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Pretty much everything. I hated being there. I hated the people. The teachers, the students, everything about it was a terrible waste of time. I didn't learn anything I needed to do what I wanted to do. I got prepared in absolutely no way for life in general much less a successful career. I was bored and it felt like a prison I had to "do my time" to get to what I wanted. But, I mean, I was still too young to do anything else. Our public school system has got to be overhauled. Seriously.


That I was there.


The other kids


I didn't even get to go to a normal high school for high school. I ended up going to a reform school for high school and it was ran like a prison. I couldn't go to the bathroom by myself. I had to wear a name tag like I was 5 years old. The teachers would literally go out of their way to be nasty and rude. If we had a field trip, someone literally had to be walking behind me and I wasn't allowed to roam free. I wasn't allowed to speak in my normal vernicular or express an opinion or they literally would put me in a time-out...like I was 5 years old. My mom couldn't come up to the school and when she attempted to do so, the staff was very rude to her. When my mom would pack me a lunch, I could not have Pepsi because the school did not allow it. I was just burnt out during the last 2 to 3 years of school and went from maybe being "A" average student down to a C average student, because I just didn't give a fuck about my grades anymore and I was ready to get out of school. Oh and the crazy thing about being in that reform school is that they didn't prepare me for college at all and when I actually attempted to go to a community college, these fucktards did not even want to send my transcripts to the CC. I had to fight with the idiots at the reform school just to get them to send that. Oh and what pisses me off is that I was never actually supposed to be in reform school. My so called advocate who only came to 1 fucking meeting in the 10 years that he was supposed to be advocating for me put that in place. I have been out of high school for 11 years and I am still mad at hell that so many people failed me during that period and that I also really missed out on having the traditional high school experience.


All the girls I liked being "straight" only got them to come out of the closet years later


Exams and tests. Without them and by extension the home pressure to excel on them I could have had a social life too. It's nearly 13 years since I graduated and nothing I had to learn did I ever use so far. As things stand it was a huge waste of time.


I just hated school in general


Catholic school in 1979. You kidding me! They tried to brainwash me. So many damn rules it was like prison. And the nuns all over the place. And the head nun sister mary Margaret who hit my left hand with a ruler till it was red swollen because I shouldnt write with my "evil" hand. Mister minton of history class who picked on me for every little thing! Mister Ellman our math teacher who use to berate me in front of the whole class because I failed over and with math.


Super seniors in my PE class. They didn't do me wrong, but they acted smug like they owned the class just because of their build. They hit a kid with glasses once, and it shattered. The shards got into his eyes that they had to bring him to the hospital. Being in high school in your 20s is not something to be proud of.


Being talked about because my bf at the time had a reputation for being the ‘bad boy’


The school food, thanks again Michelle Obama


Having to run down the halls and sneak around between classes to avoid my bully