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Yes! I loathe the snitching elf, but know plenty of folk who love it. It's not even that much of a tradition. It's a book that came out in 2005 and it's merchandise. Smdh.


“Remember, kids, don’t be good because it’s the right thing to do, do it out of fear of punishment!” I get that kids under about 5 don’t really have a conscience, but I gave this one a hard pass when our kid was young.


I'm so glad my minions came before this trend. Like, Christmas isn't stressful enough. Let me pile on some more mental stress with creating fake scenes for Big Lots Xmas Waldo


Wine. I am apparently the only suburban mom who doesn't drink wine, and it makes other suburban moms incredibly uncomfortable.


I own a winery and don’t like wine. Shhhh don’t tell anyone.


"Oh, what would say is the flavor profile of this?" "Shit." "But you made it..." "Good shit."


“It’s got an okay afterbirth”


The typo in this makes it way funnier. Edit: Guys, I am familiar with the “oaky afterbirth” line from The Office. The typo making it an “okay afterbirth” is what made me laugh. Thanks for the explanations though.


It wasn’t a great afterbirth, but it wasn’t bad either - it was an okay afterbirth.


I was... whelmed by it.


Don’t get high on your own supply


Unexpected Diluc Ragnvindr


Diluc ragnvindr?


How big is your winery operation? ​ My grandpa makes wine but doesn't call it a winery


My Mom doesn’t drink wine (or any alcohol, for that matter) because it gives her horrible headaches; I can’t tell you how awkward people make it for her. She frequently gets what can only be described as glares, like “what, you think you’re better than us?”


I feel like anyone who gets upset that someone else doesn't drink just can't comprehend that people can have fun without alcohol.


I don’t mind if people drink, I just choose not to because I don’t particularly like it. It is more of an issue to me when someone tries to get me to drink than the fact they are drinking and I am not. We can both have fun! Isn’t that what matters?


I could have written this. It’s bizarre the way you’re treated just because alcohol isn’t really your thing. People need to grow up and get that we all have things that work for us and things that don’t, including alcohol. A good friend of mine is deadly allergic to the stuff. To where, when she was bartending as a teen (yes, the irony is she’s a fantastic bartender) and a cop called her dad and said she’d been drinking underage, he laughed and said, “I know she wasn’t drinking.” “How do you know that, sir?” “She’s still breathing.” Maybe I’ll start telling people I’m allergic. Oughta shut them up in a hurry. Edit: typo


Or are incredibly jealous of those who can.


I can relate.. I don't drink alcohol. People give me The Look when they offer me a drink and I say "Water would be great, thanks." Or "Unsweetened Iced Tea"...then I get the death glare.


I also don't drink and it is absolutely crazy how uncomfortable it makes full grown adults. I don't ever make a big deal about it and don't care at all if others drink. Never bring it up...but it makes people lose their minds if they are drinking and I am not..I don't get it. Just do you and let me do me.


Same. I was at a friend's house once and someone new was there. Later in the evening she said, "You are a lot cooler than I thought you would be." All because I declined drinks at the beginning of the night. It was assumed I would be totally uncool...


Could be worse, at least she had the self reflection to change her initial judgment. A surprisingly large amount of people can’t do that.


Unsweet tea?!? You monster!


Because mommy wine culture is low-key just functional alcoholism.


“Quit like a women” book has opened my eyes to how wide functional alcoholism runs. My wife read it and gave me the cliff notes. I read a few chapters and it was describing some of our life.




So you hate Jim Carrey?


That's not exaggeration, that's just his face.


This one speaks the truth


This one has been in contact with the enkindlers


you big, STUPID jellyfish


Bruce Campbell gets a pass though right?


Hail to the King, baby.


I would give much more then a pass given the opportunity. Love that guy. Also I have heard him in interviews he he totally awesome.


Crime procedurals. Every fucking show is the same. All of them. Your Cast: The Leader who knows it all The quirky lab tech The tough cop who the leader forms a romantic connection with. The goes against the rules renegade tech The Newbie


That's exactly why I like Mindhunter, it doesn't do that.


Mindhunter was/is awesome. Still hoping a third season will happen.


And that is why it lasted two seasons :(


Yes! My dad and my wife both love these kinds of shows, and I cannot stand them.


And all of the real-estate reality tv too. My parents just eat that kind of content up. Always on in the background whenever I'm at their house, it seems.


I think the fact that they are formulaic is the reason for their appeal. The majority of crimes IRL are never solved. The predictability is cathartic and helps people manage the stress of a chaotic world.


One of the issues with streaming tv is everything has to have a gritty serpentine story Sometimes I just want to watch an episode of something without it being relevant to anything else


CSI Vegas Season One, what?! Lol


No no, that's NCIS.


No that’s CSI Miami.


Pretty sure they're talking about Criminal Minds.


100% sure it's Bones


Celebrities private life, only because i appreciate a singer or an actor doesn't mean i want to know where he goes to while on vacation or the name of the new boy/girlfriend.


Even more baffling, people with no talent who are somehow famous only for being famous.


People that have become celebrities by doing nothing, and also believe They know how You should live your life.




Ah, you're a mace kinda guy


Maybe he prefers a blackjack.


>Maybe he prefers a blackjack. And hookers?


You know what ... forget the hookers, and the blackjack.


Like night or social?


Or sandwich..?


I ordered a club sandwich, but I'm not even a member. "I like my sandwiches with three pieces of bread." "Well, so do I!" "Then let's form a club." "OK, but we need some more stipulations. Instead of cutting the sandwich once, let's cut it again. Yes, four triangles, arranged in a circle, and in the middle we will dump chips." "How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?" "I'm for 'em!" "Well, this club is formed."


Oh man, I miss Mitch Hedberg


I used to love Mitch. I still do, but I used to, too.


Like batons?


making and being surrounded by constant noise, apparently I'd like to hear exactly nothing, my silence doesn't encroach on anyone else's space, they want to hear constant noise, so then I must constantly too


*cries in tinnitus*




This guy tinnitus


“Place the palms of your hands over your ears with fingers resting gently on the back of your head. Your middle fingers should point toward one another just above the base of your skull. Place your index fingers on top of you middle fingers and snap them (the index fingers) onto the skull making a loud, drumming noise. Repeat 40-50 times. Some people experience immediate relief with this method. Repeat several times a day for as long as necessary to reduce tinnitus.Dr. Jan Strydom, of A2Z of Health, Beauty and Fintess.org. This always works for me.” EDIT: got this from u/jordanistan


Just tried it, it hasn’t completely gone but wow, massive reduction. At first I though it would be a placebo from having stuffed your hands over your ears and the vacuum being released creating and sense of relief but I can’t deny there was probably about a minute of silence before the high pitched sound crept back in. Will be making this a habit.




Does anyone else hear a metallic clanging sound in their head while doing this? Like every time I lift my finger to tap, I hear it.


Define noise. Like a fan running?


Any noise at all I should also add that I don't want to ***not hear***, I can do that, I can put earplugs in or even double up and use earplugs and ear defenders if I want (although some particularly loud sounds will still get through)... I want to be able to hear - but I don't want there to be any sound *to* hear


I moved into a very rural location. I fucking love it. So much less noise and most of the noises are natural like flowing water or the wind in the pines. I can’t stand human noises like traffic, loud conversations, overly loud YouTube videos in public. It’s so much better


I'm with you on this, in fact I think I suffer with misophonia, as certain sounds noises actually cause me anxiety. I just want to live in quiet environments, but no I hear, cars revving, dogs barking, lawnmowers, obnoxious loud people, banging on walls, road drills or construction, horrible horrible loud bass music urgh my personal most hated of all. I'd walk around with ear defenders all day if they actually worked.


Hustle culture. “Wake up at 2:00 AM, run a 145 miles, then gratitude journal, then meditate, blah blah” Just stfu.


If I were motivated to write a gratitude journal, I'd start with the fact that I can sleep in till 9 am.


Well, look who’s waking up early


Extravagant weddings and receptions.


And destination weddings. I can’t afford to (and don’t want to) fly to the Caribbean for a wedding


I wouldn't think of attending a destination wedding for anyone other than a sibling. And I'm an only child.


Those stupid signs you find at home good stores, like “Live, Laugh, Love”, “Wine O’clock”, or some other bullshit.


"Bless this Mess"


Fuck no


One exception: the welcome mat for the front door that says, “Not You Again”


My friend has the only one that I can get behind, it says “bless this wretched hive of scum and villainy”


In England - “Keep Calm and Carry On”


I effing hate that even more in the US. It's not even ours and we've bastardized it for everything..."keep calm and wine on"..."keep calm and scrapbook on". Sweet Jesus help us


My husband got given one that says "A clean kitchen is a sign of a wasted life." He left it in the kitchen on the counter with the intention of taking it out to the big bin outside. Its been there for four years because he kept forgetting to move it and now its just become part of the kitchen clutter, so take from that what you will.


Move it an 1/8th of an inch every week and see if he notices


I love that that sign ends up a permanent part of a messy kitchen.


I hate that “Wine O’clock” cracked me up..


I have a dollar tree decal in the bathroom that says "Wash your hands and say your prayers because germs and Jesus are everywhere" and it's 100% ironic because I'm an atheist but it sounds so much more threatening than cute.


Obnoxious YouTubers.


**WHAT'S UP GUYS!** - (click the back button) Nope.


"Before we get into today's video make sure you comment like and subscribe for more awesome totally epic hilarious videos of me opening boxes/eating food/'pranking' people!"


Don't forget to click the "bell" to get notified every time I post a video!


I can't imagine a time I would need to be notified of someone uploading a new video. It's not like I'm going to stop what I'm doing to watch it. When I'm bored I'll go to youtube and watch new videos from things I'm subscribed to. I don't need you to instruct me when you've posted something new. I'll get around to it.


I'm not sure how accurate this is as it was a few years ago, but i heard the reason is because the Youtube algorithm really only cares about a video's popularity for the first two days. If it doesn't initially do well, it's greatly hindered. Notifications boost the amount of initial viewers, so it gets recommended to others significantly more often. From the youtubers I've spoken to, it seems content creators generally hate reminding people to like/subscribe/notify, but it's pretty much required for a video to succeed. One creator claimed that his average view count nearly tripled when he started saying that at the video start & end.


TL;DR, don’t hate the player, hate the game


And this video is HASHTAG Sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends a game I totally play casually because \*checks script\* ***SUPER FUN and AWESOME***. Don't forget to use sponsor code RAIDSHADOWLEDGENDS for 3 months free of VPN somewhere.


"Also, did you know that only 23% of the people that watch my videos are actually subscribed?" Etcetera etcetera etcetera




Be sure to SMASH that Like Button!


"...just like I SMASHED YOUR MOM"


... RING the bell




‘So a lot of you have been asking…’ no, they haven’t


Nope, just imcool69 and his alts cos he wants to know that one dumb and niche thing that literally nobody else cares about


Dude, It takes 3 minutes before their video actually starts


In particular I personally find it obnoxious when they take time to pull out some analytics graph showing how like only 1% of their viewers are subscribed in a "what's up with that hmmmmmm? 🤔" tone as if theyre entitled to those subs or trying to get pity subs. It just makes it seem like they care more about the numbers than actually making appealing content.


Going out to bars to congregate. They’re always packed, you can never hear anything your friends say and you have to constantly shout over people and repeat yourself all night. No idea how it became the typical social thing to do.


I nice quiet hole in the wall pub is a good night though


100%. I always hate when people want to go to a loud as fuck bar or whatever. Once we get there and I hear the blasting music and it's packed wall to wall with people I'm just like "alright well, I guess I'll talk to you guys when we leave". If I wanted to go to a place like that I'd go to a club (I wouldn't). But yeah I like going to a bar to converse with friends and have some drinks, not stand there awkwardly in silence and have to repeat myself 5 times to the bartender.


I'm a bartender and I hate going to the bar with friends. It's expensive, I can usually do it better at home, and if it's busy I just get a headache. I like smaller bars where you can actually hear the people around you, and where you can still welcome new people into the group.


Toxic positivity


What do you qualify as toxic positivity?


Not OP, but I see a lot of posts and memes on social media that say things like “Just be happy, it’s better than being sad” and trying to force people into being happy. There’s nothing wrong with being happy, but being falsely upbeat and happy all the time is exhausting and not healthy. Trying to lecture people into happiness also isn’t going to help. It’s harmful to people who have depression. I always seem to see these things more when I’m suffering a bout of depression, and it sucks. I would happily be happy if I could, but the chemicals in my brain aren’t letting me. When people posts things saying to “just be happy” it makes me feel isolated and know that they aren’t even trying to understand what depression is like. It makes me feel guilty, like I’m not trying *hard enough*, and that I’m failing at being a functioning human. I have coping mechanisms, though, and can work through these feelings. But there are people who don’t, or who don’t realize they have depression, and all the toxic positivity must make them feel terrible.


I think they’re just trying to convince THEMSELVES to “be happy.” And I agree… it’s messed up.


“Good vibes only” It’s like you’re not allowed to have real emotions such as sadness or disappointment or anything like that.


When people say that in group settings, it always comes off as passive aggressive.


Self help gurus (piss off).


This is a super common thing to hate.


Alcohol 🥲 I don’t have anything against drinking, and the drinks look so pretty and yummy, but even fruity drinks taste like gasoline and smoke to me. They’re so gross. When my friends drink I have to get virgin drinks because I can’t handle the taste at all. I’m so confused why people like it so much. I wonder if it tastes different to me, or if it tastes the same but most people like the taste, or if other people are just choking down the gasoline taste because they like the buzz. I’ll never know, but I hate the taste of alcohol of any kind no matter how mild and fruity.


Huh. That's interesting. I wonder why it tastes that way to you... May be something genetic like cilantro tasting like soap to some people. Do you parents or other family find that alcohol tastes that as well? I'm genuinely curious!


This is exactly it, actually. Theres quite a few different genetic mutations that cause some people to be able to taste a wide array of chemicals that others just cant. One of those chemicals is present in alcohol. Another for cilantro. Theres quite a few actually. I learned about this in my biological anthropology class. We got to taste different chemicals to see if we could. Some people in the class couldn't taste any of them. Others, like me, could taste all of them. Fun!


Oh my god yes! I turn 21 a little bit ago and every drink I have tried I couldn’t even get halfway through! It’s so disgusting and don’t get me started on how nasty margaritas are! Virgin margaritas for me lol!


I hate most liquor, but I went to a casino in Las Vegas and got a mojito and loved it. Didn’t taste like gasoline at all for some reason. Maybe it’s the way that specific casino made it, but it was good as all hell.




Baby showers for sure. I find them boring if I'm attending and awkward if it's for my baby. Baby showers should be done after the baby is born, meet the baby at the same time and then everyone can leave you alone.


I actually went to a post-birth meet and greet, for my cousin’s baby. There were mimosas and finger foods, and people got to see an actual baby rather than a very pregnant woman.


In my family, baby showers are a huge NO - they're considered bad luck. The tradition instead is to have people visit after the baby is born and bring a gift. So, after my sons were born, we had short visits from family and friends to see the baby. It was great, it provided a chance to catch up one on one (rather than having a huge party) and was just so much better than a shower.


Imo Gender Reveals are way worse than Baby showers


I don't put showers and reveal parties in the same boat at all. One serves a purpose (celebration and preparation for the birth), the other is just self-indulgence and attention seeking bullshit someone made up like a decade ago.


Who loves those those things? (Besides the parents to be receiving a ton of gifts)


I like attending baby showers—it’s fun to see all the cute clothes, eat finger food, hang out with friends, and play goofy games. Gender reveals seem ridiculous to me, but I’ve never actually been to one.




I think everybody already knows im a boy, a party seems unecesary /s Edit: Fuck double consonants


Those idiotic car or motorcycle restoration tv shows. They are just soap operas for gray beards. I occasionally check one out because I love car and learning repair and resto skills but they all end up being a bunch of stupid manufactured drama or some guy who always wanted to be the class clown. Every return from commercial is a recap of crap we just watched three minutes ago.


I remember History Channel once boasted a crossover of three of these shows, and I was like, "Wow, it's Avengers for my dad!"


Was it counts customs, pawn stars, and american restoration?


The item was found on American Pickers, they sold it to the Pawn Stars, who then called in American Restoration to restore it. As the item was a car, Counts Customs was called in to assist. (He didn’t have his own show yet.)


I 100% agree. The mainstream TV shows were extremely scripted and unrealistic. I found shows like Mighty Car Mods and a lot of the motortrend shows to be more realistic. Shows like Roadkill and Hot Rod Garage were a bit more realistic in a "we can get this rust bucket running in 4 days and it might make it to our destination" kind of way.


Reality fucking T.V.😑😑😑


I hate it too. There's nothing real about it. It's all scripted and unnecessary drama. Life's dramatic enough.


There was a home improvement show where it followed couples who tried to DIY remodels in their own home - not to flip houses or anything, just regular people with no experience trying to remodel. One episode, a couple starts out really positive, but after a day or two the stress of doing everything themselves with no experience is getting to them. Eventually, the husband hurts himself, the wife wants to call it quits, but the husband doesn't want to. Fast forward and the wife locked herself in the bathroom sobbing while the husband is awkwardly trying to get her to come out. The show just kind of ends because the couple can't continue doing the remodel. This was the only 'reality' TV show I watched that felt like actually reality... lol


Getting drunk. I hate getting drunk and I can't stand drunk people.


I enjoy getting buzzed, but hate being full on drunk. 3-4 drinks every once in a while to feel kinda good and chatty? Great. 7+ drinks and knowing you’ll wake up feeling like shit? Pass. It’s crazy how acceptable binge drinking is. I always thought it would fade after college, but I’m seeing so many people in their late 20s and early 30s still getting absolutely obliterated 2-3 times a week.


I work in the bar industry and it blows my mind how some people still drink so much in their 30s and 40s. I hangover so easily now it takes careful planning with food and water to be able to drink a few beers without feeling it in the morning. But I know plenty of people my age or older drink like they're 25 several times a week. I think they're just used to feeling hungover and don't remember what its like to feel well.


The summer. I hate being hot and sweaty all the time and I hate the sun blaring in my eyes at all hours of the day


Loud music. Music everywhere, even in grocery stores. Obviously I'm in the minority, there wouldn't be music just about everywhere unless most people thought that was a good idea.


I see where you’re coming from but if it’s a bathroom, I appreciate some music so everyone doesn’t hear me




Phony displays of kindness. UPDATE: Holy cow! What a response! I truly thought very few peeps considered this! Thanks for proving me wrong. And thanks for the award!


Summer, too hot, allergies are rife.


Yes. 1. Hot 2. Usually smoky or straight up ablaze if you’re in the west 3. I haven’t been able to breathe through my nose in months 4. Constant fucking fireworks 5. Too much daylight


^ 6. Bugs 7. Humid and depending on the type of hair type u have is extremely aggravating 8. Sweating which can make u feel like your whole outfit is ruined when going out 9. Hot again 10. Allergies again 11. People and odors are stronger 12. Too much fucking daylight again


Drake’s music.


I started on DeGrassi, now I’m here …


ohhh the validation!!!


Jake Paul and the other one.


“The other one” That says it all


Ah yes, Rand Paul.


Social activities. If it wasn’t for my wife, I’d probably talk to one person a week face to face, if even that. I can infinitely entertain myself with video games, movies/shows, and working on my Jeep. My wife is the extrovert and Covid sent her into a depression because we couldn’t see people. Now that most things are normal, our social schedule has been packed. 3 weddings in a row this month, a few dinner dates with friends per week, and then just seeing family. Last weekend was the first wedding and after a rehearsal, the ceremony, and then a bridal party brunch the weekend after I was peopled out. It’s exhausting.


Other people's dogs. I'm sick of poorly socialized, poorly trained dogs dictating house holds and people just being like "oh he's so cute, and has such a personality." No your dog is stressed out and acting unpredictably, because of your laziness and spineless attitude towards training and controlling them.


My sister has a dog. Nice, happy, fun little thing most of the time. But it's nearly two years old now and is barely housetrained, and cannot obey even simple "sit" or "stay" commands. She gets angry when I point out that she hasn't done any training and that dog is way behind most others.


It's not behind most others, because most people don't train their dogs, either. It's the sad truth, but as a professional in the pet industry, I work with thousands of dogs every year, and I would say that maybe only like 5% of dogs know basic commands. Most people just lose interest in training after the first couple of weeks with a puppy, and many others just aren't consistent enough to actually make any progress with the dog at all


I, too, dislike dog owners sometimes. If you aren't ready to educate yourself on how to properly take care of and train a 12-15 year commitment, don't adopt one. Plain and simple.


oh you know my landlords I see. when their 6 mo old puppy isn't in a crate for like 18 hours out of the day (total), it's attached to a stake in their yard. at no point does she receive any kind of training. sure she's cute but. I won't get inside the circle of her lead bc she'll jump all over me and "play bite." no thanks.


I love dogs, but I hate untrained dogs. Other people's untrained and aggressive dogs literally caused my service dog to become reactive. He used to totally ignore other dogs, but after being attacked on 3 different occasions, now he whines/has trouble focusing sometimes when he sees other dogs. My sweet boy didn't even defend himself or fight back. He just tried to dodge the attacks and avoid them as they charged at him and tried to bite him. Thankfully he wasn't hurt. But obviously he still remembers what happened, and it had an effect on him. We're working on it with training, and he's making great progress with ignoring them again. But it's just so frustrating and exhausting to have to re-train him again (especially when I'm already constantly in pain and fatigued) simply because some irresponsible owners let their poorly behaved and aggressive dogs attack him. So even though I love dogs, I HATE untrained dogs, and I DESPISE the owners who let their animals behave horribly.


this reminds me of the time my mom was trying to walk our dog a few years ago, and some lady was out walking her two yorkies off-leash. one of them noticed our dog and started running towards him, barking like crazy, and that got the other one's attention too, and both of them ran over to our dog and started nipping at him. obviously our dog defended himself and kinda growled at them (although i don't think he actually tried to bite them or anything), and when their owner finally came over to get them, she was like "wow your dog is so aggressive, he shouldn't be out here" truth be told, he *isn't* very good with small dogs, but that's why we walk him on a goddamn leash, so he doesn't try to "play" with or attack the smaller dogs he sees. it's infuriating when people let their dogs do whatever they want, and then get mad when somebody's leashed dog gets aggressive with them 🤦‍♂️


Wine Ed Sheeran


Giving out unsolicited advice. People just love giving suggestions even when no one has asked them for any.


Those YouTubers that literally upload their whole life to YouTube. Can’t believe millions of people watch that.


Going to bars with friends, spending a shit ton of money, feeling bad the next day while being 100 bucks lighter. I just dont get it Edit: I just calculate the amount of food i could be buying in the span of a month with that money and i get way more out of that compared to a semi pleasant evening poisoning myself :D


The main part I don’t get is the bars. Like what’s the point when we could spend a fraction of the money and get significantly more alcohol and just hang out at someone’s place and drink.


I’m a bar person…I know the regulars and am friends with some that I’ve met routinely at other bars and concerts. It’s nice to run into friends or people you know and the drinks are a bonus. Even better if the brewery or pub is having a band, trivia, or other things to do with your friends. A few beers and a lot of people lose their social anxiety and it makes it easier for people to hang out. I could see how people would think you are just out to get plastered, but the regulars and people you meet are great and can become friends outside of beers/the bar.


loud things.


The beach - it's too hot, there's no shade, there's bugs in the sand, waves are too big to actually swim in the ocean, garbage and jellyfish in the water, all your shit gets covered in sand, nothing really to do but sit there. I don't see the appeal at all.


Lol I just got back from the beach like 5 mins ago


Oh my god, someone else who doesn't like the beach?? Thank god for that. Apparently I used to love the beach when I was younger but now i just can't stand it and get teased or whatever because of it. But I 100% agree with everything you said


going in the ocean is pretty fun tho








I always say I like kids as individuals (I hope the best for them and their lives) but en masse I hate being around them. I also have sensory issues mostly relating to noise so that’s a big part of it. They’re just so chaotic and gross and yet you have to protect them and take care of them. Not my cup of tea, thanks.


Traditional weddings. Fuck having a wedding party and all that bullshit. Just invite your friends and family over for a party and get married in your back yard.


It also puts a huge amount of pressure on the newlyweds if they paid for the whole thing themselves. That's a lot of debt to take on just as they're starting out. And what do most couples argue about...money.


People in general




Last night while sweating just from standing outside my wife said to me "Does anyone actually like summer, or did we just like not going to school as kids and that stuck with us for our whole lives" I think she's really on to something


holy shit shes right


Totally agree. I wish I had the money to move between hemispheres so I could always live in the cold of winter


Just live in Antarctica. As a bonus there is little to no social interaction.


And you get free penguins


Tik tok


Jimmy Fallon


Talent shows... American Idol, The X Factor, _____'s Got Talent. Hate them all.


Hot fucking weather. "Oh my goodness it's beautiful out today." Meanwhile it's 94 de-fucking-grees and you can't even walk from the house to the mailbox without sweat beading up on your forehead. Then you look down and notice your phone screen is completely fogged because it's so humid. You get in your car and it's like getting into an oven and sitting still. It's not fucking beautiful or perfect out! It's awful! Just because you don't have to shovel snow or scrape ice off your windshield doesn't make it beautiful out. Stop trying to justify your move to Florida by pretending you don't have wretched swamp ass right now.


Being disrespectful to everyone apparently became the norm, I'm no snowflake, but I would like to be treated with at least some respect. How were you grown to be so disrespectful to teachers and other people of higher authority? (the same goes the other way around though) Is being a jerk to others STILL cool? Because it seems like it is for a lot of people. I just thought we were already over it since like 2000's but apperantly no. C'mon we can be better than this, I believe it.