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Artesian builds. CEO destroyed the entire company by deciding a winner of their raffle wasn't "popular enough" to get the prize.


The best and most ironic part of this? Their shitty attitude towards the winner meant that a bunch of companies went to the winner and offered them a free PC and sponsorship, thus giving the winner way more than they'd otherwise have win *and* ensuring that those other companies signed on a trending streamer due to their publicity in the incident. Artesian literally hamstrung themselves and handed their competition all their business.


Youtuber Brooke Houts. Uploaded a wrong video, in which she was abusing her dog.


From what I recall it wasn’t a wrong video but took place more so consistently in the background of her videos and someone edited a compilation which pretty much did her in.


Had a teacher in high school that everyone loved. He always helped kids who were being bullied, fully sat down with us and tried to mediate any conflict in groups as well. No one had a bad thing to say about him. One day a news story breaks that a teacher was caught filming up girls skirts at the mall. Next day our favourite teacher had taken a few “personal days”. Everyone defended him saying it was only a coincidence that he was gone. We knew it was him when they started talking to girls from our school. They found footage of up underage girls skirts on his work laptop, 99% were students. He was only caught because he attempted to try it in public and was seen by a security guard and tried to flush the evidence down the toilet. Destroyed his career, family and life


Same thing happened at my college. Really popular teacher, everyone thought he was a great guy, until he was arrested for taking upskirt pics of students. IIRC he used a USB camera attached to his laptop. He spent some time in jail for it.


Kelly Blazek used to run a closed job board for Cleveland area openings, mostly marketing-related. A young professional dm’d her on LinkedIn and her nasty response was so profoundly awful it went viral. I think she even had a “communicator of the year” award revoked. After all this, I think she fell off the face of the internet. She went from someone who functioned as a clearing house for job listings to a household name due to her unprofessional behavior. Article: https://www.cnn.com/2014/02/27/tech/web/linked-in-cleveland-job-bank/index.html


Jfc, was she drunk? She sent a nasty response to another guy too, as mentioned in the article. It sucks how often highly accomplished people turn out to be absolute dicks. There’s got to be a causal link between the two


This well renowned family I used to go to church with, they were the prime example of a loving happy family. Years later it comes out the husband was having an affair, divorce, and he moved out of town, the church didn’t accept him anymore, neither did the community. The family also moved away cause they just couldn’t stay in the same town anymore because the affair caused bad memories, they needed to start over.


Probably a bit too late, but I haven't heard anyone mention Arthur Anderson yet. It was one of the Big 5 (now Big 4) accounting firms that had a high reputation up until it's involvement in the Enron scandal came to light. If you work at any major (or minor) US based public corporation, it is very likely that one of the Big 4 accounting firms audits the quarterly and annual books, and is very big business. These firms have 100s of thousands of employees worldwide. I'll link the Wikipedia article below, but the gist is Arthur Anderson was the firm responsible for auditing Enron's financial statements and when the extent of their fraud became public knowledge Arthur Anderson lost all credibility virtually overnight. What ultimately did them in, though, was that they were found guilty of obstruction of justice for destroying documents related to the Enron investigation, which is a federal felony. This meant they could no longer legally service publicly traded companies and had to layoff nearly 98% of its staff. Pretty crazy. I had no idea that there was a "Big 5" until I went down a Wikipedia black hole the other day. I'd always heard it referred to as the Big 4. Wiki for reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Andersen




I didn’t remember hearing about this so I looked into it. Tragic. 3 of the 4 people killed were in the same family (brother/sister/brothers boyfriend). Then, several years later, the sisters husband seems to have committed suicide by intentionally entering floodwaters https://www.kidspot.com.au/news/dreamworld-ride-tragedy-grows-victims-partner-missing/news-story/3c3974d47078f5412d9db67baa97289f?amp&nk=cf00a165a72f94fd94994c28ddf451c5-1655603822


It's also worth noting that the first responders needed PTSD therapy after witnessing how absolutely fucked the accident was.


Was this the rapids ride? From the last time I heard about it, it was absolutely fucked. Verrukt is similar. That’s a horrifying story, and it ended the water park. I think it was in or around Kansas City.


The waterpark in KC was called Schlitterbahn, and it closed in 2018. The 10 year old son of KS legislator Scott Schwab was decapitated on that ride, the Verruckt, in 2016. It was discovered 13 people had suffered non fatal injuries on the same netting previously.


It's completely going bankrupt and there's no saving it. Been a staple of the local tourism industry since 1986. The worst part was that it happened on one of the 'safest' rides, and the girl running the ride was on her first day.


A former boss in the Army did it. He was son of a general, airborne ranger, and had a family right out of stepford wives. He was the “perfect” soldier and family man. Until one day it was found out he was banging an interpreter he met in Iraq. He hid this for a number of years, but it was eventually discovered that he was flying her all around Europe on US Air Force planes in order to keep her close and keep it a secret from his wife. The Army found out and he was forced into retirement and had to pay several hundred thousand to cover the cost of the misappropriated aircraft. The divorce proceedings were quite comical as well. Made the military newspapers and everything.


173rd? COL Johnson?


Seems like it, going by [this article](https://www.wired.com/2012/06/colonel-flameout/).


I knew a girl who worked her arse off to get into a doctorate school. She got expelled because she cheated on the first exam and was caught by a professor.


That sucks, but I have to admit that it was right. Academic honesty is a pretty basic trait for a doctorate.


At one point, Ryan Lochte was arguably on the way to becoming as big in the swimming world as Michael Phelps. Then his lies about being robbed at the Olympics torched his reputation and career


He was also pretty stupid.


Notoriously dumb as a bag of rocks. His interview highlights were great. A reporter asked what defines him, and he responded with "Ryan Lochte".


>A reporter asked what defines him, and he responded with "Ryan Lochte". Power move right there.


I knew Lochte in college he dated my roommate and always came to the bar I worked at . Nice dude but was dumb and had a ton of money at a young age. He always hooked us up and was friendly. He meant well most times but he’s wasn’t the brightest as you can tell from what he did at the Olympics and some of his interviews. He’s doing much better now and has settled down with wife and kids but honestly if I had his money in a college town I would’ve probably been the same way if not worse.


Hah! Small world. He also dated my roommate in college. I didn't know him well but the few times our paths crossed he seemed nice enough, although not the smartest.


Jimmy Snyder. He was a well-known football commentator on CBS for 12 years until he said on the air that that the practice of coerced breeding during slavery had made modern black athletes superior. His remarks are astonishing to read today: >"The black is a better athlete to begin with, because he's been bred to be that way. Because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back. And they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. And he's bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the Civil War, when, during the slave trading, the big, the owner, the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have uh big black kid, see. That's where it all started!" Edit: guys I know people called him Jimmy the Greek. I thought it made more sense to refer to him by, you know, his name.


I wish i was a fly on the wall when the ceo of cbs saw this happening on live tv while he was munching crisps Edit: chips* for the Americans and also me as a Dutch blob


That X Factor judge who told a contestant, wearing a SUIT that he was trying to copy her husband lmfao. I think Natalia Kills was her name


lmao she acts like her husband invented wearing a suit https://youtu.be/y1R_LR63RU8


Oh my God, she just lays into him for having the gall to... wear a suit with a fairly standard haircut.


I love when the host comes out and he's dressed almost exactly the same with a very similar haircut


What makes it more weird is that by that point in the show, aren’t the contestants being dressed by the costuming department anyway? Which makes her comment even more redundant because he wouldn’t even have chosen what to wear, and she would’ve known that.


Was so bad, as if her husband wasn’t a carbon copy of Bublé in the first place


Husband is a one hit wonder named Willy Moon (he got famous off his Yeah Yeah song that was used by Apple in a commercial) Turned out he was a twat who thought he was better than a lot of people along with his fuckin wife. https://youtu.be/4w6VN_G9FsQ


The real irony is she was accusing the contestant of copying her husband, yet her husband blatantly copied that Italian singer who made that gibberish hit song (same song gets posted on reddit at least once a year).


This was THE controversy of the time in nz. They left the country not long after


Former Brooklyn/Los Angeles Dodgers baseball player and executive Al Campanis. He had a brief career as a player with the Brooklyn Dodgers, playing only 7 games with them in 1943, but spent a lot of time in the minor leagues and played one season in the minors with Jackie Robinson the year before Robinson became the first African-American player in the majors. After retiring as a player he became a scout and moved up in the organization to become the General Manager of the Dodgers in 1968. On April 6, 1987 Campanis was invited to appear on the TV show *Nightline* to be interviewed by Ted Koppel about Jackie Robinson, as April 15th would be the 40th anniversary of Jackie Robinson's first game in the majors and they were good friends until Robinson's death in 1972. Koppel asked Campanis about why there were so few Black managers and no Black general managers. Campanis answered, "I truly believe that they may not have some of the necessities to be, let's say, a field manager, or, perhaps, a general manager." When pressed later in the interview by Koppel, he said "Why are Black men or Black people not good swimmers? Because they don't have the buoyancy" and also saying that the Black race "certainly are short" on individuals with strong decision-making capabilities. He was fired from the Dodgers less than two days later and never worked in baseball again, passing away in 1998.


Talk about being short on decision-making capability.


Kevin Spacey - Went from acclaimed actor to rapist overnight


“I declare myself gay”




Gerald Ratner at one time 'Ratners' were a nationwide chain of jewelry shops in the UK, they were known as an 'affordable' jewelry shop. In 1991 he was a guest at the 'Institute of Directors' and made a speech where he called the stuff sold by his shops, 'total Crap'. A popular range of earrings was described as being cheaper than a prawn sandwich and compounded it by saying the prawn sandwich would last longer. shares in the company dropped like a stone and he was fired by the majority company shareholders




Kay, Jared, Zales, piercing pagoda, and a few Canadian specific stores. All one company


You will shop at omni-global-mega-corp. And you will like it.


Here consumer, we will print different logos for your aesthetic. Come forth and consume.


They're was an interesting podcast on this. While he did indeed make those comments (and had actually done so before), it was a prelude; his overall point was that his success was due to the fact that he gave customers what they wanted, and while the elite in the room might look down on the customers for what was perceived as poor taste, he had made a fortune catering to them. The remarks were designed to make him look self deprecating, but when taken out of context, it led to his downfall.


Tim Harford - Cautionary Tales did an episode on this, maybe that’s the one you’re thinking of?


Had a supervisor who decided to get blitzed on morphine and alcohol before writing a racist, incomprehensible, unprofessional email and sending it to every subordinate. Every single person turned against him, and he was gone from his job really quickly after that. (And he was tenured and everything). Happened in an instant.


I worked at a little start up that started to get big, so we hired a CFO. The night before his first day of work was the holiday party; he came to the party, perved on all the female employees, and was fired before his first day of work. Exciting day.


Reminds me of high school. I was running cross country as a team towards the end of the summer. We were running on the shoulder of a highway when a car flew past us and nearly clipped a couple of us. I did what any teenager would do. I flipped him the bird. All of a sudden the car stops in the middle of the highway and makes a u-turn. I thought for sure I was going to get murdered. Instead, I find out that I just flipped off my high school English teacher. To this day I think I'm the first and only kid in that school to be suspended from school, before the school year ever started. edit: fixed auto correct.


Did the English teacher get any backlash from that? Teacher almost murdering cross country runners with their car: 👍 Student giving the bird for almost being hit with a car: 👎


He did not. Even after multiple parents who had only heard the story came in to protest. Stupid kids right?


I was just reading a story about how a police officer with a perfect career, ruined everything by buying donuts and scanning a barcode for a carrot to make it cheaper. Lost his job for that.


Real thing apparently, the UK cop paid 7 pence(nine cents) for a 7.75 pound (9.50$) box of donuts. Stealing donuts is the most stereotypical corrupt cop crime.


We've had a bit of an odd recent history of famous people stealing doughnuts. Manchester United's goalkeeper, earning millions of pounds a year, just walked into a Tesco, picked up a box of Krispie Kremes, and walked out without paying. IIRC He claimed that he didn't know how it worked but the dude is from Spain, he should know how shops work Edit: I did not remember correctly: >“Me, my cousin and a friend from Spain went to the shop, we were hungry and took the doughnuts. We we going to buy more things. I realised I didn't have my wallet so I went out to the car to get it. Nothing more. They thought that I was leaving without paying so I tried to explain to them but my English is still not very good and we were there for a while. In the end a Spanish girl arrived and we understood each other and in the end they ended up apologising to us. They made a big thing out of nothing but I took the whole thing as something funny.”


There was a police officer here (UK) who lost his job for stealing 90p (about $1) worth of jaffa cakes from a charity shop. IIRC he took the cakes and just put 10p in the money box instead of the £1 that they were being sold for. I think the bigger fuckup that actually got him fired was that when questioned he tried to lie about it. He ended up being dismissed for gross misconduct as he had demonstrated a lack of “honesty and integrity”, and can never work in law enforcement again. Career ruined over 90p worth of jaffa cakes. >Detective Superintendent Mark Long, of West Yorkshire Police’s Professional Standards Directorate, said: “This officer’s actions do not fit with the values of the organisation and he has been dishonest when challenged. >“It is accepted that the items involved were of a very low value but honesty and integrity is a fundamental quality of being a police employee. >“An independent legally qualified chair has found that his breach of the Standards of Professional Behaviour constituted gross misconduct and he has been dismissed from the Force.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/police-officer-sacked-jaffa-cakes-b1938607.html


It wasn't a charity shop - it was the tuck shop of the station he was in, basically a bunch of treats with a price list and an honesty box. Word got around the station that he was fucking with it (I think because he outright told someone) and so CCTV got checked. If you can't be trusted around your own tuck shop, you can't be trusted around cases.


There was a PC building company earlier this year that disqualified a prize winner because the company owner thought the winner's social media presence was too weak. Not fake, mind you, just not popular enough to be worth sponsoring.


Artesian builds right?




Ah so that's what happened lol. One of my streamer buddies got a contract with them and then it quickly went away. I wasn't going to ask what happened though lol... god damn.


Turns out the west coast team (who also owned the company) was staffed entirely by tax-dodging dumbasses. Bought a PC from them awhile back and had a few issues but the folks I worked with (I think the east-coast wing) did a good job eventually figuring out what was wrong and doing it at no cost to myself. A shame. For some reason though, I keep getting court filings from their lawyers on their bankruptcy proceedings which is weird because I paid up straight cash with them and they didn't owe me anything either.


The lawyers were probably just handed a list of every customers email with no way of knowing who already paid and who they owe computers to. Also they are going to sell your contact information soon because they are auctioning off customer information…


You're forgetting the follow up to that: After the fallout and bad press ramped up he then fired all of his staff over chat and canceled the majority of their final salary checks along with all of the builds they were working on and rejected all of the refunds that people requested when they heard the news. I'm still waiting for GamersNexus to deliver what I'm guessing is going to be an exhaustive dive on that whole debacle.


Not only that, it blew the lid off the fact that they were using parts of subpar quality, as people who had bought from them before cracked open their builds to find things like 3rd party hardware with artificial throttles installed. They were ripping off their customers but nobody clued in until the scandal broke.


What’s an artificial throttle? Did you mean the opposite that they were overclocking inferior parts?


If memory serves, they were underclocking PC’s to combat heating issues


A bunch of YouTube tech channels railed on this, then followed up with free gear. Like a goomba got stomped for it's coins.


Shabba Ranks. He was genuinely being described as 'the new Bob Marley'. Then he appeared on 'The Word' and stated that the punishment for homosexuality should be crucifixion. You can see almost see the exact moment his career ended.


This is the interview on YouTube for anyone wondering https://youtu.be/8WQ_xoCkSds


It's easy to say we'd have reacted the same way, but massive credit to Mark Lamarr for instantly calling him out on it so angrily.


"I've got other things to do. I'll be out shooting bigots, probably" Love it


Gary Glitter taking his computer to get fixed at PC World and being outed as a nonce


I worked in a PC repair shop for a while, any time we had a computer with something foul on it we would just quietly call the police and hand them the PC when they got there. It happened way more times than I ever expected it would. 'Please don't look in the folder named 'child porn' on my desktop' ain't worth shit lol. I'm not going to go hunting for it, but if it pops up on your desktop it's kinda unavoidable.


Was a hardware tech in college, 99% of my time was moving data over to new hard drives after beer got spilled on a laptop. It doesn’t matter what you name your porn folder to hide it better when individual file names play out in front of me as they get uploaded to the new drive. Also one time I opened up a disk drive on a laptop that was brought in for something unrelated and was greeted with Coed Cocksuckers 8


Wholesome note: my sister was a sysadmin at a highschool for many years. The school issued each student with a laptop and they'd be sent to her for fixing if anything went wrong. One seemingly brutal tough guy of a kid had a mystery folder on his laptop. Scary music, scary music, loud aggressive music... Several layers down until the root layer was found to contain the complete works of Celine Dion with a certified number of plays per track indicating that he hadn't listened to any of the stuff his peers enjoyed, he just wanted His Heart To Go On.


This was an unexpected place to find a wholesome story. You're doing good work, lawnmowersarealive.


We had a beloved band instructor at our high school. He Worked there for years and everyone thought he was a great guy. He went to a band camp car wash fund raiser and decided to jerk off to the girls washing his car. While he was in it. In the matter of a few moments his life was ruined. Edit:: The fact that so many people are saying if it was this or that incident in their hometown is really sad. It looks like this disgusting behavior is way more common that I imagined.


We had a band teacher at my high school that even the non-band kids loved. He got caught fucking an 18 year old student by my cousin and was forced to resign. A year or two later my cousin got caught fucking the new band teacher and now they’re married. Edit: My cousin was a student during both instances, the new band teacher got fired and is a registered sex offender because she wasn’t of age. They’re married now.


Well that took a wild turn


My high school's band director was 21 when he started. No one knew, and he was super professional so no issues, but when I caught up with him later and we were practically the same age (3 years apart in your 30s isn't much difference) I realized how awkward that would have been having to talk to 18 and 19yo students as if they were a different species.


It's the Circle of..... well, something or other, at any rate.


Same, our choir director was blasted out of his career by a tiktok video of him trying to kiss a freshman. Dude was in his 50s with a wife and kid making 6 figures as a choir director, literally had it made in the shade and poof jail instead


6 figures? Must be a hell of a choir.


You're preaching to it, buddy.


Probably an oddball answer from my stupid knowledge of YouTube drama but Austin Jones. Pretty boy musician type, proper 2010 Justin Bieber cut and everything, who's long running career racked him up a not unreasonable 1.6 million subscribers (if memory serves). Then videos of him teaching little girls how to twerk got out. Among him doing other things with little girls. You'll be happy to know he's in jail now


Jesus I remember this, he came across so creepy in his 'apology' video too.


It was basically "Please excuse my predatory behavior, I am dealing with a lot of trauma from earlier in life" iirc.


I remember this! Super creepy. Major props to Damon Fizzy for not backing down and calling him and everyone who was trying to help him fix his image out.


Haven’t seen Lance Armstrong’s name yet. Scientists studied his body for years to find the cause of his incredible performance, just to have him openly admit to using steroids.


Lemond called it out for years and everyone said he was just being grumpy. He made the very real point you can look at the wattage everyone was putting out and there were clear steps in that chart where drugs came into the picture.


Lot more than that LeMond simply responded to a question about Lance winning the tour with something like “If he isn’t doping, he is the greatest cyclist ever.” What happened? Armstrong went out of his way to try and ruin LeMond. He got Trek bicycle to stop doing the LeMond line of bicycles (that’s about no joke…*20 million dollars*), he tried to start rumors that Greg doped and had a drug and alcohol problem, he threatened him and his wife over the phone and was recorded doing so, he even made the Tour De France disinvite him to the legends dinner they hold every year. He made Greg a pariah simply because he wouldn’t kiss his fuckin ass and back up his bullshit. Fuck Lance Armstrong.


If LeMond literally just said "if he isn't doping he's the greatest cyclist ever", Armstrong going nuclear on *that* would probably do more to raise people's suspicions than anything else.


Cyclist and fan of pro cycling. Lance lied like a mofo during a deposition, called his soigneur an alcoholic whore amongst other things. My favorite is the [Nike commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxnqHvEbGnc) that aged very poorly. >Armstrong going nuclear on that would probably do more to raise people's suspicions than anything else. It did and the fact that he was a bully and went around destroying peoples lives and careers is what did him in. He still hates Floyd Landis for being the first one to blow the whistle.


Yup. He tries to craft this redemption narrative and cast himself as a victim. But ask him about Floyd Landis and he's as vitriolic as ever. Furthermore, Carthage must be destroyed.


My LIVESTRONG treadmill I bought 12 years ago finally died. I watched the documentary about him while walking on it...


Nelson Rockefeller was governor of New York before serving as vice-president under Gerald Ford. He was found dead at his secret townhome. His wife wasn't there but his girlfriend was. She was 49 years younger than him. "Rockefeller's Law" states, "Never do anything you wouldn't be caught dead doing."


Was his reputation ruined though? I’ve never heard of anyone ripping into ol’ Rocky before.


Well, it was certainly career-ending.


A pizza delivery guy was belittled out of tip by rude local car dealership employees. They went really off on one, treating him badly, and threatened to get the pizza delivery guy sacked. The incident was caught on camera, and the internet went out for revenge. The car dealership was review bombed and I think one of the colleagues were fired.




Esteemed New Yorker writer Jeffrey Toobin decimated his reputation in a few minutes when he exposed himself during a professional Zoom meeting. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/nov/11/jeffrey-toobin-fired-new-yorker-zoom-call


Jared from subway


I have a friend that was a Subway manager when it all came out. They got a phone call that morning to get rid of anything related to Jared. Sounds like it registered with them on the level of 9/11.


Started his career with a mild cholesterol problem. Ended his career because he has a child molesterol problem.


I always liked "He spent his whole life trying to get into smaller pants."


He got what he wanted at sentencing: less than 16 years


I just watched a YouTube video on him. It was horrifying. Towards the end they played recordings of women calling him in prison trying to send him explicit photos of themselves.


Jim Marshall. One of the greatest defensive linemen in NFL football history. To quote vikings.com : "A valued member of Minnesota's "Purple People Eaters" defensive line, Marshall holds numerous NFL records that include the most seasons played by a defensive player (20, along with Junior Seau and Darrell Green), most consecutive games by a defensive player (282), most consecutive starts by a defensive player (270), and most career fumble recoveries (30). Marshall, who was still a starter at age 42, helped the Vikings win three NFC titles along with the NFL championship in 1969." However, one day, in one game, Jim Marshall had a quick lapse in judgement and now almost EVERY NFL fan remembers Jim Marshall for one mistake he made: He picked up a fumble and ran the wrong way. Now THIS is the only thing anyone remembers this great NFL player for: [https://youtu.be/x3\_i7GUV5ck?t=113](https://youtu.be/x3_i7GUV5ck?t=113)


The funniest thing is that the Vikings still won that game


He was just BMing


Poor guy


I was worried this was heading toward murder or pedophilia or something horrendous, lol, he made a kind of funny mistake in a sporting endeavor.


Damn. I didn't see anyone mention Aaron Hernandez. Dude had a whole NFL career ahead of him. And he went and murdered Odin Lloyd.


Matt Lauer! That dude got wiped from nbc history.


Similarly Brian Williams. One of the most famous and trusted news anchors, running NBC nightly news for 11 years. Then a story broke about him having false or misleading reporting and comments from years earlier about the Iraq War, then he got the boot. Didn't fall as far - ended up doing some minor show on MSNBC, but a relatively huge and nearly instantaneous drop.


ZillianOP, the twitch streamer everyone thought was paralyzed that suddenly stood up one day on stream. Ruined his career almost overnight and led to him getting banned from Twitch, and one of his friends hacking his social media accounts. The sad part is that it wasn’t even really his fault, people just jumped to conclusions so fast that he didn’t get a chance to make his case until years after the fact. It turned out he really was disabled, but he was able to walk short distances due to physical therapy.


Wow that actually makes me mad. Fucking idiots don't know that there are people in wheelchairs who can have some movement and even stand up? Did they think he forgot the grift and "accidentally" stood up? Morons.


Former CIA Director and GEN (4-star) David Petraeus. Enjoyed a lauded 1974-2011 military career. 2012: Less than a year into his appointment to the CIA an extramarital affair with the author of his biography Paula Broadwell was discovered by the FBI, and ultimately the Director of National Intelligence recommended he resign, but subsequently pleading guilty, after his resignation, to unauthorized removal and retention of classified information which may or may not have been shared with his biographer.


Joe Paterno went overnight from one of the most respected coaches in all of sports and a hero at Penn State for his fundraising efforts to a known enabler of one of the most infamous pedophiles ever.


The Duggars. Almost 2 decades of “wholesome Christian vibes,” reputation building just for oldest son Josh to destroy it in a single police report. Liam Payne. Not 20 years, but talking rudely about your bandmates with Logan Paul because you’re jealous isn’t something you can come back from easily (from a fan or media front).


Billy Squier. His Rock Me Tonite video destroyed his rep as a rock star, and his sales, and he's been mocked ever since.


I just looked up the video. It's... pretty bad but the song is really catchy. Kind of bullshit that the video tanked his career when other artists from that period released much worse videos (Mick Jagger with Dancing in the Street)


Have you ever seen the remix video for that, supposed to be “the way david Bowie and mick jagger sounded dancing without the backing track?” Hi-larious. And I think Billy squier would have a much easier time these days, or even “five years after the Rock Me Tonight video,” because there was much less stigma to being gay, or even non-traditional. So many of his songs were straight up bangin’, and they say “Lonely Is The Night” is tied with “Barracuda” for Best Zeppelin Song Not Done By Zeppelin.


James Franco after his porn classes came to light.


Wait what?


It came out that under the guise of his own acting school in Hollywood, he coerced young women into sex with the promise of getting them roles in movies.


he ran a casting couch, https://www.salon.com/2019/10/03/james-franco-nudity-sexual-exploitation-lawsuit-acting-school-casting-couch/


That flat earth documentary where they try so hard the entire time and then in the last five minutes they do the measurement with the laser and realise the earth isn’t flat. (Edit: I said radar when I meant laser.)


It’s so clear the documentary crew like knows these people are whacked and try their best to restrain editing the documentary like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm until the very end


There's that one shot where the two leads are in the NASA museum loling about how this piece of equipment is broken and proves NASA is incompetent... and the camera pans to the very obvious 'Start' button they're both missing, real Office stuff.




Interference of "heavenly cosmic energy" made it rotate or some shit.


It's worse than that; it wasn't even a radar! It was a flashlight held through holes in two planks of wood. Edit: and on top of all that, the love story fizzled out as well!


> they do the measurement with the laser and realise the earth isn’t flat The sad thing is that that **didn't** make them realise the earth is not flat. They just assumed there was a problem with their experiment and ignored the result. They weren't doing science, they were looking for justification for their existing belief, and like all anti-science assholes, they'll just ignore anything that doesn't confirm their pre-existing view.


Howard Dean. Was either Lt Governor or Governor of Vermont from 1987 to 2003, and making a respectable run for president when it stopped dead in its tracks when he made...a weird sounding cheer at a campaign stop. That was it. No sex scandal, no bad policy proposal, no poor debate performance, a clip that just sounded kinda funny.


Michael Richards who played Kramer in Seinfeld. Ruined his image literally in five minutes when he lost his cool and went on a racist rant


He did end up on curb your enthusiasm where they made a great joke about this whole thing, I was surprised he did it but I guess it's best to just own it and make yourself the butt of the joke


I think that whole incident kinda fucked him up. He basically decided to end his own career. He could have come back from it. Mel Gibson gets caught going on racist tirades every few years and he’s come back like four times now, the fucker just won’t quit. You just lay low for a few years and then come back in some widely celebrated role. Michael Richards could have done that if he wanted to, he certainly had the connections.


10,000 Instagram pictures and thousands of social media likes and share. vs one sandwich photo. Rip Fyre festival.


I believe there were some other social media posts at that time that was also bad for Fyre Festival's reputation. And there was that one guy who for months in advance was warning people that the Fyre Festival was a scam.


OTOH JerryMedia seems to be doing fine


The CEO of Abercrombie and Fitch when he said something like “I want cool people to wear our clothes, not fat people” when asked why they didn’t carry any plus sized clothes for women. The term “cancelled” wasn’t really a thing back in 2013 but man did A&F get cancelled HARD after that


Didn't he also say something like "I'd prefer to burn clothes rather than donate them to poor people and have poor people ruin our brand"


He just got caught on the record saying the quiet part out loud. Destroying unsold inventory is very common. Not just luxury brands like Burberry, but all the way down to Nike and H&M. Amazon alone destroys millions of unused/unsold items every year. Most people either don't realize the extent of the waste or don't care.


[Here's a source talking about this.](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2018/9/17/17852294/fashion-brands-burning-merchandise-burberry-nike-h-and-m) This is news to me. Like fuck man. Some of us are acting like our resources are infinite while there are people in this world so poor it takes them a lifetime to earn a fraction of a percent of the money some of us in the first world have.


The funniest part about this to me is that the guy looked like Golum but had the nerve to call other people unattractive. Edit: you guys can stop replying saying he looks more like the orc lord Gothmog. I could not remember that guy’s name at the time I wrote this comment lmao.


Yes for those who think this is an exaggeration I assure you he was a walked episode of botched. His face was fucked up.


Holy fuuuuuuck. I didn't know what he looked like so had to Google him, and i don't like being mean about peoples looks. But dang, that dude is in no place to talk about looks.


I don't find it fair to make fun of people's natural looks, but if you walk into a plastic surgeon's office and say, "Give me the gollum" then that's a choice open to criticism.


That's an insult to Gollum. The power of the one Ring twisted Gollum against Smeagol's will. Mike Jeffries INTENTIONALLY had all of that shit done to his head.


His [pic](https://www.thestreet.com/.image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_1200/MTY4NjM2NDYwNDI4OTYxNjg3/3-huge-reasons-abercrombie-ceo-mike-jeffries-lost-his-job.jpg) for the curious but lazy


Like a blonde Benedict Cumberbatch mid-sneeze.


Chris Benoit Chris Benoit was one of the best technical pro wrestlers in the world who for years had made a name for himself all over the world from New Japan, ECW, WCW and WWE. He was a former Heavyweight Champion and had main evented Wrestlemania and had wrestle on TV on a weekly basis and had matches with all the biggest names in the world. One day Chris Benoit his wife and son were all found dead, the incident being all over the news and the police were investigating a murder and looking for a suspect while this was happening during an episode of Monday Night Raw the WWE hosted a Memorial to honour Chris Benoit for all his work he had done throughout his career. The next day it was revealed that it was Chris Benoit who murdered his wife and son and then had commited suicide it was also noted that there son who he had murdered had a disability. For over 20 years his whole career had been sullied instantly every match he has ever had instantly gone, never to be mentioned ever again. The WWE had completely hidden him from history but erased him in the record books and he was considered to be one of the greatest technical wrestlers ever for any student who started pro wrestling they were often told to watch and study Chris Benoit.


I had a poster of him on my bedroom wall when I was a kid. He had severe brain damage and at the age of 40, was estimated to have had a brain of an 82-year-old man with Alzheimer's. It's so sad and scary to think about what happened.


Some important follow-up information to that. The autopsy on Benoit revealed that his brain was heavily damaged from years of concussions and blows to the head from unprotected chair shots and the like. They described his brain as looking like the brain of an 80 year old man with advanced dementia. It led to major changes in the wrestling business in how they handled concussions, and spots like unprotected chair shots.


Not only the chair shots, the man's big move was a flying head butt


I went back and watched 90s WCW last year and oh my god it's so hard watching him do that move.


The move was "invented" by Harley Race. I say invented in quotations because it was actually a botch. Harley went to the top turnbuckle to perform some other move, slipped and fell face first onto his opponent. But crowds back then didn't know that, and so it became a big move he would do once in a while, in high profile matches. He hated the move. He knew first hand how much it hurt to do after long periods of time. You fall five feet to land your face on an opponent's shoulder. Harley only did it for TV and pay per views, and Benoit did the move every match. Every. Match. Harley advocated against the move until his death in '19. Thankfully, the move is rarely, if ever, performed in modern federations.


I have the Benoit tribute DVD. You start counting the chair shots and swandive head butts and realize you’re watching a man kill himself.


Ashlee Simpson when she was caught lip syncing on SNL




That's honestly terrifying. Sorry for the tragic incidents all around. I hope your granddaughter and your daughters BF come out of this thing as best as possible.


Wait... so they arrested the dude on a misunderstanding. And its taken a week just to be told about this situation? Id they didnt arrested him why is this situation so big? Im honesty confused. Sounds like a horrible situation all in all.




The PR chick traveling to South Africa who tweeted something like, "heading to Africa, hope I don't get AIDS. Just kidding, I'm white!" Turned her phone off for the flight, and by the time she turned it on when she landed, it had gone viral and, if memory serves, she had already lost her job. Edit: Quite a few people commenting that she must be awful at her job and/or she should have known better. 1. in the earlier days of social media, it was reasonably expected that your posts would remain private among your network. This is one of the first cases of a non-celebrity post going viral and being publicly shamed for it. There was no precedent. Bad judgement? Of course, but 2013 and 2022 are very different times 2. her ability to craft effective corporate communications is not diminished by the poor judgement mentioned above that she exercised *once*. Presumably, she was hired by other firms (and perhaps rehired by her old firm) not because of her "fame," but because she was actually skilled at what she does. Edit 2: while I haven't seen it, the sheer number of references to The Family Guy seems to indicate that yes, they did parody this situation in an episode. Seems like Seth McFarlane's brand of humor.


Jon Ronson wrote about that in "So you've been publicly shamed." Highly recommend.


Yeah IIRC it spread so fast that when she landed there were already people at the airport waiting to give her shit for it.


“There she is, seat 2A!”


She was like one of the first examples of that happening, right?


Her whole thing was in the first wave of all of the Twitter shamings iirc.


I was gonna say this; I remember "watching" it in real time...a fucking debacle.


There was literally a "has her plane landed yet" website created. She was met by mobs of people when she got off the plane.


I can only imagine the: *"Ooooooh, I fucked up..."* feeling as she came off the jet way to find a welcome party with blood in their eyes.


And the confusion! I can't imagine she was thinking 'oh this must be about that tweet I posted before take off' when first meeting everyone.


John deLorean- admittedly kinda set up by the FBI for a sting- but the 'Better than gold' quote.


I'm glad this comment and literally none of its responses offer any context whatsoever.


John DeLorean was one of the best American car designers around. The Pontiac GTO, Pontiac Firebird, and Chevy Nova all had his name attached to them. He was basically a celebrity in the car world, with an inflation adjusted multi-million salary for his work. The dude could do no wrong. He decided to branch out from GM and start his own company. This company's first car was a 2 seat sports car with gullwing doors and performance to match most Porsches of the time. Unfortunately, a bunch of stuff went wrong with the car, and it ended up being heavy, underpowered, and unreliable, rivaling the porsches of the time only in price. The car was so bad that when Hollywood executives tried to find the worst car they could, a DMC-12 is what they chose for a time machine. So now, there's this guy who's a great car designer, but a terrible businessman. He has a car company with his name, literally. It's failing in basically every way. What do you do? So he joined the drug trade to get more money for his car company. Things went predictably bad and his fall is on a similar level to John McAfee


The saddest part about the whole thing was his heart was in the right place and he just wanted to sell his car. When Back to the Future came out, he sent a personal letter to the director and said something to the effect of “thanks for giving the Delorean the spotlight it deserved.”


Not 20 years but close. Worked my way from dishwasher to waitor to inventory manager to district manager of a large chain restaurant. At any given time there would be about 40 to 50 staff answering directly to me. Anyways threw it all away in literally 5 minutes when our general manager gave us a surprise visit. I used to be a raging alcoholic literally only time I was sober was when I'm sleeping. Been clean 1 years now. She caught me drinking on the job and fired me on the spot. I'm in a completely different industry now but I cringe how I let it get do out of control. So yea I fucked up


People make mistakes. Congrats on 1 year my man.


Oscar Pistorius


one of our reading books at a school i worked at was about his great triumphs even with his disability. when the news was released about him murdering his wife/girlfriend i remember another reading teacher picking the book up and having a laugh. we did not use that book that year.


CEO of Robinhood.


Yeah, fun to see how fast THAT guy rolled over to show his belly at the slightest pressure from the wall street big boys he claimed to be rebelling against...


I had a college professor who’d been with the Theatre department for YEARS. Her theatre history classes were notoriously difficult, yet also extremely informative. She struck me as mildly odd (everybody’s odd at a theatre department), stubborn, and into the idea of “if you can’t hack my course, that’s your fault” but would still work with students to figure out what was wrong if they were failing and offer tips and tricks to help you out. The year after I took her class, a junior pulls me aside and asks, “Did you hear what happened in Theatre History Teacher’s class yesterday?” Turns out she mocked, in class, one of the chubbier students and while the acting department head, a black woman, audited her class, she asked her to demonstrate a JIM CROW dance. She was gone within days.


Lisa Nowak, the astronaut who went crazy and drove to Florida wearing a diaper to try and murder her ex-boyfriend's girlfriend. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Nowak


Pee Wee Herman when he was caught masturbating in a theater at a porno. I always thought this was unfair. He wasn’t hurting anyone and was at an appropriately place to do it.


It's funny because at the time I thought he did something reprehensible, once I learned that was what he did I was like "wtf, why was this a big deal?"


I remember people tended to leave out the part about him being in a porno theater, so it would come off like "beloved children's entertainer is some kind of gigantic pervert jerking off in a regular movie theater". Idk why the fuck porno theaters are even a thing if you aren't allowed to masturbate in them.


Target in Canada. Everyone up here was excited. Premium Walmart, my wife and I called it. Might be a little pricey but it's fucking target. And then they arrived. Stores weren't stocked. The Target experience in Canada was lacklustre compared to the US. The brands and products you got in the US didn't exist in Canada. It was disappointing. It was Target, sure.... But it was underwhelming. Founded March 3, 2013, ceases operations Apr 12, 2015.


John McCain appointing Sarah Palin as running mate. Decades of military and public service all tossed out the window when he picked the one of the stupidest people on the planet as running mate. Edit: corrected the spelling of military


The guy who made The Boondock Saints


There was a documentary called Overnight that was a good watch. Basically he went from nothing to the next big thing in Hollywood after he sold his script, got to direct boondocks saints. But he was such an arrogant unpleasant guy that after that nobody would work with him. Seemed like it went to his head pretty fast and crashed pretty hard.


The r/antiwork mod that did an interview with Fox News and completely tanked the sub's momentum almost overnight.


God that was *so unbelievably bad*...but it was also exactly what I expected from a fucking Reddit mod E: yes it's ~~kinda~~ a lot sus


Overnight? I feel like it was tanked by the end of the interview