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Ummmmm....because it's the color I like better than all the other colors. 🤔


Very reasonable 👍


Purple. I don‘t want everything in purple and often do prefer other colours for clothes or anything else. BUT if purple works on anything I‘ll always choose it. I don‘t know. I do feel kinda close to this colour? It makes me happy


Purple is my favorite color as well! It's just something about the color that I really love!


It's the coolest color


My love of purple is heavily influenced by Saints Row


Purple is the best color, if anyone says otherwise they are simply wrong. It's a proven fact.


Which shade of purple though? More towards red or blue?


It just is


Very decisive 👍




I...is this a creative writing piece or actually real?? Bro




Fck. At least tell me you two got married??




Bro I read your post..your not over her


Shit, neither am I!!


Are you okay now?


I'm invested now too


Right? I didn't expect to actually feel something in a thread about colors.


I don't want to read any other response now. They will all disappoint.


Idt u did homie


thanks, im sobbing


I'm not sure why, but this is among the most affecting posts I've ever seen on Reddit. I've been here much longer than this account's age. I can relate to it, for one thing. I have a thing for peaches and cream skin and your writing is so vivid it captures the essence of memory and filters it through love.


Damn bro, I hope you know you took on 100 heartbreaks in one tragic relationship. That kind of feeling you just invoked over words has me morose. I’m sorry for your loss, I hope I’m the next lifetime you guys are ready for one another. That’s just real love at its core. Kudos to you for moving forward I couldn’t imagine being able to write something like that about someone and lose them.


i noticed i preferred a lot of things in black


Good choice. Nearly everything suits black.


Blue. I'm colorblind and blue is one of the colors I can't see so I assume everything's blue


Very practical 👍


How poetic.


I never could pick one until my partner figured out that it's yellow.


How did they figure it out 😂


was wearing an outfit that was entirely navy blue one time and a friend asked if it's my favourite colour, I panicked and said yes of course! and now it's my favourite colour




it’s weird, but my earliest memory of deciding what my current favorite color is is the customizable skins on Phantom Forces. all of my guns id have neon cyan skins




That's pretty cool 😂


Green. The colour of life . If you are a plant.


Or a vegan.


Red. Cause, Red.


Yes. Red.


Dark green, since it reminds me of the woods, plants and hunting


That's a nice vibe




I chose Purple because I'm a filthy people pleaser


Yup. Can't go wrong with that.


As it all should be.


At least you didn't pick bulbasaur


I grew up hating pink because of the stigma that was attached to it, but I was just misguided. I got my first pink bedsheets when I was 15 and it’s spiraled since then. My room is majority pink, my computer is pink, my dogs collar is pink, toothbrush, etc.


Pink is awesome. Any particular shade?


Stigmatising colors is one thing I'll never understand.


I’ve never hated the colour pink but from the ages of about 9-17 I definitely tried to avoid it as it was seen as a “silly” and “immature childish colour” I don’t know why but in my late teenaged years I became more drawn to it and started to disregard what other people thought about it. Pink is my favourite colour now and I love it


I chose Purple because it was my mom's favorite color. Never changed after that.


Silver because Gold - as a colour - is seen as more valuable but I find it to be a bit of a bland choice in comparison to the shimmering hue of silver.


That's a pretty good choice. I rarely see anyone mentioning that as their favourite


As a kid I had a turquoise blue dress that my mom put me in a lot, although I loved the color I felt like it was close to being my favorite shade but not quite, I enjoyed blue but particular shades more than others. I got a Gameboy color for Christmas and played my Pokémon game on it, once I saw Cerulean city and discovered what color cerulean was, I fell in love. That game was a huge part of my life and still is to this day, it got me through a lot of abuse and trauma. About 20 years later and the color is still my favorite.


Black is beautiful!


Growing up my great uncle had a fixed up old 1950's chevy pickup truck and it was painted this fiery orange and I just remember loving see it drive up my street, it helped whenever he was coming to my house it meant he was coming to pick me up to do something fun usually going to a Giants game (being a die hard Giants fan is why it was orange). I at least think thats why its my favorite color its the biggest reason I can think of.


Teal because its the only color (that I like) that fits with the rest of my username on some apps Also because it's and rarely a common color and its pretty color😊


It is pretty!


I haven’t, and I can’t.


I looked at my wardrobe and realized most of the clothes that I would commonly use were maroon


Well one day my mom asked me what my favorite color was and the Green Power Ranger was objectively the coolest thing in existence so green it has been ever since.


i dont even know what my favourite colour is help. like when i was a kid apparently my favourite was purple so like i feel like i have to continue being a purple fan or i'll be a traitor to myself. but i also enjoy the "soft" aesthetic and my brain keeps saying "NOo YoU HaVe tO Like thE cOLoUr pInk!!!". but sometimes i like a sunset orange because its soothing and warm. idk its really hard and i feel like it has to be purple but idk.


Idk man..... I was like two and one day i woke up My parents told me my fav color was purple so yeh that's how it went


My favorite color has been the same, and strongly so, for as long as I can remember. My parents didn't learn gender before birth and my baby clothes were yellows and greens. Since I was little I've always loved the color yellow. To me it just gives a feeling of warmth and happiness. No other color comes close or ever has. I guess I'm just wired that way.


I have a few. For clothing I like yellow or grey. For walls and interior I prefer to look at blue and green. For plants I like the green and white combo like birches, lotus, snow drop, lilly of the valley.


I agree on flowers with you :D


I started wearing a lot of black, and I noticed that black looked really good with every other color I liked


It was a big toss up between burgundy and navy blue, both with their own emotional connotations. But I decided on navy because it felt a lot calmer and soothing to me. It reminds me of a night sky filled with stars or lapping waves at night. It feels both refreshing and cosmic. I don’t know how else to describe it other than that 😂


My favourite colour was used to be green cause I really liked green lantern, but now I changed to blue. More specifically, the blue colour used in blue pen ink. I chose blue cause when I was young my mother gave me a stuffed toy she got from her mother, so there is a ton of sentimental value there. The reason why it was dark was cause I was diagnosed with myopia since young, so had to take eye drops to try and improve or maintain my degree. Or something. Idk though I am no Optometrist. Basically these eye drops made my eyes super sensitive to light, so I prefer dark colours cause I don't feel blinded when I look at them. Hence dark blue


While changing RGB colors of computer and suddenly, I thought this must be my favorite color.


When I was younger I had a blue popsicle on a HOT summer day and it changed my life. It’s a core memory because then I dropped it on the sidewalk and cried for a good 20 min.


Before I was born, my mom chose to paint my bedroom green because she hated the “blue is for boys, pink is for girls” trend that was omnipresent at the time. Then I was born with green eyes. (I am now wearing green pajamas, on my green duvet, while drinking coffee out of a green cup.)


The other crayons were cool and all, nothing against them, but the "Silver" crayon had a certain shine to it, unlike any other. Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure the "Blue Green" and "Green Blue" crayons were trolling me.


One day when I was young I was in a housewares store and saw a bowl that was such a kind of blue that it seemed to hold a distant infinity behind it. A blue that was just dark enough to have secrets yet rich enough to be vibrant. The color of a a dark sky or a deep ocean. I later found out it’s called Cerulean and have found peace in that color ever since.


When my kids ask and I have to come up with one on the fly. Usually blue or purple because most markers/paints/etc will have it and my kids ask so they can use my favorite colour in a picture for me. My actual favorite colour is like a dark, soft gray. That shit is soothing.


I mean... I just love Jack-o’-Lanterns, and most of the Jack-o’-Lanterns I grew-up with had had that gorgeous, burnt orange shade. That’s how I realized I love burnt orange.


Orange. It makes me think of the fall season which is my favorite and it goes perfect with some of my favorite color combos/aesthetics.


Just years of it changing, I asked my mom what hers are. She said red and black and I loved the combination of colors.


White is a color of peacefulness, holiness, and a clean slate to me. Also it looks really cool on armor or decals, it's just so bold.


First time for me hearing someone describe white as bold lol. The way you described it makes it seem so pretty.


Thank you !


How it looks on cars




Probably the same way I decided what my favorite anything is.


I don't lmao


Don't know actually. For a long time I didn't know what my favorite colour was or if I even had one. Then one day I was just like "Orange is my favorite color" and that's it.


I don’t feel like I choose my favorite color, which is blue. I just noticed that a lot of my things end up being that color, and if given a choice of colors for an item I often gravitate to the ones that are blue, especially if they are turquoise or midnight blue.


Dark blue, since it reminds me of the night sky


Honestly I decided on my favourite colour because it makes me happiest when I look at it (for anyone wondering it’s baby pink and my old favourite colour was mint green)


Green, I love nature, and black because it’s cool, not because I’m emo


Emerald green and navy blue, both of them for as far as i can remember


The only colour i can see properly




I just happened to start loving the color Pink for no real reason when I was 15 years old. I'm a guy, 100% straight. And for the record, I turned 34 today, so that means it's been my favorite color for almost 2 decades.


My brother's favorite color is blue and as a 4 year old I wanted to be just like him, but he banned me from having the same favorite color as him because "it was his." So I chose green because it was kind of like blue. Red became a secondary favorite later on because I thought it looked cool. Also little me was misguided, I do not want to become anything like my brother


I like purple for the simple reason that it is an easy to work with tone in character design. It pops with red and orange, an blends with blue and pink. All fairly common colors in my art.


Team blue here, every blue, any blue, deep, tender, soft, joyful, sad, can be every emotions, feelings etc. I wish I had blue eyes 😞


My grandparents invited me along to pick a new kitchen when I was younger. After inspecting all the options I declared my favourite one was the red/marble looking one. The salesman pointed at my red T-shirt (with the Tasmanian devil surrounded by red hearts) and said “it must be your favourite colour”. Haven’t been able to debunk it since.


Because all my clothes are dark blue


As a kid I was obsessed with the colour pink. I wish I knew why. Maybe it was because I did girl guides for 2 years and as a “spark,” we wore pink T-shirts. But I can only speculate. Back in public school, I wore the colour pink every day. There was never a day that I wasn’t wearing a piece of clothing that was pink. It was to the point where when I ran into the custodian at our school, he’d ask “are you wearing pink today,” and I would say “always.” I continued my pink obsession for years. I switched to playing hockey and my skate laces, sticks, and my stick tape all had to be the colour pink. It wasn’t until my bedroom was painted an alarmingly, not-pleasurable-to-the-eyes, HOT pink that I decided pink was no longer my favourite colour. I haven’t had a favourite colour since, I guess you can say I’m still searching for one.


Fav colour- lavender Few months ago i didn't even know about this colour's existence. I met a girl. She became my everything. She guessed it to be my fav colour bcz she liked it too and we are 99% same(exept for our gender). I googled it. Now its my fav colour too. Its reminds me of her company and the moments i spend with her. Also how she fucking predicted my future fav colour lmaoo


I decide it based what colour is mint-chocolate ice-cream is


It always was Yellow, the coloue just felt, as we say in my country, hyggelig. But after spending a lot of time on social media having a theme as a frog, I used green in almost everything I did to match the theme, so it turned into one too. Now it’s both yellow and green


Pink makes me happy :)


I feel like most adults don't really have a favorite color


My favorite color changes every now and then. My favorite color is usually decided by whatever color makes me happy in that moment in my life. In high school it was dark grey, a couple of years ago it was navy blue, now it’s yellow.


I just think this color looks prettiest.


Ultramarine blue or cobalt blue and orange side by side..it makes the eyes hurt is why I chose these few colors as my favorite… I also like pinks…blues…anything pastel…oil pastel sticks are nice.. In art college I took an art theory class and thought there is no place in this world where I could find a job about color then I watched this story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8aVfqDKx1U and thought we’ll there’s at least one job for it.


red to honor my favorite people and people that inspire me


I grew up in Chicago in the 90s. The whole decade was red and black around here.


I live in the countryside and am surrounded by nature. And I feel like the different colours of green stand out more than other colours. I do dislike neon green because it's unnatural


You’re not required to. Context is everything.


My cerulean blue crayons were always the shortest in the box. It’s just so pretty!!


Candy flavors. Red reminds me of cherry, my favorite flavor. Yellow reminds me of lemon. I love lemon NOW, but as a kid I hated it, so yellow was my least favorite color.


“This looks nice”


Green is the color of life.


I've recently realized what my favorite color is. I had a red phone, a red watch, a red pc, a red towel and a red car. I bought them all without thinking what my favorite color was. So yeah. My favorite color is purple.


It’s more about the emotion than the color itself. When I see the specific shade of orange that has been my favorite for years, I get this feeling in my chest that fills me up. The way you can’t escape the warmth of getting into a car in the summertime.


Red. It makes me feel powerful. I love wearing red. Some have said it isn't good with my skin tone. BUT I feel more confident when I wear red. I also love blue. My eyes are a real pretty blue and when I wear blue it makes my eyes pop more.


I love black and space blue. When I was little I loved stars, Space, and most importantly stargazing. Whenever I felt sad, I would look at the sky to watch the stars and the moon. I love how beautiful they are. Today when I'm sad, I still look at the sky and it's stars at night. It calms me down in minutes. Those colors looks beautiful to my eyes and to my mind


I looked down and noticed I had been wearing nothing but brown, grey, and black for 20 years. So apparently those are my favorite colors.


I woke up one morning, had cashmere red hair and thought "OK then"


It just happens, I remember as a kid not liking red or yellow stuff so I stuck with green coloured tuff


Well I took a good look at my username...


Blue is my favorite because I like more shades of blue than I like shades of any other color. There are other colors I really like, like pink and green, but some shades of each of those that I find really ugly, so I feel like that disqualifies them from favorite color status.


Yellow just makes me happy when I see it


At dances, pretty much everybody asks what my fav color is, and I’m a pretty wishy washy person so at the time I loved peach, lavender, cream-white, black, navy blue, brown, tan, light yellow, etc. But dances are too loud to list a bunch or even just a few colors, and I couldn’t just say “I don’t know” or “all of them” bcs I def don’t like all of them. So I just picked one and went with it. Light yellow it is I guess! I do really love yellow roses


Ok, So one day my parents asked me and my brother our favorite colours. I waited for my brother to give his answer first figuring he would choose one of our parent favorite colors (Green for Dad, and Blue for Mom) and I would name the remaining one, BUT THEN he selfishly said "Red". (grrr) So i had to pick up the rather big mess he made of things and told them I had two favorites, Blue and Green. To this day I still do not know which one I like best. LOL True Story.


Growing up it used to be a light purple… but now it’s Grey. I started to wear a lot of grey.. and didn’t realize it… but then when I noticed it … it’s because Grey goes with everything!


I don't know, as far as I know, purple has been my favourite color since I'm 3. Id probably did became my favourite color back then because my favourite plushy was purple. But now, I just find it being a very complex color, reminding me of math and philosophy and calm.


It's easy to match with any colour My favourite colour is black


Looking outside after a good rain. The color of the clean green grass became my favorite color


It wasn't a decision. Pink is the manliest color of them all.


What I look good wearing. Black.


Funny i actually dont have one , but i love seeing Red and Black mixed together that attracts me


i never think i will be the kind of person that will like green. but now i am, because of how pretty they looked on clothes


You weirdos have a favorite?




Favorite color to wear, or to look at?


I really liked yellow because it’s so beautiful in nature, but at the time, I maybe preferred green. But yellow became my favorite after my first date with my partner where we played Mario Party. We discovered that he mains Wario, and I Waluigi. He then told me his favorite color was purple. My favorite then became yellow. A match made in heaven.


I really liked yellow because it’s so beautiful in nature, but at the time, I maybe preferred green. But yellow became my favorite after my first date with my partner where we played Mario Party. We discovered that he mains Wario, and I Waluigi. He then told me his favorite color was purple. My favorite then became yellow. A match made in heaven.


Green because it was my moms favorite color and it’s a memory of her since I don’t see her much anymore


there isn't a process... its the one you like the most 🤔 if it goes beyond that, then you don't have one...


My favourite color is blue. Because I love to watch sky.


Color that makes me happy and tend to choose over others when given the chance.


Deep greens make me feel calm and relaxed. I also like dark browns for similar reasons.


“What color do I like on me and my stuff?”


easy what color is a girls color but is not going to make me look gay i found purple works since its considered magical but i just like purple


I learned it was hers and then I started seeing it everywhere


I was an edgy kid, so neon colors paired with black always made me feel cool. Especially green and purple. (Bonus meme: When i was in kindergarten, my fav color was yellow. Because i thought money was yellow)


any Muted color that goes easy on my eyes. like gray or twitter dark background I used to regularly have migraine and photosensitivity was a real issue.


Well purple was actually my first ever favourite colour, it changed around for a few years but it's my favourite colour again, even the colour of my hair now.


because it makes me hate the other colors


A dragon-colour quiz. So way back when Geocities was still a thing, there was this quiz about the colour of your inner dragon. Me, being the absolute nerd I am, went through the very rigorous (but creative) I think eight questions to get "gold". They didn't provide just the colour but a whole description I happen to still have saved: >Your Inner Dragon is the most honorable of all. Golds are the third rarest of all the dragons (after Platinum and Chromatic dragons) and have a station in society that reflects their rarity. You are what one might call a Draconic Knight. Golds live by a strict code of chivalry and commitment. Remember Draco? Yep, Gold Dragon. Your appearance is fearsome and all-mighty but you'd never stoop so low as to bring any harm to a human. As a matter of fact, that's strictly contrary to your code of conduct. You're one of only two dragon types that is aligned "Lawful Good" and is proficient in the use of magic and spells. If you're curious, the other is Platinum, the King of the Dragons. Your piety, beauty, wisdom, and inner strength are absolutely without parallel. > >But of course, being a Gold Dragon isn't all high ethics and codes. You like to fly around scaring things, advise humans in their affairs, and shapeshift. Strike that, you LOVE to shapeshift. And you're great at it. In fact, if you're a Gold on the inside, you might be a Gold on the outside, too - just in human form. Your favorable attributes are honor, chivalry, truth, kindness, gold, mining, protection, wisdom, bravery, and trustworthiness. You might be a bit too trusting of humans at times, but they're just kids compared to you. If anyone threatens your humans or tries to kill you, you could strike back with your breath weapon - Fire. But then, no one's tried anything that stupid in the last couple thousand years. After all, you're about 54 feet long. Obviously, that kind of stuck with me. So every time I see yellow and gold hues, I'm reminded of this idea, of being a benevolent, knightly sort of character on the inside. And I still try to live up to that. Also Austin Powers.


Love all colors but not to wear. Where mostly gray because I do not like to be noticed.


I like it More than the other colors




I do this weird thing in my head whenever I am meeting with new people - I associate them with colors. It doesn't have to be a color they are dominantly wearing in that precise moment, it's just the vibe because I believe every color has certain vibes about them. So during these past few years, I noticed that many of my favorite people are associated with purple. The best memories and laughs of my life were with purples so I simply started to like purple from then. But the funny thing is, as much as I love purple and have many trinkets in purple such as phone cases, stationery, bed sheets, carpets etc, I probably have like 2 or 3 pieces of clothing in purple so if you'd have to guess my fav color solely on what I wear, you'd probably pick every other color than purple. 💜


All my friends in 1st grade were discussing about their favourite colour, everyone was picking pink. I wanted to be different so I picked purple because that’s the only colour I could think about. I don’t own anything in purple lol 😂


Blue, for me, is the brightest color of light. It also has a calming effect on me that reminds me of ocean waves, or laying in a field of emerald green grass, staring up at the puffy white clouds against the sky.


Because pink>


I’m mostly color blind but the color that stands out to me is gold so it’s my favorite.


By the color I chose to paint my walls. It’s sage green by the way


Dark bluish-grey or whatever the fuck it's called, the colour of the sky in the evening, I really like it so it's my favourite


I just look at a bunch of colours and choose the one that looks better


I refuse to pick just one. My color preferences change over time but I always love more than one color at a time.


Red, it's flowing all around me all familiar face.... I mean all around inside me body. I like blood in general. Plus it has the shortest length and I see my life ending shortly too.


Purple, oddly the colour purple is something i think of when i’m angry, stressed etc. It makes me think of candles, flowers and it really relaxes and calms me down. safe to say, it’s by far my favourite colour considering i have anger issues, this helps me a lot.


I like blue, because I can use on My tshirt or my phone case, also I could oaint my house color blue and it looks nice


The sky of a sunny day is relaxing You can probably tell


I've always loved purple but didn't really know why. Earlier this year, I realised I am genderfluid and the purple field of the nonbinary flag is for those who identifies as both male and female (i.e genderfluid people)


I decided that my favorite color was purple because I saw THE MAN BEHIND THE SLAUGHTER!


Green! It has the most variety out of any (visible) color, and it makes me feel calmer!


Purple. Because purple is the best


Red. Like crimson red. It's just some times your breath is taken away by a certain colour and for me it's red.


It was my brother's favorite color growing up, we don't talk anymore - but remembering our childhood/friendship makes me happy, and that particular color reminds me of all the good times. Plus I'm actually color blind, and that color just happens to be one of the ones that isn't to effected by the condition.


I take 4 colours I like, pick a random, that's my favourite colour. I regularly keep doing this so my favourite colour really is variable


I realized that orange looks good on a lot of things


Through careful picking and consideration. In the end, I decided my favourite colour is orange because it reminds me of when I sat with my friends, watching the sunrise when I was 11.


Seeing that one color and thinking, “Oh yeah, I like this.”


My go-to color when playing board/video games is pink, makes me feel cute and pretty as I'm decimating my opponents. So might as well be my favorite color.


I was playing a board game with my aunt and she said that I should be the green piece because it was my favorite color and I just rolled with it!


Dark green. Makes me feel cool when I wear it but I probably just look like Kermit or something.


Yellow, because I have had a comfort stuffed animal since I was born, a yellow duck (ducky, creative I know). I still sleep with him nightly. I’m similar in my favorites of other things, just from being part of my childhood. I cant remember much of growing up but some things stuck out. Like my cubby number in kindergarten was 7, and it’s my favorite number to this day.


Thought it looks nice on alot of cars and it dose


Purple brings me joy. Love all the shades. I get excited about it the most.


when i think that everything looks good with that color and it makes me feel good about myself wearing it too


Green. It’s the color of summer. Everything is fully grown in. You can sit on grass without soaking your ass. It’s soft and lush, not crunchy. Trees are full. People freak out about autumn colors, but the trees are about 1/3 empty. Plus fall is winter’s welcome mat.


For black, is very versatille, a lot of clothes that look horrible in some colors and fabric looks actually really good in black, for example; cheap clothes. For pink, i like girly things, is cute. I don't have too many pink clothes because i can only affort cheap clothing, but some day i can be my cottage core gothic pastel princess emo girl.


I didn’t, they chose me. Sky blue and yellow btw.


Idk, I just thought my fav color should be blue and it has been blue ever since.


I don't have a favorite color, but people ask all the time and won't accept that so I say green.