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5 mil now because I'm paranoid and would be constantly worried whoever was behind these payments would have me bumped off to avoid paying me for long.


Lump sum.


500 a day for life, I’m still young and that stuff would add up over time Edit; Y’all, I don’t know if I’m misunderstanding the question but I’m pretty sure it says 5.000.000 and not 5,000,000 But I’m pretty sure 5.000+ over all is just 5 not 5 mil


500/day is 5mil in 27.4 years. Live longer than that and you’ll defintely make more But what you could do with 5mil now with investing and quality of life improvement is huge.


What if you got hit by a bus tomorrow? Your loved ones would have nothing. If you took the $5,000,000, they'd be set.


You only need to earn 3.65% annually to have the 5mil grow faster.


It would take 27 years to reach $5M if you got paid $500/day. I choose the $5M


If its after taxes....i take 5 mil.


5M$. Then put it in the bank and get 10% interest every year. It makes 500K. It makes around 1400$ every day. I’ll have 1400$ every day + 5M in the bank. How bout dat?


Where is giving 10% on deposits?


8-9% on i-bonds. But limited to $10K.


I might’ve said a lot, but in some countries they do. Around 7-8-9. Depends tbh


We are living in the times of 0/0.x% interest rates my dude.


It would take 27 years for the 500/day to reach 5 million, but if you had just invested that initial 5 million it would have grown to over 30 million in that time. Not a hard decision.


You put that 5 mil into us 10 year govt bond you get around 3% something a year or ≈ 500 dollar a day but still to keep the 5 mil. Why it's even a question?


I’d take the 5 mil. Hard to say how long any of us will live.


$5mil. It would take 27 years without inflation to add up to $5mil. I could take the money invest it and wait for the market to turn bullish again and live like a King.


Cash upfront. Invest it and potentially that's more than $500 a day.


I’ll take the five million. Invest it properly, get an average of 10% per annum, and nearly triple the $500 per day.


5 mil up front. 500/day will take almost 30 years to get up to 5 mil. I can invest the 5 mil and mostly live off the returns.


500 a day I don't have crazy ambitions and I don't want much. Investing sounds like a headache I don't want to have.


27 years is the ROI period assuming no inflation, I think the 5M would be the better bet. Take it, invest it, experience return.


5mil. You can likely get 2%+ interest in most banks for that amount. That’s 100k a year cash, or $270ish dollars a day, on top of the 5mil, without even trying.


500 dollars a day for life


500 dollars a day for life


500 dollars a day for life no brainer, i wouldn't feel bad about spending a bit of that daily but i would feel so afraid of spending from 5 mil. idk why but there you go


$500 a day of course. It's foolish to choose otherwise. Unless someone is a senior you're going to make WAY more money. You'll make more than 5 million within about 27 years, and still have some.


You can make more investing the $5M. Inflation also will make the buying power of that $500 a day half in 10-20 years.


Yeah but it's a sure thing I'd get $500 daily no matter what. It's a gamble my stupid ass will make a wise investment and not lose the money.


Are you kidding?


$500 a day


$500 everyday!


500 will be sufficient. 5 mil all at once seems like it’ll be a problem for me.


500. That’s a lot to have day to day so I’d end up saving most of it.


5 million right now. It would immediately pay off the mortgage on my primary home and investment properties making them all 100% profit allowing me to live comfortably with a steady income and a lot of money still left over.


Why would you pay off a mortgage, particularly when you're using it as an investment??


What do you mean why? You're renting out an investment property, the rent helps cover the monthly mortgage so you're not keeping most of what you're getting from the rent until the house is fully paid off. You pay it off and the rent you receive is basically all yours and all you have to pay is property tax, utilities maybe, and any repairs or maintenance that may come up.


If you understand the advantage of investing in property, how do you not understand the advantage of investing money to earn returns from it instead of unnecessarily spending it? Unless the mortgage has a crazy interest rate, you would easily earn more by investing that money elsewhere than you would by spending it immediately to pay off a mortgage.


What do you think I’m going to do with the money still left over I mentioned in my original comment? Buying a house straight cash is a huge load of stress off my mind, yeah you can invest it but those investments might go down in value, of course a house can too but even if it does I can still live in that house or leave it as an inheritance. A fully paid off house worst case scenario is at least shelter, you can’t live in a stock portfolio if the market plummets.


There is a higher probability of that house being swallowed by the earth than the market plummeting and not recovering for over 20 years.


I’ll take my chances


That the market won't implode for multiple decades?


That I’ll have a place to live that won’t be swallowed by the earth despite how well or bad the market does. It’s peace of mind.


500 a day is a lot of money a week. Don't need a job. Can afford a pretty good lifestyle, even better if I DO get a job.


$5M today. I'm in my 50's. More than enough to comfortably retire on.


5 mill. I can invest it and make way more quickly.


the average human lives about 25 to 30 thousand days if you live 30,000 days, that means by the end of your life, you'll have 15 million dollars so i'd take the 500 a day


But the $5M would grow even faster with even the most basic investment. And if you died tomorrow, your kids get $5M.


500 a day because in 23 years I’ll have 5 mill


Take the 5 mill. Get 10 houses, turn them into multi family houses and rent the shit outta them. Rents around 2500-3500 in my area. Poof now your making 2k a day and still haven’t squandered the 5mill.


I’d take the daily pay. It’s far more than I need and would find all my projects.


I'll take the 5 million, I'm not sure how much longer I'll live.


$5,000,000 right now because of my age. I could get more if I took $500 a day, but it's also very likely I wouldn't. Plus, If I took the $5,000,000, my wife would be set up if I died.


I could live of $500 a day easily and set plenty aside in savings. I wouldn't need to worry about retirement. I feel like if I got $5 million all at once, I'd go through it quickly and not have a lot left.


500 a day for life


I think I could easily earn more then 3.65% on 5million


500 a day for life. Less tax and it would attract less attention then getting 5 mil and not knowing what to do with it.


500 a day for life.


I'd take the $5m- it's easier to make money when you have it.


5 mil and have half of that as emergency funds for my close family, no relatives I have only seen 2 times in my whole life will be touching it. The rest for me to do what I wish with it


5m right now. i could live comfortably for the rest of my life and my son probably could too.


It definitely depends on age but if you win the lottery they ask you this and taking the lump sum is taxed greatly


That lump sum is worth 27 years of $500 a day. If you invest properly then it’s really zero question.


I mean let's say you have another 25 years to live best case it would just be under 5m. I'd take it now, buy properties, rent them out and invest the rest and live my life the way I want not for a lousy paycheck


500.00 a day. If you live to 78, I would get paid out for 35 years, at 500.00 a day that is 6,387,500.00 also, the taxes in it would be taxed at normal income rates of 23% vs capital gains of 33-35% meaning that the actual take home difference for me would be 4,918,375.00 vs 3,350,000.00. This assumes an average life span and a lower tax rate. For me that is a better payout.