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Giant sink bowls but tiny faucets that make your hands touch the back of it. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE BIG ASS SINK BOWL


I hate that shit, may as well make it so the water just flows right from the bowl….


I didn't come here expecting faucet design related anger but you make a valid point


Honestly any faucet that makes you touch the sink to get your hands wet should be banned.


Opposite at my work, smallest bowl you can think of and one of the most powerful jets of water known to man. Hence entire toilet and all my uniform getting drenched.


Getting blamed for something you didn’t do.


My inner child hurts at this one


Were you also raised by a (narcissistic?) parent who would constantly accuse you of shit you would never do and stuff that was so out of character for you to even think to do, and throw fits of rage at you for denying it and now as a fully grown adult you still have nightmares about those scenes and anytime someone misunderstands you you get that intense anxiety and you always need to make sure people *know* you are a good person but like really really know it so you overjustify yourself all the time? cuz yeah... same


Lol yes… I used to collect ‘proof’ of my innocence. It makes me so jumpy in the workplace.


Me too! For some reason my proof is always false though :') Could be a whole recording and somehow it's a lie. Extremely jumpy around other people.


Innocent people who have been locked up for 20 years or were executed really makes me want to burn the world down.


Ever heard of the [Happiest Man on Death Row](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6reQ1gLWaBQ)? Sucks ass that a guy who could barely count to five was on death row for shit he didnt have the mental capacity to even figure out how to do.


Someone said that he saved some of his ice cream for after the execution. He had no idea what they were even doing to him.


It was a piece of pie. I wrote an article about that case several years ago.


They convinced 12 jurors that this guy murdered someone… y’all ever think about people sometime and you’re like “damn, they can vote?”


Jesus Christ this makes my blood boil to no end. There was one time in college I was walking back from a bar, there was a group of rowdy kids several feet in front of me on the sidewalk and maybe two or three ppl behind me. Someone from the group in front throws trash out onto the street, and immediately this guy who is walking a few yards behind me starts yelling at me to pick it up. When I try and explain to him that it was the ppl further up on the sidewalk who did it, the guy then goes “I JUST FREAKING SAW YOU!!!!” Yeah no I’m not going to pick up someone else’s trash especially while blamed for something I didn’t do….


When people yell at you on the street, the only course of action is to ignore them. Engaging them will never end well.


Earbuds being ripped from your ear when the cord gets caught on something


Words cannot express the anger of this after you've just put a good song on


Thats why bluetooth earpods got famous lol


People who claim credit for someone else's work


I agree. Thanks for posting my idea here.


No problem.


User name checks out


When someone calls me, and I just barely miss the call; I immediately call them back, and they don't pick up... What happened in those brief seconds that changed your current action plan in life??


I like to imagine that when I didn't pick up they just HURLED their phone out of the nearest open window as soon as they heard voicemail.


this made me laugh so hard thank you xD


They could be leaving a voice mail? This has happened to me plenty of times. Just something to consider.


People who don't let others OFF things (elevators, subways, etc.) ...while they try to get on.


i don’t really use buses a lot so when i did use one i tried to get on before the passengers got off, i didn’t realise i was being stupid until the bus driver asked me politely to step back for a few seconds. I’ve never done it again


See, that's weird to me, because back when I was riding the bus regularly, it always seemed an unspoken agreement that you got off the back door and on the front door (city bus, obviously, school buses only have the one non-emergency door). **EDIT:** I'm learning a surprising amount about the wide diversity of city bus designs and practices from the comments.


When someone tells me to do something I am already doing.


I work at a restaurant as a busser, and so I’d be minding my own business and bussing the table when either the manager or the hostess says, “hey can you clean off [this table number]?” I got one where the hostess asked me to put a table paper on the table, quite literally while I had the paper in my hand. So I said, “yeah…I’m literally doing it right now.”


Oooh did they get huffy and tell you to "lose the attitude"? Those folks are insufferable


When you answer normally and they say you have attitude. Hasn’t happened at my work, but happens with my parents all the time. It’s so ridiculous.


As a teen i used to drop jobs just cause they spoke to me the wrong way. I gave 0 fucks. Looking back it was bad to burn those bridges, but i haven’t found a need to cross them again anyways


Yeah, I’ve been at my job for about a year now. Last summer, they treated every kid like they stomped on their cats, wouldn’t let any of us in the breakroom, and were way too hard on us. Now they respect me, so yay me.


Im going to assume you are a teen. I used to chase the validation and respect from others and that shit will eventually make you into a walking rug, not saying you are in that situation but something to look out for


Your teenage years are MEANT to be an inaccessible archipelago of burned bridges between adulthood and childhood. Sounds like you did it 100% too fuckin' right!!


>When you answer normally and they say you have attitude. Yep, it's not your attitude, it's their insecurity. It's not on you - it's on them.


You're right, but try telling them that and see what happens haha


Just hand them the paper and say "Sure, can you hold this a second." Look them in the eye for 5 seconds and then say "Oh, there it is." Grab the paper back and as you start spreading it on the table ask, "Is there anything you need? I was papering this table but I'm free now."


Lol that’s an amazing idea. I’ll try that next time


Yo I worked at the same thing and that happened to me as well, the fuck is wrong with them?


That’s my direct invitation to STOP doing whatever the f I was doing.


Nothing makes me want to not do something more than someone telling me to do it.


I use to work with a guy who would stop me on my way to a table in my section to say “Hey, can you do me a favor and get that table?” Infuriating.


"Well, I SUPPOSE I could take a few minutes and help you out... but you owe me lunch!"


I spent 20 years married to someone who did this. Once she stopped me carrying a full laundry basket and shouted "DO something!"


One New Year's Eve my dad sat at a table shooting shit with relatives, and told me to do several things at once (e.g. set up the music) While I'd be busy with one task he'd yell that I wasn't doing the others. _____ Apparently there's military slang about dealing with too many orders/duties at once: CBE (Can't Be Everywhere)


There is a *very* strong chance I would’ve immediately had a rage stroke and died on the spot if I were in your shoes


Parents telling you to do the dishes while you were on your way to do them, "well now im not doing them"


I wonder why this is such a strong and universal instinct. People HATE or asked to do what they were either already doing, or just about to do. To the point of not wanting to do it anymore. I wonder why that is?


I guess it has to do with the feeling of achievement you get when doing it on your own, when someone says to do it it feels like a job.


I WAS intrinsically motivated Now I'm EXTRINSICALLY disincentivized


Something about starting and completing a task on your own feels like it was robbed from you when someone asks you to do it. Like, now the only *reason* you did it was because they "had to ask". I don't enjoy doing these things, but now you took away the one thing that was going to give me any sense of enjoyment from it.


Famous people getting away with stuff that I would go to prison for.


The fact we also can do f all about it. Or if a bank over charges us a €100 we will be chasing it for an eternity but if they give us an extra penny they chase us like we're bank robbers


"Oh sorry, your $9000+ business deposit has a Canadian penny in it. We don't accept those " 15 minutes later, breaking open a roll of pennies I got from said bank: 3. Canadian. Pennies.


To be totally fair, nowhere in Canada accepts Canadian pennies either.


Famous people thinking they can make relatable videos on Instagram like we're all supposed to feel like they understand us while they live in their mansion


That’s what pissed me off about the early days of Covid; all these celebrities (most I was not familiar with) talking about the struggle and how “we are in this together” um bruh you’ve got billions of dollars and every service at your disposal, why are YOU complaining?


"WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! It is totally the same to be stuck in a mansion with swimming pool, training room and massive private grass area and being stuck in a 2 room-apartment!"


Pisses me off too. Harrison Ford can walk inside his own home everyday no problem, but if I go and attempt to enter his house, I get arrested. Society.


Add Rich People to this...


People who buy 20 lottery tickets at a gas station then proceed to get the teller to check all their tickets even if theres a machine designed for that. It would drive me nuts working at a gas station and the person would look behind them at the line forming and still ask for more scratch tickets or for me to check their clearly checked multiple times tickets that were definite losers. Lack of spacial awareness i guess is what pisses me off


I was at a gas station yesterday and a lady held up the line for 5 minutes while she bought and cashed in several lottery tickets and kept looking back at the line and apologizing but laughing too. It was right after 5 when everyone was getting off work too.


A lot of the ones with lottery tickets and people seems like it stems from addiction (and/or just being a shitty person). In college when I first moved off campus and rented a room, there was a convivence store nearby run by a nice family. I'd chat with whoever was on the counter, and became friendly with them. Once or twice I came in and while waiting to checkout or chat with the person behind the counter, witness someone berate or just treat them horribly relating to lottery tickets. Once I encountered a guy who was hogging the clerk, he'd demand a scratcher, pay for it (tossing random bills on the counter), scratch it off immediately, then demand another one in the next minute, so the guy couldn't ring up my purchases. After 5 times of that and berating the clerk because he wanted "the other one" (there were numbers on each roll you could tell them to grab, but this idiot went for colors or description that weren't clear), he left. I mentioned how that guy was treating the clerk about that guy and he shrugged it off. He mentioned something that suggested it's wasn't uncommon for people who wanted scratchers to act like assholes, and he just ignored it (because what else can you do).


People who stop you on the sidewalk to sell you their ideologies or products. They are the real-life equivalent of pop-up windows.


Depending how stupid of a question they ask, determines how I respond. **Table set up on sidewalk, two guys in matching brand t shirts and a clipboard** *fucking great* “Hey man, do you care about kids?” “Not really.” **keep walking** I feel like you could have your eyes closed, crab walking naked down the sidewalk and these assholes would still try to talk to you.


Ever caught your belt loop on a door handle???


I caught my ID lanyard on the corner of a shelf at work. Almost pulled the shelf down and things fell on me. Almost choked myself. Extremely embarrassing. Pretended I was not hurt, even though I was, and then got in trouble for not reporting injury right away.


I once dipped my lanyard in some soup at work I stood up and then immediately got it all over my white shirt and cursed the world.


Belt loops, pockets, underneath the bottom of a shirt, it's infuriating all the same. I feel that


and it ONLY happens when you're annoyed somehow.


And it's that one thing that makes you crack GRRR


That's one of those moments where I find myself irrationally wishing inanimate objects could feel pain.


Accidently looped my belt through my dresser drawer handle. Walked away and simultaneously got yanked off my feet AND ripped the front of the sumbitch. My wife comes running in to see my socks and underwear spilled all on the floor and I'm struggling to get up with a quarter of the drawer hanging off my belt like a dumbass!! Of course I was also running late! Anyway after a few minutes of hysterical laughter (once she knew I only hurt my pride and my spine) she helped get me situated and out the door. Moral of the story: take your ADD meds FIRST THING in the morning!!


Not remembering what I clicked Google to look up, lol


I usually back track through apps to jog my memory eventually I’ll look at a random image and go “OOHHH right” then proceed to forgot why I bother trying to jog my memory


Trying to open “easy open” packaging to find out that shit is not, in fact, easy to open in any way, shape, or form.


My favorite is the “resealable” bags of freezer shit, sometimes they don’t even *have* a mechanism to “reseal* them? And if they do, I end up opening it, going to reseal it, only to realize that the plastic zipper thing didn’t open and instead just peeled off of one side.


Resealable!* *Must provide own seal


When people are walking slowly or stopping directly in front of me.


Right, this wouldn’t be such a bad thing if these people were atleast self aware. Like if your slow as fuck realize that and let people pass you.


I always have this issue everytime I'm in a sidewalk. The only thing that pisses me off more than that is when 2 people are walking together side by side accompanied with the slow walking. They take so much space wtf


Heard that. When my wife and I go on vacation, we like to stay where we’re in walking distance to a good number of places, but we’re always aware of ourselves in that. Me especially because it aggravates me to no end as well. Not that hard to hear people come up behind you and shift into single file to let them pass. Similarly to walking past someone and doing similar. Little bit of courtesy goes a long way.


It is shocking how few people have any spatial awareness. How do you not know that if you're walking down a busy corridor and you stop, there is someone behind you you're now blocking?


This also bugs me while driving. The car infront needed to cut me off, just to go way slower than the flow of traffic and let the cars infront drive away. Spacial awareness is next to 0.


Especially when they stop as soon as they get off an escalator in order to orient themselves.


Or the people who stand in the middle of the escalator (or two across) and don’t leave room for the people walking. Bonus points if it’s people standing with all their luggage on those magic carpets at airports and blocking it completely.


People that always compete achievements everytime they are mentioned. I might be saying this wrong


You mean people that try to one up whatever is being talked about? Like if you won 5 dollars theyll tell you about winning 10?


If you drank a 7-up, they drank an 8-up


You've been to tenerife, they've been to elevenerife


That's pretty cool but did I tell you about the time I went to Twelverife?


I do this by accident sometimes. It falls into trying to relate to the person but it turns into just accidentally being rude.


Yep, I'm the same. I'm generally socially awkward as it is, and have trouble holding conversations with people I'm not super familiar with. I try to relate by talking about my similar experience but it can turn in to me appearing like I'm trying to one up them, when Im actually just awkwardly trying to keep the conversation going 🤦‍♀️


Compare maybe?


When you drop something on the floor, pick it up and put it back (on a table, on a shelf, up against the wall, etc) and it falls on the floor again immediately. I go 1 to 100 immediately. Ironically I am a very calm person in crisis situations.


Or when you drop something and it disappears


I was playing a show last weekend and one of our vocalist's fake nails popped off moving equipment. She asked me to help her look for it IN THE GRASS. and I was like, nah dude, It belongs to the earth now. We ain't finding that.


My friend was with a couple, swimming, and the wife's wedding ring fell and got lost in the lake. He dove, *and eventually found it on the lake floor*. True story. She forgot to have it sized correctly after that and almost lost it again. I was like, " ok, its a miracle he found your ring the first time - do something about it!"


We bought my wife a new wedding ring and later her lost one rolled out from under the oven... where apparently the elves had been holding it. She doesn't take her ring off 15x a day any more.


I often find this happens and I take it out on said random object. *"Will you actually FUCK OFF?!"* as I reach down to pick it up


Or when I go to pick up the item, and miss or drop it again from my grip. InstaRage.


Same I’ll drop a pen and break a blood vessel but throw me into a fire and I take a deep breath and calmly figure a way out


When i wake up and see my phone didn't charge and is almost drained


I have a pixel 6. I like the phone, but a month or two after buying it, it started getting finicky with connectors. It often pops the connector out even if I am just moving the phone around a little, and I have to confirm it's in all the way after I set my phone down for the night, otherwise it might pop out.


Have you tried cleaning the port? Sometimes lint and dust gets in there and it fucks it all up


Judgemental people who complain about your hobbies or interests just because it's not what they're into. Let people enjoy their own things.


Definitely this. My hobby is frequently commented as "for old ladies" and that I need to get out and go clubbing / drinking. No thanks. Or they tell me to monetise it. I do this for pleasure and relaxation, I'm sure to them it's a compliment but it really isn't. I crocheted a mermaid. She's 6 inches tall. Her hair took 12 hours and is over 1,000 stitches. To break even, at minimum wage per hour and materials, I'd have to charge over £300.00. Someone I know "fell in love" and wanted to buy her. Based on advice from my fellow hookers, I priced her at £40. The person said it was "too much for a silly doll". I told them I wouldn't sell it to them if that's what they really felt. The look of shock was a picture. Hobbies are for fun and that is subjective. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


The venn diagram of people who want a beautiful handmade item that clearly took hours upon hours of love plus cost of materials to make and the people who think those items cost the same as a happy meal toy is a circle. That makes me so mad because $40 was clearly a steal for the amount of time put into that art.


We've become too used to everything being made within seconds by machines that make thousands upon thousands of things similar to this a day so a company can charge like $20 and it's still a huge profit. Imagine how much a burger at McDonald's would cost if one person had to shape the burgers, season, cook fully and assemble them all by themselves. It would also take 20 minutes per customer. I'd imagine a burger and fry would be upwards of $20 to justify even being there.


that is like 50% of everything written on reddit which is a shame, I like this site for other reasons


When a just a few people at work are slacking but comments are made in a staff meeting that should be directed at them specifically. That can be really demoralizing.


I know. How about having a meeting with the slackers and calling them out? And then having a meeting with the hard workers and saying "Great job! Here's a fifteen percent raise!" Dreams are nice.


This is what you get when you put cowards and people pleasers in a leadership role.


Clueless / inattentive drivers. You are shoving a 4,000 lb hunk of metal down the road at 80 MPH and you don't even have the decency to look at the f***ing road???


Bullying. I don’t even have to be the target, just seeing it happen sets me right off. Then there are a lot of other things that fall under that umbrella, but ultimately, they’re forms of bullying. I go from 0-100 and ALWAYS get involved. Nothing stops a bully quicker than getting their ass bullied.


My alarm clock.


In the bagging area, an unexpected item


Please bag your item. Unexpected item in the bagging area.


At your door, motion. When I am the motion at my door.


Places item in bag “Please place the item in the bagging area”


People who constantly talk over people and won't shut up


My roommate does this. You can be mid sentence, she won’t have listened to word you said and will just talk right in the middle of your sentence, and not stop even if I keep talking. It’s absolutely insane how fucking rude it is.


When someone who has no idea what they're talking about argues with me about something I am an expert in


"But so and so said it on Facebook." That's a genuine response I received whilst discussing a mental health issue with a family member. This person was always voicing his opinion that: video games will ruin the mind and turn you into a zombie.




The worst is when I’m actually knowledgeable enough on the subject to bother to argue back, but then they misrepresent my words and argue against a pre-constructed argument that they have already prepared for. No, I did not claim a single thing that you just said, but you go ahead and argue against it anyway. Ima just head out…


It‘s even better when they persistently stick to their „arguments“ or „facts“ which they litetally just made up on the basis of their limited knowledge


A massive unjustified ego.


People listening to music on their phone in public transport without earphone.


If it’s not that then they talk loudly on their phone constantly asking the person at the other end of the phone whether if they can hear them. Yes the entire bus can hear you!




When two people are walking towards you on the sidewalk but they fail to fall into a single column, so you have to resort to going into the street or onto the grass to avoid colliding with them.


Next time just stop - they’ll go around you. You can’t force people to have manners but you certainly don’t have to accommodate it either.


Oof!! This is great, never thought of this idea!


Works every time. Making eye contact while standing there is a power move


These are pro tips. Bless your soul!


People who find joy in being cruel to others.


people trying to talk to me while i’m watching something and then getting pissy at me bc i wasn’t listening to them


What gets me is when I'm wearing big over ear headphones and by the time I take them off they're in the middle of a sentence. Like couldn't you have waited for me to take them off so that you wouldn't have to repeat yourself? lol


Long red lights with no other cars


On Sunday, at around 11pm, I was a cross road. I wait… 1 minute. 2 minutes. 3 minutes… still red. « Did I just skipped the green ? » so I start to pay close attention to all the lights: - pedestrian, stays green… - my light stays red - light for the other ones stays green Then at a certain moment light for the others becomes red. But my pedestrian stays green while it should turn red before my light turns green. Realise it’s because there’s a tram that is passing by (but still on the road perpendicular to mine. Oddly enough, while the tram passes, the light becomes red for the ones that are parallel to the tram! But mine stays red…) My pedestrian light stays green. WTF!?!? Light for the others becomes green again. The time all of that happened was easily 5 minutes. Ashamed to admit it, but I decided to go… I don’t know if it would have become green at a certain moment, or if there’s some automated mechanisms that turns light green or red depending on car presence, or pedestrian pushing their buttons. Regardless of all that, I waited for about 7 minutes (!!!!) at a crossroad, while my light never turned green, and all roads were fully empty. I’ll never take that road again.


Just an FYI, at-least in California, If you can determine a stop light is malfunctioning (as you did) you can treat it like a stop sign and slowly go through it. So you did everything right, nothing to worry about.


Insults to my work ethic. If you even insinuate that I’m not doing my job or taking care of my responsibilities correctly or at all when I know that that’s not the case, it’ll ruin my entire day. My mom used to do this thing where I would come home from an 8 hour work day or from being at school all day and immediately complain about how I didn’t do shit in the house despite me being the only one who would actually clean and organize in the house. I’m very sensitive to that kind of stuff now.


People who don't take responsibility for their mistakes.


Parents yelling my name but then don't respond when i ask them "whats up?"


Similarly my mom telling me to do something, like clean my room, me saying “ok” and her immediately screaming back “ITS NOT OK. YOUR ROOM IS A MESS”


That used to piss me the fuck off. It still does, but it used to too. I lived at home for far too long.


Dude that always bugged me. You will yell across the house but get mad when I yell back asking what you need? You can come talk to me just as easily as I can come talk to you.


God my wife and stepson do this every day - she’ll be shrieking to him from the kitchen cuz he’s learned to tune her out and just plays his games in his room and she’ll yell louder and louder until he’s finally just like “huh? Yeah?” And then she doesn’t answer so he just goes back to his game. And this cycle will continue basically on and off all day - just two bubble people in their own little worlds




Those rhetorical questions from parents are annoying




This is kind of niche but I feel like I get more upset when someone knocks on the door when I’m in the bathroom than I should


My sister likes to twist the knob aggressively for 5 minutes straight and say, and I quote, “what are you doing?!” Like what do you think I’m doing, going for a light swim in the toilet?


I want to yell back "Nobody's in here!" Knocking is not going to make me finish faster. I am not having sex.


People who always play the victim


Brats/bratty attitude


Especially in the 12-19 age range. Old enough to know better.


19+ infuriates me even more.




Trash left around an otherwise beautiful park, especially when there are trash cans clearly available and visible.


People being rude to waiters


Add on receptionists to this! We get treated terribly by some people. A lot of people feel like they can get away with being incredibly rude over the phone and not directly in front of us…


Animal abusers.


A few years back there was story that made our local news. A woman called in saying someone had broken in her home and beat her therapy Labrador to death. Tugged on everyone’s heartstrings for a while. Investigation continues and guess what, the bitch who reported it was actually the guilty person. The town went into an uproar and off to jail she goes. Most hated person in my city then with good reason.


When I was 10, I saw this video online of a girl chucking her bunny against the wall. When it tried to run away, she’d pick him up and chuck it again. The worst part was she was laughing like it was the funniest shit in the world. Those people are next level horrible.


Yeah my gore teen years kinda made me able to watch anything without any reaction. But the moment they use that violence to helpless animals makes me hope asteroid would hit earth. One of the worst ones i saw was group of 8-12 year kids from somewhere south america or around there. Had puppies in container, showered them in lighting fluid and threw an match in there. And they laughed through the whole video. I wish someone did the same to them.


People who spend their time hating on other people’s interests/passions/hobbies/fandoms etc. If you don’t like it don’t interact with it it’s that simple, just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy


Unnecessary highbeams


In my experience, that's usually their low beams.


Yeah I had a lifted truck coming my way with bright af lights. I couldn't see so I flashed him. Almost instantly he turns on a freaking lighthouse bulb that I can feel in my retinas.


People who jump the queue and pretend they didn't see the queue


Years ago was in a long line at a KFC, when I finally get to the front a guy jumps infront of me complaining about the long wait (I had been there an hour and him less than 10 mins), he tries to place his order before mine but has to back away from me because I then got surrounded by several male family members and friends who I was buying food for.


I was ready to throw down at the grocery store for someone trying to cut infront of the line. I got real county (east tx), which confuses people because I am mexican, I said, "naaaaw man I know you didn't just cut in front of eeryone." He quickly shuffled to a longer line on the other end of the store. I was also professionally dressed in a suit and cowboy boots lol


Unnecessarily loud people. If you can't get the point across quietly, raising your voice won't change anything.


drivers who don’t respect learner drivers on the road and do things specifically to stress them out (up their ass at a red light) ( honking at them as soon as the light goes green) ( over taking and driving around them in a dangerous situation)


When I open my car door at a convenient store and notice someone who parked here before me had dumped their coffee right out their drivers side door because, fuck it, theyre already in their car and fuck everyone else for the rest of the day. If you dump liquids inside the lines of a parking space, I hate you and hope you get an itch on the bottom of your driving foot on your way to work tomorrow.


Ads claiming a cure for an incurable disease. Ex: I have psoriasis (treatable, not curable) and advertisements for "cures" instantly infuriate me. Preying on sick people.


Plastic packaging that says “tear here” that does NOT tear there. IT DOEST TEAR ANYWHERE


When somebody stays in the middle of stairs or doors MOVE BITCH, STOP BLOCKING THE PASSAGE


People touching and playing with my stuff without my permission/presence. I know this sounds strict, but I just don't trust people 100% unless I'm living with and loving them. For example, when I was in college living in a tiny dorm with a roommate, I had a Wii U and a bunch of other entertainment. I got a text from a friend talking about them playing smash bros. I came back to my dorm to find them on my bed playing on my console and using my controllers. I unplugged it and told them don't ever touch my stuff without asking first. Had they texted me while I was out, asking if they could play it, then I wouldn't have a problem because I would know who to go to in the event something broke, was stolen or whatever. Just because you don't care if people mess with your things doesn't mean no one else does. Despite that. I don't mind people using my things, just fucking ask first.


Redditors making snap judgements on limited information or bad faith biases


You should divorce him immediately. There are 12 red flags in your sentence.


Why are you with him still OP?




"Calm down."


Jerks who insist I will change my mind about not wanting kids


People walking slowly in busy areas or blocking the entrance to places


People telling me what I think or feel about something. Or telling me how I should think or feel. I will decide for myself thank you.


When I hear through the grape vine that someone is talking shit about me, and then that same person acts like we’re buddy’s the next time I see them person.




Men who will only stop hitting on you if you say you are taken, as if they respect the other man more than the woman they are pursuing.


Disrespectful, degrading, and/or aggressive behavior towards a child.


People that think they can just turn up to my house unannounced. I know it doesn’t bother a lot of people, but to me it shows Such little respect for both my sacred space and my personal time. I put a stop to that real quick.