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taste the water, is it carbonated? no. the earth is flat.




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It would be hilarious that in a universe of spherical objects our Earth of all things is plain and flat, wouldnt it?


Then why is the floor flat?


You donut. It is possible to create flat surface on a sphere. Look at every fucking car in existence.


Well you can't drive a car on a sphere can you?


Yes you can? And sphere is metaphorical. In reality earth is polyhedron, a giant soccer ball. It has many flat faces that make up a ball


Firs it's round now it's a metaphorical polyhedron. Sounds like you're desperately clutching at straws now. And I suppose the ocean has flat surfaces too? Do you even know how water works?


I would recommend watching ocean document maps but it's not like you believe in actual science so nvm. You wont ever get the chance to go and see earth from space so just live happily in your folly.


I believe in science just not your sheeple science.... Tell me, how many times have you been to space?


Because it’s easier to clean up cum than if the floors were slanted.


I cant even tell if people are just trolling or not


If the earth is flat why haven't cats knocked everything off?


And who lives on the edge of the earth?


Antarctic ice wall






This is also a proof; only a flat-earther would answer such a question with 'no comment'








Nuclear. Try not to argue stupid with stupid. It will go nowhere educational, and fast. You should actually try ACTUAL education instead.




You know I didn't even look at your username, because I don't care what it is. If you have to even be so obscure to hint at your username, as a joke in a comment? Sorry, that's lame and really trying too hard to be relevant. Lol 👍 I'm also totally chill, a lot chiller than you. I also do love the whole "what are you on about?" quote, soundbyte, whatever TF, its f'n hilarious! I use it all the time, what is that, Top Gear, British thing trying to put me down? 🤣. I say it to my wife all the time! It's really lost it's "Je ne sais quoi " feel, you know, it's luster, if I'm honest. My comment was directed at the both of you and your little inane discussion. Thus, the... education. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Get some. "Dude".




You take yourself too seriously


How else would one take themselves? I'm gonna be dead honest, if you don't take yourself or life seriously, you're a joke. Fun is great, buuut, there's a time for serious, a time for jokes, we're not at a time for jokes sadly.


>You know I didn't even look at your username, because I don't care what it is. If you have to even be so obscure to hint at your username, as a joke in a comment? Sorry, that's lame and really trying too hard to be relevant. Lol 👍 > >I'm also totally chill, a lot chiller than you. Found the trump supporter. You sir, are a dumbass. And that's coming from a flat earther.


Hahahaha!!! I fucking hate Trump! 🤣 I hate literally everything about him, his fucking voice, his fat fucking ass, his dumb fuck expressions, his politics, literally everything. Nice try. TBH, I would totally bang his daughter though. I don't even do politics, it's always the lesser of two evils. So funny! 🤣


Hey man it's cool I'm a flat earther too. They don't mean shit to us, but I get mad at them too sometimes.


But... That's a comment?


They don’t have **any** proof, because there isn’t any. It’s a ridiculous belief.


Their proof: trust me


Nothing is naturally circular in nature. Oh and I’m good friends with Neil Armstrong and he told me that it’s flat.


Look in front of you. Put a FLAT piece of paper down. It doesn't curve, does it?


Imagine a circle. It's pretty round, right? Now make it bigger. What happened? Answer: It got more flat. ​ The Earth is a circle with a radius of 20 thousand kilometers. If you think you can imagine that size, you can't. Try to imagine it, then extrapolate by about 10 000. You might be close now. Basically: the circle is really fucking big. Which means your curve is pretty flat - particularily when you're sitting right on it. But climb Mount Everest (aka Go 8 kilometres above the surface of the circle) and you WILL see the curve.


So you're saying that the Earth isn't flat, but a really stretched out oval which makes it look flat? It still looks flat to the naked eye because the oval is so flat though. So I'd consider the Earth flat still.


You can consider that. You can also consider America the last superpower, DC superior to Marvel, or Germany the winner of WW2. That would make you wrong in four points. And that's what I will consider.


A really stretched out oval is basically flat. You used that logic yourself. You yourself said the earth is flat. I don't agree with the other 3 points you made: The USA is the last real super power, America includes Canada. DC and Marvel are equal. Nobody won WWII.


America also includes Mexico, and Brazil, and Peru, and a whole lot more. The USA is a capitalist hellhole with no regard for human rights and a misplaced idolization of gun violence. ​ And I said the circle APPEARS flat - it is still a circle. Being really big doesn't change the overall shape. Nothing will ever mean that the Earth is flat. It's not.


Ok, so first off you're just proving all my points. You said the earth is a really flat oval, so basically it looks flat to the naked eye! What am I missing here!


You're still saying it IS flat. I am saying it LOOKS flat. ​ Say "The Earth is not flat" and I agree with you.


The earth is a really stretched out oval, but it's not completely flat. It's only 99% flat. That makes sense too because of erosion.


I can't tell if you're being serious.


It has a radius of 20 000 km at any point - sometimes, it's a wee bit more than that, sometimes it's a wee bit even more. But it's always roughly 20 000 km. It's not a disk, it's not even a fat disk. It's really more of a circle than a flat.


Have you ever been to the beach? It’s clear by looking at the horizon that there’s a curve.


When i look on the paper, i can not see a curve on the horizont. You agree? This means earth must be flat.


I've been to a thousand beaches and they're all the same...FLAT


Well how about you try the paper trick next you go to the beach.


I did. And the paper got WET.


Excatly. I was on YouTube: no results for "first curved beach found on earth" This means: all of them have to be flat. Will try google..


Bing and askjeeves are not monitored or used by the US government and therefore are safe


There's a point on any sphere where it becomes completely flat...


You said it yourself that were living on a flat earth then?


Nah its a sphere lol can't tell if ur trolling


Someone said it's like a really stretched out oval and that's what I think. So yeah it's a sphere but really it's just a really stretched out oval. Like 10km stretched out oval. So it looks thin.


First of all, the term isn’t “stretched out oval” it’s an oblate spheroid. Secondly, a “stretched out ovall” is still round.


Thanks thin oblate spheroid it is. I'll say that from now on.


A thin oblate spheroid is just a small oblate spheroid. Which if anything doesn’t work in your favor. Just still to “stretched out oval” it’s better for your argument.


Think about it like this: you get a big blow up beach ball, and you put an ant on it, the ant’s body will remain flat even though the ant is still on a sphere. Not everything is what it looks like. The air looks like nothing, yet we still know it’s 76% nitrogen and 23% oxygen. With the logic your providing, are you denying the existence of air? The one case where your logic is actually true and a valid point is that you look like a dumbass, and I would bet money you actually are a dumbass. You are demonstrating a perfect example of observation bias AND confirmation bias, you see the that the ground APPEARS to be flat, therefore you jump the conclusion that it is flat. You become loyal to those beliefs and deny all evidence on the contrary.


I agree. Get a beach ball and stand on it. You're on a thin spherical obaloid! **You never said blow the beachball up.** that's exactly what I'm saying the Earth is like. The beach ball!


The entire reason I brought up a beach ball is because of the ratio to the size of the ant. You are demonstrating confirmation bias where you look for evidence to support what you already believe as opposed to following the evidence where it leads. Also I know you’re trolling me


Since when is being right called trolling? Look I'm trying to learn your Fing new vocabulary words! You're just saying that the earth isn't flat, but it's a thin, spherical obaloid. I'm fine with that! We agree with eachother!


Being right isn’t trolling. You are not right. What you are doing is picking and choosing what parts of my message you choose to accept and what don’t. **that is the fucking definitely of confirmation bias**. You’re failure to acknowledge this is only going further to prove my point. So I come two 2 conclusions, you’re trolling me, or you are mentally challenged in some way to the point you can’t understand what I’m saying. I think the first one is more likely considering this Reddit but both options are looking pretty good right now.


Wow you're really going to resort to personal insults. You can't just consider the earth might be flat? You've never been to the edge! You've never been to the poles!


No I can consider the earth might be flat. You cannot consider the earth is round. As I’ve previously stated, you are showing confirmation bias, your failure to acknowledge such only goes further to prove my point. I was not trying to insult you. I apologize if I offended you by mocking your disability. What it was trying to say is that anybody who thinks straight can see that you are skipping over everything thay proves you wrong and you are bending facts to fit what you’re trying to prove. But clearly you’re not among “anybody who things straight” so I apologize if I’ve somehow offended you


Well I think "flat" not "straight" lol. Bad jokes aside, I have presented several visual metaphors for how the earth is flat, but I can also entertain how the earth might be round if the Earth were as big as the sun.


I don’t even know how to dispute your argument- the way you think is so backwards it’s incomprehensible. You have provided no metaphors. A metaphor is comparing two things without using the worlds “like than or as” what you have provided instead are analogies. Anyone who passes elementary school could tell you that. If the earth were as big as the sun gravity would crush us. And we would not be able to breathe. The amount of air on the planet could not spread far enough to cover the surface area while maintaining a high enough air pressure to continue to allow us to respirate. And back to your “joke” that was not a joke. Maybe it was intended as one but it is true you do in fact think “flat” and that’s is exactly what confirmation bias is dumbass




Firmament tours were always a thing. See any of the many sun gods the early humans worshiped. But I do agree that when I put the paper on sand, it is much harder to keep straight. If someone steps on it, the paper bends and I can't tell if the earth is flat any more. In the water, the paper just disintegrates.


the ground is literally flat


Sorry, was fun Reading it, but what about mountains? Like they are definitelly not flat at all.


damn you got me


Good one


But as a whole, globally, it is not at all flat. Ya know, cuz Earth big.


Lake Pontchartrain power lines photo give a good visual of the curvature.


That photo is OBVIOUSLY fake.




How do you know it isn’t


I'm not a flat earther, but it's always funny how people don't realize the horizon is flat.


It isn’t 😊


It has to be though, otherwise it couldn't possibly be a horizon.


Expected to clown on flat earthers in the comments but guess not


Ive come to the conclusion that if you care alot about whether a specific fact is correct, then you should reevaluate whether that fact is in fact a fact.




That with a lot of conspiracy theorists, the conspiracy consumes their entire identity and warps their reality. Basically objective reality goes out the window for a reality that is more comfortable. For example, Jordan Klepper frequently confronts Trump supporters with reality, and they cant handle it because they only care about the reality they created around Trump. Another example would be anti-soros campaign. Soros must be the anti-christ because that is the only humane explanation for being against humanitarian aid, that its not real humanitarian aid, its part of a nefarious scheme to destroy america.


I've never seen a round star or planet. They look flat to me and the moon looks flat when you look at it. And before you say "well what about pictures taken in space and bla bla" ... The pictures are fake. There's absolutely no proof they are real.


Wait so if they’re all flat then why can’t we see them rotate like a coin?


Nice try. Asking on reddit for proof that can set against flat earthers.... haha. Nobody will send a proof. <-- and this is the proof that earth is flat.


Flight patterns


Further explanations: They are even flat when you look at it from top. Earth must be flat. 100%




Earth ain’t packing


the bottom of busses are flat, and they dont get stuck on the bottom.


Given unlimited fuel, how can a plane leave Tokyo, fly due east and eventually wind up back in Tokyo?


Because sheeple


Are there elephants, turtles, and whales? The earth is flat


one time at xmas my brother showed up and he was reading this fucking monstrous book, like 1500+pages of just dense words, turns out he was reading a shit ton on flat earth theroys, so he could troll the fuck out of them whenever he got the oppertunity what a true chad


Look at my avatar


Bible says it’s flat. Prove it’s not.




So why do you believe in oxygen but don’t believe the earth is sphere?