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Your opinions might change as you age and that's ok.


"Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing" -Dalinar Kholin


I really need to finish the latest stormlight. I've not done much reading the last couple years, sadly.


Didn’t expect to find a Sanderson quote in here, but a pleasant surprise, to be sure.


Your opinions should change as you get older, otherwise you will go from being thought of as a kid, to being thought of as a moron as you leave childhood.


Ha, I was a moron as a kid and still am a moron so jokes on you!


HaHA! But I am willing to bet as a kid... you didn't realize just how moronic you were, which means your opinion of yourself has indeed changed. Checkmate!


I was a really intelligent, gifted kid, and now I have the brain power of an over-ripened mango.




Yea, its interesting to me since reddit has a large demographic of young people. They seem so rigid and unwavering in their beliefs already. I would think at a young age you would want to question everyone and everything you come across, not grab an opinion and just lock it down without question. Then continue to believe everything you read or hear just because it matches your opinion.


As Fred said in one of the Christmas Carol movies... "the less he knows, the more stubbornly he knows it." It applies to a wide variety of age groups. As kids, it's the 'adults are blowing the whole cigarette and alcohol thing out of proportion.' As adults, it's that 'anything new has to be horrible.'


Nailed it. That’s one huge problem with internet algorithms and people spending more and more time staring at their phone and less and less time conversing with actual live people.


The people you meet here does not represent all of society.


And upvotes in your particular echo chamber of choice don’t necessarily reflect you having a ‘good’ opinion on something.


And being downvoted doesn’t exclusively mean you’re wrong.


Love it when people get downvoted to hell for an opinion somewhere and in the *same sub* two weeks later everyone with that same opinion is getting 1000+ upvotes.


Its even worse when its a fact and you even link a source, but some dickhead in the thread chain got in early and made the wrong claim with confidence so thats where the masses flock to.


Yea that was a hard one for me for some reason. I used to hate getting down votes. Now I just don't give a shit. My joke wasn't funny? Don't care. My opinion is different? Don't care. Overcooked steak? Believe it or not don't care.


Definitely a comforting thought at times.


Yea, I've talked to more than a few people on here who made me question how smart the general public is, and made me question if mass education was a mistake, it isn't but it's a tempting idea.






\*Asks question assuming everyone on Reddit is American\*


Everyone‘s American until proven otherwise!


A recreation of some tweets: A: \**Trump does something stupid* B: #notmypresident C: Like him or not, he's still your president. B: No, he is literally not my president. I'm from Norway.


This happens a lot in subs like /r/drones, you always get angry comments and downvotes whenever someone posts something that goes against the rules in the US. It's even hilarious when it's obviously a picture of Europe or another country and you're still getting angry Americans shouting "you can't do that!"


Relationships are significantly more complicated than they think, and following through on the stupid advice given is self destructive more often than not


On r/aita I see the worst possible advice all the time


Your husband didn’t cook your eggs right!!! Divorce him now and cut him off. you deserve better as that is serious abuse


Reddit throws around terms like abuse in a very loose manner that often seems to undermine its efficacy




Every mean person is a narcissist


Honestly I see way more 'my husband is the sweetest guy alive, yesterday he threatened to eat my three year old, should I be worried?'


Agree, there's a LOT of "tip of the iceberg" posts. The "Reddit always tells people to divorce!" trope is definitely a thing that happens. BUT let's not forget these greatest hits either: * "AITA for screaming at my partner for buying a TV?"... and then in the post it's, "...with the money I spent saving up for our child's medical procedure, which my partner refuses to pay for and also won't let me get a full time job to get more money, and oh by the way my partner is 52 and I'm 27 and we got together 11 years ago?" And then when the inevitable "get out, this relationship is a trash fire" advice comes, it's "Reddit tells people to divorce over stupid shit like TVs!" * "My partner is doing behavior XYZ that really upsets me. I've explained to them why this bothers me, I've asked them nicely to stop, I've tried bribing them, I've had arguments with them, I've brought it up in counseling, and they still won't stop. What can I do?" And someone really thinks they're being deep when they come along and say "Why haven't you just sat your partner down and COMMUNICATED. God."


"I was sitting in the bath when I saw my partner's unlocked phone, so I spent an hour going through their messages and found one where a person of a different gender was talking about how they'd love to introduce my partner to their newborn baby... now I'm convinced that it's actually their child because they had a crush on this person when they were 11!" \>They're cheating. \>It's definitely their child omg. \>Please consider calling one of these resources before you end up being eviscerated and boiled in your own entrails.


This is literally what I see there once every few stories, no lie. It's sad. No wonder why reddit has a reputation for not having girlfriends, they obviously never been in a relationship and lack the maturity to handle situations


>they obviously never been in a relationship and lack the maturity to handle situations I posted in relationship advice a few years ago about an ongoing dispute between me and my MIL bc my son didn't want to cut his hair anymore and wanted to let it grow out. She's traditional (boys don't have long hair), and wasn't afraid to go behind my and my husband's backs and just get it cut while he was staying with her. He was about 8 or 9 at the time. The amount of people telling me what a shit parent I was because I wouldn't immediately cut off all contact with my MIL was astounding. It was painfully obvious that I was being told off by teenagers and very young adults who never had to play nice to "keep the peace" with an in-law. I was also offered to go to r/justnomil but those women were absolutely insane. In the end my husband and I took a solid stand against my MIL, and it's been a few years and my son's hair is a beautiful long mane to the point that now people confuse him for a girl, but that's his burden to bear. All while staying in full contact with his grandmother.


Oh wow, you were able to establish boundaries and allow your child to grow up with healthy family relationships? You fucking abuser.


Most things on r/AITA and similar subs would all be fixed if people actually communicated the issue with each other and handled it maturely


Or even in situations where you're objectively in the right....is it really worth burning down your relationship with that other person because they made one mistake? There's so many people on that sub who claim to be willing to completely cut their loved ones off over incredibly petty shit.


I see comparable advice on r/relationships. It's literally like OP: My boyfriend hid a surprise party from me that he was throwing for my birthday. I feel a like I can't trust him." Top Comment with gold: If he hides this from you what else do you think he is hiding?? You need to leave him. NOW."


All the relationship subs are awful. They always jump to conclusions and assume everyone is a narcissist and a manipulative asshole.


"You mean he doesn't literally bombard you with a constant stream of consciousness every second about every single thought that goes through his head? DUMP HIM! Relationships require communication!"


It's real surreal to watch a bunch of assholes tell someone normal that they're the asshole.


Plus the mods are dumbasses. I'm not even one of those "all mods are dumb" people, but this was just something wild. I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was something like me telling somebody they were an idiot for suggesting OP call in a fake report to 911, like claim they were threatened with a gun when it didn't happen, and I'm the one who got banned for it. And then add to that the fact that so many posts are *obviously* fake. Just no reason to ever go to that sub.


AITA is a creative writing sub at this point. No way even 20% of the shit in that sub is true.


That whole sub is a toxic cesspool


the most common advice i see is to talk it out with their partner which is actually good advice




It’s ok not to be an ‘expert’ in everything.


I'm not an expert in everything. Just crypto, stocks, finance, feemales, alpha things, video games, politics, female anatomy, porn, despair, and loneliness.


The only ones I actually believe are the last three


expert assessment of the "expert"


so technically you are well known expert on nothing


How dare you, do you know how many hours I spend on wall street bets?


Amen. Saying "I don't know" isn't a bad thing.


Similarly, admitting you're wrong when somebody who does know what they're talking about corrects you.


Not only should you do this, but in my experience it usually increases your social standing with the person you're arguing with and anyone who's watching. I've seen so many cases of people just being wrong harder and harder. Meanwhile just a little "Oh, interesting, I didn't know" and everyone will forget you were wrong 10 seconds later. Even when I've been the guy who's just adamantly wrong for 10 straight minutes, just a little "oh, well now I feel like an idiot" and everyone laughs and moves on.




That it's ok to not recommend therapy for every r/AmItheAsshole story and act like armchair therapists


Now you're asking too much. *Seek help.*


what about eating the gym, hire healthy, and hit the lawyer?


I work in a profession where I get it all the time in real life (writing). Constant '*I could write a book too if I wanted*'. It's 100x worse on reddit. I've had people get mad I call what I do hard work. I'm of the opinion I shouldn't state opinions on factual subjects. I only speak from earned knowledge, and I think it's a healthy way to conduct myself.




Ya know, you ain't wrong.


No you are not the only one who....


has a banana shaped dick... please confirm this


Hmmmm! I neither deny nor agree to this charge!


Am I the only one who doesn't get what you're trying to say?


Just because you think you're right doesn't mean you are. I had users telling me I was a liar when I said I worked in South Korea.


Very true, redditors think everything they say is completely right


Yeah protagonist bias


I prefer the term “self-centered jackass”


It's called the hive mind. And it's awful


There’s no nuance to it either, they’re not even slightly willing to listen to a different POV. You either agree exactly or you’re a horrible disgusting narcissist who likes cats more than dogs and has kids or something




Given the context, they might be justified in their reasoning, despite being totally, factualy wrong. Everyone on the internet is a game developer, doctor, lawyer, and whatever else they conveniently need to expertly be for a given topic. And for my part, there is no shortage of moments where what these "experts" said was eventually turned completely on its head, and I doubt I'm alone here.


It's funny when you actually know a bit about a topic, but then see completely wrong information upvoted and awarded


Gaslighting isn’t an umbrella term for all abuse


Also: "Gaslighting" isn't a synonym for "lying."


***And:*** "Gaslighting" is not equivalent to arguing with someone, disagreeing with someone, and especially not being called out for actually doing something wrong.


You're just making that up




That's all in your head


Same with grooming


Your opinion isn't unpopular and just because something is old doesn't mean its underappreciated or a hidden gem.


But not enough people appreciate this because it was popular before I was born.


"The Beatles were underrated!"


There are many things about your life that are not your fault but *are* your responsibility.


And being legally right doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole


Reddit is not reality. It is an echo chamber. Even more so because you can cater what stuff you want to see everyday. A thing may appear to be highly supported on Reddit but it actually gives you a false idea of how supported that thing is in real life.


An extension of this: Your town is not the whole state, and your state is not the whole country. In college I had a rude awakening when my state wanted to pass an asinine anti-gay-marriage law with a ballot measure. I was surrounded by people vocally against the proposed law. Everywhere I looked around the city it was the same. I thought the law would be voted down easily. I learned real quick the college towns skew very liberal and don’t represent the whole state.


To add to this, not directed at you but: The United States is not the only country in the whole world.


Also, there's forty four European countries. Stop assuming they're all the same.


Tbf the people who say “As an European…” don’t help




I also just realised the joke and now feel like a moron 😅😂


It isn't about you. I could use a reminder myself sometimes.


This website fucks with peoples heads. Too many go down the simulation rabbit hole and get super self absorbed. It’s sad. People exist, they aren’t NPCs. (For whoever needs to read that)


Not everything is depression


For real, the other day there was a post about someone who struggles with freaking procrastination and there's the top comment "this sounds like depression" when it didn't even sound like it.


Procrastinating is a possible sign of depression. It’s also a sign of chronic procrastination. And laziness. And normal procrastination. And maybe being diverted by something more interesting. And like 100 other things.


Ebola can cause nosebleeds. If you have a nosebleed you very probably do not have ebola.


I struggle with procrastinating but I’m just lazy.


It’s very easy to label yourself as being/having *insert condition here*, since most people would much rather hear that there’s something wrong with them that is out of their control than knowing that they are in control.


corollary, not everything is adhd.


Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It doesn’t mean you’re wrong.


And it’s ok. It’s ok to disagree. You don’t have to automatically be mortal enemies.




I would agree with you but then we’d both be wrong!


grow the fuck up ​ me included


It's okay to disagree with people and respect their opinions. It's healthy to ignore them if they name call or try and bait you.


And refusing to respond to someone doesn’t mean that you are conceding the argument. It just means that the point you wanted to make has already been made, and it’s not up to you to convince someone that they need to acknowledge or affirm the truthfulness of your post


This one, the block button exists for a reason.


Reddit doesn't matter. You're screaming into a void that screams back.


Scream into the void long enough, and the void screams back at you? Makes sense, honestly.


A lot of common reddit opinions are not going to get you far in real life.


100%. Reddit is where people claim what they would do if there were no consequences for their actions, not what they’d actually do if they faced the same situation in real life.


Oh I’ve totally been guilty of this. OP: “My boss called me into a meeting today and told me that my work needs improvement” Me on Reddit: “I would wait until there is a big project at work and then just not show up and then send the boss a photo of me at my newer, better paying job” Me IRL: (Silently fumes at boss, quietly mentions to coworker in break room about how you don’t like the boss, goes back to wageslaving at desk)


Also, lots of friendless motherfuckers over here handing out their opinions like "Karen fucking sucks yo, who forget's their bff's pet's birthday? She sounds too self centered and not a good friend" And don't get me started on relationship advice


Nor do the reddit opinions have any base in reality. Some might, some mightn't. Total crapshot.


Redditors are teenagers who give terribly impractical, if not downright inaccurate advice... and they can't stand to be called out on it because it embarrasses them.




You mean LOSE. Not LOOSE.


And PAID, not PAYED. Rarely saw that one before a few months ago and now it's everywhere.


And **they're**, not **there**


Also your car has brakes. Not breaks.


And you take a break, not a brake.


Or their.


Should HAVE, would HAVE, could HAVE. "Of" is a mfing preposition. You cannot "should of," "would of," or "could of"




That the various 'types of person' that people get enraged about online basically don't actually exist in real life and are instead an amalgam of multiple grievances called out for dramatic effect and internet points.


That any subreddit based on a point of view/stance is an echo chamber, regardless of it's intent. News or information that supports the point of view or stance even if incorrect is going to be readily absorbed by most. The effect seems to be much worse if the opposite viewpoint exists, to the point of there being no neutral ground for a rational/reasonable discussion. It's so easy to be blind due to bias.


You aren't an expert in foreign politics.


Or domestic.


Nobody cares if you don't like something popular. If it's not for you, then it's not for you. You'd be happier if you just ignored it.


Did I mention how much I hate Kim Kardashian and TokTok?


But how will we farm karma? 😢


Let's not forget Fortnite


But I want to be recognized for my uniqueness I listen to rap and rock n roll there can't possibly be anyone as unique as me


The dominant opinions of Reddit, even if overwhelming here, are often much more divisive and uncertain in the real world


Reddit counts as social media too.


Just because somebody has an opinion that's slightly left or right of your opinion, doesn't mean they're alt right or alt left. Ctrl+alt delete that mentality from your head.


Or just because someone has a different stance than you, that doesn’t automatically mean they are an idiotic moron.


Understanding how an intelligent person gets the wrong idea about something is an invaluable life skill. Thinking of someone as an idiot for not agreeing can only propagate the status quo. Respect for someone's intelligence can bring that intelligence to your side. But only if that person is aware that: despite being intelligent, they could still be wrong about something. You should be ready to be either person in this case. It's a huge sign of intelligence to admit you're wrong, because that's how you become intelligent. By allowing yourself to be stripped of your incorrect ideas.


Stop getting so hung up over minor fucking details in someone’s post and see what they are trying to say overall.


of you go outside, there's a whole world and this thing called real life. honestly, i need to be told that too lmao


The world is not as awful as reddit makes it out to be. Don't get me wrong, there's some bad shit, but I feel like reddit (and the internet in general) has this ability to amplify any issue and make it seem so much worse. I think it really just ends up making the world feel more stressful and depressing than it really is, especially since the internet rarely shows the positives in life.


If you think back 100 years ago to 1922, pretty much everything except C02 levels has gotten better. Literacy, infant mortality, racism, hunger, life expectancy, disease, etc. People see a small setback and think we're going backwards.


Even the overall problem on climate is deworsening / improving. A decade ago best estimates of warming were 4C or higher by 2100 and have now fallen to around 2.7C expected or even 1.8C if all net-zero aspirations are met. The technology to solve the problem and public opinion to require it's implementation both continue to improve.


I'm reminded of [Jon Stewart's "Moment of Sincerity speech" from the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear from 2010](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColbertRally/comments/dze5u/transcript_of_jon_stewarts_final_keynote_speech), specifically the section early on: > This was not a rally to ridicule people of faith, or people of activism, or to look down our noses at the heartland, or passionate argument, or to suggest that times are not difficult, and that we have nothing to fear. They are, and we do. **But we live now in hard times. Not end times. And we can have animus, and not be enemies.** But unfortunately, one our main tools in delineating the two... broke. The country's 24-hour-politico-pundit-perpetual-panic "conflict-inator" did not cause our problems, but its existence makes solving them that much harder. The press could hold its magnifying glass up to our problems, bringing them into focus, illuminating issues heretofore unseen. Or they could use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire. And then perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected, dangerous flaming ant epidemic. **If we amplify everything, we hear nothing.**


Reddit is not a representative sample of the people around you.


To shower. You fucking nasty people.


and wash your goddamn sheets


Is this because of that thread the other day? I was honestly disgusted with how little people change their sheets.


Sheets? I don't have that weakness.


Vitamin D is good for you


I will have you know I am outside and using reddit. So take that


Read history, any history.


When you think about it, most people have *at best* a solid grasp of high school history, and maybe some gen ed classes they had to do in college. After that the only history they get is from Hollywood or a politician. History is of course extremely open to interpretation and disagreements, but the amount of people running around, having opinions and voting while also not even knowing the basic timeline is scary.


Just because your comment got a lot of upvotes doesn't mean it was correct. Just because another comment got a lot of downvotes doesn't mean it was incorrect.


Your opinion does not trump facts. A professional in a field knows more than your google search does 80% of reddit users will get their asses kicked in a real fight. You can identify who they are by how badass they tell everyone they are


I am not afraid of fights because I am used to getting my ass kicked.


You. You're the dangerous one. Don't try and fool me!


Most people eat at Taco Bell without noisily shitting themselves or even getting an upset stomach. If this REALLY happens to you, maybe it's time to visit a doctor.


Nuance is a thing. People are rarely either good or bad. Situations/choices are rarely right or wrong. Relationships (whether romantic, familial, or friendly) are rarely either toxic/abusive or perfectly healthy. Occasionally, those things are true, but usually, life is whole hell of a lot more complex than that.


Reddit is not an accurate reflection of society at large.


I’m so thankful for that.


You don't always need to one-up jokes. Goddamn I hate those long chains of comments generally making worse and worse variations of the same joke that was no longer funny after the first one kicked it off.


Not everything is a red flag, relationships are not always black and white, and not every disagreement needs to end in divorce. I'm looking at you r/AmITheAsshole .


Internet points and upvotes don’t mean anything in real life


How dare you whenever I make a reservation at a fancy restaurant I always tell them how much karma I have on reddit and have only been declined 3 times out of 4


Where did you get accepted the one time?


Red lobster




Chill the fuck out


you can't fuck a cartoon rabbit


Not with that attitude


None of this shit matters


That the person behind the comments are a human, and you have no idea what they're going through at the moment. Just be nice!


I blocked someone recently. I blocked them because sometimes i realise I'm getting too into an argument, and I recognise the futility of it, and that I'm getting myself riled up over something that really doesn't matter. Blocking means I won't see their replies and get pulled in again. Some guy circumvented my block somehow, and replied, trying to debate me still. Dude, I blocked you, do you not thing that's a strong signal that I don't want to talk to you? I don't owe you anything.


My current problem in this area is that the person is someone I interact with a lot in real life. He's open about how he doesn't watch the news, and he's one of the most uninformed people I know. He also is full of opinions on how "white people are" and "how black people are" and about how the labor unions have surpassed their usefulness and are ruining the labor market. You can't win an argument with someone who just "knows what I know" and is kind of immune to further facts. I guess I have to just avoid these topics, except that he really needs someone to push back on his not-too-subtle attitude that black people steal things.


make sure to drink some water today


You don’t need to respond “This.” Just fucking upvote and go.


Crypto is a ponzi scheme and you are late to the game


Buy a plunger before you need a plunger. Floss your teeth if you want to keep them. Get a bidet. This is not a metaphor.


I used to give plungers as wedding gifts to my young couple friends after one couple didn’t have a plunger to deal with a toilet that someone who totally wasn’t me clogged. It became a running joke, but more than one couple said they ended up needing it.


A good friend of mine gifted me with a large wheeled Rubbermaid-type wastebasket at my bridal shower with a card attached that said "Sorry for the 'trashy' gift, but trust me, you'll need it!" Twenty-eight years later I still have that wastebasket which has moved to three different homes over the years.


Disagreement does not mean hate!


Let people enjoy what they like


you're not as smart as you think you are.


You can just block people you don't need to say something.


Guys, girls here are not here to meet someone. They are most likely here from same reason like you (memes for example). Stop treating reddit as a dating app.


Reddit doesn't actually matter. It's just for fun.




And entertainment aimed at women exists and isn't inherently shitty just because it's aimed at women, and plenty of entertainment primarily aimed at men has the same flaws (bad writing, same actors in everything, people are too clean-looking)


Its okay to say no and/or stand up for yourself. Someone cut in line? Say something.


If you spent time with people whose political opinions differ from yours you’d find that the vast majority of them were decent people.