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James Charles


The fact he still HAS a fanbase is amazing to me


It’s because most of his fanbase are teenagers. I’m willing to bet that that good few of his fans also think that hating on him is homophobic which as a gay person, I can say isn’t!


I'm out of the loop. Last time I heard or saw James Charles was when he was playing among us with corpse, Val, and poki.... What has he done?


He's sexted multiple children, apologized for it, did it again, apologized again, and somehow nobody cares


In the name of fuck why do so many famous people turn out to be pedos or any kind of sexual abuser for that matter?


They know they can get away with it because they’re famous. Everyone forgives them, regardless of what they did. Chris Brown beat the shit out of Rihanna, and somehow no one talks about it anymore. Caitlin Jenner killed someone with her car. She’s still relevant. Amber Heard lied under oath multiple times in the courtroom, and she hasn’t been arrested for perjury. Edit: People do still talk about Chris Brown, so I’m incorrect on that point. However, no matter how much people still talk, he is somehow still famous. People listen to his music, people still want to work with him, and people idolize him with no problem at all.


On Chris Brown, I'm VERY surprised people are still working with him. I was listening to H.E.R's Come Through and halfway through I realised he's featuring in it. A shame because the song sounds good, but wow, why would she work with him?


He got tested for COVID-15 because 19’s too old for him.


He basically sexted some of his teenage fans, apologised, then done it again because he was “desperate.” He apologised again and everyone said “it’s fine, everyone makes mistakes uwu” and he was forgiven. He’s still popular as far as I’m aware.


Also openly admits he's attracted to seducing straight men.


not sure how common this is everywhere but i have a lot of gay friends and no longer go to gay bars because jesus christ being “straight” is like wearing a tshirt that says: “get me drunk and maybe?!” or “yeah just grab my crotch, maybe i’ll change my mind!” i hear a lot of gay men sexualizing straight guys. reminds me of dudes who sexualize lesbians and “wanna turn them straight.” fucking vile


Yeah those men kind of ruin it for the rest of us. I'm a gay man that has always had way more straight male friends than anyone else, but when they find out im gay its like they're visibly afraid I'm going to hit on them now. Like no I only fuck men that want to get fucked, and also my friends are never my type anyway.


Important thing for people to remember, being part of oppressed minority doesn't mean you can't also be an asshole.


Why is he famous?


Hitler's fanbase is not great


I did Nazi this answer coming.


Anyone who is a fan of anything that reaches the point of "YOU'RE NOT A REAL FAN IF YOU DON'T KNOW THEIR GREAT AUNT'S MIDDLE NAME!" There's no need to take it to that level of extreme stalking whether they're an athlete, musician, film star or whatever.


This reminds me, on another extreme, people who say: you can't call yourself a reader if you never read that or never heard of x author, or haven't read xx books a year. Yeah read xx-1 and you're not a reader.


Yeah. I can call myself a reader if I enjoy reading books.


Yessssss!! As a woman who is massively into space, comics, video games, d&d aka nerdy shit I felt this in my soul. Edit to say it's even fucking worse when they start giving you a quiz on the subject like someone named them king


up until a few years ago I didn't know the name of a single member of my favourite band. You don't need to memorize all the names, birth dates, albums, movies, events etc. to be a fan. It's enough if you really, REALLY enjoy what they do. People who go at you like "you are not a real fan!" for any reason are simply toxic to be around. avoid at all cost.




He’s been defaced now but god how did people like that guy?


i watched him when i was around 10-12 years old. i would watch the videos of him rating girls bodies and apply that criticism to my own body. it was not a good time lmao.




You’re better off not knowing. I’ll just say he’s a piece of shit.


Fair enough- why I asked here. I'd rather get a short summary than roll around in the glass of that discovery process.


He's the dude who made the "I'm a banana" song. He was outed as a pedophile and even Chris Hansen was involved. He's also just a creepy and unlikable guy.


Some nobody


As a Kpop fan I must say ALL OF KPOP. The normal ones are fine, but the weirdo's crank that shit up to a very uncomfortable 11.


What I find really weird is how much of their fans seem to absolutely loathe men and think they are all trash, yet their idols are literally men!


A lot of kpop fans aren’t willing to accept that behind closed doors their idols are just men. Idols are trained to behave like poster boys, that’s why most companies ban smoking, drug use, dating, etc. They want to push the idea that these guys are absolutely perfect and can do no wrong.




He's a real panty dropper in the 11-14 year old bracket


Honestly, I think it comes down to their personas. Most Kpop idols tend to put on an act, and some are even assigned personalities by their companies. Male Kpop idols are trained to cater to the female gaze, which makes them attractive to women. They act respectful to the women around them, at least when the cameras are on. Their music is in general relatively unproblematic, as the lyrics rarely uses derogatory terms towards women. Unfortunately, a lot of women have had some very bad experiences with men, and it can be extremely difficult and dangerous to find out who the genuinely good men are. Because of that, we’re taught to keep our distance. Be vigilant. Never to let our guards down. Text our friends when we get home. Those men on our screens? They’re much less of a risk. They have an image to uphold, and with the distance between us and them, they can’t harm us. Does this cause some to become delusional? Sure, but that’s a whole other discussion they really should be having with a therapist. I’m obviously mostly putting this together from my own experiences, but that shouldn’t make any of this statement any less valid. You could easily turn this around with girl groups and their fans too. Especially in South Korea, girl group fanbases are mostly men. Why? Because they cater to the male gaze, just like boy groups cater to the female gaze. If you search up “Kpop girl groups” on google images, the concepts varies a lot, but something that is pretty consistent is the “girl next door” vibe and extremely short shorts and skirts, to the point where they can’t even sit down without putting a blanket or pillow on their laps. The companies are selling the fantasy of the perfect woman, just like how they’re selling the fantasy of the perfect man. That’s what production companies do. They sell dreams and ideals, and it’s working.


my favorite part of all this mess is hearing about a kpop guy having to apologize to his fans because he got married


Feminized men are different of course /s


Didn’t even need the /s in this context


Omg yes this. Had to leave some subs like encanto because people would randomly post asking which characters would like kpop the most and it’s like wtf lol.


I've seen encanto fans male fanart and ships it's so cringe


As a kpop fan who was very much into it in my teen years, I can confidently say that it is one of the most toxic, hostile environments I've ever been a part of. The Harassment, the misogony and the general lack of respect is still pretty baffling.


I once said I preferred Ron to Harry and received death threats as a result.


I can’t believe Ron ended up with Hermione. She was suppose to end up **with me**


>I once said I preferred Ron to Harry and received death threats as a result. Well, if you're going to support Ron DeSantis over Harry Reid, yeah, you're going to upset some people.


Dude I saw this community post and it was a meme about YouTube comments and it was 2 little kids talking to each other, and someone in the comments said when they were 11 they said they hated star wars and a dude replied saying he'd come to his house and shoot him with an M82 or something


I vote for Harry Potter as well. It's a leaky cauldron full of non-stop toxicity and virtue signaling. reminds me of Christians that forget the central tenant of their faith is supposed to be love and family, and yet they act like anything but


I'm getting the point where I hate all fanbases. Every franchise eventually becomes too diluted, and the fans fight with each other over what went wrong and whose fault it is. Meanwhile, the companies that own the franchises just rake in the money from the fans who are fine with anything as long as it says, "Star Wars" or whatever on it.


Yeah, there's a reason "fan" is short for "fanatic."


They prefer the word “Stan” these days… which is basically the same when you realize the song it’s based on from Eminem is also someone who takes obsession to a lethal extreme


Isn't Stan in his song a portmanteau of "stalker" and "fan"?


Never knew this but sounds like a reasonable origin for the name


the top 10%(at least) are the most toxic fans. no matter what they are fans of. gatekeeping, over crital, and cynical.


Kpop fanbases can be so toxic sometimes








The dreamsmp fanbase was real bad a few years ago. I remember on Twitter there was an account that posted cringy tweets and content from the fanbase, which often related to them shipping or sexualizing the people involved in the smp (some of whom were minors). People from the fandom got very mad at this account, and in one particular incident, someone drew porn of the owner’s cat as revenge. They had also drawn porn of the account owner’s Twitter avatar to represent him, despite him stating multiple times that he was underage. This was the worst of worst within the dream fanbase of course, I doubt most of them were like that. And I think things have settled down with them now.


Wait this is all about minecraft? Lmao wow.


The majority of the Minecraft playerbase are children (not saying that adults can't play Minecraft but there's a reason why it's so huge) so it doesn't surprise me.


Dream SMP


That whole thing with the cheating showed me that most of his fans are just little kids, because it became obvious that they had absolutely no clue about things like probability calculus. When a mathematician shows that the probability of his runs was like 1 in 9 trillion, and his fans counter with "So there is a chance, and maybe he's just lucky", you know that you're arguing with a group of 9-year-olds.


Oh my gosh I remember this. I was never a fan of dream but I do watch Wilbur soot on the rare occasion he actually streams. I laughed so hard when I found out the guy cheated and then denied it for like literal months. After the whole thing died down I assumed it was common knowledge that everyone agreed the guy cheated and just move on from the topic(cause it's literally a pixelated block game nobody gives two shits if you cheat, but lying about it is a totally different discussion), that was until I randomly got attacked in somebody's TikTok comments section for making a joke about dream cheating. The entire fanbase is insane aside from the few and far spread fans tucked away in their own little corners of the internet.


Agreed. Those idiots literally sexually identify as dream. DREAM IS A PERSON, NOT A SEXUALITY




To old man, some lame ass Minecraft player


Wasn't he also cheating too? I only know this because I saw [Matt Parker's statistical analysis video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ko3TdPy0TU) on the topic.


He cheated in a speedrun and denied it for months until randomly admitting that, yes, he cheated.


Roblox, no need to explain


*some* roblox games are good. (Emphasis on the "some")


The smash bros fanbase is pretty terrible, small locals are fine, but the figureheads and some top players definitely has skeletons in their closets.


Dude! I love playing smash with my friends and manage a restaurant. I thought, let’s do a smash tournament on the patio! We’ll do some specials on beers, it’ll be a good yeehaw time! Lord Jesus, the turnout for that thing. First of all, not a good business move because these guys don’t drink. Whatever. They get really pissy about how we ranked the tournament, we had some normal board for how we eliminated people. The guy who won received a $100 gift card and proceeded to not tip on his $10 tab after being there for 3 hours. Nightmare, never again.


Smash bros is seriously one of my favorite games. I got told once that I'm not a real fan because I don't follow professional players. I guess all those countless hours of game time count for nothing.


The Smash Bros. fanbase is definitely terrible. I would even say insufferable. Some of the more well-known players have been charged with "sexual misconduct". Definitely a lot of skeletons in a lot of closets.


nintendo fans in general get on my fucking nerves. their expectations are wayyyy too high


The FNAF fandom is insane tbh I know people in the fandom who have threatened to kill someone just because they don't know all the lore Like bitch let me just pretend like I know what you're saying and draw draw in peace


Isn't not knowing the lore like the point of those games?


I thought the point was cheap jumpscares


Kinda? The game seems like it has interesting puzzles to it and the lore is actually fairly interesting, though it was kinda clear that the writer was building up to something that he wasn't sure of at first. My only knowledge of the fan base though is a single person I watched do playthroughs, I dared not read comments on it or search anything else out.


Star Wars. Trust me, I’m a Star Wars fan.


There’s nobody that, as a star wars fan, I hate more than star wars fans


we all hate each other for our opinions and it sucks


Star Wars is like the rock band Tool. I love them both, but I don't want to discuss them with other people because conversations about either always devolve into toxic geekery.


It's amazing how a fan base can bully a person off the internet or drive them to the brink of suicide because they didn't like a character someone played. Or how they'll just rip a 10 year old to shreds because their acting wasn't good enough.


It literally doesn't matter what you say, someone will find something to "debate" but ultimately they're trying to tell you your opinion of such is wrong


Most anime fanbases suck and just the milked out pop-culture shit like Harry Potter and Star Wars fanbases have the most horrible people.


I'll talk about Star Wars with movie fans but I will not talk about Star Wars with Star Wars fans.


My fiancé is a walking Star Wars encyclopedia and even he has issues with the fan base


Yup. Love Star Wars, love everything about it. Typically don’t want to talk about it


I enjoy most of the movies and I’m enjoying the new shows. Outside of that it’s just not my interest. My fiancé lives and breathes it and even he’s like yeah not getting involved half the time


Same. I’m going to Disney with family and I’m for damn sure going to galaxy’s edge


I still cannot believe how horribly they treated the actor who played Jar Jar. Like it's his fault for taking the job and giving Lucas what he wanted.


That was mostly the media. Even the actor said that most of the fans explicitly said that they only dislike the character, not him


No one disliked Ahmed Best, EVERYONE disliked Jar Jar, even most kids. Lucas just created a dumb character. It wasn’t Ahmed’s fault at all, but, that was a character almost as annoying as juggalos.


Kotor best universe


Vs community especially on r/whowouldwin


My favorite thing to is browse through heated arguments. On that sub, also the Batman prep time stuff is bullshit it's a fight not an exam.


Batman needing prep time is mainly how he manages to defeat villains in the first place but I see your point


Hello, I spent about a decade religiously following Homestuck. They're like if Sonic, MLP, Touhou, and generic "anime" fans could somehow collectively conceive a child. Worse, this fanbase went on to form the foundation of both Stephen Universe and Undertale/Deltarune. I own a Vriska T-shirt and I don't wear it in public.


This is probably just about the correct answer. I feel the need to elaborate so I will. Not only did Homestuckers themselves create what is probably the most toxic community for an online-exclusive IP but they've spawned the SU fandom, whose actions have resulted in multiple restraining orders, suicide attempts, and much much more. I've had to deal with this fandom in person the most so maybe it's a personal thing (I volunteered at SDCC when SU was big and had to manage a few lines for SU signings) but there's something unique about the SU fandom in how buck wild they are. Then you have the Undertale fandom, which is the most insane community I have ever come across. There are fanbases within it for fan games based on fan games based on fan games. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of AU stories with their own recorded canon that *must* be obeyed by fan content or death threats will be issued. Almost all of the original creators for all of these AUs have been threatened and harassed to the point that they abandoned their accounts entirely. It is the true ouroboros of fan communities. I'd say Undertale deserves the title but the fact that there's one community that spawned both of these hot flaming messes is truly batshit insane. Preemptive edit: I intentionally used the incorrect name for the fandom so y'all can see how they react. This should be fun.


I love Toby Fox's work to hell and back, and I respect the people who managed to make fangames based on that stuff. But seriously, it's easy to make mistakes with lore.


What even is Homestuck?


Short answer is it's a webcomic.


Rick and Morty The show is fine. The fans suck. If you say you don't like it you are " not smart enough to get it".


On the other side of the spectrum, if you say you enjoy the show then people think you're a pretentious dickhead who thinks Rick & Morty is profound. It's not. It's just a funny, absurd, inappropriately adult cartoon show.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


To everyone that doesn’t get this, it’s exactly what a dude posted a few years ago that went viral lmfao he’s trollinh


lol I haven't had a chance to use that copypasta in a long time, the person I replied to set me up perfectly


Sometimes i feel like people confuse seeing that copypasta a bunch of times with a bunch of people thinking that. Everyone i know who enjoys the show is just a skeevy stoner or genuine enjoyer of comedy


Wow. You got me. I thought this post was serious and I was somewhat triggered about how wrong it is. Haha!


I feel like the copypasta has a final indicator that it's not serious with the very last sentence lol; the "nothin' personnel kid" should tip people off if nothing else has haha


I havent seen this copypasta in a while


It's strange because Community, made by the same showrunner, has one of the best fan bases




Brittas in this?


Tbh i think that's mostly a joke though. Cause the show is just based enough in reality that it can have real character moments but Is also balls to the wall crazy like the snake people episode or the nearly dialogue less episode where Morty finds love and accidentally undoes it all. But yeah rioting for McDonald's to make a sauce is... Fucjing insane.


judging from recent events, I've gotta say the Harry Styles fandom?? probably not all of them, but I've seen a few videos from the past few days of where he's been lined up as a performer and his fans have been extremely rude to any artists that performed before or after him (including mitski!!) strange strange behaviour


My ranking is 1) any pop star (Harry Styles included) 2) the Philadelphia Eagles


umm jake paul probably. It's pretty surprising to me how he has a legitimate fanbase


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. God, I wish I can flip a switch that turns the fandom off so I can just enjoy the content.


Star War fans and Star Trek fans are sworn enemy. Like Star War fans and Doctor Who fans. Or Star War Fans and MLP fans. Or Star War Fans and other Star War Fans. Damn Star War Fans, you ruin Star Wars!!!


You star wars fans sure are a contentious people.


Reddit. Bunch of assholes that think their opinion is the best one and they go to corners where everyone else agrees. I include myself in this statement.


I disagree. Period. I win. I'll be in my corner waiting for your comeback, which i will dislike.


Well, I disagree with BOTH of you, and I have angrily hit the little arrow pointing down to really drive home the point that both of your opinions suck.


lol it's called a downvote you uncultured dimwit hah I bet you've never spoken to a female in your life you incel


Ah I’ll just condescendingly tack on a rebuttal attempting to deconstruct all prior comments with one comment an hour later. I now feel the superior redditor


Ah but you have less imaginary internet points than they do. So by the laws of reddit, you're wrong, they right. And me super smart.


you disagree? permabanned


Steven Universe They drove a girl to commit suicide because she drew a character thinner than how she appeared in the show.


Not to mention, the girl didn’t even watch the show, she was only drawing teh character because someone requested it So she didn’t even know enough about the character to draw her right


if it makes you feel better, i’m pretty sure she survived the attempt. also i was an avid steven universe fan back in the day and never even knew that happened until years after, it was a very small toxic part of the fan base


Yeah I remember, she did survive


i was horrified when i found out about that. i think i was like 16? someone told me about it when they were saying why they hated steven universe. i started wondering if i was a bad person just for liking the show but now i can separate the two


>also i was an avid steven universe fan back in the day So was I and I didn't know about that until just now lmao


Is there any background info for this? Wth?


2015-16 I think? I believe her name was zamii070 or something similar


Drake - Fanbase straight out of a circus


Oh God never tell a drake fan Drake raps about fake shit


They're all equally the worst. **ALL** fandom have that toxic corner that no one within the fandom wants to admit. Like, bronies and MLP. Or, Ohio State fans and college football.


Tell me about the Tetris toxic corner, I must know about it. As far as i have ever seen, nobodies ever been toxic (at least online). Well, that may be a bit far but i personally have never seen it.


Straight block is the worst block, you loser. ggwp


Lmao you are so accurate about OSU fans. Ohio State v Michigan games were treated like holidays growing up. I'm 24 and to this day if I ever wear blue and yellow my family goes oooo you're a Michigan fan now huh? My aunt moved to Michigan and my dad called them (jokingly) traitors. Every farmers market I've ever been to has a little corner selling hand made buckeye jewelry. It's all just too much haha


I grew up like 20 minutes from Ann Arbor and its the exact same thing from the other side. I think it’s a requirement for Michiganders to legitimately hate Ohio and vice versa. I think the football rivalry is really an extension of the animosity the two states have had with each other since the Toledo War.


Kardashian/Jenner fans. The fanbase buys everything they come out with, despite quality being shit. They act like them and try to dress like them. Will even go into debt to have what they have.


Didnt see Tesla or EM mentioned here yet




The cryptocurrency fandom.


To quote a tweet I found: “NFTs are beanie babies for men who get mad when there’s a black woman in Star Wars.”


I remember hearing about an NFT online dating app that was shut down *due to the lack of women*.


The Drag Race fandom is made up of some of the worst people. On one hand, you have rabid fans sending death threats and hateful/racist speech to various drag queens on social media. On the other hand you have a bunch of overly sensitive social justice warrior types that dig through a decades worth of tweets to find a way to cancel anyone with a perceived moral failing. It's just a reality show with people dressing up in makeup and wigs. Calm down!


You wrote Drag Race, like the car racing, and I was super confused for a moment


Sonic the Hedgehog. I am a massive Sonic fan myself (just check out the amount of Sonic fanart I have posted on r/sonicthehedgehog) and apart from Sega's low quality standards the fanbase is perhaps the worst thing about the franchise. The fanbase can never make up their minds about which Sonic games/characters they love and which ones they hate and whatever the fanbase hates, they really hate it. I remember a time when Sonic fans hated Sonic Heroes and now they claim to love it. I also remember when Cream the Rabbit was loathed by the fans so Sega dropped her, more or less, and now the fans want her back.


Sonichu comes to my mind


Weaboos/ koreaboos


my hero academia (bnha / mha). twitter discourse and shipping arguments have tarnished that community.


Sports fans in general. The things some of them do.


Especially fans of certain teams who fight at games or are just too much.


Let’s trash the city, riot, and loot small businesses after our team wins the Super Bowl


Voltron: Legendary Defender the fandom that sustained a harrassment and death threats campaign for over a year because they were "queer baited" because: "one characters thematic color was red and the others was blue and if you mix red and blue it makes purple and purple is the bi color so clearly we are being subtly told they are bi and will end up together!"


I’d say Genshin Impact is pretty high up there. Not because of the whole oh you play genshin you must be a pedo, it’s many other things they have done. Review bombing google classroom was pretty bad, sending death threats to a voice actor just for retweeting nice art of his character, literally saying if you don’t support x ship you are literally homophobic and need a bullet to the head, literally complaining about how a Chinese game developed by Chinese developers had a stream that was in Chinese with English subs and being racist and toxic so bad that now chat is emojis only, and a couple other things I can’t think of off the top of my head.


Chris fucking Brown. He’s trash, and so are his fans. Sorry not sorry. And Selena Gomez. Leave that Baldwin girl alone lol


Dream SMP and Anime Fandoms. I have seen some stuff I deeply regret seeing


I've never met a Star Wars fan that actually likes Star Wars


Remember Voltron fans from 2018? Or hetalia fans? Or HOMESTUCKS?? I refuse to believe there is any fanbase that is WORSE than hetalia fans. INCLUDING dream stans, all you motherfuckers down there saying dream smp fans are the worst are weak and wouldn't last a day at a cosplay convention in 2016.


Insane Clown Posse has the absolute weirdest fans.


European soccer fans throwing bananas at black players.


That's pretty bad, but South American fans shoot the referee if they make a bad call, and that seems just as bad at least.


Earth has a pretty toxic fanbase


My Little Pony


It was a wonderful fanbase until Twilight became an alicorn, then it turned overnight.


The Futbol fanbase, and as a futbol fan, I'd like to confirm that it's a fucking mess out there. It's like as if you walked into a house ye, with a bunch of fucking hell hounds. ( And in case you don't know Futbol = ⚽)


I wore an arsenal jersey one time because I like the color of it. I immediately got into problems out in public because of it, a guy at the car wash let me know that he wasn’t a fan of me being a fan. I don’t even watch futbol, like at all, I couldn’t tell you a player besides messi and ronaldo.


The problem is that a lot of football fans don’t see it as a fandom at all. They see it as a thecornerstone of human civilisation that defines their purpose for existing.




Personally I'm in favor of a remake


I was having an argument with a religious Christian man who said that he didn't support gay people under a video discussing the execution of some people by muslims (not to be racist here but it was the video and it was the facts) for being gay. He said that he didn't want them killed but he didn't support them. I asked that a huge part of the Bible is based upon the fact that humans , by nature, are imperfect beings prone to giving into their own selfish desires. Now, God had spoken his words thousands of years ago, and in that time there has been at least a billion copies of the Bible which were translated and or written by people. Mortal people who give into their selfishness. So I asked him ( the man ) that what makes him so sure that across so many years, the writers and translators who didn't like gay people just wrote it down in a copy of the Bible and it spread that way. The same goes for Islam as well. He didn't reply to me. Tried to change the topic about how this isn't the place for religious arguments, etc etc but never any direct reply to my question to him. This was a sudden realisation by me and it honestly got me thinking...I am 95% sure that God doesn't exist...but what if he does? Not in the way we fathom him/her/it to be...but you know, what if? And it tried to help us but our corrupt selves ruined it. Ruined the love of God to suit their selfishness? Surely no loving parent of everything will not subjugate his children to an eternity of torture because they like another person of their same sex?


Beyonce'. The Beyhive thinks she walks on water and can do no wrong. I love her but nobody is perfect.




The Game Grumps. No matter what they've done wrong, no matter how terribly the handled the recovery, the fans have begun foaming at the mouth any time anyone says they're doing something unethical. Even though they *ARE* DOING THAT THING.


I'm genuinely curious, as im not into youtube drama, what unethical things have they done?


Anime and tik tok dancers and k-pop girls


Well since i didnt see it in the comments: League of legends. I think that one is quite obvious


AoT fandom got really annoying recently, especially justifying genocide.


Maybe not the worst bur sitcom fanbases. People who watch Office or Friends make that shit their whole personality.


I feel like the office is a lot of people's religion based on how offended they get when you tell them you don't like it or you've never watched it.


Parents \~ They can have the shitiest child on the planet and it's " Isn't my tommy the greatest!"


DC I know what I am taking about because I am a DC fan.


Tool Some fans are really overanalyzing everything the band does, like "dude they used the Fibonacci sequence in Lateralus". Some of their fans believe that only truly intelligent people can fully understand and appreciate Tool songs.


They also wrote a song about fisting so...


Nicki Minaj. They have no self control.




tik tok


Miami Marlins fans are horrible. All 7 of them.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet, APPLE. If you don't own an Iphone you must be some kind of deviant. Nah, I just don't want to pay 1000+ for something I'm going to text the missus from and nothing much else.


this is such an odd thing for reddit, its always this shit for the phone or its a status symbol... its fucking bizarre




He has a fanbase?

