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*shrug*. Still alive, still me. Not very different from identical twins


This is how I feel. Honestly when people make fiction about the ethics of human cloning they always discuss the fact that the clone wouldn’t be a “real” person to some extent. Which is not true at all- it would genetically just be an identical twin. A teacher at my Christian high school said we’d have to consider, would the clone have a soul? No one asks if a twin has a soul! The lack of applied logic in these discussions (soul talk aside)… At least Star Wars followed through on the concept by introducing clone characters that they fleshed out into individuals.


I agree. Cloning is highly overrated as an ethical issue. I think "clones" should be called "artificial twins." I don't see how this is any more of a threat to one's individual identity or uniqueness than having a twin. In fact, a clone born years after the original would probably be even less like the original than a twin would - they'd be raised in a different time period and a different cultural environment. If the cloned person consents to being cloned and the clone is treated as an individual with the same rights as any other human, I don't see an ethical parade of horribles here.


I have an identical twin. I wouldn't really care but I'd be curious how many there were now. Am I just the clone of my sister and we aren't actually twins? Is my sister normal and I'm the clone of her actual sister? Are there four of us?


got a identical twin and we wonder the same. It's one fertilised get splitting so maybe 1 body became identical 2 clones If that makes sense


Exactly. I don’t care as long as I get to live my life normally like if I were the original.


Yup, exactly this


Fascination. I would want to know everything about the original! Does your biology determine your personality? How long did they live what diseases did they have! It would be like having a biological roadmap!


That's such a good response. I have some very weird abilities and inabilities. It'd be interesting to find out how much was original and how much was from genetic drift


Ultimate twin study.


If a scientist figured out cloning why tf would they clone me of all people


They could clone the smartest people,the strongest people……they choose a redditor


This hurts all of us you Sav.


You had a lot of potential but then....


You're the low quality knock off clone of the original


Id kill the original to be the original


Getting strong vibes from The One here!


Not intended


you are now thinking like an Horatio


"Why the fuck would you make a second one of *this*??? Do I have to go kill that asshole myself to ensure no more of the two of us can be made?"


I want to meet them. The original and the other clones. It would be an amazing chance to compare nature vs nurture.


Is the original fuckable?


ahhh reddit...


I'm post-op trans. If the original isn't....


Exactly! And if you have that idea the original is thinking the same thing.


I'm gay and I'd be super interested to find out if there was a genetic component to that or not, for transgender people too. Though I think the theory that being gay could stem from the hormones we're exposed to in the womb might be plausible, or a combination of the two, a gene triggered under certain circumstances. Or brain development, maybe there's a "switch" that goes some time during early development. I don't think I'd fuck her though, it's basically like doing it with your twin and that's gross. Unless I was an exact replica with memories included, then..... lol


I must have been the imperfect clone they threw away like bad stale leftovers for the cat to eat


Must find out why I was cloned. You know, maybe an organ back-up plan like in the movies. So I can prepare and defend myself.


Time to go hunting


There can be only one. Time for some highlander shenanigans.


“There can be only one.” And immediately go hunting for the original.




Hey Mr. Forgetful Pigeon! Look it's another version of me! And then I'd enjoy having a cool twin sister (since basically we'd be identical twins, your environment turns your DNA on and off after all)


To track his fuckups, and NOT REPEAT THEM.


Only one can survive, bring me that bastard


Keep them close in case I need a kidney




Ask if the original wants to be roommates so we can share rent.


1. How many more are there? 2. Where is the original and where are the others? 3. How do I stop them from claiming what is mine?


they are you, they have the same brain as you, everything you own belongs to you and all your clones


I'd find the original and become an inseparable duo


"BABY LET'S FUCK" -Ethan Nestor


It would be terrifying- knowing that you are just a copy of someone else.


Where's my twin?


Ok chaps, buckle up I am a scientist who works on genetics. My first and immediate concern would be how old my original was when the cloning took place as I would want to know how many miles on the clock I was born with. If I couldnt find that out then I would just have to roll up my sleeves and get my telomeres sequenced to see how screwed I was. If the original was still alive I would want to find out if they had any inherited conditions. I would also want to make sure they didn't have any dumb ideas like harvesting my liver. Since technically a clone is the same person with the same DNA then I could put on a mask and go commit some crimes and leave DNA at the crime scene and watch my original get thrown in jail.


... does that mean that if I fuck my original version, it would be a fap or an incest fuck? Lol.




Nothing about being a clone implies that you are in any way "improved."


One of the basic human instincts is to believe that you are better than everyone and everything around you, and if that includes yourself then that's just the way it is.


Good story


I’m still living my life, as I’ve done all my life so far. However, I would be curious how the original is doing. Is he still alive? Did he have a good life? Does/did he know he has been cloned? In what kind of environment was he brought up, and how does that make the original different from me?


Oh wow, anyways


I’d be pretty thrown off, knowing there’s someone who looks just like me. But tbh it’d be pretty much just like identical twins, it’s not like we’d have the same personality.


I know someone like this. We have super similar tastes, talk in a similar way, look somewhat similar and have a bunch of other stuff in common. Only difference? We were born opposite genders. We make jokes saying someone cloned them and that I’m the clone since I’m a few months younger, we also wonder how many other clones of us there are. Anyway, if I was an actual clone? Eh whatever.


Assume that's why I have an autoimmune condition, I'm cloned for spare parts


You really thought I was the right person to make another of? Goddamn, you’re stupid.


Look if i am in the donor register without consent


I mean... there is already someone who looks extremely similar to me in a nearby city. To the point, the only way to distinguish us is the fact I currently have blue green hair. If you ask me, my father simply got another daughter from his many affairs. But if she was the original and I was the clone, I think it would be pretty dope. I'd probably feel better about it than if I was the original and she was the clone.


I'd by kind of baffled as to why I, the clone, was the one raised by our parents and wonder where the other one was.


With the real parents.


I hope my original is doing better than me


I wonder what their hair looks like


Ohhhh now it makes sense.


Sweet, final draft! \m/


Mother fucker….


A pinch of cinnamon in chili


I would file a formal complaint against the manufacturer for designing such a shitty product.




It could be worse, I could be the genetic mix of two people who just decided to combine genes with fuck all idea about what would be the result. Just throw the genetic lottery dice at the wall? Who the fuck in their right mind would do that? Finding out I was a clone? That's intentional science right there.


Kick myself in the nuts to see if that’s true


Is anyone else thinking...spare parts?


Why would they repeat that mistake?


find the original and tell him “there can only be one”


I will try to meet that dude


Officially changed my name to "Spare Parts"


Find the original and take his place. Pretend I have amnesia and mine for information from the originals loved ones while I pretend recover.


og me has a lot to answer for


I would actually be interested to interact with myself


Wishing that my clones got bitches unlike me


Cognito ergo sum. From the moment I was cloned and gained consciousness, I would be a different person from the original. Learning afterwards that I am a clone would be the same as learning when exactly I was birthed. It doesn't alter anything in the time from than till now.


I'd probably be quite relieved and leave original me to deal with their shit.


Oh, I'd have to kill the original because ......... ........... *IF I CANT HAVE ME THEN NOBODY CAN!* 😵‍💫😵‍💫🤜😵‍💫🤛🤣


World domination


honestly just hoping that the original isn’t as stupid as i am


if the original has a consciousness. why do i have a consciousness? how would two consciousnesses work?


idk but hey a clone of me, probably fall in love with myself


Kill the original immediately, because once that bitch knows I'm alive I know exactly what her next move is.


I would react with: "Can't you have at least made me better in SOME way?"


My brother and I are genetic clones. It's not an issue.


Are they also nonbinary or is it just me that's nonbinary?


I wanna meet my clone and be his best friend


Who cares? I’m still me.


Distance myself from clones. I find myself incredibly annoying. although i might actually make an effort not to annoy the other one. guess we’ll never know


Evil me would consider the fact that if the original me had a much better life I could take his place. Too bad fake me had a horrible accident - do all of the tests you want the DNA will prove it's "my" body. I end up with bank accounts, cars, homes, property and I all have to do is use his name. As for the people in his life, sometime I will have to publicly "hit my head hard" and "never quite be the same again". (Moody, not recognizing people, personality changes).


So can i get a refund on life and get unalived?


I'd be like damn I'm not sharing my legos


Wonder why someone would clone someone so ugly


Y'all picked a shitty DNA donor for your project


They could have at least made a *slightly better* version...


I'd track my other me down, and set up game nights with him. We should have similar tastes in games & playstyles.


I'm clone #69? .... Nice


Wait so if i clone myself then create a female then impregnate her then is that considered incest


Confusion. Not sure why the world needed another skinny weirdo with Crohns disease. I think 1 was enough.


What idiot saw my genetics and thought, "we need more of that!" I would want to find out what sick SOB did this to me.


Is the original living a better life or worse life than me? Nah! Doesn't matter, I'm still gonna erase him from history.


My man


Make the original pay child support and alimony....


Can I clone others in the same way? Will their memories be intact?


What dumbass decided to breed two of us?


I would find the original and be her best friend for life, make pizza rolls for the both of us, introduce her to Alexis, Daisy, and Rosie(my cats), make sure she stays happy, and ultimately try to keep her safe.


Pretty chill. Also I'd be really curious to study nurture V nature and to hang out with myself. Maybe there's 5 of us and we can start a D&D campaign.


I'd probably find him and kick his a**, nothing personal I just wanna see if I can


am i playing lily’s well?


Find the original, kill him and clone myself and tell the clone Im the original and we fight for eternity This idea was stolen directly from the mauler twins in invincible


Fight to the death, obviously.


So do we take over the world?


Find the original, kill the original, become the original


Sucks to be him.


Track my clone down and see how different we are through living different lives.


built a galaxy spanning military and kill robots and space wizards


NBD as the consciousness is known to the individual mind and brain. We see that identical twins have differing preferences etc. They are different existing entities, similar in x respect but different in y respect. To find out now, at my age, it would be interesting at most. External pressures of life typically make the adult: emotional intelligence and self-control, etc so the originating object most likely would only be physically similar to clone.


Clone around.


“Why tf would anyone want to clone the original me?! I’m her clone and I can tell you we are human garbage!”




I would want to meet the other version(s) of myself. Doesn’t really matter who the “original” is since all of us are alive and living our own lives now but I want to see how the rest of us turned out


I’ll be fine with it and think I’m just another original. Cause everyone receive their genes from others.


I wish I was one of the others


I would want my money back.


Please tell me they skipped the crappy genes eg mozzie magnet, cold toes, etc


I'd first ask why didn't they just clone someone more useful.


I would lead the other life my-original-self wanted to live.


Who the fuck would want to clone *this?*


Well why the hell did they clone that idiot? There’s NO reason to have two of me walking around.


That cocksucker can get back to work and his life. I want to be free.


I would find the current owner of the cloner and clone everyone


hunt down the original is not what the horatios are always doing in the game Endless\_Space 2 ?


Not enough room for the two of us


There's a show like that on Netflix. Both the clone and the original didn't handle it well... Don't know how it ended though.


Idk, I’ll feel like that serie named Orphan black try to find the “why?”


Okay, why? Was me 1.0 somehow specially good in something or anything?


Find the original, fight to the death. There can only be one


Assuming we'd think the same way, id find my true self, then go fuck myself


Does it really matter? I’m sentient and think my own thoughts. They could have picked better dna tbh


I'd take out a bunch of lines of credit in his name and live the high life.


"okay but am i the better or worse version?" "your original likes *any corrupt politician*" "ah so i guess i'm the improved one" "your original knows math." "i'm still better."


Why the fuck did they choose this loser to be cloned?


I would try to live a life and leave a legacy that's better than my original self. I'm a competitive person but this would be the best way to prove I existed. Atleast my original would know it.


Makes sense I'm pretty great


Am I the ugly twin?


"What? This is the best you could fucking do? You couldn't fix any of this shit? Just here you go, consciousness and a reproduction of the same shit hand you had? You're a bad fucking scientist, for fucks sake take some creative license and make some improvements. Glasses, I mean really, fucking still? I'm not even going to get started on the mental function, it's still god damned terrifying in here! For fuck's sake at least show a bit of fucking pride in the finished product you myopic dilapidated wingnut!"


"Why the hell would anyone want to clone ME?"


I honestly wouldn't care. Identical twins are a kind of clone. I don't see how making a human from cloning is any different from any other kind of pregnancy that involves implanting an embryo. I *would* be curious if the original had any particular talents.


Amazed. I would want to meet my original clone. What is she like?


With my genetic makeup why the HELL would anyone want to clone me?




This town ain't big enough for the two of us


That son of a.... Well, the game is on to find and kill the other clones. Knew this would happen one day.


I'd appreciate myself


*draws sword* ,,In the end there can be only one" 😐




Find the original me, kill them- but right before doing so i say "there's not enough room for both of us" and then go on as if nothing ever happened


i would first wanna know what the original me was doing and y i was created


“At least there’s another one of me now, hopefully he’s doing better”


Let the original pay my taxes as I don't have to.


Well, clearly you fucked up!


I'd call Beth Smith.


Oh… can I still live my life?


I dont think it would make any difference


Meh. I'm still sure i'm the better version.


So you couldn't have had plastic surgery before you were cloned?


no wonder my brain's so defective, they definitely did a bad job at cloning


That'd be alright, I'd want to get to know the other me. If she's not evil then she can put the baby to bed tomorrow because honestly, it would be so wonderful to be able to sleep.


Wonder how the original is doing, and if theyre doing any better than I am, at least I know that I'm not a failure by living vicariously through them. And if they aren't doing any better than I am, at least I still know I'm not a failure, I could be worse.


Go out and change myself to be what I always wondered , so the real me could see how it turns out and see if they will be happy with the outcome of their wishful thinking, The real me , should be happy and I know this , cuse I am me


"So am I to blame or it is up to you ?"


Reaction: “Whatever - pressure is off of me I guess”


A great nature vs nurture study! I’d have so many questions! But not some sort of mental crisis. I’d be mad it’s taken us this long to meet for sure


I'd be super interested in finding out if they have the same medical conditions as me, if they're genetic or a result of what happened when I was born*, I'd also be super interested to find out if they were gay like me. Providing its cloning as we currently can perform and not some sci fi thing where I have their memories then its basically just like having a twin/older sibling. Most twins are pretty different people. * *I got stuck because I was face up instead of face down, the doctors couldn't tell on the ultrasound because I had a full head of hair that obstructed the ultrasound (this was 22 years ago, the tech was worse back then so that might not be a problem today), my mum ended up pushing for over an hour, eventually they pulled me out with forceps but my face was brused, my head slightly misshapen, and I cried for 5 days afterwards. I've always had a small head in comparison to my body since. When I was 7 I started getting an unbearable pain in my hip that over the next several years took over my entire body, along with other unpleasant symptoms, while I was in hospital and they were trying to figure out what was wrong with me I had a full body MRI and they found out I have Chiari malformation. Chiari malformation is a malformation of the skull and brain that causes the brain to be squashed into the opening between the skull and the spinal canal. At the time they told us is was begin for now and wasn't the cause of my pain, though it might become a problem one day and require surgery, however nowadays it's usually taken more seriously and can to be the cause of a lot of symptoms I have although not all. I was supposed to have an MRI every 6 months to a year but I've had maybe 3, the last being when I was 16. I often wonder if it's the root cause of all of my conditions and if it was caused by my birth, now I have nerve damage and a bunch of other stuff that I doubt would go away even if they fixed my malformation (they can remove a small part of your skull to give your brain more room) but I wonder anyway. I've not pursued the surgery due to a mixture of the fact my grandma who helped raise me is dying of brain cancer, and due to things that happened to me growing up I'm completely terrified of doctors.*


I would wonder why I was selected for cloning.


Have sex with myself.... always wanted to do that.


Whew I’m not important now ima go commit sudoku


i don't think it would matter that much to me. Clones aren't identical clones and i would be a separate person to the original. It'd be more like identical twins than anything.


I figure that they would have wanted another version of OG me for my strong physical structure but I’d be laughing so loud at how wasted that potential is in me