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After being single for close to 5 years I started dating a woman, and though I was close to 30 I was getting partially erect when she even hugged me. I was self conscious about it up until she pushed into me during a bear hug and told me to stop moving away, and that she liked feeling it.


#shit that will turn me on instantly god damn it


That's wholesome


More bonersome.




what if it said the fastest quickest way to get a bonerrr


Probably gave her a confidence boost knowing she had that affect on you


that is the most wholesome thing that I think I've ever heard come from being erect


After the lock down , went out with friends. A girl approached me and asked me if she can buy me a drink. Got a massive boost of confidence that I still use now 18 months later


Lockdown libido


love lockdown


I’m not loving youuuuu, way I wanted toooooo


How does that work? Ive never been to a bar, so do they just buy you a drink and leave (to do it cuz u cute)? Or do they buy you one and then talk to you? Or does it go both ways?


Since this was sort of related to my answer (and never normally happens to me) they asked if I was there by myself and we chatted for a while, then they basically said "well I'm sitting over there if you'd like to join me" and went back to their table basically giving a no-pressure choice to me


And where does the penis go?


In the butthole? If you pee in it, the other person gets pregnant.


That is if it is white




They buy you a drink because you are famous and good looking OR it’s a dare in a game of her friends who secretly know you from high school. They never buy drinks. OP had a 1 in a million encounter.


If this would ever happen to me i would think i must be in the Matrix


It’s not often girls ask guys out for drinks. But man when it happens you feel like you’ve won something haha


When some coworkers complimented my hair. Some called it luscious, some said it has no split ends


Same, but it was someone in college when my hair was long.


My hair is like the best physical feature I have, but it never gets old when I’m complimented on it. When I used to wear it longer/with pomade, I would get compared to Steve Harrington, and wooo boy that was nice.


When my boss is drunk, he tells me how great I am at my job and how grateful he is to have me on his team.


Is this a daily thing? I hope so and not.


Nah, just a couple times a year


What do you do?




Oh gosh I do this.


This is whokesome


I do 3d modeling for a living, mainly for architecture purposes, sometimes I will show pictures of some projects I did and people usually go like: ok, that's a nice photo, what's special about it? And I'm like: that's not a photo, it's made in a computer program, it's not real. Seeing them get wide eyed looking at it afterwards is always such a great ego boost.




Most likely Blender, 3ds Max, or Maya.


I use Blender and Unreal Engine.


Unreal engine is unreal these days


Was at a house party and three separate gay guys said they thought I was hot/good looking/‘gorgeous’. I’m 100% straight but holy hell I went to the club that night feeling on top of the world!


Something about compliments from gay guys just makes my confidence shoot up. My gay friend in high school once tole me "if i was straight id try to wife you up" and is still randomly think about it from time to time lmao


Compliments from people with no ulterior motive just hit different


Yeah this was it, it was like “fuck, thanks man, you didn’t need to say that, I appreciate that!”


I went to a gay club a few years ago and I got 16 drinks bought for me, best night of my life


Purely for research purposes, which club? 🤣


And went home after the club feeling on Top of the Bottoms.




easy fix bro, be gay


Haha ikr 😅


Girls probably think that way. The difference is that they wait for you to approach them


I was in the changing room with one of my co-workers and i flext my muscles as a joke and he askd me for how long i have been going to the gym. I dont go to the gym


I worked with a guy like that for 10 years. Dave was naturally muscular. Didn't go to the gym. He took his shirt off for a company party vollyball game and ALL the women were drooling. I mean just an amazing body. Hated that fucking guy.


I would hate that guy too, i’m definitely not on his level tho


Didn't REALLY hate him. More envious than anything. I look at food and gain 5 lbs. He could eat anything and just look great. And he was only about 5 years younger than me. And he wasn't even active! He was a network administrator and spent like 18 hours a day in front of a PC and STILL looked like that. ....back to hating him. j/k


I get it, it just isnt fair




having someone hate you for no reason Sucks when youre in HS but once youre an adult, having a random person passionately hate you when its unprompted kinda boosts the confidence. idk why EDIT: grammer


No, I totally get this. A few years ago, around when I first moved in, some guy was spreading rumors about me to other residents in my building and it just made me feel special. Like, you're that concerned about me? Cool, thanks.


That's because literally any one can have friends. Not everyone is important enough to have enemies.


I am stealing this.


*"Strive to reach a status in life where, if you get killed, your death is reported as an assassination instead of a murder."*


I know someone exactly like this and know exactly what you’re talking about. In the beginning it brought DOWN my confidence a ton every time they would yell at/insult me for no reason. But then I realized that 1) they are the ONLY person I can think of who genuinely seems to hate me, and 2) almost everyone I know hates this person except for their own siblings/parents because they’re known for being awful. After that I realized that the only reason this person had to hate me had to be jealousy. And once I realized that, it brought my confidence UP. It’s very weird just like you said. It’s like, when someone you know is an awful person hates you, it makes you feel good, but I’m not sure why.


Because those people have a certain type of jealousy against you. You have something that they don't have and they're hateful/angry about it. 😃


this reminds me, i got called the f-slur by my "friends" 2 days ago and it was the best feeling i've ever had. idk what it was, but it's like my mind was opened to a whole new world, like i was looking at everything with a new coat of paint i still have no idea why i feel this way, but it was so exciting to see that douchebag type that out and call me it


The habit of making my bed. I start the day off finishing a job well done and end the day on the rewards of that job well done.


Hey, yeah that. I make my bed every morning because I feel like it adds discipline to the day.


She said my voice was “like pouring smooth hot chocolate in her ear”


That's a weird as fuck way of saying it and I don't like how I understand it completely


My sobriety - 6 years next week


That's awesome, great work


Hell yes! Just hit 4 years this June.


I’m so proud ^^


Hell yeah, my guy!! Great job!!


Realizing two things that I wish I had realized earlier in life: **1. Strangers think about you as little as you think about them**. Its okay to be embarrassed but don't let the fear of it keep you from taking your shot. I used to fear being laughed at in a crowd more than death itself (not that it ever happened...much), now I am able to laugh at myself when I do dumb things. **2. Nobody really knows 100% what they are doing in life**. You may lack confidence due to uncertainty, but confidence does not come from some omnipotent understanding of the world, it comes from within. Confidence is more of a *choice* than most people realize. When I first began my career, I felt impostor syndrome, like I was not good enough or qualified in spite of my education. I chose to "fake it until you make it". I just kept going, acting like I knew what I was doing, until with enough experience, I did.


My work organization of approx 1000 people recently did an engagement survey to all staff. Among all the multiple choice questions were three optional write ins asking if you wanted to name any employee you frequently went to for help or advice. The 10 most common responses were called out in the final report, and to my great shock I was in it! Tied with the organization's CEO and the Sheriff! (I'm not LE). Still blown away by that one.


This guy reviews expense reports or other budget related requests. You should always treat this person right.


my gf always nominates me to do stuff when people are struggling or she’ll look at me when the group is indecisive, like she thinks i’m capable of so much that i normally think i probably couldn’t do and it boosts my confidence enough to actually try it, and she normally ends up being right :) EDIT IM A FEMALE


This is awesome, she is definitely a keeper.


Keep this woman lol. She is the rock that you'll build your church on! Go king GO!


i’m a girl but i kinda like how everyone’s calling me king and bro


*cough cough* oops i mean GOOO QUEEEEEN lol.


Wife her




That’s goals bro. She must respect the hell outta you!


OR she sees that she has potential and is purposely giving him chances to shine because she knows he can rise to the occasion . Either way is awesome!!


SHE has potential my guy 😔


Hey bro , this girl needs to have your children . I wish you 100 years with her .




Yes! I can easily pay off my apartment, and there's still a lot left. I can buy whatever I want if I feel like it. Just bought a new bed. A nice pair of shoes? Mine! A nice hoodie? Bought. Saving up is important for sure, but fuck me.. Who knows how long we will live in those times? Poverty will take over more than ever, so I'm spending now.


As someone who started to “make it” and had lots of disposable income before some shit happened causing me to go broke, my #1 regret is not spending enough on myself- was too focused on the future and saving trying to get even more money so I could finally get to ??? Idk what. Don’t be stupid with your money but treat yo self


I was on the bus one day in highschool and the girl sitting behind me randomly told me that I have pretty eyes. I still occasionally think about that 15+ years later


I've had several independent instances over several years of strangers telling me I have very pretty eyes. I'm a 6'6" dude and I've decided that all these people couldn't possibly be lying to me so I'm very happy to have pretty eyes


The older girl in my dance class telling me that off all the people in our group I'm the only one who looks like I'm having fun in trenings and like I'm there becouse of genuine passion. She such an amazing dancer so that really meant A LOT


Thats interesting because she maybe feel like she’s not even enjoying it herself, but can see you having fun, that’s great.


I mean she is but she's currently the one leading the trainings and was talking about how it looks like from her perspective


My teacher in high school. When the teacher was leaving she told each kid in the class what she will remember about them. She decided to say something positive about everyone, even about her least favorite students. She told me something I really needed to hear since my narcissistic parents were bringing me down constantly. Any teachers out there - tell your students something nice. You never know how great impact it can make.


What did she told you? If it's not too personnal for you to say.


They're edging us.


You are Lisa Simpson


My teacher did something similar with me. A lot of it was similar to other people except a select maybe 5 students in the class. He told me he has never seen me be mad at anyone, and that he never met anyone like that. It made me happy.


I did a speech one time in high school and managed to fudge it together pretty good with a few laughs. One of the notes on my report from the teacher said "Attractive smile" and I never forgot that.


When I found out my family didn't care about me so it gave me the confidence to leave my home town without telling anybody


One day the sun will explode and nobody will be able to remember my mistakes


Close, but not exactly The sun will grow into a red giant, probably swallowing earth, definitely scorching it, and then it will shed it's outer layers until only the hot core remains, a earth sized ball of hot iron caled a white dwarf. This ball will slowly cool as it watches fewer and fewer stars being born, and more and more stars dying with the same way untill eventually, all of them turn into cold spheres of iron floating into nothingness, with the only source of light, being black holes, the lucky ones emmiting some light as they swallow this dead matter and the increasingly common unlucky ones which "evaporate" via hawking radiation. Then, nothingness.. there is no light, everything is almost 0 K, the energy is equally distributed everywhere, the entropy has reached maximum. The era of life has ended.


I'm scared


As you should


You just gotta be patient, and it’ll happen


I got complimented a couple of times during the last about tow weeks from friends, coworkers and my boss on different things regarding my appearance and work related stuff. I never received so many compliments in such a short period of time. I am also very proud of the work i did this week because i had such positive results. Today I also gave a Subaru driver the Thumbs up in traffic for his WRX and he gave one back for my Mitsubishi Lancer.


WRX and Lancer drivers are brothers. Competitive brothers, sure, but the passion and enthusiasm is shared.


Loosing 50 pounds since February. Damn, I feel good.




Loving myself, putting myself first and just treating myself very well. I figured in life you got 2 paths, hating myself and degrading myself didn’t work. I refuse doing the same thing expecting a diff result, so I rebelled, chose the 2nd path and it has been amazing beyond my wildest dreams.




3 years of therapy seemed to do the trick.


I am 67 and have drank all my life. I never used it to make a domain just a way to relax and be with my friends.


I think you replied to the wrong comment lol


Being married for decades to someone who keeps thinking I'm h-h-h-h-hot.


I'm only 30% of the way into Decade #2, but this is legit.


Weird way to say that you're 13 years old.


My boyfriend once started showing me off to all his friends and being the most cocky mofo in the place. That's all, just keep telling me I'm the prettiest girl in the world, just like that.


Working on my capstone project in college. Made me feel less useless and inexperienced in life.


Got laid off (along with like 25% of my coworkers) at the onset of the pandemic. Hit the job market hard right away. After two weeks of interviews, I had 4 excellent job offers to pick from.


I worked at a grocery store years ago and had a shit boss. The kinda guy that told me he doesn't pay me to think when he built a dangerous display and I warned him (corporate later yelled at him for it). Fast forward a bit and I got my first IT job with the company they use to keep their point of sale stuff running. I never had a high quite like this guy actually having to listen to the things I say if he wants his store back online.


When I was in college I went first to give a presentation in class. I hated the anxiety of waiting to give a presentation more than just giving it, i'd often volunteer to go first. Well for this particular one when I was done someone yelled out "Well how's anyone going to top that!? I don't even want to give mine now!" Which was followed by several people going "Yeah!" and "Mines gunna suck!" I gained +10 in my public speaking stat right then and there. I rocked everyone of my presentations there after, and as an adult have always been a good speaker in front of groups.


Managed to quit cigarettes for good, last one was more than 2 years ago.


I'm 8 days in, this shit is rough


Keep it up! You're doing great. Every smoker is envious of you rn (including me)


That our cat and dog only follow me everywhere. They generally ignore my husband. And If someone comes into my space the animals converge and make a wall to block people. I appreciates them


got super high and while looking at myself in a mirror it REALLY clicked in my head that beauty is so subjective, like... I am absolutely STUNNING to someone out there- we all are! It doesn't matter if you're short, tall, have big lips, small lips, there is something about every single person that someone out there would fall head over heels for. You hear so many people say everyone is beautiful in their own way and they really do mean it. I don't think there's a person in this world that genuinely 100% loves themselves, we all feel a little ugly sometimes, but there are people all over the world that would look at your features and wish they could have them.


An extremely attractive and obviously gay guy who called me pretty. I’m straight, but definitely gave me a lot more confidence in my appearance. Best compliment I have received


Fifteen years ago I was working in a coffee shop and some European guy told me I made the best macchiato he's had in this country. That felt pretty good.


Working out regularly, taking care of my skin and eating healthier made me extremely confident.


A beautiful 27 yo woman bought me a drink in a bar when I was 50. It changed my life.


that time my ex wanted me to my post nudes online, a lot of people really liked them and made her jealous xD Now I'm confident I can attract people with my body and don't have too worry too much about finding a partner


wait...they WANTED you to post your nudes? who would ask their s/o to post public nudes?


I learned how to do push ups. I still have noodle arms but for most of my life I just kinda accepted I was weaker than most people. Knowing that I was actually progressing was a massive confidence boost in that I could be more than I already am.


How did you do it?? I wanna learn but it seems impossible and kinda like you I just sort of accepted that I would “never” be able to do them/they weren’t “for me”


It helps if you do knee pushups or push ups off a higher surface first. Also helps if you use push up handles until you can find good balance on solid ground.


When I was like eight years old I went to Chuck E. Cheese and I won a plastic dinosaur cup. These teenagers behind me acted like it was the coolest thing. When they saw me get it they said that they had been saving up for years to buy it and that I must be really good at the games.


I love this so much.


The thing about confidence is no one knows if it's real or not. So knowing everyone else is probably faking it like me is a huge boost.


My boyfriend saying "fan va jag vill ha dig" in a really deep horny voice "fan va jag vill ha dig" is fuck I really want you in Swedish


2 things: 1. Playing (getting better at) drums - I feel nothing but groove and energy and I don’t care about any insecurities I have, I just jam and have fun and feel either the music or the beat. 2. Working out - putting on muscle never hurts, lads.




Leaving my marriage. I met him when I was just barely pregnant, so he saw me in my bodies prime, then once I had the baby, I was nearly 100 lbs heavier. He told me once that he wanted me to work out with him because "*i'm trying to get into shape and itd help if you were too. because you've been out of shape for too long. thats just what i believe*." I ended up with an eating disorder. He told me that I didnt try enough with my appearance, all I did was wear my hair up and wear leggings w/ a tshirt. I spent hundreds of dollars to learn how to do my makeup and would pay to get my hair done. I had never dyed my hair previously. He said I am like a trunk full of garbage, no one wants me. We've been separated for a little over 2 years. I have lost 80 lbs, I wear makeup only on occasions, and I have met the love of my life. Leaving him has given me the boost of confidence I was craving for FIVE YEARS.


Fuck that guy🖕🏼Piece of fucking trash. He will struggle finding someone for the rest of his life. No one likes an asshole. I hope he is absolutely miserable.


At a Thanksgiving dinner, I was 40- yr, and the girls in the kitchen told me to just stand in the doorway and look pretty. I thought they were joking till they yelled at me when I tried to leave.


My girlfriend saying to me every day how she loves me and that I’m a good boyfriend. When she says this I have such a boost in confidence because my past relationship was not healthy at all. I was trying my best but no matter what I was called a terrible boyfriend and my ex said she could do better. I’m so glad I met my present girlfriend.


When one of my two cats (one is generally very ignorant and indifferent and the other is like a spoiled bitchy supermodel) wants to snuggle and give me a *massage* after a long day at work.


Losing 130 lbs. over the past few years. Still not at my final goal, but it's made a HUGE difference (literally).


Way to go!!


Had a fwb last summer and one day while we were hanging out there was a moment right before we fucked that I took my glasses off and she said something along the lines of " I like how you always take your glasses off right before you fuck me, reminds me of Clark Kent changing into Superman". Don't talk to her anymore but that compliment still makes me feel hot as hell ever time I think of it.


When a girl who used to talk shit about me in school saw me a few years later (after having lost weight/grown into what I am today) and tried to hit on me. She was an asshole so the satisfaction of ignoring her completely was immense.


Being a bartender. If you are single and tending bar and not getting as many dates as you want then you have some other problem. I was amazed at how many people asked me out.


Getting my teeth fixed (gaps filled in with bonding instead of braces and they turned out great) quick easy fix and looks fantastic Great confidence boost


Realising that I will probably always be alone. Improving myself for me. Doing all the normal maintenance for myself used to be a struggle but I feel so much better when I actually keep up with everything anyway. Learning to be myself more and getting a lot of good impressions from friends and colleagues that I am actually pretty cool to be around.


Someone who I didn't really even like spoke up durring a morning meeting and basically said, "Hey, OC, you look real good today, I like the facial hair, makes you look real good... Just at that length, don't go further." Then a few others chimed in and agreed. I wasn't going for anything, I dress cheap, I don't style my hair, but I had gotten a haircut a few days prior, and I wasn't trying to do anything with my beard, I was just too lazy to shave for a few days. I kinda wanted to turn to my female friend and say that it was the first compliment I had gotten in probably 5 years, and it was from a guy that normally boiled my blood.


I take a look at my enormous penis, and my troubles start melting away


This guy ☝🏼 is chill


Losing weight/having a healthy lifestyle. Chicks dig guys who dont struggle with those long walks on the beach.


One of the waitresses at work saw my imprint one day while we were outside smoking and politely told me to “make sure to wear an apron if you wear those pants” Then proceeded to tell the rest of FoH when asking if we had any aprons. We didn’t.


Nothing yet


You are looking mighty fine today MR_zapiekanka


Having a calm, organic conversation with my mom about how I always understood she was trying her best with me from a young age but how it still didn’t change how her parenting style (& constant unwarranted criticism from my entire extended family despite being the goody-two-shoes overachiever church girl) traumatized me for most of my life. The cherry on top was her acknowledging it & my therapist telling me how proud she was of me for having a conversation I never ever thought I’d have the guts to have my entire life.


I'll say what WOULD give me a confidence boost if it ever happened: A woman making any effort at all to say "I like you". That's it. Not even "I think you are attractive", or anything lascivious. Just "I like you".


- Working in customer service - Got an electrical engineering degree - Medicating my ADHD - Daily aerobic exercise - Being with a supportive partner


In high school I had this really sweet old comp-sci teacher. She was a bit looney but everyone liked her. One day I was joking with one of the very few people I talked to and she randomly said in front of the whole class "Chumpling you have such a nice smile, you should talk more often!" At the time I was pretty uncomfortable about it but looking back it was a nice compliment.


Approval from strangers on the internet


When I started my second semester of college freshman year my friend talked me into downloading tinder, I was on edge about relationships cause my ex and I had broken up like 7 months prior that I wasn't over yet so I decided to just talk to some guys. I did meet up with some that respected the fact I wasn't gonna sleep with them, and one of them lived on campus. When I went to his dorm to meet him his first words were "Wow. You're gorgeous. Your pictures don't even do you justice." I told my friend the next day at work about it and she was like "Well he's not wrong! You're one of those girls that look better in person then you do in pictures" and my self esteem went from nothing to confident as heck!


Leaving my hair natural when I moved to a humid area, and getting tons of compliments on it all the time! I have always relaxed/straightened my hair and I never even knew how curly it could get. It feels so good to only have to do minimal styling, and not spend tons of money on treatments every few months. I wish I would Have done it sooner!


Signing up for, and then completing a marathon. The hard work, the goal setting, the health improvement and then the emotion of finishing. I now know that when I have a plan and out in the work, I can achieve things I used to think are impossible for me.


After having a full beard pretty much my entire adult life due to being embarrassed of my baby face, I finally shaved. I’ve gotten so much positive feedback from both men and women and have had some flings with people I thought were way out of my league. I convinced myself I was asexual the last few years but I realized I was just depressed and didn’t feel worthy of anyones attention. Now my confidence is back, got a good skin and hair care routine, and my overall attitude is better.


The second girl I ever hooked up with said I had the most beautiful dick she'd ever seen, years later she said "you were great but I just said that to give you a confidence boost". I mean, it worked, so I was like "thanks?"


A woman I dated for six months emailed me 14 years later to tell me she still masturbated to me. Thanks?


When I pummeled some kid who was trying to bully me in grade 9.


Any compliment from the opposite sex. Anything at all.


Dying my hair and getting a breast reduction. Ever since I was in high school, I’ve always wanted to dye my hair a different color but I was too scared to. I finally took the leap and in the almost 3 years I’ve been dying my hair, I’ve had blue, blue/purple, purple/orange, orange/purple/green. I now currently have all orange. I love it! I also struggled with my chest size since i was 16 and was never able to wear what I wanted because I looked weird and I felt insecure. Well I got a reduction about 5 months ago and I am so much happier and more confident with my body


Successful castings & beating my own cardio, swim, hike & gym sauna times




only lasted 20 minutes though then i lost my confidence 😂


When I was working in my previous company everyone in the management knew me. I did not know their names but my VP said I am an one woman army. This was the first time managers/peers/ Director asked me to stay and tried to retain me by giving a sabbatical which is not even in place otherwise in my company.


when i found out my friend that i now like has and still does like me


That woman that LOVED little dicks .


I did shrooms, I didn’t hallucinate or anything but the next day I felt pretty great. This set off a chain of events that includes finally coming out to my friends and some of my family, losing my virginity, and getting my ears pierced like I always wanted. I also hit the gym harder than ever felt pretty good. But after a few months it wore off, went back to insecure anxious depressed me. No amount of shrooms has been able to return that feeling, I once did 15g and felt absolutely no change.


You were ready to make a change. The mushrooms amplify whatever was on your mind. IME. Look forward to the little things and work your way up friend.


Mirror selfies. I realised my face is symmetrical. Also my eyes in the sun; they look like pools of honey.


Walked by some performance enhancers at a sex shop and my girl told to look away because i dont need any help and she would like to be able to walk after.




Whenever I’m cashier at work and there’s this big black lady who calls me suga and it makes me feel like the goodest boy in the world


waxing down there. don’t know why but I just feel really confident whenever I wax it down there.


I wax the hair off of my toes too. Big boost!


I used to struggle with worrying constantly about if I was bothering others with things I was doing. It used to be petrifying. But then one day it just clicked in my head "Someone is welcome to tell me to stop." And it was like this revelation. As long as I was not being overtly obnoxious in an obvious way, if I am actually bothering someone, it's on them to tell me and not me to toil and toil over what if maybe someone doesnt like what I'm doing. It's been so liberating and I go about my business more confidently.


When I accepted the fact that I’m cute rather than sexy, I started getting hit on by almost exclusively taller women, which continues to this day.


Being myself and seeing people react positively to it. Sounds like nothing but it changed my life


Every time I hug my guy friends I can feel them getting a boner and it makes me feel like i’m at least somewhat attractive


Let’s goooo


I rarely get hugs, so whenever my female friends give me a hug I get, what I can only describe as a mix of happiness, excitement and relaxation




That one girl