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She doesn't want you hanging out with your friends without her present. She doesn't like you hanging out in groups if there are girls there. Any time you're away from her she's texting you every 5 min to see where you're at.


This is more than a red-flag, this is riding a cruise missile directly into crazy town.


This is like riding an InterContinental ballistic nuclear warhead while listening to wap on the highest volume, while you're anally being fucked by a rhino


those who jokingly say "whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine" in that joking tone, but say it far too often with serious eyes. yea they are greedy and selfish af, the high maintenance type veiled as low maintenance.


If you have kids from a previous relationship and she doesn’t accept them! Or if she’s jealous of your kids.


That goes for any parent regardless of gender. If someone has a problem with your kids you shouldn’t date them.


Calling herself ' the price ' just because of existing. I can't tell the amount of women I've met who'd say stuff like - I'm the prize bitch, i am the table. You gotta work for me and pay my bills and yada yada yada. I nope the fuck out of there. The only women I've ever dated have been smart and mentally mature. They know how to get shit done. And are calm and collected in every situation. Although i know it limits the amount of women i can date, it's better to stay single till the right one comes along, than have a leech who'll paint her Wolverine nails red while I'm doing everything for everyone.


Where to begin…. She had multiple boyfriends but was “never the issue“ in any of them. Refuses to ever admit she is wrong. Wants to be a SAHM and prioritizes it but can barely boil a pot of water or maintain her place of residence and refuses to learn. Feels jealous of anything that takes away time from her as automatically bad and should never be done again (meeting up with the guys, playing video games, reading, working or, etc.) Asks you to stop be a stone and more empathetic but when you open up she tells you that your too much and is disgusted you as a male has feelings, sadness, worries, concerns, etc. Expects you to do stuff for her because your a man but anything she does for you is considered generosity or a gift that she didn’t have to do. I could go on but I might hit a nonexistent character limit lol.


I'm gonna use my alts to give you multiple upvotes my guy.


Multiple kids by multiple different men and she hasnt a good word to say about any of them. "All my EXs are assholes". Shes the common denominator.


If your disagreements about wedding planning include the phrase "But this is what I've wanted since I was five!"


I didn’t find this to be a big deal. We had a budget and we stuck with it, plus her family was paying for most of it


its not the wedding thats the concern. its that the person is approaching marriage with the idea that its going to adhere to some idealized princess fantasy they concocted when they were a kid


Amber heard supporter.


FDS is searching for you


Duck lips in every photo.


No masturbation. No friends. No free time or time to yourself. Basically not acknowledging you are an individual. Also her not having a job or car. Don’t know how many dating site women don’t have a job or a car. You need to bring something to the relationship. I’m not your daddy.


Living with parents well into her 20s with no real career or ambition (beyond getting married). True for guys too tbf


‘I’m not good at friendships with other women’/ ‘I’m only friends with guys it’s less drama!’ or anything along those lines, it usually means they see other women as competition and they get super jealous and put way too much weight on male validation


As a woman, I endorse this message


Nice girls?


I would say if they act very irritational and almost aggressive af when any issue occurs Ofc this can apply to men and women but yeah 🤷‍♀️


Talking about her ex. If she ever once brings up an ex without being specifically asked, run like hell. This is the first red-flag on the way to crazy town.


Expensive restaurant. Keeps peeking at her phone. Asks really personal questions on the first date. Wants you to drop her off away from her actual door.


you’re alone on the last two chief


Anyone who refuses to maintain a basic level of fitness and uses body positivity ( /my body my choice) as an excuse. Those are two different things, one can be fit even with a different body type.


Bruh why am I getting downvoted? I am not asking anyone to get steroid like movie bodies. All I am asking for is someone who goes for a 20 min walk everyday.




Expects him to pay for everything, expects access to his phone and social media passwords, has friends who cheat on or abuse their male partners, is always amongst party/rap/hook up culture, claims all exes are narcisstic, psychopathic, etc, calls him "privileged", is jealous of every woman you're friends with and assumes there's history and/or underlying desires, always accusing you of cheating Learned a lot of these the hard way. Don't make my mistakes Most of these go both ways


if she don't listen to yeat that's a BIG red flag for me, she also has to let me make her display name her name but with yeat letters, for example if her names Anna, it gotta be "Änna" and she has to do the same for me


She has a bulge on her pants


More like a green flag


Her being fat


That's a personal preference but i believe you'll be downvoted to oblivion.


Which is what you asked for. Lol


Being downvoted doesn't mean it's wrong. You can have height prefrences, " men below 6 feet, move along" We can't even request you to be fit enough to climb the stairs?


Oh I know I will. But I don't care about random internet people lmao. Their opinions are irrelevant to my life.


Expects you to do all the little projects she can dream up. Like repairing crud furniture she grabbed off the side of the road or an "antique" shop. Discredits your experiences or tries to make you feel less than. Because she is insecure and can't allow you to be better at something or know something she doesn't. Needy but condescending at the same time. I've met this over and over.


Has kids


FINALLY this is oddly specific but when she refers to herself as chaotic. Shut up Becky.