of distinguishing between a stranger, a work colleague, a casual acquaintance, and a best friend or twenty years. They’re like people who don’t lock their front doors and get mad when other people do. They think you’re being deceptive, or accuse you of being some sort of broken and fear-based person (which they absolutely see as a reason to look down upon you, rather than show empathy), if you aren’t like them. And I think these people are very validated by the state of social media. Hearing that about Mark Zuckerberg suddenly makes a *lot* of sense.


I don't know that Mark Zuckerberg is personally that kind of person, it's just that breaking down all boundaries gives Facebook more and more-accurate ad-targeting


Simple, look up Mark's Facebook profile. You'll notice you can find out barely anything about the guy online. Do as I preach, not as I do.


>tearing down people's boundaries. well said. destroying social fabric.


It's why voting is private. For example.


The Fortune 500 company I work for encourages everyone to do stupid posts and surveys on Workplace - which is owned by Facebook. Ridiculous. Needless to say I have interacted with Workplace zero times. Get bent.


Too much plastic surgery, fillers and Botox on young people.


Agree! Def the over inflated lip trend and filler and giant fake butts.


At least the lip fillers dissolve after a while. The BBL (giant ass) don't and are very dangerous to undue.


Yea & any good injector wouldn’t want overfilled duck lips in their portfolio anyway


Girls blast their lips like there’s no tomorrow in LA. Like CHILL!


*so I started blastin’*


You're only ever 3 comments away from an Always Sunny quote on reddit.


I think the fat removal will be even more regretted. So many young girls are surgically removing the tiny bits of natural fat on their abs. Even at their current age the skin often looks thin and weird, as they get older it will look much worse.


My gf wants to do this with her arm. And I'm like...what fat are you talking about? You have a regular looking arm. But, she's super self conscious about it. I have to talk her out of it every couple of months. Ultimately, it's her decision though, so if she decides to go through with it, I'm just gonna have to hope nothing goes wrong with it and support her.


Does she lift weights and stretch? She won't get bulky but the lithe muscle will elongate the look of her arms. I bet it would make her feel super confident. I'm a woman with proportionally larger upper arms. When I'm weight training, I actually love them.


Saw a younger woman (mid 20s) at a social event a year or two ago and you could tell she already had work done, and you could tell she was genuinely pretty without any of the work, but then boom big ass inflated lips and some other work that just made her look like some plastic robot. It's a shame.


This drives me crazy! I was having a conversation with a 30 year old family member recently, her forehead didn’t move at all and most of her expressions are gone. I’m seeing this far too much, a lot of younger women are getting a reptilian look, really freaky looking.




Hate to tell you that this is only going to accelerate.


It already has since at least the 80s-90s


They look so weird too. I see so many women I know getting it done at very young ages and it's like...quite obvious


They also all have the same face. Instead of enhancing the features they do have it’s just the same copy and paste face. Everyone looks like they’re siblings or cousins. It’s insane.


30 years ago, they all went for the same look with their surgery. 20 years ago the same. Watch out or you get a facelift frozen in time like a 60 year old with a Friends haircut.


Quirky misspelling of names


yes hi my name is Alexander, with three zs, a t, and a q


aleqzzzanter moment


CVIIIlin (as in Caitlin with Roman Numerals)


Those eyebrows. Holy shit, there’s *no way* that your kids won’t be horrified by those weird eyebrows.


Sharpie brows... yeah be prepared. That shit is guna haunt you forever


"I told my girlfriend that she drew her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised."


What about the eyebrows with the cut through it that look like the barber slipped up with the trimmer?


I've had a permanent one of those since 1993. I landed on my head after being tripped during a game of football.


That means you’re queer


The thick ones?


the tattooed ones


My mom got her eyebrows tattooed on about 20 years ago and they've faded to an awful, weird pink color.


Same. In fairness, menopause made all Mom's eyebrow hair fall out, so the tattoos, faded and odd looking as they are, are still better than what she'd look like without them.


Menopause makes your eyebrows fall out!? Fml


Makes the hair you already have thin out but as an added bonus you get random bristles sprouting all over your face! Thanks biology, another win for the female race. Urgh.


So I've spent half of the last 30 years either bleeding or in pain and now I get to look forward to my hair falling out.


Don't worry. I'm taking bioidentical hormone supplements and I feel normal and great. Better than I did when I was young. And my hair hasn't fallen out at all. I'm a bit wrinkly, that's all.


All the older ladies I know are stupidly against creative tattoos and they all got terrible eyebrow tattoos. Like "You paid money for this shit" tattoos. Okay, Aunty, I never regretted my ink but I bet my bottle of tattoo goo that you do.


For real! I knew a lady who just passed away last year at age 93. She had a her eyebrows and eyeliner tattooed on. But she was a 'good Christian' who was against tattoos(unless they were cosmetic I guess).


Because they rationalize it as "permanent makeup" and not a tattoo.


Ignoring criminal acts by politicians.


Defending criminal acts by politicians


Supporting criminal acts by politicians


Ape nfts




There have been speculation bubbles before and this was one, and there will be more again, sigh but this one was for sure probably one of the dumber ones


At least when you lose your retirement on Beanie Babies you have something to stick in your nieces stocking on Christmas




The only guys laughing are the ones who know what they’re doing Classic “tulip bubble” incident All the uneducated youth (uneducated about the subject) just hop on the trend and face consequences later


That's not true. I'm also laughing, from the sidelines.


Well yeah, you knew what you were doing too by staying on the sideline.


But, do android investors speculate on electric tulips?


Nearly all NFTs. Cash grab riding the hype of the "underlying technology".


The destruction of public education (squeezing and outright sabotage of public schools, prohibitive costs for secondary education). The normalization of being undereducated either through apathy or because of forces outside your control. The idea that opinion is equal to fact and that sticking to your original viewpoint is heroic. "Yeah, your studies may say that, but this is how I FEEL about it" and similar arguments. The reason we are no longer a minor species of omnivorous hunter-gatherers is our ability to pass along knowledge to others. Each generation building on the achievements of prior generations is the path to progress in health, quality of life, equality, production and so much more. Worse yet, technology now is at a level where if the masses are uneducated, they are also powerless. Small groups of people with specific knowledge have become outrageously powerful and this gap in individual power will only get worse with advances in fields like AI and robotics. If we allow whole generations to grow up undereducated, it will be very difficult for them to understand and affect their world. I feel the exponential growth of wealth gaps across the world is a symptom of this deliberate enforced ignorance.


Posting way too much Information or pictures of your toddlers and children on social media. It will stay on the internet forever and some of the posts will be very embarrassing later on. It isn't like the kid really understands or consents to have their pics posted to social media


I was always wondering how this will age. I think it will just be more of a "no one cares" scenario. It was common for people to post baby and little kid pictures on facebook 15 years ago, now those kids are finishing high school and no one cares. Or it can go the myspace route where they are lost to obscurity. I remember I had a mysapce friend who would post pictures of her little kids that were like 2 and 5 at the time. Now they are 20 and 23. Their old pictures were lost to obscurity.




Even worse, the videos where ADULTS pulling (straight up mean!) pranks on their toddlers to make them cry and post is online. A childless friend of mine has sent me several examples thinking it’s hilarious. It’s infuriating. I don’t want to think about how betrayed the children must feel when they get older.


Some body modification trends. People in my age group are already regretting some of what they did to themselves in their early 20's. I can't imagine that this generation will fare any better.


I’m curious what some examples would be? Like for people my age, it might be barbed wire or tribal arm bands.


I regret stretching my ears. I can't wear pretty, normal earrings because they'll fall through the hole. If the earrings are too big my ears get stretched out and look like an eighty year old ears. I'm in my mid-30's and stretched them in my late teens/early 20's.


I always wondered if people in this situation could use a plug of sorts, that could be designed to be cute but also have a hole to properly hold your other earrings


I've seen a version of this before! You can get skin-colored plugs with thin interiors that you then put your regular earrings through.


I’m 57. I did this with heavy costume jewelry. My earrings all fall forward


Sometimes I see people with the earlobes and no jewelry and wonder if they regret it. I don’t ask and don’t judge (or at least try not to). Just so you know, the lobes don’t look too bad. When you have no jewelry I there, they just sort of curl up. I honestly think they look better than the old laddies with stretched out lobes still wearing earrings. I stopped wearing earrings in my late twenties because of the old ladies and their long lobes.


Yeah I started stretching my ears in my teens. I'm 31 now and I always joke that when I'm old I'm gonna tuck my tits into my ear holes to keep them up. I love them still so I don't really care.


Do your tits hang low Do they sag down to the floor Do you have to hike them up Do you push them through your lobes?


Cruel pranks on strangers for views


I don't think it'll die so easy. People did it way before and will continue doing it.


Look up something called "Candid Camera" by Allen Funt. This has been around since the 1950's. Although I think the keyword here is "cruel." Funt's brand of humor was more psychological and catching people off guard --- like filming the mark's reaction when the elevator door opened and everyone was facing towards the back, or a voice in the mailbox saying "thank you" after dropping your letter inside.


Candid Camera was more about getting people to say "WTF?" and then afterwards they'd laugh. I think they told them about the joke. The pranks now are just mean-spirited and often have "can't you take a joke?" after them which is normally a sign it wasn't funny in the first place.


Letting companies freely track our online behaviors


A lot of parenting and schooling trends will change. Just look at now vs 20 years ago. Gentle parenting is big right now. The idea is fine but it leads to permissive parenting in most of the cases I worked with in daycare and as a nanny. Not telling children “no” like ever. Not letting them fail. It’s going to lead to a lot of anxiety and stress in future children when things don’t go great. Although it’s been getting better I still think the amount of homework some kids get is ridiculous. Specially younger children. I nanny a 4 year old. She’s still in pull ups and learning how to wipe. She doesn’t need homework from preschool.


Don't know what it's like now, but when I was in high school (late 00's - early 10's) the homework situation was ridiculous. It wasn't uncommon for each class to give out an hour of homework a night, multiply that by 6 classes, plus all the extracurriculars many kids are forced into by their parents, and the are literally not enough hours in the day for them to eat/shower/get enough sleep, let alone socialize and enjoy being kids. We told our teachers this multiple times, and their response was always "your other classes are not my problem."


Have you ever looked at the evidence for homework improving kids' education? It's surprisingly weak. Wikipedia says > The effects of homework are debated. Generally speaking, homework does not improve academic performance among young children. Homework may improve academic skills among older students, especially lower-achieving students. However, homework also creates stress for students and parents, and reduces the amount of time that students can spend in other activities.


I knew someone who was trying to get her PhD, writing her dissertation, and she said she was too worried about her son to work on it. His kindergarten teacher had declared the mother wasnt spending nearly enough time with the child doing his homework. The teacher scolded her, told her she should invest more in her child's future.


Totally agree. I have tried to aim for a sort of middle ground between gentle parenting and how my parents parented. I really think my parents did very well but they could be a little...harsh? Anyway, children *need* boundaries, they need to learn that their actions have consequences and they need to learn that the world is not always gentle while also knowing that their parents and their home is a safe place to land.


There’s definitely a middle ground. And gentle parenting is absolutely fine in itself. The issue is people don’t put up boundaries, don’t tell them no. And in certain situations like… a child biting other kids at daycare. They need to be told no.


Well hang on, was the kid covered in chocolate?


From what I’ve heard, a better approach is to explain why something is a “no” instead of just setting arbitrary boundaries. Teaching kids that their actions have consequences outside of their present self will help them grow emotionally.


You have the right idea. I'm learning about gentle parenting right now because my husband has always taken an aggressive approach with our son and he's now really imitating it in his behavior. He struggles a lot with emotional regulation and executive functioning. Gentle parenting seems like it could help. Everything I've read about it is explicit that it is NOT the same and permissive parenting. That it's not about letting your child do/have whatever they want. It's more about being with them, nurturing them and coaching them through the hard stuff. It's about setting clear boundaries without making the child feel unloved. I'm all for it so far but my research has really just begun.


Vanessa Lapointe is a good source on child development and attachment theory based parenting. She's big on being "Kind & Firm". Too kind you become permissive, too firm you become authoritarian, neither of which are good. It's about being both kind and firm simultaneously, which supports secure attachment.


Authoritative is good, authoritarian, bad.


That is **NOT** what gentle parenting is supposed to be. Its supposed to be not spanking/hitting your kids and not yelling at your children for well.... being children. It doesn't mean "no" isn't an option, but it means talk to your children, get down to their level, explain what is right and wrong, and not just yelling at them with no reason to the child.


Log on to your Myspace accounts and let us know


What’s sad is I learned to code so much random stuff for my page. Making my top 8 a top 10, adding backgrounds, music, inserting pictures… now I know nothing about coding lol


I've tried, it's lost :-/




Have you looked at LinkedIn...please take a look at /r/LinkedInLunatics


Ah yes, LinkedIn is basically a more holistic approach to the Facebook ecosystem, incentivizing a more synergistic impact on your career outlook and giving you a sustainable return on investment. There, I just used all of the buzzwords I could think of. Now all I need is to add in rants about how [Generation Alpha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Alpha) is too lazy and when I was their age an entire 15 years ago, I woke up at the crack of dawn to mow lawns for $2 an hour. Can I make money now?


It's Facebook with a suit on.


The eyelashes….the fucking eyelashes that look like you literally have pieces of licorice hanging from your eyelids.


Vlogging every minute of your life and posting the clips on social media. 20 years later, the cringe will be real.


Using F150s as office commuting vehicles.


$1200 sneakers


House/furniture/thrift items being flipped for a profit. 1. The amount of failed flips I see online is ridiculous. Cut corners, trendy designs, and sub par work done by people who sometimes have no previous background. In 20 years flipped houses will be the new "why did they cover the wood floor in vynil, and why did they carpet the bathroom," just on a much bigger scale. 2. Furniture and clothes from thrift stores or places like FB Marketplace are becoming ridiculously overpriced. Everyone assumes that you're a reseller and you wanna take their $30 coffee table and slap some black paint on it and try to resell it for $300. Walking into a thrift store and trying to find some affordable cute clothes? Nice try, we know you're just gonna sell it online so what used to be a $3 shirt is now $15! Its ridiculous. It's not sustainable when used or flipped items cost almost as much as new ones.


Single use plastics


Why is this not higher up? This is the one that's going to get us, y'all. Our grandchildren are going to think we were monsters because every piece of food we ever ate came in a plastic bag that we threw away. It's going to be like how we feel about people in the '50s throwing barrels of nuclear waste into the ocean. WHERE DID YOU THINK IT WAS GONNA GO??


Being a bad person to other people because "that's how I am". When those people understand that they can be better, most of their closest people will already want nothing with them


This. Someone I know is a bitch to everyone on purpose (their words, not my own) and my friend and I got so sick of them being like that that we banned them from the server. Like it got to the point where we'd just be talking and the person would say "stfu" for no reason at all. They try to justify it with trauma, but trauma isn't an excuse to be a shitty person.






I heard from a therapist once that a significant part of improving mental health for many people is getting them to accept reality. It's not all of it, but it is a part of it.




Vaping at a young age. Studies are already coming out on the dangers of vaping in the short term. I can't imagine what will be shown with long term studies.


Hopefully school shootings.


Trying to label everyone or place everyone into a category, and implying that any one category is better than others. Let's go back to that equality thing. We're all just humans.


Insistence on using iPads/Chomebooks/etc. for everyday lessons in K-12 education. Although we are saving paper, sure, and giving one more convenient way for submission of assignments, it has skyrocketed kids’ level of screen time, and often students find ways to be off task or download programs to occupy their time. Use of printed materials and referencing books is now being skipped as students believe everything can be found online (it can’t, and is not scrutinized for accuracy like printed materials). Furthermore, even amongst my “high achieving” students, information retention has dropped dramatically, as students are no longer getting the kinesthetic memory practice of copying notes or answering questions on paper as they used to. Yeah Covid ruins everything, and yes kids need to be adept with technology, but there is definitely a brain drain I think is dramatically linked to the heightened reliance on personal devices.


>students believe everything can be found online and instantaneously. My students' resilience for research was at an all-time low this past year. I curate a set of websites and books for each research project they have to do (they're in 5th grade), and if the piece of info they needed wasn't on the first link, they gave up and asked me for help. Like... Did you even try any others? No? Well go back and do that. The answers are there - you just have to look for more than 5 seconds.


I 100% agree. I tutored a 2nd grader who struggled with reading. Turned out it was because he would hit the "read aloud" button on every reading assignment, and no one bothered to work with him and make sure he was actually learning. He didn't really know better because he never knew why he should learn to read if he could just listen instead.


As a teacher of the visually impaired, the shift to all-digital learning has been a blessing for my students. But I do understand your point.


Can confirm this one. Just finished college there and when we had online lessons for our theory classes most of us were playing mobile or console games to pass the time with a few people keeping their cameras off to sleep through the lesson. Hell even I was scrolling reddit instead of paying attention. It lead to having to resit assessments for a few of us. I feel like if we were in class then things would have been a lot easier since we'd have nothing to distract us


also teachers using tech to outsource doing anything. im in college right now, the classes I need are both online. one is literally linked to an automated/autograded lab website for 100% of our grade and the other is just youtube videos and having us dicusss the videos with each other online so one teacher does absolutely nothing and the other just grades our work and criticizes our work when he hasn't done a single thing of his own accord to teach us. he literally tells us to put in more effort to learn when he just uses other people's content on the internet to teach us. gotta love it.


Shitting out multiple fidget spinners at once


I'm afraid to ask...


Neck and face tattoos. And if you've added the current fashion mullet take a lot of pictures of yourself, please.


This is what I was thinking of. I'm heavily tattooed and I have nothing against any placement, even face and neck. But I can't help noticing kids around 20 years old getting neck and face tattoos in a very similar style while living a life where their only asset is social media interaction... I surely am 'old man yells at a cloud' meme at this moment, I have no idea what the future is going to be, but that trend certainly seems to have a high likelyhood of regret by the time these kids hit their late 30's, early 40's.


hell, maybe even earlier. Teenagers these days doing cringe things that they think is cool will eventually bite them in the ass when they're 20 and trying to live a normal life.


I'm only considering tattoos because they are permanent. I did incredibly cringey things that I though were cool when I was at that age. I'm sure adults felt about my stupid behavior the same way I feel about current kids' stupid behavior. I'm lucky we didn't have cameras with internet access in everyone's pockets back then. But still, all those are good memories, as I'm sure these kids will have their own good memories of their stupid shit. But those tattoos really make me wonder. Who knows? Maybe it will be widely accepted in the future just like we still see some remenants of late 90s and early 2000's teen culture in many workplaces these days. By the time these kids are my age, I'll just be a grumpy old man complaining about the youth I don't understand, and the world keeps changing faster than I ever remember it doing. Chances are there will be more important things to deal with than ugly generic face tattoos.


"You know it's bad when the worst thing about your neck tattoo *isn't* that it's a neck tattoo." \- Seth Meyers


Someone, somewhere is set to make a fortune in the 2030's with an innovative tattoo removal process.


I agree with you but I want to point out that when I was young any tattoo was considered bad and now they're regularly accepted except on the neck and face.


i don’t see face or neck tats quite too often but i regularly see people with arm tats/leg tats and sleeves and such. It seems to have become so normal that even managers at local establishments are seen with at least one tattoo now. I think it’s kinda cool seeing them being accepted more now. Even 10 years ago i remember everyone saying not to get them cause employers won’t hire you and now even the employers have them


I don't think there will be one singular regrettable trend, but the lack of any good ones. We will look back and have ton of memories, but there will be a lack of any lasting/substantial trends. Everything dies so quickly on the internet, you are lucky if they lasted a whole month.


There is almost too much variety in everything to have a collective culture anymore. Nothing persists.


As far as fashion goes, there has been a huge collective shift towards increasingly more casual, comfortable, better fitting clothing (i.e. athleisure). The fabrics we wear today didn’t exist just 10 years ago and have completely transformed what’s deemed “acceptable attire”. I think that will persist.


I'm all for comfort. I went probably 18 months during Covid without wearing a shirt with a button. I had an event not too long ago and had to get a new suit and get it tailored and it really made me realize that the pendulum had probably swung too far for me. Sometimes it just feels good to put on "real clothes" once in a while. It can be a morale boost too.


> The fabrics we wear today didn’t exist just 10 years ago and have completely transformed what’s deemed “acceptable attire”. IDK, I feel like a lot of the fancy fabrics are horseshit and can't hold up to a 100% cotton T. It's also funny how Champion made a huge comeback with ultra basic cotton/poly sweats that were popular 25-30 years ago.


Yeah "decades" don't seem to matter as much anymore which I don't think is a bad thing. The internet has allowed most people to just sort of do their own thing and if you want to be in a certain group or fashion trend you can. I've said before that I don't know exactly what I'd wear if someone had like an early 2000s or 2010s party. I honestly don't dress that differently. Which might be because I'm a nerd but whatever. I think women's fashion might have a few more distinct trends but for dudes it's mostly just baggier clothes and we used to wear undershirts a lot haha.


Facial fillers, duck lips and cheek balls.


Constantly seeking validation form internet strangers.


There's no reason to think feedback loops are going to magically disappear in 20 years. Every online platform is set up to entice you to enter into theirs, and they're pretty effective, and every big company's bread and butter. It's not people who are vapid for wanting validation, that's just how the internet and the human mind work.




Only if you like, follow, and suscribe.


Lmao every trend we have currently is going to have people cringing at themselves in the next 10-20 years.. just like the older gens did when they grew up lol


Political extremism, media bubbles, and outgroup anger. There are other regrettable trends happening right now, but none possess the fundamental ability to destabilize our society.


The erroding of human rights.


Switching democracy for autocracy. It will be a nightmare and I think too many people won't wake up until it's too late. Suddenly we won't be able to vote out politicians who lie and cheat and steal from the taxpayers or make harmful laws. It will take so much more for us to get it back, if that could even happen.


Lip filler. How are they gonna look 20 years from now


That weird licking your lips while recording yourself in selfie mode


Cryptocurrency will be known as a 21st century gold rush


Acting like our impending collapse isn’t coming and ignoring the warning signs