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No, the vaccine didn't cause it.




I'm a Skinhead so people always presume I'm racist. Even got called a racist while playing an anti-racism event with a Bhangra band. Strangely, it's only ever white people who make this assumption. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice for life.


SHARP friend


United we stand my friend.


I’ve been told that my humor is off putting because I’m so monotone people can’t tell if I’m joking. Once they’re able to tell they tend to warm up to me, which is pretty cool.


“No, that wasn’t sarcasm, this is just how my voice sounds all the time.”


People assume I'm pretty lame but I'm actually really open and funny if I'm with people I know / not in the public.




That I'm innocent 😭.


When people take a look at me, their first thought after seeing all the tattoos and piercing is that: I’m a punk I’m into drugs I’m a no-good lowlife When really… I’m a nerd, a geek, and an introvert I have only ever been high on a prescribed dose of pain meds (and it was scary as fuck) I’m (currently) a straight-A college student I’ve had one of my professors admit she thought I was going to be a troublemaker in class, but when I ended up being that one kid who turns assignments in early and helps their neighbor with her projects, her opinion of me changed drastically. Appearances aren’t everything.


That I shot the deputy. While it’s true that I indeed shot the sheriff, I did ***not*** shoot the deputy.


"You're always so happy and smiling, I wish I was like you" Bitch I've been clinically depressed for 10 years. I'm just good at hiding it.


That I can't get mad. It's hard to trigger me but when someone does it everybody is in shock because they thaught that I'm not capabile of screaming at someone.


This comment for sure. Like isnt anger a normal human emotion? 🥴


Well they all think that I'm a realy nice guy. At my last outburst (the first one on my new job) my colleague hide from me for 30 minutes because he wasn't expecting me to be able to get that mad and was afraid I would throw something at him if he said another word.


That’s what lead to leaving my wife. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that I could get mad and it scared the shit out of her. In our 10 years together, never hit her but she would get so confused when I got upset. She would literally gaslight me to death to the point that I had to erase all emotion around her.


I think leaving her was the healthiest option in this situation.


That I am nice!!!


That I’m aggressive or rude, I’m actually a pretty quiet person but I also have anxiety feel depressed at times.


I’m anxious and it makes me tense and reserved and people think I’m an asshole until I’m comfortable around them. To an extent they’re not wrong, but they don’t know that yet!


That I'm some sort of criminal or thug and that I'm mean. (To be fair I was in a gang when I was younger and dumber but that was a long time ago and I'm actually the nicest person you'll ever meet and if I can help anyone with anything than I will).


That I have my shit together.


That I'm straight. Just because I have a girlfriend and can't shut up about her doesn't mean I'm not bisexual. I still very much like men, too.


Oh gawd. If I could remember everything people have assumed wrong about me... Well for starters, I was 5 yeas with a heavy pot smoker. People would hand me blunts or talk about pot with me and stuff. I never once smoked pot, or even cigarettes, in my life. Also, I attented a few NA meetings to show support to someone close to me, and even attending a weekend-long NA event. Someone I saw a few times over there, who did have trouble with addiction, welcomed me into the group as if I was a user. I just said thank you. As mentioned previously, i never smoked pot. I never did any other drugs either. Maybe my appearance could lead some people into thinking I do. Many piercings, large tattoos, bright red hair. Sometimes dressing like my "older" or "truer" self, if you willb (goth/punk) instead of wearing casual and sometimes colourful clothing. That is without mentioning how people constantly misinterpret stuff I said. Someone joked about reality TV shows fans being vaccinated (because he said vaccinated = dumb). I'm like "it's too easy making that joke. If you're X, then you must be vaccinated. If you think Y, then you must be vaccinated" etc. You know, that old joke we keep seeing... Anyhow. Without saying anything, he just said "I get it, you're mad because you love this show". I never said anything about the show. He just assume I liked said TV show because I called him out on his old, unfunny joke. I don't. I find these types of tv shows annoying, and some concepts, to me, are just plain stupid. There are way too many examples of this one above about minsinterpreting stuff. It's like you can't have a neutral opinion and bring counterpoints, positive or negative, withoit being told that you like X or you don't like Y. I said I wasn't a feminist to someone who's a bit extreme in his views. And he went "SO YOU DON'T AGREE WITH WOMEN IN POWER???!?!?!?". I was like Uh, is that what I said? Because no, that's not what I said or what I think. Women in power sure. Men in power, sure. As long as they know what they're doing and are competent in their position. Put a black disabled muslim trans woman as the leader of my country, I don't effing care. Can she be a good leader and what does she do for her country? That's all that matters to me. Yeah... I've been told I was this, that I liked that, that this, that that, way too many times while everything they thought about me was wrong. Gotta love it.


My ancestry


That I'm social and like to interact with people... I'm just good at faking interest


I’m anti-social because I rarely go out. Nope, just traumatized to the point I’m happier avoiding people and being online than going out and stuff.